// @(#)root/matrix:$Id$ // Authors: Fons Rademakers, Eddy Offermann Feb 2004 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class TMatrixTSparse \ingroup Matrix TMatrixTSparse Template class of a general sparse matrix in the Harwell-Boeing format Besides the usual shape/size decsriptors of a matrix like fNrows, fRowLwb,fNcols and fColLwb, we also store a row index, fRowIndex and column index, fColIndex only for those elements unequal zero: ~~~ fRowIndex[0,..,fNrows]: Stores for each row the index range of the elements in the data and column array fColIndex[0,..,fNelems-1]: Stores the column number for each data element != 0 ~~~ As an example how to access all sparse data elements: ~~~ for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrows; irow++) { const Int_t sIndex = fRowIndex[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = fRowIndex[irow+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = fColIndex[index]; const Element data = fElements[index]; printf("data(%d,%d) = %.4e\n",irow+this->fRowLwb,icol+ this->fColLwb,data); } } ~~~ When checking whether sparse matrices are compatible (like in an assigment !), not only the shape parameters are compared but also the sparse structure through fRowIndex and fColIndex . Several methods exist to fill a sparse matrix with data entries. Most are the same like for dense matrices but some care has to be taken with regard to performance. In the constructor, always the shape of the matrix has to be specified in some form . Data can be entered through the following methods : 1. constructor ~~~ TMatrixTSparse(Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,Int_t dol_lwb, Int_t col_upb,Int_t nr_nonzeros, Int_t *row, Int_t *col,Element *data); ~~~ It uses SetMatrixArray(..), see below 2. copy constructors 3. SetMatrixArray(Int_t nr,Int_t *irow,Int_t *icol,Element *data) where it is expected that the irow,icol and data array contain nr entries . Only the entries with non-zero data[i] value are inserted. Be aware that the input data array will be modified inside the routine for doing the necessary sorting of indices ! 4. TMatrixTSparse a(n,m); for(....) { a(i,j) = .... This is a very flexible method but expensive : - if no entry for slot (i,j) is found in the sparse index table it will be entered, which involves some memory management ! - before invoking this method in a loop it is smart to first set the index table through a call to SetSparseIndex(..) 5. SetSub(Int_t row_lwb,Int_t col_lwb,const TMatrixTBase &source) the matrix to be inserted at position (row_lwb,col_lwb) can be both dense or sparse . */ #include "TMatrixTSparse.h" #include "TBuffer.h" #include "TMatrixT.h" #include "TMath.h" templateClassImp(TMatrixTSparse); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Space is allocated for row/column indices and data, but the sparse structure /// information has still to be set ! template TMatrixTSparse::TMatrixTSparse(Int_t no_rows,Int_t no_cols) { Allocate(no_rows,no_cols,0,0,1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Space is allocated for row/column indices and data, but the sparse structure /// information has still to be set ! template TMatrixTSparse::TMatrixTSparse(Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,Int_t col_lwb,Int_t col_upb) { Allocate(row_upb-row_lwb+1,col_upb-col_lwb+1,row_lwb,col_lwb,1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Space is allocated for row/column indices and data. Sparse row/column index /// structure together with data is coming from the arrays, row, col and data, resp . template TMatrixTSparse::TMatrixTSparse(Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,Int_t col_lwb,Int_t col_upb, Int_t nr,Int_t *row, Int_t *col,Element *data) { const Int_t irowmin = TMath::LocMin(nr,row); const Int_t irowmax = TMath::LocMax(nr,row); const Int_t icolmin = TMath::LocMin(nr,col); const Int_t icolmax = TMath::LocMax(nr,col); if (row[irowmin] < row_lwb || row[irowmax] > row_upb) { Error("TMatrixTSparse","Inconsistency between row index and its range"); if (row[irowmin] < row_lwb) { Info("TMatrixTSparse","row index lower bound adjusted to %d",row[irowmin]); row_lwb = row[irowmin]; } if (row[irowmax] > row_upb) { Info("TMatrixTSparse","row index upper bound adjusted to %d",row[irowmax]); col_lwb = col[irowmax]; } } if (col[icolmin] < col_lwb || col[icolmax] > col_upb) { Error("TMatrixTSparse","Inconsistency between column index and its range"); if (col[icolmin] < col_lwb) { Info("TMatrixTSparse","column index lower bound adjusted to %d",col[icolmin]); col_lwb = col[icolmin]; } if (col[icolmax] > col_upb) { Info("TMatrixTSparse","column index upper bound adjusted to %d",col[icolmax]); col_upb = col[icolmax]; } } Allocate(row_upb-row_lwb+1,col_upb-col_lwb+1,row_lwb,col_lwb,1,nr); SetMatrixArray(nr,row,col,data); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse::TMatrixTSparse(const TMatrixTSparse &another) : TMatrixTBase(another) { Allocate(another.GetNrows(),another.GetNcols(),another.GetRowLwb(),another.GetColLwb(),1, another.GetNoElements()); memcpy(fRowIndex,another.GetRowIndexArray(),this->fNrowIndex*sizeof(Int_t)); memcpy(fColIndex,another.GetColIndexArray(),this->fNelems*sizeof(Int_t)); *this = another; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse::TMatrixTSparse(const TMatrixT &another) : TMatrixTBase(another) { const Int_t nr_nonzeros = another.NonZeros(); Allocate(another.GetNrows(),another.GetNcols(),another.GetRowLwb(),another.GetColLwb(),1,nr_nonzeros); SetSparseIndex(another); *this = another; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a matrix applying a specific operation to the prototype. /// Supported operations are: kZero, kUnit, kTransposed and kAtA template TMatrixTSparse::TMatrixTSparse(EMatrixCreatorsOp1 op,const TMatrixTSparse &prototype) { R__ASSERT(prototype.IsValid()); Int_t nr_nonzeros = 0; switch(op) { case kZero: { Allocate(prototype.GetNrows(),prototype.GetNcols(), prototype.GetRowLwb(),prototype.GetColLwb(),1,nr_nonzeros); break; } case kUnit: { const Int_t nrows = prototype.GetNrows(); const Int_t ncols = prototype.GetNcols(); const Int_t rowLwb = prototype.GetRowLwb(); const Int_t colLwb = prototype.GetColLwb(); for (Int_t i = rowLwb; i <= rowLwb+nrows-1; i++) for (Int_t j = colLwb; j <= colLwb+ncols-1; j++) if (i==j) nr_nonzeros++; Allocate(nrows,ncols,rowLwb,colLwb,1,nr_nonzeros); UnitMatrix(); break; } case kTransposed: { Allocate(prototype.GetNcols(), prototype.GetNrows(), prototype.GetColLwb(),prototype.GetRowLwb(),1,prototype.GetNoElements()); Transpose(prototype); break; } case kAtA: { const TMatrixTSparse at(TMatrixTSparse::kTransposed,prototype); AMultBt(at,at,1); break; } default: Error("TMatrixTSparse(EMatrixCreatorOp1)","operation %d not yet implemented", op); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a matrix applying a specific operation to two prototypes. /// Supported operations are: kMult (a*b), kMultTranspose (a*b'), kPlus (a+b), kMinus (a-b) template TMatrixTSparse::TMatrixTSparse(const TMatrixTSparse &a,EMatrixCreatorsOp2 op,const TMatrixTSparse &b) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); switch(op) { case kMult: AMultB(a,b,1); break; case kMultTranspose: AMultBt(a,b,1); break; case kPlus: APlusB(a,b,1); break; case kMinus: AMinusB(a,b,1); break; default: Error("TMatrixTSparse(EMatrixCreatorOp2)", "operation %d not yet implemented",op); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a matrix applying a specific operation to two prototypes. /// Supported operations are: kMult (a*b), kMultTranspose (a*b'), kPlus (a+b), kMinus (a-b) template TMatrixTSparse::TMatrixTSparse(const TMatrixTSparse &a,EMatrixCreatorsOp2 op,const TMatrixT &b) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); switch(op) { case kMult: AMultB(a,b,1); break; case kMultTranspose: AMultBt(a,b,1); break; case kPlus: APlusB(a,b,1); break; case kMinus: AMinusB(a,b,1); break; default: Error("TMatrixTSparse(EMatrixCreatorOp2)", "operation %d not yet implemented",op); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a matrix applying a specific operation to two prototypes. /// Supported operations are: kMult (a*b), kMultTranspose (a*b'), kPlus (a+b), kMinus (a-b) template TMatrixTSparse::TMatrixTSparse(const TMatrixT &a,EMatrixCreatorsOp2 op,const TMatrixTSparse &b) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); switch(op) { case kMult: AMultB(a,b,1); break; case kMultTranspose: AMultBt(a,b,1); break; case kPlus: APlusB(a,b,1); break; case kMinus: AMinusB(a,b,1); break; default: Error("TMatrixTSparse(EMatrixCreatorOp2)", "operation %d not yet implemented",op); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Allocate new matrix. Arguments are number of rows, columns, row lowerbound (0 default) /// and column lowerbound (0 default), 0 initialization flag and number of non-zero /// elements (only relevant for sparse format). template void TMatrixTSparse::Allocate(Int_t no_rows,Int_t no_cols,Int_t row_lwb,Int_t col_lwb, Int_t init,Int_t nr_nonzeros) { if ( (nr_nonzeros > 0 && (no_rows == 0 || no_cols == 0)) || (no_rows < 0 || no_cols < 0 || nr_nonzeros < 0) ) { Error("Allocate","no_rows=%d no_cols=%d non_zeros=%d",no_rows,no_cols,nr_nonzeros); this->Invalidate(); return; } this->MakeValid(); this->fNrows = no_rows; this->fNcols = no_cols; this->fRowLwb = row_lwb; this->fColLwb = col_lwb; this->fNrowIndex = this->fNrows+1; this->fNelems = nr_nonzeros; this->fIsOwner = kTRUE; this->fTol = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); fRowIndex = new Int_t[this->fNrowIndex]; if (init) memset(fRowIndex,0,this->fNrowIndex*sizeof(Int_t)); if (this->fNelems > 0) { fElements = new Element[this->fNelems]; fColIndex = new Int_t [this->fNelems]; if (init) { memset(fElements,0,this->fNelems*sizeof(Element)); memset(fColIndex,0,this->fNelems*sizeof(Int_t)); } } else { fElements = 0; fColIndex = 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Insert in row rown, n elements of array v at column coln template TMatrixTBase &TMatrixTSparse::InsertRow(Int_t rown,Int_t coln,const Element *v,Int_t n) { const Int_t arown = rown-this->fRowLwb; const Int_t acoln = coln-this->fColLwb; const Int_t nr = (n > 0) ? n : this->fNcols; if (gMatrixCheck) { if (arown >= this->fNrows || arown < 0) { Error("InsertRow","row %d out of matrix range",rown); return *this; } if (acoln >= this->fNcols || acoln < 0) { Error("InsertRow","column %d out of matrix range",coln); return *this; } if (acoln+nr > this->fNcols || nr < 0) { Error("InsertRow","row length %d out of range",nr); return *this; } } const Int_t sIndex = fRowIndex[arown]; const Int_t eIndex = fRowIndex[arown+1]; // check first how many slots are available from [acoln,..,acoln+nr-1] // also note lIndex and rIndex so that [sIndex..lIndex] and [rIndex..eIndex-1] // contain the row entries except for the region to be inserted Int_t nslots = 0; Int_t lIndex = sIndex-1; Int_t rIndex = sIndex-1; Int_t index; for (index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = fColIndex[index]; rIndex++; if (icol >= acoln+nr) break; if (icol >= acoln) nslots++; else lIndex++; } const Int_t nelems_old = this->fNelems; const Int_t *colIndex_old = fColIndex; const Element *elements_old = fElements; const Int_t ndiff = nr-nslots; this->fNelems += ndiff; fColIndex = new Int_t[this->fNelems]; fElements = new Element[this->fNelems]; for (Int_t irow = arown+1; irow < this->fNrows+1; irow++) fRowIndex[irow] += ndiff; if (lIndex+1 > 0) { memmove(fColIndex,colIndex_old,(lIndex+1)*sizeof(Int_t)); memmove(fElements,elements_old,(lIndex+1)*sizeof(Element)); } if (nelems_old > 0 && nelems_old-rIndex > 0) { memmove(fColIndex+rIndex+ndiff,colIndex_old+rIndex,(nelems_old-rIndex)*sizeof(Int_t)); memmove(fElements+rIndex+ndiff,elements_old+rIndex,(nelems_old-rIndex)*sizeof(Element)); } index = lIndex+1; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nr; i++) { fColIndex[index] = acoln+i; fElements[index] = v[i]; index++; } if (colIndex_old) delete [] (Int_t*) colIndex_old; if (elements_old) delete [] (Element*) elements_old; R__ASSERT(this->fNelems == fRowIndex[this->fNrowIndex-1]); return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Store in array v, n matrix elements of row rown starting at column coln template void TMatrixTSparse::ExtractRow(Int_t rown, Int_t coln, Element *v,Int_t n) const { const Int_t arown = rown-this->fRowLwb; const Int_t acoln = coln-this->fColLwb; const Int_t nr = (n > 0) ? n : this->fNcols; if (gMatrixCheck) { if (arown >= this->fNrows || arown < 0) { Error("ExtractRow","row %d out of matrix range",rown); return; } if (acoln >= this->fNcols || acoln < 0) { Error("ExtractRow","column %d out of matrix range",coln); return; } if (acoln+nr > this->fNcols || nr < 0) { Error("ExtractRow","row length %d out of range",nr); return; } } const Int_t sIndex = fRowIndex[arown]; const Int_t eIndex = fRowIndex[arown+1]; memset(v,0,nr*sizeof(Element)); const Int_t * const pColIndex = GetColIndexArray(); const Element * const pData = GetMatrixArray(); for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = pColIndex[index]; if (icol < acoln || icol >= acoln+nr) continue; v[icol-acoln] = pData[index]; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// General matrix multiplication. Create a matrix C such that C = A * B'. /// Note, matrix C is allocated for constr=1. template void TMatrixTSparse::AMultBt(const TMatrixTSparse &a,const TMatrixTSparse &b,Int_t constr) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); if (a.GetNcols() != b.GetNcols() || a.GetColLwb() != b.GetColLwb()) { Error("AMultBt","A and B columns incompatible"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == a.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMultB","this = &a"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == b.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMultB","this = &b"); return; } } const Int_t * const pRowIndexa = a.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexa = a.GetColIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pRowIndexb = b.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexb = b.GetColIndexArray(); Int_t *pRowIndexc; Int_t *pColIndexc; if (constr) { // make a best guess of the sparse structure; it will guarantee // enough allocated space ! Int_t nr_nonzero_rowa = 0; { for (Int_t irowa = 0; irowa < a.GetNrows(); irowa++) if (pRowIndexa[irowa] < pRowIndexa[irowa+1]) nr_nonzero_rowa++; } Int_t nr_nonzero_rowb = 0; { for (Int_t irowb = 0; irowb < b.GetNrows(); irowb++) if (pRowIndexb[irowb] < pRowIndexb[irowb+1]) nr_nonzero_rowb++; } const Int_t nc = nr_nonzero_rowa*nr_nonzero_rowb; // best guess Allocate(a.GetNrows(),b.GetNrows(),a.GetRowLwb(),b.GetRowLwb(),1,nc); pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); pRowIndexc[0] = 0; Int_t ielem = 0; for (Int_t irowa = 0; irowa < a.GetNrows(); irowa++) { pRowIndexc[irowa+1] = pRowIndexc[irowa]; if (pRowIndexa[irowa] >= pRowIndexa[irowa+1]) continue; for (Int_t irowb = 0; irowb < b.GetNrows(); irowb++) { if (pRowIndexb[irowb] >= pRowIndexb[irowb+1]) continue; pRowIndexc[irowa+1]++; pColIndexc[ielem++] = irowb; } } } else { pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); } const Element * const pDataa = a.GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const pDatab = b.GetMatrixArray(); Element * const pDatac = this->GetMatrixArray(); Int_t indexc_r = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < this->GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc+1]; for (Int_t icolc = 0; icolc < this->GetNcols(); icolc++) { const Int_t sIndexb = pRowIndexb[icolc]; const Int_t eIndexb = pRowIndexb[icolc+1]; Element sum = 0.0; Int_t indexb = sIndexb; for (Int_t indexa = sIndexa; indexa < eIndexa && indexb < eIndexb; indexa++) { const Int_t icola = pColIndexa[indexa]; while (indexb < eIndexb && pColIndexb[indexb] <= icola) { if (icola == pColIndexb[indexb]) { sum += pDataa[indexa]*pDatab[indexb]; break; } indexb++; } } if (sum != 0.0) { pColIndexc[indexc_r] = icolc; pDatac[indexc_r] = sum; indexc_r++; } } pRowIndexc[irowc+1] = indexc_r; } if (constr) SetSparseIndex(indexc_r); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// General matrix multiplication. Create a matrix C such that C = A * B'. /// Note, matrix C is allocated for constr=1. template void TMatrixTSparse::AMultBt(const TMatrixTSparse &a,const TMatrixT &b,Int_t constr) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); if (a.GetNcols() != b.GetNcols() || a.GetColLwb() != b.GetColLwb()) { Error("AMultBt","A and B columns incompatible"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == a.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMultB","this = &a"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == b.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMultB","this = &b"); return; } } const Int_t * const pRowIndexa = a.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexa = a.GetColIndexArray(); Int_t *pRowIndexc; Int_t *pColIndexc; if (constr) { // make a best guess of the sparse structure; it will guarantee // enough allocated space ! Int_t nr_nonzero_rowa = 0; { for (Int_t irowa = 0; irowa < a.GetNrows(); irowa++) if (pRowIndexa[irowa] < pRowIndexa[irowa+1]) nr_nonzero_rowa++; } Int_t nr_nonzero_rowb = b.GetNrows(); const Int_t nc = nr_nonzero_rowa*nr_nonzero_rowb; // best guess Allocate(a.GetNrows(),b.GetNrows(),a.GetRowLwb(),b.GetRowLwb(),1,nc); pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); pRowIndexc[0] = 0; Int_t ielem = 0; for (Int_t irowa = 0; irowa < a.GetNrows(); irowa++) { pRowIndexc[irowa+1] = pRowIndexc[irowa]; for (Int_t irowb = 0; irowb < b.GetNrows(); irowb++) { pRowIndexc[irowa+1]++; pColIndexc[ielem++] = irowb; } } } else { pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); } const Element * const pDataa = a.GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const pDatab = b.GetMatrixArray(); Element * const pDatac = this->GetMatrixArray(); Int_t indexc_r = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < this->GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc+1]; for (Int_t icolc = 0; icolc < this->GetNcols(); icolc++) { const Int_t off = icolc*b.GetNcols(); Element sum = 0.0; for (Int_t indexa = sIndexa; indexa < eIndexa; indexa++) { const Int_t icola = pColIndexa[indexa]; sum += pDataa[indexa]*pDatab[off+icola]; } if (sum != 0.0) { pColIndexc[indexc_r] = icolc; pDatac[indexc_r] = sum; indexc_r++; } } pRowIndexc[irowc+1]= indexc_r; } if (constr) SetSparseIndex(indexc_r); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// General matrix multiplication. Create a matrix C such that C = A * B'. /// Note, matrix C is allocated for constr=1. template void TMatrixTSparse::AMultBt(const TMatrixT &a,const TMatrixTSparse &b,Int_t constr) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); if (a.GetNcols() != b.GetNcols() || a.GetColLwb() != b.GetColLwb()) { Error("AMultBt","A and B columns incompatible"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == a.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMultB","this = &a"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == b.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMultB","this = &b"); return; } } const Int_t * const pRowIndexb = b.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexb = b.GetColIndexArray(); Int_t *pRowIndexc; Int_t *pColIndexc; if (constr) { // make a best guess of the sparse structure; it will guarantee // enough allocated space ! Int_t nr_nonzero_rowa = a.GetNrows(); Int_t nr_nonzero_rowb = 0; { for (Int_t irowb = 0; irowb < b.GetNrows(); irowb++) if (pRowIndexb[irowb] < pRowIndexb[irowb+1]) nr_nonzero_rowb++; } const Int_t nc = nr_nonzero_rowa*nr_nonzero_rowb; // best guess Allocate(a.GetNrows(),b.GetNrows(),a.GetRowLwb(),b.GetRowLwb(),1,nc); pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); pRowIndexc[0] = 0; Int_t ielem = 0; for (Int_t irowa = 0; irowa < a.GetNrows(); irowa++) { pRowIndexc[irowa+1] = pRowIndexc[irowa]; for (Int_t irowb = 0; irowb < b.GetNrows(); irowb++) { if (pRowIndexb[irowb] >= pRowIndexb[irowb+1]) continue; pRowIndexc[irowa+1]++; pColIndexc[ielem++] = irowb; } } } else { pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); } const Element * const pDataa = a.GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const pDatab = b.GetMatrixArray(); Element * const pDatac = this->GetMatrixArray(); Int_t indexc_r = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < this->GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t off = irowc*a.GetNcols(); for (Int_t icolc = 0; icolc < this->GetNcols(); icolc++) { const Int_t sIndexb = pRowIndexb[icolc]; const Int_t eIndexb = pRowIndexb[icolc+1]; Element sum = 0.0; for (Int_t indexb = sIndexb; indexb < eIndexb; indexb++) { const Int_t icolb = pColIndexb[indexb]; sum += pDataa[off+icolb]*pDatab[indexb]; } if (sum != 0.0) { pColIndexc[indexc_r] = icolc; pDatac[indexc_r] = sum; indexc_r++; } } pRowIndexc[irowc+1] = indexc_r; } if (constr) SetSparseIndex(indexc_r); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// General matrix addition. Create a matrix C such that C = A + B. /// Note, matrix C is allocated for constr=1. template void TMatrixTSparse::APlusB(const TMatrixTSparse &a,const TMatrixTSparse &b,Int_t constr) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); if (a.GetNrows() != b.GetNrows() || a.GetNcols() != b.GetNcols() || a.GetRowLwb() != b.GetRowLwb() || a.GetColLwb() != b.GetColLwb()) { Error("APlusB(const TMatrixTSparse &,const TMatrixTSparse &","matrices not compatible"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == a.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("APlusB","this = &a"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == b.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("APlusB","this = &b"); return; } } const Int_t * const pRowIndexa = a.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pRowIndexb = b.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexa = a.GetColIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexb = b.GetColIndexArray(); if (constr) { Allocate(a.GetNrows(),a.GetNcols(),a.GetRowLwb(),a.GetColLwb()); SetSparseIndexAB(a,b); } Int_t * const pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t * const pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); const Element * const pDataa = a.GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const pDatab = b.GetMatrixArray(); Element * const pDatac = this->GetMatrixArray(); Int_t indexc_r = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < this->GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc+1]; const Int_t sIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc+1]; Int_t indexa = sIndexa; Int_t indexb = sIndexb; for (Int_t icolc = 0; icolc < this->GetNcols(); icolc++) { Element sum = 0.0; while (indexa < eIndexa && pColIndexa[indexa] <= icolc) { if (icolc == pColIndexa[indexa]) { sum += pDataa[indexa]; break; } indexa++; } while (indexb < eIndexb && pColIndexb[indexb] <= icolc) { if (icolc == pColIndexb[indexb]) { sum += pDatab[indexb]; break; } indexb++; } if (sum != 0.0) { pColIndexc[indexc_r] = icolc; pDatac[indexc_r] = sum; indexc_r++; } } pRowIndexc[irowc+1] = indexc_r; } if (constr) SetSparseIndex(indexc_r); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// General matrix addition. Create a matrix C such that C = A + B. /// Note, matrix C is allocated for constr=1. template void TMatrixTSparse::APlusB(const TMatrixTSparse &a,const TMatrixT &b,Int_t constr) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); if (a.GetNrows() != b.GetNrows() || a.GetNcols() != b.GetNcols() || a.GetRowLwb() != b.GetRowLwb() || a.GetColLwb() != b.GetColLwb()) { Error("APlusB(const TMatrixTSparse &,const TMatrixT &","matrices not compatible"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == a.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("APlusB","this = &a"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == b.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("APlusB","this = &b"); return; } } if (constr) { Allocate(a.GetNrows(),a.GetNcols(),a.GetRowLwb(),a.GetColLwb()); SetSparseIndexAB(a,b); } Int_t * const pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t * const pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pRowIndexa = a.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexa = a.GetColIndexArray(); const Element * const pDataa = a.GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const pDatab = b.GetMatrixArray(); Element * const pDatac = this->GetMatrixArray(); Int_t indexc_r = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < this->GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc+1]; const Int_t off = irowc*this->GetNcols(); Int_t indexa = sIndexa; for (Int_t icolc = 0; icolc < this->GetNcols(); icolc++) { Element sum = pDatab[off+icolc]; while (indexa < eIndexa && pColIndexa[indexa] <= icolc) { if (icolc == pColIndexa[indexa]) { sum += pDataa[indexa]; break; } indexa++; } if (sum != 0.0) { pColIndexc[indexc_r] = icolc; pDatac[indexc_r] = sum; indexc_r++; } } pRowIndexc[irowc+1] = indexc_r; } if (constr) SetSparseIndex(indexc_r); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// General matrix subtraction. Create a matrix C such that C = A - B. /// Note, matrix C is allocated for constr=1. template void TMatrixTSparse::AMinusB(const TMatrixTSparse &a,const TMatrixTSparse &b,Int_t constr) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); if (a.GetNrows() != b.GetNrows() || a.GetNcols() != b.GetNcols() || a.GetRowLwb() != b.GetRowLwb() || a.GetColLwb() != b.GetColLwb()) { Error("AMinusB(const TMatrixTSparse &,const TMatrixTSparse &","matrices not compatible"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == a.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMinusB","this = &a"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == b.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMinusB","this = &b"); return; } } const Int_t * const pRowIndexa = a.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pRowIndexb = b.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexa = a.GetColIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexb = b.GetColIndexArray(); if (constr) { Allocate(a.GetNrows(),a.GetNcols(),a.GetRowLwb(),a.GetColLwb()); SetSparseIndexAB(a,b); } Int_t * const pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t * const pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); const Element * const pDataa = a.GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const pDatab = b.GetMatrixArray(); Element * const pDatac = this->GetMatrixArray(); Int_t indexc_r = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < this->GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc+1]; const Int_t sIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc+1]; Int_t indexa = sIndexa; Int_t indexb = sIndexb; for (Int_t icolc = 0; icolc < this->GetNcols(); icolc++) { Element sum = 0.0; while (indexa < eIndexa && pColIndexa[indexa] <= icolc) { if (icolc == pColIndexa[indexa]) { sum += pDataa[indexa]; break; } indexa++; } while (indexb < eIndexb && pColIndexb[indexb] <= icolc) { if (icolc == pColIndexb[indexb]) { sum -= pDatab[indexb]; break; } indexb++; } if (sum != 0.0) { pColIndexc[indexc_r] = icolc; pDatac[indexc_r] = sum; indexc_r++; } } pRowIndexc[irowc+1] = indexc_r; } if (constr) SetSparseIndex(indexc_r); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// General matrix subtraction. Create a matrix C such that C = A - B. /// Note, matrix C is allocated for constr=1. template void TMatrixTSparse::AMinusB(const TMatrixTSparse &a,const TMatrixT &b,Int_t constr) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); if (a.GetNrows() != b.GetNrows() || a.GetNcols() != b.GetNcols() || a.GetRowLwb() != b.GetRowLwb() || a.GetColLwb() != b.GetColLwb()) { Error("AMinusB(const TMatrixTSparse &,const TMatrixT &","matrices not compatible"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == a.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMinusB","this = &a"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == b.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMinusB","this = &b"); return; } } if (constr) { Allocate(a.GetNrows(),a.GetNcols(),a.GetRowLwb(),a.GetColLwb()); SetSparseIndexAB(a,b); } Int_t * const pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t * const pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pRowIndexa = a.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexa = a.GetColIndexArray(); const Element * const pDataa = a.GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const pDatab = b.GetMatrixArray(); Element * const pDatac = this->GetMatrixArray(); Int_t indexc_r = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < this->GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc+1]; const Int_t off = irowc*this->GetNcols(); Int_t indexa = sIndexa; for (Int_t icolc = 0; icolc < this->GetNcols(); icolc++) { Element sum = -pDatab[off+icolc]; while (indexa < eIndexa && pColIndexa[indexa] <= icolc) { if (icolc == pColIndexa[indexa]) { sum += pDataa[indexa]; break; } indexa++; } if (sum != 0.0) { pColIndexc[indexc_r] = icolc; pDatac[indexc_r] = sum; indexc_r++; } } pRowIndexc[irowc+1] = indexc_r; } if (constr) SetSparseIndex(indexc_r); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// General matrix subtraction. Create a matrix C such that C = A - B. /// Note, matrix C is allocated for constr=1. template void TMatrixTSparse::AMinusB(const TMatrixT &a,const TMatrixTSparse &b,Int_t constr) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); if (a.GetNrows() != b.GetNrows() || a.GetNcols() != b.GetNcols() || a.GetRowLwb() != b.GetRowLwb() || a.GetColLwb() != b.GetColLwb()) { Error("AMinusB(const TMatrixT &,const TMatrixTSparse &","matrices not compatible"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == a.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMinusB","this = &a"); return; } if (!constr && this->GetMatrixArray() == b.GetMatrixArray()) { Error("AMinusB","this = &b"); return; } } if (constr) { Allocate(a.GetNrows(),a.GetNcols(),a.GetRowLwb(),a.GetColLwb()); SetSparseIndexAB(a,b); } Int_t * const pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t * const pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pRowIndexb = b.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexb = b.GetColIndexArray(); const Element * const pDataa = a.GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const pDatab = b.GetMatrixArray(); Element * const pDatac = this->GetMatrixArray(); Int_t indexc_r = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < this->GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc+1]; const Int_t off = irowc*this->GetNcols(); Int_t indexb = sIndexb; for (Int_t icolc = 0; icolc < this->GetNcols(); icolc++) { Element sum = pDataa[off+icolc]; while (indexb < eIndexb && pColIndexb[indexb] <= icolc) { if (icolc == pColIndexb[indexb]) { sum -= pDatab[indexb]; break; } indexb++; } if (sum != 0.0) { pColIndexc[indexc_r] = icolc; pDatac[indexc_r] = sum; indexc_r++; } } pRowIndexc[irowc+1] = indexc_r; } if (constr) SetSparseIndex(indexc_r); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy matrix data to array . It is assumed that array is of size >= fNelems template void TMatrixTSparse::GetMatrix2Array(Element *data,Option_t * /*option*/) const { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); const Element * const elem = GetMatrixArray(); memcpy(data,elem,this->fNelems*sizeof(Element)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy nr elements from row/col index and data array to matrix . It is assumed /// that arrays are of size >= nr /// Note that the input arrays are not passed as const since they will be modified ! template TMatrixTBase &TMatrixTSparse::SetMatrixArray(Int_t nr,Int_t *row,Int_t *col,Element *data) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); if (nr <= 0) { Error("SetMatrixArray(Int_t,Int_t*,Int_t*,Element*","nr <= 0"); return *this; } const Int_t irowmin = TMath::LocMin(nr,row); const Int_t irowmax = TMath::LocMax(nr,row); const Int_t icolmin = TMath::LocMin(nr,col); const Int_t icolmax = TMath::LocMax(nr,col); R__ASSERT(row[irowmin] >= this->fRowLwb && row[irowmax] <= this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows-1); R__ASSERT(col[icolmin] >= this->fColLwb && col[icolmax] <= this->fColLwb+this->fNcols-1); if (row[irowmin] < this->fRowLwb || row[irowmax] > this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows-1) { Error("SetMatrixArray","Inconsistency between row index and its range"); if (row[irowmin] < this->fRowLwb) { Info("SetMatrixArray","row index lower bound adjusted to %d",row[irowmin]); this->fRowLwb = row[irowmin]; } if (row[irowmax] > this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows-1) { Info("SetMatrixArray","row index upper bound adjusted to %d",row[irowmax]); this->fNrows = row[irowmax]-this->fRowLwb+1; } } if (col[icolmin] < this->fColLwb || col[icolmax] > this->fColLwb+this->fNcols-1) { Error("SetMatrixArray","Inconsistency between column index and its range"); if (col[icolmin] < this->fColLwb) { Info("SetMatrixArray","column index lower bound adjusted to %d",col[icolmin]); this->fColLwb = col[icolmin]; } if (col[icolmax] > this->fColLwb+this->fNcols-1) { Info("SetMatrixArray","column index upper bound adjusted to %d",col[icolmax]); this->fNcols = col[icolmax]-this->fColLwb+1; } } TMatrixTBase::DoubleLexSort(nr,row,col,data); Int_t nr_nonzeros = 0; const Element *ep = data; const Element * const fp = data+nr; while (ep < fp) if (*ep++ != 0.0) nr_nonzeros++; if (nr_nonzeros != this->fNelems) { if (fColIndex) { delete [] fColIndex; fColIndex = 0; } if (fElements) { delete [] fElements; fElements = 0; } this->fNelems = nr_nonzeros; if (this->fNelems > 0) { fColIndex = new Int_t[nr_nonzeros]; fElements = new Element[nr_nonzeros]; } else { fColIndex = 0; fElements = 0; } } if (this->fNelems <= 0) return *this; fRowIndex[0] = 0; Int_t ielem = 0; nr_nonzeros = 0; for (Int_t irow = 1; irow < this->fNrows+1; irow++) { if (ielem < nr && row[ielem] < irow) { while (ielem < nr) { if (data[ielem] != 0.0) { fColIndex[nr_nonzeros] = col[ielem]-this->fColLwb; fElements[nr_nonzeros] = data[ielem]; nr_nonzeros++; } ielem++; if (ielem >= nr || row[ielem] != row[ielem-1]) break; } } fRowIndex[irow] = nr_nonzeros; } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Increase/decrease the number of non-zero elements to nelems_new template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::SetSparseIndex(Int_t nelems_new) { if (nelems_new != this->fNelems) { Int_t nr = TMath::Min(nelems_new,this->fNelems); Int_t *oIp = fColIndex; fColIndex = new Int_t[nelems_new]; if (oIp) { memmove(fColIndex,oIp,nr*sizeof(Int_t)); delete [] oIp; } Element *oDp = fElements; fElements = new Element[nelems_new]; if (oDp) { memmove(fElements,oDp,nr*sizeof(Element)); delete [] oDp; } this->fNelems = nelems_new; if (nelems_new > nr) { memset(fElements+nr,0,(nelems_new-nr)*sizeof(Element)); memset(fColIndex+nr,0,(nelems_new-nr)*sizeof(Int_t)); } else { for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrowIndex; irow++) if (fRowIndex[irow] > nelems_new) fRowIndex[irow] = nelems_new; } } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Use non-zero data of matrix source to set the sparse structure template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::SetSparseIndex(const TMatrixTBase &source) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(source.IsValid()); if (this->GetNrows() != source.GetNrows() || this->GetNcols() != source.GetNcols() || this->GetRowLwb() != source.GetRowLwb() || this->GetColLwb() != source.GetColLwb()) { Error("SetSparseIndex","matrices not compatible"); return *this; } } const Int_t nr_nonzeros = source.NonZeros(); if (nr_nonzeros != this->fNelems) SetSparseIndex(nr_nonzeros); if (source.GetRowIndexArray() && source.GetColIndexArray()) { memmove(fRowIndex,source.GetRowIndexArray(),this->fNrowIndex*sizeof(Int_t)); memmove(fColIndex,source.GetColIndexArray(),this->fNelems*sizeof(Int_t)); } else { const Element *ep = source.GetMatrixArray(); Int_t nr = 0; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrows; irow++) { fRowIndex[irow] = nr; for (Int_t icol = 0; icol < this->fNcols; icol++) { if (*ep != 0.0) { fColIndex[nr] = icol; nr++; } ep++; } } fRowIndex[this->fNrows] = nr; } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the row/column indices to the "sum" of matrices a and b /// It is checked that enough space has been allocated template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::SetSparseIndexAB(const TMatrixTSparse &a,const TMatrixTSparse &b) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); if (a.GetNrows() != b.GetNrows() || a.GetNcols() != b.GetNcols() || a.GetRowLwb() != b.GetRowLwb() || a.GetColLwb() != b.GetColLwb()) { Error("SetSparseIndexAB","source matrices not compatible"); return *this; } if (this->GetNrows() != a.GetNrows() || this->GetNcols() != a.GetNcols() || this->GetRowLwb() != a.GetRowLwb() || this->GetColLwb() != a.GetColLwb()) { Error("SetSparseIndexAB","matrix not compatible with source matrices"); return *this; } } const Int_t * const pRowIndexa = a.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pRowIndexb = b.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexa = a.GetColIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexb = b.GetColIndexArray(); // Count first the number of non-zero slots that are needed Int_t nc = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < a.GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc+1]; const Int_t sIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc+1]; nc += eIndexa-sIndexa; Int_t indexb = sIndexb; for (Int_t indexa = sIndexa; indexa < eIndexa; indexa++) { const Int_t icola = pColIndexa[indexa]; for (; indexb < eIndexb; indexb++) { if (pColIndexb[indexb] >= icola) { if (pColIndexb[indexb] == icola) indexb++; break; } nc++; } } while (indexb < eIndexb) { const Int_t icola = (eIndexa > sIndexa && eIndexa > 0) ? pColIndexa[eIndexa-1] : -1; if (pColIndexb[indexb++] > icola) nc++; } } // Allocate the necessary space in fRowIndex and fColIndex if (this->NonZeros() != nc) SetSparseIndex(nc); Int_t * const pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t * const pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); nc = 0; pRowIndexc[0] = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < a.GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexa = pRowIndexa[irowc+1]; const Int_t sIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc+1]; Int_t indexb = sIndexb; for (Int_t indexa = sIndexa; indexa < eIndexa; indexa++) { const Int_t icola = pColIndexa[indexa]; for (; indexb < eIndexb; indexb++) { if (pColIndexb[indexb] >= icola) { if (pColIndexb[indexb] == icola) indexb++; break; } pColIndexc[nc++] = pColIndexb[indexb]; } pColIndexc[nc++] = pColIndexa[indexa]; } while (indexb < eIndexb) { const Int_t icola = (eIndexa > 0) ? pColIndexa[eIndexa-1] : -1; if (pColIndexb[indexb++] > icola) pColIndexc[nc++] = pColIndexb[indexb-1]; } pRowIndexc[irowc+1] = nc; } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the row/column indices to the "sum" of matrices a and b /// It is checked that enough space has been allocated template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::SetSparseIndexAB(const TMatrixT &a,const TMatrixTSparse &b) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(a.IsValid()); R__ASSERT(b.IsValid()); if (a.GetNrows() != b.GetNrows() || a.GetNcols() != b.GetNcols() || a.GetRowLwb() != b.GetRowLwb() || a.GetColLwb() != b.GetColLwb()) { Error("SetSparseIndexAB","source matrices not compatible"); return *this; } if (this->GetNrows() != a.GetNrows() || this->GetNcols() != a.GetNcols() || this->GetRowLwb() != a.GetRowLwb() || this->GetColLwb() != a.GetColLwb()) { Error("SetSparseIndexAB","matrix not compatible with source matrices"); return *this; } } const Element * const pDataa = a.GetMatrixArray(); const Int_t * const pRowIndexb = b.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndexb = b.GetColIndexArray(); // Count first the number of non-zero slots that are needed Int_t nc = a.NonZeros(); for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < this->GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc+1]; const Int_t off = irowc*this->GetNcols(); Int_t indexb = sIndexb; for (Int_t icolc = 0; icolc < this->GetNcols(); icolc++) { if (pDataa[off+icolc] != 0.0 || pColIndexb[indexb] > icolc) continue; for (; indexb < eIndexb; indexb++) { if (pColIndexb[indexb] >= icolc) { if (pColIndexb[indexb] == icolc) { nc++; indexb++; } break; } } } } // Allocate the necessary space in fRowIndex and fColIndex if (this->NonZeros() != nc) SetSparseIndex(nc); Int_t * const pRowIndexc = this->GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t * const pColIndexc = this->GetColIndexArray(); nc = 0; pRowIndexc[0] = 0; for (Int_t irowc = 0; irowc < this->GetNrows(); irowc++) { const Int_t sIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc]; const Int_t eIndexb = pRowIndexb[irowc+1]; const Int_t off = irowc*this->GetNcols(); Int_t indexb = sIndexb; for (Int_t icolc = 0; icolc < this->GetNcols(); icolc++) { if (pDataa[off+icolc] != 0.0) pColIndexc[nc++] = icolc; else if (pColIndexb[indexb] <= icolc) { for (; indexb < eIndexb; indexb++) { if (pColIndexb[indexb] >= icolc) { if (pColIndexb[indexb] == icolc) pColIndexc[nc++] = pColIndexb[indexb++]; break; } } } } pRowIndexc[irowc+1] = nc; } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set size of the matrix to nrows x ncols with nr_nonzeros non-zero entries /// if nr_nonzeros > 0 . /// New dynamic elements are created, the overlapping part of the old ones are /// copied to the new structures, then the old elements are deleted. template TMatrixTBase &TMatrixTSparse::ResizeTo(Int_t nrows,Int_t ncols,Int_t nr_nonzeros) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); if (!this->fIsOwner) { Error("ResizeTo(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t)","Not owner of data array,cannot resize"); return *this; } if (this->fNelems > 0) { if (this->fNrows == nrows && this->fNcols == ncols && (this->fNelems == nr_nonzeros || nr_nonzeros < 0)) return *this; else if (nrows == 0 || ncols == 0 || nr_nonzeros == 0) { this->fNrows = nrows; this->fNcols = ncols; Clear(); return *this; } const Element *elements_old = GetMatrixArray(); const Int_t *rowIndex_old = GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t *colIndex_old = GetColIndexArray(); Int_t nrows_old = this->fNrows; Int_t nrowIndex_old = this->fNrowIndex; Int_t nelems_new; if (nr_nonzeros > 0) nelems_new = nr_nonzeros; else { nelems_new = 0; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < nrows_old; irow++) { if (irow >= nrows) continue; const Int_t sIndex = rowIndex_old[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = rowIndex_old[irow+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = colIndex_old[index]; if (icol < ncols) nelems_new++; } } } Allocate(nrows,ncols,0,0,1,nelems_new); R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); Element *elements_new = GetMatrixArray(); Int_t *rowIndex_new = GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t *colIndex_new = GetColIndexArray(); Int_t nelems_copy = 0; rowIndex_new[0] = 0; Bool_t cont = kTRUE; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < nrows_old && cont; irow++) { if (irow >= nrows) continue; const Int_t sIndex = rowIndex_old[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = rowIndex_old[irow+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = colIndex_old[index]; if (icol < ncols) { rowIndex_new[irow+1] = nelems_copy+1; colIndex_new[nelems_copy] = icol; elements_new[nelems_copy] = elements_old[index]; nelems_copy++; } if (nelems_copy >= nelems_new) { cont = kFALSE; break; } } } if (rowIndex_old) delete [] (Int_t*) rowIndex_old; if (colIndex_old) delete [] (Int_t*) colIndex_old; if (elements_old) delete [] (Element*) elements_old; if (nrowIndex_old < this->fNrowIndex) { for (Int_t irow = nrowIndex_old; irow < this->fNrowIndex; irow++) rowIndex_new[irow] = rowIndex_new[nrowIndex_old-1]; } } else { const Int_t nelems_new = (nr_nonzeros >= 0) ? nr_nonzeros : 0; Allocate(nrows,ncols,0,0,1,nelems_new); } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set size of the matrix to [row_lwb:row_upb] x [col_lwb:col_upb] with nr_nonzeros /// non-zero entries if nr_nonzeros > 0 . /// New dynamic elements are created, the overlapping part of the old ones are /// copied to the new structures, then the old elements are deleted. template TMatrixTBase &TMatrixTSparse::ResizeTo(Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,Int_t col_lwb,Int_t col_upb, Int_t nr_nonzeros) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); if (!this->fIsOwner) { Error("ResizeTo(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t)","Not owner of data array,cannot resize"); return *this; } const Int_t new_nrows = row_upb-row_lwb+1; const Int_t new_ncols = col_upb-col_lwb+1; if (this->fNelems > 0) { if (this->fNrows == new_nrows && this->fNcols == new_ncols && this->fRowLwb == row_lwb && this->fColLwb == col_lwb && (this->fNelems == nr_nonzeros || nr_nonzeros < 0)) return *this; else if (new_nrows == 0 || new_ncols == 0 || nr_nonzeros == 0) { this->fNrows = new_nrows; this->fNcols = new_ncols; this->fRowLwb = row_lwb; this->fColLwb = col_lwb; Clear(); return *this; } const Int_t *rowIndex_old = GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t *colIndex_old = GetColIndexArray(); const Element *elements_old = GetMatrixArray(); const Int_t nrowIndex_old = this->fNrowIndex; const Int_t nrows_old = this->fNrows; const Int_t rowLwb_old = this->fRowLwb; const Int_t colLwb_old = this->fColLwb; Int_t nelems_new; if (nr_nonzeros > 0) nelems_new = nr_nonzeros; else { nelems_new = 0; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < nrows_old; irow++) { if (irow+rowLwb_old > row_upb || irow+rowLwb_old < row_lwb) continue; const Int_t sIndex = rowIndex_old[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = rowIndex_old[irow+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = colIndex_old[index]; if (icol+colLwb_old <= col_upb && icol+colLwb_old >= col_lwb) nelems_new++; } } } Allocate(new_nrows,new_ncols,row_lwb,col_lwb,1,nelems_new); R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); Int_t *rowIndex_new = GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t *colIndex_new = GetColIndexArray(); Element *elements_new = GetMatrixArray(); Int_t nelems_copy = 0; rowIndex_new[0] = 0; const Int_t row_off = rowLwb_old-row_lwb; const Int_t col_off = colLwb_old-col_lwb; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < nrows_old; irow++) { if (irow+rowLwb_old > row_upb || irow+rowLwb_old < row_lwb) continue; const Int_t sIndex = rowIndex_old[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = rowIndex_old[irow+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = colIndex_old[index]; if (icol+colLwb_old <= col_upb && icol+colLwb_old >= col_lwb) { rowIndex_new[irow+row_off+1] = nelems_copy+1; colIndex_new[nelems_copy] = icol+col_off; elements_new[nelems_copy] = elements_old[index]; nelems_copy++; } if (nelems_copy >= nelems_new) { break; } } } if (rowIndex_old) delete [] (Int_t*) rowIndex_old; if (colIndex_old) delete [] (Int_t*) colIndex_old; if (elements_old) delete [] (Element*) elements_old; if (nrowIndex_old < this->fNrowIndex) { for (Int_t irow = nrowIndex_old; irow < this->fNrowIndex; irow++) rowIndex_new[irow] = rowIndex_new[nrowIndex_old-1]; } } else { const Int_t nelems_new = (nr_nonzeros >= 0) ? nr_nonzeros : 0; Allocate(new_nrows,new_ncols,row_lwb,col_lwb,1,nelems_new); } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::Use(Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,Int_t col_lwb,Int_t col_upb, Int_t nr_nonzeros,Int_t *pRowIndex,Int_t *pColIndex,Element *pData) { if (gMatrixCheck) { if (row_upb < row_lwb) { Error("Use","row_upb=%d < row_lwb=%d",row_upb,row_lwb); return *this; } if (col_upb < col_lwb) { Error("Use","col_upb=%d < col_lwb=%d",col_upb,col_lwb); return *this; } } Clear(); this->fNrows = row_upb-row_lwb+1; this->fNcols = col_upb-col_lwb+1; this->fRowLwb = row_lwb; this->fColLwb = col_lwb; this->fNrowIndex = this->fNrows+1; this->fNelems = nr_nonzeros; this->fIsOwner = kFALSE; this->fTol = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); fElements = pData; fRowIndex = pRowIndex; fColIndex = pColIndex; return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get submatrix [row_lwb..row_upb][col_lwb..col_upb]; The indexing range of the /// returned matrix depends on the argument option: /// /// option == "S" : return [0..row_upb-row_lwb+1][0..col_upb-col_lwb+1] (default) /// else : return [row_lwb..row_upb][col_lwb..col_upb] template TMatrixTBase &TMatrixTSparse::GetSub(Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,Int_t col_lwb,Int_t col_upb, TMatrixTBase &target,Option_t *option) const { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); if (row_lwb < this->fRowLwb || row_lwb > this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows-1) { Error("GetSub","row_lwb out-of-bounds"); return target; } if (col_lwb < this->fColLwb || col_lwb > this->fColLwb+this->fNcols-1) { Error("GetSub","col_lwb out-of-bounds"); return target; } if (row_upb < this->fRowLwb || row_upb > this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows-1) { Error("GetSub","row_upb out-of-bounds"); return target; } if (col_upb < this->fColLwb || col_upb > this->fColLwb+this->fNcols-1) { Error("GetSub","col_upb out-of-bounds"); return target; } if (row_upb < row_lwb || col_upb < col_lwb) { Error("GetSub","row_upb < row_lwb || col_upb < col_lwb"); return target; } } TString opt(option); opt.ToUpper(); const Int_t shift = (opt.Contains("S")) ? 1 : 0; const Int_t row_lwb_sub = (shift) ? 0 : row_lwb; const Int_t row_upb_sub = (shift) ? row_upb-row_lwb : row_upb; const Int_t col_lwb_sub = (shift) ? 0 : col_lwb; const Int_t col_upb_sub = (shift) ? col_upb-col_lwb : col_upb; Int_t nr_nonzeros = 0; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrows; irow++) { if (irow+this->fRowLwb > row_upb || irow+this->fRowLwb < row_lwb) continue; const Int_t sIndex = fRowIndex[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = fRowIndex[irow+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = fColIndex[index]; if (icol+this->fColLwb <= col_upb && icol+this->fColLwb >= col_lwb) nr_nonzeros++; } } target.ResizeTo(row_lwb_sub,row_upb_sub,col_lwb_sub,col_upb_sub,nr_nonzeros); const Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray(); Int_t *rowIndex_sub = target.GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t *colIndex_sub = target.GetColIndexArray(); Element *ep_sub = target.GetMatrixArray(); if (target.GetRowIndexArray() && target.GetColIndexArray()) { Int_t nelems_copy = 0; rowIndex_sub[0] = 0; const Int_t row_off = this->fRowLwb-row_lwb; const Int_t col_off = this->fColLwb-col_lwb; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrows; irow++) { if (irow+this->fRowLwb > row_upb || irow+this->fRowLwb < row_lwb) continue; const Int_t sIndex = fRowIndex[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = fRowIndex[irow+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = fColIndex[index]; if (icol+this->fColLwb <= col_upb && icol+this->fColLwb >= col_lwb) { rowIndex_sub[irow+row_off+1] = nelems_copy+1; colIndex_sub[nelems_copy] = icol+col_off; ep_sub[nelems_copy] = ep[index]; nelems_copy++; } } } } else { const Int_t row_off = this->fRowLwb-row_lwb; const Int_t col_off = this->fColLwb-col_lwb; const Int_t ncols_sub = col_upb_sub-col_lwb_sub+1; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrows; irow++) { if (irow+this->fRowLwb > row_upb || irow+this->fRowLwb < row_lwb) continue; const Int_t sIndex = fRowIndex[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = fRowIndex[irow+1]; const Int_t off = (irow+row_off)*ncols_sub; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = fColIndex[index]; if (icol+this->fColLwb <= col_upb && icol+this->fColLwb >= col_lwb) ep_sub[off+icol+col_off] = ep[index]; } } } return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Insert matrix source starting at [row_lwb][col_lwb], thereby overwriting the part /// [row_lwb..row_lwb+nrows_source-1][col_lwb..col_lwb+ncols_source-1]; template TMatrixTBase &TMatrixTSparse::SetSub(Int_t row_lwb,Int_t col_lwb,const TMatrixTBase &source) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); R__ASSERT(source.IsValid()); if (row_lwb < this->fRowLwb || row_lwb > this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows-1) { Error("SetSub","row_lwb out-of-bounds"); return *this; } if (col_lwb < this->fColLwb || col_lwb > this->fColLwb+this->fNcols-1) { Error("SetSub","col_lwb out-of-bounds"); return *this; } if (row_lwb+source.GetNrows() > this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows || col_lwb+source.GetNcols() > this->fColLwb+this->fNcols) { Error("SetSub","source matrix too large"); return *this; } } const Int_t nRows_source = source.GetNrows(); const Int_t nCols_source = source.GetNcols(); // Determine how many non-zero's are already available in // [row_lwb..row_lwb+nrows_source-1][col_lwb..col_lwb+ncols_source-1] Int_t nr_nonzeros = 0; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrows; irow++) { if (irow+this->fRowLwb >= row_lwb+nRows_source || irow+this->fRowLwb < row_lwb) continue; const Int_t sIndex = fRowIndex[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = fRowIndex[irow+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = fColIndex[index]; if (icol+this->fColLwb < col_lwb+nCols_source && icol+this->fColLwb >= col_lwb) nr_nonzeros++; } } const Int_t *rowIndex_s = source.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t *colIndex_s = source.GetColIndexArray(); const Element *elements_s = source.GetMatrixArray(); const Int_t nelems_old = this->fNelems; const Int_t *rowIndex_old = GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t *colIndex_old = GetColIndexArray(); const Element *elements_old = GetMatrixArray(); const Int_t nelems_new = nelems_old+source.NonZeros()-nr_nonzeros; fRowIndex = new Int_t[this->fNrowIndex]; fColIndex = new Int_t[nelems_new]; fElements = new Element[nelems_new]; this->fNelems = nelems_new; Int_t *rowIndex_new = GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t *colIndex_new = GetColIndexArray(); Element *elements_new = GetMatrixArray(); const Int_t row_off = row_lwb-this->fRowLwb; const Int_t col_off = col_lwb-this->fColLwb; Int_t nr = 0; rowIndex_new[0] = 0; for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrows; irow++) { rowIndex_new[irow+1] = rowIndex_new[irow]; Bool_t flagRow = kFALSE; if (irow+this->fRowLwb < row_lwb+nRows_source && irow+this->fRowLwb >= row_lwb) flagRow = kTRUE; const Int_t sIndex_o = rowIndex_old[irow]; const Int_t eIndex_o = rowIndex_old[irow+1]; if (flagRow) { const Int_t icol_left = col_off-1; const Int_t left = TMath::BinarySearch(eIndex_o-sIndex_o,colIndex_old+sIndex_o,icol_left)+sIndex_o; for (Int_t index = sIndex_o; index <= left; index++) { rowIndex_new[irow+1]++; colIndex_new[nr] = colIndex_old[index]; elements_new[nr] = elements_old[index]; nr++; } if (rowIndex_s && colIndex_s) { const Int_t sIndex_s = rowIndex_s[irow-row_off]; const Int_t eIndex_s = rowIndex_s[irow-row_off+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex_s; index < eIndex_s; index++) { rowIndex_new[irow+1]++; colIndex_new[nr] = colIndex_s[index]+col_off; elements_new[nr] = elements_s[index]; nr++; } } else { const Int_t off = (irow-row_off)*nCols_source; for (Int_t icol = 0; icol < nCols_source; icol++) { rowIndex_new[irow+1]++; colIndex_new[nr] = icol+col_off; elements_new[nr] = elements_s[off+icol]; nr++; } } const Int_t icol_right = col_off+nCols_source-1; if (colIndex_old) { Int_t right = TMath::BinarySearch(eIndex_o-sIndex_o,colIndex_old+sIndex_o,icol_right)+sIndex_o; while (right < eIndex_o-1 && colIndex_old[right+1] <= icol_right) right++; right++; for (Int_t index = right; index < eIndex_o; index++) { rowIndex_new[irow+1]++; colIndex_new[nr] = colIndex_old[index]; elements_new[nr] = elements_old[index]; nr++; } } } else { for (Int_t index = sIndex_o; index < eIndex_o; index++) { rowIndex_new[irow+1]++; colIndex_new[nr] = colIndex_old[index]; elements_new[nr] = elements_old[index]; nr++; } } } R__ASSERT(this->fNelems == fRowIndex[this->fNrowIndex-1]); if (rowIndex_old) delete [] (Int_t*) rowIndex_old; if (colIndex_old) delete [] (Int_t*) colIndex_old; if (elements_old) delete [] (Element*) elements_old; return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Transpose a matrix. template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::Transpose(const TMatrixTSparse &source) { if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); R__ASSERT(source.IsValid()); if (this->fNrows != source.GetNcols() || this->fNcols != source.GetNrows() || this->fRowLwb != source.GetColLwb() || this->fColLwb != source.GetRowLwb()) { Error("Transpose","matrix has wrong shape"); return *this; } if (source.NonZeros() <= 0) return *this; } const Int_t nr_nonzeros = source.NonZeros(); const Int_t * const pRowIndex_s = source.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pColIndex_s = source.GetColIndexArray(); const Element * const pData_s = source.GetMatrixArray(); Int_t *rownr = new Int_t [nr_nonzeros]; Int_t *colnr = new Int_t [nr_nonzeros]; Element *pData_t = new Element[nr_nonzeros]; Int_t ielem = 0; for (Int_t irow_s = 0; irow_s < source.GetNrows(); irow_s++) { const Int_t sIndex = pRowIndex_s[irow_s]; const Int_t eIndex = pRowIndex_s[irow_s+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { rownr[ielem] = pColIndex_s[index]+this->fRowLwb; colnr[ielem] = irow_s+this->fColLwb; pData_t[ielem] = pData_s[index]; ielem++; } } R__ASSERT(nr_nonzeros >= ielem); TMatrixTBase::DoubleLexSort(nr_nonzeros,rownr,colnr,pData_t); SetMatrixArray(nr_nonzeros,rownr,colnr,pData_t); R__ASSERT(this->fNelems == fRowIndex[this->fNrowIndex-1]); if (pData_t) delete [] pData_t; if (rownr) delete [] rownr; if (colnr) delete [] colnr; return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTBase &TMatrixTSparse::Zero() { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); if (fElements) { delete [] fElements; fElements = 0; } if (fColIndex) { delete [] fColIndex; fColIndex = 0; } this->fNelems = 0; memset(this->GetRowIndexArray(),0,this->fNrowIndex*sizeof(Int_t)); return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Make a unit matrix (matrix need not be a square one). template TMatrixTBase &TMatrixTSparse::UnitMatrix() { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); Int_t i; Int_t nr_nonzeros = 0; for (i = this->fRowLwb; i <= this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows-1; i++) for (Int_t j = this->fColLwb; j <= this->fColLwb+this->fNcols-1; j++) if (i == j) nr_nonzeros++; if (nr_nonzeros != this->fNelems) { this->fNelems = nr_nonzeros; Int_t *oIp = fColIndex; fColIndex = new Int_t[nr_nonzeros]; if (oIp) delete [] oIp; Element *oDp = fElements; fElements = new Element[nr_nonzeros]; if (oDp) delete [] oDp; } Int_t ielem = 0; fRowIndex[0] = 0; for (i = this->fRowLwb; i <= this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows-1; i++) { for (Int_t j = this->fColLwb; j <= this->fColLwb+this->fNcols-1; j++) { if (i == j) { const Int_t irow = i-this->fRowLwb; fRowIndex[irow+1] = ielem+1; fElements[ielem] = 1.0; fColIndex[ielem++] = j-this->fColLwb; } } } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Row matrix norm, MAX{ SUM{ |M(i,j)|, over j}, over i}. /// The norm is induced by the infinity vector norm. template Element TMatrixTSparse::RowNorm() const { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); const Element * ep = GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const fp = ep+this->fNelems; const Int_t * const pR = GetRowIndexArray(); Element norm = 0; // Scan the matrix row-after-row for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrows; irow++) { const Int_t sIndex = pR[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = pR[irow+1]; Element sum = 0; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) sum += TMath::Abs(*ep++); norm = TMath::Max(norm,sum); } R__ASSERT(ep == fp); return norm; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Column matrix norm, MAX{ SUM{ |M(i,j)|, over i}, over j}. /// The norm is induced by the 1 vector norm. template Element TMatrixTSparse::ColNorm() const { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); const TMatrixTSparse mt(kTransposed,*this); const Element * ep = mt.GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const fp = ep+this->fNcols; Element norm = 0; // Scan the matrix col-after-col while (ep < fp) { Element sum = 0; // Scan a col to compute the sum for (Int_t i = 0; i < this->fNrows; i++,ep += this->fNcols) sum += TMath::Abs(*ep); ep -= this->fNelems-1; // Point ep to the beginning of the next col norm = TMath::Max(norm,sum); } R__ASSERT(ep == fp); return norm; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template Element &TMatrixTSparse::operator()(Int_t rown,Int_t coln) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); const Int_t arown = rown-this->fRowLwb; const Int_t acoln = coln-this->fColLwb; if (arown >= this->fNrows || arown < 0) { Error("operator()","Request row(%d) outside matrix range of %d - %d",rown,this->fRowLwb,this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows); return fElements[0]; } if (acoln >= this->fNcols || acoln < 0) { Error("operator()","Request column(%d) outside matrix range of %d - %d",coln,this->fColLwb,this->fColLwb+this->fNcols); return fElements[0]; } Int_t index = -1; Int_t sIndex = 0; Int_t eIndex = 0; if (this->fNrowIndex > 0 && fRowIndex[this->fNrowIndex-1] != 0) { sIndex = fRowIndex[arown]; eIndex = fRowIndex[arown+1]; index = TMath::BinarySearch(eIndex-sIndex,fColIndex+sIndex,acoln)+sIndex; } if (index >= sIndex && fColIndex[index] == acoln) return fElements[index]; else { Element val = 0.; InsertRow(rown,coln,&val,1); sIndex = fRowIndex[arown]; eIndex = fRowIndex[arown+1]; index = TMath::BinarySearch(eIndex-sIndex,fColIndex+sIndex,acoln)+sIndex; if (index >= sIndex && fColIndex[index] == acoln) return fElements[index]; else { Error("operator()(Int_t,Int_t","Insert row failed"); return fElements[0]; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template Element TMatrixTSparse::operator()(Int_t rown,Int_t coln) const { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); if (this->fNrowIndex > 0 && this->fRowIndex[this->fNrowIndex-1] == 0) { Error("operator()(Int_t,Int_t) const","row/col indices are not set"); Info("operator()","fNrowIndex = %d fRowIndex[fNrowIndex-1] = %d\n",this->fNrowIndex,this->fRowIndex[this->fNrowIndex-1]); return 0.0; } const Int_t arown = rown-this->fRowLwb; const Int_t acoln = coln-this->fColLwb; if (arown >= this->fNrows || arown < 0) { Error("operator()","Request row(%d) outside matrix range of %d - %d",rown,this->fRowLwb,this->fRowLwb+this->fNrows); return 0.0; } if (acoln >= this->fNcols || acoln < 0) { Error("operator()","Request column(%d) outside matrix range of %d - %d",coln,this->fColLwb,this->fColLwb+this->fNcols); return 0.0; } const Int_t sIndex = fRowIndex[arown]; const Int_t eIndex = fRowIndex[arown+1]; const Int_t index = (Int_t)TMath::BinarySearch(eIndex-sIndex,fColIndex+sIndex,acoln)+sIndex; if (index < sIndex || fColIndex[index] != acoln) return 0.0; else return fElements[index]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Notice that the sparsity of the matrix is NOT changed : its fRowIndex/fColIndex /// are used ! template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::operator=(const TMatrixTSparse &source) { if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(*this,source)) { Error("operator=(const TMatrixTSparse &)","matrices not compatible"); return *this; } if (this->GetMatrixArray() != source.GetMatrixArray()) { TObject::operator=(source); const Element * const sp = source.GetMatrixArray(); Element * const tp = this->GetMatrixArray(); memcpy(tp,sp,this->fNelems*sizeof(Element)); this->fTol = source.GetTol(); } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Notice that the sparsity of the matrix is NOT changed : its fRowIndex/fColIndex /// are used ! template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::operator=(const TMatrixT &source) { if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(*this,(TMatrixTBase &)source)) { Error("operator=(const TMatrixT &)","matrices not compatible"); return *this; } if (this->GetMatrixArray() != source.GetMatrixArray()) { TObject::operator=(source); const Element * const sp = source.GetMatrixArray(); Element * const tp = this->GetMatrixArray(); for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrows; irow++) { const Int_t sIndex = fRowIndex[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = fRowIndex[irow+1]; const Int_t off = irow*this->fNcols; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = fColIndex[index]; tp[index] = sp[off+icol]; } } this->fTol = source.GetTol(); } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Assign val to every element of the matrix. Check that the row/col /// indices are set ! template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::operator=(Element val) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); if (fRowIndex[this->fNrowIndex-1] == 0) { Error("operator=(Element","row/col indices are not set"); return *this; } Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const ep_last = ep+this->fNelems; while (ep < ep_last) *ep++ = val; return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add val to every element of the matrix. template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::operator+=(Element val) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const ep_last = ep+this->fNelems; while (ep < ep_last) *ep++ += val; return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Subtract val from every element of the matrix. template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::operator-=(Element val) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const ep_last = ep+this->fNelems; while (ep < ep_last) *ep++ -= val; return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Multiply every element of the matrix with val. template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::operator*=(Element val) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); Element *ep = this->GetMatrixArray(); const Element * const ep_last = ep+this->fNelems; while (ep < ep_last) *ep++ *= val; return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// randomize matrix element values template TMatrixTBase &TMatrixTSparse::Randomize(Element alpha,Element beta,Double_t &seed) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); const Element scale = beta-alpha; const Element shift = alpha/scale; Int_t * const pRowIndex = GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t * const pColIndex = GetColIndexArray(); Element * const ep = GetMatrixArray(); const Int_t m = this->GetNrows(); const Int_t n = this->GetNcols(); // Knuth's algorithm for choosing "length" elements out of nn . const Int_t nn = this->GetNrows()*this->GetNcols(); const Int_t length = (this->GetNoElements() <= nn) ? this->GetNoElements() : nn; Int_t chosen = 0; Int_t icurrent = 0; pRowIndex[0] = 0; for (Int_t k = 0; k < nn; k++) { const Element r = Drand(seed); if ((nn-k)*r < length-chosen) { pColIndex[chosen] = k%n; const Int_t irow = k/n; if (irow > icurrent) { for ( ; icurrent < irow; icurrent++) pRowIndex[icurrent+1] = chosen; } ep[chosen] = scale*(Drand(seed)+shift); chosen++; } } for ( ; icurrent < m; icurrent++) pRowIndex[icurrent+1] = length; R__ASSERT(chosen == length); return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// randomize matrix element values but keep matrix symmetric positive definite template TMatrixTSparse &TMatrixTSparse::RandomizePD(Element alpha,Element beta,Double_t &seed) { const Element scale = beta-alpha; const Element shift = alpha/scale; if (gMatrixCheck) { R__ASSERT(this->IsValid()); if (this->fNrows != this->fNcols || this->fRowLwb != this->fColLwb) { Error("RandomizePD(Element &","matrix should be square"); return *this; } } const Int_t n = this->fNcols; Int_t * const pRowIndex = this->GetRowIndexArray(); Int_t * const pColIndex = this->GetColIndexArray(); Element * const ep = GetMatrixArray(); // We will always have non-zeros on the diagonal, so there // is no randomness there. In fact, choose the (0,0) element now pRowIndex[0] = 0; pColIndex[0] = 0; pRowIndex[1] = 1; ep[0] = 1e-8+scale*(Drand(seed)+shift); // Knuth's algorithm for choosing length elements out of nn . // nn here is the number of elements in the strict lower triangle. const Int_t nn = n*(n-1)/2; // length is the number of elements that can be stored, minus the number // of elements in the diagonal, which will always be in the matrix. // Int_t length = (this->fNelems-n)/2; Int_t length = this->fNelems-n; length = (length <= nn) ? length : nn; // chosen : the number of elements that have already been chosen (now 0) // nnz : the number of non-zeros in the matrix (now 1, because the // (0,0) element is already in the matrix. // icurrent : the index of the last row whose start has been stored in pRowIndex; Int_t chosen = 0; Int_t icurrent = 1; Int_t nnz = 1; for (Int_t k = 0; k < nn; k++ ) { const Element r = Drand(seed); if( (nn-k)*r < length-chosen) { // Element k is chosen. What row is it in? // In a lower triangular matrix (including a diagonal), it will be in // the largest row such that row*(row+1)/2 < k. In other words Int_t row = (int) TMath::Floor((-1+TMath::Sqrt(1.0+8.0*k))/2); // and its column will be the remainder Int_t col = k-row*(row+1)/2; // but since we are only filling in the *strict* lower triangle of // the matrix, we shift the row by 1 row++; if (row > icurrent) { // We have chosen a row beyond the current row. // Choose a diagonal element for each intermediate row and fix the // data structure. for ( ; icurrent < row; icurrent++) { // Choose the diagonal ep[nnz] = 0.0; for (Int_t ll = pRowIndex[icurrent]; ll < nnz; ll++) ep[nnz] += TMath::Abs(ep[ll]); ep[nnz] += 1e-8+scale*(Drand(seed)+shift); pColIndex[nnz] = icurrent; nnz++; pRowIndex[icurrent+1] = nnz; } } // end if we have chosen a row beyond the current row; ep[nnz] = scale*(Drand(seed)+shift); pColIndex[nnz] = col; // add the value of this element (which occurs symmetrically in the // upper triangle) to the appropriate diagonal element ep[pRowIndex[col+1]-1] += TMath::Abs(ep[nnz]); nnz++; // We have added another element to the matrix chosen++; // And finished choosing another element. } } R__ASSERT(chosen == length); // and of course, we must choose all remaining diagonal elements . for ( ; icurrent < n; icurrent++) { // Choose the diagonal ep[nnz] = 0.0; for(Int_t ll = pRowIndex[icurrent]; ll < nnz; ll++) ep[nnz] += TMath::Abs(ep[ll]); ep[nnz] += 1e-8+scale*(Drand(seed)+shift); pColIndex[nnz] = icurrent; nnz++; pRowIndex[icurrent+1] = nnz; } this->fNelems = nnz; TMatrixTSparse tmp(TMatrixTSparse::kTransposed,*this); *this += tmp; // make sure to divide the diagonal by 2 because the operation // *this += tmp; adds the diagonal again { const Int_t * const pR = this->GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t * const pC = this->GetColIndexArray(); Element * const pD = GetMatrixArray(); for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < this->fNrows+1; irow++) { const Int_t sIndex = pR[irow]; const Int_t eIndex = pR[irow+1]; for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) { const Int_t icol = pC[index]; if (irow == icol) pD[index] /= 2.; } } } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator+(const TMatrixTSparse &source1,const TMatrixTSparse &source2) { TMatrixTSparse target(source1,TMatrixTSparse::kPlus,source2); return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator+(const TMatrixTSparse &source1,const TMatrixT &source2) { TMatrixTSparse target(source1,TMatrixTSparse::kPlus,source2); return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator+(const TMatrixT &source1,const TMatrixTSparse &source2) { TMatrixTSparse target(source1,TMatrixTSparse::kPlus,source2); return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator+(const TMatrixTSparse &source,Element val) { TMatrixTSparse target(source); target += val; return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator+(Element val,const TMatrixTSparse &source) { TMatrixTSparse target(source); target += val; return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator-(const TMatrixTSparse &source1,const TMatrixTSparse &source2) { TMatrixTSparse target(source1,TMatrixTSparse::kMinus,source2); return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator-(const TMatrixTSparse &source1,const TMatrixT &source2) { TMatrixTSparse target(source1,TMatrixTSparse::kMinus,source2); return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator-(const TMatrixT &source1,const TMatrixTSparse &source2) { TMatrixTSparse target(source1,TMatrixTSparse::kMinus,source2); return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator-(const TMatrixTSparse &source,Element val) { TMatrixTSparse target(source); target -= val; return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator-(Element val,const TMatrixTSparse &source) { TMatrixTSparse target(source); target -= val; return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator*(const TMatrixTSparse &source1,const TMatrixTSparse &source2) { TMatrixTSparse target(source1,TMatrixTSparse::kMult,source2); return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator*(const TMatrixTSparse &source1,const TMatrixT &source2) { TMatrixTSparse target(source1,TMatrixTSparse::kMult,source2); return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator*(const TMatrixT &source1,const TMatrixTSparse &source2) { TMatrixTSparse target(source1,TMatrixTSparse::kMult,source2); return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator*(Element val,const TMatrixTSparse &source) { TMatrixTSparse target(source); target *= val; return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template TMatrixTSparse operator*(const TMatrixTSparse &source,Element val) { TMatrixTSparse target(source); target *= val; return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Modify addition: target += scalar * source. template TMatrixTSparse &Add(TMatrixTSparse &target,Element scalar,const TMatrixTSparse &source) { target += scalar * source; return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Multiply target by the source, element-by-element. template TMatrixTSparse &ElementMult(TMatrixTSparse &target,const TMatrixTSparse &source) { if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(target,source)) { ::Error("ElementMult(TMatrixTSparse &,const TMatrixTSparse &)","matrices not compatible"); return target; } const Element *sp = source.GetMatrixArray(); Element *tp = target.GetMatrixArray(); const Element *ftp = tp+target.GetNoElements(); while ( tp < ftp ) *tp++ *= *sp++; return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Divide target by the source, element-by-element. template TMatrixTSparse &ElementDiv(TMatrixTSparse &target,const TMatrixTSparse &source) { if (gMatrixCheck && !AreCompatible(target,source)) { ::Error("ElementDiv(TMatrixT &,const TMatrixT &)","matrices not compatible"); return target; } const Element *sp = source.GetMatrixArray(); Element *tp = target.GetMatrixArray(); const Element *ftp = tp+target.GetNoElements(); while ( tp < ftp ) { if (*sp != 0.0) *tp++ /= *sp++; else { Error("ElementDiv","source element is zero"); tp++; } } return target; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template Bool_t AreCompatible(const TMatrixTSparse &m1,const TMatrixTSparse &m2,Int_t verbose) { if (!m1.IsValid()) { if (verbose) ::Error("AreCompatible", "matrix 1 not valid"); return kFALSE; } if (!m2.IsValid()) { if (verbose) ::Error("AreCompatible", "matrix 2 not valid"); return kFALSE; } if (m1.GetNrows() != m2.GetNrows() || m1.GetNcols() != m2.GetNcols() || m1.GetRowLwb() != m2.GetRowLwb() || m1.GetColLwb() != m2.GetColLwb()) { if (verbose) ::Error("AreCompatible", "matrices 1 and 2 not compatible"); return kFALSE; } const Int_t *pR1 = m1.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t *pR2 = m2.GetRowIndexArray(); const Int_t nRows = m1.GetNrows(); if (memcmp(pR1,pR2,(nRows+1)*sizeof(Int_t))) { if (verbose) ::Error("AreCompatible", "matrices 1 and 2 have different rowIndex"); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nRows+1; i++) printf("%d: %d %d\n",i,pR1[i],pR2[i]); return kFALSE; } const Int_t *pD1 = m1.GetColIndexArray(); const Int_t *pD2 = m2.GetColIndexArray(); const Int_t nData = m1.GetNoElements(); if (memcmp(pD1,pD2,nData*sizeof(Int_t))) { if (verbose) ::Error("AreCompatible", "matrices 1 and 2 have different colIndex"); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nData; i++) printf("%d: %d %d\n",i,pD1[i],pD2[i]); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Stream an object of class TMatrixTSparse. template void TMatrixTSparse::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { if (R__b.IsReading()) { UInt_t R__s, R__c; Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); Clear(); R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TMatrixTSparse::Class(),this,R__v,R__s,R__c); if (this->fNelems < 0) this->Invalidate(); } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TMatrixTSparse::Class(),this); } } template class TMatrixTSparse; #include "TMatrixFSparsefwd.h" #include "TMatrixFfwd.h" template TMatrixFSparse operator+ (const TMatrixFSparse &source1,const TMatrixFSparse &source2); template TMatrixFSparse operator+ (const TMatrixFSparse &source1,const TMatrixF &source2); template TMatrixFSparse operator+ (const TMatrixF &source1,const TMatrixFSparse &source2); template TMatrixFSparse operator+ (const TMatrixFSparse &source , Float_t val ); template TMatrixFSparse operator+ ( Float_t val ,const TMatrixFSparse &source ); template TMatrixFSparse operator- (const TMatrixFSparse &source1,const TMatrixFSparse &source2); template TMatrixFSparse operator- (const TMatrixFSparse &source1,const TMatrixF &source2); template TMatrixFSparse operator- (const TMatrixF &source1,const TMatrixFSparse &source2); template TMatrixFSparse operator- (const TMatrixFSparse &source , Float_t val ); template TMatrixFSparse operator- ( Float_t val ,const TMatrixFSparse &source ); template TMatrixFSparse operator* (const TMatrixFSparse &source1,const TMatrixFSparse &source2); template TMatrixFSparse operator* (const TMatrixFSparse &source1,const TMatrixF &source2); template TMatrixFSparse operator* (const TMatrixF &source1,const TMatrixFSparse &source2); template TMatrixFSparse operator* ( Float_t val ,const TMatrixFSparse &source ); template TMatrixFSparse operator* (const TMatrixFSparse &source, Float_t val ); template TMatrixFSparse &Add (TMatrixFSparse &target, Float_t scalar,const TMatrixFSparse &source); template TMatrixFSparse &ElementMult (TMatrixFSparse &target,const TMatrixFSparse &source); template TMatrixFSparse &ElementDiv (TMatrixFSparse &target,const TMatrixFSparse &source); template Bool_t AreCompatible(const TMatrixFSparse &m1,const TMatrixFSparse &m2,Int_t verbose); #include "TMatrixDSparsefwd.h" #include "TMatrixDfwd.h" template class TMatrixTSparse; template TMatrixDSparse operator+ (const TMatrixDSparse &source1,const TMatrixDSparse &source2); template TMatrixDSparse operator+ (const TMatrixDSparse &source1,const TMatrixD &source2); template TMatrixDSparse operator+ (const TMatrixD &source1,const TMatrixDSparse &source2); template TMatrixDSparse operator+ (const TMatrixDSparse &source , Double_t val ); template TMatrixDSparse operator+ ( Double_t val ,const TMatrixDSparse &source ); template TMatrixDSparse operator- (const TMatrixDSparse &source1,const TMatrixDSparse &source2); template TMatrixDSparse operator- (const TMatrixDSparse &source1,const TMatrixD &source2); template TMatrixDSparse operator- (const TMatrixD &source1,const TMatrixDSparse &source2); template TMatrixDSparse operator- (const TMatrixDSparse &source , Double_t val ); template TMatrixDSparse operator- ( Double_t val ,const TMatrixDSparse &source ); template TMatrixDSparse operator* (const TMatrixDSparse &source1,const TMatrixDSparse &source2); template TMatrixDSparse operator* (const TMatrixDSparse &source1,const TMatrixD &source2); template TMatrixDSparse operator* (const TMatrixD &source1,const TMatrixDSparse &source2); template TMatrixDSparse operator* ( Double_t val ,const TMatrixDSparse &source ); template TMatrixDSparse operator* (const TMatrixDSparse &source, Double_t val ); template TMatrixDSparse &Add (TMatrixDSparse &target, Double_t scalar,const TMatrixDSparse &source); template TMatrixDSparse &ElementMult (TMatrixDSparse &target,const TMatrixDSparse &source); template TMatrixDSparse &ElementDiv (TMatrixDSparse &target,const TMatrixDSparse &source); template Bool_t AreCompatible(const TMatrixDSparse &m1,const TMatrixDSparse &m2,Int_t verbose);