// Temporary solution embedded in this tauola_seed_seed.h: // // enables reinitialization of Fortran Random numbergenerator used in TAUOLA. // // Can be invoked by // setSeed( 47238, 985439, 0 ); // instead of // Tauola::setSeed( 47238, 985439, 0 ); // // It can be used with up to date version of library as well // because of #ifndef rmarin_ condition. #ifndef rmarin_ // Set seed for TAUOLA-FORTRAN random number generator extern "C" void rmarin_(int *ijklin, int *ntotin, int *ntot2n); #endif /** Set seed for TAUOLA-FORTRAN random number generator */ static void setSeed( int ijklin, int ntotin, int ntot2n ) { rmarin_(&ijklin,&ntotin,&ntot2n); }