NOTE: This example output was created with command: ./single_tau_gun_example.exe >single_tau_gun_example.out 2>&1 Additional output for this example is stored in: single_tau_gun_example_out.txt *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | | | | | | | | | PPP Y Y TTTTT H H III A Welcome to the Lund Monte Carlo! | | | | P P Y Y T H H I A A This is PYTHIA version 8.165 | | | | PPP Y T HHHHH I AAAAA Last date of change: 8 May 2012 | | | | P Y T H H I A A | | | | P Y T H H III A A Now is 09 Dec 2013 at 01:09:19 | | | | | | | | Torbjorn Sjostrand; Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, | | | | Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; | | | | phone: + 46 - 46 - 222 48 16; e-mail: | | | | Stefan Ask; Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, | | | | Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Ave., Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK; | | | | phone: + 41 - 22 - 767 6707; e-mail: | | | | Richard Corke; Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, | | | | Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; | | | | e-mail: | | | | Stephen Mrenna; Computing Division, Simulations Group, | | | | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, MS 234, Batavia, IL 60510, USA; | | | | phone: + 1 - 630 - 840 - 2556; e-mail: | | | | Stefan Prestel; Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, | | | | Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; | | | | phone: + 46 - 46 - 222 06 64; e-mail: | | | | Peter Skands; Theoretical Physics, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland; | | | | phone: + 41 - 22 - 767 2447; e-mail: | | | | | | | | The main program reference is the 'Brief Introduction to PYTHIA 8.1', | | | | T. Sjostrand, S. Mrenna and P. Skands, Comput. Phys. Comm. 178 (2008) 85 | | | | [arXiv:0710.3820] | | | | | | | | The main physics reference is the 'PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual', | | | | T. Sjostrand, S. Mrenna and P. Skands, JHEP05 (2006) 026 [hep-ph/0603175]. | | | | | | | | An archive of program versions and documentation is found on the web: | | | | | | | | | | | | This program is released under the GNU General Public Licence version 2. | | | | Please respect the MCnet Guidelines for Event Generator Authors and Users. | | | | | | | | Disclaimer: this program comes without any guarantees. | | | | Beware of errors and use common sense when interpreting results. | | | | | | | | Copyright (C) 2012 Torbjorn Sjostrand | | | | | | | | | | | *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* PYTHIA Warning in ParticleDataEntry::initBWmass: switching off width for id = 10313 PYTHIA Warning in ParticleDataEntry::initBWmass: switching off width for id = 10323 PYTHIA Warning in ParticleDataEntry::initBWmass: switching off width for id = 10333 *------- PYTHIA Process Initialization --------------------------* | | | We collide e- with e+ at a CM energy of 9.200e+01 GeV | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Subprocess Code | Estimated | | | max (mb) | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | f fbar -> gamma*/Z0 221 | 1.659e-05 | | | *------- End PYTHIA Process Initialization -----------------------* *------- PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word Settings (changes only) ----------------------------------------------* | | | Name | Now | Default Min Max | | | | | | BeamRemnants:reconnectRange | 1.50000 | 10.00000 0.0 10.00000 | | Beams:eCM | 92.00000 | 14000.000 10.00000 | | Beams:idA | 11 | 2212 | | Beams:idB | -11 | 2212 | | MultipartonInteractions:alphaSvalue | 0.13500 | 0.12700 0.0600000 0.25000 | | MultipartonInteractions:bProfile | 3 | 1 0 4 | | MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow | 0.19000 | 0.24000 0.0 0.50000 | | MultipartonInteractions:expPow | 2.00000 | 1.00000 0.40000 10.00000 | | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref | 2.08500 | 2.15000 0.50000 10.00000 | | PDF:pSet | 8 | 2 1 12 | | SigmaDiffractive:dampen | on | off | | SigmaDiffractive:maxAX | 65.00000 | 15.00000 0.0 | | SigmaDiffractive:maxXB | 65.00000 | 15.00000 0.0 | | SigmaDiffractive:maxXX | 65.00000 | 15.00000 0.0 | | SigmaProcess:alphaSvalue | 0.13500 | 0.12650 0.0600000 0.25000 | | SpaceShower:rapidityOrder | on | off | | WeakSingleBoson:ffbar2gmZ | on | off | | | *------- End PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word Settings ---------------------------------------------------------* -------- PYTHIA Particle Data Table (changed only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ id name antiName spn chg col m0 mWidth mMin mMax tau0 res dec ext vis wid no onMode bRatio meMode products 15 tau- tau+ 2 -3 0 1.77699 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 8.71100e-02 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.1089240 1521 16 -211 1 1 0.0068850 1521 16 -321 2 1 0.1783450 1531 16 11 -12 3 1 0.1735450 1531 16 13 -14 4 1 0.2548900 1532 16 111 -211 5 1 0.0015130 1532 16 311 -321 6 1 0.0002630 1532 16 221 -321 7 1 0.0089570 1533 16 -211 -311 8 1 0.0044910 1533 16 111 -321 9 1 0.0923700 1541 16 111 111 -211 10 1 0.0898130 1541 16 -211 -211 211 11 1 0.0444350 1551 16 111 -211 -211 211 12 1 0.0103130 1551 16 111 111 111 -211 13 1 0.0037570 0 16 111 -211 -311 14 1 0.0032920 0 16 -211 211 -321 15 1 0.0005550 0 16 111 111 -321 16 1 0.0015190 0 16 -211 -321 321 17 1 0.0015180 0 16 111 311 -321 18 1 0.0010870 0 16 130 -211 310 19 1 0.0002350 0 16 130 130 -211 20 1 0.0002350 0 16 -211 310 310 21 1 0.0017620 0 16 22 111 -211 22 1 0.0049350 0 16 111 111 -211 -211 211 23 1 0.0017440 0 16 111 -211 221 24 1 0.0009570 0 16 111 111 111 111 -211 25 1 0.0008340 0 16 -211 -211 -211 211 211 26 1 0.0002250 0 16 -211 -211 211 221 27 1 0.0001450 0 16 111 111 -211 221 28 1 0.0001350 0 16 111 111 -211 223 29 1 0.0001180 0 16 -211 -211 211 223 30 1 0.0004000 0 16 223 -321 31 1 0.0003970 0 16 111 111 111 -321 32 1 0.0003070 0 16 111 -211 211 -321 33 1 0.0002800 0 16 221 -323 34 1 0.0002380 0 16 111 111 -211 -311 35 1 0.0002250 0 16 -211 -211 211 -311 36 1 0.0002970 0 16 111 -211 -311 311 37 1 0.0000590 0 16 111 -211 -321 321 23 Z0 3 0 0 91.18760 2.50687 10.00000 0.00000 0.00000e+00 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.1541199 0 1 -1 1 0 0.1195484 0 2 -2 2 0 0.1541093 0 3 -3 3 0 0.1193873 0 4 -4 4 0 0.1523969 0 5 -5 5 0 0.0335122 0 11 -11 6 0 0.0666593 0 12 -12 7 0 0.0335119 0 13 -13 8 0 0.0666593 0 14 -14 9 1 0.0334362 0 15 -15 10 0 0.0666593 0 16 -16 -------- End PYTHIA Particle Data Table ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************* * TAUOLA C++ Interface v1.1.4 * *-----------------------------------* * * * (c) Nadia Davidson, (1,2) * * Gizo Nanava, (3) * * Tomasz Przedzinski,(4) * * Elzbieta Richter-Was,(2,4) * * Zbigniew Was (2,5) * * * * 1) Unimelb, Melbourne, Australia * * 2) INP, Krakow, Poland * * 3) University Bonn, Germany * * 4) UJ, Krakow, Poland * * 5) CERN, Geneva, Switzerland * ************************************* Reading SANC input files. File 'table1-1.txt' missing... skipped. File 'table2-2.txt' missing... skipped. File 'table11-11.txt' missing... skipped. ######################################################################################### Tauola++ parameters set at initialization (this check-method can be used at any moment of program execution). Parameters meaning, defaults, and allowed ranges are explained in program documentation ----------------------------------------------------------- variables used mainly in C++ interface: Tau mass: 1.776999950409 Tau lifetime: 0.087110000000 Tau PDG id: 15 Decay of eta, K0s, pi on/off: 0,0,0 Length units: MM Momentum units: GEV Momentum conservation threshold (for checks): 0.100000000000 Higgs (scalar-pseudoscalar) PDG id: 35 Higgs (scalar-pseudoscalar) mixing angle: 0.785398163397 Switches used in spin correlation methods on/off for: GAMMA,Z0,HIGGS,HIGGS_H,HIGGS_A,HIGGS_PLUS,HIGGS_MINUS,W_PLUS,W_MINUS: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 ----------------------------------------------------------- variables used in tau decays : ----------------------------------------------------------- tau+ decay mode: 3 tau- decay mode: 3 a1 relative branching ratio pi- pi- pi+ / pi- pi pi0: 0.500000000000 K0 relative attribute K0_L / K0_S: 0.500000000000 K0_bar relative attribute K0_L / K0_S: 0.500000000000 Kstar relative branching ratio K0 pi- /K- pi0 : 0.666700005531 QED radiation in leptonic decays on/off: 1 QED radiation in leptonic decays minimal photon energy cutoff: 0.001000000000 ######################################################################################### -------- PYTHIA Info Listing ---------------------------------------- Beam A: id = 11, pz = 4.600e+01, e = 4.600e+01, m = 5.110e-04. Beam B: id = -11, pz = -4.600e+01, e = 4.600e+01, m = 5.110e-04. In 1: id = 11, x = 9.974e-01, pdf = 1.568e+01 at Q2 = 8.442e+03. In 2: id = -11, x = 1.000e+00, pdf = 2.821e+06 at same Q2. Subprocess f fbar -> gamma*/Z0 with code 221 is 2 -> 1. It has sHat = 8.442e+03. alphaEM = 7.818e-03, alphaS = 1.348e-01 at Q2 = 8.442e+03. Impact parameter b = 0.000e+00 gives enhancement factor = 1.000e+00. Max pT scale for MPI = 9.200e+01, ISR = 9.200e+01, FSR = 9.200e+01. Number of MPI = 1, ISR = 1, FSRproc = 0, FSRreson = 0. -------- End PYTHIA Info Listing ------------------------------------ -------- PYTHIA Event Listing (hard process) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no id name status mothers daughters colours p_x p_y p_z e m 0 90 (system) -11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 92.000 92.000 1 11 (e-) -12 0 0 3 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 46.000 46.000 0.001 2 -11 (e+) -12 0 0 4 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 -46.000 46.000 0.001 3 11 (e-) -21 1 0 5 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 45.881 45.881 0.000 4 -11 (e+) -21 2 0 5 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 -46.000 46.000 0.000 5 23 (Z0) -22 3 4 6 7 0 0 0.000 0.000 -0.119 91.881 91.881 6 15 tau- 23 5 0 0 0 0 0 -23.389 -26.535 -29.321 45.978 1.777 7 -15 tau+ 23 5 0 0 0 0 0 23.389 26.535 29.202 45.903 1.777 Charge sum: 0.000 Momentum sum: 0.000 0.000 -0.119 91.881 91.881 -------- End PYTHIA Event Listing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- PYTHIA Event Listing (complete event) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no id name status mothers daughters colours p_x p_y p_z e m 0 90 (system) -11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 92.000 92.000 1 11 (e-) -12 0 0 10 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 46.000 46.000 0.001 2 -11 (e+) -12 0 0 11 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 -46.000 46.000 0.001 3 11 (e-) -21 6 0 5 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 45.881 45.881 0.000 4 -11 (e+) -21 7 7 5 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 -46.000 46.000 0.000 5 23 (Z0) -22 3 4 8 8 0 0 0.000 0.000 -0.119 91.881 91.881 6 11 (e-) -41 10 10 9 3 0 0 -0.000 0.000 46.000 46.000 0.000 7 -11 (e+) -42 11 11 4 4 0 0 -0.000 0.000 -46.000 46.000 0.000 8 23 (Z0) -44 5 5 12 12 0 0 0.035 -0.022 -0.111 91.881 91.881 9 22 (gamma) -43 6 0 13 13 0 0 -0.035 0.022 0.111 0.119 0.000 10 11 (e-) -61 1 0 6 6 0 0 0.000 0.000 46.000 46.000 0.000 11 -11 (e+) -61 2 0 7 7 0 0 0.000 -0.000 -46.000 46.000 0.000 12 23 (Z0) -62 8 8 16 17 0 0 0.035 -0.022 -0.111 91.881 91.881 13 22 gamma 62 9 9 0 0 0 0 -0.035 0.022 0.111 0.119 0.000 14 22 gamma 63 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15 22 gamma 63 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 16 15 tau- 23 12 0 0 0 0 0 -23.371 -26.546 -29.317 45.973 1.777 17 -15 tau+ 23 12 0 0 0 0 0 23.407 26.523 29.206 45.908 1.777 Charge sum: 0.000 Momentum sum: -0.000 0.000 0.000 92.000 92.000 -------- End PYTHIA Event Listing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: -3.55271e-15 0 0 92 Vector Sum: -0.000131654 -0.000149535 -0.000165148 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: -8.88178e-16 0 1.33227e-15 92 Vector Sum: 3.8257e-05 0.000255818 -1.16757e-05 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 0 0 0 92 Vector Sum: -0.000143578 -0.000134042 0.000168711 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 3.55271e-15 -7.10543e-15 0 92 Vector Sum: 0.000104841 0.000228449 5.30397e-05 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 0 0 0 92 Vector Sum: 8.73255e-05 5.49566e-05 0.000237485 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 0 -1.77636e-15 -3.55271e-15 92 Vector Sum: -0.000211511 -7.3971e-05 0.000123731 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 0 -8.88178e-16 -1.42109e-14 92 Vector Sum: 0.000126244 2.96091e-05 0.000221124 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 0 1.77636e-15 0 92 Vector Sum: 0.000188584 7.79171e-05 -0.000158475 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 4.44089e-16 0 0 92 Vector Sum: -1.66747e-05 0.000197157 0.000166973 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 0 0 0 92 Vector Sum: 0.000228892 -1.9554e-05 0.000119461 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 7.10543e-15 0 -7.10543e-15 92 Vector Sum: -0.000134583 -9.62399e-05 0.000199167 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: -1.66533e-16 0 0 92 Vector Sum: -7.01383e-07 -7.83751e-05 0.000246561 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 1.42109e-14 -1.06581e-14 -7.10543e-15 92 Vector Sum: 0.000221696 -9.7968e-05 -9.10936e-05 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: -3.55271e-15 0 0 92 Vector Sum: -9.39642e-05 -0.000111918 -0.000213514 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 0 0 -1.33227e-15 92 Vector Sum: 0.00024218 -8.76109e-05 -2.27338e-05 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 0 7.10543e-15 2.66454e-15 92 Vector Sum: -0.000156887 -0.000201083 -4.45187e-05 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 0 -3.55271e-15 7.10543e-15 92 Vector Sum: 6.27511e-05 -0.00012089 0.00022021 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: -7.10543e-15 2.66454e-15 1.77636e-14 92 Vector Sum: 0.000221688 -4.41035e-05 -0.000119695 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: -8.88178e-16 0 0 92 Vector Sum: 3.46098e-05 0.000142799 0.000213047 92.0003 Momentum conservation chceck BEFORE/AFTER Tauola Vector Sum: 3.55271e-15 -1.77636e-15 0 92 Vector Sum: -6.13301e-05 7.56708e-05 0.000235672 92.0003 Pythia::next(): 1000 events have been generated Pythia::next(): 2000 events have been generated Pythia::next(): 3000 events have been generated Pythia::next(): 4000 events have been generated Pythia::next(): 5000 events have been generated Pythia::next(): 6000 events have been generated Pythia::next(): 7000 events have been generated Pythia::next(): 8000 events have been generated Pythia::next(): 9000 events have been generated 0.49912 *************************************************************************** * *****TAUOLA LIBRARY: VERSION 2.7 ****** * * ***********August 1995*************** * * **AUTHORS: S.JADACH, Z.WAS************* * * **R. DECKER, M. JEZABEK, J.H.KUEHN***** * * **AVAILABLE FROM: WASM AT CERNVM ****** * * ***** PUBLISHED IN COMP. PHYS. COMM.*** * * Physics initialization by CLEO collab * * see Alain Weinstein www home page: * * * * /korb_doc.html#files * * *******CERN TH-6793 NOVEMBER 1992***** * * **5 or more pi dec.: precision limited * * ****DEKAY ROUTINE: INITIALIZATION****** * * 3 JAK1 = DECAY MODE TAU+ * * 3 JAK2 = DECAY MODE TAU- * *************************************************************************** RANMAR INITIALIZED: 54217137 0 0 *************************************************************************** KORB: rho/rhop -> pi-pi0 mixing: KORB: rho = 0.7699000 0.1512000 KORB: rhop = 1.370000 0.5100000 -0.1100000 KORB: K*/K*prime -> Kpi mixing: KORB: kstp = 1.700000 0.2350000 -3.7999999E-02 KORB: a1/a1prime -> 3pi, KKpi mixing: KORB: a1 = 1.275000 0.7000000 KORB: a1prim= 1.461000 0.2500000 0.000000 KORB: K1A/K1B -> Kpipi mixing: KORB: K1A = 1.270000 9.0000004E-02 1.000000 KORB: K1B = 1.402000 0.1740000 0.8000000 KORB: rho/rhop/rhopp -> 4pi mixing: KORB: rho = 0.7699000 0.1512000 KORB: rhopp = 1.465000 0.3100000 -0.1100000 KORB: rhoppp= 1.700000 0.2350000 -0.1100000 KORB: 3PI-PI0 PARAMS: 0.000000 0.1242000 0.1604000 0.2711000 0.4443000 KORB: PI-3PI0 PARAMS: 0.000000 1.000000 In F3pi: add (rho-pi S-wave) + (rhop-pi S-wave) + (rho-pi D-wave) + (rhop-pi D-wave) + (f2 pi D-wave) + (sigmapi S-wave) + (f0pi S-wave)