// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class RooStats::HypoTestInverterOriginal \ingroup Roostats This class is now deprecated and to be replaced by the HypoTestInverter. HypoTestInverterOriginal class for performing an hypothesis test inversion by scanning the hypothesis test results of the HybridCalculator for various values of the parameter of interest. By looking at the confidence level curve of the result an upper limit, where it intersects the desired confidence level, can be derived. The class implements the RooStats::IntervalCalculator interface and returns an RooStats::HypoTestInverterResult class. The result is a SimpleInterval, which via the method UpperLimit returns to the user the upper limit value. The HypoTestInverterOriginal implements various option for performing the scan. HypoTestInverterOriginal::RunFixedScan will scan using a fixed grid the parameter of interest. HypoTestInverterOriginal::RunAutoScan will perform an automatic scan to find optimally the curve and it will stop until the desired precision is obtained. The confidence level value at a given point can be done via HypoTestInverterOriginal::RunOnePoint. The class can scan the CLs+b values or alternatively CLs (if the method HypoTestInverterOriginal::UseCLs has been called). New contributions to this class have been written by Matthias Wolf (advanced AutoRun algorithm) **/ // include header file of this class #include "RooStats/HypoTestInverterOriginal.h" #include "RooStats/HybridCalculatorOriginal.h" #include "RooStats/HybridResult.h" #include "RooStats/HypoTestCalculator.h" #include "RooStats/HypoTestInverterResult.h" // include other header files #include "RooAbsPdf.h" #include "RooAbsData.h" #include "RooRealVar.h" #include "TMath.h" ClassImp(RooStats::HypoTestInverterOriginal); using namespace RooStats; using namespace std; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HypoTestInverterOriginal::HypoTestInverterOriginal( ) : fCalculator0(0), fScannedVariable(0), fResults(0), fUseCLs(false), fSize(0) { // default constructor (doesn't do anything) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HypoTestInverterOriginal::HypoTestInverterOriginal( HypoTestCalculator& myhc0, RooRealVar& scannedVariable, double size ) : TNamed( ), fCalculator0(&myhc0), fScannedVariable(&scannedVariable), fResults(0), fUseCLs(false), fSize(size) { // constructor from a reference to an HypoTestCalculator // (it must be an HybridCalculator type) and a RooRealVar for the variable SetName("HypoTestInverterOriginal"); HybridCalculatorOriginal * hc = dynamic_cast (fCalculator0); if (hc == 0) { Fatal("HypoTestInverterOriginal","Using non HybridCalculatorOriginal class IS NOT SUPPORTED"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HypoTestInverterOriginal::~HypoTestInverterOriginal() { // destructor // delete the HypoTestInverterResult if (fResults) delete fResults; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HypoTestInverterOriginal::CreateResults() { // create a new HypoTestInverterResult to hold all computed results if (fResults == 0) { TString results_name = this->GetName(); results_name += "_results"; fResults = new HypoTestInverterResult(results_name,*fScannedVariable,ConfidenceLevel()); fResults->SetTitle("HypoTestInverterOriginal Result"); } fResults->UseCLs(fUseCLs); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool HypoTestInverterOriginal::RunAutoScan( double xMin, double xMax, double target, double epsilon, unsigned int numAlgorithm ) { /// Search for the value of the parameter of interest (vary the /// hypothesis being tested) in the specified range [xMin,xMax] /// until the confidence level is compatible with the target value /// within one time the estimated error (and the estimated error /// should also become smaller than the specified parameter epsilon) // various sanity checks on the input parameters if ( xMin>=xMax || xMin< fScannedVariable->getMin() || xMax>fScannedVariable->getMax() ) { std::cout << "Error: problem with the specified range\n"; return false; } if ( target<=0 || target>=1 ) { std::cout << "Error: problem with target value\n"; return false; } if ( epsilon>0.5-fabs(0.5-target) ) { std::cout << "Error: problem with error value\n"; return false; } if ( numAlgorithm!=0 && numAlgorithm!=1 ) { std::cout << "Error: invalid interpolation algorithm\n"; return false; } CreateResults(); // if ( TMath::AreEqualRel(target,1-Size()/2,DBL_EPSILON) ) { // to uncomment for ROOT 5.26 if ( fabs(1-target/(1-Size()/2))fInterpolateLowerLimit = false; std::cout << "Target matches lower limit: de-activate interpolation in HypoTestInverterResult\n"; } // if ( TMath::AreEqualRel(target,Size()/2,DBL_EPSILON) ) { // to uncomment for ROOT 5.26 if ( fabs(1-target/((Size()/2)))fInterpolateUpperLimit = false; std::cout << "Target matches upper limit: de-activate interpolation in HypoTestInverterResult\n"; } // parameters of the algorithm that are hard-coded const double nSigma = 1; // number of times the estimated error the final p-value should be from the target // backup some values to be restored at the end const unsigned int nToys_backup = ((HybridCalculatorOriginal*)fCalculator0)->GetNumberOfToys(); // check the 2 hypothesis tests specified as extrema in the constructor double leftX = xMin; if (!RunOnePoint(leftX)) return false; double leftCL = fResults->GetYValue(fResults->ArraySize()-1); double leftCLError = fResults->GetYError(fResults->ArraySize()-1); double rightX = xMax; if (!RunOnePoint(rightX)) return false; double rightCL = fResults->GetYValue(fResults->ArraySize()-1); double rightCLError = fResults->GetYError(fResults->ArraySize()-1); if ( rightCL>target && leftCL>target ) { std::cout << "The confidence level at both boundaries are both too large ( " << leftCL << " and " << rightCL << std::endl << "Run again with other boundaries or larger toy-MC statistics\n"; return false; } if ( rightCLxMax || TMath::IsNaN(x)) { std::cout << "Extrapolated value out of range or nan: exits\n"; quitThisLoop = true; } } else if (numAlgorithm==1) { // linear interpolation double a = (leftCL-rightCL)/(leftX-rightX); double b = leftCL-a*leftX; x = (target-b)/a; if (xxMax || TMath::IsNaN(x)) { std::cout << "Extrapolated value out of range or nan: exits\n"; quitThisLoop = true; } } // end of interpolation algorithms } if ( x==leftX || x==rightX ) { std::cout << "Error: exit because interpolated value equals to a previous iteration\n"; quitThisLoop = true; } // perform another hypothesis-test for value x bool success = false; if (!quitThisLoop) success = RunOnePoint(x); if (success) { nIteration++; // succeeded, increase the iteration counter centerCL = fResults->GetYValue(fResults->ArraySize()-1); centerCLError = fResults->GetYError(fResults->ArraySize()-1); // replace either the left or right point by this new point // test if the interval points are on different sides, then // replace the one on the correct side with the center if ( (leftCL > target) == (rightCL < target) ) { if ( (centerCL > target) == (leftCL > target) ) { leftX = x; leftCL = centerCL; leftCLError = centerCLError; } else { rightX = x; rightCL = centerCL; rightCLError = centerCLError; } // Otherwise replace the point farest away from target (measured in // sigmas) } else if ( (fabs(leftCL - target) / leftCLError) > (fabs(rightCL - target) / rightCLError) ) { leftX = x; leftCL = centerCL; leftCLError = centerCLError; } else { rightX = x; rightCL = centerCL; rightCLError = centerCLError; } // if a point is found compatible with the target CL but with too // large error, increase the number of toyMC if ( fabs(centerCL-target) < nSigma*centerCLError && centerCLError > epsilon ) { do { int nToys = ((HybridCalculatorOriginal*)fCalculator0)->GetNumberOfToys(); // current number of toys int nToysTarget = (int) TMath::Max(nToys*1.5, 1.2*nToys*pow(centerCLError/epsilon,2)); // estimated number of toys until the target precision is reached std::cout << "Increasing the number of toys to: " << nToysTarget << std::endl; // run again the same point with more toyMC (run the complement number of toys) ((HybridCalculatorOriginal*)fCalculator0)->SetNumberOfToys(nToysTarget-nToys); if (!RunOnePoint(x)) quitThisLoop=true; nIteration++; // succeeded, increase the iteration counter centerCL = fResults->GetYValue(fResults->ArraySize()-1); centerCLError = fResults->GetYError(fResults->ArraySize()-1); // set the number of toys to reach the target ((HybridCalculatorOriginal*)fCalculator0)->SetNumberOfToys(nToysTarget); } while ( fabs(centerCL-target) < nSigma*centerCLError && centerCLError > epsilon && quitThisLoop==false ); // run this block again if it's still compatible with the target and the error still too large } if (leftCL==rightCL) { std::cout << "Algorithm failed: left and right CL are equal (no interpolation possible or more toy-MC statistics needed)\n"; quitThisLoop = true; } } // end running one more iteration } while ( ( fabs(centerCL-target) > nSigma*centerCLError || centerCLError > epsilon ) && quitThisLoop==false ); // end of the main 'do' loop // restore some parameters that might have been changed by the algorithm ((HybridCalculatorOriginal*)fCalculator0)->SetNumberOfToys(nToys_backup); if ( quitThisLoop==true ) { // abort and return 'false' to indicate fail status std::cout << "Aborted the search because something happened\n"; return false; } std::cout << "Converged in " << fResults->ArraySize() << " iterations\n"; // finished: return 'true' for success status return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool HypoTestInverterOriginal::RunFixedScan( int nBins, double xMin, double xMax ) { // Run a Fixed scan in npoints between min and max CreateResults(); // safety checks if ( nBins<=0 ) { std::cout << "Please provide nBins>0\n"; return false; } if ( nBins==1 && xMin!=xMax ) { std::cout << "nBins==1 -> I will run for xMin (" << xMin << ")\n"; } if ( xMin==xMax && nBins>1 ) { std::cout << "xMin==xMax -> I will enforce nBins==1\n"; nBins = 1; } if ( xMin>xMax ) { std::cout << "Please provide xMin (" << xMin << ") smaller that xMax (" << xMax << ")\n"; return false; } for (int i=0; igetMin() ) { std::cout << "Out of range: using the lower bound on the scanned variable rather than " << thisX<< "\n"; thisX = fScannedVariable->getMin(); } if ( thisX>fScannedVariable->getMax() ) { std::cout << "Out of range: using the upper bound on the scanned variable rather than " << thisX<< "\n"; thisX = fScannedVariable->getMax(); } double oldValue = fScannedVariable->getVal(); fScannedVariable->setVal(thisX); std::cout << "Running for " << fScannedVariable->GetName() << " = " << thisX << endl; // compute the results HypoTestResult* myHybridResult = fCalculator0->GetHypoTest(); double lastXtested; if ( fResults->ArraySize()!=0 ) lastXtested = fResults->GetXValue(fResults->ArraySize()-1); else lastXtested = -999; if ( lastXtested==thisX ) { std::cout << "Merge with previous result\n"; HybridResult* latestResult = (HybridResult*) fResults->GetResult(fResults->ArraySize()-1); latestResult->Add((HybridResult*)myHybridResult); delete myHybridResult; } else { // fill the results in the HypoTestInverterResult array fResults->fXValues.push_back(thisX); fResults->fYObjects.Add(myHybridResult); } std::cout << "computed: " << fResults->GetYValue(fResults->ArraySize()-1) << endl; fScannedVariable->setVal(oldValue); return true; }