// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class RooStats::HypoTestInverterPlot \ingroup Roostats Class to plot an HypoTestInverterResult, result of the HypoTestInverter calculator It can be used to plot the obtained p-values ( CLb, CLs+b or CLs) for each scanned point and the test statistic distributions (when a calculator based on pseudo-experiments is used) for the two hypotheses. */ // include header file of this class #include "RooStats/HypoTestInverterPlot.h" // include other header files #include "RooStats/HybridResult.h" #include "RooStats/HypoTestInverterResult.h" #include "RooStats/HypoTestPlot.h" #include "RooStats/SamplingDistribution.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h" #include "TMultiGraph.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TAxis.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "Math/DistFuncMathCore.h" #include using namespace std; ClassImp(RooStats::HypoTestInverterPlot); using namespace RooStats; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// constructor from a HypoTestInverterResult class /// name and title are taken from the result class HypoTestInverterPlot::HypoTestInverterPlot(HypoTestInverterResult* results ) : TNamed( results->GetName(), results->GetTitle() ), fResults(results) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// constructor with name and title from a HypoTestInverterResult class HypoTestInverterPlot::HypoTestInverterPlot( const char* name, const char* title, HypoTestInverterResult* results ) : TNamed( TString(name), TString(title) ), fResults(results) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Make the plot of the result of the scan /// using the observed data /// By default plot CLs or CLsb depending if the flag UseCLs is set /// /// - If Option = "CLb" return CLb plot /// - = "CLs+b" return CLs+b plot independently of the flag /// - = "CLs" return CLs plot independently of the flag TGraphErrors* HypoTestInverterPlot::MakePlot(Option_t * opt) { TString option(opt); option.ToUpper(); int type = 0; // use default if (option.Contains("CLB")) type = 1; // CLb else if (option.Contains("CLS+B") || option.Contains("CLSPLUSB")) type = 2; // CLs+b else if (option.Contains("CLS" )) type = 3; // CLs const int nEntries = fResults->ArraySize(); // sort the arrays based on the x values std::vector index(nEntries); TMath::SortItr(fResults->fXValues.begin(), fResults->fXValues.end(), index.begin(), false); // copy result in sorted arrays std::vector xArray(nEntries); std::vector yArray(nEntries); std::vector yErrArray(nEntries); for (int i=0; iGetXValue(index[i]); if (type == 0) { yArray[i] = fResults->GetYValue(index[i]); yErrArray[i] = fResults->GetYError(index[i]); } else if (type == 1) { yArray[i] = fResults->CLb(index[i]); yErrArray[i] = fResults->CLbError(index[i]); } else if (type == 2) { yArray[i] = fResults->CLsplusb(index[i]); yErrArray[i] = fResults->CLsplusbError(index[i]); } else if (type == 3) { yArray[i] = fResults->CLs(index[i]); yErrArray[i] = fResults->CLsError(index[i]); } } TGraphErrors* graph = new TGraphErrors(nEntries,&xArray.front(),&yArray.front(),0,&yErrArray.front()); TString pValueName = "CLs"; if (type == 1 ) pValueName = "CLb"; if (type == 2 || (type == 0 && !fResults->fUseCLs) ) pValueName = "CLs+b"; TString name = pValueName + TString("_observed"); TString title = TString("Observed ") + pValueName; graph->SetName(name); graph->SetTitle(title); graph->SetMarkerStyle(20); graph->SetLineWidth(2); return graph; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Make the expected plot and the bands /// nsig1 and nsig2 indicates the n-sigma value for the bands /// if nsig1 = 0 no band is drawn (only expected value) /// if nsig2 > nsig1 (default is nsig1=1 and nsig2=2) the second band is also drawn /// The first band is drawn in green while the second in yellow /// THe return result is a TMultiGraph object TMultiGraph* HypoTestInverterPlot::MakeExpectedPlot(double nsig1, double nsig2 ) { const int nEntries = fResults->ArraySize(); bool doFirstBand = (nsig1 > 0); bool doSecondBand = (nsig2 > nsig1); nsig1 = std::abs(nsig1); nsig2 = std::abs(nsig2); // sort the arrays based on the x values std::vector index(nEntries); TMath::SortItr(fResults->fXValues.begin(), fResults->fXValues.end(), index.begin(), false); // create the graphs TGraph * g0 = new TGraph; TString pValueName = "CLs"; if (!fResults->fUseCLs) pValueName = "CLs+b"; g0->SetTitle(TString::Format("Expected %s - Median",pValueName.Data()) ); TGraphAsymmErrors * g1 = 0; TGraphAsymmErrors * g2 = 0; if (doFirstBand) { g1 = new TGraphAsymmErrors; if (nsig1 - int(nsig1) < 0.01) g1->SetTitle(TString::Format("Expected %s #pm %d #sigma",pValueName.Data(),int(nsig1)) ); else g1->SetTitle(TString::Format("Expected %s #pm %3.1f #sigma",pValueName.Data(),nsig1) ); } if (doSecondBand) { g2 = new TGraphAsymmErrors; if (nsig2 - int(nsig2) < 0.01) g2->SetTitle(TString::Format("Expected %s #pm %d #sigma",pValueName.Data(),int(nsig2)) ); else g2->SetTitle(TString::Format("Expected %s #pm %3.1f #sigma",pValueName.Data(),nsig2) ); } double p[7]; double q[7]; p[0] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(-nsig2); p[1] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(-nsig1); p[2] = 0.5; p[3] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(nsig1); p[4] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(nsig2); bool resultIsAsymptotic = ( !fResults->GetNullTestStatDist(0) && !fResults->GetAltTestStatDist(0) ); int np = 0; for (int j=0; jGetExpectedPValueDist(i); if ( !s) continue; const std::vector & values = s->GetSamplingDistribution(); // special case for asymptotic results (cannot use TMath::quantile in that case) if (resultIsAsymptotic) { double maxSigma = fResults->fgAsymptoticMaxSigma; double dsig = 2* maxSigma/ (values.size() -1) ; int i0 = (int) TMath::Floor ( ( -nsig2 + maxSigma )/dsig + 0.5); int i1 = (int) TMath::Floor ( (-nsig1 + maxSigma )/dsig + 0.5); int i2 = (int) TMath::Floor ( ( maxSigma)/dsig + 0.5); int i3 = (int) TMath::Floor ( ( nsig1 + maxSigma)/dsig + 0.5); int i4 = (int) TMath::Floor ( ( nsig2 + maxSigma)/dsig + 0.5); q[0] = values[i0]; q[1] = values[i1]; q[2] = values[i2]; q[3] = values[i3]; q[4] = values[i4]; } else { double * x = const_cast(&values[0]); // need to change TMath::Quantiles TMath::Quantiles(values.size(), 5, x,q,p,false); } g0->SetPoint(np, fResults->GetXValue(i), q[2]); if (g1) { g1->SetPoint(np, fResults->GetXValue(i), q[2]); g1->SetPointEYlow(np, q[2] - q[1]); // -1 sigma errorr g1->SetPointEYhigh(np, q[3] - q[2]);//+1 sigma error } if (g2) { g2->SetPoint(np, fResults->GetXValue(i), q[2]); g2->SetPointEYlow(np, q[2]-q[0]); // -2 -- -1 sigma error g2->SetPointEYhigh(np, q[4]-q[2]); } if (s) delete s; np++; } TString name = GetName() + TString("_expected"); TString title = TString("Expected ") + GetTitle(); TMultiGraph* graph = new TMultiGraph(name,title); // set the graphics options and add in multi graph // orderof adding is drawing order if (g2) { g2->SetFillColor(kYellow); graph->Add(g2,"3"); } if (g1) { g1->SetFillColor(kGreen); graph->Add(g1,"3"); } g0->SetLineStyle(2); g0->SetLineWidth(2); graph->Add(g0,"L"); return graph; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// destructor HypoTestInverterPlot::~HypoTestInverterPlot() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw the result in the current canvas /// Possible options: /// - SAME : draw in the current axis /// - OBS : draw only the observed plot /// - EXP : draw only the expected plot /// /// - CLB : draw also the CLB /// - 2CL : draw both clsplusb and cls /// /// default draw observed + expected with 1 and 2 sigma bands void HypoTestInverterPlot::Draw(Option_t * opt) { TString option(opt); option.ToUpper(); bool drawAxis = !option.Contains("SAME"); bool drawObs = option.Contains("OBS") || !option.Contains("EXP"); bool drawExp = option.Contains("EXP") || !option.Contains("OBS"); bool drawCLb = option.Contains("CLB"); bool draw2CL = option.Contains("2CL"); TGraphErrors * gobs = 0; TGraph * gplot = 0; if (drawObs) { gobs = MakePlot(); // add object to top-level directory to avoid mem leak if (gROOT) gROOT->Add(gobs); if (drawAxis) { gobs->Draw("APL"); gplot = gobs; gplot->GetHistogram()->SetTitle( GetTitle() ); } else gobs->Draw("PL"); } TMultiGraph * gexp = 0; if (drawExp) { gexp = MakeExpectedPlot(); // add object to current directory to avoid mem leak if (gROOT) gROOT->Add(gexp); if (drawAxis && !drawObs) { gexp->Draw("A"); if (gexp->GetHistogram()) gexp->GetHistogram()->SetTitle( GetTitle() ); gplot = (TGraph*) gexp->GetListOfGraphs()->First(); } else gexp->Draw(); } // draw also an horizontal line at the desired conf level if (gplot) { double alpha = 1.-fResults->ConfidenceLevel(); double x1 = gplot->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); double x2 = gplot->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); TLine * line = new TLine(x1, alpha, x2,alpha); line->SetLineColor(kRed); line->Draw(); // put axis labels RooAbsArg * arg = fResults->fParameters.first(); if (arg) gplot->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(arg->GetName()); gplot->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("p value"); } TGraph *gclb = 0; if (drawCLb) { gclb = MakePlot("CLb"); if (gROOT) gROOT->Add(gclb); gclb->SetMarkerColor(kBlue+4); gclb->Draw("PL"); // draw in red observed cls or clsb if (gobs) gobs->SetMarkerColor(kRed); } TGraph * gclsb = 0; TGraph * gcls = 0; if (draw2CL) { if (fResults->fUseCLs) { gclsb = MakePlot("CLs+b"); if (gROOT) gROOT->Add(gclsb); gclsb->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gclsb->Draw("PL"); gclsb->SetLineStyle(3); } else { gcls = MakePlot("CLs"); if (gROOT) gROOT->Add(gcls); gcls->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gcls->Draw("PL"); gcls->SetLineStyle(3); } } // draw again observed values otherwise will be covered by the bands if (gobs) { gobs->Draw("PL"); } double y0 = 0.6; double verticalSize = (gexp || draw2CL || drawCLb ) ? 0.3 : 0.15; double y1 = y0 + verticalSize; TLegend * l = new TLegend(0.6,y0,0.9,y1); if (gobs) l->AddEntry(gobs,"","PEL"); if (gclsb) l->AddEntry(gclsb,"","PEL"); if (gcls) l->AddEntry(gcls,"","PEL"); if (gclb) l->AddEntry(gclb,"","PEL"); if (gexp) { // loop in reverse order (opposite to drawing one) int ngraphs = gexp->GetListOfGraphs()->GetSize(); for (int i = ngraphs-1; i>=0; --i) { TObject * obj = gexp->GetListOfGraphs()->At(i); TString lopt = "F"; if (i == ngraphs-1) lopt = "L"; if (obj) l->AddEntry(obj,"",lopt); } } l->Draw(); // redraw the axis if (gPad) gPad->RedrawAxis(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \param index Index of the result stored in HypoTestInverterResult /// \param type Type of the test (see below) /// \param nbins Number of bins /// - type =0 null and alt /// - type = 1 only null (S+B) /// - type = 2 only alt (B) SamplingDistPlot * HypoTestInverterPlot::MakeTestStatPlot(int index, int type, int nbins) { SamplingDistPlot * pl = 0; if (type == 0) { HypoTestResult * result = (HypoTestResult*) fResults->fYObjects.At(index); if (result) pl = new HypoTestPlot(*result, nbins ); return pl; } if (type == 1) { SamplingDistribution * sbDist = fResults->GetSignalAndBackgroundTestStatDist(index); if (sbDist) { pl = new SamplingDistPlot( nbins); pl->AddSamplingDistribution(sbDist); return pl; } } if (type == 2) { SamplingDistribution * bDist = fResults->GetBackgroundTestStatDist(index); if (bDist) { pl = new SamplingDistPlot( nbins); pl->AddSamplingDistribution(bDist); return pl; } } return 0; }