// @(#)root/unuran:$Id$ // Authors: L. Moneta, J. Leydold Wed Feb 28 2007 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2010 LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT * * * * * **********************************************************************/ // Implementation file for class TUnuranSampler #include "TUnuranSampler.h" #include "TUnuranContDist.h" #include "TUnuranDiscrDist.h" #include "TUnuranMultiContDist.h" #include "TUnuran.h" #include "Math/OneDimFunctionAdapter.h" #include "Math/DistSamplerOptions.h" #include "Fit/DataRange.h" //#include "Math/WrappedTF1.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TF1.h" #include #include ClassImp(TUnuranSampler); TUnuranSampler::TUnuranSampler() : ROOT::Math::DistSampler(), fOneDim(false), fDiscrete(false), fHasMode(false), fHasArea(false), fMode(0), fArea(0), fFunc1D(0), fUnuran(new TUnuran() ) { fLevel = ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions::DefaultPrintLevel(); } TUnuranSampler::~TUnuranSampler() { assert(fUnuran != 0); delete fUnuran; } bool TUnuranSampler::Init(const char * algo) { // initialize unuran classes using the given algorithm assert (fUnuran != 0 ); if (NDim() == 0) { Error("TUnuranSampler::Init","Distribution function has not been set ! Need to call SetFunction first."); return false; } if (fLevel < 0) fLevel = ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions::DefaultPrintLevel(); TString method(algo); if (method.IsNull() ) { if (NDim() == 1) method = ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions::DefaultAlgorithm1D(); else method = ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions::DefaultAlgorithmND(); } method.ToUpper(); bool ret = false; if (NDim() == 1) { // check if distribution is discrete by // using first string in the method name is "D" if (method.First("D") == 0) { if (fLevel>1) Info("TUnuranSampler::Init","Initialize one-dim discrete distribution with method %s",method.Data()); ret = DoInitDiscrete1D(method); } else { if (fLevel>1) Info("TUnuranSampler::Init","Initialize one-dim continuous distribution with method %s",method.Data()); ret = DoInit1D(method); } } else { if (fLevel>1) Info("TUnuranSampler::Init","Initialize multi-dim continuous distribution with method %s",method.Data()); ret = DoInitND(method); } // set print level in UNURAN (must be done after having initialized) - if (fLevel>0) { //fUnuran->SetLogLevel(fLevel); ( seems not to work disable for the time being) if (ret) Info("TUnuranSampler::Init","Successfully initailized Unuran with method %s",method.Data() ); else Error("TUnuranSampler::Init","Failed to initailize Unuran with method %s",method.Data() ); // seems not to work in UNURAN (cll only when level > 0 ) } return ret; } bool TUnuranSampler::Init(const ROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions & opt ) { // default initialization with algorithm name SetPrintLevel(opt.PrintLevel() ); return Init(opt.Algorithm().c_str() ); } bool TUnuranSampler::DoInit1D(const char * method) { // initilize for 1D sampling // need to create 1D interface from Multidim one // (to do: use directly 1D functions ??) fOneDim = true; TUnuranContDist * dist = 0; if (fFunc1D == 0) { ROOT::Math::OneDimMultiFunctionAdapter<> function(ParentPdf() ); dist = new TUnuranContDist(function,0,false,true); } else { dist = new TUnuranContDist(*fFunc1D); // no need to copy the function } // set range in distribution (support only one range) const ROOT::Fit::DataRange & range = PdfRange(); if (range.Size(0) > 0) { double xmin, xmax; range.GetRange(0,xmin,xmax); dist->SetDomain(xmin,xmax); } if (fHasMode) dist->SetMode(fMode); if (fHasArea) dist->SetPdfArea(fArea); bool ret = false; if (method) ret = fUnuran->Init(*dist, method); else ret = fUnuran->Init(*dist); delete dist; return ret; } bool TUnuranSampler::DoInitDiscrete1D(const char * method) { // initilize for 1D sampling of discrete distributions fOneDim = true; fDiscrete = true; TUnuranDiscrDist * dist = 0; if (fFunc1D == 0) { // need to copy the passed function pointer in this case ROOT::Math::OneDimMultiFunctionAdapter<> function(ParentPdf() ); dist = new TUnuranDiscrDist(function,true); } else { // no need to copy the function since fFunc1D is managed outside dist = new TUnuranDiscrDist(*fFunc1D, false); } // set range in distribution (support only one range) // otherwise 0, inf is assumed const ROOT::Fit::DataRange & range = PdfRange(); if (range.Size(0) > 0) { double xmin, xmax; range.GetRange(0,xmin,xmax); if (xmin < 0) { Warning("DoInitDiscrete1D","range starts from negative values - set minimum to zero"); xmin = 0; } dist->SetDomain(int(xmin+0.1),int(xmax+0.1)); } if (fHasMode) dist->SetMode(int(fMode+0.1)); if (fHasArea) dist->SetProbSum(fArea); bool ret = fUnuran->Init(*dist, method); delete dist; return ret; } bool TUnuranSampler::DoInitND(const char * method) { // initilize for 1D sampling TUnuranMultiContDist dist(ParentPdf()); // set range in distribution (support only one range) const ROOT::Fit::DataRange & range = PdfRange(); if (range.IsSet()) { std::vector xmin(range.NDim() ); std::vector xmax(range.NDim() ); range.GetRange(&xmin[0],&xmax[0]); dist.SetDomain(&xmin.front(),&xmax.front()); // std::cout << " range is min = "; // for (int j = 0; j < NDim(); ++j) std::cout << xmin[j] << " "; // std::cout << " max = "; // for (int j = 0; j < NDim(); ++j) std::cout << xmax[j] << " "; // std::cout << std::endl; } fOneDim = false; if (method) return fUnuran->Init(dist, method); return fUnuran->Init(dist); } void TUnuranSampler::SetFunction(TF1 * pdf) { // set function from a TF1 pointer SetFunction(*pdf, pdf->GetNdim()); } void TUnuranSampler::SetRandom(TRandom * r) { // set random generator (must be called before Init to have effect) fUnuran->SetRandom(r); } void TUnuranSampler::SetSeed(unsigned int seed) { // set random generator seed (must be called before Init to have effect) fUnuran->SetSeed(seed); } TRandom * TUnuranSampler::GetRandom() { // get random generator used return fUnuran->GetRandom(); } double TUnuranSampler::Sample1D() { // sample 1D distributions return (fDiscrete) ? (double) fUnuran->SampleDiscr() : fUnuran->Sample(); } bool TUnuranSampler::Sample(double * x) { // sample multi-dim distributions if (!fOneDim) return fUnuran->SampleMulti(x); x[0] = Sample1D(); return true; } bool TUnuranSampler::SampleBin(double prob, double & value, double *error) { // sample a bin according to Poisson statistics TRandom * r = fUnuran->GetRandom(); if (!r) return false; value = r->Poisson(prob); if (error) *error = std::sqrt(value); return true; }