// @(#)root/eve7:$Id$ // Author: Matevz Tadel 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2019, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include using namespace ROOT::Experimental; namespace REX = ROOT::Experimental; /** \class REveSecondarySelectable \ingroup REve Semi-abstract interface for classes supporting secondary-selection. Element class that inherits from this, should also implement the following virtual methods from REveElement: ~~~ {.cpp} virtual void UnSelected(); virtual void UnHighlighted(); ~~~ and clear corresponding selection-set from there. To support tooltips for sub-elements, implement: ~~~ {.cpp} virtual std::string REveElement::GetHighlightTooltip() const; ~~~ and return tooltip for the entry in the fHighlightedSet. There should always be a single entry there. See EveDigitSet for an example. */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Process secondary GL selection and populate selected set accordingly. /* void REveSecondarySelectable::ProcessGLSelection(TGLSelectRecord& rec) { if (rec.GetHighlight()) ProcessGLSelectionInternal(rec, fHighlightedSet); else ProcessGLSelectionInternal(rec, fSelectedSet); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Process secondary GL selection and populate given set accordingly. void REveSecondarySelectable::ProcessGLSelectionInternal(TGLSelectRecord& rec, SelectionSet_t& sset) { Int_t id = (rec.GetN() > 1) ? (Int_t) rec.GetItem(1) : -1; if (sset.empty()) { if (id >= 0) { sset.insert(id); rec.SetSecSelResult(TGLSelectRecord::kEnteringSelection); } } else { if (id >= 0) { if (rec.GetMultiple()) { if (sset.find(id) == sset.end()) { sset.insert(id); rec.SetSecSelResult(TGLSelectRecord::kModifyingInternalSelection); } else { sset.erase(id); if (sset.empty()) rec.SetSecSelResult(TGLSelectRecord::kLeavingSelection); else rec.SetSecSelResult(TGLSelectRecord::kModifyingInternalSelection); } } else { if (sset.size() != 1 || sset.find(id) == sset.end()) { sset.clear(); sset.insert(id); rec.SetSecSelResult(TGLSelectRecord::kModifyingInternalSelection); } } } else { if (!rec.GetMultiple()) { sset.clear(); rec.SetSecSelResult(TGLSelectRecord::kLeavingSelection); } } } if (rec.GetSecSelResult() != TGLSelectRecord::kNone) { dynamic_cast(this)->StampColorSelection(); } } */