// @(#)root/graf2d:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 29/02/2012 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2012, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ //#define NDEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include "ROOTOpenGLView.h" #include "CocoaPrivate.h" #include "QuartzWindow.h" #include "QuartzPixmap.h" #include "QuartzUtils.h" #include "X11Drawable.h" #include "X11Buffer.h" #include "TGWindow.h" #include "TGClient.h" #include "TGCocoa.h" #include "TError.h" namespace ROOT { namespace MacOSX { namespace X11 { //______________________________________________________________________________ Command::Command(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc) : fID(wid), fGC(gc) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ Command::Command(Drawable_t wid) : fID(wid), fGC() { } //______________________________________________________________________________ Command::~Command() { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void Command::Execute(CGContextRef /*ctx*/)const { } //______________________________________________________________________________ bool Command::HasOperand(Drawable_t wid)const { return wid == fID; } //______________________________________________________________________________ bool Command::IsGraphicsCommand()const { return false; } //______________________________________________________________________________ DrawLine::DrawLine(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, const Point &p1, const Point &p2) : Command(wid, gc), fP1(p1), fP2(p2) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void DrawLine::Execute()const { assert(dynamic_cast(gVirtualX) != 0 && "Execute, gVirtualX is either null or not of TGCocoa type"); TGCocoa * const vx = static_cast(gVirtualX); vx->DrawLineAux(fID, fGC, fP1.fX, fP1.fY, fP2.fX, fP2.fY); } //______________________________________________________________________________ DrawSegments::DrawSegments(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, const Segment_t *segments, Int_t nSegments) : Command(wid, gc) { assert(segments != 0 && "DrawSegments, segments parameter is null"); assert(nSegments > 0 && "DrawSegments, nSegments <= 0"); fSegments.assign(segments, segments + nSegments); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void DrawSegments::Execute()const { assert(dynamic_cast(gVirtualX) != 0 && "Execute, gVirtualX is either null or not of TGCocoa type"); TGCocoa * const vx = static_cast(gVirtualX); vx->DrawSegmentsAux(fID, fGC, &fSegments[0], (Int_t)fSegments.size()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ ClearArea::ClearArea(Window_t wid, const Rectangle_t &area) : Command(wid), fArea(area) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void ClearArea::Execute()const { assert(dynamic_cast(gVirtualX) != 0 && "Execute, gVirtualX is either null or not of TGCocoa type"); TGCocoa * const vx = static_cast(gVirtualX); vx->ClearAreaAux(fID, fArea.fX, fArea.fY, fArea.fWidth, fArea.fHeight); } //______________________________________________________________________________ CopyArea::CopyArea(Drawable_t src, Drawable_t dst, const GCValues_t &gc, const Rectangle_t &area, const Point &dstPoint) : Command(dst, gc), fSrc(src), fArea(area), fDstPoint(dstPoint) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ bool CopyArea::HasOperand(Drawable_t drawable)const { return fID == drawable || fSrc == drawable || fGC.fClipMask == drawable; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CopyArea::Execute()const { assert(dynamic_cast(gVirtualX) != 0 && "Execute, gVirtualX is either null or not of TGCocoa type"); TGCocoa * const vx = static_cast(gVirtualX); vx->CopyAreaAux(fSrc, fID, fGC, fArea.fX, fArea.fY, fArea.fWidth, fArea.fHeight, fDstPoint.fX, fDstPoint.fY); } //______________________________________________________________________________ DrawString::DrawString(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, const Point &point, const std::string &text) : Command(wid, gc), fPoint(point), fText(text) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void DrawString::Execute()const { assert(dynamic_cast(gVirtualX) != 0 && "Execute, gVirtualX is either null or not of TGCocoa type"); TGCocoa * const vx = static_cast(gVirtualX); vx->DrawStringAux(fID, fGC, fPoint.fX, fPoint.fY, fText.c_str(), fText.length()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ FillRectangle::FillRectangle(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, const Rectangle_t &rectangle) : Command(wid, gc), fRectangle(rectangle) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void FillRectangle::Execute()const { assert(dynamic_cast(gVirtualX) != 0 && "Execute, gVirtualX is either null or not of TGCocoa type"); TGCocoa * const vx = static_cast(gVirtualX); vx->FillRectangleAux(fID, fGC, fRectangle.fX, fRectangle.fY, fRectangle.fWidth, fRectangle.fHeight); } //______________________________________________________________________________ FillPolygon::FillPolygon(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, const Point_t *points, Int_t nPoints) : Command(wid, gc) { assert(points != 0 && "FillPolygon, points parameter is null"); assert(nPoints > 0 && "FillPolygon, nPoints <= 0"); fPolygon.assign(points, points + nPoints); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void FillPolygon::Execute()const { assert(dynamic_cast(gVirtualX) != 0 && "Execute, gVirtualX is either null or not of TGCocoa type"); ((TGCocoa *)gVirtualX)->FillPolygonAux(fID, fGC, &fPolygon[0], (Int_t)fPolygon.size()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ DrawRectangle::DrawRectangle(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, const Rectangle_t &rectangle) : Command(wid, gc), fRectangle(rectangle) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void DrawRectangle::Execute()const { assert(dynamic_cast(gVirtualX) != 0 && "Execute, gVirtualX is either null or not of TGCocoa type"); TGCocoa * const vx = static_cast(gVirtualX); vx->DrawRectangleAux(fID, fGC, fRectangle.fX, fRectangle.fY, fRectangle.fWidth, fRectangle.fHeight); } //______________________________________________________________________________ UpdateWindow::UpdateWindow(QuartzView *view) : Command(view.fID), fView(view) { assert(view != nil && "UpdateWindow, view parameter is nil");//view.fID will be also 0. } //______________________________________________________________________________ void UpdateWindow::Execute()const { assert(fView.fContext != 0 && "Execute, view.fContext is null"); if (QuartzPixmap *pixmap = fView.fBackBuffer) [fView copy : pixmap area : Rectangle(0, 0, pixmap.fWidth, pixmap.fHeight) withMask : nil clipOrigin : Point() toPoint : Point()]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ DeletePixmap::DeletePixmap(Pixmap_t pixmap) : Command(pixmap, GCValues_t()) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void DeletePixmap::Execute()const { assert(dynamic_cast(gVirtualX) != 0 && "Execute, gVirtualX is either null or not of TGCocoa type"); ((TGCocoa *)gVirtualX)->DeletePixmapAux(fID); } //______________________________________________________________________________ DrawBoxXor::DrawBoxXor(Window_t windowID, const Point &p1, const Point &p2) : Command(windowID, GCValues_t()), fP1(p1), fP2(p2) { if (fP1.fX > fP2.fX) std::swap(fP1.fX, fP2.fX); if (fP1.fY > fP2.fY) std::swap(fP1.fY, fP2.fY); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void DrawBoxXor::Execute()const { //Noop. } //______________________________________________________________________________ void DrawBoxXor::Execute(CGContextRef ctx)const { // assert(ctx != 0 && "Execute, ctx parameter is null"); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 0., 0., 0., 1.); CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 1.); CGContextStrokeRect(ctx, CGRectMake(fP1.fX, fP1.fY, fP2.fX - fP1.fX, fP2.fY - fP1.fY)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ DrawLineXor::DrawLineXor(Window_t windowID, const Point &p1, const Point &p2) : Command(windowID, GCValues_t()), fP1(p1), fP2(p2) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void DrawLineXor::Execute()const { //Noop. } //______________________________________________________________________________ void DrawLineXor::Execute(CGContextRef)const { //Noop. } //______________________________________________________________________________ CommandBuffer::CommandBuffer() { } //______________________________________________________________________________ CommandBuffer::~CommandBuffer() { ClearCommands(); ClearXOROperations(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddDrawLine(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2) { try { //if this throws, I do not care. std::unique_ptr cmd(new DrawLine(wid, gc, Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2))); fCommands.push_back(cmd.get());//this can throw. cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddDrawSegments(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, const Segment_t *segments, Int_t nSegments) { assert(segments != 0 && "AddDrawSegments, segments parameter is null"); assert(nSegments > 0 && "AddDrawSegments, nSegments <= 0"); try { std::unique_ptr cmd(new DrawSegments(wid, gc, segments, nSegments)); fCommands.push_back(cmd.get()); cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddClearArea(Window_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { try { Rectangle_t r = {};//To be replaced with X11::Rectangle. r.fX = x; r.fY = y; r.fWidth = (UShort_t)w; r.fHeight = (UShort_t)h; std::unique_ptr cmd(new ClearArea(wid, r));//Can throw, nothing leaks. fCommands.push_back(cmd.get());//this can throw. cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddCopyArea(Drawable_t src, Drawable_t dst, const GCValues_t &gc, Int_t srcX, Int_t srcY, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, Int_t dstX, Int_t dstY) { try { Rectangle_t area = {}; area.fX = srcX; area.fY = srcY; area.fWidth = (UShort_t)width; area.fHeight = (UShort_t)height; //Can throw, nothing leaks. std::unique_ptr cmd(new CopyArea(src, dst, gc, area, Point(dstX, dstY))); fCommands.push_back(cmd.get());//this can throw. cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddDrawString(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *text, Int_t len) { try { if (len < 0)//Negative length can come from caller. len = std::strlen(text); const std::string substr(text, len);//Can throw. std::unique_ptr cmd(new DrawString(wid, gc, Point(x, y), substr));//Can throw. fCommands.push_back(cmd.get());//can throw. cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddFillRectangle(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { try { Rectangle_t r = {}; r.fX = x; r.fY = y; r.fWidth = (UShort_t)w; r.fHeight = (UShort_t)h; std::unique_ptr cmd(new FillRectangle(wid, gc, r)); fCommands.push_back(cmd.get()); cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddDrawRectangle(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { try { Rectangle_t r = {}; r.fX = x; r.fY = y; r.fWidth = (UShort_t)w; r.fHeight = (UShort_t)h; std::unique_ptr cmd(new DrawRectangle(wid, gc, r)); fCommands.push_back(cmd.get()); cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddFillPolygon(Drawable_t wid, const GCValues_t &gc, const Point_t *polygon, Int_t nPoints) { assert(polygon != 0 && "AddFillPolygon, polygon parameter is null"); assert(nPoints > 0 && "AddFillPolygon, nPoints <= 0"); try { std::unique_ptr cmd(new FillPolygon(wid, gc, polygon, nPoints)); fCommands.push_back(cmd.get()); cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddUpdateWindow(QuartzView *view) { assert(view != nil && "AddUpdateWindow, view parameter is nil"); try { std::unique_ptr cmd(new UpdateWindow(view)); fCommands.push_back(cmd.get()); cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddDeletePixmap(Pixmap_t pixmapID) { try { std::unique_ptr cmd(new DeletePixmap(pixmapID)); fCommands.push_back(cmd.get()); cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddDrawBoxXor(Window_t windowID, Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2) { try { std::unique_ptr cmd(new DrawBoxXor(windowID, Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2))); fXorOps.push_back(cmd.get()); cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::AddDrawLineXor(Window_t windowID, Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2) { try { std::unique_ptr cmd(new DrawLineXor(windowID, Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2))); fXorOps.push_back(cmd.get()); cmd.release(); } catch (const std::exception &) { throw; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::Flush(Details::CocoaPrivate *impl) { assert(impl != 0 && "Flush, impl parameter is null"); //Basic es-guarantee: state is unknown, but valid, no //resource leaks, no locked focus. //All magic is here. CGContextRef prevContext = 0; CGContextRef currContext = 0; QuartzView *prevView = nil; for (size_type i = 0, e = fCommands.size(); i < e; ++i) { const Command *cmd = fCommands[i]; if (!cmd)//Command was deleted by RemoveOperation/RemoveGraphicsOperation. continue; NSObject *drawable = impl->GetDrawable(cmd->fID); if (drawable.fIsPixmap) { cmd->Execute();//Can throw, ok. continue; } QuartzView *view = (QuartzView *)impl->GetWindow(cmd->fID).fContentView; if (prevView != view) ClipOverlaps(view);//Can throw, ok. prevView = view; try { if ([view lockFocusIfCanDraw]) { NSGraphicsContext *nsContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext]; assert(nsContext != nil && "Flush, currentContext is nil"); currContext = (CGContextRef)[nsContext graphicsPort]; assert(currContext != 0 && "Flush, graphicsPort is null");//remove this assert? view.fContext = currContext; if (prevContext && prevContext != currContext) CGContextFlush(prevContext); prevContext = currContext; const Quartz::CGStateGuard ctxGuard(currContext); //Clip regions first. if (fClippedRegion.size()) CGContextClipToRects(currContext, &fClippedRegion[0], fClippedRegion.size()); //Now add also shape combine mask. if (view.fQuartzWindow.fShapeCombineMask) ClipToShapeMask(view, currContext); cmd->Execute();//This can throw, we should restore as much as we can here. if (view.fBackBuffer) { //Very "special" window. const Rectangle copyArea(0, 0, view.fBackBuffer.fWidth, view.fBackBuffer.fHeight); [view copy : view.fBackBuffer area : copyArea withMask : nil clipOrigin : Point() toPoint : Point()]; } [view unlockFocus]; view.fContext = 0; } } catch (const std::exception &) { //Focus was locked, roll-back: [view unlockFocus]; //View's context was modified, roll-back: view.fContext = 0; //Re-throw, something really bad happened (std::bad_alloc). throw; } } if (currContext) CGContextFlush(currContext); ClearCommands(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::FlushXOROps(Details::CocoaPrivate *impl) { // The only XOR operations we ever had to support was drawing // lines of a crosshair in a TCanvas. We were using a deprecated // (since 10.14) trick with locking a focus on a view, drawing, // flushing CGContext and then unlocking. This is not working // starting from 10.15. So now the only thing we do - we draw // a crosshair into the special transparent window which is // attached on top of the canvas. assert(impl != 0 && "FlushXOROps, impl parameter is null"); if (fXorOps.size() < 2) { ClearXOROperations(); return; } NSObject * const drawable = impl->GetDrawable(fXorOps.back()->fID); assert([drawable isKindOfClass : [QuartzView class]] && "FlushXOROps, drawable must be of type QuartzView"); QuartzView * const view = (QuartzView *)drawable; QuartzWindow * const window = view.fQuartzWindow; auto crosshairWindow = [window findCrosshairWindow]; if (!crosshairWindow) { ::Warning("FlushXOROps", "No CrosshairWindow found to draw into"); ClearXOROperations(); return; } for (auto *candidateOp : fXorOps) { if (!dynamic_cast(candidateOp)) { NSLog(@"XOR mode supports DrawLine only, unexpected operation was found"); ClearXOROperations(); return; } } // If size is > 2, we take the last two operations. DrawLineXor *line1 = static_cast(*(fXorOps.end() - 2)); DrawLineXor *line2 = static_cast(fXorOps.back()); auto rootToNs = [](Point rp) { return NSPoint{CGFloat(rp.fX), CGFloat(rp.fY)}; }; NSPoint cross[] = {rootToNs(line1->start()), rootToNs(line1->end()), rootToNs(line2->start()), rootToNs(line2->end())}; for (auto &point : cross) { // From the view's coordinates to window's: point = [view convertPoint : point toView : nil]; } CrosshairView *cv = (CrosshairView *)crosshairWindow.contentView; cv.start1 = cross[0]; cv.end1 = cross[1]; cv.start2 = cross[2]; cv.end2 = cross[3]; [cv setNeedsDisplay : YES]; ClearXOROperations(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::RemoveOperationsForDrawable(Drawable_t drawable) { for (size_type i = 0; i < fCommands.size(); ++i) { if (fCommands[i] && fCommands[i]->HasOperand(drawable)) { delete fCommands[i]; fCommands[i] = 0; } } for (size_type i = 0; i < fXorOps.size(); ++i) { if (fXorOps[i] && fXorOps[i]->HasOperand(drawable)) { delete fXorOps[i]; fXorOps[i] = 0; } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::RemoveGraphicsOperationsForWindow(Window_t wid) { for (size_type i = 0; i < fCommands.size(); ++i) { if (fCommands[i] && fCommands[i]->HasOperand(wid) && fCommands[i]->IsGraphicsCommand()) { delete fCommands[i]; fCommands[i] = 0; } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::RemoveXORGraphicsOperationsForWindow(Window_t wid) { for (size_type i = 0; i < fCommands.size(); ++i) { if (fXorOps[i] && fXorOps[i]->HasOperand(wid)) { delete fXorOps[i]; fXorOps[i] = 0; } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::ClearCommands() { for (size_type i = 0, e = fCommands.size(); i < e; ++i) delete fCommands[i]; fCommands.clear(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::ClearXOROperations() { for (size_type i = 0, e = fXorOps.size(); i < e; ++i) delete fXorOps[i]; fXorOps.clear(); } //Clipping machinery. namespace { //________________________________________________________________________________________ bool RectsOverlap(const NSRect &r1, const NSRect &r2) { if (r2.origin.x >= r1.origin.x + r1.size.width) return false; if (r2.origin.x + r2.size.width <= r1.origin.x) return false; if (r2.origin.y >= r1.origin.y + r1.size.height) return false; if (r2.origin.y + r2.size.height <= r1.origin.y) return false; return true; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::ClipOverlaps(QuartzView *view) { //QuartzViews do not have backing store. //But ROOT calls gClient->NeedRedraw ignoring //children or overlapping siblings. This leads //to obvious problems, for example, parent //erasing every child inside while repainting itself. //To fix this and emulate window with backing store //without real backing store, I'm calculating the //area of a view this is visible and not overlapped. //Who can overlap our view? //1. Its own siblings and, probably, siblings of its ancestors. //2. Children views. assert(view != nil && "ClipOverlaps, view parameter is nil"); typedef std::vector::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; typedef std::vector::iterator rect_iterator; fRectsToClip.clear(); fClippedRegion.clear(); //Check siblings and ancestors' siblings: //1. Remember the whole branch starting from our view //up to a top-level window. fViewBranch.clear(); for (QuartzView *v = view; v; v = v.fParentView) fViewBranch.push_back(v); //We do not need content view, since it does not have any siblings. if (fViewBranch.size()) fViewBranch.pop_back(); //For every fViewBranch[i] in our branch, we're looking for overlapping siblings. //Calculations are in view.fParentView's coordinate system. WidgetRect clipRect; NSRect frame1 = {}; const NSRect frame2 = view.frame; for (reverse_iterator it = fViewBranch.rbegin(), eIt = fViewBranch.rend(); it != eIt; ++it) { QuartzView *ancestorView = *it;//This is either one of ancestors, or a view itself. bool doCheck = false; for (QuartzView *sibling in [ancestorView.fParentView subviews]) { if (ancestorView == sibling) { //View has its children in an array, and for every subviews[i] in this array, //only views with index > i can overlap subviews[i]. doCheck = true;//all views after this must be checked. continue; } else if (!doCheck || sibling.fMapState != kIsViewable) { continue; } frame1 = sibling.frame; if (!frame1.size.width || !frame1.size.height) continue; frame1.origin = [sibling.fParentView convertPoint : frame1.origin toView : view.fParentView]; //Check if two rects intersect. if (RectsOverlap(frame2, frame1)) { //Substruct frame1 from our view's rect. clipRect.fX1 = frame1.origin.x; clipRect.fX2 = clipRect.fX1 + frame1.size.width; clipRect.fY1 = frame1.origin.y; clipRect.fY2 = clipRect.fY1 + frame1.size.height; fRectsToClip.push_back(clipRect); } } } //Substruct children. for (QuartzView *child in [view subviews]) { if (child.fMapState != kIsViewable) continue; frame1 = child.frame; if (!frame1.size.width || !frame1.size.height) continue; if (view.fParentView)//view can also be a content view. frame1.origin = [view convertPoint : frame1.origin toView : view.fParentView]; if (RectsOverlap(frame2, frame1)) { clipRect.fX1 = frame1.origin.x; clipRect.fX2 = clipRect.fX1 + frame1.size.width; clipRect.fY1 = frame1.origin.y; clipRect.fY2 = clipRect.fY1 + frame1.size.height; fRectsToClip.push_back(clipRect); } } if (fRectsToClip.size()) { //Now, if we have any rectanges to substruct them from our view's frame, //we are building a set of rectangles, which represents visible part of view. WidgetRect rect(frame2.origin.x, frame2.origin.y, frame2.origin.x + frame2.size.width, frame2.origin.y + frame2.size.height); BuildClipRegion(rect); if (view.fParentView) { //To able to use this set of rectangles with CGContextClipToRects, //convert them (if needed) into view's own coordinate system. rect_iterator recIt = fClippedRegion.begin(), eIt = fClippedRegion.end(); for (; recIt != eIt; ++recIt) { if (!recIt->size.width && !recIt->size.height) { //This is a special 'empty' rectangle, which means our view is completely hidden. assert(fClippedRegion.size() == 1 && "ClipOverlaps, internal logic error"); break; } recIt->origin = NSPointToCGPoint([view.fParentView convertPoint : NSPointFromCGPoint(recIt->origin) toView : view]); } } } } namespace { typedef std::vector::iterator int_iterator; //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ int_iterator BinarySearchLeft(int_iterator first, int_iterator last, int value) { if (first == last) return last; const int_iterator it = std::lower_bound(first, last, value); assert(it != last && (it == first || *it == value) && "internal logic error"); //If value < *first, return last (not found). return it == first && *it != value ? last : it; } //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ int_iterator BinarySearchRight(int_iterator first, int_iterator last, int value) { if (first == last) return last; const int_iterator it = std::lower_bound(first, last, value); assert((it == last || *it == value) && "internal logic error"); return it; } }//unnamed namespace. //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ void CommandBuffer::BuildClipRegion(const WidgetRect &rect) { //Input requirements: // 1) all rects are valid (non-empty and x1 < x2, y1 < y2); // 2) all rects intersect with widget's rect. //I do not check these conditions here, this is done when filling rectsToClip. //I did not find any reasonable algorithm (have to search better?), //code in gdk and pixman has to many dependencies and is lib-specific + //they require input to be quite special: // a) no overlaps (in my case I have overlaps) // b) sorted in a special way. //To convert my input into such a format //means to implement everything myself (for example, to work out overlaps). //Also, my case is more simple: gdk and pixman substract region (== set of rectangles) //from another region, I have to substract region from _one_ rectangle. //This is quite straightforward implementation - I'm calculation rectangles, which are part of //a widget's rect, not hidden by any of fRectsToClip. typedef std::vector::const_iterator rect_const_iterator; assert(fRectsToClip.size() != 0 && "BuildClipRegion, nothing to clip"); fClippedRegion.clear(); fXBounds.clear(); fYBounds.clear(); //[First, we "cut" the original rect into stripes. rect_const_iterator recIt = fRectsToClip.begin(), endIt = fRectsToClip.end(); for (; recIt != endIt; ++recIt) { if (recIt->fX1 <= rect.fX1 && recIt->fX2 >= rect.fX2 && recIt->fY1 <= rect.fY1 && recIt->fY2 >= rect.fY2) { //this rect completely overlaps our view, not need to calculate anything at all. fClippedRegion.push_back(CGRectMake(0., 0., 0., 0.)); return; } if (recIt->fX1 > rect.fX1)//recIt->x1 is always < rect.x2 (input validation). fXBounds.push_back(recIt->fX1); if (recIt->fX2 < rect.fX2)//recIt->x2 is always > rect.x1 (input validation). fXBounds.push_back(recIt->fX2); if (recIt->fY1 > rect.fY1) fYBounds.push_back(recIt->fY1); if (recIt->fY2 < rect.fY2) fYBounds.push_back(recIt->fY2); } std::sort(fXBounds.begin(), fXBounds.end()); std::sort(fYBounds.begin(), fYBounds.end()); //We do not need duplicates. const int_iterator xBoundsEnd = std::unique(fXBounds.begin(), fXBounds.end()); const int_iterator yBoundsEnd = std::unique(fYBounds.begin(), fYBounds.end()); //Rectangle is now "cut into pieces"]. const size_type nXBands = size_type(xBoundsEnd - fXBounds.begin()) + 1; const size_type nYBands = size_type(yBoundsEnd - fYBounds.begin()) + 1; fGrid.assign(nXBands * nYBands, false); //Mark the overlapped parts. recIt = fRectsToClip.begin(), endIt = fRectsToClip.end(); for (; recIt != endIt; ++recIt) { const int_iterator left = BinarySearchLeft(fXBounds.begin(), xBoundsEnd, recIt->fX1); const size_type firstXBand = left == xBoundsEnd ? 0 : left - fXBounds.begin() + 1; const int_iterator right = BinarySearchRight(fXBounds.begin(), xBoundsEnd, recIt->fX2); const size_type lastXBand = right - fXBounds.begin() + 1; const int_iterator bottom = BinarySearchLeft(fYBounds.begin(), yBoundsEnd, recIt->fY1); const size_type firstYBand = bottom == yBoundsEnd ? 0 : bottom - fYBounds.begin() + 1; const int_iterator top = BinarySearchRight(fYBounds.begin(), yBoundsEnd, recIt->fY2); const size_type lastYBand = top - fYBounds.begin() + 1; for (size_type i = firstYBand; i < lastYBand; ++i) { const size_type baseIndex = i * nXBands; for (size_type j = firstXBand; j < lastXBand; ++j) fGrid[baseIndex + j] = true; } } //I do not merge rectangles. //Search for non-overlapped parts and create rectangles for them. CGRect newRect = {}; for (size_type i = 0; i < nYBands; ++i) { const size_type baseIndex = i * nXBands; for (size_type j = 0; j < nXBands; ++j) { if (!fGrid[baseIndex + j]) { newRect.origin.x = j ? fXBounds[j - 1] : rect.fX1; newRect.origin.y = i ? fYBounds[i - 1] : rect.fY1; newRect.size.width = (j == nXBands - 1 ? rect.fX2 : fXBounds[j]) - newRect.origin.x; newRect.size.height = (i == nYBands - 1 ? rect.fY2 : fYBounds[i]) - newRect.origin.y; fClippedRegion.push_back(newRect); } } } if (!fClippedRegion.size())//Completely hidden fClippedRegion.push_back(CGRectMake(0., 0., 0., 0.)); } }//X11 }//MacOSX }//ROOT