// @(#)root/graf2d:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 2/03/2012 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2012, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ //#define NDEBUG #include #include #include #include #include "XLFDParser.h" #include "TError.h" // // I did not find any formal description of what XLFD name can be. // The first version of this code was quite strict - it expected all // components to be in place, digits must be digits. But after using // ROOT's GUI for some time, I noticed that ROOT can use font name like // *, "fixed", "-*-" or something like this. In this case I have to set // some "default" or "wildcard" names. // namespace ROOT { namespace MacOSX { namespace X11 { namespace { typedef std::string::size_type size_type; //______________________________________________________________________________ template void StringToInt(const std::string &str, const std::string &componentName, T &num) { for (size_type i = 0, e = str.length(); i < e; ++i) { const char symbol = str[i]; if (!std::isdigit(symbol)) throw std::runtime_error("bad symbol while converting component " + componentName + " into number"); } std::istringstream in(str); in>>num; } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(const std::string &name, const std::string & componentName, size_type pos, std::string &component) { const size_type length = name.length(); if (pos + 1 >= length) throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected end of name while parsing " + componentName); //Starting symbol must be '-'. if (name[pos] != '-') throw std::runtime_error("Component " + componentName + " must start from '-'"); const size_type start = ++pos; ++pos; while (pos < length && name[pos] != '-') ++pos; if (pos - start) component = name.substr(start, pos - start); else component = ""; return pos; } //______________________________________________________________________________ template size_type GetXLFDNameComponentAsInteger(const std::string &name, const std::string &componentName, size_type pos, T &component) { std::string num; pos = GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, componentName, pos, num); StringToInt(num, componentName, component); return pos; } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseFoundry(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &/*dst*/) { //Ignore foundry. std::string dummy; return GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "foundry", pos, dummy); } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseFamilyName(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &dst) { const size_type tokenEnd = GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "family name", pos, dst.fFamilyName); //This is a "special case": ROOT uses it's own symbol.ttf, but //I can not use it to render text in a GUI, and also I can not use //Apple's system symbol font - it can not encode all symbols ROOT wants. if (dst.fFamilyName == "symbol") dst.fFamilyName = "helvetica"; return tokenEnd; } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseWeight(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &dst) { //Weight can be an integer, can be a word, can be a combination of a word //and integer. std::string weight; pos = GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "weight", pos, weight); if (weight == "*") dst.fWeight = kFWAny; else if (weight == "bold") dst.fWeight = kFWBold; else dst.fWeight = kFWMedium; return pos; } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseSlant(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &dst) { //Slant can be regular or italic now. std::string slant; pos = GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "slant", pos, slant); //Can be 'r', 'R', 'i', 'I', 'o', 'O', '*'. if (slant == "*") dst.fSlant = kFSAny; else if (slant == "i" || slant == "I" || slant == "o" || slant == "O") dst.fSlant = kFSItalic; else dst.fSlant = kFSRegular; return pos; } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseSetwidth(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &/*dst*/) { //Setwidth is ignored now. std::string dummy; return GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "setwidth", pos, dummy); } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseAddstyle(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &/*dst*/) { //Ignored at the moment. std::string dummy; return GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "addstyle", pos, dummy); } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParsePixelSize(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &dst) { //First, try to parse as string. It can be '*' == 'any size'. //In the first version it was more strict - throwing and exception. std::string dummy; size_type endOfSize = GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "pixel size", pos, dummy); if (dummy == "*") { //Aha, ignore size. dst.fPixelSize = 0; return endOfSize; } const size_type pos1 = GetXLFDNameComponentAsInteger(name, "pixel size", pos, dst.fPixelSize); if (dst.fPixelSize < 12) dst.fPixelSize = 12; //Real size in pixel? return pos1;//GetXLFDNameComponentAsInteger(name, "pixel size", pos, dst.fPixelSize); } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParsePointSize(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &/*dst*/) { //Ignored at the moment. std::string dummy; return GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "point size", pos, dummy); } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseHoriz(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &/*dst*/) { //Ignored at the moment. std::string dummy; return GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "horizontal", pos, dummy); } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseVert(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &/*dst*/) { //Ignored at the moment. std::string dummy; return GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "vertical", pos, dummy); } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseSpacing(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &/*dst*/) { //Ignored at the moment. std::string dummy; return GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "spacing", pos, dummy); } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseAvgwidth(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &/*dst*/) { //Ignored at the moment. std::string dummy; return GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "average width", pos, dummy); } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseRgstry(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &dst) { return GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "language", pos, dst.fRgstry); } //______________________________________________________________________________ size_type ParseEncoding(const std::string &name, size_type pos, XLFDName &dst) { return GetXLFDNameComponentAsString(name, "encoding", pos, dst.fRgstry); } }//Anonymous namespace. //______________________________________________________________________________ XLFDName::XLFDName() : fWeight(kFWAny), fSlant(kFSAny), fPixelSize(0) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ bool ParseXLFDName(const std::string &xlfdName, XLFDName &dst) { const size_type nameLength = xlfdName.length(); assert(nameLength && "XLFD name is a string with a zero length"); if (!nameLength) { ::Warning("ROOT::MacOSX::X11::ParseXLFDName: ", "XLFD name is a string with a zero length"); return false; } try { if (xlfdName == "fixed" || xlfdName == "*") { //Is this correct XLFD name???? Who knows. Replace it. dst.fFamilyName = "LucidaGrande"; dst.fPixelSize = 12; } else { size_type pos = ParseFoundry(xlfdName, 0, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseFamilyName(xlfdName, pos, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseWeight(xlfdName, pos, dst); else dst.fWeight = kFWMedium; if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseSlant(xlfdName, pos, dst); else dst.fSlant = kFSRegular; if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseSetwidth(xlfdName, pos, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseAddstyle(xlfdName, pos, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParsePixelSize(xlfdName, pos, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParsePointSize(xlfdName, pos, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseHoriz(xlfdName, pos, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseVert(xlfdName, pos, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseSpacing(xlfdName, pos, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseAvgwidth(xlfdName, pos, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseRgstry(xlfdName, pos, dst); if (pos + 1 < nameLength) pos = ParseEncoding(xlfdName, pos, dst); } return true; } catch (const std::exception &e) { ::Error("ROOT::MacOSX::Quartz::ParseXLFDName", "Failed to parse XLFD name - %s", e.what()); return false; } } }//X11 }//MacOSX }//ROOT