// @(#)root/proof:$Id$ // Author: Sangsu Ryu 22/06/2010 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class TSelHist \ingroup proofbench PROOF selector for CPU-intensive benchmark test. Events are generated and 1-D, 2-D, and/or 3-D histograms are filled. */ #define TSelHist_cxx #include "TSelHist.h" #include "TProofBenchTypes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(TSelHist); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Constructor TSelHist::TSelHist() : fHistType(0), fNHists(16), fDraw(0), fHist1D(0), fHist2D(0), fHist3D(0), fRandom(0), fCHist1D(0), fCHist2D(0), fCHist3D(0) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor TSelHist::~TSelHist() { //if (fRandom) delete fRandom; SafeDelete(fRandom); // Info("TSelHist","destroying ..."); if (!fDraw){ for (Int_t i=0; i < fNHists; i++) { if (fHist1D && fHist1D[i] && !fOutput->FindObject(fHist1D[i])) { SafeDelete(fHist1D[i]); } if (fHist2D && fHist2D[i] && !fOutput->FindObject(fHist2D[i])) { SafeDelete(fHist2D[i]); } if (fHist3D && fHist3D[i] && !fOutput->FindObject(fHist3D[i])) { SafeDelete(fHist3D[i]); } } } SafeDelete(fHist1D); SafeDelete(fHist2D); SafeDelete(fHist3D); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The Begin() function is called at the start of the query. /// When running with PROOF Begin() is only called on the client. /// The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed). void TSelHist::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/) { TString option = GetOption(); Bool_t found_histtype=kFALSE; Bool_t found_nhists=kFALSE; Bool_t found_draw=kFALSE; TIter nxt(fInput); TString sinput; TObject *obj; while ((obj = nxt())){ sinput=obj->GetName(); //Info("Begin", "object name=%s", sinput.Data()); if (sinput.Contains("PROOF_Benchmark_HistType")){ if ((fHistType = dynamic_cast(obj))) found_histtype = kTRUE; continue; } if (sinput.Contains("PROOF_BenchmarkNHists")){ TParameter* a=dynamic_cast*>(obj); if (a){ fNHists= a->GetVal(); found_nhists=kTRUE; //Info("Begin", "PROOF_BenchmarkNHists=%d", fNHists); } else{ Error("Begin", "PROOF_BenchmarkNHists not type TParameter*"); } continue; } if (sinput.Contains("PROOF_BenchmarkDraw")){ TParameter* a=dynamic_cast*>(obj); if (a){ fDraw= a->GetVal(); found_draw=kTRUE; //Info("Begin", "PROOF_BenchmarkDraw=%d", fDraw); } else{ Error("Begin", "PROOF_BenchmarkDraw not type TParameter*"); } continue; } } if (!found_histtype){ fHistType = new TPBHistType(TPBHistType::kHist1D); Warning("Begin", "PROOF_Benchmark_HistType not found; using default: %d", (Int_t) fHistType->GetType()); } if (!found_nhists){ Warning("Begin", "PROOF_BenchmarkNHists not found; using default: %d", fNHists); } if (!found_draw){ Warning("Begin", "PROOF_BenchmarkDraw not found; using default: %d", fDraw); } if (fDraw) { if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist1D) fHist1D = new TH1F*[fNHists]; if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist2D) fHist2D = new TH2F*[fNHists]; if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist3D) fHist3D = new TH3F*[fNHists]; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The SlaveBegin() function is called after the Begin() function. /// When running with PROOF SlaveBegin() is called on each slave server. /// The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed). void TSelHist::SlaveBegin(TTree * /*tree*/) { TString option = GetOption(); Bool_t found_histtype=kFALSE; Bool_t found_nhists=kFALSE; Bool_t found_draw=kFALSE; TIter nxt(fInput); TString sinput; TObject *obj; while ((obj = nxt())){ sinput=obj->GetName(); //Info("SlaveBegin", "object name=%s", sinput.Data()); if (sinput.Contains("PROOF_Benchmark_HistType")){ if ((fHistType = dynamic_cast(obj))) found_histtype = kTRUE; continue; } if (sinput.Contains("PROOF_BenchmarkNHists")){ TParameter* a=dynamic_cast*>(obj); if (a){ fNHists=a->GetVal(); found_nhists=kTRUE; //Info("SlaveBegin", "PROOF_BenchmarkNHists=%d", fNHists); } else{ Error("SlaveBegin", "PROOF_BenchmarkNHists not type TParameter" "*"); } continue; } if (sinput.Contains("PROOF_BenchmarkDraw")){ TParameter* a=dynamic_cast*>(obj); if (a){ fDraw=a->GetVal(); found_draw=kTRUE; //Info("SlaveBegin", "PROOF_BenchmarkDraw=%d", fDraw); } else{ Error("SlaveBegin", "PROOF_BenchmarkDraw not type TParameter" "*"); } continue; } } if (!found_histtype){ fHistType = new TPBHistType(TPBHistType::kHist1D); Warning("SlaveBegin", "PROOF_Benchmark_HistType not found; using default: %d", fHistType->GetType()); } if (!found_nhists){ Warning("SlaveBegin", "PROOF_BenchmarkNHists not found; using default: %d", fNHists); } if (!found_draw){ Warning("SlaveBegin", "PROOF_BenchmarkDraw not found; using default: %d", fDraw); } // Create the histogram if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist1D){ fHist1D = new TH1F*[fNHists]; for (Int_t i=0; i < fNHists; i++) { fHist1D[i] = new TH1F(Form("h1d_%d",i), Form("h1d_%d",i), 100, -3., 3.); fHist1D[i]->SetFillColor(kRed); if (fDraw) fOutput->Add(fHist1D[i]); } } if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist2D){ fHist2D = new TH2F*[fNHists]; for (Int_t i=0; i < fNHists; i++) { fHist2D[i] = new TH2F(Form("h2d_%d",i), Form("h2d_%d",i), 100, -3., 3., 100, -3., 3.); fHist2D[i]->SetFillColor(kRed); if (fDraw) fOutput->Add(fHist2D[i]); } } if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist3D){ fHist3D = new TH3F*[fNHists]; for (Int_t i=0; i < fNHists; i++) { fHist3D[i] = new TH3F(Form("h3d_%d",i), Form("h3d_%d",i), 100, -3., 3., 100, -3., 3., 100, -3., 3.); fHist3D[i]->SetFillColor(kRed); if (fDraw) fOutput->Add(fHist3D[i]); } } // Set random seed fRandom = new TRandom3(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The Process() function is called for each entry in the tree (or possibly /// keyed object in the case of PROOF) to be processed. The entry argument /// specifies which entry in the currently loaded tree is to be processed. /// It can be passed to either TSelHist::GetEntry() or TBranch::GetEntry() /// to read either all or the required parts of the data. When processing /// keyed objects with PROOF, the object is already loaded and is available /// via the fObject pointer. /// /// This function should contain the "body" of the analysis. It can contain /// simple or elaborate selection criteria, run algorithms on the data /// of the event and typically fill histograms. /// /// The processing can be stopped by calling Abort(). /// /// Use fStatus to set the return value of TTree::Process(). /// /// The return value is currently not used. Bool_t TSelHist::Process(Long64_t) { Double_t x, y, z; if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist1D){ for (Int_t i=0; i < fNHists; i++) { if (fRandom && fHist1D[i]) { x = fRandom->Gaus(0.,1.); fHist1D[i]->Fill(x); } } } if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist2D){ for (Int_t i=0; i < fNHists; i++) { if (fRandom && fHist2D[i]) { x = fRandom->Gaus(0.,1.); y = fRandom->Gaus(0.,1.); fHist2D[i]->Fill(x, y); } } } if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist3D){ for (Int_t i=0; i < fNHists; i++) { if (fRandom && fHist3D[i]) { x = fRandom->Gaus(0.,1.); y = fRandom->Gaus(0.,1.); z = fRandom->Gaus(0.,1.); fHist3D[i]->Fill(x, y, z); } } } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The SlaveTerminate() function is called after all entries or objects /// have been processed. When running with PROOF SlaveTerminate() is called /// on each slave server. void TSelHist::SlaveTerminate() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The Terminate() function is the last function to be called during /// a query. It always runs on the client, it can be used to present /// the results graphically or save the results to file. void TSelHist::Terminate() { // // Create a canvas, with 100 pads // if (!fDraw || gROOT->IsBatch()){ return; } if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist1D){ fCHist1D=dynamic_cast(gROOT->FindObject("CHist1D")); if (!fCHist1D){ fCHist1D = new TCanvas("CHist1D","Proof TSelHist Canvas (1D)", 200, 10, 700,700); Int_t nside = (Int_t)TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)fNHists); nside = (nside*nside < fNHists) ? nside+1 : nside; fCHist1D->Divide(nside,nside,0,0); } for (Int_t i=0; i < fNHists; i++) { fHist1D[i] = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject(Form("h1d_%d",i))); fCHist1D->cd(i+1); if (fHist1D[i]) fHist1D[i]->Draw(); } // Final update fCHist1D->cd(); fCHist1D->Update(); } if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist2D){ fCHist2D=dynamic_cast(gROOT->FindObject("CHist2D")); if (!fCHist2D){ fCHist2D = new TCanvas("CHist2D","Proof TSelHist Canvas (2D)", 200, 10, 700,700); Int_t nside = (Int_t)TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)fNHists); nside = (nside*nside < fNHists) ? nside+1 : nside; fCHist2D->Divide(nside,nside,0,0); } for (Int_t i=0; i < fNHists; i++) { fHist2D[i] = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject(Form("h2d_%d",i))); fCHist2D->cd(i+1); if (fHist2D[i]) fHist2D[i]->Draw("SURF"); } // Final update fCHist2D->cd(); fCHist2D->Update(); } if (fHistType->GetType() & TPBHistType::kHist3D){ fCHist3D=dynamic_cast(gROOT->FindObject("CHist3D")); if (!fCHist3D){ fCHist3D = new TCanvas("CHist3D","Proof TSelHist Canvas (3D)", 200, 10, 700,700); Int_t nside = (Int_t)TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)fNHists); nside = (nside*nside < fNHists) ? nside+1 : nside; fCHist3D->Divide(nside,nside,0,0); } fOutput->Print("a"); for (Int_t i=0; i < fNHists; i++) { fHist3D[i] = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject(Form("h3d_%d",i))); fCHist3D->cd(i+1); if (fHist3D[i]) printf("fHist3D[%d] found\n", i); if (fHist3D[i]) fHist3D[i]->Draw(); } // Final update fCHist3D->cd(); fCHist3D->Update(); } }