// @(#)root/html:$Id: 7ff9b72609794c66acf6b369c4eeddfbfc63cf55 $ // Author: Axel Naumann 2007-01-09 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TDocOutput.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TClassDocOutput.h" #include "TClassEdit.h" #include "TDataMember.h" #include "TDataType.h" #include "TDocInfo.h" #include "TDocParser.h" #include "THtml.h" #include "TInterpreter.h" #include "TMethod.h" #include "TPRegexp.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TDatime.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TUrl.h" #include "TVirtualMutex.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TVirtualViewer3D.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace { typedef std::vector Words_t; typedef Words_t::const_iterator SectionStart_t; class TSectionInfo { public: TSectionInfo(SectionStart_t start, size_t chars, size_t size): fStart(start), fChars(chars), fSize(size) {}; SectionStart_t fStart; size_t fChars; size_t fSize; }; typedef std::list SectionStarts_t; static void Sections_BuildIndex(SectionStarts_t& sectionStarts, SectionStart_t begin, SectionStart_t end, size_t maxPerSection) { // for each assumed section border, check that previous entry's // char[selectionChar] differs, else move section start forward SectionStart_t cursor = begin; if (sectionStarts.empty() || sectionStarts.back().fStart != cursor) sectionStarts.push_back(TSectionInfo(cursor, 1, 0)); SectionStarts_t::iterator prevSection = sectionStarts.end(); --prevSection; while (cursor != end) { size_t numLeft = end - cursor; size_t assumedNumSections = (numLeft + maxPerSection - 1 ) / maxPerSection; size_t step = ((numLeft + assumedNumSections - 1) / assumedNumSections); if (!step || step >= numLeft) return; cursor += step; if (cursor == end) break; SectionStart_t addWhichOne = prevSection->fStart; size_t selectionChar=1; for (; selectionChar <= cursor->length() && addWhichOne == prevSection->fStart; ++selectionChar) { SectionStart_t checkPrev = cursor; while (--checkPrev != prevSection->fStart && !strncasecmp(checkPrev->c_str(), cursor->c_str(), selectionChar)) { } SectionStart_t checkNext = cursor; while (++checkNext != end && !strncasecmp(checkNext->c_str(), cursor->c_str(), selectionChar)) { } // if the previous matching one is closer but not previous section start, take it! if (checkPrev != prevSection->fStart) { if ((cursor - checkPrev) <= (checkNext - cursor)) addWhichOne = ++checkPrev; else if (checkNext != end && (size_t)(checkNext - cursor) < maxPerSection) { addWhichOne = checkNext; } } } if (addWhichOne == prevSection->fStart) addWhichOne = cursor; selectionChar = 1; while (selectionChar <= prevSection->fStart->length() && selectionChar <= addWhichOne->length() && !strncasecmp(prevSection->fStart->c_str(), addWhichOne->c_str(), selectionChar)) ++selectionChar; sectionStarts.push_back(TSectionInfo(addWhichOne, selectionChar, 0)); cursor = addWhichOne; ++prevSection; } // while cursor != end } static void Sections_SetSize(SectionStarts_t& sectionStarts, const Words_t &words) { // Update the length of the sections for (SectionStarts_t::iterator iSectionStart = sectionStarts.begin(); iSectionStart != sectionStarts.end(); ++iSectionStart) { SectionStarts_t::iterator next = iSectionStart; ++next; if (next == sectionStarts.end()) { iSectionStart->fSize = (words.end() - iSectionStart->fStart); break; } iSectionStart->fSize = (next->fStart - iSectionStart->fStart); } } static void Sections_PostMerge(SectionStarts_t& sectionStarts, const size_t maxPerSection) { // Merge sections that ended up being too small, up to maxPerSection entries for (SectionStarts_t::iterator iSectionStart = sectionStarts.begin(); iSectionStart != sectionStarts.end();) { SectionStarts_t::iterator iNextSectionStart = iSectionStart; ++iNextSectionStart; if (iNextSectionStart == sectionStarts.end()) break; if (iNextSectionStart->fSize + iSectionStart->fSize < maxPerSection) { iSectionStart->fSize += iNextSectionStart->fSize; sectionStarts.erase(iNextSectionStart); } else ++iSectionStart; } } static void GetIndexChars(const Words_t& words, UInt_t numSectionsIn, std::vector §ionMarkersOut) { // Given a list of words (class names, in this case), this function builds an // optimal set of about numSectionIn sections (even if almost all words start // with a "T"...), and returns the significant characters for each section start // in sectionMarkersOut. const size_t maxPerSection = (words.size() + numSectionsIn - 1)/ numSectionsIn; SectionStarts_t sectionStarts; Sections_BuildIndex(sectionStarts, words.begin(), words.end(), maxPerSection); Sections_SetSize(sectionStarts, words); Sections_PostMerge(sectionStarts, maxPerSection); // convert to index markers sectionMarkersOut.clear(); sectionMarkersOut.resize(sectionStarts.size()); size_t idx = 0; for (SectionStarts_t::iterator iSectionStart = sectionStarts.begin(); iSectionStart != sectionStarts.end(); ++iSectionStart) sectionMarkersOut[idx++] = iSectionStart->fStart->substr(0, iSectionStart->fChars); } static void GetIndexChars(const std::list& wordsIn, UInt_t numSectionsIn, std::vector §ionMarkersOut) { // initialize word vector Words_t words(wordsIn.size()); size_t idx = 0; for (std::list::const_iterator iWord = wordsIn.begin(); iWord != wordsIn.end(); ++iWord) words[idx++] = *iWord; GetIndexChars(words, numSectionsIn, sectionMarkersOut); } } extern "C" { // std::qsort on solaris wants the sorter to be extern "C" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Friend function for sorting strings, case insensitive /// /// /// Input: name1 - pointer to the first string /// name2 - pointer to the second string /// /// NOTE: This function compares its arguments and returns an integer less /// than, equal to, or greater than zero, depending on whether name1 /// is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than name2, /// but characters are forced to lower-case prior to comparison. /// /// static int CaseInsensitiveSort(const void *name1, const void *name2) { return (strcasecmp(*((char **) name1), *((char **) name2))); } } namespace { // std::list::sort(with_stricmp_predicate) doesn't work with Solaris CC... static void sort_strlist_stricmp(std::vector& l) { // sort strings ignoring case - easier for humans struct posList { const char* str; size_t pos; }; posList* carr = new posList[l.size()]; size_t idx = 0; for (size_t iS = 0, iSE = l.size(); iS < iSE; ++iS) { carr[idx].pos = iS; carr[idx++].str = l[iS].c_str(); } qsort(&carr[0].str, idx, sizeof(posList), CaseInsensitiveSort); std::vector lsort(l.size()); for (size_t iS = 0, iSE = l.size(); iS < iSE; ++iS) { lsort[iS].swap(l[carr[iS].pos]); } delete [] carr; l.swap(lsort); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ // // THtml generated documentation is written to file by TDocOutput. So far only // output of HTML is implemented. Customization of the output should be done // with THtml's interfaces - TDocOutput should not be used nor re-implemented // directly. // // TDocOutput generates the index tables: // * classes (THtml invokes TClassDocOutput for each), // * inheritance hierarchy, // * types and typedefs, // * libraries, // * the product index, and // * the module index (including the links to per-module documentation). // It invokes AT&T's GraphViz tool (dot) if available; charts benefit a lot // from it. // // TDocOutput also writes all pages' header and footer, which can be customized // by calling THtml::SetHeader(), THtml::SetFooter(). //______________________________________________________________________________ ClassImp(TDocOutput); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TDocOutput::TDocOutput(THtml& html): fHtml(&html) {} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TDocOutput::~TDocOutput() {} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add a link around str, with title comment. /// Update str so it surrounds the link. void TDocOutput::AddLink(TSubString& str, TString& link, const char* comment) { // prepend "./" to allow callers to replace a different relative directory if (ReferenceIsRelative(link) && !link.BeginsWith("./")) link.Prepend("./"); link.Prepend(""); str.String().Insert(str.Start(), link); TString &strString = str.String(); TSubString update = strString(str.Start(), str.Length() + link.Length() + 4); str = update; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// adjust the path of links for source files, which are in src/, but need /// to point to relpath (usually "../"). Simply replaces "=\"./" by "=\"../" void TDocOutput::AdjustSourcePath(TString& line, const char* relpath /*= "../"*/) { TString replWithRelPath("=\"@!@"); line.ReplaceAll("=\"../", replWithRelPath + "../" + relpath); line.ReplaceAll("=\"./", replWithRelPath + relpath); line.ReplaceAll("=\"@!@","=\""); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Convert a text file into a html file. /// outfilename doesn't have an extension yet; up to us to decide. /// We generate HTML, so our extension is ".html". /// See THtml::Convert() for the other parameters. void TDocOutput::Convert(std::istream& in, const char* infilename, const char* outfilename, const char *title, const char *relpath /*= "../"*/, Int_t includeOutput /*=0*/, const char* context /*= ""*/, TGClient* gclient /*= 0*/) { TString htmlFilename(outfilename); htmlFilename += ".html"; std::ofstream out(htmlFilename); if (!out.good()) { Error("Convert", "Can't open file '%s' !", htmlFilename.Data()); return; } // write a HTML header WriteHtmlHeader(out, title, relpath); if (context && context[0]) out << context << std::endl; else if (title && title[0]) out << "

" << title << "

" << std::endl; Int_t numReuseCanvases = 0; if (includeOutput && !(includeOutput & THtml::kForceOutput)) { void* dirHandle = gSystem->OpenDirectory(gSystem->GetDirName(htmlFilename)); if (dirHandle) { FileStat_t infile_stat; if (!gSystem->GetPathInfo(infilename, infile_stat)) { // can stat. const char* outfile = 0; TString firstCanvasFileBase(gSystem->BaseName(outfilename)); firstCanvasFileBase += "_0.png"; // first check whether the firstCanvasFile exists: Bool_t haveFirstCanvasFile = false; while ((outfile = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dirHandle))) { if (firstCanvasFileBase == outfile) { haveFirstCanvasFile = true; break; } } gSystem->FreeDirectory(dirHandle); FileStat_t outfile_stat; TString firstCanvasFile = outfilename; firstCanvasFile += "_0.png"; Int_t maxIdx = -1; if (haveFirstCanvasFile && !gSystem->GetPathInfo(firstCanvasFile, outfile_stat) && outfile_stat.fMtime > infile_stat.fMtime) { // the first canvas file exists and it is newer than the script, so we reuse // the canvas files. We need to know how many there are: dirHandle = gSystem->OpenDirectory(gSystem->GetDirName(htmlFilename)); TString stem(gSystem->BaseName(outfilename)); stem += "_"; TString dir = gSystem->GetDirName(htmlFilename); while ((outfile = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dirHandle))) { if (strncmp(outfile, stem, stem.Length())) continue; const char* posext = strrchr(outfile, '.'); if (!posext || strcmp(posext, ".png")) continue; // extract the mod time of the PNG file if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(dir + "/" + outfile, outfile_stat)) // can't stat! continue; if (outfile_stat.fMtime > infile_stat.fMtime) { ++numReuseCanvases; // The canvas PNG is newer than the script, so // extract the index of the canvas TString idxStr(outfile + stem.Length()); idxStr.Remove(idxStr.Length() - 4); Int_t idx = idxStr.Atoi(); if (maxIdx < idx) maxIdx = idx; } } gSystem->FreeDirectory(dirHandle); if (maxIdx + 1 != numReuseCanvases) // bad: the number of canvases to reuse noes not correspond to the highest index we saw. // we will need to regenerate everything. numReuseCanvases = 0; } } // infile can be stat'ed } // can open output directory } // canvases wanted if (numReuseCanvases) Printf("Convert: %s (reusing %d saved canvas%s)", htmlFilename.Data(), numReuseCanvases, (numReuseCanvases > 1 ? "es" : "")); else Printf("Convert: %s", htmlFilename.Data()); UInt_t nCanvases = numReuseCanvases; if (includeOutput) { if (!numReuseCanvases) { // need to run the script if (includeOutput & THtml::kSeparateProcessOutput) { TString baseInFileName = gSystem->BaseName(infilename); TPMERegexp reOutFile(baseInFileName + "_[[:digit:]]+\\.png"); // remove all files matching what saveScriptOutput.C could produce: void* outdirH = gSystem->OpenDirectory(gSystem->GetDirName(outfilename)); if (outdirH) { // the directory exists. const char* outdirE = 0; while ((outdirE = gSystem->GetDirEntry(outdirH))) { if (reOutFile.Match(outdirE)) { gSystem->Unlink(outdirE); } } gSystem->FreeDirectory(outdirH); } gSystem->Exec(TString::Format("ROOT_HIST=0 root.exe -l -q %s $ROOTSYS/etc/html/saveScriptOutput.C\\(\\\"%s\\\",\\\"%s\\\",%d\\)", gROOT->IsBatch() ? "-b" : "", infilename, gSystem->GetDirName(outfilename).Data(), includeOutput & THtml::kCompiledOutput)); // determine how many output files were created: outdirH = gSystem->OpenDirectory(gSystem->GetDirName(outfilename)); if (outdirH) { // the directory exists. const char* outdirE = 0; while ((outdirE = gSystem->GetDirEntry(outdirH))) { if (reOutFile.Match(outdirE)) { ++nCanvases; } } gSystem->FreeDirectory(outdirH); } } else { // run in this ROOT process TString pwd(gSystem->pwd()); gSystem->cd(gSystem->GetDirName(infilename)); TList* gClientGetListOfWindows = nullptr; TObject* gClientGetDefaultRoot = nullptr; std::set previousWindows; if (gclient) { gROOT->ProcessLine(TString::Format("*((TList**)0x%lx) = ((TGClient*)0x%lx)->GetListOfWindows();", (ULong_t)&gClientGetListOfWindows, (ULong_t)gclient)); gROOT->ProcessLine(TString::Format("*((TObject**)0x%lx) = ((TGClient*)0x%lx)->GetDefaultRoot();", (ULong_t)&gClientGetDefaultRoot, (ULong_t)gclient)); TObject *win = nullptr; TIter iWin(gClientGetListOfWindows); while((win = iWin())) { TObject *winGetParent = nullptr; gROOT->ProcessLine(TString::Format("*((TObject**)0x%lx) = ((TGWindow*)0x%lx)->GetParent();", (ULong_t)&winGetParent, (ULong_t)win)); if (winGetParent == gClientGetDefaultRoot) previousWindows.insert(win); } } else { if (gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->GetSize()) previousWindows.insert(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Last()); } TIter iTimer(gSystem->GetListOfTimers()); std::set timersBefore; TObject* timerOld = 0; while ((timerOld = iTimer())) timersBefore.insert(timerOld); TString cmd(".x "); cmd += gSystem->BaseName(infilename); if (includeOutput & THtml::kCompiledOutput) cmd += "+"; gInterpreter->SaveContext(); gInterpreter->SaveGlobalsContext(); Int_t err; gROOT->ProcessLine(cmd, &err); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); gSystem->cd(pwd); if (err == TInterpreter::kNoError) { if (gclient) { TClass* clRootCanvas = TClass::GetClass("TRootCanvas"); TClass* clGMainFrame = TClass::GetClass("TGMainFrame"); TObject* win = 0; TIter iWin(gClientGetListOfWindows); while((win = iWin())) { TObject* winGetParent = 0; gROOT->ProcessLine(TString::Format("*((TObject**)0x%lx) = ((TGWindow*)0x%lx)->GetParent();", (ULong_t)&winGetParent, (ULong_t)win)); Bool_t winIsMapped = kFALSE; if (winGetParent == gClientGetDefaultRoot) gROOT->ProcessLine(TString::Format("*((Bool_t*)0x%lx) = ((TGWindow*)0x%lx)->IsMapped();", (ULong_t)&winIsMapped, (ULong_t)win)); if (winIsMapped && previousWindows.find(win) == previousWindows.end() && win->InheritsFrom(clGMainFrame)) { gROOT->ProcessLine(TString::Format("((TGWindow*)0x%lx)->MapRaised();", (ULong_t)win)); Bool_t isRootCanvas = win->InheritsFrom(clRootCanvas); Bool_t hasEditor = false; if (isRootCanvas) { gROOT->ProcessLine(TString::Format("*((Bool_t*)0x%lx) = ((TRootCanvas*)0x%lx)->HasEditor();", (ULong_t)&hasEditor, (ULong_t)win)); } if (isRootCanvas && !hasEditor) { TVirtualPad* pad = 0; gROOT->ProcessLine(TString::Format("*((TVirtualPad**)0x%lx) = ((TRootCanvas*)0x%lx)->Canvas();", (ULong_t)&pad, (ULong_t)win)); if (!pad->HasViewer3D() || pad->GetViewer3D()->InheritsFrom("TViewer3DPad")) { pad->SaveAs(TString::Format("%s_%d.png", outfilename, nCanvases++)); } } else gROOT->ProcessLine(TString::Format("((TGWindow*)0x%lx)->SaveAs(\"%s_%d.png\");", (ULong_t)win, outfilename, nCanvases++)); } } } else { // no gClient TVirtualPad* pad = 0; TVirtualPad* last = 0; if (!previousWindows.empty()) last = (TVirtualPad*) *previousWindows.begin(); TIter iCanvas(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()); while ((pad = (TVirtualPad*) iCanvas())) { if (last) { if (last == pad) last = 0; continue; } pad->SaveAs(TString::Format("%s_%d.png", outfilename, nCanvases++)); } } gInterpreter->Reset(); gInterpreter->ResetGlobals(); TIter iTimerRemove(gSystem->GetListOfTimers()); TTimer* timer = 0; while ((timer = (TTimer*) iTimerRemove())) if (timersBefore.find(timer) == timersBefore.end()) gSystem->RemoveTimer(timer); } } // run script in this ROOT process } out << "
" << std::endl; } out << "
" << std::endl;

   TDocParser parser(*this);
   parser.Convert(out, in, relpath, (includeOutput) /* determines whether it's code or not */,
                  kFALSE /*interpretDirectives*/);

   out << "
" << std::endl; WriteLineNumbers(out, parser.GetLineNumber(), gSystem->BaseName(infilename)); if (includeOutput) { out << "
" << std::endl; out << "" << std::endl; for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nCanvases; ++i) { TString pngname = TString::Format("%s_%d.png", gSystem->BaseName(outfilename), i); out << "" << std::endl; } out << "
" << std::endl << "\"thumb\"" << std::endl << "
" << std::endl; out << "
" << std::endl; } // write a HTML footer WriteHtmlFooter(out, relpath); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy file to HTML directory /// /// /// Input: sourceName - source file name (fully qualified i.e. file system path) /// destName - optional destination name, if not /// specified it would be the same /// as the source file name /// /// Output: TRUE if file is successfully copied, or /// FALSE if it's not /// /// /// NOTE: The destination directory is always fHtml->GetOutputDir() /// Bool_t TDocOutput::CopyHtmlFile(const char *sourceName, const char *destName) { R__LOCKGUARD(GetHtml()->GetMakeClassMutex()); TString sourceFile(sourceName); if (!sourceFile.Length()) { Error("Copy", "Can't copy file '%s' to '%s' directory - source file name invalid!", sourceName, fHtml->GetOutputDir().Data()); return kFALSE; } // destination file name TString destFile; if (!destName || !*destName) destFile = gSystem->BaseName(sourceFile); else destFile = gSystem->BaseName(destName); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), destFile); // Get info about a file Long64_t size; Long_t id, flags, sModtime, dModtime; sModtime = 0; dModtime = 0; if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(sourceFile, &id, &size, &flags, &sModtime) || gSystem->GetPathInfo(destFile, &id, &size, &flags, &dModtime) || sModtime > dModtime) if (gSystem->CopyFile(sourceFile, destFile, kTRUE) < 0) { Error("Copy", "Can't copy file '%s' to '%s'!", sourceFile.Data(), destFile.Data()); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a hierarchical class list /// The algorithm descends from the base classes and branches into /// all derived classes. Mixing classes are displayed several times. /// /// void TDocOutput::CreateHierarchy() { // if (CreateHierarchyDot()) return; TString filename("ClassHierarchy.html"); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filename); // open out file std::ofstream out(filename); if (!out.good()) { Error("CreateHierarchy", "Can't open file '%s' !", filename.Data()); return; } Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "", fHtml->GetCounter(), filename.Data()); // write out header WriteHtmlHeader(out, "Class Hierarchy"); WriteTopLinks(out, 0); out << "

Class Hierarchy

" << std::endl; // loop on all classes TClassDocInfo* cdi = 0; TIter iClass(fHtml->GetListOfClasses()); while ((cdi = (TClassDocInfo*)iClass())) { if (!cdi->HaveSource()) continue; // get class TDictionary *dictPtr = cdi->GetClass(); TClass *basePtr = dynamic_cast(dictPtr); if (basePtr == 0) { if (!dictPtr) Warning("THtml::CreateHierarchy", "skipping class %s\n", cdi->GetName()); continue; } TClassDocOutput cdo(*fHtml, basePtr, 0); cdo.CreateClassHierarchy(out, cdi->GetHtmlFileName()); } // write out footer WriteHtmlFooter(out); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create index of all classes /// void TDocOutput::CreateClassIndex() { // create CSS file, we need it fHtml->CreateAuxiliaryFiles(); TString filename("ClassIndex.html"); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filename); // open indexFile file std::ofstream indexFile(filename.Data()); if (!indexFile.good()) { Error("CreateClassIndex", "Can't open file '%s' !", filename.Data()); return; } Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "", fHtml->GetCounter(), filename.Data()); // write indexFile header WriteHtmlHeader(indexFile, "Class Index"); WriteTopLinks(indexFile, 0); indexFile << "

Class Index

" << std::endl; WriteModuleLinks(indexFile); std::vector indexChars; if (fHtml->GetListOfClasses()->GetSize() > 10) { std::vector classNames; { TIter iClass(fHtml->GetListOfClasses()); TClassDocInfo* cdi = 0; while ((cdi = (TClassDocInfo*)iClass())) if (cdi->IsSelected() && cdi->HaveSource()) classNames.push_back(cdi->GetName()); } if (classNames.size() > 10) { indexFile << "

" << std::endl; } } indexFile << "
    " << std::endl; // loop on all classes UInt_t currentIndexEntry = 0; TIter iClass(fHtml->GetListOfClasses()); TClassDocInfo* cdi = 0; Int_t i = 0; while ((cdi = (TClassDocInfo*)iClass())) { if (!cdi->IsSelected() || !cdi->HaveSource()) continue; // get class TDictionary *currentDict = cdi->GetClass(); TClass* currentClass = dynamic_cast(currentDict); if (!currentClass) { if (!currentDict) Warning("THtml::CreateClassIndex", "skipping class %s\n", cdi->GetName()); continue; } indexFile << "
  • "; if (currentIndexEntry < indexChars.size() && !strncmp(indexChars[currentIndexEntry].c_str(), cdi->GetName(), indexChars[currentIndexEntry].length())) indexFile << ""; TString htmlFile(cdi->GetHtmlFileName()); if (htmlFile.Length()) { indexFile << ""; ReplaceSpecialChars(indexFile, cdi->GetName()); indexFile << " "; } else { indexFile << ""; ReplaceSpecialChars(indexFile, cdi->GetName()); indexFile << " "; } // write title == short doc ReplaceSpecialChars(indexFile, currentClass->GetTitle()); indexFile << "
  • " << std::endl; } indexFile << "
" << std::endl; // write indexFile footer WriteHtmlFooter(indexFile); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create the class index for each module, picking up documentation from the /// module's TModuleDocInfo::GetInputPath() plus the (possibly relative) /// THtml::GetModuleDocPath(). Also creates the library dependency plot if dot /// exists, see THtml::HaveDot(). void TDocOutput::CreateModuleIndex() { const char* title = "LibraryDependencies"; TString dotfilename(title); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), dotfilename); std::ofstream libDepDotFile(dotfilename + ".dot"); libDepDotFile << "digraph G {" << std::endl << "ratio=compress;" << std::endl << "node [fontsize=22,labeldistance=0.1];" << std::endl << "edge [len=0.01];" << std::endl << "fontsize=22;" << std::endl << "size=\"16,16\";" << std::endl << "overlap=false;" << std::endl << "splines=true;" << std::endl << "K=0.1;" << std::endl; TModuleDocInfo* module = 0; TIter iterModule(fHtml->GetListOfModules()); std::stringstream sstrCluster; std::stringstream sstrDeps; while ((module = (TModuleDocInfo*)iterModule())) { if (!module->IsSelected()) continue; std::vector indexChars; TString filename(module->GetName()); filename.ToUpper(); filename.ReplaceAll("/","_"); filename += "_Index.html"; gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filename); std::ofstream outputFile(filename.Data()); if (!outputFile.good()) { Error("CreateModuleIndex", "Can't open file '%s' !", filename.Data()); continue; } Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "", fHtml->GetCounter(), filename.Data()); TString htmltitle("Index of "); TString moduletitle(module->GetName()); moduletitle.ToUpper(); htmltitle += moduletitle; WriteHtmlHeader(outputFile, htmltitle); WriteTopLinks(outputFile, module); outputFile << "

" << htmltitle << "

" << std::endl; // Module doc if (GetHtml()->GetModuleDocPath().Length()) { TString outdir(module->GetName()); gSystem->PrependPathName(GetHtml()->GetOutputDir(), outdir); TString moduleDocDir; GetHtml()->GetPathDefinition().GetDocDir(module->GetName(), moduleDocDir); ProcessDocInDir(outputFile, moduleDocDir, outdir, module->GetName()); } WriteModuleLinks(outputFile, module); std::list classNames; { TIter iClass(module->GetClasses()); TClassDocInfo* cdi = 0; while ((cdi = (TClassDocInfo*) iClass())) { if (!cdi->IsSelected() || !cdi->HaveSource()) continue; classNames.push_back(cdi->GetName()); if (classNames.size() > 1) continue; TClass* cdiClass = dynamic_cast(cdi->GetClass()); if (!cdiClass) continue; TString libs(cdiClass->GetSharedLibs()); Ssiz_t posDepLibs = libs.Index(' '); TString thisLib(libs); if (posDepLibs != kNPOS) thisLib.Remove(posDepLibs, thisLib.Length()); { Ssiz_t posExt = thisLib.First('.'); if (posExt != kNPOS) thisLib.Remove(posExt, thisLib.Length()); } if (!thisLib.Length()) continue; // allocate entry, even if no dependencies TLibraryDocInfo *libdeps = (TLibraryDocInfo*)fHtml->GetLibraryDependencies()->FindObject(thisLib); if (!libdeps) { libdeps = new TLibraryDocInfo(thisLib); fHtml->GetLibraryDependencies()->Add(libdeps); } libdeps->AddModule(module->GetName()); if (posDepLibs != kNPOS) { std::string lib; for(Ssiz_t pos = posDepLibs + 1; libs[pos]; ++pos) { if (libs[pos] == ' ') { if (thisLib.Length() && lib.length()) { size_t posExt = lib.find('.'); if (posExt != std::string::npos) lib.erase(posExt); libdeps->AddDependency(lib); } lib.erase(); } else lib += libs[pos]; } if (lib.length() && thisLib.Length()) { size_t posExt = lib.find('.'); if (posExt != std::string::npos) lib.erase(posExt); libdeps->AddDependency(lib); } } // if dependencies } // while next class in module } // just a scope block TIter iClass(module->GetClasses()); TClassDocInfo* cdi = 0; UInt_t count = 0; UInt_t currentIndexEntry = 0; while ((cdi = (TClassDocInfo*) iClass())) { if (!cdi->IsSelected() || !cdi->HaveSource()) continue; TDictionary *classPtr = cdi->GetClass(); if (!classPtr) { Error("CreateModuleIndex", "Unknown class '%s' !", cdi->GetName()); continue; } if (!count) { outputFile << "

Class Index

" << std::endl; if (classNames.size() > 10) { outputFile << "

Jump to

" << std::endl; UInt_t numSections = classNames.size() / 10; if (numSections < 10) numSections = 10; if (numSections > 50) numSections = 50; // find index chars GetIndexChars(classNames, numSections, indexChars); for (UInt_t iIdxEntry = 0; iIdxEntry < indexChars.size(); ++iIdxEntry) { outputFile << ""; ReplaceSpecialChars(outputFile, indexChars[iIdxEntry].c_str()); outputFile << "" << std::endl; } outputFile << "

" << std::endl; } outputFile << "
    " << std::endl; } // write a classname to an index file outputFile << "
  • "; if (currentIndexEntry < indexChars.size() && !strncmp(indexChars[currentIndexEntry].c_str(), cdi->GetName(), indexChars[currentIndexEntry].length())) outputFile << ""; TString htmlFile(cdi->GetHtmlFileName()); if (htmlFile.Length()) { outputFile << ""; ReplaceSpecialChars(outputFile, classPtr->GetName()); outputFile << " "; } else { outputFile << ""; ReplaceSpecialChars(outputFile, classPtr->GetName()); outputFile << " "; } // write title ReplaceSpecialChars(outputFile, classPtr->GetTitle()); outputFile << "
  • " << std::endl; } if (count) outputFile << "
" << std::endl; // write outputFile footer WriteHtmlFooter(outputFile); } // while next module // libCint is missing as we don't have class doc for it // We need it for dependencies nevertheless, so add it by hand. /* sstrCluster << "subgraph clusterlibCint {" << std::endl << "style=filled;" << std::endl << "color=lightgray;" << std::endl << "label=\"libCint\";" << std::endl << "\"CINT\" [style=filled,color=white,fontsize=10]" << std::endl << "}" << std::endl; */ // simplify the library dependencies, by removing direct links // that are equivalent to indirect ones, e.g. instead of having both // A->C, A->B->C, keep only A->B->C. TIter iLib(fHtml->GetLibraryDependencies()); TLibraryDocInfo* libinfo = 0; while ((libinfo = (TLibraryDocInfo*)iLib())) { if (!libinfo->GetName() || !libinfo->GetName()[0]) continue; std::set& deps = libinfo->GetDependencies(); for (std::set::iterator iDep = deps.begin(); iDep != deps.end(); ) { Bool_t already_indirect = kFALSE; for (std::set::const_iterator iDep2 = deps.begin(); !already_indirect && iDep2 != deps.end(); ++iDep2) { if (iDep == iDep2) continue; TLibraryDocInfo* libinfo2 = (TLibraryDocInfo*) fHtml->GetLibraryDependencies()->FindObject(iDep2->c_str()); if (!libinfo2) continue; const std::set& deps2 = libinfo2->GetDependencies(); already_indirect |= deps2.find(*iDep) != deps2.end(); } if (already_indirect) { std::set::iterator iRemove = iDep; // Advance the iterator before erasing the element which invalidates the iterator. ++iDep; deps.erase(iRemove); } else { ++iDep; } } // for library dependencies of module in library } // for libraries iLib.Reset(); while ((libinfo = (TLibraryDocInfo*)iLib())) { if (!libinfo->GetName() || !libinfo->GetName()[0]) continue; const std::set& modules = libinfo->GetModules(); if (modules.size() > 1) { sstrCluster << "subgraph cluster" << libinfo->GetName() << " {" << std::endl << "style=filled;" << std::endl << "color=lightgray;" << std::endl << "label=\""; if (!strcmp(libinfo->GetName(), "libCore")) sstrCluster << "Everything depends on "; sstrCluster << libinfo->GetName() << "\";" << std::endl; for (std::set::const_iterator iModule = modules.begin(); iModule != modules.end(); ++iModule) { TString modURL(*iModule); modURL.ReplaceAll("/", "_"); modURL.ToUpper(); sstrCluster << "\"" << *iModule << "\" [style=filled,color=white,URL=\"" << modURL << "_Index.html\"];" << std::endl; } sstrCluster << std::endl << "}" << std::endl; } else { // only one module TString modURL(*modules.begin()); modURL.ReplaceAll("/", "_"); modURL.ToUpper(); sstrCluster << "\"" << *modules.begin() << "\" [label=\"" << libinfo->GetName() << "\",style=filled,color=lightgray,shape=box,URL=\"" << modURL << "_Index.html\"];" << std::endl; } // GetSharedLib doesn't mention libCore or libCint; add them by hand /* if (iLibDep->first != "libCore") sstrDeps << "\"" << iModule->first << "\" -> \"BASE\" [lhead=clusterlibCore];" << std::endl; sstrDeps << "\"" << iModule->first << "\" -> \"CINT\" [lhead=clusterlibCint];" << std::endl; */ const std::string& mod = *(modules.begin()); const std::set& deps = libinfo->GetDependencies(); for (std::set::const_iterator iDep = deps.begin(); iDep != deps.end(); ++iDep) { // cannot create dependency on iDep directly, use its first module instead. TLibraryDocInfo* depLibInfo = (TLibraryDocInfo*) fHtml->GetLibraryDependencies()->FindObject(iDep->c_str()); if (!depLibInfo || depLibInfo->GetModules().empty()) continue; // ouch! const std::string& moddep = *(depLibInfo->GetModules().begin()); sstrDeps << "\"" << mod << "\" -> \"" << moddep << "\";" << std::endl; } // make sure libCore ends up at the bottom sstrDeps << "\"" << mod << "\" -> \"CONT\" [style=invis];" << std::endl; } // for libs libDepDotFile << sstrCluster.str() << std::endl << sstrDeps.str(); libDepDotFile << "}" << std::endl; libDepDotFile.close(); std::ofstream out(dotfilename + ".html"); if (!out.good()) { Error("CreateModuleIndex", "Can't open file '%s.html' !", dotfilename.Data()); return; } Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "", fHtml->GetCounter(), (dotfilename + ".html").Data()); // write out header WriteHtmlHeader(out, "Library Dependencies"); WriteTopLinks(out, 0); out << "

Library Dependencies

" << std::endl; RunDot(dotfilename, &out, kFdp); out << "\"Library" << std::endl; // write out footer WriteHtmlFooter(out); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fetch documentation from THtml::GetProductDocDir() and put it into the /// product index page. void TDocOutput::CreateProductIndex() { //TString outFile(GetHtml()->GetProductName()); //outFile += ".html"; TString outFile("index.html"); gSystem->PrependPathName(GetHtml()->GetOutputDir(), outFile); std::ofstream out(outFile); if (!out.good()) { Error("CreateProductIndex", "Can't open file '%s' !", outFile.Data()); return; } Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "", "", outFile.Data()); WriteHtmlHeader(out, GetHtml()->GetProductName() + " Reference Guide"); WriteTopLinks(out, 0); out << "

" << GetHtml()->GetProductName() + " Reference Guide

" << std::endl; TString prodDoc; if (GetHtml()->GetPathDefinition().GetDocDir("", prodDoc)) ProcessDocInDir(out, prodDoc, GetHtml()->GetOutputDir(), "./"); WriteModuleLinks(out); out << "


" << std::endl << "

Class Index

" << std::endl << "

A complete list of all classes defined in " << GetHtml()->GetProductName() << "

" << std::endl << "

Class Hierarchy

" << std::endl << "

A hierarchy graph of all classes, showing each class's base and derived classes

" << std::endl << "

Type Index

" << std::endl << "

A complete list of all types

" << std::endl << "

Library Dependency

" << std::endl << "

A diagram showing all of " << GetHtml()->GetProductName() << "'s libraries and their dependencies

" << std::endl; WriteHtmlFooter(out); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a forwarding page for each typedef pointing to a class. void TDocOutput::CreateClassTypeDefs() { TDocParser parser(*this); TIter iClass(GetHtml()->GetListOfClasses()); TClassDocInfo* cdi = 0; while ((cdi = (TClassDocInfo*) iClass())) { if (cdi->GetListOfTypedefs().IsEmpty()) continue; TIter iTypedefs(&cdi->GetListOfTypedefs()); TDataType* dt = 0; while ((dt = (TDataType*) iTypedefs())) { if (gDebug > 0) Info("CreateClassTypeDefs", "Creating typedef %s to class %s", dt->GetName(), cdi->GetName()); // create a filename TString filename(dt->GetName()); NameSpace2FileName(filename); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filename); filename += ".html"; // open class file std::ofstream outfile(filename); if (!outfile.good()) { Error("CreateClassTypeDefs", "Can't open file '%s' !", filename.Data()); continue; } WriteHtmlHeader(outfile, dt->GetName()); outfile << "" << std::endl; TString dtName(dt->GetName()); ReplaceSpecialChars(dtName); TString sTitle("typedef "); sTitle += dtName; TClass* cls = dynamic_cast(cdi->GetClass()); if (cls) { // show box with lib, include // needs to go first to allow title on the left TString sInclude; TString sLib; const char* lib=cls->GetSharedLibs(); GetHtml()->GetPathDefinition().GetIncludeAs(cls, sInclude); if (lib) { char* libDup=StrDup(lib); char* libDupSpace=strchr(libDup,' '); if (libDupSpace) *libDupSpace = 0; char* libDupEnd=libDup+strlen(libDup); while (libDupEnd!=libDup) if (*(--libDupEnd)=='.') { *libDupEnd=0; break; } sLib = libDup; delete[] libDup; } outfile << "" << std::endl; } TString modulename; fHtml->GetModuleNameForClass(modulename, cls); TModuleDocInfo* module = (TModuleDocInfo*) fHtml->GetListOfModules()->FindObject(modulename); WriteTopLinks(outfile, module, dt->GetName()); outfile << "
"; outfile << "

" << sTitle << "

" << std::endl << "
" << std::endl; outfile << dtName << " is a typedef to "; std::string shortClsName(fHtml->ShortType(cdi->GetName())); parser.DecorateKeywords(outfile, shortClsName.c_str()); outfile << std::endl << "
" << std::endl << "
" << std::endl; // the typedef isn't a data member, but the CSS is applicable nevertheless outfile << std::endl << "
" << std::endl << "" << std::endl; outfile << "" << std::endl << "
typedef "; parser.DecorateKeywords(outfile, dt->GetFullTypeName()); outfile << ""; ReplaceSpecialChars(outfile, dt->GetName()); if (dt->GetTitle() && dt->GetTitle()[0]) { outfile << ""; ReplaceSpecialChars(outfile, dt->GetTitle()); } else outfile << ""; outfile << "
" << std::endl; // write footer WriteHtmlFooter(outfile); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create index of all data types void TDocOutput::CreateTypeIndex() { // open file TString outFile("ListOfTypes.html"); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), outFile); std::ofstream typesList(outFile); if (!typesList.good()) { Error("CreateTypeIndex", "Can't open file '%s' !", outFile.Data()); return; } Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "", "", outFile.Data()); // write typesList header WriteHtmlHeader(typesList, "List of data types"); typesList << "

List of data types

" << std::endl; typesList << "
" << std::endl; // make loop on data types std::vector typeNames(gROOT->GetListOfTypes()->GetSize()); { TDataType *type; TIter nextType(gROOT->GetListOfTypes()); size_t tnIdx = 0; while ((type = (TDataType *) nextType())) // no templates ('<' and '>'), no idea why the '(' is in here... if (*type->GetTitle() && !strchr(type->GetName(), '(') && !( strchr(type->GetName(), '<') && strchr(type->GetName(),'>')) && type->GetName()) typeNames[tnIdx++] = type->GetName(); typeNames.resize(tnIdx); } sort_strlist_stricmp(typeNames); std::vector indexChars; if (typeNames.size() > 10) { typesList << "

Jump to

" << std::endl; // find index chars GetIndexChars(typeNames, 10 /*sections*/, indexChars); for (UInt_t iIdxEntry = 0; iIdxEntry < indexChars.size(); ++iIdxEntry) { typesList << ""; ReplaceSpecialChars(typesList, indexChars[iIdxEntry].c_str()); typesList << "" << std::endl; } typesList << "

" << std::endl; } typesList << "
    " << std::endl; int idx = 0; UInt_t currentIndexEntry = 0; for (std::vector::iterator iTypeName = typeNames.begin(); iTypeName != typeNames.end(); ++iTypeName) { TDataType* type = gROOT->GetType(iTypeName->c_str(), kFALSE); typesList << "
  • "; if (currentIndexEntry < indexChars.size() && !strncmp(indexChars[currentIndexEntry].c_str(), iTypeName->c_str(), indexChars[currentIndexEntry].length())) typesList << "" << std::endl; typesList << "c_str()); typesList << "\">"; ReplaceSpecialChars(typesList, iTypeName->c_str()); typesList << " "; ReplaceSpecialChars(typesList, type->GetTitle()); typesList << "
  • " << std::endl; ++idx; } typesList << "
" << std::endl; // write typesList footer WriteHtmlFooter(typesList); // close file typesList.close(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add some colors etc to a source entity, contained in str. /// The type of what's contained in str is given by type. /// It's called e.g. by TDocParser::BeautifyLine(). /// This function should assume that only str.Begin() is valid. /// When inserting into str.String(), str.Begin() must be updated. void TDocOutput::DecorateEntityBegin(TString& str, Ssiz_t& pos, TDocParser::EParseContext type) { Ssiz_t originalLen = str.Length(); switch (type) { case TDocParser::kCode: break; case TDocParser::kComment: str.Insert(pos, ""); break; case TDocParser::kDirective: break; case TDocParser::kString: str.Insert(pos, ""); break; case TDocParser::kKeyword: str.Insert(pos, ""); break; case TDocParser::kCPP: str.Insert(pos, ""); break; case TDocParser::kVerbatim: str.Insert(pos, "
         Error("DecorateEntityBegin", "Unhandled / invalid entity type %d!", (Int_t)type);

   Ssiz_t addedLen = str.Length() - originalLen;
   pos += addedLen;

/// Add some colors etc to a source entity, contained in str.
/// The type of what's contained in str is given by type.
/// It's called e.g. by TDocParser::BeautifyLine().
/// This function should assume that only str."End()"
/// (i.e. str.Begin()+str.Length()) is valid.
/// When inserting into str.String(), str.Length() must be updated.

void TDocOutput::DecorateEntityEnd(TString& str, Ssiz_t& pos, TDocParser::EParseContext type)
   Ssiz_t originalLen = str.Length();

   switch (type) {
      case TDocParser::kCode: break;
      case TDocParser::kComment:
         str.Insert(pos, "");
      case TDocParser::kDirective:
      case TDocParser::kString:
         str.Insert(pos, "");
      case TDocParser::kKeyword:
         str.Insert(pos, "");
      case TDocParser::kCPP:
         str.Insert(pos, "");
      case TDocParser::kVerbatim:
         str.Insert(pos, "
"); break; default: Error("DecorateEntityBegin", "Unhandled / invalid entity type %d!", (Int_t)type); return; } Ssiz_t addedLen = str.Length() - originalLen; pos += addedLen; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Special author treatment; called when TDocParser::fSourceInfo[kInfoAuthor] is set. /// Modifies the author(s) description, which is a comma separated list of tokens /// either in the format /// (i) "FirstName LastName " or /// (ii) "FirstName LastName more stuff" /// The first one generates an XWho link (CERN compatible), /// the second a http link (WORLD compatible), being e.g. /// or . void TDocOutput::FixupAuthorSourceInfo(TString& authors) { TString original(authors); authors = ""; TString author; Ssiz_t pos = 0; Bool_t firstAuthor = kTRUE; while (original.Tokenize(author, pos, ",")) { author.Strip(TString::kBoth); if (!firstAuthor) authors += ", "; firstAuthor = kFALSE; // do we have a link for the current name? Ssiz_t cLink = author.First('<'); // look for link start tag if (cLink != kNPOS) { // split NAME POST // into NAME POST Ssiz_t endLink = author.Index(">", cLink + 1); if(endLink == kNPOS) endLink = author.Length(); authors += ""; authors += author(0, cLink); authors += ""; if (endLink != author.Length()) authors += author(endLink + 1, author.Length()); } else { authors += "GetXwho(); // separate Firstname Middlename Lastname by '+' TString namePart; Ssiz_t posNamePart = 0; Bool_t firstNamePart = kTRUE; while (author.Tokenize(namePart, posNamePart, " ")) { namePart.Strip(TString::kBoth); if (!namePart.Length()) continue; if (isdigit(namePart[0])) continue; //likely a date if (!firstNamePart) authors += '+'; firstNamePart = kFALSE; authors += namePart; } authors += "\">"; authors += author; authors += ""; } } // while next author } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check if file is modified /// /// /// Input: classPtr - pointer to the class /// type - file type to compare with /// values: kSource, kInclude, kTree /// /// Output: TRUE - if file is modified since last time /// FALSE - if file is up to date /// Bool_t TDocOutput::IsModified(TClass * classPtr, EFileType type) { TString sourceFile; TString classname(classPtr->GetName()); TString filename; TString dir; switch (type) { case kSource: { TString declFile; if (classPtr->GetImplFileLine()) { fHtml->GetImplFileName(classPtr, kTRUE, sourceFile); } fHtml->GetDeclFileName(classPtr, kTRUE, declFile); Long64_t size; Long_t id, flags, iModtime, dModtime; if (!(gSystem->GetPathInfo(sourceFile, &id, &size, &flags, &iModtime))) { if (!(gSystem->GetPathInfo(declFile, &id, &size, &flags, &dModtime))) { if (iModtime < dModtime) { // decl is newer than impl sourceFile = declFile; } } } dir = "src"; gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), dir); filename = classname; NameSpace2FileName(filename); gSystem->PrependPathName(dir, filename); if (classPtr->GetImplFileLine()) filename += ".cxx.html"; else filename += ".h.html"; break; } case kInclude: fHtml->GetDeclFileName(classPtr, kFALSE, filename); filename = gSystem->BaseName(filename); fHtml->GetDeclFileName(classPtr, kTRUE, sourceFile); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filename); break; case kTree: fHtml->GetDeclFileName(classPtr, kTRUE, sourceFile); NameSpace2FileName(classname); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), classname); filename = classname; filename += "_Tree.pdf"; break; case kDoc: { TString declFile; if (classPtr->GetImplFileLine()) { fHtml->GetImplFileName(classPtr, kTRUE, sourceFile); } fHtml->GetDeclFileName(classPtr, kTRUE, declFile); Long64_t size; Long_t id, flags, iModtime, dModtime; if (!(gSystem->GetPathInfo(sourceFile, &id, &size, &flags, &iModtime))) { if (!(gSystem->GetPathInfo(declFile, &id, &size, &flags, &dModtime))) { if (iModtime < dModtime) { // decl is newer than impl sourceFile = declFile; } } } filename = classname; NameSpace2FileName(filename); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filename); filename += ".html"; break; } default: Error("IsModified", "Unknown file type !"); } R__LOCKGUARD(GetHtml()->GetMakeClassMutex()); // Get info about a file Long64_t size; Long_t id, flags, sModtime, dModtime; if (!(gSystem->GetPathInfo(sourceFile, &id, &size, &flags, &sModtime))) { if (!(gSystem->GetPathInfo(filename, &id, &size, &flags, &dModtime))) { return (sModtime > dModtime); } } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Replace "::" in name by "__" /// Replace "<", ">", " ", ",", "~", "=" in name by "_" /// Replace "A::X" by "A::X<-p0Y>", /// "A::B::X" by "A::B::X<-p1Y>", etc void TDocOutput::NameSpace2FileName(TString& name) { TString encScope(name); Ssiz_t posTemplate = encScope.Index('<'); if (posTemplate != kNPOS) { // strip default template params name = fHtml->ShortType(name); TString templateArgs = encScope(posTemplate, encScope.Length()); encScope.Remove(posTemplate, encScope.Length()); // shorten the name a bit: // convert A::B::X to A::X<-p1Y>, i.e. // the filename A__X_A__Y_ to A__X_-p1Y_ // The rule: if the enclosing scope up to the N-th scope matches, // the name becomes -pN Ssiz_t posName = encScope.Last(':'); if (posName != kNPOS) { Int_t numDblColumn = encScope.CountChar(':'); while (numDblColumn > 1) { encScope.Remove(posName + 1, encScope.Length()); numDblColumn -= 2; templateArgs.ReplaceAll(encScope, TString::Format("-p%d", numDblColumn / 2)); encScope.Remove(encScope.Length() - 2, 2); posName = encScope.Last(':'); if (posName == kNPOS) break; // should be handled by numDblColumn... } name.Replace(posTemplate, name.Length(), templateArgs); } } if (name.Length() > 240) { // really 240! It might get some extra prefix or extension // 8.3 is dead, but e.g. ext2 can only hold 255 chars in a file name. // So mangle name to "beginning_of_name"-h"hash"."extension", where // beginning_of_name is short enough such that the full name is <255 characters. TString hash; TDocParser::AnchorFromLine(name, hash); hash.Prepend("-h"); Ssiz_t posDot = name.Last('.'); TString ext; if (posDot != kNPOS) ext = name(posDot, name.Length()); Ssiz_t namelen = 240 - hash.Length() - ext.Length(); name = name(0, namelen) + hash + ext; } const char* replaceWhat = ":<> ,~="; for (Ssiz_t i=0; i < name.Length(); ++i) if (strchr(replaceWhat, name[i])) name[i] = '_'; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write links to files indir/*.txt, indir/*.html (non-recursive) to out. /// If one of the files is called "index.{html,txt}" it will be /// included in out (instead of copying it to outdir and generating a link /// to linkdir). txt files are passed through Convert(). /// The files' links are sorted alphabetically. void TDocOutput::ProcessDocInDir(std::ostream& out, const char* indir, const char* outdir, const char* linkdir) { R__LOCKGUARD(GetHtml()->GetMakeClassMutex()); void * dirHandle = gSystem->OpenDirectory(indir); if (!dirHandle) return; const char* entry = 0; std::list files; while ((entry = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dirHandle))) { FileStat_t stat; TString filename(entry); gSystem->PrependPathName(indir, filename); if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(filename, stat)) // funny ret continue; if (!R_ISREG(stat.fMode)) continue; if (TString(entry).BeginsWith("index.", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { // This is the part we put directly (verbatim) into the module index. // If it ends on ".txt" we run Convert first. if (filename.EndsWith(".txt", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { std::ifstream in(filename); if (in) { out << "
"; // this is what e.g. the html directive expects
               TDocParser parser(*this);
               parser.Convert(out, in, "./", kFALSE /* no code */, kTRUE /*process Directives*/);
               out << "
"; } } else if (filename.EndsWith(".html", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { std::ifstream in(filename); TString line; while (in) { if (!line.ReadLine(in)) break; out << line << std::endl; } } else files.push_back(filename.Data()); } else files.push_back(filename.Data()); } std::stringstream furtherReading; files.sort(); for (std::list::const_iterator iFile = files.begin(); iFile != files.end(); ++iFile) { TString filename(iFile->c_str()); if (gSystem->AccessPathName(outdir)) if (gSystem->mkdir(outdir, kTRUE) == -1) // bad - but let's still try to create the output Error("CreateModuleIndex", "Cannot create output directory %s", outdir); TString outfile(gSystem->BaseName(filename)); gSystem->PrependPathName(outdir, outfile); if (!filename.EndsWith(".txt", TString::kIgnoreCase) && !filename.EndsWith(".html", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { // copy to outdir, who know whether it's needed... if (gSystem->CopyFile(filename, outfile, kTRUE) == -1) { Error("CreateModuleIndex", "Cannot copy file %s to %s", filename.Data(), outfile.Data()); continue; } continue; } // Just copy and link this page. if (outfile.EndsWith(".txt", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { // convert first outfile.Remove(outfile.Length()-3, 3); outfile += "html"; std::ifstream inFurther(filename); std::ofstream outFurther(outfile); if (inFurther && outFurther) { outFurther << "
"; // this is what e.g. the html directive expects
            TDocParser parser(*this);
            parser.Convert(outFurther, inFurther, "../", kFALSE /*no code*/, kTRUE /*process Directives*/);
            outFurther << "
"; } } else { if (gSystem->CopyFile(filename, outfile, kTRUE) == -1) continue; } TString showname(gSystem->BaseName(outfile)); furtherReading << ""; showname.Remove(showname.Length() - 5, 5); // .html showname.ReplaceAll("_", " "); ReplaceSpecialChars(furtherReading, showname); furtherReading << " " << std::endl; } gSystem->FreeDirectory(dirHandle); if (furtherReading.str().length()) out << "

Further Reading

" << std::endl << furtherReading.str() << "

List of Classes

" << std::endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a reference to a class documentation page. /// str encloses the text to create the reference for (e.g. name of instance). /// comment will be added e.g. as tooltip text. /// After the reference is put into str.String(), str will enclose the reference /// and the original text. Example: /// Input: /// str.String(): "a gHtml test" /// str.Begin(): 2 /// str.Length(): 5 /// Output: /// str.String(): "a gHtml test" /// str.Begin(): 2 /// str.Length(): 30 void TDocOutput::ReferenceEntity(TSubString& str, TClass* entity, const char* comment /*= 0*/) { TString link; fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(entity, link); if (comment && !strcmp(comment, entity->GetName())) comment = ""; AddLink(str, link, comment); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a reference to a data member documentation page. /// str encloses the text to create the reference for (e.g. name of instance). /// comment will be added e.g. as tooltip text. /// After the reference is put into str.String(), str will enclose the reference /// and the original text. Example: /// Input: /// str.String(): "a gHtml test" /// str.Begin(): 2 /// str.Length(): 5 /// Output: /// str.String(): "a gHtml test" /// str.Begin(): 2 /// str.Length(): 30 void TDocOutput::ReferenceEntity(TSubString& str, TDataMember* entity, const char* comment /*= 0*/) { TString link; TClass* scope = entity->GetClass(); fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(scope, link); link += "#"; TString mangledName; if (scope) { mangledName = scope->GetName(); NameSpace2FileName(mangledName); link += mangledName; link += ":"; } mangledName = entity->GetName(); NameSpace2FileName(mangledName); link += mangledName; TString description; if (!comment) { description = entity->GetFullTypeName(); description += " "; if (scope) { description += scope->GetName(); description += "::"; } description += entity->GetName(); comment = description.Data(); } if (comment && !strcmp(comment, entity->GetName())) comment = ""; AddLink(str, link, comment); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a reference to a type documentation page. /// str encloses the text to create the reference for (e.g. name of instance). /// comment will be added e.g. as tooltip text. /// After the reference is put into str.String(), str will enclose the reference /// and the original text. Example: /// Input: /// str.String(): "a gHtml test" /// str.Begin(): 2 /// str.Length(): 5 /// Output: /// str.String(): "a gHtml test" /// str.Begin(): 2 /// str.Length(): 30 void TDocOutput::ReferenceEntity(TSubString& str, TDataType* entity, const char* comment /*= 0*/) { TString mangledEntity(entity->GetName()); NameSpace2FileName(mangledEntity); TString link; TClassDocInfo* cdi = 0; bool isClassTypedef = entity->GetType() == -1; if (isClassTypedef) /* is class/ struct / union */ isClassTypedef = isClassTypedef && (entity->Property() & 7); if (isClassTypedef) { std::string shortTypeName(fHtml->ShortType(entity->GetFullTypeName())); cdi = (TClassDocInfo*) GetHtml()->GetListOfClasses()->FindObject(shortTypeName.c_str()); } if (cdi) { link = mangledEntity + ".html"; } else { link = "ListOfTypes.html#"; link += mangledEntity; } if (comment && !strcmp(comment, entity->GetName())) comment = ""; AddLink(str, link, comment); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a reference to a method documentation page. /// str encloses the text to create the reference for (e.g. name of instance). /// comment will be added e.g. as tooltip text. /// After the reference is put into str.String(), str will enclose the reference /// and the original text. Example: /// Input: /// str.String(): "a gHtml test" /// str.Begin(): 2 /// str.Length(): 5 /// Output: /// str.String(): "a gHtml test" /// str.Begin(): 2 /// str.Length(): 30 void TDocOutput::ReferenceEntity(TSubString& str, TMethod* entity, const char* comment /*= 0*/) { TString link; TClass* scope = entity->GetClass(); fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(scope, link); link += "#"; TString mangledName(scope->GetName()); NameSpace2FileName(mangledName); link += mangledName; link += ":"; mangledName = entity->GetName(); NameSpace2FileName(mangledName); link += mangledName; TString description; if (!comment && entity->GetClass()) { TIter iMeth(scope->GetListOfMethods()); TMethod* mCand = 0; while ((mCand = (TMethod*)iMeth())) if (!strcmp(mCand->GetName(), entity->GetName())) { if (description.Length()) { description += " or overloads"; break; } description = mCand->GetPrototype(); } comment = description.Data(); } if (comment && !strcmp(comment, entity->GetName())) comment = ""; AddLink(str, link, comment); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check whether reference is a relative reference, and can (or should) /// be prependen by relative paths. For HTML, check that it doesn't start /// with "http://" or "https://" Bool_t TDocOutput::ReferenceIsRelative(const char* reference) const { return !reference || strncmp(reference, "http", 4) || (strncmp(reference + 4, "://", 3) && strncmp(reference + 4, "s://", 4)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Replace ampersand, less-than and greater-than character, writing to out. /// If 0 is returned, no replacement needs to be done. const char* TDocOutput::ReplaceSpecialChars(char c) { /* if (fEscFlag) { fEscFlag = kFALSE; return buf; } else if (c == fEsc) { // text.Remove(pos, 1); - NO! we want to keep it nevertheless! fEscFlag = kTRUE; return buf; } */ switch (c) { case '<': return "<"; case '&': return "&"; case '>': return ">"; }; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Replace ampersand, less-than and greater-than character /// /// /// Input: text - text where replacement will happen, /// pos - index of char to be replaced; will point to next char to be /// replaced when function returns /// void TDocOutput::ReplaceSpecialChars(TString& text, Ssiz_t &pos) { const char c = text[pos]; const char* replaced = ReplaceSpecialChars(c); if (replaced) { text.Replace(pos, 1, replaced); pos += strlen(replaced) - 1; } ++pos; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Replace ampersand, less-than and greater-than character /// /// /// Input: text - text where replacement will happen, /// void TDocOutput::ReplaceSpecialChars(TString& text) { Ssiz_t pos = 0; while (pos < text.Length()) ReplaceSpecialChars(text, pos); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Replace ampersand, less-than and greater-than characters, writing to out /// /// /// Input: out - output file stream /// string - pointer to an array of characters /// void TDocOutput::ReplaceSpecialChars(std::ostream& out, const char *string) { while (string && *string) { const char* replaced = ReplaceSpecialChars(*string); if (replaced) out << replaced; else out << *string; string++; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run filename".dot", creating filename".png", and - if outMap is !=0, /// filename".map", which gets then included literally into outMap. Bool_t TDocOutput::RunDot(const char* filename, std::ostream* outMap /* =0 */, EGraphvizTool gvwhat /*= kDot*/) { if (!fHtml->HaveDot()) return kFALSE; TString runDot; switch (gvwhat) { case kNeato: runDot = "neato"; break; case kFdp: runDot = "fdp"; break; case kCirco: runDot = "circo"; break; default: runDot = "dot"; }; if (fHtml->GetDotDir() && *fHtml->GetDotDir()) gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetDotDir(), runDot); runDot += " -q1 -Tpng -o"; runDot += filename; runDot += ".png "; if (outMap) { runDot += "-Tcmap -o"; runDot += filename; runDot += ".map "; } runDot += filename; runDot += ".dot"; if (gDebug > 3) Info("RunDot", "Running: %s", runDot.Data()); Int_t retDot = gSystem->Exec(runDot); if (gDebug < 4 && !retDot) gSystem->Unlink(Form("%s.dot", filename)); if (!retDot && outMap) { std::ifstream inmap(Form("%s.map", filename)); std::string line; std::getline(inmap, line); if (inmap && !inmap.eof()) { *outMap << "BaseName(filename) << "\" id=\"Map" << gSystem->BaseName(filename) << "\">" << std::endl; while (inmap && !inmap.eof()) { if (line.compare(0, 6, "'); if (posEndTag != std::string::npos) line.replace(posEndTag, 1, "/>"); } *outMap << line << std::endl; std::getline(inmap, line); } *outMap << "" << std::endl; } inmap.close(); if (gDebug < 7) gSystem->Unlink(Form("%s.map", filename)); } if (retDot) { Error("RunDot", "Error running %s!", runDot.Data()); fHtml->SetFoundDot(kFALSE); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write HTML header /// /// Internal method invoked by the overload void TDocOutput::WriteHtmlHeader(std::ostream& out, const char *titleNoSpecial, const char* dir /*=""*/, TClass *cls /*=0*/, const char* header) { std::ifstream addHeaderFile(header); if (!addHeaderFile.good()) { Warning("THtml::WriteHtmlHeader", "Can't open html header file %s\n", header); return; } TString declFileName; if (cls) fHtml->GetDeclFileName(cls, kFALSE, declFileName); TString implFileName; if (cls) fHtml->GetImplFileName(cls, kFALSE, implFileName); const TString& charset = GetHtml()->GetCharset(); TDatime date; TString strDate(date.AsString()); TString line; while (!addHeaderFile.eof()) { line.ReadLine(addHeaderFile, kFALSE); if (addHeaderFile.eof()) break; if (line) { if (!cls && ( line.Index("%CLASS%") != kNPOS || line.Index("%INCFILE%") != kNPOS || line.Index("%SRCFILE%") != kNPOS)) continue; // skip class line for non-class files TString txt(line); txt.ReplaceAll("%TITLE%", titleNoSpecial); txt.ReplaceAll("%DATE%", strDate); txt.ReplaceAll("%RELDIR%", dir); txt.ReplaceAll("%CHARSET%", charset); if (cls) { txt.ReplaceAll("%CLASS%", cls->GetName()); txt.ReplaceAll("%INCFILE%", declFileName); txt.ReplaceAll("%SRCFILE%", implFileName); } out << txt << std::endl; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write HTML header /// /// /// Input: out - output file stream /// title - title for the HTML page /// cls - current class /// dir - relative directory to reach the top /// ("" for html doc, "../" for src/*cxx.html etc) /// /// evaluates the Root.Html.Header setting: /// * if not set, the standard header is written. (ROOT) /// * if set, and ends with a "+", the standard header is written and this file /// included afterwards. (ROOT, USER) /// * if set but doesn't end on "+" the file specified will be written instead /// of the standard header (USER) /// /// Any occurrence of "%TITLE%" (without the quotation marks) in the user /// provided header file will be replaced by the value of this method's /// parameter "title" before written to the output file. %CLASS% is replaced by /// the class name, %INCFILE% by the header file name as given by /// TClass::GetDeclFileName() and %SRCFILE% by the source file name as given by /// TClass::GetImplFileName(). If the header is written for a non-class page, /// i.e. cls==0, lines containing %CLASS%, %INCFILE%, or %SRCFILE% will be /// skipped. void TDocOutput::WriteHtmlHeader(std::ostream& out, const char *title, const char* dir /*=""*/, TClass *cls/*=0*/) { TString userHeader = GetHtml()->GetHeader(); TString noSpecialCharTitle(title); ReplaceSpecialChars(noSpecialCharTitle); Ssiz_t lenUserHeader = userHeader.Length(); // standard header output if Root.Html.Header is not set, or it's set and it ends with a "+". Bool_t bothHeaders = lenUserHeader > 0 && userHeader[lenUserHeader - 1] == '+'; if (lenUserHeader == 0 || bothHeaders) { TString header("header.html"); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetEtcDir(), header); WriteHtmlHeader(out, noSpecialCharTitle, dir, cls, header); } if (lenUserHeader != 0) { if (bothHeaders) userHeader.Remove(lenUserHeader - 1); WriteHtmlHeader(out, noSpecialCharTitle, dir, cls, userHeader); }; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write HTML footer /// /// Internal method invoked by the overload void TDocOutput::WriteHtmlFooter(std::ostream& out, const char* /*dir*/, const char* lastUpdate, const char* author, const char* copyright, const char* footer) { static const char* templateSITags[TDocParser::kNumSourceInfos] = { "%UPDATE%", "%AUTHOR%", "%COPYRIGHT%", "%CHANGED%", "%GENERATED%"}; TString today; TDatime dtToday; today.Form("%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", dtToday.GetYear(), dtToday.GetMonth(), dtToday.GetDay(), dtToday.GetHour(), dtToday.GetMinute()); TString datimeString; if (!lastUpdate || !lastUpdate[0]) { lastUpdate = today; } const char* siValues[TDocParser::kNumSourceInfos] = { lastUpdate, author, copyright, lastUpdate, today }; std::ifstream addFooterFile(footer); if (!addFooterFile.good()) { Warning("THtml::WriteHtmlFooter", "Can't open html footer file %s\n", footer); return; } TString line; while (!addFooterFile.eof()) { line.ReadLine(addFooterFile, kFALSE); if (addFooterFile.eof()) break; if (!line) continue; for (Int_t siTag = 0; siTag < (Int_t) TDocParser::kNumSourceInfos; ++siTag) { Ssiz_t siPos = line.Index(templateSITags[siTag]); if (siPos != kNPOS) { if (siValues[siTag] && siValues[siTag][0]) line.Replace(siPos, strlen(templateSITags[siTag]), siValues[siTag]); else line = ""; // skip e.g. %AUTHOR% lines if no author is set } } out << line << std::endl; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write HTML footer /// /// /// Input: out - output file stream /// dir - usually equal to "" or "../", depends of /// current file directory position, i.e. if /// file is in the fHtml->GetOutputDir(), then dir will be "" /// lastUpdate - last update string /// author - author's name /// copyright - copyright note /// /// Allows optional user provided footer to be written. Root.Html.Footer holds /// the file name for this footer. For details see THtml::WriteHtmlHeader (here, /// the "+" means the user's footer is written in front of Root's!) Occurrences /// of %AUTHOR%, %CHANGED%, %GENERATED%, and %COPYRIGHT% in the user's file are replaced by /// their corresponding values (author, lastUpdate, today, and copyright) before /// written to out. /// If no author is set (author == "", e.g. for ClassIndex.html") skip the whole /// line of the footer template containing %AUTHOR%. Accordingly for %COPYRIGHT%. void TDocOutput::WriteHtmlFooter(std::ostream& out, const char *dir, const char *lastUpdate, const char *author, const char *copyright) { out << std::endl; TString userFooter = GetHtml()->GetFooter(); if (userFooter.Length() != 0) { TString footer(userFooter); if (footer.EndsWith("+")) footer.Remove(footer.Length() - 1); WriteHtmlFooter(out, dir, lastUpdate, author, copyright, footer); }; if (userFooter.Length() == 0 || userFooter.EndsWith("+")) { TString footer("footer.html"); gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetEtcDir(), footer); WriteHtmlFooter(out, dir, lastUpdate, author, copyright, footer); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a div containing links to all topmost modules void TDocOutput::WriteModuleLinks(std::ostream& out) { if (fHtml->GetListOfModules()->GetSize()) { out << "


" << std::endl; // find index chars fHtml->SortListOfModules(); TIter iModule(fHtml->GetListOfModules()); TModuleDocInfo* module = 0; while ((module = (TModuleDocInfo*) iModule())) { if (!module->GetName() || strchr(module->GetName(), '/')) continue; if (module->IsSelected()) { TString name(module->GetName()); name.ToUpper(); out << "" << name << "" << std::endl; } } out<< "

" << std::endl; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a div containing the line numbers (for a source listing) 1 to nLines. /// Create links to the source file's line number and anchors, such that one can /// jump to SourceFile.cxx.html#27 (using the anchor), and one can copy and paste /// the link into e.g. gdb to get the text "SourceFile.cxx:27". void TDocOutput::WriteLineNumbers(std::ostream& out, Long_t nLines, const TString& infileBase) const { out << "
"; for (Long_t i = 0; i < nLines; ++i) { //   to force correct line height out << "
 " << infileBase << ":" << i + 1 << "
"; } out << "
" << std::endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a div containing links to all modules void TDocOutput::WriteModuleLinks(std::ostream& out, TModuleDocInfo* super) { if (super->GetSub().GetSize()) { TString superName(super->GetName()); superName.ToUpper(); out << "

" << superName << " Modules

" << std::endl; // find index chars super->GetSub().Sort(); TIter iModule(&super->GetSub()); TModuleDocInfo* module = 0; while ((module = (TModuleDocInfo*) iModule())) { if (module->IsSelected()) { TString name(module->GetName()); name.ToUpper(); TString link(name); link.ReplaceAll("/", "_"); Ssiz_t posSlash = name.Last('/'); if (posSlash != kNPOS) name.Remove(0, posSlash + 1); out << "" << name << "" << std::endl; } } out<< "

" << std::endl; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write a search link or a search box, based on THtml::GetSearchStemURL() /// and THtml::GetSearchEngine(). The first one is preferred. void TDocOutput::WriteSearch(std::ostream& out) { // e.g. searchCmd = "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s+site%3A%u+-site%3A%u%2Fsrc%2F+-site%3A%u%2Fexamples%2F"; const TString& searchCmd = GetHtml()->GetSearchStemURL(); const TString& searchEngine = GetHtml()->GetSearchEngine(); if (!searchCmd.Length() && !searchEngine.Length()) return; if (searchCmd.Length()) { TUrl url(searchCmd); TString serverName(url.GetHost()); if (serverName.Length()) { serverName.Prepend(" title=\""); serverName += "\" "; } // create search input out << "" << std::endl << "
" << std::endl << "" << std::endl << "Search
" << std::endl; } else if (searchEngine.Length()) // create link to search engine page out << "Search the Class Reference Guide" << std::endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// make a link to the description void TDocOutput::WriteLocation(std::ostream& out, TModuleDocInfo* module, const char* classname) { out << "
" << std::endl; // location const char *productName = fHtml->GetProductName(); out << "" << productName << "" << std::endl; if (module) { TString modulename(module->GetName()); modulename.ToUpper(); TString modulePart; TString modulePath; Ssiz_t pos = 0; while (modulename.Tokenize(modulePart, pos, "/")) { if (pos == kNPOS && !classname) // we are documenting the module itself, no need to link it: break; if (modulePath.Length()) modulePath += "_"; modulePath += modulePart; out << " » " << modulePart << "" << std::endl; } } TString entityName; if (classname) entityName = classname; else if (module) { entityName = module->GetName(); Ssiz_t posSlash = entityName.Last('/'); if (posSlash != kNPOS) entityName.Remove(0, posSlash + 1); entityName.ToUpper(); } if (entityName.Length()) { out << " » "; ReplaceSpecialChars(out, entityName); out << "" << std::endl; } out << "
" << std::endl; // location } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write the first part of the links shown ontop of each doc page; /// one \ has to be closed by caller so additional items can still /// be added. void TDocOutput::WriteTopLinks(std::ostream& out, TModuleDocInfo* module, const char* classname, Bool_t withLocation) { out << "
" << std::endl; out << "
" << std::endl // descrhead line 1 << "Quick Links:" << std::endl; // link to the user home page (if exist) const char* userHomePage = GetHtml()->GetHomepage(); const char* productName = fHtml->GetProductName(); if (!productName) { productName = ""; } else if (!strcmp(productName, "ROOT")) { userHomePage = ""; } if (userHomePage && *userHomePage) out << "" << productName << "" << std::endl; out << "ROOT Homepage" << std::endl << "Class Index" << std::endl << "Class Hierarchy
" << std::endl; WriteSearch(out); out << "
" << std::endl; // descrhead, line 1 if (withLocation) { out << "
" << std::endl; //toplinks WriteLocation(out, module, classname); // descrhead line 2 } // else { // Closed by caller! // out << "" << std::endl; // toplinks // } }