// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of LHAPDF // Copyright (C) 2012-2021 The LHAPDF collaboration (see AUTHORS for details) // #pragma once #ifndef LHAPDF_Reweighting_H #define LHAPDF_Reweighting_H #include "LHAPDF/PDF.h" #include "LHAPDF/PDFSet.h" namespace LHAPDF { /// @defgroup reweight PDF reweighting /// @{ namespace { inline bool _checkAlphasQ2(double Q2, const PDF& pdfa, const PDF& pdfb, double aschk) { if (aschk < 0) return true; const double as_a = pdfa.alphasQ2(Q2); const double as_b = pdfb.alphasQ2(Q2); if (2 * std::abs(as_a - as_b) / (std::abs(as_a) + std::abs(as_b)) < aschk) return true; std::cerr << "WARNING: alpha_s(Q2) mismatch in PDF reweighting " << "at Q2 = " << Q2 << " GeV2:\n " << as_a << " for " << pdfa.set().name() << "/" << pdfa.memberID() << " vs. " << as_b << " for " << pdfb.set().name() << "/" << pdfb.memberID() << std::endl; return false; } } /// @defgroup reweight_single Single-beam reweighting /// @{ /// Get the PDF reweighting factor for a single beam with id,x,Q parameters, from basepdf to newpdf /// /// @note For NLO calculations, in general different PDF values enter for each counterterm: be careful. inline double weightxQ2(int id, double x, double Q2, const PDF& basepdf, const PDF& newpdf, double aschk=5e-2) { if (aschk >= 0) _checkAlphasQ2(Q2, basepdf, newpdf, aschk); const double xf_base = basepdf.xfxQ2(id, x, Q2); const double xf_new = newpdf.xfxQ2(id, x, Q2); return xf_new / xf_base; } /// Get the PDF reweighting factor for a single beam with id,x,Q parameters, from basepdf to newpdf /// /// @note For NLO calculations, in general different PDF values enter for each counterterm: be careful. template <typename PDFPTR> inline double weightxQ2(int id, double x, double Q2, const PDFPTR basepdf, const PDFPTR newpdf, double aschk=5e-2) { return weightxQ2(id, x, Q2, *basepdf, *newpdf, aschk); } /// Get the PDF reweighting factor for a single beam with id,x,Q parameters, from basepdf to newpdf /// /// @note For NLO calculations, in general different PDF values enter for each counterterm: be careful. inline double weightxQ(int id, double x, double Q, const PDF& basepdf, const PDF& newpdf, double aschk=5e-2) { return weightxQ2(id, x, sqr(Q), basepdf, newpdf, aschk); } /// Get the PDF reweighting factor for a single beam with id,x,Q parameters, from basepdf to newpdf /// /// @note For NLO calculations, in general different PDF values enter for each counterterm: be careful. template <typename PDFPTR> inline double weightxQ(int id, double x, double Q, const PDFPTR basepdf, const PDFPTR newpdf, double aschk=5e-2) { return weightxQ(id, x, Q, *basepdf, *newpdf, aschk); } /// @} /// @defgroup reweight_double Two-beam reweighting /// @{ /// Get the PDF reweighting factor for two beams, one with id1,x1 and the other with id2,x2, from basepdf to newpdf /// /// @note For NLO calculations, in general different PDF values enter for each counterterm: be careful. inline double weightxxQ2(int id1, int id2, double x1, double x2, double Q2, const PDF& basepdf, const PDF& newpdf, double aschk=5e-2) { if (aschk >= 0) _checkAlphasQ2(Q2, basepdf, newpdf, aschk); const double w1 = weightxQ2(id1, x1, Q2, basepdf, newpdf, -1); const double w2 = weightxQ2(id2, x2, Q2, basepdf, newpdf, -1); return w1 * w2; } /// Get the PDF reweighting factor for two beams, one with id1,x1 and the other with id2,x2, from basepdf to newpdf /// /// @note For NLO calculations, in general different PDF values enter for each counterterm: be careful. template <typename PDFPTR> inline double weightxxQ2(int id1, int id2, double x1, double x2, double Q2, const PDFPTR basepdf, const PDFPTR newpdf, double aschk=5e-2) { return weightxxQ2(id1, id2, x1, x2, Q2, *basepdf, *newpdf, aschk); } /// Get the PDF reweighting factor for two beams, one with id1,x1 and the other with id2,x2, from basepdf to newpdf /// /// @note For NLO calculations, in general different PDF values enter for each counterterm: be careful. inline double weightxxQ(int id1, int id2, double x1, double x2, double Q, const PDF& basepdf, const PDF& newpdf, double aschk=5e-2) { return weightxxQ2(id1, id2, x1, x2, sqr(Q), basepdf, newpdf, aschk); } /// Get the PDF reweighting factor for two beams, one with id1,x1 and the other with id2,x2, from basepdf to newpdf /// /// @note For NLO calculations, in general different PDF values enter for each counterterm: be careful. template <typename PDFPTR> inline double weightxxQ(int id1, int id2, double x1, double x2, double Q, const PDFPTR basepdf, const PDFPTR newpdf, double aschk=5e-2) { return weightxxQ(id1, id2, x1, x2, Q, *basepdf, *newpdf, aschk); } /// @} /// @} } #endif