// @(#)root/graf2d:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 29/11/2011 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2012, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_CocoaPrivate #define ROOT_CocoaPrivate #include #include #include "CocoaUtils.h" #include "X11Colors.h" #include "X11Events.h" #include "X11Buffer.h" #include "GuiTypes.h" #include "FontCache.h" @protocol X11Drawable; @protocol X11Window; @class ROOTApplicationDelegate; @class NSOpenGLContext; @class NSObject; @class QuartzWindow; class TGQuartz; class TGCocoa; /////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // CocoaPrivate. Hidden implementation // // details for TGCocoa. // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace ROOT { namespace MacOSX { namespace Details { class CocoaPrivate { friend class ::TGCocoa; friend class ::TGQuartz; friend class X11::CommandBuffer; public: ~CocoaPrivate(); private: CocoaPrivate(); Window_t GetRootWindowID()const; bool IsRootWindow(Window_t windowID)const; CocoaPrivate(const CocoaPrivate &rhs); CocoaPrivate &operator = (const CocoaPrivate &rhs); Drawable_t RegisterDrawable(NSObject *nsObj); NSObject *GetDrawable(Drawable_t drawableD)const; NSObject *GetWindow(Window_t windowID)const; void DeleteDrawable(Drawable_t drawableID); Handle_t RegisterGLContext(NSOpenGLContext *glContext); void DeleteGLContext(Handle_t contextID); NSOpenGLContext *GetGLContextForHandle(Handle_t contextID); Handle_t GetHandleForGLContext(NSOpenGLContext *glContext); void SetFakeGLWindow(QuartzWindow *fakeWin); QuartzWindow *GetFakeGLWindow(); //This function resets strong reference, if you still want NSObject for drawableID to live, //you have to retain the pointer (probably) and also drawableID will become id for nsObj (replacement). void ReplaceDrawable(Drawable_t drawableID, NSObject *nsObj); //Color "parser": either parse string like "#ddeeaa", or //search rgb.txt like table for named color. X11::ColorParser fX11ColorParser; //Event translator, converts Cocoa events into X11 events //and generates X11 events. X11::EventTranslator fX11EventTranslator; //Command buffer - for "buffered" drawing commands. X11::CommandBuffer fX11CommandBuffer; //Font manager - cache CTFontRef for GUI. FontCache fFontManager; //Id for the new registered drawable. Drawable_t fCurrentDrawableID; //"Cache" of ids. std::vector fFreeDrawableIDs; //Cocoa objects (views, windows, "pixmaps"). std::map > > fDrawables; typedef std::map > >::iterator drawable_iterator; typedef std::map > >::const_iterator const_drawable_iterator; typedef std::map > handle2ctx_map; typedef std::map ctx2handle_map; handle2ctx_map fHandleToGLContext; ctx2handle_map fGLContextToHandle; Handle_t fFreeGLContextID; Util::NSStrongReference fFakeGLWindow; Util::NSScopeGuard fApplicationDelegate; }; }//Details }//MacOSX }//ROOT #endif