// @(#)root/hist:$Id$ /** \class RooStats::HybridPlot \ingroup Roostats This class provides the plots for the result of a study performed with the HybridCalculatorOriginal class. Authors: D. Piparo, G. Schott - Universitaet Karlsruhe An example plot is available here: http://www-ekp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/~schott/roostats/hybridplot_example.png */ #include "assert.h" #include #include #include #include "RooStats/HybridPlot.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TAxis.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include /// To build the THtml documentation using namespace std; ClassImp(RooStats::HybridPlot); using namespace RooStats; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// HybridPlot constructor HybridPlot::HybridPlot(const char* name, const char* title, const std::vector & sb_vals, const std::vector & b_vals, double testStat_data, int n_bins, bool verbosity): TNamed(name,title), fSb_histo(NULL), fSb_histo_shaded(NULL), fB_histo(NULL), fB_histo_shaded(NULL), fData_testStat_line(0), fLegend(0), fPad(0), fVerbose(verbosity) { int nToysSB = sb_vals.size(); int nToysB = sb_vals.size(); assert (nToysSB >0); assert (nToysB >0); // Get the max and the min of the plots double min = *std::min_element(sb_vals.begin(), sb_vals.end()); double max = *std::max_element(sb_vals.begin(), sb_vals.end()); double min_b = *std::min_element(b_vals.begin(), b_vals.end()); double max_b = *std::max_element(b_vals.begin(), b_vals.end()); if ( min_b < min) min = min_b; if ( max_b > max) max = max_b; if (testStat_datamax) max = testStat_data; min *= 1.1; max *= 1.1; // Build the histos fSb_histo = new TH1F ("SB_model",title,n_bins,min,max); fSb_histo->SetTitle(fSb_histo->GetTitle()); fSb_histo->SetLineColor(kBlue); fSb_histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("test statistics"); fSb_histo->SetLineWidth(2); fB_histo = new TH1F ("B_model",title,n_bins,min,max); fB_histo->SetTitle(fB_histo->GetTitle()); fB_histo->SetLineColor(kRed); fB_histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("test statistics"); fB_histo->SetLineWidth(2); for (int i=0;iFill(sb_vals[i]); for (int i=0;iFill(b_vals[i]); double histos_max_y = fSb_histo->GetMaximum(); double line_hight = histos_max_y/nToysSB; if (histos_max_yGetMaximum()) histos_max_y = fB_histo->GetMaximum()/nToysB; // Build the line of the measured -2lnQ fData_testStat_line = new TLine(testStat_data,0,testStat_data,line_hight); fData_testStat_line->SetLineWidth(3); fData_testStat_line->SetLineColor(kBlack); // The legend double golden_section = (std::sqrt(5.)-1)/2; fLegend = new TLegend(0.75,0.95-0.2*golden_section,0.95,0.95); TString title_leg="test statistics distributions "; title_leg+=sb_vals.size(); title_leg+=" toys"; fLegend->SetName(title_leg.Data()); fLegend->AddEntry(fSb_histo,"SB toy datasets"); fLegend->AddEntry(fB_histo,"B toy datasets"); fLegend->AddEntry((TLine*)fData_testStat_line,"test statistics on data","L"); fLegend->SetFillColor(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// destructor HybridPlot::~HybridPlot() { if (fSb_histo) delete fSb_histo; if (fB_histo) delete fB_histo; if (fSb_histo_shaded) delete fSb_histo_shaded; if (fB_histo_shaded) delete fB_histo_shaded; if (fData_testStat_line) delete fData_testStat_line; if (fLegend) delete fLegend; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// draw the S+B and B histogram in the current canvas void HybridPlot::Draw(const char* ) { // We don't want the statistics of the histos gStyle->SetOptStat(0); // The histos if (fSb_histo->GetMaximum()>fB_histo->GetMaximum()){ fSb_histo->DrawNormalized(); fB_histo->DrawNormalized("same"); } else{ fB_histo->DrawNormalized(); fSb_histo->DrawNormalized("same"); } // Shaded fB_histo_shaded = (TH1F*)fB_histo->Clone("b_shaded"); fB_histo_shaded->SetFillStyle(3005); fB_histo_shaded->SetFillColor(kRed); fSb_histo_shaded = (TH1F*)fSb_histo->Clone("sb_shaded"); fSb_histo_shaded->SetFillStyle(3004); fSb_histo_shaded->SetFillColor(kBlue); // Empty the bins according to the data -2lnQ double data_m2lnq= fData_testStat_line->GetX1(); for (int i=1;i<=fSb_histo->GetNbinsX();++i){ if (fSb_histo->GetBinCenter(i)SetBinContent(i,0); fB_histo_shaded->SetBinContent(i,fB_histo->GetBinContent(i)/fB_histo->GetSumOfWeights()); } else{ fB_histo_shaded->SetBinContent(i,0); fSb_histo_shaded->SetBinContent(i,fSb_histo->GetBinContent(i)/fSb_histo->GetSumOfWeights()); } } // Draw the shaded histos fB_histo_shaded->Draw("same"); fSb_histo_shaded->Draw("same"); // The line fData_testStat_line->Draw("same"); // The legend fLegend->Draw("same"); if (gPad) { gPad->SetName(GetName()); gPad->SetTitle(GetTitle() ); } fPad = gPad; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// All the objects are written to rootfile void HybridPlot::DumpToFile (const char* RootFileName, const char* options) { TFile ofile(RootFileName,options); ofile.cd(); // The histos fSb_histo->Write(); fB_histo->Write(); // The shaded histos if (fB_histo_shaded!=NULL && fSb_histo_shaded!=NULL){ fB_histo_shaded->Write(); fSb_histo_shaded->Write(); } // The line fData_testStat_line->Write("Measured test statistics line tag"); // The legend fLegend->Write(); ofile.Close(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HybridPlot::DumpToImage(const char * filename) { if (!fPad) { Error("HybridPlot","Hybrid plot has not yet been drawn "); return; } fPad->Print(filename); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Perform 2 times a gaussian fit to fetch the center of the histo. /// To get the second fit range get an interval that tries to keep into account /// the skewness of the distribution. double HybridPlot::GetHistoCenter(TH1* histo_orig, double n_rms, bool display_result){ // Get the center of the histo TString optfit = "Q0"; if (display_result) optfit = "Q"; TH1F* histo = (TH1F*)histo_orig->Clone(); // get the histo x extremes double x_min = histo->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); double x_max = histo->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); // First fit! TF1* gaus = new TF1("mygaus", "gaus", x_min, x_max); gaus->SetParameter("Constant",histo->GetEntries()); gaus->SetParameter("Mean",histo->GetMean()); gaus->SetParameter("Sigma",histo->GetRMS()); histo->Fit(gaus,optfit); // Second fit! double sigma = gaus->GetParameter("Sigma"); double mean = gaus->GetParameter("Mean"); delete gaus; std::cout << "Center is 1st pass = " << mean << std::endl; double skewness = histo->GetSkewness(); x_min = mean - n_rms*sigma - sigma*skewness/2; x_max = mean + n_rms*sigma - sigma*skewness/2;; TF1* gaus2 = new TF1("mygaus2", "gaus", x_min, x_max); gaus2->SetParameter("Mean",mean); // second fit : likelihood fit optfit += "L"; histo->Fit(gaus2,optfit,"", x_min, x_max); double center = gaus2->GetParameter("Mean"); if (display_result) { histo->Draw(); gaus2->Draw("same"); } else { delete histo; } delete gaus2; return center; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// We let an horizontal bar go down and we stop when we have the integral /// equal to the desired one. double* HybridPlot::GetHistoPvals (TH1* histo, double percentage){ if (percentage>1){ std::cerr << "Percentage greater or equal to 1!\n"; return NULL; } // Get the integral of the histo double* h_integral=histo->GetIntegral(); // Start the iteration std::map extremes_map; for (int i=0;iGetNbinsX();++i){ for (int j=0;jGetNbinsX();++j){ double integral = h_integral[j]-h_integral[i]; if (integral>percentage){ extremes_map[i]=j; break; } } } // Now select the couple of extremes which have the lower bin content diff std::map::iterator it; int a,b; double left_bin_center(0.),right_bin_center(0.); double diff=10e40; double current_diff; for (it = extremes_map.begin();it != extremes_map.end();++it){ a=it->first; b=it->second; current_diff=std::fabs(histo->GetBinContent(a)-histo->GetBinContent(b)); if (current_diff