As of 2012-07-25 TauSpinner is merged with Tauola++,
for further develpments check Tauola++ website.
This website will no longer be updated
TauSpinner: tau spin reweight algorithm
Authors: Z. Czyczula, T. Przedzinski, Z. Was
For previously generated sample involving tau, its spin effects can be:
- validated. Eg. if spin effects were taken into account when events were generated
- calculate spin weght for previously generated events and stored on the tape.
- In original sample spin effects could have been missing.
Then spin weight will be in range (0 , 2n);
n denotes number of taus in final state.
- In original sample spin effects are eg for W+ and we would like to see how it would look
if H+ was present instead.
- reweight on flight such events with spin weight. Such unweighted events can be then
monitored with MC-Tester for quick evaluation of spin effects
At present only nine main decay channels of tau have their spin effects used in algorithm.
These channels cover already now above 95% of total tau width.
For more information on agorithm use see README
(This README is included in distribution tarball as well)
The most up-to-date version is available from
Tauola++ website
DOWNLOAD: version 1.0 (as of 07.Dec.11)
Development version