// @(#)root/spectrum:$Id$ // Author: Miroslav Morhac 17/01/2006 /** \class TSpectrum2 \ingroup Spectrum \brief Advanced 2-dimensional spectra processing \author Miroslav Morhac This class contains advanced spectra processing functions. - One-dimensional background estimation functions - Two-dimensional background estimation functions - One-dimensional smoothing functions - Two-dimensional smoothing functions - One-dimensional deconvolution functions - Two-dimensional deconvolution functions - One-dimensional peak search functions - Two-dimensional peak search functions The algorithms in this class have been published in the following references: 1. M.Morhac et al.: Background elimination methods for multidimensional coincidence gamma-ray spectra. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 401 (1997) 113-132. 2. M.Morhac et al.: Efficient one- and two-dimensional Gold deconvolution and its application to gamma-ray spectra decomposition. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 401 (1997) 385-408. 3. M.Morhac et al.: Identification of peaks in multidimensional coincidence gamma-ray spectra. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Research Physics A 443(2000), 108-125. These NIM papers are also available as doc or ps files from: - [SpectrumDec.ps.gz](ftp://root.cern.ch/root/SpectrumDec.ps.gz) - [SpectrumSrc.ps.gz](ftp://root.cern.ch/root/SpectrumSrc.ps.gz) - [SpectrumBck.ps.gz](ftp://root.cern.ch/root/SpectrumBck.ps.gz) See also the [online documentation](https://root.cern.ch/guides/tspectrum-manual) and [tutorials](https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/group__tutorial__spectrum.html). All the figures in this page were prepared using the DaqProVis system, Data Acquisition, Processing and Visualization system, developed at the Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. */ #include "TSpectrum2.h" #include "TPolyMarker.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TMath.h" #define PEAK_WINDOW 1024 Int_t TSpectrum2::fgIterations = 3; Int_t TSpectrum2::fgAverageWindow = 3; ClassImp(TSpectrum2); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TSpectrum2::TSpectrum2() :TNamed("Spectrum", "Miroslav Morhac peak finder") { Int_t n = 100; fMaxPeaks = n; fPosition = new Double_t[n]; fPositionX = new Double_t[n]; fPositionY = new Double_t[n]; fResolution = 1; fHistogram = 0; fNPeaks = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// - maxpositions: maximum number of peaks /// - resolution: *NOT USED* determines resolution of the neighbouring peaks /// default value is 1 correspond to 3 sigma distance /// between peaks. Higher values allow higher resolution /// (smaller distance between peaks. /// May be set later through SetResolution. TSpectrum2::TSpectrum2(Int_t maxpositions, Double_t resolution) :TNamed("Spectrum", "Miroslav Morhac peak finder") { Int_t n = maxpositions; fMaxPeaks = n; fPosition = new Double_t[n]; fPositionX = new Double_t[n]; fPositionY = new Double_t[n]; fHistogram = 0; fNPeaks = 0; SetResolution(resolution); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TSpectrum2::~TSpectrum2() { delete [] fPosition; delete [] fPositionX; delete [] fPositionY; delete fHistogram; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// static function: Set average window of searched peaks /// see TSpectrum2::SearchHighRes void TSpectrum2::SetAverageWindow(Int_t w) { fgAverageWindow = w; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// static function: Set max number of decon iterations in deconvolution operation /// see TSpectrum2::SearchHighRes void TSpectrum2::SetDeconIterations(Int_t n) { fgIterations = n; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This function calculates the background spectrum in the input histogram h. /// The background is returned as a histogram. /// /// Function parameters: /// - h: input 2-d histogram /// - numberIterations, (default value = 20) /// Increasing numberIterations make the result smoother and lower. /// - option: may contain one of the following options /// - to set the direction parameter /// "BackIncreasingWindow". By default the direction is BackDecreasingWindow /// - filterOrder-order of clipping filter. Possible values: /// - "BackOrder2" (default) /// - "BackOrder4" /// - "BackOrder6" /// - "BackOrder8" /// - "nosmoothing"- if selected, the background is not smoothed /// By default the background is smoothed. /// - smoothWindow-width of smoothing window. Possible values: /// - "BackSmoothing3" (default) /// - "BackSmoothing5" /// - "BackSmoothing7" /// - "BackSmoothing9" /// - "BackSmoothing11" /// - "BackSmoothing13" /// - "BackSmoothing15" /// - "Compton" if selected the estimation of Compton edge /// will be included. /// - "same" : if this option is specified, the resulting background /// histogram is superimposed on the picture in the current pad. /// /// NOTE that the background is only evaluated in the current range of h. /// ie, if h has a bin range (set via h->GetXaxis()->SetRange(binmin,binmax), /// the returned histogram will be created with the same number of bins /// as the input histogram h, but only bins from binmin to binmax will be filled /// with the estimated background. TH1 *TSpectrum2::Background(const TH1 * h, Int_t number_of_iterations, Option_t * option) { Error("Background","function not yet implemented: h=%s, iter=%d, option=%sn" , h->GetName(), number_of_iterations, option); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print the array of positions. void TSpectrum2::Print(Option_t *) const { printf("\nNumber of positions = %d\n",fNPeaks); for (Int_t i=0;iGetListOfFunctions(); /// TPolyMarker *pm = (TPolyMarker*)functions->FindObject("TPolyMarker") /// ~~~ /// Specify the option "goff" to disable the storage and drawing of the /// polymarker. Int_t TSpectrum2::Search(const TH1 * hin, Double_t sigma, Option_t * option, Double_t threshold) { if (hin == 0) return 0; Int_t dimension = hin->GetDimension(); if (dimension != 2) { Error("Search", "Must be a 2-d histogram"); return 0; } TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); Bool_t background = kTRUE; if (opt.Contains("nobackground")) { background = kFALSE; opt.ReplaceAll("nobackground",""); } Bool_t markov = kTRUE; if (opt.Contains("nomarkov")) { markov = kFALSE; opt.ReplaceAll("nomarkov",""); } Int_t sizex = hin->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); Int_t sizey = hin->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); Int_t i, j, binx,biny, npeaks; Double_t ** source = new Double_t*[sizex]; Double_t ** dest = new Double_t*[sizex]; for (i = 0; i < sizex; i++) { source[i] = new Double_t[sizey]; dest[i] = new Double_t[sizey]; for (j = 0; j < sizey; j++) { source[i][j] = hin->GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1); } } //npeaks = SearchHighRes(source, dest, sizex, sizey, sigma, 100*threshold, kTRUE, 3, kTRUE, 10); //the smoothing option is used for 1-d but not for 2-d histograms npeaks = SearchHighRes(source, dest, sizex, sizey, sigma, 100*threshold, background, fgIterations, markov, fgAverageWindow); //The logic in the loop should be improved to use the fact //that fPositionX,Y give a precise position inside a bin. //The current algorithm takes the center of the bin only. for (i = 0; i < npeaks; i++) { binx = 1 + Int_t(fPositionX[i] + 0.5); biny = 1 + Int_t(fPositionY[i] + 0.5); fPositionX[i] = hin->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(binx); fPositionY[i] = hin->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(biny); } for (i = 0; i < sizex; i++) { delete [] source[i]; delete [] dest[i]; } delete [] source; delete [] dest; if (opt.Contains("goff")) return npeaks; if (!npeaks) return 0; TPolyMarker * pm = (TPolyMarker*)hin->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("TPolyMarker"); if (pm) { hin->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(pm); delete pm; } pm = new TPolyMarker(npeaks, fPositionX, fPositionY); hin->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(pm); pm->SetMarkerStyle(23); pm->SetMarkerColor(kRed); pm->SetMarkerSize(1.3); ((TH1*)hin)->Draw(option); return npeaks; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// *NOT USED* /// resolution: determines resolution of the neighboring peaks /// default value is 1 correspond to 3 sigma distance /// between peaks. Higher values allow higher resolution /// (smaller distance between peaks. /// May be set later through SetResolution. void TSpectrum2::SetResolution(Double_t resolution) { if (resolution > 1) fResolution = resolution; else fResolution = 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This function calculates background spectrum from source spectrum. /// The result is placed to the array pointed by spectrum pointer. /// /// Function parameters: /// - spectrum-pointer to the array of source spectrum /// - ssizex-x length of spectrum /// - ssizey-y length of spectrum /// - numberIterationsX-maximal x width of clipping window /// - numberIterationsY-maximal y width of clipping window /// for details we refer to manual /// - direction- direction of change of clipping window /// - possible values=kBackIncreasingWindow /// kBackDecreasingWindow /// - filterType-determines the algorithm of the filtering /// - possible values=kBackSuccessiveFiltering /// kBackOneStepFiltering /// /// ### Background estimation /// /// Goal: Separation of useful information (peaks) from useless information (background) /// /// - method is based on Sensitive Nonlinear Iterative Peak (SNIP) clipping algorithm [1] /// /// - there exist two algorithms for the estimation of new value in the channel \f$ i_1,i_2\f$ /// /// Algorithm based on Successive Comparisons: /// /// It is an extension of one-dimensional SNIP algorithm to another dimension. For /// details we refer to [2]. /// /// Algorithm based on One Step Filtering: /// /// New value in the estimated channel is calculated as: /// \f[ a = \nu_{p-1}(i_1,i_2)\f] /// \f[ /// b = \frac{\nu_{p-1}(i_1-p,i_2-p) - 2\nu_{p-1}(i_1-p,i_2) + \nu_{p-1}(i_1-p,i_2+p) - 2\nu_{p-1}(i_1,i_2-p)}{4} + /// \f] /// \f[ /// \frac{-2\nu_{p-1}(i_1,i_2+p) + \nu_{p-1}(i_1+p,i_2-p) - 2\nu_{p-1}(i_1+p,i_2) + \nu_{p-1}(i_1+p,i_2+p)}{4} /// \f] /// \f[ \nu_{p-1}(i_1,i_2) = min(a,b)\f] /// where p = 1, 2, ..., number_of_iterations. /// /// #### References: /// /// [1] C. G Ryan et al.: SNIP, a statistics-sensitive background treatment for the /// quantitative analysis of PIXE spectra in geoscience applications. NIM, B34 (1988), 396-402. /// /// [2] M. Morhac;, J. Kliman, V. /// Matouoek, M. Veselsky, I. Turzo.: /// Background elimination methods for multidimensional gamma-ray spectra. NIM, /// A401 (1997) 113-132. /// /// ### Example 1 - Background_gamma64.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Background_gamma64.C /// End_Macro /// /// ### Example 2- Background_gamma256.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Background_gamma256.C /// End_Macro /// /// ### Example 3- Background_synt256.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Background_synt256.C /// End_Macro const char *TSpectrum2::Background(Double_t **spectrum, Int_t ssizex, Int_t ssizey, Int_t numberIterationsX, Int_t numberIterationsY, Int_t direction, Int_t filterType) { Int_t i, x, y, sampling, r1, r2; Double_t a, b, p1, p2, p3, p4, s1, s2, s3, s4; if (ssizex <= 0 || ssizey <= 0) return "Wrong parameters"; if (numberIterationsX < 1 || numberIterationsY < 1) return "Width of Clipping Window Must Be Positive"; if (ssizex < 2 * numberIterationsX + 1 || ssizey < 2 * numberIterationsY + 1) return ("Too Large Clipping Window"); Double_t **working_space = new Double_t*[ssizex]; for (i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) working_space[i] = new Double_t[ssizey]; sampling = (Int_t) TMath::Max(numberIterationsX, numberIterationsY); if (direction == kBackIncreasingWindow) { if (filterType == kBackSuccessiveFiltering) { for (i = 1; i <= sampling; i++) { r1 = (Int_t) TMath::Min(i, numberIterationsX), r2 = (Int_t) TMath::Min(i, numberIterationsY); for (y = r2; y < ssizey - r2; y++) { for (x = r1; x < ssizex - r1; x++) { a = spectrum[x][y]; p1 = spectrum[x - r1][y - r2]; p2 = spectrum[x - r1][y + r2]; p3 = spectrum[x + r1][y - r2]; p4 = spectrum[x + r1][y + r2]; s1 = spectrum[x][y - r2]; s2 = spectrum[x - r1][y]; s3 = spectrum[x + r1][y]; s4 = spectrum[x][y + r2]; b = (p1 + p2) / 2.0; if (b > s2) s2 = b; b = (p1 + p3) / 2.0; if (b > s1) s1 = b; b = (p2 + p4) / 2.0; if (b > s4) s4 = b; b = (p3 + p4) / 2.0; if (b > s3) s3 = b; s1 = s1 - (p1 + p3) / 2.0; s2 = s2 - (p1 + p2) / 2.0; s3 = s3 - (p3 + p4) / 2.0; s4 = s4 - (p2 + p4) / 2.0; b = (s1 + s4) / 2.0 + (s2 + s3) / 2.0 + (p1 + p2 + p3 + p4) / 4.0; if (b < a && b > 0) a = b; working_space[x][y] = a; } } for (y = r2; y < ssizey - r2; y++) { for (x = r1; x < ssizex - r1; x++) { spectrum[x][y] = working_space[x][y]; } } } } else if (filterType == kBackOneStepFiltering) { for (i = 1; i <= sampling; i++) { r1 = (Int_t) TMath::Min(i, numberIterationsX), r2 = (Int_t) TMath::Min(i, numberIterationsY); for (y = r2; y < ssizey - r2; y++) { for (x = r1; x < ssizex - r1; x++) { a = spectrum[x][y]; b = -(spectrum[x - r1][y - r2] + spectrum[x - r1][y + r2] + spectrum[x + r1][y - r2] + spectrum[x + r1][y + r2]) / 4 + (spectrum[x][y - r2] + spectrum[x - r1][y] + spectrum[x + r1][y] + spectrum[x][y + r2]) / 2; if (b < a && b > 0) a = b; working_space[x][y] = a; } } for (y = i; y < ssizey - i; y++) { for (x = i; x < ssizex - i; x++) { spectrum[x][y] = working_space[x][y]; } } } } } else if (direction == kBackDecreasingWindow) { if (filterType == kBackSuccessiveFiltering) { for (i = sampling; i >= 1; i--) { r1 = (Int_t) TMath::Min(i, numberIterationsX), r2 = (Int_t) TMath::Min(i, numberIterationsY); for (y = r2; y < ssizey - r2; y++) { for (x = r1; x < ssizex - r1; x++) { a = spectrum[x][y]; p1 = spectrum[x - r1][y - r2]; p2 = spectrum[x - r1][y + r2]; p3 = spectrum[x + r1][y - r2]; p4 = spectrum[x + r1][y + r2]; s1 = spectrum[x][y - r2]; s2 = spectrum[x - r1][y]; s3 = spectrum[x + r1][y]; s4 = spectrum[x][y + r2]; b = (p1 + p2) / 2.0; if (b > s2) s2 = b; b = (p1 + p3) / 2.0; if (b > s1) s1 = b; b = (p2 + p4) / 2.0; if (b > s4) s4 = b; b = (p3 + p4) / 2.0; if (b > s3) s3 = b; s1 = s1 - (p1 + p3) / 2.0; s2 = s2 - (p1 + p2) / 2.0; s3 = s3 - (p3 + p4) / 2.0; s4 = s4 - (p2 + p4) / 2.0; b = (s1 + s4) / 2.0 + (s2 + s3) / 2.0 + (p1 + p2 + p3 + p4) / 4.0; if (b < a && b > 0) a = b; working_space[x][y] = a; } } for (y = r2; y < ssizey - r2; y++) { for (x = r1; x < ssizex - r1; x++) { spectrum[x][y] = working_space[x][y]; } } } } else if (filterType == kBackOneStepFiltering) { for (i = sampling; i >= 1; i--) { r1 = (Int_t) TMath::Min(i, numberIterationsX), r2 = (Int_t) TMath::Min(i, numberIterationsY); for (y = r2; y < ssizey - r2; y++) { for (x = r1; x < ssizex - r1; x++) { a = spectrum[x][y]; b = -(spectrum[x - r1][y - r2] + spectrum[x - r1][y + r2] + spectrum[x + r1][y - r2] + spectrum[x + r1][y + r2]) / 4 + (spectrum[x][y - r2] + spectrum[x - r1][y] + spectrum[x + r1][y] + spectrum[x][y + r2]) / 2; if (b < a && b > 0) a = b; working_space[x][y] = a; } } for (y = i; y < ssizey - i; y++) { for (x = i; x < ssizex - i; x++) { spectrum[x][y] = working_space[x][y]; } } } } } for (i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) delete[]working_space[i]; delete[]working_space; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This function calculates smoothed spectrum from source spectrum /// based on Markov chain method. /// The result is placed in the array pointed by source pointer. /// /// Function parameters: /// - source-pointer to the array of source spectrum /// - ssizex-x length of source /// - ssizey-y length of source /// - averWindow-width of averaging smoothing window /// /// ### Smoothing /// /// Goal: Suppression of statistical fluctuations the algorithm is based on discrete /// Markov chain, which has very simple invariant distribution /// \f[ /// U_2 = \frac{p_{1.2}}{p_{2,1}}U_1, U_3 = \frac{p_{2,3}}{p_{3,2}}U_2 U_1, ... , U_n = \frac{p_{n-1,n}}{p_{n,n-1}}U_{n-1} ... U_2 U_1 /// \f] /// \f$U_1\f$ being defined from the normalization condition \f$ \sum_{i=1}^{n} U_i = 1\f$ /// n is the length of the smoothed spectrum and /// \f[ /// p_{i,i\pm1} = A_i \sum_{k=1}^{m} exp\left[\frac{y(i\pm k)-y(i)}{y(i\pm k)+y(i)}\right] /// \f] /// is the probability of the change of the peak position from channel i to the channel i+1. /// \f$A_i\f$ is the normalization constant so that\f$ p_{i,i-1}+p_{i,i+1}=1\f$ and m is a width /// of smoothing window. We have extended this algorithm to two dimensions. /// /// #### Reference: /// /// [1] Z.K. Silagadze, A new algorithm for automatic photopeak searches. NIM A 376 (1996), 451. /// /// ### Example 4 - Smooth.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Smooth.C /// End_Macro const char* TSpectrum2::SmoothMarkov(Double_t **source, Int_t ssizex, Int_t ssizey, Int_t averWindow) { Int_t xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, i, j, l; Double_t a, b, maxch; Double_t nom, nip, nim, sp, sm, spx, spy, smx, smy, plocha = 0; if(averWindow <= 0) return "Averaging Window must be positive"; Double_t **working_space = new Double_t*[ssizex]; for(i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) working_space[i] = new Double_t[ssizey]; xmin = 0; xmax = ssizex - 1; ymin = 0; ymax = ssizey - 1; for(i = 0, maxch = 0; i < ssizex; i++){ for(j = 0; j < ssizey; j++){ working_space[i][j] = 0; if(maxch < source[i][j]) maxch = source[i][j]; plocha += source[i][j]; } } if(maxch == 0) { for (i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) delete[]working_space[i]; delete [] working_space; return 0; } nom = 0; working_space[xmin][ymin] = 1; for(i = xmin; i < xmax; i++){ nip = source[i][ymin] / maxch; nim = source[i + 1][ymin] / maxch; sp = 0,sm = 0; for(l = 1; l <= averWindow; l++){ if((i + l) > xmax) a = source[xmax][ymin] / maxch; else a = source[i + l][ymin] / maxch; b = a - nip; if(a + nip <= 0) a = 1; else a = TMath::Sqrt(a + nip); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); sp = sp + b; if(i - l + 1 < xmin) a = source[xmin][ymin] / maxch; else a = source[i - l + 1][ymin] / maxch; b = a - nim; if(a + nim <= 0) a = 1; else a = TMath::Sqrt(a + nim); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); sm = sm + b; } a = sp / sm; a = working_space[i + 1][ymin] = a * working_space[i][ymin]; nom = nom + a; } for(i = ymin; i < ymax; i++){ nip = source[xmin][i] / maxch; nim = source[xmin][i + 1] / maxch; sp = 0,sm = 0; for(l = 1; l <= averWindow; l++){ if((i + l) > ymax) a = source[xmin][ymax] / maxch; else a = source[xmin][i + l] / maxch; b = a - nip; if(a + nip <= 0) a = 1; else a = TMath::Sqrt(a + nip); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); sp = sp + b; if(i - l + 1 < ymin) a = source[xmin][ymin] / maxch; else a = source[xmin][i - l + 1] / maxch; b = a - nim; if(a + nim <= 0) a = 1; else a = TMath::Sqrt(a + nim); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); sm = sm + b; } a = sp / sm; a = working_space[xmin][i + 1] = a * working_space[xmin][i]; nom = nom + a; } for(i = xmin; i < xmax; i++){ for(j = ymin; j < ymax; j++){ nip = source[i][j + 1] / maxch; nim = source[i + 1][j + 1] / maxch; spx = 0,smx = 0; for(l = 1; l <= averWindow; l++){ if(i + l > xmax) a = source[xmax][j] / maxch; else a = source[i + l][j] / maxch; b = a - nip; if(a + nip <= 0) a = 1; else a = TMath::Sqrt(a + nip); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); spx = spx + b; if(i - l + 1 < xmin) a = source[xmin][j] / maxch; else a = source[i - l + 1][j] / maxch; b = a - nim; if(a + nim <= 0) a = 1; else a = TMath::Sqrt(a + nim); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); smx = smx + b; } spy = 0,smy = 0; nip = source[i + 1][j] / maxch; nim = source[i + 1][j + 1] / maxch; for (l = 1; l <= averWindow; l++) { if (j + l > ymax) a = source[i][ymax]/maxch; else a = source[i][j + l] / maxch; b = a - nip; if (a + nip <= 0) a = 1; else a = TMath::Sqrt(a + nip); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); spy = spy + b; if (j - l + 1 < ymin) a = source[i][ymin] / maxch; else a = source[i][j - l + 1] / maxch; b = a - nim; if (a + nim <= 0) a = 1; else a = TMath::Sqrt(a + nim); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); smy = smy + b; } a = (spx * working_space[i][j + 1] + spy * working_space[i + 1][j]) / (smx +smy); working_space[i + 1][j + 1] = a; nom = nom + a; } } for(i = xmin; i <= xmax; i++){ for(j = ymin; j <= ymax; j++){ working_space[i][j] = working_space[i][j] / nom; } } for(i = 0;i < ssizex; i++){ for(j = 0; j < ssizey; j++){ source[i][j] = plocha * working_space[i][j]; } } for (i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) delete[]working_space[i]; delete[]working_space; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This function calculates deconvolution from source spectrum /// according to response spectrum /// The result is placed in the matrix pointed by source pointer. /// /// Function parameters: /// - source-pointer to the matrix of source spectrum /// - resp-pointer to the matrix of response spectrum /// - ssizex-x length of source and response spectra /// - ssizey-y length of source and response spectra /// - numberIterations, for details we refer to manual /// - numberRepetitions, for details we refer to manual /// - boost, boosting factor, for details we refer to manual /// /// ### Deconvolution /// /// Goal: Improvement of the resolution in spectra, decomposition of multiplets /// /// Mathematical formulation of the 2-dimensional convolution system is /// ///\f[ /// y(i_1,i_2) = \sum_{k_1=0}^{N_1-1} \sum_{k_2=0}^{N_2-1} h(i_1-k_1,i_2-k_2)x(k_1,k_2) ///\f] ///\f[ /// i_1 = 0,1,2, ... ,N_1-1, i_2 = 0,1,2, ... ,N_2-1 ///\f] /// /// where h(i,j) is the impulse response function, x, y are input and output /// matrices, respectively, \f$ N_1, N_2\f$ are the lengths of x and h matrices /// /// - let us assume that we know the response and the output matrices (spectra) of the above given system. /// - the deconvolution represents solution of the overdetermined system of linear equations, i.e., the /// calculation of the matrix x. /// - from numerical stability point of view the operation of deconvolution is /// extremely critical (ill-posed problem) as well as time consuming operation. /// - the Gold deconvolution algorithm proves to work very well even for 2-dimensional /// systems. Generalisation of the algorithm for 2-dimensional systems was presented in [1], [2]. /// - for Gold deconvolution algorithm as well as for boosted deconvolution algorithm we refer also to TSpectrum /// /// #### References: /// /// [1] M. Morhac;, J. Kliman, V. Matouoek, M. Veselsky, I. Turzo.: /// Efficient one- and two-dimensional Gold deconvolution and its application to /// gamma-ray spectra decomposition. NIM, A401 (1997) 385-408. /// /// [2] Morhac; M., Matouoek V., Kliman J., Efficient algorithm of multidimensional /// deconvolution and its application to nuclear data processing, Digital Signal /// Processing 13 (2003) 144. /// /// ### Example 5 - Deconvolution2_1.c /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Deconvolution2_1.C /// End_Macro /// /// ### Example 6 - Deconvolution2_2.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Deconvolution2_2.C /// End_Macro /// /// ### Example 7 - Deconvolution2_HR.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Deconvolution2_HR.C /// End_Macro const char *TSpectrum2::Deconvolution(Double_t **source, Double_t **resp, Int_t ssizex, Int_t ssizey, Int_t numberIterations, Int_t numberRepetitions, Double_t boost) { Int_t i, j, lhx, lhy, i1, i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, lindex, i1min, i1max, i2min, i2max, j1min, j1max, j2min, j2max, positx = 0, posity = 0, repet; Double_t lda, ldb, ldc, area, maximum = 0; if (ssizex <= 0 || ssizey <= 0) return "Wrong parameters"; if (numberIterations <= 0) return "Number of iterations must be positive"; if (numberRepetitions <= 0) return "Number of repetitions must be positive"; Double_t **working_space = new Double_t *[ssizex]; for (i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) working_space[i] = new Double_t[5 * ssizey]; area = 0; lhx = -1, lhy = -1; for (i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ssizey; j++) { lda = resp[i][j]; if (lda != 0) { if ((i + 1) > lhx) lhx = i + 1; if ((j + 1) > lhy) lhy = j + 1; } working_space[i][j] = lda; area = area + lda; if (lda > maximum) { maximum = lda; positx = i, posity = j; } } } if (lhx == -1 || lhy == -1) { for (i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) delete[]working_space[i]; delete [] working_space; return ("Zero response data"); } //calculate ht*y and write into p for (i2 = 0; i2 < ssizey; i2++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < ssizex; i1++) { ldc = 0; for (j2 = 0; j2 <= (lhy - 1); j2++) { for (j1 = 0; j1 <= (lhx - 1); j1++) { k2 = i2 + j2, k1 = i1 + j1; if (k2 >= 0 && k2 < ssizey && k1 >= 0 && k1 < ssizex) { lda = working_space[j1][j2]; ldb = source[k1][k2]; ldc = ldc + lda * ldb; } } } working_space[i1][i2 + ssizey] = ldc; } } //calculate matrix b=ht*h i1min = -(lhx - 1), i1max = lhx - 1; i2min = -(lhy - 1), i2max = lhy - 1; for (i2 = i2min; i2 <= i2max; i2++) { for (i1 = i1min; i1 <= i1max; i1++) { ldc = 0; j2min = -i2; if (j2min < 0) j2min = 0; j2max = lhy - 1 - i2; if (j2max > lhy - 1) j2max = lhy - 1; for (j2 = j2min; j2 <= j2max; j2++) { j1min = -i1; if (j1min < 0) j1min = 0; j1max = lhx - 1 - i1; if (j1max > lhx - 1) j1max = lhx - 1; for (j1 = j1min; j1 <= j1max; j1++) { lda = working_space[j1][j2]; if (i1 + j1 < ssizex && i2 + j2 < ssizey) ldb = working_space[i1 + j1][i2 + j2]; else ldb = 0; ldc = ldc + lda * ldb; } } working_space[i1 - i1min][i2 - i2min + 2 * ssizey ] = ldc; } } //initialization in x1 matrix for (i2 = 0; i2 < ssizey; i2++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < ssizex; i1++) { working_space[i1][i2 + 3 * ssizey] = 1; working_space[i1][i2 + 4 * ssizey] = 0; } } //START OF ITERATIONS for (repet = 0; repet < numberRepetitions; repet++) { if (repet != 0) { for (i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ssizey; j++) { working_space[i][j + 3 * ssizey] = TMath::Power(working_space[i][j + 3 * ssizey], boost); } } } for (lindex = 0; lindex < numberIterations; lindex++) { for (i2 = 0; i2 < ssizey; i2++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < ssizex; i1++) { ldb = 0; j2min = i2; if (j2min > lhy - 1) j2min = lhy - 1; j2min = -j2min; j2max = ssizey - i2 - 1; if (j2max > lhy - 1) j2max = lhy - 1; j1min = i1; if (j1min > lhx - 1) j1min = lhx - 1; j1min = -j1min; j1max = ssizex - i1 - 1; if (j1max > lhx - 1) j1max = lhx - 1; for (j2 = j2min; j2 <= j2max; j2++) { for (j1 = j1min; j1 <= j1max; j1++) { ldc = working_space[j1 - i1min][j2 - i2min + 2 * ssizey]; lda = working_space[i1 + j1][i2 + j2 + 3 * ssizey]; ldb = ldb + lda * ldc; } } lda = working_space[i1][i2 + 3 * ssizey]; ldc = working_space[i1][i2 + 1 * ssizey]; if (ldc * lda != 0 && ldb != 0) { lda = lda * ldc / ldb; } else lda = 0; working_space[i1][i2 + 4 * ssizey] = lda; } } for (i2 = 0; i2 < ssizey; i2++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < ssizex; i1++) working_space[i1][i2 + 3 * ssizey] = working_space[i1][i2 + 4 * ssizey]; } } } for (i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ssizey; j++) source[(i + positx) % ssizex][(j + posity) % ssizey] = area * working_space[i][j + 3 * ssizey]; } for (i = 0; i < ssizex; i++) delete[]working_space[i]; delete[]working_space; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This function searches for peaks in source spectrum /// It is based on deconvolution method. First the background is /// removed (if desired), then Markov spectrum is calculated /// (if desired), then the response function is generated /// according to given sigma and deconvolution is carried out. /// /// Function parameters: /// - source-pointer to the matrix of source spectrum /// - dest-pointer to the matrix of resulting deconvolved spectrum /// - ssizex-x length of source spectrum /// - ssizey-y length of source spectrum /// - sigma-sigma of searched peaks, for details we refer to manual /// - threshold-threshold value in % for selected peaks, peaks with /// amplitude less than threshold*highest_peak/100 /// are ignored, see manual /// - backgroundRemove-logical variable, set if the removal of /// background before deconvolution is desired /// - deconIterations-number of iterations in deconvolution operation /// - markov-logical variable, if it is true, first the source spectrum /// is replaced by new spectrum calculated using Markov /// chains method. /// - averWindow-averaging window of searched peaks, for details /// we refer to manual (applies only for Markov method) /// /// ### Peaks searching /// /// Goal: to identify automatically the peaks in spectrum with the presence of the /// continuous background, one-fold coincidences (ridges) and statistical /// fluctuations - noise. /// /// The common problems connected with correct peak identification in two-dimensional coincidence spectra are /// /// - non-sensitivity to noise, i.e., only statistically relevant peaks should be identified /// - non-sensitivity of the algorithm to continuous background /// - non-sensitivity to one-fold coincidences (coincidences peak - background in both dimensions) and their crossings /// - ability to identify peaks close to the edges of the spectrum region. Usually peak finders fail to detect them /// - resolution, decomposition of doublets and multiplets. The algorithm should be able to recognise close positioned peaks. /// - ability to identify peaks with different sigma /// /// #### References: /// /// [1] M.A. Mariscotti: A method for identification of peaks in the presence of /// background and its application to spectrum analysis. NIM 50 (1967), 309-320. /// /// [2] M. Morhac;, J. Kliman, V. Matouoek, M. Veselsky, I. Turzo.:Identification /// of peaks in multidimensional coincidence gamma-ray spectra. NIM, A443 (2000) /// 108-125. /// /// [3] Z.K. Silagadze, A new algorithm for automatic photopeak searches. NIM A 376 /// (1996), 451. /// /// ### Examples of peak searching method /// /// SearchHighRes function provides users with the possibility /// to vary the input parameters and with the access to the output deconvolved data /// in the destination spectrum. Based on the output data one can tune the /// parameters. /// /// ### Example 8 - Src.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Src.C /// End_Macro /// /// ### Example 9 - Src2.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Src2.C /// End_Macro /// /// ### Example 10 - Src3.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Src3.C /// End_Macro /// /// ### Example 11 - Src4.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Src4.C /// End_Macro /// /// ### Example 12 - Src5.C /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// ../../../tutorials/spectrum/Src5.C /// End_Macro Int_t TSpectrum2::SearchHighRes(Double_t **source, Double_t **dest, Int_t ssizex, Int_t ssizey, Double_t sigma, Double_t threshold, Bool_t backgroundRemove,Int_t deconIterations, Bool_t markov, Int_t averWindow) { Int_t number_of_iterations = (Int_t)(4 * sigma + 0.5); Int_t k, lindex, priz; Double_t lda, ldb, ldc, area, maximum; Int_t xmin, xmax, l, peak_index = 0, ssizex_ext = ssizex + 4 * number_of_iterations, ssizey_ext = ssizey + 4 * number_of_iterations, shift = 2 * number_of_iterations; Int_t ymin, ymax, i, j; Double_t a, b, ax, ay, maxch, plocha = 0; Double_t nom, nip, nim, sp, sm, spx, spy, smx, smy; Double_t p1, p2, p3, p4, s1, s2, s3, s4; Int_t x, y; Int_t lhx, lhy, i1, i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, i1min, i1max, i2min, i2max, j1min, j1max, j2min, j2max, positx, posity; if (sigma < 1) { Error("SearchHighRes", "Invalid sigma, must be greater than or equal to 1"); return 0; } if(threshold<=0||threshold>=100){ Error("SearchHighRes", "Invalid threshold, must be positive and less than 100"); return 0; } j = (Int_t) (5.0 * sigma + 0.5); if (j >= PEAK_WINDOW / 2) { Error("SearchHighRes", "Too large sigma"); return 0; } if (markov == true) { if (averWindow <= 0) { Error("SearchHighRes", "Averaging window must be positive"); return 0; } } if(backgroundRemove == true){ if(ssizex_ext < 2 * number_of_iterations + 1 || ssizey_ext < 2 * number_of_iterations + 1){ Error("SearchHighRes", "Too large clipping window"); return 0; } } i = (Int_t)(4 * sigma + 0.5); i = 4 * i; Double_t **working_space = new Double_t *[ssizex + i]; for (j = 0; j < ssizex + i; j++) { Double_t *wsk = working_space[j] = new Double_t[16 * (ssizey + i)]; for (k=0;k<16 * (ssizey + i);k++) wsk[k] = 0; } for(j = 0; j < ssizey_ext; j++){ for(i = 0; i < ssizex_ext; i++){ if(i < shift){ if(j < shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[0][0]; else if(j >= ssizey + shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[0][ssizey - 1]; else working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[0][j - shift]; } else if(i >= ssizex + shift){ if(j < shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[ssizex - 1][0]; else if(j >= ssizey + shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[ssizex - 1][ssizey - 1]; else working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[ssizex - 1][j - shift]; } else{ if(j < shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[i - shift][0]; else if(j >= ssizey + shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[i - shift][ssizey - 1]; else working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[i - shift][j - shift]; } } } if(backgroundRemove == true){ for(i = 1; i <= number_of_iterations; i++){ for(y = i; y < ssizey_ext - i; y++){ for(x = i; x < ssizex_ext - i; x++){ a = working_space[x][y + ssizey_ext]; p1 = working_space[x - i][y + ssizey_ext - i]; p2 = working_space[x - i][y + ssizey_ext + i]; p3 = working_space[x + i][y + ssizey_ext - i]; p4 = working_space[x + i][y + ssizey_ext + i]; s1 = working_space[x][y + ssizey_ext - i]; s2 = working_space[x - i][y + ssizey_ext]; s3 = working_space[x + i][y + ssizey_ext]; s4 = working_space[x][y + ssizey_ext + i]; b = (p1 + p2) / 2.0; if(b > s2) s2 = b; b = (p1 + p3) / 2.0; if(b > s1) s1 = b; b = (p2 + p4) / 2.0; if(b > s4) s4 = b; b = (p3 + p4) / 2.0; if(b > s3) s3 = b; s1 = s1 - (p1 + p3) / 2.0; s2 = s2 - (p1 + p2) / 2.0; s3 = s3 - (p3 + p4) / 2.0; s4 = s4 - (p2 + p4) / 2.0; b = (s1 + s4) / 2.0 + (s2 + s3) / 2.0 + (p1 + p2 + p3 + p4) / 4.0; if(b < a) a = b; working_space[x][y] = a; } } for(y = i;y < ssizey_ext - i; y++){ for(x = i; x < ssizex_ext - i; x++){ working_space[x][y + ssizey_ext] = working_space[x][y]; } } } for(j = 0;j < ssizey_ext; j++){ for(i = 0; i < ssizex_ext; i++){ if(i < shift){ if(j < shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[0][0] - working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; else if(j >= ssizey + shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[0][ssizey - 1] - working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; else working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[0][j - shift] - working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; } else if(i >= ssizex + shift){ if(j < shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[ssizex - 1][0] - working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; else if(j >= ssizey + shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[ssizex - 1][ssizey - 1] - working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; else working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[ssizex - 1][j - shift] - working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; } else{ if(j < shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[i - shift][0] - working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; else if(j >= ssizey + shift) working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[i - shift][ssizey - 1] - working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; else working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = source[i - shift][j - shift] - working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; } } } } for(j = 0; j < ssizey_ext; j++){ for(i = 0; i < ssizex_ext; i++){ working_space[i][j + 15*ssizey_ext] = working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; } } if(markov == true){ for(i = 0;i < ssizex_ext; i++){ for(j = 0; j < ssizey_ext; j++) working_space[i][j + 2 * ssizex_ext] = working_space[i][ssizey_ext + j]; } xmin = 0; xmax = ssizex_ext - 1; ymin = 0; ymax = ssizey_ext - 1; for(i = 0, maxch = 0; i < ssizex_ext; i++){ for(j = 0; j < ssizey_ext; j++){ working_space[i][j] = 0; if(maxch < working_space[i][j + 2 * ssizey_ext]) maxch = working_space[i][j + 2 * ssizey_ext]; plocha += working_space[i][j + 2 * ssizey_ext]; } } if(maxch == 0) { i = (Int_t)(4 * sigma + 0.5); i = 4 * i; for (j = 0; j < ssizex + i; j++) delete[]working_space[j]; delete [] working_space; return 0; } nom=0; working_space[xmin][ymin] = 1; for(i = xmin; i < xmax; i++){ nip = working_space[i][ymin + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; nim = working_space[i + 1][ymin + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; sp = 0,sm = 0; for(l = 1;l <= averWindow; l++){ if((i + l) > xmax) a = working_space[xmax][ymin + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; else a = working_space[i + l][ymin + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; b = a - nip; if(a + nip <= 0) a = 1; else a=TMath::Sqrt(a + nip); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); sp = sp + b; if(i - l + 1 < xmin) a = working_space[xmin][ymin + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; else a = working_space[i - l + 1][ymin + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; b = a - nim; if(a + nim <= 0) a = 1; else a=TMath::Sqrt(a + nim); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); sm = sm + b; } a = sp / sm; a = working_space[i + 1][ymin] = a * working_space[i][ymin]; nom = nom + a; } for(i = ymin; i < ymax; i++){ nip = working_space[xmin][i + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; nim = working_space[xmin][i + 1 + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; sp = 0,sm = 0; for(l = 1; l <= averWindow; l++){ if((i + l) > ymax) a = working_space[xmin][ymax + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; else a = working_space[xmin][i + l + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; b = a - nip; if(a + nip <= 0) a=1; else a=TMath::Sqrt(a + nip); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); sp = sp + b; if(i - l + 1 < ymin) a = working_space[xmin][ymin + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; else a = working_space[xmin][i - l + 1 + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; b = a - nim; if(a + nim <= 0) a = 1; else a=TMath::Sqrt(a + nim); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); sm = sm + b; } a = sp / sm; a = working_space[xmin][i + 1] = a * working_space[xmin][i]; nom = nom + a; } for(i = xmin; i < xmax; i++){ for(j = ymin; j < ymax; j++){ nip = working_space[i][j + 1 + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; nim = working_space[i + 1][j + 1 + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; spx = 0,smx = 0; for(l = 1; l <= averWindow; l++){ if(i + l > xmax) a = working_space[xmax][j + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; else a = working_space[i + l][j + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; b = a - nip; if(a + nip <= 0) a = 1; else a=TMath::Sqrt(a + nip); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); spx = spx + b; if(i - l + 1 < xmin) a = working_space[xmin][j + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; else a = working_space[i - l + 1][j + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; b = a - nim; if(a + nim <= 0) a=1; else a=TMath::Sqrt(a + nim); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); smx = smx + b; } spy = 0,smy = 0; nip = working_space[i + 1][j + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; nim = working_space[i + 1][j + 1 + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; for(l = 1; l <= averWindow; l++){ if(j + l > ymax) a = working_space[i][ymax + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; else a = working_space[i][j + l + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; b = a - nip; if(a + nip <= 0) a = 1; else a=TMath::Sqrt(a + nip); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); spy = spy + b; if(j - l + 1 < ymin) a = working_space[i][ymin + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; else a = working_space[i][j - l + 1 + 2 * ssizey_ext] / maxch; b=a-nim; if(a + nim <= 0) a = 1; else a=TMath::Sqrt(a + nim); b = b / a; b = TMath::Exp(b); smy = smy + b; } a = (spx * working_space[i][j + 1] + spy * working_space[i + 1][j]) / (smx + smy); working_space[i + 1][j + 1] = a; nom = nom + a; } } for(i = xmin; i <= xmax; i++){ for(j = ymin; j <= ymax; j++){ working_space[i][j] = working_space[i][j] / nom; } } for(i = 0; i < ssizex_ext; i++){ for(j = 0; j < ssizey_ext; j++){ working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext] = working_space[i][j] * plocha; working_space[i][2 * ssizey_ext + j] = working_space[i][ssizey_ext + j]; } } } //deconvolution starts area = 0; lhx = -1,lhy = -1; positx = 0,posity = 0; maximum = 0; //generate response matrix for(i = 0; i < ssizex_ext; i++){ for(j = 0; j < ssizey_ext; j++){ lda = (Double_t)i - 3 * sigma; ldb = (Double_t)j - 3 * sigma; lda = (lda * lda + ldb * ldb) / (2 * sigma * sigma); k=(Int_t)(1000 * TMath::Exp(-lda)); lda = k; if(lda != 0){ if((i + 1) > lhx) lhx = i + 1; if((j + 1) > lhy) lhy = j + 1; } working_space[i][j] = lda; area = area + lda; if(lda > maximum){ maximum = lda; positx = i,posity = j; } } } //read source matrix for(i = 0;i < ssizex_ext; i++){ for(j = 0;j < ssizey_ext; j++){ working_space[i][j + 14 * ssizey_ext] = TMath::Abs(working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]); } } //calculate matrix b=ht*h i = lhx - 1; if(i > ssizex_ext) i = ssizex_ext; j = lhy - 1; if(j>ssizey_ext) j = ssizey_ext; i1min = -i,i1max = i; i2min = -j,i2max = j; for(i2 = i2min; i2 <= i2max; i2++){ for(i1 = i1min; i1 <= i1max; i1++){ ldc = 0; j2min = -i2; if(j2min < 0) j2min = 0; j2max = lhy - 1 - i2; if(j2max > lhy - 1) j2max = lhy - 1; for(j2 = j2min; j2 <= j2max; j2++){ j1min = -i1; if(j1min < 0) j1min = 0; j1max = lhx - 1 - i1; if(j1max > lhx - 1) j1max = lhx - 1; for(j1 = j1min; j1 <= j1max; j1++){ lda = working_space[j1][j2]; ldb = working_space[i1 + j1][i2 + j2]; ldc = ldc + lda * ldb; } } k = (i1 + ssizex_ext) / ssizex_ext; working_space[(i1 + ssizex_ext) % ssizex_ext][i2 + ssizey_ext + 10 * ssizey_ext + k * 2 * ssizey_ext] = ldc; } } //calculate at*y and write into p i = lhx - 1; if(i > ssizex_ext) i = ssizex_ext; j = lhy - 1; if(j > ssizey_ext) j = ssizey_ext; i2min = -j,i2max = ssizey_ext + j - 1; i1min = -i,i1max = ssizex_ext + i - 1; for(i2 = i2min; i2 <= i2max; i2++){ for(i1=i1min;i1<=i1max;i1++){ ldc=0; for(j2 = 0; j2 <= (lhy - 1); j2++){ for(j1 = 0; j1 <= (lhx - 1); j1++){ k2 = i2 + j2,k1 = i1 + j1; if(k2 >= 0 && k2 < ssizey_ext && k1 >= 0 && k1 < ssizex_ext){ lda = working_space[j1][j2]; ldb = working_space[k1][k2 + 14 * ssizey_ext]; ldc = ldc + lda * ldb; } } } k = (i1 + ssizex_ext) / ssizex_ext; working_space[(i1 + ssizex_ext) % ssizex_ext][i2 + ssizey_ext + ssizey_ext + k * 3 * ssizey_ext] = ldc; } } //move matrix p for(i2 = 0; i2 < ssizey_ext; i2++){ for(i1 = 0; i1 < ssizex_ext; i1++){ k = (i1 + ssizex_ext) / ssizex_ext; ldb = working_space[(i1 + ssizex_ext) % ssizex_ext][i2 + ssizey_ext + ssizey_ext + k * 3 * ssizey_ext]; working_space[i1][i2 + 14 * ssizey_ext] = ldb; } } //initialization in x1 matrix for(i2 = 0; i2 < ssizey_ext; i2++){ for(i1 = 0; i1 < ssizex_ext; i1++){ working_space[i1][i2 + ssizey_ext] = 1; working_space[i1][i2 + 2 * ssizey_ext] = 0; } } //START OF ITERATIONS for(lindex = 0; lindex < deconIterations; lindex++){ for(i2 = 0; i2 < ssizey_ext; i2++){ for(i1 = 0; i1 < ssizex_ext; i1++){ lda = working_space[i1][i2 + ssizey_ext]; ldc = working_space[i1][i2 + 14 * ssizey_ext]; if(lda > 0.000001 && ldc > 0.000001){ ldb=0; j2min=i2; if(j2min > lhy - 1) j2min = lhy - 1; j2min = -j2min; j2max = ssizey_ext - i2 - 1; if(j2max > lhy - 1) j2max = lhy - 1; j1min = i1; if(j1min > lhx - 1) j1min = lhx - 1; j1min = -j1min; j1max = ssizex_ext - i1 - 1; if(j1max > lhx - 1) j1max = lhx - 1; for(j2 = j2min; j2 <= j2max; j2++){ for(j1 = j1min; j1 <= j1max; j1++){ k = (j1 + ssizex_ext) / ssizex_ext; ldc = working_space[(j1 + ssizex_ext) % ssizex_ext][j2 + ssizey_ext + 10 * ssizey_ext + k * 2 * ssizey_ext]; lda = working_space[i1 + j1][i2 + j2 + ssizey_ext]; ldb = ldb + lda * ldc; } } lda = working_space[i1][i2 + ssizey_ext]; ldc = working_space[i1][i2 + 14 * ssizey_ext]; if(ldc * lda != 0 && ldb != 0){ lda =lda * ldc / ldb; } else lda=0; working_space[i1][i2 + 2 * ssizey_ext] = lda; } } } for(i2 = 0; i2 < ssizey_ext; i2++){ for(i1 = 0; i1 < ssizex_ext; i1++) working_space[i1][i2 + ssizey_ext] = working_space[i1][i2 + 2 * ssizey_ext]; } } //looking for maximum maximum=0; for(i = 0; i < ssizex_ext; i++){ for(j = 0; j < ssizey_ext; j++){ working_space[(i + positx) % ssizex_ext][(j + posity) % ssizey_ext] = area * working_space[i][j + ssizey_ext]; if(maximum < working_space[(i + positx) % ssizex_ext][(j + posity) % ssizey_ext]) maximum = working_space[(i + positx) % ssizex_ext][(j + posity) % ssizey_ext]; } } //searching for peaks in deconvolved spectrum for(i = 1; i < ssizex_ext - 1; i++){ for(j = 1; j < ssizey_ext - 1; j++){ if(working_space[i][j] > working_space[i - 1][j] && working_space[i][j] > working_space[i - 1][j - 1] && working_space[i][j] > working_space[i][j - 1] && working_space[i][j] > working_space[i + 1][j - 1] && working_space[i][j] > working_space[i + 1][j] && working_space[i][j] > working_space[i + 1][j + 1] && working_space[i][j] > working_space[i][j + 1] && working_space[i][j] > working_space[i - 1][j + 1]){ if(i >= shift && i < ssizex + shift && j >= shift && j < ssizey + shift){ if(working_space[i][j] > threshold * maximum / 100.0){ if(peak_index < fMaxPeaks){ for(k = i - 1,a = 0,b = 0; k <= i + 1; k++){ a += (Double_t)(k - shift) * working_space[k][j]; b += working_space[k][j]; } ax=a/b; if(ax < 0) ax = 0; if(ax >= ssizex) ax = ssizex - 1; for(k = j - 1,a = 0,b = 0; k <= j + 1; k++){ a += (Double_t)(k - shift) * working_space[i][k]; b += working_space[i][k]; } ay=a/b; if(ay < 0) ay = 0; if(ay >= ssizey) ay = ssizey - 1; if(peak_index == 0){ fPositionX[0] = ax; fPositionY[0] = ay; peak_index = 1; } else{ for(k = 0, priz = 0; k < peak_index && priz == 0; k++){ if(working_space[shift+(Int_t)(ax+0.5)][15 * ssizey_ext + shift + (Int_t)(ay+0.5)] > working_space[shift+(Int_t)(fPositionX[k]+0.5)][15 * ssizey_ext + shift + (Int_t)(fPositionY[k]+0.5)]) priz = 1; } if(priz == 0){ if(k < fMaxPeaks){ fPositionX[k] = ax; fPositionY[k] = ay; } } else{ for(l = peak_index; l >= k; l--){ if(l < fMaxPeaks){ fPositionX[l] = fPositionX[l - 1]; fPositionY[l] = fPositionY[l - 1]; } } fPositionX[k - 1] = ax; fPositionY[k - 1] = ay; } if(peak_index < fMaxPeaks) peak_index += 1; } } } } } } } //writing back deconvolved spectrum for(i = 0; i < ssizex; i++){ for(j = 0; j < ssizey; j++){ dest[i][j] = working_space[i + shift][j + shift]; } } i = (Int_t)(4 * sigma + 0.5); i = 4 * i; for (j = 0; j < ssizex + i; j++) delete[]working_space[j]; delete[]working_space; fNPeaks = peak_index; return fNPeaks; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// static function (called by TH1), interface to TSpectrum2::Search Int_t TSpectrum2::StaticSearch(const TH1 *hist, Double_t sigma, Option_t *option, Double_t threshold) { TSpectrum2 s; return s.Search(hist,sigma,option,threshold); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// static function (called by TH1), interface to TSpectrum2::Background TH1 *TSpectrum2::StaticBackground(const TH1 *hist,Int_t niter, Option_t *option) { TSpectrum2 s; return s.Background(hist,niter,option); }