/* @(#)root/win32gdk:$Id$ */ /* Author: E.Chernyaev 19/01/94*/ #include #include #include #ifdef __STDC__ #define ARGS(alist) alist #else #define ARGS(alist) () #endif #define BITS 12 /* largest code size */ #define THELIMIT 4096 /* NEVER generate this */ #define HSIZE 5003 /* hash table size */ #define SHIFT 4 /* shift for hashing */ #define put_byte(A) (*put_b)((byte)(A)); Nbyte++ typedef unsigned char byte; static long HashTab [HSIZE]; /* hash table */ static int CodeTab [HSIZE]; /* code table */ static int BitsPixel, /* number of bits per pixel */ IniCodeSize, /* initial number of bits per code */ CurCodeSize, /* current number of bits per code */ CurMaxCode, /* maximum code, given CurCodeSize */ ClearCode, /* reset code */ EOFCode, /* end of file code */ FreeCode; /* first unused entry */ static long Nbyte; static void (*put_b) ARGS((byte)); static void output ARGS((int)); static void char_init(); static void char_out ARGS((int)); static void char_flush(); static void put_short ARGS((int)); /*********************************************************************** * * * Name: GIFencode Date: 02.10.92 * * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: * * * * Function: GIF compression of the image * * * * Input: Width - image width (must be >= 8) * * Height - image height (must be >= 8) * * Ncol - number of colors * * R[] - red components * * G[] - green components * * B[] - blue components * * ScLine[] - array for scan line (byte per pixel) * * get_scline - user routine to read scan line: * * get_scline(y, Width, ScLine) * * pb - user routine for "put_byte": pb(b) * * * * Return: size of GIF * * * ***********************************************************************/ long GIFencode(Width, Height, Ncol, R, G, B, ScLine, get_scline, pb) int Width, Height, Ncol; byte R[], G[], B[], ScLine[]; void (*get_scline) ARGS((int, int, byte *)), (*pb) ARGS((byte)); { long CodeK; int ncol, i, x, y, disp, Code, K; /* C H E C K P A R A M E T E R S */ Code = 0; if (Width <= 0 || Width > 4096 || Height <= 0 || Height > 4096) { fprintf(stderr, "\nGIFencode: incorrect image size: %d x %d\n", Width, Height); return 0; } if (Ncol <= 0 || Ncol > 256) { fprintf(stderr,"\nGIFencode: wrong number of colors: %d\n", Ncol); return 0; } /* I N I T I A L I S A T I O N */ put_b = pb; Nbyte = 0; char_init(); /* initialise "char_..." routines */ /* F I N D # O F B I T S P E R P I X E L */ BitsPixel = 1; if (Ncol > 2) BitsPixel = 2; if (Ncol > 4) BitsPixel = 3; if (Ncol > 8) BitsPixel = 4; if (Ncol > 16) BitsPixel = 5; if (Ncol > 32) BitsPixel = 6; if (Ncol > 64) BitsPixel = 7; if (Ncol > 128) BitsPixel = 8; ncol = 1 << BitsPixel; IniCodeSize = BitsPixel; if (BitsPixel <= 1) IniCodeSize = 2; /* W R I T E H E A D E R */ put_byte('G'); /* magic number: GIF87a */ put_byte('I'); put_byte('F'); put_byte('8'); put_byte('7'); put_byte('a'); put_short(Width); /* screen size */ put_short(Height); K = 0x80; /* yes, there is a color map */ K |= (8-1)<<4; /* OR in the color resolution */ K |= (BitsPixel - 1); /* OR in the # of bits per pixel */ put_byte(K); put_byte(0); /* background color */ put_byte(0); /* future expansion byte */ for (i=0; i 0) /* try again */ goto PROBE; NOMATCH: output(Code); /* full code not found */ Code = K; if (FreeCode < THELIMIT) { CodeTab[i] = FreeCode++; /* code -> hashtable */ HashTab[i] = CodeK; } else output(ClearCode); } } /* O U T P U T T H E R E S T */ output(Code); output(EOFCode); put_byte(0); /* zero-length packet (EOF) */ put_byte(';'); /* GIF file terminator */ return (Nbyte); } static unsigned long cur_accum; static int cur_bits; static int a_count; static char accum[256]; static unsigned long masks[] = { 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000F, 0x001F, 0x003F, 0x007F, 0x00FF, 0x01FF, 0x03FF, 0x07FF, 0x0FFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF }; /*************************************************************** * * * Name: output Date: 02.10.92 * * * * Function: output GIF code * * * * Input: code - GIF code * * * ***************************************************************/ static void output(code) int code; { /* O U T P U T C O D E */ cur_accum &= masks[cur_bits]; if (cur_bits > 0) cur_accum |= ((long)code << cur_bits); else cur_accum = code; cur_bits += CurCodeSize; while( cur_bits >= 8 ) { char_out( (unsigned int) (cur_accum & 0xFF) ); cur_accum >>= 8; cur_bits -= 8; } /* R E S E T */ if (code == ClearCode ) { memset((char *) HashTab, -1, sizeof(HashTab)); FreeCode = ClearCode + 2; CurCodeSize = IniCodeSize; CurMaxCode = (1 << (IniCodeSize)) - 1; } /* I N C R E A S E C O D E S I Z E */ if (FreeCode > CurMaxCode ) { CurCodeSize++; if ( CurCodeSize == BITS ) CurMaxCode = THELIMIT; else CurMaxCode = (1 << (CurCodeSize)) - 1; } /* E N D O F F I L E : write the rest of the buffer */ if( code == EOFCode ) { while( cur_bits > 0 ) { char_out( (unsigned int)(cur_accum & 0xff) ); cur_accum >>= 8; cur_bits -= 8; } char_flush(); } } static void char_init() { a_count = 0; cur_accum = 0; cur_bits = 0; } static void char_out(c) int c; { accum[a_count++] = c; if (a_count >= 254) char_flush(); } static void char_flush() { int i; if (a_count == 0) return; put_byte(a_count); for (i=0; i>8) & 0xFF); }