// @(#)root/graf2d:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 19/03/2012 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2012, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ //#define NDEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include "CocoaUtils.h" #include "QuartzText.h" #include "FontCache.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TROOT.h" namespace ROOT { namespace MacOSX { namespace Details { namespace { //ROOT uses indices for fonts. Indices are in the range [1 .. 15], //12 is a symbol font (quite special thing, see the code below, //15 is a "symbol italic" font - shear transformation is applied. //TODO: actually, it's not good to assume I have these fonts for sure, //find a better way to check the available fonts and search for the best //match. const CFStringRef fixedFontNames[FontCache::nPadFonts] = { CFSTR("TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT"), CFSTR("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT"), CFSTR("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT"), CFSTR("Helvetica"), CFSTR("Helvetica-Oblique"), CFSTR("Helvetica-Bold"), CFSTR("Helvetica-BoldOblique"), CFSTR("Courier"), CFSTR("Courier-Oblique"), CFSTR("Courier-Bold"), CFSTR("Courier-BoldOblique"), CFSTR("Symbol"), CFSTR("TimesNewRomanPSMT"), CFSTR("Wingdings"), CFSTR("Symbol-Italic") }; //______________________________________________________________________________ CTFontCollectionRef CreateFontCollection(const X11::XLFDName &/*xlfd*/) { CTFontCollectionRef ctCollection = CTFontCollectionCreateFromAvailableFonts(0); if (!ctCollection) ::Error("CreateFontCollection", "CTFontCollectionCreateFromAvailableFonts failed"); return ctCollection; /* CTFontCollectionRef ctCollection = 0; if (xlfd.fFamilyName == "*") ctCollection = CTFontCollectionCreateFromAvailableFonts(0);//Select all available fonts. else { //Create collection, using font descriptor? const Util::CFScopeGuard fontName(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, xlfd.fFamilyName.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)); if (!fontName.Get()) { ::Error("CreateFontCollection", "CFStringCreateWithCString failed"); return 0; } const Util::CFScopeGuard fontDescriptor(CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize(fontName.Get(), 0.)); if (!fontDescriptor.Get()) { ::Error("CreateFontCollection", "CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize failed"); return 0; } Util::CFScopeGuard descriptors(CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)); if (!descriptors.Get()) { ::Error("CreateFontCollection", "CFArrayCreateMutable failed"); return 0; } CFArrayAppendValue(descriptors.Get(), fontDescriptor.Get()); ctCollection = CTFontCollectionCreateWithFontDescriptors(descriptors.Get(), 0);//Oh mama, so many code just to do this :((( } if (!ctCollection) { ::Error("CreateFontCollection", "No fonts are available for family %s", xlfd.fFamilyName.c_str());//WTF??? return 0; } return ctCollection;*/ } //______________________________________________________________________________ bool GetFamilyName(CTFontDescriptorRef fontDescriptor, std::vector &name) { //If success, this function returns a null-terminated string in a vector. assert(fontDescriptor != 0 && "GetFamilyName, parameter 'fontDescriptor' is null"); name.clear(); Util::CFScopeGuard cfFamilyName((CFStringRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(fontDescriptor, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute)); if (const CFIndex cfLen = CFStringGetLength(cfFamilyName.Get())) { name.resize(cfLen + 1);//+ 1 for '\0'. if (CFStringGetCString(cfFamilyName.Get(), &name[0], name.size(), kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)) return true; } return false; } #ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9 //______________________________________________________________________________ bool GetPostscriptName(CTFontDescriptorRef fontDescriptor, std::vector &name) { //If success, this function returns a null-terminated string in a vector. assert(fontDescriptor != 0 && "GetPostscriptName, parameter 'fontDescriptor' is null"); name.clear(); Util::CFScopeGuard cfFamilyName((CFStringRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(fontDescriptor, kCTFontNameAttribute)); if (const CFIndex cfLen = CFStringGetLength(cfFamilyName.Get())) { name.resize(cfLen + 1);//+ 1 for '\0'. if (CFStringGetCString(cfFamilyName.Get(), &name[0], name.size(), kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)) return true; } return false; } #endif //______________________________________________________________________________ void GetWeightAndSlant(CTFontDescriptorRef fontDescriptor, X11::XLFDName &newXLFD) { //Let's ask for a weight and pixel size. const Util::CFScopeGuard traits((CFDictionaryRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(fontDescriptor, kCTFontTraitsAttribute)); if (traits.Get()) { if (CFNumberRef symbolTraits = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(traits.Get(), kCTFontSymbolicTrait)) { uint32_t val = 0; CFNumberGetValue(symbolTraits, kCFNumberIntType, &val); if (val & kCTFontItalicTrait) newXLFD.fSlant = X11::kFSItalic; else newXLFD.fSlant = X11::kFSRegular; if (val & kCTFontBoldTrait) newXLFD.fWeight = X11::kFWBold; else newXLFD.fWeight = X11::kFWMedium; } /* //The code below is wrong - using it, I can not identify bold or italic and always have //only medium/regular. if(CFNumberRef weight = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(traits.Get(), kCTFontWeightTrait)) { double val = 0.; if (CFNumberGetValue(weight, kCFNumberDoubleType, &val)) newXLFD.fWeight = val > 0. ? X11::kFWBold : X11::kFWMedium; } if(CFNumberRef slant = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(traits.Get(), kCTFontSlantTrait)) { double val = 0.; if (CFNumberGetValue(slant, kCFNumberDoubleType, &val)) newXLFD.fSlant = val > 0. ? X11::kFSItalic : X11::kFSRegular; } */ } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void GetPixelSize(CTFontDescriptorRef fontDescriptor, X11::XLFDName &newXLFD) { const Util::CFScopeGuard size((CFNumberRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(fontDescriptor, kCTFontSizeAttribute)); if (size.Get()) { int pixelSize = 0; if(CFNumberIsFloatType(size.Get())) { double val = 0; CFNumberGetValue(size.Get(), kCFNumberDoubleType, &val); pixelSize = val; } else CFNumberGetValue(size.Get(), kCFNumberIntType, &pixelSize); if(pixelSize) newXLFD.fPixelSize = pixelSize; } } //_________________________________________________________________ void CreateXLFDString(const X11::XLFDName &xlfd, std::string &xlfdString) { xlfdString = "-CoreText-"; //Fake foundry. xlfdString += xlfd.fFamilyName; if (xlfd.fWeight == X11::kFWBold) xlfdString += "-bold"; else xlfdString += "-normal"; if (xlfd.fSlant == X11::kFSItalic) xlfdString += "-i"; else xlfdString += "-r"; xlfdString += "-*-*"; //width, addstyle if (xlfd.fPixelSize) { std::ostringstream out; out<second; const CFScopeGuard fontName(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, psName.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)); #else const CFScopeGuard fontName(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, xlfd.fFamilyName.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)); #endif const CFStrongReference baseFont(CTFontCreateWithName(fontName.Get(), xlfd.fPixelSize, 0), false);//false == do not retain if (!baseFont.Get()) { ::Error("FontCache::LoadFont", "CTFontCreateWithName failed for %s", xlfd.fFamilyName.c_str()); return FontStruct_t();//Haha! Die ROOT, die! } CTFontSymbolicTraits symbolicTraits = CTFontSymbolicTraits(); if (xlfd.fWeight == X11::kFWBold) symbolicTraits |= kCTFontBoldTrait; if (xlfd.fSlant == X11::kFSItalic) symbolicTraits |= kCTFontItalicTrait; if (symbolicTraits) { const CFStrongReference font(CTFontCreateCopyWithSymbolicTraits(baseFont.Get(), xlfd.fPixelSize, 0, symbolicTraits, symbolicTraits), false);//false == do not retain. if (font.Get()) { if (fLoadedFonts.find(font.Get()) == fLoadedFonts.end()) fLoadedFonts[font.Get()] = font; return reinterpret_cast(font.Get()); } } if (fLoadedFonts.find(baseFont.Get()) == fLoadedFonts.end()) fLoadedFonts[baseFont.Get()] = baseFont; return reinterpret_cast(baseFont.Get()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void FontCache::UnloadFont(FontStruct_t font) { CTFontRef fontRef = (CTFontRef)font; font_iterator fontIter = fLoadedFonts.find(fontRef); assert(fontIter != fLoadedFonts.end() && "Attempt to unload font, not created by font manager"); fLoadedFonts.erase(fontIter); } //______________________________________________________________________________ char **FontCache::ListFonts(const X11::XLFDName &xlfd, int maxNames, int &count) { typedef std::vector::size_type size_type; count = 0; //Ugly, ugly code. I should "think different"!!! //To extract font names, I have to: create CFString, create font descriptor, create //CFArray, create CTFontCollection, that's a mess!!! //It's good I have my small and ugly RAII classes, otherwise the code will be //total trash and sodomy because of all possible cleanup actions. //First, create a font collection. const Util::CFScopeGuard collectionGuard(CreateFontCollection(xlfd)); if (!collectionGuard.Get()) return 0; Util::CFScopeGuard fonts(CTFontCollectionCreateMatchingFontDescriptors(collectionGuard.Get())); if (!fonts.Get()) { ::Error("FontCache::ListFonts", "CTFontCollectionCreateMatchingFontDescriptors failed %s", xlfd.fFamilyName.c_str()); return 0; } std::vector xlfdData; //familyName is actually a null-terminated string. std::vector familyName; X11::XLFDName newXLFD; std::string xlfdString; const CFIndex nFonts = CFArrayGetCount(fonts.Get()); for (CFIndex i = 0; i < nFonts && count < maxNames; ++i) { CTFontDescriptorRef font = (CTFontDescriptorRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(fonts.Get(), i); if (!GetFamilyName(font, familyName)) continue; if (xlfd.fFamilyName != "*" && xlfd.fFamilyName != &familyName[0]) continue; newXLFD.fFamilyName = &familyName[0]; //If family name has '-', ROOT's GUI can not parse it correctly - //'-' is a separator in XLFD. Just skip this font (anyway, it wan not requested by GUI, only //listed by FontCache. if (newXLFD.fFamilyName.find('-') != std::string::npos) continue; GetWeightAndSlant(font, newXLFD); //Check weight and slant. if (xlfd.fWeight != X11::kFWAny && newXLFD.fWeight != xlfd.fWeight) continue; if (xlfd.fSlant != X11::kFSAny && newXLFD.fSlant != xlfd.fSlant) continue; if (xlfd.fPixelSize) {//Size was requested. GetPixelSize(font, newXLFD); //Core Text supports different font sizes. if (!newXLFD.fPixelSize) newXLFD.fPixelSize = xlfd.fPixelSize; } #ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9 //To avoid a warning from Core Text, save a mapping from a name seen by ROOT (family) //to a right postscript name (required by Core Text). //It's a null-terminated string: std::vector postscriptName; if (GetPostscriptName(font, postscriptName)) { if (fXLFDtoPostscriptNames.find(&familyName[0]) == fXLFDtoPostscriptNames.end()) fXLFDtoPostscriptNames[&familyName[0]] = &postscriptName[0]; } #endif //Ok, now lets create XLFD name, and place into list. CreateXLFDString(newXLFD, xlfdString); // xlfdData.insert(xlfdData.end(), xlfdString.begin(), xlfdString.end()); xlfdData.push_back(0);//terminal 0. ++count; } //Setup array with string addresses. if (xlfdData.size()) { fFontLists.push_back(fDummyList); fFontLists.back().fStringData.swap(xlfdData); std::vector &data = fFontLists.back().fStringData; std::vector &list = fFontLists.back().fList; list.push_back(&data[0]); for (size_type i = 1, e = data.size(); i < e; ++i) { if (!data[i] && i + 1 < e) list.push_back(&data[i + 1]); } return &list[0]; } else return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void FontCache::FreeFontNames(char **fontList) { if (!fontList) return; for (std::list::iterator it = fFontLists.begin(), eIt = fFontLists.end(); it != eIt; ++it) { if (fontList == &it->fList[0]) { fFontLists.erase(it); return; } } assert(0 && "FreeFontNames, unknown fontList"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ unsigned FontCache::GetTextWidth(FontStruct_t font, const char *text, int nChars) { typedef std::vector::size_type size_type; // CTFontRef fontRef = (CTFontRef)font; assert(fLoadedFonts.find(fontRef) != fLoadedFonts.end() && "Font was not created by font manager"); //nChars is either positive, or negative (take all string). if (nChars < 0) nChars = std::strlen(text); std::vector unichars(text, text + nChars); //Extract glyphs for a text. std::vector glyphs(unichars.size()); CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(fontRef, &unichars[0], &glyphs[0], unichars.size()); //Glyps' advances for a text. std::vector glyphAdvances(glyphs.size()); CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(fontRef, Quartz::horizontalFontOrientation, &glyphs[0], &glyphAdvances[0], glyphs.size()); CGFloat textWidth = 0.; for (size_type i = 0, e = glyphAdvances.size(); i < e; ++i) textWidth += std::ceil(glyphAdvances[i].width); return textWidth; } //_________________________________________________________________ void FontCache::GetFontProperties(FontStruct_t font, int &maxAscent, int &maxDescent) { CTFontRef fontRef = (CTFontRef)font; assert(fLoadedFonts.find(fontRef) != fLoadedFonts.end() && "Font was not created by font manager"); try { maxAscent = int(CTFontGetAscent(fontRef) + 0.5) + 2; maxDescent = int(CTFontGetDescent(fontRef) + 0.5); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //_________________________________________________________________ CTFontRef FontCache::SelectFont(Font_t fontIndex, Float_t fontSize) { fontIndex /= 10; if (fontIndex > nPadFonts || !fontIndex) { ::Warning("FontCache::SelectFont", "Font with index %d was requested", fontIndex); fontIndex = 3;//Select the Helvetica as default. } else fontIndex -= 1; if (fontIndex == 11 || fontIndex == 14)//Special case, our own symbol.ttf file. return SelectSymbolFont(fontSize, fontIndex); const UInt_t fixedSize = UInt_t(fontSize); font_map_iterator it = fFonts[fontIndex].find(fixedSize); if (it == fFonts[fontIndex].end()) { //Insert the new font. try { const CTFontGuard_t font(CTFontCreateWithName(fixedFontNames[fontIndex], fixedSize, 0), false); if (!font.Get()) {//With Apple's lame documentation it's not clear, if function can return 0. ::Error("FontCache::SelectFont", "CTFontCreateWithName failed for font %d", fontIndex); return 0; } fFonts[fontIndex][fixedSize] = font;//Insetion can throw. return fSelectedFont = font.Get(); } catch (const std::exception &) {//Bad alloc. return 0; } } return fSelectedFont = it->second.Get(); } //_________________________________________________________________ CTFontRef FontCache::SelectSymbolFont(Float_t fontSize, unsigned fontIndex) { assert(fontIndex == 11 || fontIndex == 14 && "SelectSymbolFont, parameter fontIndex has invalid value"); const UInt_t fixedSize = UInt_t(fontSize); font_map_iterator it = fFonts[fontIndex].find(fixedSize);//In ROOT, 11 is a font from symbol.ttf. if (it == fFonts[fontIndex].end()) { //This GetValue const char * const fontDirectoryPath = gEnv->GetValue("Root.TTFontPath",TROOT::GetTTFFontDir()); char * const fontFileName = gSystem->Which(fontDirectoryPath, "symbol.ttf", kReadPermission);//This must be deleted. const Util::ScopedArray arrayGuard(fontFileName); if (!fontFileName || fontFileName[0] == 0) { ::Error("FontCache::SelectSymbolFont", "symbol.ttf file not found"); return 0; } try { const Util::CFScopeGuard path(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, fontFileName, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle)); if (!path.Get()) { ::Error("FontCache::SelectSymbolFont", "CFStringCreateWithCString failed"); return 0; } const Util::CFScopeGuard fontURL(CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, path.Get(), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false)); if (!fontURL.Get()) { ::Error("FontCache::SelectSymbolFont", "CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath failed"); return 0; } //Try to register this font. if (!fSymbolFontRegistered) { CFErrorRef err = 0; fSymbolFontRegistered = CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURL(fontURL.Get(), kCTFontManagerScopeProcess, &err); if (!fSymbolFontRegistered) { ::Error("FontCache::SelectSymbolFont", "CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURL failed"); if (err) CFRelease(err); return 0; } } const Util::CFScopeGuard arr(CTFontManagerCreateFontDescriptorsFromURL(fontURL.Get())); if (!arr.Get()) { ::Error("FontCache::SelectSymbolFont", "CTFontManagerCreateFontDescriptorsFromURL failed"); return 0; } CTFontDescriptorRef fontDesc = (CTFontDescriptorRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(arr.Get(), 0); const CGAffineTransform shearMatrix = {1., 0., 0.26794, 1., 0., 0.};//Yes, these are hardcoded values, taken from TPDF class. const CTFontGuard_t font(CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptorAndOptions(fontDesc, fixedSize, fontIndex == 11 ? &CGAffineTransformIdentity : &shearMatrix, kCTFontOptionsDefault), false); if (!font.Get()) { ::Error("FontCache::SelectSymbolFont", "CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor failed"); return 0; } fFonts[fontIndex][fixedSize] = font;//This can throw. return fSelectedFont = font.Get(); } catch (const std::exception &) {//Bad alloc. //RAII destructors should do their work. return 0; } } return fSelectedFont = it->second.Get(); } //_________________________________________________________________ void FontCache::GetTextBounds(UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h, const char *text)const { assert(fSelectedFont != 0 && "GetTextBounds: no font was selected"); try { const Quartz::TextLine ctLine(text, fSelectedFont); ctLine.GetBounds(w, h); h += 2; } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //_________________________________________________________________ void FontCache::GetTextBounds(UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h, const std::vector &unichars)const { assert(fSelectedFont != 0 && "GetTextBounds: no font was selected"); try { const Quartz::TextLine ctLine(unichars, fSelectedFont); ctLine.GetBounds(w, h); h += 2; } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //_________________________________________________________________ double FontCache::GetAscent()const { assert(fSelectedFont != 0 && "GetAscent, no font was selected"); return CTFontGetAscent(fSelectedFont) + 1; } //_________________________________________________________________ double FontCache::GetAscent(const char *text)const { assert(text != 0 && "GetAscent, parameter 'text' is null"); assert(fSelectedFont != 0 && "GetAscent, no font was selected"); try { const Quartz::TextLine ctLine(text, fSelectedFont); Int_t ascent = 0, descent = 0; ctLine.GetAscentDescent(ascent, descent); return ascent; } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //_________________________________________________________________ double FontCache::GetAscent(const std::vector &unichars)const { assert(fSelectedFont != 0 && "GetAscent, no font was selected"); try { const Quartz::TextLine ctLine(unichars, fSelectedFont); Int_t ascent = 0, descent = 0; ctLine.GetAscentDescent(ascent, descent); return ascent; } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //_________________________________________________________________ double FontCache::GetDescent()const { assert(fSelectedFont != 0 && "GetDescent, no font was selected"); return CTFontGetDescent(fSelectedFont) + 1; } //_________________________________________________________________ double FontCache::GetDescent(const char *text)const { assert(text != 0 && "GetDescent, parameter 'text' is null"); assert(fSelectedFont != 0 && "GetDescent, no font was selected"); try { const Quartz::TextLine ctLine(text, fSelectedFont); Int_t ascent = 0, descent = 0; ctLine.GetAscentDescent(ascent, descent); return descent; } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //_________________________________________________________________ double FontCache::GetDescent(const std::vector &unichars)const { assert(fSelectedFont != 0 && "GetDescent, no font was selected"); try { const Quartz::TextLine ctLine(unichars, fSelectedFont); Int_t ascent = 0, descent = 0; ctLine.GetAscentDescent(ascent, descent); return descent; } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //_________________________________________________________________ double FontCache::GetLeading()const { assert(fSelectedFont != 0 && "GetLeading, no font was selected"); return CTFontGetLeading(fSelectedFont); } }//Details }//MacOSX }//ROOT