// @(#)root/proofplayer:$Id$ // Author: Maarten Ballintijn, Marek Biskup 24/09/2003 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2003, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class TProofDraw \ingroup proofkernel Implement Tree drawing using PROOF */ #include "TProofDraw.h" #include "TAttFill.h" #include "TAttLine.h" #include "TAttMarker.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TH3F.h" #include "TProof.h" #include "TProofDebug.h" #include "TStatus.h" #include "TTreeDrawArgsParser.h" #include "TTreeFormula.h" #include "TTreeFormulaManager.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TEventList.h" #include "TEntryList.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TProfile2D.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TNamed.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TPolyMarker3D.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "THLimitsFinder.h" #include "TView.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TDirectory.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include using namespace std; // Simple call to draw a canvas on the fly from applications loading // this plug-in dynamically extern "C" { Int_t DrawCanvas(TObject *obj) { // Draw the object if deriving from a canvas if (TCanvas* c = dynamic_cast (obj)) { c->Draw(); return 0; } // Not a TCanvas return 1; } } // Simple call to parse arguments on the fly from applications loading // this plug-in dynamically extern "C" { Int_t GetDrawArgs(const char *var, const char *sel, Option_t *opt, TString &selector, TString &objname) { // Parse arguments with the help of TTreeDrawArgsParser TTreeDrawArgsParser info; info.Parse(var, sel, opt); selector = info.GetProofSelectorName(); objname = info.GetObjectName(); // Done return 0; } } // Simple call to create destroy a 'named' canvas extern "C" { void FeedBackCanvas(const char *name, Bool_t create) { // Create or destroy canvas 'name' if (create) { new TCanvas(name, "FeedBack", 800,30,700,500); } else { TCanvas *c = (gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()) ? (TCanvas *) gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject(name) : 0; if (c) delete c; } // Done return; } } ClassImp(TProofDraw); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TProofDraw::TProofDraw() : fStatus(0), fManager(0), fTree(0) { fVar[0] = 0; fVar[1] = 0; fVar[2] = 0; fVar[3] = 0; fManager = 0; fMultiplicity = 0; fSelect = 0; fObjEval = kFALSE; fDimension = 0; fWeight = 1.; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TProofDraw::~TProofDraw() { ClearFormula(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Init the tree. void TProofDraw::Init(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Init","Enter tree = %p", tree); fTree = tree; CompileVariables(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Called when a new tree is loaded. Bool_t TProofDraw::Notify() { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Notify","Enter"); if (fStatus == 0) { if (!fOutput || (fOutput && !(fStatus = dynamic_cast(fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_Status"))))) return kFALSE; } if (!fStatus->IsOk()) return kFALSE; if (!fManager) { fAbort = TSelector::kAbortProcess; return kFALSE; } fManager->UpdateFormulaLeaves(); return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Executed by the client before processing. void TProofDraw::Begin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","Enter tree = %p", tree); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName() == "") fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetObjectName("htemp"); } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); fTree = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Executed by each slave before processing. void TProofDraw::SlaveBegin(TTree* /*tree*/) { // Get the weight TProofDraw::FillWeight(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get weight from input list, if any void TProofDraw::FillWeight() { Double_t ww; if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_ChainWeight", ww) == 0) fWeight = ww; PDB(kDraw,1) Info("FillWeight","fWeight= %f", fWeight); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Processes a single variable from an entry. Bool_t TProofDraw::ProcessSingle(Long64_t entry, Int_t i) { Double_t w; Double_t v[4]; //[TTreeDrawArgsParser::fgMaxDimension]; if (fSelect) w = fWeight * fSelect->EvalInstance(i); else w = fWeight; PDB(kDraw,3) Info("ProcessSingle","w[%d] = %f", i, w); if (w != 0.0) { R__ASSERT(fDimension <= TTreeDrawArgsParser::GetMaxDimension()); for (int j = 0; j < fDimension; j++) v[j] = fVar[j]->EvalInstance(i); if (fDimension >= 1) PDB(kDraw,4) Info("Process","v[0] = %f", v[0]); DoFill(entry, w, v); } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Executed for each entry. Bool_t TProofDraw::Process(Long64_t entry) { PDB(kDraw,3) Info("Process", "enter entry = %lld", entry); fTree->LoadTree(entry); Int_t ndata = fManager->GetNdata(); PDB(kDraw,3) Info("Process","ndata = %d", ndata); for (Int_t i=0;i(fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_Status")); if (fStatus == 0) { // did not run selector, error messages were already printed return; } } if (!fStatus->IsOk()) { fStatus->Print(); return; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Delete internal buffers. void TProofDraw::ClearFormula() { ResetBit(kWarn); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) SafeDelete(fVar[i]); SafeDelete(fSelect); fManager = 0; // This is intentional. The manager is deleted when the last formula it manages // is deleted. This is unusual but was usefull for backward compatibility. fMultiplicity = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Move to a canvas named _canvas; create the canvas if not existing. /// Used to avoid screwing up existing plots when non default names are used /// for the final objects void TProofDraw::SetCanvas(const char *objname) { TString name = objname; if (!gPad) { gROOT->MakeDefCanvas(); gPad->SetName(name); PDB(kDraw,2) Info("SetCanvas", "created canvas %s", name.Data()); } else { PDB(kDraw,2) Info("SetCanvas", "using canvas %s", gPad->GetName()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the drawing attributes from the input list void TProofDraw::SetDrawAtt(TObject *o) { Int_t att = -1; PDB(kDraw,2) Info("SetDrawAtt", "setting attributes for %s", o->GetName()); // Line Attributes TAttLine *al = dynamic_cast (o); if (al) { // Line color if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_LineColor", att) == 0) al->SetLineColor((Color_t)att); // Line style if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_LineStyle", att) == 0) al->SetLineStyle((Style_t)att); // Line color if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_LineWidth", att) == 0) al->SetLineWidth((Width_t)att); PDB(kDraw,2) Info("SetDrawAtt", "line: c:%d, s:%d, wd:%d", al->GetLineColor(), al->GetLineStyle(), al->GetLineWidth()); } // Marker Attributes TAttMarker *am = dynamic_cast (o); if (am) { // Marker color if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_MarkerColor", att) == 0) am->SetMarkerColor((Color_t)att); // Marker size if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_MarkerSize", att) == 0) { Info("SetDrawAtt", "att: %d", att); Float_t msz = (Float_t)att / 1000.; am->SetMarkerSize((Size_t)msz); } // Marker style if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_MarkerStyle", att) == 0) am->SetMarkerStyle((Style_t)att); PDB(kDraw,2) Info("SetDrawAtt", "marker: c:%d, s:%d, sz:%f", am->GetMarkerColor(), am->GetMarkerStyle(), am->GetMarkerSize()); } // Area Fill Attributes TAttFill *af = dynamic_cast (o); if (af) { // Area fill color if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_FillColor", att) == 0) af->SetFillColor((Color_t)att); // Area fill style if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_FillStyle", att) == 0) af->SetFillStyle((Style_t)att); PDB(kDraw,2) Info("SetDrawAtt", "area: c:%d, s:%d", af->GetFillColor(), af->GetFillStyle()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sets the error status. void TProofDraw::SetError(const char *sub, const char *mesg) { if (fStatus == 0) { if (!(fStatus = dynamic_cast(fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_Status")))) return; } TString m; if (IsA()) m.Form("%s::%s: %s", IsA()->GetName(), sub, mesg); else m.Form("TProofDraw::%s: %s", sub, mesg); fStatus->Add(m); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compiles each variable from fTreeDrawArgsParser for the tree fTree. /// Return kFALSE if any of the variable is not compilable. Bool_t TProofDraw::CompileVariables() { // Set aliases, if any TNamed *nms = (TNamed *) fInput->FindObject("PROOF_ListOfAliases"); if (nms) { TString names = nms->GetTitle(), n, na; Ssiz_t from = 0; while(names.Tokenize(n, from, ",")) { if (!n.IsNull()) { na.Form("alias:%s", n.Data()); TNamed *nm = (TNamed *) fInput->FindObject(na); if (na) fTree->SetAlias(n.Data(), nm->GetTitle()); } } } PDB(kDraw,2) if (fTree->GetListOfAliases()) fTree->GetListOfAliases()->Print(); fDimension = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension(); fMultiplicity = 0; fObjEval = kFALSE; if (strlen(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetSelection())) { fSelect = new TTreeFormula("Selection", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetSelection(), fTree); fSelect->SetQuickLoad(kTRUE); if (!fSelect->GetNdim()) {delete fSelect; fSelect = 0; return kFALSE; } } fManager = new TTreeFormulaManager(); if (fSelect) fManager->Add(fSelect); fTree->ResetBit(TTree::kForceRead); for (int i = 0; i < fDimension; i++) { fVar[i] = new TTreeFormula(Form("Var%d", i),fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetVarExp(i),fTree); fVar[i]->SetQuickLoad(kTRUE); if (!fVar[i]->GetNdim()) { ClearFormula(); Error("CompileVariables", "Error compiling expression"); SetError("CompileVariables", "Error compiling variables"); return kFALSE; } fManager->Add(fVar[i]); } fManager->Sync(); if (fManager->GetMultiplicity()==-1) fTree->SetBit(TTree::kForceRead); if (fManager->GetMultiplicity()>=1) fMultiplicity = fManager->GetMultiplicity(); return kTRUE; #if 0 // Commenting out to silence Coverity: // but why was this made inactive? if (fDimension==1) { TClass *cl = fVar[0]->EvalClass(); if (cl) { fObjEval = kTRUE; } } return kTRUE; #endif } ClassImp(TProofDrawHist); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Initialization for 1D Histogram. void TProofDrawHist::Begin1D(TTree *) { R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 1); TObject* orig = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal(); TH1* hold; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() == 0 && (hold = dynamic_cast (orig))) { hold->Reset(); fInput->Add(hold); } else { delete orig; DefVar1D(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Initialization for 2D histogram. void TProofDrawHist::Begin2D(TTree *) { R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 2); TObject* orig = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal(); TH2* hold; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() == 0 && (hold = dynamic_cast (orig))) { hold->Reset(); fInput->Add(hold); } else { delete orig; DefVar2D(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Initialization for 3D histogram. void TProofDrawHist::Begin3D(TTree *) { R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 3); TObject* orig = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal(); TH3* hold; if ((hold = dynamic_cast (orig)) && fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() == 0) { hold->Reset(); fInput->Add(hold); } else { delete orig; DefVar3D(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Begin(). void TProofDrawHist::Begin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","Enter tree = %p", tree); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName() == "") fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetObjectName("htemp"); switch (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension()) { case 1: Begin1D(tree); break; case 2: Begin2D(tree); break; case 3: Begin3D(tree); break; default: Error("Begin", "Wrong dimension"); break; } } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); fTree = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Define vars for 1D Histogram. void TProofDrawHist::DefVar1D() { R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 1); fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetOriginal(0); TString exp = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetVarExp(); exp += ">>"; double binsx, minx, maxx; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(0)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.1D.x", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(0)); binsx = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.1D.x",100); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, 0); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, 0); exp += fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(); exp += '('; exp += binsx; exp += ','; exp += minx; exp += ','; exp += maxx; exp += ')'; fInitialExp = exp; TNamed *n = dynamic_cast (fInput->FindObject("varexp")); if (n) n->SetTitle(exp); else Error("DefVar1D", "Cannot find varexp on the fInput"); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 3) fInput->Add(new TNamed("PROOF_OPTIONS", "rebin")); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Define variables for 2D histogram. void TProofDrawHist::DefVar2D() { R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 2); fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetOriginal(0); TString exp = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetVarExp(); exp += ">>"; double binsx, minx, maxx; double binsy, miny, maxy; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(0)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.x", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(0)); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(3)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.y", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(3)); binsx = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.x",100); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, 0); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, 0); binsy = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.y",100); miny = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(4, 0); maxy = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(5, 0); exp += fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(); exp += '('; exp += binsx; exp += ','; exp += minx; exp += ','; exp += maxx; exp += ','; exp += binsy; exp += ','; exp += miny; exp += ','; exp += maxy; exp += ')'; fInitialExp = exp; TNamed *n = dynamic_cast (fInput->FindObject("varexp")); if (n) n->SetTitle(exp); else Error("DefVar2D", "Cannot find varexp on the fInput"); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 6) fInput->Add(new TNamed("PROOF_OPTIONS", "rebin")); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Define variables for 3D histogram. void TProofDrawHist::DefVar3D() { R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 3); fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetOriginal(0); TString exp = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetVarExp(); exp += ">>"; double binsx, minx, maxx; double binsy, miny, maxy; double binsz, minz, maxz; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(0)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.x", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(0)); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(3)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.y", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(3)); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(6)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.z", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(6)); binsx = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.x",100); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, 0); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, 0); binsy = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.y",100); miny = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(4, 0); maxy = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(5, 0); binsz = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.z",100); minz = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(7, 0); maxz = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(8, 0); exp += fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(); exp += '('; exp += binsx; exp += ','; exp += minx; exp += ','; exp += maxx; exp += ','; exp += binsy; exp += ','; exp += miny; exp += ','; exp += maxy; exp += ','; exp += binsz; exp += ','; exp += minz; exp += ','; exp += maxz; exp += ')'; fInitialExp = exp; TNamed *n = dynamic_cast (fInput->FindObject("varexp")); if (n) n->SetTitle(exp); else Error("DefVar3D", "Cannot find varexp on the fInput"); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 9) fInput->Add(new TNamed("PROOF_OPTIONS", "rebin")); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Define variables according to arguments. void TProofDrawHist::DefVar() { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("DefVar","Enter"); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName() == "") fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetObjectName("htemp"); switch (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension()) { case 1: DefVar1D(); break; case 2: DefVar2D(); break; case 3: DefVar3D(); break; default: Error("DefVar", "Wrong dimension"); break; } } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("DefVar","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("DefVar","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); fTree = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Init(). void TProofDrawHist::Init(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Init","Enter tree = %p", tree); if (fTree == 0) { if (!dynamic_cast (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal())) { fHistogram->SetLineColor(tree->GetLineColor()); fHistogram->SetLineWidth(tree->GetLineWidth()); fHistogram->SetLineStyle(tree->GetLineStyle()); fHistogram->SetFillColor(tree->GetFillColor()); fHistogram->SetFillStyle(tree->GetFillStyle()); fHistogram->SetMarkerStyle(tree->GetMarkerStyle()); fHistogram->SetMarkerColor(tree->GetMarkerColor()); fHistogram->SetMarkerSize(tree->GetMarkerSize()); } } fTree = tree; CompileVariables(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveBegin(). void TProofDrawHist::SlaveBegin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Enter tree = %p", tree); // Get the weight TProofDraw::FillWeight(); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); SafeDelete(fHistogram); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); fDimension = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension(); TString exp = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetExp(); const char *objname = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(); if (objname && strlen(objname) > 0 && strcmp(objname, "htemp")) { TH1 *hist = dynamic_cast (fInput->FindObject(objname)); if (hist) { fHistogram = (TH1 *) hist->Clone(); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","original histogram found"); } else { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin", "original object '%s' not found" " or it is not a histogram", objname); } } // Create the histogram if not found in the input list if (!fHistogram) { Int_t countx = 100; double minx = 0, maxx = 0; Int_t county = 100; double miny = 0, maxy = 0; Int_t countz = 100; double minz = 0, maxz = 0; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 0) { countx = (Int_t) fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(0, countx); county = (Int_t) fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(3, county); countz = (Int_t) fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(6, countz); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, minx); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, maxx); miny = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(4, miny); maxy = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(5, maxy); minz = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(7, minz); maxz = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(8, maxz); } if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 3*fDimension) Error("SlaveBegin", "Impossible - Wrong number of parameters"); if (fDimension == 1) fHistogram = new TH1F(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(), fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle(), countx, minx, maxx); else if (fDimension == 2){ fHistogram = new TH2F(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(), fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle(), countx, minx, maxx, county, miny, maxy); } else if (fDimension == 3) { fHistogram = new TH3F(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(), fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle(), countx, minx, maxx, county, miny, maxy, countz, minz, maxz); } else { Info("Begin", "Wrong dimension"); return; // FIXME: end the session } if (minx >= maxx) fHistogram->SetBuffer(TH1::GetDefaultBufferSize()); if (TNamed *opt = dynamic_cast (fInput->FindObject("PROOF_OPTIONS"))) { if (strstr(opt->GetTitle(), "rebin")) fHistogram->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes); } } fHistogram->SetDirectory(0); // take ownership fOutput->Add(fHistogram); // release ownership } fTree = 0; PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fills the histgram with given values. void TProofDrawHist::DoFill(Long64_t, Double_t w, const Double_t *v) { if (fDimension == 1) fHistogram->Fill(v[0], w); else if (fDimension == 2) ((TH2F *)fHistogram)->Fill(v[1], v[0], w); else if (fDimension == 3) ((TH3F *)fHistogram)->Fill(v[2], v[1], v[0], w); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Terminate(). void TProofDrawHist::Terminate(void) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Terminate","Enter"); TProofDraw::Terminate(); if (!fStatus) return; fHistogram = (TH1F *) fOutput->FindObject(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName()); if (fHistogram) { SetStatus((Int_t) fHistogram->GetEntries()); TH1 *h = 0; if ((h = dynamic_cast (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal()))) { if (!fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetAdd()) h->Reset(); TList l; l.Add(fHistogram); h->Merge(&l); l.Remove(fHistogram); fOutput->Remove(fHistogram); delete fHistogram; } else { // Set the title fHistogram->SetTitle(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle()); h = fHistogram; } if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) { // Choose the right canvas SetCanvas(h->GetName()); // Draw SetDrawAtt(h); h->Draw(fOption.Data()); } } fHistogram = 0; } ClassImp(TProofDrawEventList); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Init(). void TProofDrawEventList::Init(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Init","Enter tree = %p", tree); if (fTree) { // new tree is being set if (!fElist) Error("Init", "Impossible - fElist cannot be 0"); fEventLists->Add(fElist); } fElist = new TEventList(tree->GetDirectory()->GetName(), tree->GetName()); fTree = tree; CompileVariables(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveBegin(). void TProofDrawEventList::SlaveBegin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Enter tree = %p", tree); // Get the weight TProofDraw::FillWeight(); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); SafeDelete(fEventLists); fDimension = 0; fTree = 0; fEventLists = new TList(); fEventLists->SetName("PROOF_EventListsList"); fOutput->Add(fEventLists); } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fills the eventlist with given values. void TProofDrawEventList::DoFill(Long64_t entry, Double_t , const Double_t *) { fElist->Enter(entry); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveTerminate(). void TProofDrawEventList::SlaveTerminate(void) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveTerminate","Enter"); fEventLists->Add(fElist); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Terminate(). void TProofDrawEventList::Terminate(void) { TProofDraw::Terminate(); // take care of fStatus if (!fStatus) return; fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); TEventList *el = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_EventList")); if (el) { el->SetName(fInitialExp.Data()+2); SetStatus(el->GetN()); if (TEventList* old = dynamic_cast (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal())) { if (!fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetAdd()) old->Reset(); old->Add(el); fOutput->Remove(el); delete el; } } else Error("Terminate", "Cannot find output EventList"); } ClassImp(TProofDrawEntryList); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Init(). void TProofDrawEntryList::Init(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Init","Enter tree = %p", tree); fTree = tree; CompileVariables(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveBegin(). void TProofDrawEntryList::SlaveBegin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Enter tree = %p", tree); // Get the weight TProofDraw::FillWeight(); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); SafeDelete(fElist); fDimension = 0; fTree = 0; fElist = new TEntryList("PROOF_EntryList", "PROOF_EntryList"); fOutput->Add(fElist); } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fills the eventlist with given values. void TProofDrawEntryList::DoFill(Long64_t entry, Double_t , const Double_t *) { fElist->Enter(entry); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveTerminate(). void TProofDrawEntryList::SlaveTerminate(void) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveTerminate","Enter"); fElist->OptimizeStorage(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Terminate(). void TProofDrawEntryList::Terminate(void) { TProofDraw::Terminate(); // take care of fStatus if (!fStatus) return; fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); TEntryList *el = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_EntryList")); if (el) { el->SetName(fInitialExp.Data()+2); SetStatus(el->GetN()); if (TEntryList* old = dynamic_cast (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal())) { if (!fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetAdd()) old->Reset(); old->Add(el); fOutput->Remove(el); delete el; } } else Error("Terminate", "Cannot find output EventList"); } ClassImp(TProofDrawProfile); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Init(). void TProofDrawProfile::Init(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Init","Enter tree = %p", tree); if (fTree == 0) { if (!dynamic_cast (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal())) { fProfile->SetLineColor(tree->GetLineColor()); fProfile->SetLineWidth(tree->GetLineWidth()); fProfile->SetLineStyle(tree->GetLineStyle()); fProfile->SetFillColor(tree->GetFillColor()); fProfile->SetFillStyle(tree->GetFillStyle()); fProfile->SetMarkerStyle(tree->GetMarkerStyle()); fProfile->SetMarkerColor(tree->GetMarkerColor()); fProfile->SetMarkerSize(tree->GetMarkerSize()); } } fTree = tree; CompileVariables(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Define relevant variables void TProofDrawProfile::DefVar() { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("DefVar","Enter"); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() < 0) { // Init parser TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = ov->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); } } R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 2); fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetOriginal(0); TString exp = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetVarExp(); exp += ">>"; double binsx, minx, maxx; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(0)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.Prof", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(0)); binsx = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.Prof",100); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, 0); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, 0); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName() == "") fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetObjectName("htemp"); exp += fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(); exp += '('; exp += binsx; exp += ','; exp += minx; exp += ','; exp += maxx; exp += ')'; fInitialExp = exp; TNamed *n = dynamic_cast (fInput->FindObject("varexp")); if (n) n->SetTitle(exp); else Error("DefVar", "Cannot find varexp on the fInput"); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 3) fInput->Add(new TNamed("PROOF_OPTIONS", "rebin")); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Begin(). void TProofDrawProfile::Begin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","Enter tree = %p", tree); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 2); TObject *orig = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal(); TH1* pold; if ((pold = dynamic_cast (orig)) && fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() == 0) { TProfile* pnew = (TProfile*) pold->Clone(); pnew->Reset(); fInput->Add(pnew); } else { delete orig; DefVar(); } } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); fTree = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveBegin(). void TProofDrawProfile::SlaveBegin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Enter tree = %p", tree); // Get the weight TProofDraw::FillWeight(); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); SafeDelete(fProfile); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); fDimension = 2; TString exp = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetExp(); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal()) { fProfile = dynamic_cast (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal()); if (fProfile) { fOutput->Add(fProfile); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Original profile histogram found"); return; } else Error("SlaveBegin","Original object found but it is not a histogram"); } Int_t countx = 100; double minx = 0, maxx = 0; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 0) { countx = (Int_t) fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(0, countx); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, minx); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, maxx); } if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 3) Error("SlaveBegin", "Impossible - Wrong number of parameters"); TString constructorOptions = ""; if (fOption.Contains("profs")) constructorOptions = "s"; else if (fOption.Contains("profi")) constructorOptions = "i"; else if (fOption.Contains("profg")) constructorOptions = "g"; fProfile = new TProfile(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(), fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle(), countx, minx, maxx, constructorOptions); if (minx >= maxx) fProfile->SetBuffer(TH1::GetDefaultBufferSize()); if (TNamed *opt = dynamic_cast (fInput->FindObject("PROOF_OPTIONS"))) { if (strstr(opt->GetTitle(), "rebin")) fProfile->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes); } fProfile->SetDirectory(0); // take ownership fOutput->Add(fProfile); // release ownership } fTree = 0; PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fills the profile histogram with the given values. void TProofDrawProfile::DoFill(Long64_t , Double_t w, const Double_t *v) { fProfile->Fill(v[1], v[0], w); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Terminate(). void TProofDrawProfile::Terminate(void) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Terminate","Enter"); TProofDraw::Terminate(); if (!fStatus) return; fProfile = (TProfile *) fOutput->FindObject(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName()); if (fProfile) { SetStatus((Int_t) fProfile->GetEntries()); TProfile *pf = 0; if ((pf = dynamic_cast (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal()))) { if (!fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetAdd()) pf->Reset(); TList l; l.Add(fProfile); pf->Merge(&l); l.Remove(fProfile); fOutput->Remove(fProfile); delete fProfile; } else { fProfile->SetTitle(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle()); pf = fProfile; } if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) { // Choose the right canvas SetCanvas(pf->GetName()); // Draw SetDrawAtt(pf); pf->Draw(fOption.Data()); } } fProfile = 0; } ClassImp(TProofDrawProfile2D); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Init(). void TProofDrawProfile2D::Init(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Init","Enter tree = %p", tree); if (fTree == 0) { if (!dynamic_cast (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal())) { fProfile->SetLineColor(tree->GetLineColor()); fProfile->SetLineWidth(tree->GetLineWidth()); fProfile->SetLineStyle(tree->GetLineStyle()); fProfile->SetFillColor(tree->GetFillColor()); fProfile->SetFillStyle(tree->GetFillStyle()); fProfile->SetMarkerStyle(tree->GetMarkerStyle()); fProfile->SetMarkerColor(tree->GetMarkerColor()); fProfile->SetMarkerSize(tree->GetMarkerSize()); } } fTree = tree; CompileVariables(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Define relevant variables void TProofDrawProfile2D::DefVar() { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("DefVar","Enter"); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() < 0) { // Init parser TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); } } R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 3); fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetOriginal(0); TString exp = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetVarExp(); exp += ">>"; double binsx, minx, maxx; double binsy, miny, maxy; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(0)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.Profx", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(0)); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(3)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.Profy", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(3)); binsx = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.Profx",20); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, 0); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, 0); binsy = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.Profy",20); miny = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(4, 0); maxy = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(5, 0); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName() == "") fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetObjectName("htemp"); exp += fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(); exp += '('; exp += binsx; exp += ','; exp += minx; exp += ','; exp += maxx; exp += ','; exp += binsy; exp += ','; exp += miny; exp += ','; exp += maxy; exp += ')'; fInitialExp = exp; TNamed *n = dynamic_cast (fInput->FindObject("varexp")); if (n) n->SetTitle(exp); else Error("DefVar", "Cannot find varexp on the fInput"); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 6) fInput->Add(new TNamed("PROOF_OPTIONS", "rebin")); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Begin(). void TProofDrawProfile2D::Begin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","Enter tree = %p", tree); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 3); TObject *orig = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal(); TProfile2D *pold; if ((pold = dynamic_cast (orig)) && fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() == 0) { TProfile2D* pnew = (TProfile2D*) pold->Clone(); pnew->Reset(); fInput->Add(pnew); } else { delete orig; DefVar(); } } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveBegin(). void TProofDrawProfile2D::SlaveBegin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Enter tree = %p", tree); // Get the weight TProofDraw::FillWeight(); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); SafeDelete(fProfile); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); fDimension = 2; TString exp = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetExp(); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal()) { fProfile = dynamic_cast (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal()); if (fProfile) { fOutput->Add(fProfile); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Original profile histogram found"); return; } else Error("SlaveBegin","Original object found but it is not a histogram"); } Int_t countx = 40; double minx = 0, maxx = 0; Int_t county = 40; double miny = 0, maxy = 0; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 0) { countx = (Int_t) fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(0, countx); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, minx); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, maxx); county = (Int_t) fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(3, countx); miny = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(4, minx); maxy = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(5, maxx); } if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 6) Error("SlaveBegin", "Impossible - Wrong number of parameters"); TString constructorOptions = ""; if (fOption.Contains("profs")) constructorOptions = "s"; else if (fOption.Contains("profi")) constructorOptions = "i"; else if (fOption.Contains("profg")) constructorOptions = "g"; fProfile = new TProfile2D(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(), fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle(), countx, minx, maxx, county, miny, maxy, constructorOptions); if (minx >= maxx) fProfile->SetBuffer(TH1::GetDefaultBufferSize()); if (TNamed *opt = dynamic_cast (fInput->FindObject("PROOF_OPTIONS"))) { if (strstr(opt->GetTitle(), "rebin")) fProfile->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes); } fProfile->SetDirectory(0); // take ownership fOutput->Add(fProfile); // release ownership } fTree = 0; PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fills the histogram with the given values. void TProofDrawProfile2D::DoFill(Long64_t , Double_t w, const Double_t *v) { fProfile->Fill(v[2], v[1], v[0], w); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Terminate(). void TProofDrawProfile2D::Terminate(void) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Terminate","Enter"); TProofDraw::Terminate(); if (!fStatus) return; fProfile = (TProfile2D *) fOutput->FindObject(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName()); if (fProfile) { SetStatus((Int_t) fProfile->GetEntries()); TProfile2D *pf = 0; if ((pf = dynamic_cast (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal()))) { if (!fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetAdd()) pf->Reset(); TList l; l.Add(fProfile); pf->Merge(&l); l.Remove(fProfile); fOutput->Remove(fProfile); delete fProfile; } else { fProfile->SetTitle(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle()); pf = fProfile; } if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) { // Choose the right canvas SetCanvas(pf->GetName()); // Draw SetDrawAtt(pf); pf->Draw(fOption.Data()); } } fProfile = 0; } ClassImp(TProofDrawGraph); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Init(). void TProofDrawGraph::Init(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Init","Enter tree = %p", tree); if (fTree == 0) { R__ASSERT(fGraph); fGraph->SetMarkerStyle(tree->GetMarkerStyle()); fGraph->SetMarkerColor(tree->GetMarkerColor()); fGraph->SetMarkerSize(tree->GetMarkerSize()); fGraph->SetLineColor(tree->GetLineColor()); fGraph->SetLineStyle(tree->GetLineStyle()); fGraph->SetFillColor(tree->GetFillColor()); fGraph->SetFillStyle(tree->GetFillStyle()); } fTree = tree; CompileVariables(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveBegin(). void TProofDrawGraph::SlaveBegin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Enter tree = %p", tree); // Get the weight TProofDraw::FillWeight(); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); SafeDelete(fGraph); fDimension = 2; fGraph = new TGraph(); fGraph->SetName("PROOF_GRAPH"); fOutput->Add(fGraph); // release ownership } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fills the graph with the given values. void TProofDrawGraph::DoFill(Long64_t , Double_t , const Double_t *v) { fGraph->SetPoint(fGraph->GetN(), v[1], v[0]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Terminate(). void TProofDrawGraph::Terminate(void) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Terminate","Enter"); TProofDraw::Terminate(); if (!fStatus) return; fGraph = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_GRAPH")); if (fGraph) { SetStatus((Int_t) fGraph->GetN()); TH2F* hist; TObject *orig = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal(); if ( (hist = dynamic_cast (orig)) == 0 ) { delete orig; fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetOriginal(0); double binsx, minx, maxx; double binsy, miny, maxy; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(0)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.x", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(0)); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(3)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.y", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(3)); binsx = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.x",100); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, 0); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, 0); binsy = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.y",100); miny = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(4, 0); maxy = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(5, 0); hist = new TH2F(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(), fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle(), (Int_t) binsx, minx, maxx, (Int_t) binsy, miny, maxy); hist->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); hist->SetBit(kCanDelete); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 6) hist->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes); else hist->SetCanExtend(TH1::kNoAxis); // if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) // ?? FIXME // hist->SetDirectory(0); } else { if (!fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetAdd()) hist->Reset(); } if (hist->CanExtendAllAxes() && hist->TestBit(kCanDelete)) { Double_t* xArray = fGraph->GetX(); Double_t* yArray = fGraph->GetY(); Double_t xmin = *std::min_element(xArray, xArray+fGraph->GetN()); Double_t xmax = *std::max_element(xArray, xArray+fGraph->GetN()); Double_t ymin = *std::min_element(yArray, yArray+fGraph->GetN()); Double_t ymax = *std::max_element(yArray, yArray+fGraph->GetN()); THLimitsFinder::GetLimitsFinder()->FindGoodLimits(hist,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); } if (!hist->TestBit(kCanDelete)) { TH1 *h2c = hist->DrawCopy(fOption.Data()); h2c->SetStats(kFALSE); } else { SetDrawAtt(hist); hist->Draw(); } gPad->Update(); fGraph->SetEditable(kFALSE); // FIXME set color, marker size, etc. if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) { SetDrawAtt(fGraph); if (fOption == "" || strcmp(fOption, "same") == 0) fGraph->Draw("p"); else fGraph->Draw(fOption); gPad->Update(); } if (!hist->TestBit(kCanDelete)) { for (int i = 0; i < fGraph->GetN(); i++) { Double_t x = 0, y = 0; fGraph->GetPoint(i, x, y); hist->Fill(x, y, 1); } } } fGraph = 0; } ClassImp(TProofDrawPolyMarker3D); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Init(). void TProofDrawPolyMarker3D::Init(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Init","Enter tree = %p", tree); if (fTree == 0) { R__ASSERT(fPolyMarker3D); fPolyMarker3D->SetMarkerStyle(tree->GetMarkerStyle()); fPolyMarker3D->SetMarkerColor(tree->GetMarkerColor()); fPolyMarker3D->SetMarkerSize(tree->GetMarkerSize()); } fTree = tree; CompileVariables(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveBegin(). void TProofDrawPolyMarker3D::SlaveBegin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Enter tree = %p", tree); // Get the weight TProofDraw::FillWeight(); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 3); SafeDelete(fPolyMarker3D); fDimension = 3; fPolyMarker3D = new TPolyMarker3D(); fOutput->Add(fPolyMarker3D); // release ownership } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fills the scatter plot with the given values. void TProofDrawPolyMarker3D::DoFill(Long64_t , Double_t , const Double_t *v) { fPolyMarker3D->SetNextPoint(v[2], v[1], v[0]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Terminate(). void TProofDrawPolyMarker3D::Terminate(void) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Terminate","Enter"); TProofDraw::Terminate(); if (!fStatus) return; fPolyMarker3D = 0; TIter next(fOutput); while (TObject* o = next()) { if (dynamic_cast (o)) { fPolyMarker3D = dynamic_cast (o); break; } } Bool_t checkPrevious = kFALSE; if (fPolyMarker3D) { SetStatus((Int_t) fPolyMarker3D->Size()); TH3F* hist; TObject *orig = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal(); if ( (hist = dynamic_cast (orig)) == 0 ) { delete orig; fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetOriginal(0); if (fOption.Contains("same")) { // Check existing histogram hist = dynamic_cast (gDirectory->Get(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName())); } if (!hist) { double binsx, minx, maxx; double binsy, miny, maxy; double binsz, minz, maxz; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(0)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.x", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(0)); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(3)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.y", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(3)); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(6)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.z", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(6)); binsx = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.x",100); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, 0); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, 0); binsy = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.y",100); miny = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(4, 0); maxy = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(5, 0); binsz = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.z",100); minz = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(7, 0); maxz = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(8, 0); hist = new TH3F(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(), fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle(), (Int_t) binsx, minx, maxx, (Int_t) binsy, miny, maxy, (Int_t) binsz, minz, maxz); hist->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); hist->SetBit(kCanDelete); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 9) hist->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes); else hist->SetCanExtend(TH1::kNoAxis); } else { checkPrevious = kTRUE; PDB(kDraw,2) Info("Terminate", "found histo '%s' in gDirectory", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName().Data()); } } else { if (!fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetAdd()) hist->Reset(); } // Set the ranges; take into account previous histos for 'same' runs Double_t rmin[3], rmax[3]; if (hist->CanExtendAllAxes() && hist->TestBit(kCanDelete)) { rmin[0] = rmax[0] = rmin[1] = rmax[1] = rmin[2] = rmax[2] = 0; if (fPolyMarker3D->Size() > 0) { fPolyMarker3D->GetPoint(0, rmin[0], rmin[1], rmin[2]); fPolyMarker3D->GetPoint(0, rmax[0], rmax[1], rmax[2]); } for (int i = 1; i < fPolyMarker3D->Size(); i++) { Double_t v[3] = {0}; fPolyMarker3D->GetPoint(i, v[0], v[1], v[2]); for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { if (v[ii] < rmin[ii]) rmin[ii] = v[ii]; if (v[ii] > rmax[ii]) rmax[ii] = v[ii]; } } // Compare with previous histo, if any if (checkPrevious) { rmin[0] = (hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() < rmin[0]) ? hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() : rmin[0]; rmin[1] = (hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() < rmin[1]) ? hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() : rmin[1]; rmin[2] = (hist->GetZaxis()->GetXmin() < rmin[2]) ? hist->GetZaxis()->GetXmin() : rmin[2]; rmax[0] = (hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() > rmax[0]) ? hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() : rmax[0]; rmax[1] = (hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() > rmax[1]) ? hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() : rmax[1]; rmax[2] = (hist->GetZaxis()->GetXmax() > rmax[2]) ? hist->GetZaxis()->GetXmax() : rmax[2]; } THLimitsFinder::GetLimitsFinder()->FindGoodLimits(hist, rmin[0], rmax[0], rmin[1], rmax[1], rmin[2], rmax[2]); } if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) { if (!hist->TestBit(kCanDelete)) { TH1 *histcopy = hist->DrawCopy(fOption.Data()); histcopy->SetStats(kFALSE); } else { SetDrawAtt(hist); hist->Draw(fOption); // no draw options on purpose } gPad->Update(); } else { gPad->Clear(); gPad->Range(-1,-1,1,1); TView::CreateView(1,rmin,rmax); } if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) { SetDrawAtt(fPolyMarker3D); fPolyMarker3D->Draw(fOption); } gPad->Update(); if (!hist->TestBit(kCanDelete)) { for (int i = 0; i < fPolyMarker3D->Size(); i++) { Double_t x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; fPolyMarker3D->GetPoint(i, x, y, z); hist->Fill(x, y, z, 1); } } } } ClassImp(TProofDrawListOfGraphs); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveBegin(). void TProofDrawListOfGraphs::SlaveBegin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Enter tree = %p", tree); // Get the weight TProofDraw::FillWeight(); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 3); SafeDelete(fPoints); fDimension = 3; fPoints = new TProofVectorContainer(new std::vector); fPoints->SetName("PROOF_SCATTERPLOT"); fOutput->Add(fPoints); // release ownership (? FIXME) } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fills the scatter plot with the given values. void TProofDrawListOfGraphs::DoFill(Long64_t , Double_t , const Double_t *v) { fPoints->GetVector()->push_back(Point3D_t(v[2], v[1], v[0])); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Terminate(). void TProofDrawListOfGraphs::Terminate(void) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Terminate","Enter"); TProofDraw::Terminate(); if (!fStatus) return; fPoints = dynamic_cast*> (fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_SCATTERPLOT")); if (fPoints) { std::vector *points = fPoints->GetVector(); R__ASSERT(points); SetStatus((Int_t) points->size()); TH2F* hist; TObject *orig = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal(); if ( (hist = dynamic_cast (orig)) == 0 ) { delete orig; fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetOriginal(0); double binsx, minx, maxx; double binsy, miny, maxy; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(0)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.x", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(0)); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(3)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.y", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(3)); binsx = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.x", 40); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, 0); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, 0); binsy = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.2D.y", 40); miny = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(4, 0); maxy = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(5, 0); hist = new TH2F(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(), fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle(), (Int_t) binsx, minx, maxx, (Int_t) binsy, miny, maxy); hist->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); hist->SetBit(kCanDelete); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 6) hist->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes); else hist->SetCanExtend(TH1::kNoAxis); // if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) // ?? FIXME // hist->SetDirectory(0); } Double_t rmin[3], rmax[3]; // FIXME take rmin and rmax from the old histogram rmin[0] = rmax[0] = rmin[1] = rmax[1] = rmin[2] = rmax[2] = 0; if (points->size() > 0) { rmin[0] = rmax[0] = (*points)[0].fX; rmin[1] = rmax[1] = (*points)[0].fY; rmin[2] = rmax[2] = (*points)[0].fZ; for (vector::const_iterator i = points->begin() + 1; i < points->end(); ++i) { if (rmax[0] < i->fX) rmax[0] = i->fX; if (rmax[1] < i->fY) rmax[1] = i->fY; if (rmax[2] < i->fZ) rmax[2] = i->fZ; if (rmin[0] > i->fX) rmin[0] = i->fX; if (rmin[1] > i->fY) rmin[1] = i->fY; if (rmin[2] > i->fZ) rmin[2] = i->fZ; } // in this case we don't care about user-specified limits if (hist->CanExtendAllAxes() && hist->TestBit(kCanDelete)) { THLimitsFinder::GetLimitsFinder()->FindGoodLimits(hist, rmin[1], rmax[1], rmin[2], rmax[2]); } } Int_t ncolors = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors(); TObjArray *grs = (TObjArray*)hist->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("graphs"); Int_t col; TGraph *gr; if (!grs) { grs = new TObjArray(ncolors); grs->SetOwner(); grs->SetName("graphs"); hist->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(grs, "P"); for (col=0;colSetMarkerColor(col); // gr->SetMarkerStyle(fTree->GetMarkerStyle()); // gr->SetMarkerSize(fTree->GetMarkerSize()); grs->AddAt(gr,col); } } // Fill the graphs acording to the color for (vector::const_iterator i = points->begin(); i < points->end(); ++i) { col = Int_t((ncolors-1)*((i->fX-rmin[0])/(rmax[0]-rmin[0]))); if (col < 0) col = 0; if (col > ncolors-1) col = ncolors-1; gr = (TGraph*)grs->UncheckedAt(col); if (gr) gr->SetPoint(gr->GetN(), i->fY, i->fZ); } // Remove potential empty graphs for (col=0;colAt(col); if (gr && gr->GetN() <= 0) grs->Remove(gr); } if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) { SetDrawAtt(hist); hist->Draw(fOption.Data()); gPad->Update(); } fOutput->Remove(fPoints); SafeDelete(fPoints); } } ClassImp(TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::SlaveBegin(). void TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D::SlaveBegin(TTree *tree) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("SlaveBegin","Enter tree = %p", tree); // Get the weight TProofDraw::FillWeight(); TObject *os = fInput->FindObject("selection"); TObject *ov = fInput->FindObject("varexp"); if (os && ov) { fSelection = os->GetTitle(); fInitialExp = ov->GetTitle(); fTreeDrawArgsParser.Parse(fInitialExp, fSelection, fOption); R__ASSERT(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetDimension() == 4); SafeDelete(fPoints); fDimension = 4; fPoints = new TProofVectorContainer(new std::vector); fPoints->SetName("PROOF_SCATTERPLOT"); fOutput->Add(fPoints); // release ownership (? FIXME) } PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","selection: %s", fSelection.Data()); PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Begin","varexp: %s", fInitialExp.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fills the scatter plot with the given values. void TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D::DoFill(Long64_t , Double_t , const Double_t *v) { fPoints->GetVector()->push_back(Point4D_t(v[3], v[2], v[1], v[0])); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// See TProofDraw::Terminate(). void TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D::Terminate(void) { PDB(kDraw,1) Info("Terminate","Enter"); TProofDraw::Terminate(); if (!fStatus) return; fPoints = dynamic_cast*> (fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_SCATTERPLOT")); if (fPoints) { std::vector *points = fPoints->GetVector(); R__ASSERT(points); SetStatus((Int_t) points->size()); TH3F* hist; TObject *orig = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetOriginal(); if ( (hist = dynamic_cast (orig)) == 0 || fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 0) { delete orig; fTreeDrawArgsParser.SetOriginal(0); double binsx, minx, maxx; double binsy, miny, maxy; double binsz, minz, maxz; if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(0)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.x", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(0)); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(3)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.y", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(3)); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.IsSpecified(6)) gEnv->SetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.z", fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetParameter(3)); binsx = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.x", 20); minx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(1, 0); maxx = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(2, 0); binsy = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.y", 20); miny = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(4, 0); maxy = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(5, 0); binsz = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Binning.3D.z", 20); minz = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(7, 0); maxz = fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetIfSpecified(8, 0); hist = new TH3F(fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectName(), fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetObjectTitle(), (Int_t) binsx, minx, maxx, (Int_t) binsy, miny, maxy, (Int_t) binsz, minz, maxz); hist->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); hist->SetBit(kCanDelete); if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetNoParameters() != 9) hist->SetCanExtend(TH1::kAllAxes); else hist->SetCanExtend(TH1::kNoAxis); // if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) // ?? FIXME // hist->SetDirectory(0); } Double_t rmin[4], rmax[4]; // FIXME take rmin and rmax from the old histogram rmin[0] = rmax[0] = rmin[1] = rmax[1] = rmin[2] = rmax[2] = 0; if (points->size() > 0) { rmin[0] = rmax[0] = (*points)[0].fX; rmin[1] = rmax[1] = (*points)[0].fY; rmin[2] = rmax[2] = (*points)[0].fZ; rmin[3] = rmax[3] = (*points)[0].fT; for (vector::const_iterator i = points->begin() + 1; i < points->end(); ++i) { if (rmax[0] < i->fX) rmax[0] = i->fX; if (rmax[1] < i->fY) rmax[1] = i->fY; if (rmax[2] < i->fZ) rmax[2] = i->fZ; if (rmax[3] < i->fT) rmax[3] = i->fT; if (rmin[0] > i->fX) rmin[0] = i->fX; if (rmin[1] > i->fY) rmin[1] = i->fY; if (rmin[2] > i->fZ) rmin[2] = i->fZ; if (rmin[3] > i->fT) rmin[3] = i->fT; } // in this case we don't care about user-specified limits if (hist->CanExtendAllAxes() && hist->TestBit(kCanDelete)) { THLimitsFinder::GetLimitsFinder()->FindGoodLimits(hist, rmin[1], rmax[1], rmin[2], rmax[2], rmin[3], rmax[3]); } } Int_t ncolors = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors(); TObjArray *pms = (TObjArray*)hist->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("polymarkers"); Int_t col; TPolyMarker3D *pm3d; if (!pms) { pms = new TObjArray(ncolors); pms->SetOwner(); pms->SetName("polymarkers"); hist->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(pms); for (col=0;colSetMarkerColor(col); // pm3d->SetMarkerStyle(fTree->GetMarkerStyle()); // pm3d->SetMarkerSize(fTree->GetMarkerSize()); pms->AddAt(pm3d,col); } } for (vector::const_iterator i = points->begin(); i < points->end(); ++i) { col = Int_t(i->fX); if (col < 0) col = 0; if (col > ncolors-1) col = ncolors-1; pm3d = (TPolyMarker3D*)pms->UncheckedAt(col); pm3d->SetPoint(pm3d->GetLastPoint()+1, i->fY, i->fZ, i->fT); } if (fTreeDrawArgsParser.GetShouldDraw()) { SetDrawAtt(hist); hist->Draw(fOption.Data()); gPad->Update(); } fOutput->Remove(fPoints); SafeDelete(fPoints); } }