- For later changes changelog TAUOLA/documentation/doxy_documentation/changelog.txt should be adressed 6.Nov.2012 ---------- - prototype version of the reweighting with extra interaction installed on top of the Z/gamma* exchange. - From now on we will shift comments to changelog of the whole TAUOLA. 5.Nov.2012 ---------- - Fixed configuration scripts for TauSpinner and the example - Example can now be compiled without MC-TESTER - Fixed number of warnings showed during compilation 19.Jul.2012 ----------- - TauSpinner is now merged into Tauola++ - Number of small changes introduced to the structure of the project. Physical content remaining intact. 23.Feb.2012 ----------- - Version 1.1 released - 'initialize_spiner' changed to 'initialize_spinner' 21.Feb.2012 ----------- - Hopefully final solution for bug fixed on Feb 18 installed. First tests show that all is now in order. 18.Feb.2012 ----------- - Second round of tests of 'getTauSpin' and unspin method exhibited bug. Preliminary (but very slow) solution installed. 16.Jan.2012 ----------- - Added option 'setSpinOfSample' telling TauSpinner if input sample is polarized - Added option 'getTauSpin' returing spin of tau calculated during reweighting 7.Dec.2011 ---------- - Numerical instability in tau -> e nu_e fixed - Memory deallocation problem with MC-TESTER and root fixed. 16.Nov.2011 ----------- - Small bug in definition of WID[0] removed - Added initialization of LHAPDF. Added path to Makefile. 8.Nov.2011 ---------- - Small cleanup of the main algorithm - Printout of calculated weight is now put as DEBUG option. - Removed 'parse.pl' which was used to parse files from Soshi Tsuno. It is no longer needed. 7.Nov.2011 ---------- - Added longitudal tau polarization in pp -> Z -> tau+ tau- - Removed 'readParticlesFromTsuno' - X -> tau+ tau- does not need to fulfill energy-momentum conservation if the difference is due to FSR (eg. photons). 22.Aug.2011 ----------- - Fixed wrong information regarding WT options in tau-reweight-test.c 8.Jul.2011 ---------- - program now works correctly pair of bosons. In previous versions the weight was calculated only for the first boson found in the event. Now it is done for both (independently of its flavor). - comments updated 7.Jul.2011 ---------- - program can read now from different inputs. That is why methods 'readParticles' and 'filterEvent' were separated from main library and renamed as 'readParticlesFromTsuno' 'filterEventFromTsuno' - created 'readParticlesFromTAUOLA_HepMC' it can be used alternatively to 'readParticlesFromTsuno' - improved decay channel identification; until now tau decay products had to be ordered exactly as prepaed by TAUOLA. - memory leaks completely removed; previous versions were not able to process more than 2Mevents 2.Jul.2011 ---------- - 4-pi decay channels added 30.Jun.2011 ----------- - first stable and tested version prepared