// @(#)root/proofx:$Id$ // Author: Gerardo Ganis 12/12/2005 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \defgroup proofx XProofD client Library \ingroup proof The XProofD client library, libProofx, contain the classes providing the client to interact with the XRootD-based xproofd daemon. */ /** \class TXProofMgr \ingroup proofx Implementation of the functionality provided by TProofMgr in the case of a xproofd-based session. */ #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include "Getline.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TProof.h" #include "TProofLog.h" #include "TXProofMgr.h" #include "TXSocket.h" #include "TXSocketHandler.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TSysEvtHandler.h" #include "XProofProtocol.h" #include "XrdProofConn.h" ClassImp(TXProofMgr); // //----- ProofMgr Interrupt signal handler // class TProofMgrInterruptHandler : public TSignalHandler { private: TProofMgr *fMgr; TProofMgrInterruptHandler(const TProofMgrInterruptHandler&); // Not implemented TProofMgrInterruptHandler& operator=(const TProofMgrInterruptHandler&); // Not implemented public: TProofMgrInterruptHandler(TProofMgr *mgr) : TSignalHandler(kSigInterrupt, kFALSE), fMgr(mgr) { } Bool_t Notify(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TProofMgr interrupt handler. Bool_t TProofMgrInterruptHandler::Notify() { // Only on clients if (isatty(0) != 0 && isatty(1) != 0) { TString u = fMgr->GetUrl(); Printf("Opening new connection to %s", u.Data()); TXSocket *s = new TXSocket(u, 'C', kPROOF_Protocol, kXPROOF_Protocol, 0, -1, (TXHandler *)fMgr); if (s && s->IsValid()) { // Set the interrupt flag on the server s->CtrlC(); } } return kTRUE; } // AutoLoading hooks. // These are needed to avoid using the plugin manager which may create // problems in multi-threaded environments. TProofMgr *GetTXProofMgr(const char *url, Int_t l, const char *al) { return ((TProofMgr *) new TXProofMgr(url, l, al)); } class TXProofMgrInit { public: TXProofMgrInit() { TProofMgr::SetTXProofMgrHook(&GetTXProofMgr); }}; static TXProofMgrInit gxproofmgr_init; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a PROOF manager for the standard (old) environment. TXProofMgr::TXProofMgr(const char *url, Int_t dbg, const char *alias) : TProofMgr(url, dbg, alias) { // Set the correct servert type fServType = kXProofd; // Initialize if (Init(dbg) != 0) { // Failure: make sure the socket is deleted so that its lack of // validity is correctly transmitted SafeDelete(fSocket); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Do real initialization: open the connection and set the relevant /// variables. /// Login and authentication are dealt with at this level, if required. /// Return 0 in case of success, 1 if the remote server is a 'proofd', /// -1 in case of error. Int_t TXProofMgr::Init(Int_t) { // Here we make sure that the port is explicitly specified in the URL, // even when it matches the default value TString u = fUrl.GetUrl(kTRUE); fSocket = 0; if (!(fSocket = new TXSocket(u, 'C', kPROOF_Protocol, kXPROOF_Protocol, 0, -1, this)) || !(fSocket->IsValid())) { if (!fSocket || !(fSocket->IsServProofd())) if (gDebug > 0) Error("Init", "while opening the connection to %s - exit (error: %d)", u.Data(), (fSocket ? fSocket->GetOpenError() : -1)); if (fSocket && fSocket->IsServProofd()) fServType = TProofMgr::kProofd; return -1; } // Protocol run by remote PROOF server fRemoteProtocol = fSocket->GetRemoteProtocol(); // We add the manager itself for correct destruction { R__LOCKGUARD(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Remove(fSocket); } // Set interrupt PROOF handler from now on fIntHandler = new TProofMgrInterruptHandler(this); // We are done return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor: close the connection TXProofMgr::~TXProofMgr() { SetInvalid(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Invalidate this manager by closing the connection void TXProofMgr::SetInvalid() { if (fSocket) fSocket->Close("P"); SafeDelete(fSocket); // Avoid destroying twice { R__LOCKGUARD(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfSockets()->Remove(this); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Dummy version provided for completeness. Just returns a pointer to /// existing session 'id' (as shown by TProof::QuerySessions) or 0 if 'id' is /// not valid. The boolena 'gui' should be kTRUE when invoked from the GUI. TProof *TXProofMgr::AttachSession(TProofDesc *d, Bool_t gui) { if (!IsValid()) { Warning("AttachSession","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return 0; } if (!d) { Warning("AttachSession","invalid description object - do nothing"); return 0; } if (d->GetProof()) // Nothing to do if already in contact with proofserv return d->GetProof(); // Re-compose url TString u(Form("%s/?%d", fUrl.GetUrl(kTRUE), d->GetRemoteId())); // We need this to set correctly the kUsingSessionGui bit before the first // feedback messages arrive if (gui) u += "GUI"; // Attach TProof *p = new TProof(u, 0, 0, gDebug, 0, this); if (p && p->IsValid()) { // Set reference manager p->SetManager(this); // Save record about this session Int_t st = (p->IsIdle()) ? TProofDesc::kIdle : TProofDesc::kRunning; d->SetStatus(st); d->SetProof(p); // Set session tag p->SetName(d->GetName()); } else { // Session creation failed Error("AttachSession", "attaching to PROOF session"); } return p; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Detach session with 'id' from its proofserv. The 'id' is the number /// shown by QuerySessions. The correspondent TProof object is deleted. /// If id == 0 all the known sessions are detached. /// Option opt="S" or "s" forces session shutdown. void TXProofMgr::DetachSession(Int_t id, Option_t *opt) { if (!IsValid()) { Warning("DetachSession","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return; } if (id > 0) { // Single session request TProofDesc *d = GetProofDesc(id); if (d) { if (fSocket) fSocket->DisconnectSession(d->GetRemoteId(), opt); TProof *p = d->GetProof(); fSessions->Remove(d); SafeDelete(p); delete d; } } else if (id == 0) { // Requesto to destroy all sessions if (fSocket) { TString o = Form("%sA",opt); fSocket->DisconnectSession(-1, o); } if (fSessions) { // Delete PROOF sessions TIter nxd(fSessions); TProofDesc *d = 0; while ((d = (TProofDesc *)nxd())) { TProof *p = d->GetProof(); SafeDelete(p); } fSessions->Delete(); } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Detach session 'p' from its proofserv. The instance 'p' is invalidated /// and should be deleted by the caller void TXProofMgr::DetachSession(TProof *p, Option_t *opt) { if (!IsValid()) { Warning("DetachSession","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return; } if (p) { // Single session request TProofDesc *d = GetProofDesc(p); if (d) { if (fSocket) fSocket->DisconnectSession(d->GetRemoteId(), opt); fSessions->Remove(d); p->Close(opt); delete d; } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Checks if 'url' refers to the same 'user@host:port' entity as the URL /// in memory. TProofMgr::MatchUrl cannot be used here because of the /// 'double' default port, implying an additional check on the port effectively /// open. Bool_t TXProofMgr::MatchUrl(const char *url) { if (!IsValid()) { Warning("MatchUrl","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return 0; } TUrl u(url); // Correct URL protocol if (!strcmp(u.GetProtocol(), TUrl("a").GetProtocol())) u.SetProtocol("proof"); if (u.GetPort() == TUrl("a").GetPort()) { // Set default port Int_t port = gSystem->GetServiceByName("proofd"); if (port < 0) port = 1093; u.SetPort(port); } // Now we can check if (!strcmp(u.GetHostFQDN(), fUrl.GetHost())) if (u.GetPort() == fUrl.GetPort() || u.GetPort() == fSocket->GetPort()) if (strlen(u.GetUser()) <= 0 || !strcmp(u.GetUser(),fUrl.GetUser())) return kTRUE; // Match failed return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Show available workers void TXProofMgr::ShowWorkers() { if (!IsValid()) { Warning("ShowWorkers","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return; } // Send the request TObjString *os = fSocket->SendCoordinator(kQueryWorkers); if (os) { TObjArray *oa = TString(os->GetName()).Tokenize(TString("&")); if (oa) { TIter nxos(oa); TObjString *to = 0; while ((to = (TObjString *) nxos())) // Now parse them ... Printf("+ %s", to->GetName()); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Gets the URL to be prepended to paths when accessing the MSS associated /// with the connected cluster, if any. The information is retrieved from /// the cluster the first time or if retrieve is true. const char *TXProofMgr::GetMssUrl(Bool_t retrieve) { if (fMssUrl.IsNull() || retrieve) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("GetMssUrl", "invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return 0; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1007) { Error("GetMssUrl", "functionality not supported by server"); return 0; } TObjString *os = fSocket->SendCoordinator(kQueryMssUrl); if (os) { Printf("os: '%s'", os->GetName()); fMssUrl = os->GetName(); SafeDelete(os); } else { Error("GetMssUrl", "problems retrieving the required information"); return 0; } } else if (!IsValid()) { Warning("GetMssUrl", "TXProofMgr is now invalid: information may not be valid"); return 0; } // Done return fMssUrl.Data(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get list of sessions accessible to this manager TList *TXProofMgr::QuerySessions(Option_t *opt) { if (opt && !strncasecmp(opt,"L",1)) // Just return the existing list return fSessions; // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Warning("QuerySessions","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return 0; } // Create list if not existing if (!fSessions) { fSessions = new TList(); fSessions->SetOwner(); } // Send the request TList *ocl = new TList; TObjString *os = fSocket->SendCoordinator(kQuerySessions); if (os) { TObjArray *oa = TString(os->GetName()).Tokenize(TString("|")); if (oa) { TProofDesc *d = 0; TIter nxos(oa); TObjString *to = (TObjString *) nxos(); if (to && to->GetString().IsDigit() && !strncasecmp(opt,"S",1)) Printf("// +++ %s session(s) currently active +++", to->GetName()); while ((to = (TObjString *) nxos())) { // Now parse them ... Int_t id = -1, st = -1; TString al, tg, tk; Ssiz_t from = 0; while (to->GetString()[from] == ' ') { from++; } if (!to->GetString().Tokenize(tk, from, " ") || !tk.IsDigit()) continue; id = tk.Atoi(); if (!to->GetString().Tokenize(tg, from, " ")) continue; if (!to->GetString().Tokenize(al, from, " ")) continue; if (!to->GetString().Tokenize(tk, from, " ") || !tk.IsDigit()) continue; st = tk.Atoi(); // Add to the list, if not already there if (!(d = (TProofDesc *) fSessions->FindObject(tg))) { Int_t locid = fSessions->GetSize() + 1; d = new TProofDesc(tg, al, GetUrl(), locid, id, st, 0); fSessions->Add(d); } else { // Set missing / update info d->SetStatus(st); d->SetRemoteId(id); d->SetTitle(al); } // Add to the list for final garbage collection ocl->Add(new TObjString(tg)); } SafeDelete(oa); } SafeDelete(os); } // Printout and Garbage collection if (fSessions->GetSize() > 0) { TIter nxd(fSessions); TProofDesc *d = 0; while ((d = (TProofDesc *)nxd())) { if (ocl->FindObject(d->GetName())) { if (opt && !strncasecmp(opt,"S",1)) d->Print(""); } else { fSessions->Remove(d); SafeDelete(d); } } } // We are done return fSessions; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle asynchronous input on the socket Bool_t TXProofMgr::HandleInput(const void *) { if (fSocket && fSocket->IsValid()) { TMessage *mess; if (fSocket->Recv(mess) >= 0) { Int_t what = mess->What(); if (gDebug > 0) Info("HandleInput", "%p: got message type: %d", this, what); switch (what) { case kPROOF_TOUCH: fSocket->RemoteTouch(); break; default: Warning("HandleInput", "%p: got unknown message type: %d", this, what); break; } } } else { Warning("HandleInput", "%p: got message but socket is invalid!", this); } // We are done return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle error on the input socket Bool_t TXProofMgr::HandleError(const void *in) { XHandleErr_t *herr = in ? (XHandleErr_t *)in : 0; // Try reconnection if (fSocket && herr && (herr->fOpt == 1)) { fSocket->Reconnect(); if (fSocket && fSocket->IsValid()) { if (gDebug > 0) Printf("ProofMgr: connection to coordinator at %s re-established", fUrl.GetUrl()); return kFALSE; } } Printf("TXProofMgr::HandleError: %p: got called ...", this); // Interrupt any PROOF session in Collect if (fSessions && fSessions->GetSize() > 0) { TIter nxd(fSessions); TProofDesc *d = 0; while ((d = (TProofDesc *)nxd())) { TProof *p = (TProof *) d->GetProof(); if (p) p->InterruptCurrentMonitor(); } } if (gDebug > 0) Printf("TXProofMgr::HandleError: %p: DONE ... ", this); // We are done return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Send a cleanup request for the sessions associated with the current user. /// If 'hard' is true sessions are signalled for termination and moved to /// terminate at all stages (top master, sub-master, workers). Otherwise /// (default) only top-master sessions are asked to terminate, triggering /// a gentle session termination. In all cases all sessions should be gone /// after a few (2 or 3) session checking cycles. /// A user with superuser privileges can also asks cleaning for an different /// user, specified by 'usr', or for all users (usr = *) /// Return 0 on success, -1 in case of error. Int_t TXProofMgr::Reset(Bool_t hard, const char *usr) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Warning("Reset","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return -1; } Int_t h = (hard) ? 1 : 0; fSocket->SendCoordinator(kCleanupSessions, usr, h); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get logs or log tails from last session associated with this manager /// instance. /// The arguments allow to specify a session different from the last one: /// isess specifies a position relative to the last one, i.e. 1 /// for the next to last session; the absolute value is taken /// so -1 and 1 are equivalent. /// stag specifies the unique tag of the wanted session /// The special value stag = "NR" allows to just initialize the TProofLog /// object w/o retrieving the files; this may be useful when the number /// of workers is large and only a subset of logs is required. /// If 'stag' is specified 'isess' is ignored (unless stag = "NR"). /// If 'pattern' is specified only the lines containing it are retrieved /// (remote grep functionality); to filter out a pattern 'pat' use /// pattern = "-v pat". /// If 'rescan' is TRUE, masters will rescan the worker sandboxes for the exact /// paths, instead of using the save information; may be useful when the /// ssave information looks wrong or incomplete. /// Returns a TProofLog object (to be deleted by the caller) on success, /// 0 if something wrong happened. TProofLog *TXProofMgr::GetSessionLogs(Int_t isess, const char *stag, const char *pattern, Bool_t rescan) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Warning("GetSessionLogs","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return 0; } TProofLog *pl = 0; // The absolute value of isess counts isess = (isess > 0) ? -isess : isess; // Special option in stag bool retrieve = 1; TString sesstag(stag); if (sesstag == "NR") { retrieve = 0; sesstag = ""; } // Get the list of paths Int_t xrs = (rescan) ? 1 : 0; TObjString *os = fSocket->SendCoordinator(kQueryLogPaths, sesstag.Data(), isess, -1, xrs); // Analyse it now Int_t ii = 0; if (os) { TString rs(os->GetName()); Ssiz_t from = 0; // The session tag TString tag; if (!rs.Tokenize(tag, from, "|")) { Warning("GetSessionLogs", "Session tag undefined: corruption?\n" " (received string: %s)", os->GetName()); return (TProofLog *)0; } // The pool url TString purl; if (!rs.Tokenize(purl, from, "|")) { Warning("GetSessionLogs", "Pool URL undefined: corruption?\n" " (received string: %s)", os->GetName()); return (TProofLog *)0; } // Create the instance now if (!pl) pl = new TProofLog(tag, GetUrl(), this); // Per-node info TString to; while (rs.Tokenize(to, from, "|")) { if (!to.IsNull()) { TString ord(to); ord.Strip(TString::kLeading, ' '); TString url(ord); if ((ii = ord.Index(" ")) != kNPOS) ord.Remove(ii); if ((ii = url.Index(" ")) != kNPOS) url.Remove(0, ii + 1); // Add to the list (special tag for valgrind outputs) if (url.Contains(".valgrind")) ord += "-valgrind"; pl->Add(ord, url); // Notify if (gDebug > 1) Info("GetSessionLogs", "ord: %s, url: %s", ord.Data(), url.Data()); } } // Cleanup SafeDelete(os); // Retrieve the default part if required if (pl && retrieve) { const char *pat = pattern ? pattern : "-v \"| SvcMsg\""; if (pat && strlen(pat) > 0) pl->Retrieve("*", TProofLog::kGrep, 0, pat); else pl->Retrieve(); } } // Done return pl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Read, via the coordinator, 'len' bytes from offset 'ofs' of 'file'. /// Returns a TObjString with the content or 0, in case of failure TObjString *TXProofMgr::ReadBuffer(const char *fin, Long64_t ofs, Int_t len) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Warning("ReadBuffer","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return (TObjString *)0; } // Send the request return fSocket->SendCoordinator(kReadBuffer, fin, len, ofs, 0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Read, via the coordinator, 'fin' filtered. If 'pattern' starts with '|', /// it represents a command filtering the output. Elsewhere, it is a grep /// pattern. Returns a TObjString with the content or 0 in case of failure TObjString *TXProofMgr::ReadBuffer(const char *fin, const char *pattern) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Warning("ReadBuffer", "invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return (TObjString *)0; } const char *ptr; Int_t type; // 1 = grep, 2 = grep -v, 3 = pipe through cmd if (*pattern == '|') { ptr = &pattern[1]; // strip first char if it is a command type = 3; } else { ptr = pattern; type = 1; } // Prepare the buffer Int_t plen = strlen(ptr); Int_t lfi = strlen(fin); char *buf = new char[lfi + plen + 1]; memcpy(buf, fin, lfi); memcpy(buf+lfi, ptr, plen); buf[lfi+plen] = 0; // Send the request return fSocket->SendCoordinator(kReadBuffer, buf, plen, 0, type); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Display what ROOT versions are available on the cluster void TXProofMgr::ShowROOTVersions() { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Warning("ShowROOTVersions","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return; } // Send the request TObjString *os = fSocket->SendCoordinator(kQueryROOTVersions); if (os) { // Display it Printf("----------------------------------------------------------\n"); Printf("Available versions (tag ROOT-vers remote-path PROOF-version):\n"); Printf("%s", os->GetName()); Printf("----------------------------------------------------------"); SafeDelete(os); } // We are done return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the default ROOT version to be used Int_t TXProofMgr::SetROOTVersion(const char *tag) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Warning("SetROOTVersion","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return -1; } // Send the request fSocket->SendCoordinator(kROOTVersion, tag); // We are done return (fSocket->GetOpenError() != kXR_noErrorYet) ? -1 : 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Send a message to connected users. Only superusers can do this. /// The first argument specifies the message or the file from where to take /// the message. /// The second argument specifies the user to which to send the message: if /// empty or null the message is send to all the connected users. /// return 0 in case of success, -1 in case of error Int_t TXProofMgr::SendMsgToUsers(const char *msg, const char *usr) { Int_t rc = 0; // Check input if (!msg || strlen(msg) <= 0) { Error("SendMsgToUsers","no message to send - do nothing"); return -1; } // Buffer (max 32K) const Int_t kMAXBUF = 32768; char buf[kMAXBUF] = {0}; char *p = &buf[0]; size_t space = kMAXBUF - 1; Int_t lusr = 0; // A specific user? if (usr && strlen(usr) > 0 && (strlen(usr) != 1 || usr[0] != '*')) { lusr = (strlen(usr) + 3); snprintf(buf, kMAXBUF, "u:%s ", usr); p += lusr; space -= lusr; } ssize_t len = 0; // Is it from file ? if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(msg, kFileExists)) { // From file: can we read it ? if (gSystem->AccessPathName(msg, kReadPermission)) { Error("SendMsgToUsers","request to read message from unreadable file '%s'", msg); return -1; } // Open the file FILE *f = 0; if (!(f = fopen(msg, "r"))) { Error("SendMsgToUsers", "file '%s' cannot be open", msg); return -1; } // Determine the number of bytes to be read from the file. size_t left = 0; off_t rcsk = lseek(fileno(f), (off_t) 0, SEEK_END); if ((rcsk != (off_t)(-1))) { left = (size_t) rcsk; if ((lseek(fileno(f), (off_t) 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)(-1))) { Error("SendMsgToUsers", "cannot rewind open file (seek to 0)"); fclose(f); return -1; } } else { Error("SendMsgToUsers", "cannot get size of open file (seek to END)"); fclose(f); return -1; } // Now readout from file size_t wanted = left; if (wanted > space) { wanted = space; Warning("SendMsgToUsers", "requested to send %lld bytes: max size is %lld bytes: truncating", (Long64_t)left, (Long64_t)space); } do { while ((len = read(fileno(f), p, wanted)) < 0 && TSystem::GetErrno() == EINTR) TSystem::ResetErrno(); if (len < 0) { SysError("SendMsgToUsers", "error reading file"); break; } // Update counters left = (len >= (ssize_t)left) ? 0 : left - len; p += len; wanted = (left > kMAXBUF-1) ? kMAXBUF-1 : left; } while (len > 0 && left > 0); // Close file fclose(f); } else { // Add the message to the buffer len = strlen(msg); if (len > (ssize_t)space) { Warning("SendMsgToUsers", "requested to send %lld bytes: max size is %lld bytes: truncating", (Long64_t)len, (Long64_t)space); len = space; } memcpy(p, msg, len); } // Null-terminate buf[len + lusr] = 0; // Send the request fSocket->SendCoordinator(kSendMsgToUser, buf); return rc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run 'grep' on the nodes void TXProofMgr::Grep(const char *what, const char *how, const char *where) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("Grep","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("Grep", "functionality not supported by server"); return; } // Send the request TObjString *os = Exec(kGrep, what, how, where); // Show the result, if any if (os) Printf("%s", os->GetName()); // Cleanup SafeDelete(os); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run 'find' on the nodes void TXProofMgr::Find(const char *what, const char *how, const char *where) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("Find","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("Find", "functionality not supported by server (XrdProofd version: %d)", fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion()); return; } // Send the request TObjString *os = Exec(kFind, what, how, where); // Show the result, if any if (os) Printf("%s", os->GetName()); // Cleanup SafeDelete(os); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run 'ls' on the nodes void TXProofMgr::Ls(const char *what, const char *how, const char *where) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("Ls","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("Ls", "functionality not supported by server"); return; } // Send the request TObjString *os = Exec(kLs, what, how, where); // Show the result, if any if (os) Printf("%s", os->GetName()); // Cleanup SafeDelete(os); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run 'more' on the nodes void TXProofMgr::More(const char *what, const char *how, const char *where) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("More","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("More", "functionality not supported by server"); return; } // Send the request TObjString *os = Exec(kMore, what, how, where); // Show the result, if any if (os) Printf("%s", os->GetName()); // Cleanup SafeDelete(os); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run 'rm' on the nodes. The user is prompted before removal, unless 'how' /// contains "--force" or a combination of single letter options including 'f', /// e.g. "-fv". Int_t TXProofMgr::Rm(const char *what, const char *how, const char *where) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("Rm","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return -1; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("Rm", "functionality not supported by server"); return -1; } TString prompt, ans("Y"), opt(how); Bool_t force = kFALSE; if (!opt.IsNull()) { TString t; Int_t from = 0; while (!force && opt.Tokenize(t, from, " ")) { if (t == "--force") { force = kTRUE; } else if (t.BeginsWith("-") && !t.BeginsWith("--") && t.Contains("f")) { force = kTRUE; } } } if (!force && isatty(0) != 0 && isatty(1) != 0) { // Really remove the file? prompt.Form("Do you really want to remove '%s'? [N/y]", what); ans = ""; while (ans != "N" && ans != "Y") { ans = Getline(prompt.Data()); ans.Remove(TString::kTrailing, '\n'); if (ans == "") ans = "N"; ans.ToUpper(); if (ans != "N" && ans != "Y") Printf("Please answer y, Y, n or N"); } } if (ans == "Y") { // Send the request TObjString *os = Exec(kRm, what, how, where); // Show the result, if any if (os) { if (gDebug > 1) Printf("%s", os->GetName()); // Cleanup SafeDelete(os); // Success return 0; } // Failure return -1; } // Done return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run 'tail' on the nodes void TXProofMgr::Tail(const char *what, const char *how, const char *where) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("Tail","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("Tail", "functionality not supported by server"); return; } // Send the request TObjString *os = Exec(kTail, what, how, where); // Show the result, if any if (os) Printf("%s", os->GetName()); // Cleanup SafeDelete(os); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run 'md5sum' on one of the nodes Int_t TXProofMgr::Md5sum(const char *what, TString &sum, const char *where) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("Md5sum","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return -1; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("Md5sum", "functionality not supported by server"); return -1; } if (where && !strcmp(where, "all")) { Error("Md5sum","cannot run on all nodes at once: please specify one"); return -1; } // Send the request TObjString *os = Exec(kMd5sum, what, 0, where); // Show the result, if any if (os) { if (gDebug > 1) Printf("%s", os->GetName()); sum = os->GetName(); // Cleanup SafeDelete(os); // Success return 0; } // Failure return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run 'stat' on one of the nodes Int_t TXProofMgr::Stat(const char *what, FileStat_t &st, const char *where) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("Stat","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return -1; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("Stat", "functionality not supported by server"); return -1; } if (where && !strcmp(where, "all")) { Error("Stat","cannot run on all nodes at once: please specify one"); return -1; } // Send the request TObjString *os = Exec(kStat, what, 0, where); // Show the result, if any if (os) { if (gDebug > 1) Printf("%s", os->GetName()); #if 0 Int_t mode, uid, gid, islink; Long_t dev, ino, mtime; Long64_t size; #ifdef R__WIN32 sscanf(os->GetName(), "%ld %ld %d %d %d %I64d %ld %d", &dev, &ino, &mode, &uid, &gid, &size, &mtime, &islink); #else sscanf(os->GetName(), "%ld %ld %d %d %d %lld %ld %d", &dev, &ino, &mode, &uid, &gid, &size, &mtime, &islink); #endif if (dev == -1) return -1; st.fDev = dev; st.fIno = ino; st.fMode = mode; st.fUid = uid; st.fGid = gid; st.fSize = size; st.fMtime = mtime; st.fIsLink = (islink == 1); #else TString tkn; Ssiz_t from = 0; if (!os->GetString().Tokenize(tkn, from, "[ ]+") || !tkn.IsDigit()) return -1; st.fDev = tkn.Atoi(); if (st.fDev == -1) return -1; if (!os->GetString().Tokenize(tkn, from, "[ ]+") || !tkn.IsDigit()) return -1; st.fIno = tkn.Atoi(); if (!os->GetString().Tokenize(tkn, from, "[ ]+") || !tkn.IsDigit()) return -1; st.fMode = tkn.Atoi(); if (!os->GetString().Tokenize(tkn, from, "[ ]+") || !tkn.IsDigit()) return -1; st.fUid = tkn.Atoi(); if (!os->GetString().Tokenize(tkn, from, "[ ]+") || !tkn.IsDigit()) return -1; st.fGid = tkn.Atoi(); if (!os->GetString().Tokenize(tkn, from, "[ ]+") || !tkn.IsDigit()) return -1; st.fSize = tkn.Atoll(); if (!os->GetString().Tokenize(tkn, from, "[ ]+") || !tkn.IsDigit()) return -1; st.fMtime = tkn.Atoi(); if (!os->GetString().Tokenize(tkn, from, "[ ]+") || !tkn.IsDigit()) return -1; st.fIsLink = (tkn.Atoi() == 1) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; #endif // Cleanup SafeDelete(os); // Success return 0; } // Failure return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Execute 'action' (see EAdminExecType in 'XProofProtocol.h') at 'where' /// (default master), with options 'how', on 'what'. The option specified by /// 'how' are typically unix option for the relate commands. In addition to /// the unix authorizations, the limitations are: /// /// action = kRm limited to the sandbox (but basic dirs cannot be /// removed) and on files owned by the user in the /// allowed directories /// action = kTail option '-f' is not supported and will be ignored /// TObjString *TXProofMgr::Exec(Int_t action, const char *what, const char *how, const char *where) { // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("Exec","invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return (TObjString *)0; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("Exec", "functionality not supported by server"); return (TObjString *)0; } // Check 'what' if (!what || strlen(what) <= 0) { Error("Exec","specifying a path is mandatory"); return (TObjString *)0; } // Check the options TString opt(how); if (action == kTail && !opt.IsNull()) { // Keep only static options: -c, --bytes=N, -n , --lines=N, -N TString opts(how), o; Int_t from = 0; Bool_t isc = kFALSE, isn = kFALSE; while (opts.Tokenize(o, from, " ")) { // Skip values not starting with '-' is not argument to '-c' or '-n' if (!o.BeginsWith("-") && !isc && isn) continue; if (isc) { opt.Form("-c %s", o.Data()); isc = kFALSE; } if (isn) { opt.Form("-n %s", o.Data()); isn = kFALSE; } if (o == "-c") { isc = kTRUE; } else if (o == "-n") { isn = kTRUE; } else if (o == "--bytes=" || o == "--lines=") { opt = o; } else if (o.BeginsWith("-")) { o.Remove(TString::kLeading,'-'); if (o.IsDigit()) opt.Form("-%s", o.Data()); } } } // Build the command line TString cmd(where); if (cmd.IsNull()) cmd.Form("%s:%d", fUrl.GetHost(), fUrl.GetPort()); cmd += "|"; cmd += what; cmd += "|"; cmd += opt; // On clients, handle Ctrl-C during collection if (fIntHandler) fIntHandler->Add(); // Send the request TObjString *os = fSocket->SendCoordinator(kExec, cmd.Data(), action); // On clients, handle Ctrl-C during collection if (fIntHandler) fIntHandler->Remove(); // Done return os; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get file 'remote' into 'local' from the master. /// If opt contains "force", the file, if it exists remotely, is copied in all cases, /// otherwise a check is done on the MD5sum. /// If opt contains "silent" standard notificatons are not printed (errors and /// warnings and prompts still are). /// Return 0 on success, -1 on error. Int_t TXProofMgr::GetFile(const char *remote, const char *local, const char *opt) { Int_t rc = -1; // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("GetFile", "invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return rc; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("GetFile", "functionality not supported by server"); return rc; } // Check remote path name TString filerem(remote); if (filerem.IsNull()) { Error("GetFile", "remote file path undefined"); return rc; } // Parse option TString oo(opt); oo.ToUpper(); Bool_t force = (oo.Contains("FORCE")) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t silent = (oo.Contains("SILENT")) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; // Check local path name TString fileloc(local); if (fileloc.IsNull()) { // Set the same as the remote one, in the working dir fileloc = gSystem->BaseName(filerem); } gSystem->ExpandPathName(fileloc); // Default open and mode flags #ifdef WIN32 UInt_t openflags = O_WRONLY | O_BINARY; #else UInt_t openflags = O_WRONLY; #endif UInt_t openmode = 0600; // Get information about the local file UserGroup_t *ugloc = 0; Int_t rcloc = 0; FileStat_t stloc; if ((rcloc = gSystem->GetPathInfo(fileloc, stloc)) == 0) { if (R_ISDIR(stloc.fMode)) { // Add the filename of the remote file and re-check if (!fileloc.EndsWith("/")) fileloc += "/"; fileloc += gSystem->BaseName(filerem); // Get again the status of the path rcloc = gSystem->GetPathInfo(fileloc, stloc); } if (rcloc == 0) { // It exists already. If it is not a regular file we cannot continue if (!R_ISREG(stloc.fMode)) { if (!silent) Printf("[GetFile] local file '%s' exists and is not regular: cannot continue", fileloc.Data()); return rc; } // Get our info if (!(ugloc = gSystem->GetUserInfo(gSystem->GetUid()))) { Error("GetFile", "cannot get user info for additional checks"); return rc; } // Can we delete or overwrite it ? Bool_t owner = (ugloc->fUid == stloc.fUid && ugloc->fGid == stloc.fGid) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t group = (!owner && ugloc->fGid == stloc.fGid) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t other = (!owner && !group) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; delete ugloc; if ((owner && !(stloc.fMode & kS_IWUSR)) || (group && !(stloc.fMode & kS_IWGRP)) || (other && !(stloc.fMode & kS_IWOTH))) { if (!silent) { Printf("[GetFile] file '%s' exists: no permission to delete or overwrite the file", fileloc.Data()); Printf("[GetFile] ownership: owner: %d, group: %d, other: %d", owner, group, other); Printf("[GetFile] mode: %x", stloc.fMode); } return rc; } // In case we open the file, we need to truncate it openflags |= O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; } else { // In case we open the file, we need to create it openflags |= O_CREAT; } } else { // In case we open the file, we need to create it openflags |= O_CREAT; } // Check the remote file exists and get it check sum TString remsum; if (Md5sum(filerem, remsum) != 0) { if (!silent) Printf("[GetFile] remote file '%s' does not exists or cannot be read", filerem.Data()); return rc; } // If the file exists already locally, check if it is different bool same = 0; if (rcloc == 0 && !force) { TMD5 *md5loc = TMD5::FileChecksum(fileloc); if (md5loc) { if (remsum == md5loc->AsString()) { if (!silent) { Printf("[GetFile] local file '%s' and remote file '%s' have the same MD5 check sum", fileloc.Data(), filerem.Data()); Printf("[GetFile] use option 'force' to override"); } same = 1; } delete md5loc; } // If a different file with the same name exists already, ask what to do if (!same) { const char *a = Getline("Local file exists already: would you like to overwrite it? [N/y]"); if (a[0] == 'n' || a[0] == 'N' || a[0] == '\0') return 0; } else { return 0; } } // Open the local file for writing Int_t fdout = open(fileloc, openflags, openmode); if (fdout < 0) { Error("GetFile", "could not open local file '%s' for writing: errno: %d", local, errno); return rc; } // Build the command line TString cmd(filerem); // Disable TXSocket handling while receiving the file (CpProgress processes // pending events and this could screw-up synchronization in the TXSocket pipe) gSystem->RemoveFileHandler(TXSocketHandler::GetSocketHandler()); // Send the request TStopwatch watch; watch.Start(); TObjString *os = fSocket->SendCoordinator(kGetFile, cmd.Data()); if (os) { // The message contains the size TString ssz(os->GetName()); ssz.ReplaceAll(" ", ""); if (!ssz.IsDigit()) { Error("GetFile", "received non-digit size string: '%s' ('%s')", os->GetName(), ssz.Data()); close(fdout); return rc; } Long64_t size = ssz.Atoll(); if (size <= 0) { Error("GetFile", "received null or negative size: %lld", size); close(fdout); return rc; } // Receive the file const Int_t kMAXBUF = 16384; //32768 //16384 //65536; char buf[kMAXBUF]; rc = 0; Int_t rec, r; Long64_t filesize = 0, left = 0; while (rc == 0 && filesize < size) { left = size - filesize; if (left > kMAXBUF) left = kMAXBUF; rec = fSocket->RecvRaw(&buf, left); filesize = (rec > 0) ? (filesize + rec) : filesize; if (rec > 0) { char *p = buf; r = rec; while (r) { Int_t w = 0; while ((w = write(fdout, p, r)) < 0 && TSystem::GetErrno() == EINTR) TSystem::ResetErrno(); if (w < 0) { SysError("GetFile", "error writing to unit: %d", fdout); rc = -1; break; } r -= w; p += w; } // Basic progress bar CpProgress("GetFile", filesize, size, &watch); } else if (rec < 0) { rc = -1; Error("GetFile", "error during receiving file"); break; } } // Finalize the progress bar CpProgress("GetFile", filesize, size, &watch, kTRUE); } else { Error("GetFile", "size not received"); rc = -1; } // Restore socket handling while receiving the file gSystem->AddFileHandler(TXSocketHandler::GetSocketHandler()); // Close local file close(fdout); watch.Stop(); watch.Reset(); if (rc == 0) { // Check if everything went fine std::unique_ptr md5loc(TMD5::FileChecksum(fileloc)); if (!(md5loc.get())) { Error("GetFile", "cannot get MD5 checksum of the new local file '%s'", fileloc.Data()); rc = -1; } else if (remsum != md5loc->AsString()) { Error("GetFile", "checksums for the local copy and the remote file differ: {rem:%s,loc:%s}", remsum.Data(), md5loc->AsString()); rc = -1; } } // Done return rc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Put file 'local'to 'remote' to the master /// If opt is "force", the file, if it exists remotely, is copied in all cases, /// otherwise a check is done on the MD5sum. /// Return 0 on success, -1 on error Int_t TXProofMgr::PutFile(const char *local, const char *remote, const char *opt) { Int_t rc = -1; // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("PutFile", "invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return rc; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("PutFile", "functionality not supported by server"); return rc; } // Check local path name TString fileloc(local); if (fileloc.IsNull()) { Error("PutFile", "local file path undefined"); return rc; } gSystem->ExpandPathName(fileloc); // Parse option TString oo(opt); oo.ToUpper(); Bool_t force = (oo == "FORCE") ? kTRUE : kFALSE; // Check remote path name TString filerem(remote); if (filerem.IsNull()) { // Set the same as the local one, in the working dir filerem.Form("~/%s", gSystem->BaseName(fileloc)); } else if (filerem.EndsWith("/")) { // Remote path is a directory: add the file name as in the local one filerem += gSystem->BaseName(fileloc); } // Default open flags #ifdef WIN32 UInt_t openflags = O_RDONLY | O_BINARY; #else UInt_t openflags = O_RDONLY; #endif // Get information about the local file Int_t rcloc = 0; FileStat_t stloc; if ((rcloc = gSystem->GetPathInfo(fileloc, stloc)) != 0 || !R_ISREG(stloc.fMode)) { // It dies not exists or it is not a regular file: we cannot continue const char *why = (rcloc == 0) ? "is not regular" : "does not exists"; Printf("[PutFile] local file '%s' %s: cannot continue", fileloc.Data(), why); return rc; } // Get our info UserGroup_t *ugloc = 0; if (!(ugloc = gSystem->GetUserInfo(gSystem->GetUid()))) { Error("PutFile", "cannot get user info for additional checks"); return rc; } // Can we read it ? Bool_t owner = (ugloc->fUid == stloc.fUid && ugloc->fGid == stloc.fGid) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t group = (!owner && ugloc->fGid == stloc.fGid) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t other = (!owner && !group) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; delete ugloc; if ((owner && !(stloc.fMode & kS_IRUSR)) || (group && !(stloc.fMode & kS_IRGRP)) || (other && !(stloc.fMode & kS_IROTH))) { Printf("[PutFile] file '%s': no permission to read the file", fileloc.Data()); Printf("[PutFile] ownership: owner: %d, group: %d, other: %d", owner, group, other); Printf("[PutFile] mode: %x", stloc.fMode); return rc; } // Local MD5 sum TString locsum; TMD5 *md5loc = TMD5::FileChecksum(fileloc); if (!md5loc) { Error("PutFile", "cannot calculate the check sum for '%s'", fileloc.Data()); return rc; } else { locsum = md5loc->AsString(); delete md5loc; } // Check the remote file exists and get it check sum Bool_t same = kFALSE; FileStat_t strem; TString remsum; if (Stat(filerem, strem) == 0) { if (Md5sum(filerem, remsum) != 0) { Printf("[PutFile] remote file exists but the check sum calculation failed"); return rc; } // Check sums if (remsum == locsum) { if (!force) { Printf("[PutFile] local file '%s' and remote file '%s' have the same MD5 check sum", fileloc.Data(), filerem.Data()); Printf("[PutFile] use option 'force' to override"); } same = kTRUE; } if (!force) { // If a different file with the same name exists already, ask what to do if (!same) { const char *a = Getline("Remote file exists already: would you like to overwrite it? [N/y]"); if (a[0] == 'n' || a[0] == 'N' || a[0] == '\0') return 0; force = kTRUE; } else { return 0; } } } // Open the local file int fd = open(fileloc.Data(), openflags); if (fd < 0) { Error("PutFile", "cannot open file '%s': %d", fileloc.Data(), errno); return -1; } // Build the command line: 'path size [opt]' TString cmd; cmd.Form("%s %lld", filerem.Data(), stloc.fSize); if (force) cmd += " force"; // Disable TXSocket handling while sending the file (CpProgress processes // pending events and this could screw-up synchronization in the TXSocket pipe) gSystem->RemoveFileHandler(TXSocketHandler::GetSocketHandler()); // Send the request TStopwatch watch; watch.Start(); TObjString *os = fSocket->SendCoordinator(kPutFile, cmd.Data()); if (os) { // Send over the file const Int_t kMAXBUF = 16384; //32768 //16384 //65536; char buf[kMAXBUF]; Long64_t pos = 0; lseek(fd, pos, SEEK_SET); rc = 0; while (rc == 0 && pos < stloc.fSize) { Long64_t left = stloc.fSize - pos; if (left > kMAXBUF) left = kMAXBUF; Int_t siz; while ((siz = read(fd, &buf[0], left)) < 0 && TSystem::GetErrno() == EINTR) TSystem::ResetErrno(); if (siz < 0 || siz != left) { Error("PutFile", "error reading from file: errno: %d", errno); rc = -1; break; } Int_t src = 0; if ((src = fSocket->fConn->WriteRaw((void *)&buf[0], left)) != left) { Error("PutFile", "error sending over: errno: %d (rc: %d)", TSystem::GetErrno(), src); rc = -1; break; } // Basic progress bar CpProgress("PutFile", pos, stloc.fSize, &watch); // Re-position pos += left; } // Finalize the progress bar CpProgress("PutFile", pos, stloc.fSize, &watch, kTRUE); } else { Error("PutFile", "command could not be executed"); rc = -1; } // Restore TXSocket handling gSystem->AddFileHandler(TXSocketHandler::GetSocketHandler()); // Close local file close(fd); watch.Stop(); watch.Reset(); if (rc == 0) { // Check if everything went fine if (Md5sum(filerem, remsum) != 0) { Printf("[PutFile] cannot get MD5 checksum of the new remote file '%s'", filerem.Data()); rc = -1; } else if (remsum != locsum) { Printf("[PutFile] checksums for the local copy and the remote file differ: {rem:%s, loc:%s}", remsum.Data(), locsum.Data()); rc = -1; } } // Done return rc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print file copy progress. void TXProofMgr::CpProgress(const char *pfx, Long64_t bytes, Long64_t size, TStopwatch *watch, Bool_t cr) { // Protection if (!pfx || size == 0 || !watch) return; fprintf(stderr, "[%s] Total %.02f MB\t|", pfx, (Double_t)size/1048576); for (int l = 0; l < 20; l++) { if (size > 0) { if (l < 20*bytes/size) fprintf(stderr, "="); else if (l == 20*bytes/size) fprintf(stderr, ">"); else if (l > 20*bytes/size) fprintf(stderr, "."); } else fprintf(stderr, "="); } // Allow to update the GUI while uploading files gSystem->ProcessEvents(); watch->Stop(); Double_t copytime = watch->RealTime(); fprintf(stderr, "| %.02f %% [%.01f MB/s]\r", 100.0*bytes/size, bytes/copytime/1048576.); if (cr) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); watch->Continue(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy files in/out of the sandbox. Either 'src' or 'dst' must be in the /// sandbox. /// Return 0 on success, -1 on error Int_t TXProofMgr::Cp(const char *src, const char *dst, const char *fmt) { Int_t rc = -1; // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv if (!IsValid()) { Error("Cp", "invalid TXProofMgr - do nothing"); return rc; } // Server may not support it if (fSocket->GetXrdProofdVersion() < 1006) { Error("Cp", "functionality not supported by server"); return rc; } // Check source path name TString filesrc(src); if (filesrc.IsNull()) { Error("Cp", "source file path undefined"); return rc; } // Check destination path name TString filedst(dst); if (filedst.IsNull()) { filedst = gSystem->BaseName(TUrl(filesrc.Data()).GetFile()); } else if (filedst.EndsWith("/")) { // Remote path is a directory: add the file name as in the local one filedst += gSystem->BaseName(filesrc); } // Make sure that local files are in the format file://host/ otherwise // the URL class in the server will not parse them correctly TUrl usrc = TUrl(filesrc.Data(), kTRUE).GetUrl(); filesrc = usrc.GetUrl(); if (!strcmp(usrc.GetProtocol(), "file")) filesrc.Form("file://host/%s", usrc.GetFileAndOptions()); TUrl udst = TUrl(filedst.Data(), kTRUE).GetUrl(); filedst = udst.GetUrl(); if (!strcmp(udst.GetProtocol(), "file")) filedst.Form("file://host/%s", udst.GetFileAndOptions()); // Prepare the command TString cmd; cmd.Form("%s %s %s", filesrc.Data(), filedst.Data(), (fmt ? fmt : "")); // On clients, handle Ctrl-C during collection if (fIntHandler) fIntHandler->Add(); // Send the request TObjString *os = fSocket->SendCoordinator(kCpFile, cmd.Data()); // On clients, handle Ctrl-C during collection if (fIntHandler) fIntHandler->Remove(); // Show the result, if any if (os) { if (gDebug > 0) Printf("%s", os->GetName()); rc = 0; } // Done return rc; }