% atlasart.cls % Template class for ATLAS notes % 2009-03-27 Marco Delmastro % --- Class structure: identification part % --- \ProvidesClass{atlasnote}[2009/07/30 version 3.0 ATLAS Notes] \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % --- Class structure: initial code part % --- % Defaults for title page \newdimen\AN@skipbeforetitle \AN@skipbeforetitle=60\p@ \newcommand\skipbeforetitle[1]{ \AN@skipbeforetitle=#1 } \def\@title{Title goes here} \def\@author{The ATLAS collaboration} \def\@date{\today} % % Author(s) % %\def\@makefnmark{\hbox{$^{\@thefnmark)}$}} %\def\author#1{%% Treat the list of authors %\setcounter{footnote}{0}\def\@currentlabel{}% %\begingroup\def\thefootnote{\arabic{footnote}} %\global\@topnum\z@ \large\begin{center}{\lineskip.5em %\begin{tabular}[t]{c}#1\end{tabular}\par} %\end{center}\par\vskip1.5em\@thanks\endgroup} %\newenvironment{Authlist}{\begin{center}}{\end{center}} % Draft version \def\@draftversion{} \newcommand{\draftversion}[1]% { \def\@draftversion{#1} } % Draft heading code \newcommand{\draftheading}% { % % compute the time in hours and minutes % make new variables \timehh and \timemm % \newcount\timehh\newcount\timemm \timehh=\time \divide\timehh by 60 \timemm=\time \count255=\timehh\multiply\count255 by -60 \advance\timemm by \count255 % put in header \markboth% % --- Left mark {\hspace*{\fill}{\protect\small\bf \fbox{DRAFT}} \hspace*{\fill} \protect\makebox[0pt][r]{\protect\small\sl\today\ -- \ifnum\timehh<10 0\fi\number\timehh\,:\,\ifnum\timemm<10 0\fi\number\timemm} }%--- right mark {\protect\makebox[0pt][l]{\protect\small\sl\today\ -- \ifnum\timehh<10 0\fi\number\timehh\,:\,\ifnum\timemm<10 0\fi\number\timemm} \hspace*{\fill} {\protect\small\bf \fbox{DRAFT}} \hspace*{\fill}} % \pagestyle{myheadings} } % ATLAS note number %\def\@atlasnote{} %\newcommand{\atlasnote}[1]{\def\@atlasnote{#1}} % Submission details \def\@subprepend{To be submitted to } \newcommand{\subprepend}[1]{\def\@subprepend{#1}} \def\@journal{} \newcommand{\journal}[1]{\def\@journal{#1}} % Abstract text \def\@abstracttext{} \newcommand{\abstracttext}[1]{\def\@abstracttext{#1}} % Shortcut to add submission text \newcommand{\submitted}% { \ifx\@journal\@empty\mbox{}% \else \vskip 0.8in plus 2in% \begin{center}% \@subprepend\space {\it \@journal}% \vskip 1.5em% \end{center}% \vskip 0.5in \fi } % --- Class structure: declaration of options part % --- \let\if@CoverPage\iffalse \DeclareOption{coverpage}{\let\if@CoverPage\iftrue} \let\if@usetikz\iffalse \DeclareOption{usetikz}{\let\if@usetikz\iftrue} % This class extends the article class % Read all the atlasnote options, pass them to article %\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}} % --- Class structure: execution of options part % --- \ProcessOptions \relax % --- Class structure: declaration of options part % --- \LoadClass[titlepage,a4paper,11pt]{article} % --- Class structure: main code part % --- % ATLAS Cover Page \if@CoverPage \RequirePackage[clearpage,atlasnote]{atlascover}[2009/11/17] \fi % Redefine the page size \RequirePackage{geometry} \geometry{ a4paper,% textwidth=16cm,% textheight=23.2cm,% marginparsep=7pt,% marginparwidth=2.5cm% } % Remove the numbers from all the headings (\section, \subsection, etc.) %\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1} % % Title page design % \RequirePackage{graphicx} %\RequirePackage{mathptmx} \RequirePackage{amsmath} \RequirePackage[varg]{txfonts} \RequirePackage{lineno} % This is provided with the package \newcommand{\maketitlepage}{% \null \thispagestyle{empty} \pagestyle{plain} \pagenumbering{arabic} \ifx\@draftversion\@empty\mbox{}% \else \flushright Draft version \@draftversion \\ \fi \begin{center} \vspace*{-6mm} % \includegraphics[width=3cm]{AN_atlaslogo} \hfill \begin{minipage}[b]{7cm} \vfill \begin{center} % {\huge \bf \textsf{ATLAS NOTE}}% % ATLAS note number, if any % (not used anymore, automatically stamped on PDF by CDS % -- M.D. 30/7/2009) %\ifx\@atlasnote\@empty \vskip 2mm \mbox{}% %\else \vskip 4mm {\Large \@atlasnote} \vskip 2mm% %\fi % Date, if any \ifx\@date\@empty\mbox{}% \else \vskip 2mm \@date% \fi \end{center} \vfill \end{minipage} \hfill % \includegraphics[width=3cm]{AN_cernlogo} \end{center} % Add line numebrs to front page content {% \ifx\@draftversion\@empty% \else\linenumbers \fi % Title, author(s) %\vskip 60\p@ \vskip \AN@skipbeforetitle \begin{center}% {\Large\bf \@title \par}% \vskip 3em% {\large \lineskip .75em% \begin{tabular}[t]{c}% \@author \end{tabular}\par}% \end{center}\par \vfill % Abstract \if\@abstracttext\@empty\mbox{}% \else% \begin{center} {\bfseries \abstractname} \quotation \@abstracttext \endquotation \end{center} \fi \vfill % Submission details \submitted % Thanks \@thanks }% %\vfil\null% } % This some before-and-after code that surrounds the title page. It % shouldn't need to be modified. I've pulled out the part the actually % typesets the title page and placed it in the \maketitlepage command % above. \renewcommand\maketitle{% \begin{titlepage}% \let\footnotesize\small% \let\footnoterule\relax% \let \footnote \thanks% \maketitlepage% \end{titlepage}% \setcounter{footnote}{0}% \setcounter{page}{1}% \global\let\thanks\relax \global\let\maketitle\relax \global\let\@thanks\@empty \global\let\@author\@empty \global\let\@date\@empty \global\let\@title\@empty \global\let\title\relax \global\let\author\relax \global\let\date\relax \global\let\and\relax } % Use \icaption instead of \caption in tables and figures to get a % caption that is indented. Note that the label should be included % inside \icaption for it to work properly. \newlength{\capindent} \setlength{\capindent}{0.5cm} \newlength{\capwidth} \setlength{\capwidth}{\textwidth} \addtolength{\capwidth}{-2\capindent} \newlength{\figwidth} \setlength{\figwidth}{\textwidth} \addtolength{\figwidth}{-2.0cm} \newcommand{\icaption}[2][!*!,!]{\hspace*{\capindent}% \begin{minipage}{\capwidth} \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{!*!,!}}% {\caption{#2}}% {\caption[#1]{#2}} \vspace*{3mm} \end{minipage}} \AtBeginDocument{ % If selected, generate ATLAS Cover Page \if@CoverPage \AC@PrintAtlasCover \fi % Automatically generate title page \maketitle % Add draft heading and line numbers \ifx\@draftversion\@empty% \else \linenumbers \draftheading \fi % Hack for tikz (must be loaded here in order to avoid conflicts with graphicx user in \maketitle} \if@usetikz \RequirePackage{tikz} \fi %\pagenumbering{arabic} % reset page numbering after title page } % That's all, folks! \endinput