// @(#)root/proof:$Id$ // Author: Sangsu Ryu 22/06/2010 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class TProofBenchRunDataRead \ingroup proofbench I/O-intensive PROOF benchmark test reads in event files distributed on the cluster. Number of events processed per second and size of events processed per second are plotted against number of active workers. Performance rate for unit packets and performance rate for query are plotted. */ #include "RConfigure.h" #include "TProofBenchRunDataRead.h" #include "TProofBenchDataSet.h" #include "TProofPerfAnalysis.h" #include "TProofNodes.h" #include "TFileCollection.h" #include "TFileInfo.h" #include "TProof.h" #include "TString.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2D.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TRegexp.h" #include "TPerfStats.h" #include "THashList.h" #include "TSortedList.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TLeaf.h" #include "TQueryResult.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TROOT.h" ClassImp(TProofBenchRunDataRead); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TProofBenchRunDataRead::TProofBenchRunDataRead(TProofBenchDataSet *pbds, TPBReadType *readtype, TDirectory* dirproofbench, TProof* proof, TProofNodes* nodes, Long64_t nevents, Int_t ntries, Int_t start, Int_t stop, Int_t step, Int_t debug) : TProofBenchRun(proof, kPROOF_BenchSelDataDef), fProof(proof), fReadType(readtype), fDS(pbds), fNEvents(nevents), fNTries(ntries), fStart(start), fStop(stop), fStep(step), fDebug(debug), fFilesPerWrk(2), fReleaseCache(kTRUE), fDirProofBench(dirproofbench), fNodes(nodes), fListPerfPlots(0), fProfile_perfstat_event(0), fHist_perfstat_event(0), fProfile_perfstat_evtmax(0), fNorm_perfstat_evtmax(0), fProfile_queryresult_event(0), fNorm_queryresult_event(0), fProfile_perfstat_IO(0), fHist_perfstat_IO(0), fProfile_perfstat_IOmax(0), fNorm_perfstat_IOmax(0), fProfile_queryresult_IO(0), fNorm_queryresult_IO(0), fProfile_cpu_eff(0), fProfLegend_evt(0), fNormLegend_evt(0), fProfLegend_mb(0), fNormLegend_mb(0), fCPerfProfiles(0), fName(0) { // Default constructor if (!fProof) fProof = gProof; if (!fDS) fDS = new TProofBenchDataSet(fProof); // Set name fName = "DataRead"; if (!fNodes) fNodes = new TProofNodes(fProof); fNodes->GetMapOfActiveNodes()->Print(); if (stop == -1) fStop = fNodes->GetNWorkersCluster(); fListPerfPlots = new TList; gEnv->SetValue("Proof.StatsTrace",1); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor TProofBenchRunDataRead::~TProofBenchRunDataRead() { fProof=0; fDirProofBench=0; SafeDelete(fListPerfPlots); if (fCPerfProfiles) delete fCPerfProfiles; SafeDelete(fProfLegend_evt); SafeDelete(fProfLegend_mb); SafeDelete(fNormLegend_evt); SafeDelete(fNormLegend_mb); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run benchmark /// Input parameters /// dset: Dataset on which to run /// start: Start scan with 'start' workers. /// stop: Stop scan at 'stop workers. /// step: Scan every 'step' workers. /// ntries: Number of tries. When it is -1, data member fNTries is used. /// debug: debug switch. /// Int_t: Ignored /// Returns /// Nothing void TProofBenchRunDataRead::Run(const char *dset, Int_t start, Int_t stop, Int_t step, Int_t ntries, Int_t debug, Int_t) { if (!fProof){ Error("Run", "Proof not set"); return; } if (!dset || (dset && strlen(dset) <= 0)){ Error("Run", "dataset name not set"); return; } // Check if the dataset exists if (!fProof->ExistsDataSet(dset)) { Error("Run", "no such data set found; %s", dset); return; } start = (start == -1) ? fStart : start; stop = (stop == -1) ? fStop : stop; step = (step == -1) ? fStep : step; ntries = (ntries == -1) ? fNTries : ntries; debug = (debug == -1) ? fDebug : debug; Int_t fDebug_sav = fDebug; fDebug = debug; Bool_t nx = kFALSE; if (step == -2){ nx = kTRUE; step = 1; } if (nx){ Int_t minnworkersanode = fNodes->GetMinWrksPerNode(); if (stop > minnworkersanode) stop = minnworkersanode; } // Load the selector, if needed if (!TClass::GetClass(fSelName) || !fDS->IsProof(fProof)) { // Is it the default selector? if (fSelName == kPROOF_BenchSelDataDef) { // Load the parfile TString par = TString::Format("%s/%s%s.par", TROOT::GetEtcDir().Data(), kPROOF_BenchParDir, kPROOF_BenchDataSelPar); Info("Run", "Uploading '%s' ...", par.Data()); if (fProof->UploadPackage(par) != 0) { Error("Run", "problems uploading '%s' - cannot continue", par.Data()); return; } Info("Run", "Enabling '%s' ...", kPROOF_BenchDataSelPar); if (fProof->EnablePackage(kPROOF_BenchDataSelPar) != 0) { Error("Run", "problems enabling '%s' - cannot continue", kPROOF_BenchDataSelPar); return; } } else { if (fParList.IsNull()) { Error("Run", "you should load the class '%s' before running the benchmark", fSelName.Data()); return; } else { TString par; Int_t from = 0; while (fParList.Tokenize(par, from, ",")) { Info("Run", "Uploading '%s' ...", par.Data()); if (fProof->UploadPackage(par) != 0) { Error("Run", "problems uploading '%s' - cannot continue", par.Data()); return; } Info("Run", "Enabling '%s' ...", par.Data()); if (fProof->EnablePackage(par) != 0) { Error("Run", "problems enabling '%s' - cannot continue", par.Data()); return; } } } } // Check if (!TClass::GetClass(fSelName)) { Error("Run", "failed to load '%s'", fSelName.Data()); return; } } // Build histograms, profiles and graphs needed for this run BuildHistos(start, stop, step, nx); TString dsname(dset); TString dsbasename = gSystem->BaseName(dset); // Get pad if (!fCPerfProfiles){ TString canvasname = TString::Format("Performance Profiles %s", GetName()); fCPerfProfiles = new TCanvas(canvasname.Data(), canvasname.Data()); } // Cleanup up the canvas fCPerfProfiles->Clear(); fCPerfProfiles->Divide(2,2); Info("Run", "Running IO-bound tests on dataset '%s'; %d ~ %d active worker(s)," " every %d worker(s).", dset, start, stop, step); Int_t npad = 1; //pad number Int_t nnodes = fNodes->GetNNodes(); // Number of machines Int_t ncores = fNodes->GetNCores(); // Number of cores Bool_t drawpf = kFALSE; Double_t ymi = -1., ymx = -1., emx =- 1, ymiio = -1., ymxio = -1., mbmx = -1.; for (Int_t nactive = start; nactive <= stop; nactive += step) { // For CPU effectiveness (ok for lite; should do it properly for standard clusters) Int_t ncoren = (nactive < ncores) ? nactive : ncores; // Actvate the wanted workers Int_t nw = -1; if (nx) { TString workers; workers.Form("%dx", nactive); nw = fNodes->ActivateWorkers(workers); } else { nw = fNodes->ActivateWorkers(nactive); } if (nw < 0){ Error("Run", "could not activate the requested number of" " workers/node on the cluster; skipping the test point" " (%d workers/node)", nactive); continue; } // Prepare the dataset for this run. possibly a subsample of // the total one TFileCollection *fc = GetDataSet(dsname, nactive, nx); if (!fc) { Error("Run", "could not retrieve dataset '%s'", dsname.Data()); continue; } fc->Print("F"); TString dsn = TString::Format("%s_%d_%d", dsbasename.Data(), nactive, (Int_t)nx); fProof->RegisterDataSet(dsn, fc, "OT"); fProof->ShowDataSet(dsn, "F"); for (Int_t j=0; jIsProof(fProof)) ? dsn.Data() : dsname.Data(); if (fReleaseCache) fDS->ReleaseCache(dsnr); DeleteParameters(); SetParameters(); Info("Run", "Processing data set %s with" " %d active worker(s).", dsn.Data(), nactive); TTime starttime = gSystem->Now(); fProof->Process(dsn, fSelName, fSelOption); DeleteParameters(); TTime endtime = gSystem->Now(); TList *l = fProof->GetOutputList(); //save perfstats TString perfstats_name = "PROOF_PerfStats"; TTree *t = 0; if (l) t = dynamic_cast(l->FindObject(perfstats_name.Data())); if (t) { drawpf = kTRUE; TTree* tnew=(TTree*)t->Clone("tnew"); FillPerfStatProfiles(tnew, nactive); TProofPerfAnalysis pfa(tnew); Double_t pf_eventrate = pfa.GetEvtRateAvgMax(); Double_t pf_IOrate = pfa.GetMBRateAvgMax(); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->Fill(nactive, pf_eventrate); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->SetMaximum(1.6*emx); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->SetMinimum(0.); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->Draw(); fProfLegend_evt->Draw(); gPad->Update(); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->Fill(nactive, pf_IOrate); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 2); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->SetMaximum(1.6*mbmx); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->SetMinimum(0.); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->Draw(); fProfLegend_mb->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // The normalised histos // Use the first bin to set the Y range for the histo Double_t nert = nx ? pf_eventrate/nactive/nnodes : pf_eventrate/nactive; fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->Fill(nactive, nert); Double_t y1 = fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinContent(1); Double_t e1 = fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinError(1); Double_t dy = 5 * e1; if (dy / y1 < 0.2) dy = y1 * 0.2; if (dy > y1) dy = y1*.999999; if (ymi < 0.) ymi = y1 - dy; if (fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinContent(nactive) < ymi) ymi = fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinContent(nactive) / 2.; if (ymx < 0.) ymx = y1 + dy; if (fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinContent(nactive) > ymx) ymx = fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinContent(nactive) * 1.5; fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->SetMaximum(ymx); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->SetMinimum(ymi); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 1); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // Double_t niort = nx ? pf_IOrate/nactive/nnodes : pf_IOrate/nactive; fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->Fill(nactive, niort); y1 = fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinContent(1); e1 = fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinError(1); dy = 5 * e1; if (dy / y1 < 0.2) dy = y1 * 0.2; if (dy > y1) dy = y1*.999999; if (ymiio < 0.) ymiio = y1 - dy; if (fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinContent(nactive) < ymiio) ymiio = fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinContent(nactive) / 2.; if (ymxio < 0.) ymxio = y1 + dy; if (fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinContent(nactive) > ymxio) ymxio = fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinContent(nactive) * 1.5; fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->SetMaximum(ymxio); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->SetMinimum(ymiio); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 3); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->Draw(); gPad->Update(); //change the name TString newname = TString::Format("%s_%s_%dwrks%dthtry", t->GetName(), GetName(), nactive, j); tnew->SetName(newname); if (debug && fDirProofBench->IsWritable()){ TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory; TString dirn = nx ? "RunDataReadx" : "RunDataRead"; if (!fDirProofBench->GetDirectory(dirn)) fDirProofBench->mkdir(dirn, "RunDataRead results"); if (fDirProofBench->cd(dirn)) { tnew->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); tnew->Write(); l->Remove(tnew); } else { Warning("Run", "cannot cd to subdirectory '%s' to store the results!", dirn.Data()); } curdir->cd(); } } else { if (l) Warning("Run", "%s: tree not found", perfstats_name.Data()); else Error("Run", "PROOF output list is empty!"); } // const char *drawopt = t ? "SAME" : ""; // Performance measures from TQueryResult TQueryResult *queryresult = fProof->GetQueryResult(); if (queryresult) { TDatime qr_start = queryresult->GetStartTime(); TDatime qr_end = queryresult->GetEndTime(); Float_t qr_proc = queryresult->GetProcTime(); Long64_t qr_bytes = queryresult->GetBytes(); Long64_t qr_entries = queryresult->GetEntries(); // Calculate and fill CPU efficiency Float_t qr_cpu_eff = -1.; if (qr_proc > 0.) { qr_cpu_eff = queryresult->GetUsedCPU() / ncoren / qr_proc ; fProfile_cpu_eff->Fill(nactive, qr_cpu_eff); Printf("cpu_eff: %f", qr_cpu_eff); } // Calculate event rate, fill and draw Double_t qr_eventrate=0; qr_eventrate = qr_entries / Double_t(qr_proc); if (qr_eventrate > emx) emx = qr_eventrate; fProfile_queryresult_event->Fill(nactive, qr_eventrate); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad); fProfile_queryresult_event->SetMinimum(0.); fProfile_queryresult_event->Draw(drawopt); fProfLegend_evt->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // Calculate IO rate, fill and draw Double_t qr_IOrate = 0; const Double_t Dmegabytes = 1024*1024; qr_IOrate = qr_bytes / Dmegabytes / Double_t(qr_proc); if (qr_IOrate > mbmx) mbmx = qr_IOrate; fProfile_queryresult_IO->Fill(nactive, qr_IOrate); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 2); fProfile_queryresult_IO->SetMinimum(0.); fProfile_queryresult_IO->Draw(drawopt); fProfLegend_mb->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // The normalised histos // Use the first bin to set the Y range for the histo Double_t nert = nx ? qr_eventrate/nactive/nnodes : qr_eventrate/nactive; fNorm_queryresult_event->Fill(nactive, nert); Double_t y1 = fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinContent(1); Double_t e1 = fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinError(1); Double_t dy = 5 * e1; if (dy / y1 < 0.2) dy = y1 * 0.2; if (dy > y1) dy = y1*.999999; if (ymi < 0.) ymi = y1 - dy; if (fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinContent(nactive) < ymi) ymi = fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinContent(nactive) / 2.; if (ymx < 0.) ymx = y1 + dy; if (fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinContent(nactive) > ymx) ymx = fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinContent(nactive) * 1.5; // fNorm_queryresult_event->SetMaximum(ymx); fNorm_queryresult_event->SetMinimum(ymi); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 1); fNorm_queryresult_event->Draw(drawopt); fNormLegend_evt->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // Double_t niort = nx ? qr_IOrate/nactive/nnodes : qr_IOrate/nactive; fNorm_queryresult_IO->Fill(nactive, niort); y1 = fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinContent(1); e1 = fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinError(1); dy = 5 * e1; if (dy / y1 < 0.2) dy = y1 * 0.2; if (dy > y1) dy = y1*.999999; if (ymiio < 0.) ymiio = y1 - dy; if (fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinContent(nactive) < ymiio) ymiio = fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinContent(nactive) / 2.; if (ymxio < 0.) ymxio = y1 + dy; if (fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinContent(nactive) > ymxio) ymxio = fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinContent(nactive) * 1.5; // fNorm_queryresult_IO->SetMaximum(ymxio); fNorm_queryresult_IO->SetMinimum(ymiio); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 3); fNorm_queryresult_IO->Draw(drawopt); fNormLegend_mb->Draw(); gPad->Update(); } fCPerfProfiles->cd(0); } // Remove temporary dataset fProof->RemoveDataSet(dsn); SafeDelete(fc); } // Make the result persistent fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad); fProfile_queryresult_event->SetMaximum(1.6*emx); fProfile_queryresult_event->DrawCopy(); if (drawpf) fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->DrawCopy("SAME"); fProfLegend_evt->Draw(); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 2); fProfile_queryresult_IO->SetMaximum(1.6*mbmx); fProfile_queryresult_IO->DrawCopy(); if (drawpf) fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->DrawCopy("SAME"); fProfLegend_mb->Draw(); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 1); fNorm_queryresult_event->DrawCopy(); if (drawpf) fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->DrawCopy("SAME"); fNormLegend_evt->Draw(); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 3); fNorm_queryresult_IO->DrawCopy(); if (drawpf) fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->DrawCopy("SAME"); fProfLegend_mb->Draw(); gPad->Update(); //save performance profiles to file if (fDirProofBench->IsWritable()){ TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory; TString dirn = nx ? "RunDataReadx" : "RunDataRead"; if (!fDirProofBench->GetDirectory(dirn)) fDirProofBench->mkdir(dirn, "RunDataRead results"); if (fDirProofBench->cd(dirn)) { fListPerfPlots->Write(0, kOverwrite); fListPerfPlots->SetOwner(kFALSE); fListPerfPlots->Clear(); } else { Warning("Run", "cannot cd to subdirectory '%s' to store the results!", dirn.Data()); } curdir->cd(); } // Restore member data fDebug = fDebug_sav; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get a subsample of dsname suited to run with 'nact' and option 'nx'. TFileCollection *TProofBenchRunDataRead::GetDataSet(const char *dset, Int_t nact, Bool_t nx) { TFileCollection *fcsub = 0; // Dataset must exists if (!fProof || (fProof && !fProof->ExistsDataSet(dset))) { Error("GetDataSet", "dataset '%s' does not exist", dset); return fcsub; } // Get the full collection TFileCollection *fcref = fProof->GetDataSet(dset); if (!fcref) { Error("GetDataSet", "dataset '%s' could not be retrieved", dset); return fcsub; } // Is it remote ? Bool_t remote = (fcref->TestBit(TFileCollection::kRemoteCollection)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; // Separate info per server TMap *mpref = fcref->GetFilesPerServer(fProof->GetMaster(), kTRUE); if (!mpref) { SafeDelete(fcref); Error("GetDataSet", "problems classifying info on per-server base"); return fcsub; } mpref->Print(); // Get Active node information TMap *mpnodes = fNodes->GetMapOfActiveNodes(); if (!mpnodes) { SafeDelete(fcref); SafeDelete(mpref); Error("GetDataSet", "problems getting map of active nodes"); return fcsub; } mpnodes->Print(); // Number of files: fFilesPerWrk per active worker Int_t nf = fNodes->GetNActives() * fFilesPerWrk; Printf(" number of files needed (ideally): %d (%d per worker)", nf, fFilesPerWrk); // The output dataset fcsub = new TFileCollection(TString::Format("%s_%d_%d", fcref->GetName(), nact, nx), fcref->GetTitle()); // Order reference sub-collections TIter nxnd(mpnodes); TObject *key = 0; TFileInfo *fi = 0; TFileCollection *xfc = 0; TList *lswrks = 0; while ((key = nxnd())) { TIter nxsrv(mpref); TObject *ksrv = 0; while ((ksrv = nxsrv())) { TUrl urlsrv(ksrv->GetName()); if (TString(urlsrv.GetHostFQDN()).IsNull()) urlsrv.SetHost(TUrl(gProof->GetMaster()).GetHostFQDN()); if (remote || !strcmp(urlsrv.GetHostFQDN(), TUrl(key->GetName()).GetHostFQDN())) { if ((xfc = dynamic_cast(mpref->GetValue(ksrv)))) { if ((lswrks = dynamic_cast(mpnodes->GetValue(key)))) { Int_t nfnd = fFilesPerWrk * lswrks->GetSize(); while (nfnd-- && xfc->GetList()->GetSize() > 0) { if ((fi = (TFileInfo *) xfc->GetList()->First())) { xfc->GetList()->Remove(fi); fcsub->Add(fi); } } } else { Warning("GetDataSet", "could not attach to worker list for node '%s'", key->GetName()); } } else { Warning("GetDataSet", "could not attach to file collection for server '%s'", ksrv->GetName()); } } } } // Update counters fcsub->Update(); fcsub->Print(); // Make sure that the tree name is the one of the original dataset if (fcref) { TString dflt(fcref->GetDefaultTreeName()); if (!dflt.IsNull()) fcsub->SetDefaultTreeName(dflt); } // Cleanup SafeDelete(fcref); SafeDelete(mpref); // Done return fcsub; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TProofBenchRunDataRead::FillPerfStatProfiles(TTree *t, Int_t nactive) { // Fill performance profiles using tree 't'(PROOF_PerfStats). // Input parameters // t: Proof output tree (PROOF_PerfStat) containing performance // statistics. // nactive: Number of active workers processed the query. // Return // Nothing // extract timing information TPerfEvent pe; TPerfEvent* pep = &pe; t->SetBranchAddress("PerfEvents",&pep); Long64_t entries = t->GetEntries(); const Double_t Dmegabytes = 1024.*1024.; Double_t event_rate_packet = 0; Double_t IO_rate_packet = 0; for (Long64_t k=0; kGetEntry(k); // Skip information from workers if (pe.fEvtNode.Contains(".")) continue; if (pe.fType==TVirtualPerfStats::kPacket){ if (pe.fProcTime != 0.0) { event_rate_packet = pe.fEventsProcessed / pe.fProcTime; fHist_perfstat_event->Fill(Double_t(nactive), event_rate_packet); IO_rate_packet = pe.fBytesRead / Dmegabytes / pe.fProcTime; fHist_perfstat_IO->Fill(Double_t(nactive), IO_rate_packet); } } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print the content of this object void TProofBenchRunDataRead::Print(Option_t* option) const { Printf("Name = %s", fName.Data()); if (fProof) fProof->Print(option); Printf("fReadType = %s%s", "k", GetNameStem().Data()); Printf("fNEvents = %lld", fNEvents); Printf("fNTries = %d", fNTries); Printf("fStart = %d", fStart); Printf("fStop = %d", fStop); Printf("fStep = %d", fStep); Printf("fDebug = %d", fDebug); if (fDirProofBench) Printf("fDirProofBench = %s", fDirProofBench->GetPath()); if (fNodes) fNodes->Print(option); if (fListPerfPlots) fListPerfPlots->Print(option); if (fCPerfProfiles) Printf("Performance Profiles Canvas: Name = %s Title = %s", fCPerfProfiles->GetName(), fCPerfProfiles->GetTitle()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get canvas void TProofBenchRunDataRead::DrawPerfProfiles() { if (!fCPerfProfiles){ TString canvasname = TString::Format("Performance Profiles %s", GetName()); fCPerfProfiles = new TCanvas(canvasname.Data(), canvasname.Data()); } fCPerfProfiles->Clear(); // Divide the canvas as many as the number of profiles in the list Int_t nprofiles = fListPerfPlots->GetSize(); if (nprofiles <= 2){ fCPerfProfiles->Divide(nprofiles); } else { Int_t nside = (Int_t)TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)nprofiles); nside = (nside*nside < nprofiles) ? nside + 1 : nside; fCPerfProfiles->Divide(nside,nside); } Int_t npad=1; TIter nxt(fListPerfPlots); TProfile* profile=0; while ((profile=(TProfile*)(nxt()))){ fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad++); profile->Draw(); gPad->Update(); } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get name for this run TString TProofBenchRunDataRead::GetNameStem()const { TString namestem("+++undef+++"); if (fReadType) { switch (fReadType->GetType()) { case TPBReadType::kReadFull: namestem="Full"; break; case TPBReadType::kReadOpt: namestem="Opt"; break; case TPBReadType::kReadNo: namestem="No"; break; default: break; } } return namestem; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set parameters Int_t TProofBenchRunDataRead::SetParameters() { if (!fProof){ Error("SetParameters", "Proof not set; Doing nothing"); return 1; } if (!fReadType) fReadType = new TPBReadType(TPBReadType::kReadOpt); fProof->AddInput(fReadType); fProof->SetParameter("PROOF_BenchmarkDebug", Int_t(fDebug)); // For Mac Os X only: do not OS cache the files read fProof->SetParameter("PROOF_DontCacheFiles", Int_t(1)); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Delete parameters set for this run Int_t TProofBenchRunDataRead::DeleteParameters() { if (!fProof){ Error("DeleteParameters", "Proof not set; Doing nothing"); return 1; } if (fProof->GetInputList()) { TObject *type = fProof->GetInputList()->FindObject("PROOF_Benchmark_ReadType"); if (type) fProof->GetInputList()->Remove(type); } fProof->DeleteParameters("PROOF_BenchmarkDebug"); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Build histograms, profiles and graphs needed for this run void TProofBenchRunDataRead::BuildHistos(Int_t start, Int_t stop, Int_t step, Bool_t nx) { TObject *o = 0; Int_t quotient = (stop - start) / step; Int_t ndiv = quotient + 1; Double_t ns_min = start - step/2.; Double_t ns_max = quotient*step + start + step/2.; fProfLegend_evt = new TLegend(0.1, 0.8, 0.3, 0.9); fNormLegend_evt = new TLegend(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9); fProfLegend_mb = new TLegend(0.1, 0.8, 0.3, 0.9); fNormLegend_mb = new TLegend(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9); TString axtitle("Active Workers"), namelab(GetName()), sellab(GetSelName()); if (nx) { axtitle = "Active Workers/Node"; namelab.Form("x_%s", GetName()); } if (fSelName == kPROOF_BenchSelDataDef) sellab.Form("%s_%s", GetSelName(), GetNameStem().Data()); TString name, title; // Book perfstat profile (max evts) name.Form("Prof_%s_PS_MaxEvts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s PerfStat Event- %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->SetMarkerStyle(23); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->SetMarkerStyle(2); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_perfstat_evtmax); fProfLegend_evt->AddEntry(fProfile_perfstat_evtmax, "Maximum"); // Book perfstat profile (evts) name.Form("Prof_%s_PS_Evts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s PerfStat Event - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_perfstat_event = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_perfstat_event->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_perfstat_event->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fProfile_perfstat_event->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_perfstat_event->SetMarkerStyle(21); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_perfstat_event); // Book perfstat histogram (evts) name.Form("Hist_%s_PS_Evts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Histogram %s PerfStat Event - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fHist_perfstat_event = new TH2D(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max, 100, 0, 0); fHist_perfstat_event->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fHist_perfstat_event->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fHist_perfstat_event->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fHist_perfstat_event->SetMarkerStyle(7); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fHist_perfstat_event); // Book normalized perfstat profile (max evts) name.Form("Norm_%s_PF_MaxEvts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s Normalized QueryResult Event - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->SetMarkerStyle(23); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->SetMarkerColor(2); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fNorm_perfstat_evtmax); fNormLegend_evt->AddEntry(fNorm_perfstat_evtmax, "Maximum"); // Book queryresult profile (evts) name.Form("Prof_%s_QR_Evts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s QueryResult Event - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_queryresult_event = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_queryresult_event->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_queryresult_event->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fProfile_queryresult_event->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_queryresult_event->SetMarkerStyle(22); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_queryresult_event); fProfLegend_evt->AddEntry(fProfile_queryresult_event, "Average"); // Book normalized queryresult profile (evts) name.Form("Norm_%s_QR_Evts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s Normalized QueryResult Event - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fNorm_queryresult_event = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fNorm_queryresult_event->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fNorm_queryresult_event->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fNorm_queryresult_event->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fNorm_queryresult_event->SetMarkerStyle(22); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fNorm_queryresult_event); fNormLegend_evt->AddEntry(fNorm_queryresult_event, "Average"); // Book perfstat profile (mbs) name.Form("Prof_%s_PS_IO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s PerfStat I/O %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_perfstat_IO = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_perfstat_IO->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_perfstat_IO->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fProfile_perfstat_IO->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_perfstat_IO->SetMarkerStyle(21); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_perfstat_IO); // Book perfstat histogram (mbs) name.Form("Hist_%s_PS_IO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Histogram %s PerfStat I/O - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fHist_perfstat_IO = new TH2D(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max, 100, 0, 0); fHist_perfstat_IO->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fHist_perfstat_IO->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fHist_perfstat_IO->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fHist_perfstat_IO->SetMarkerStyle(7); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fHist_perfstat_IO); // Book perfstat profile (max mbs) name.Form("Prof_%s_PS_MaxIO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s PerfStat I/O - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->SetMarkerStyle(21); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->SetMarkerColor(2); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_perfstat_IOmax); fProfLegend_mb->AddEntry(fProfile_perfstat_IOmax, "Maximum"); // Book normalized perfstat profile (max mbs) name.Form("Norm_%s_PS_MaxIO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s Normalized PerfStat I/O - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->SetMarkerStyle(23); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->SetMarkerColor(2); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fNorm_perfstat_IOmax); fNormLegend_mb->AddEntry(fNorm_perfstat_IOmax, "Maximum"); // Book queryresult profile (mbs) name.Form("Prof_%s_QR_IO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s QueryResult I/O - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_queryresult_IO = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_queryresult_IO->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_queryresult_IO->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fProfile_queryresult_IO->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_queryresult_IO->SetMarkerStyle(22); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_queryresult_IO); fProfLegend_mb->AddEntry(fProfile_queryresult_IO, "Average"); // Book normalized queryresult profile (mbs) name.Form("Norm_%s_QR_IO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s Normalized QueryResult I/O - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fNorm_queryresult_IO = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fNorm_queryresult_IO->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fNorm_queryresult_IO->SetMarkerStyle(22); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fNorm_queryresult_IO); fNormLegend_mb->AddEntry(fNorm_queryresult_IO, "Average"); // Book CPU efficiency profile name.Form("Prof_%s_CPU_eff_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s CPU efficiency - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_cpu_eff = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_cpu_eff->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_cpu_eff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); fProfile_cpu_eff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_cpu_eff->SetMarkerStyle(22); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_cpu_eff); }