// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ // Authors: Kevin Belasco 17/06/2009 // Authors: Kyle Cranmer 17/06/2009 /************************************************************************* * Project: RooStats * * Package: RooFit/RooStats * ************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot \ingroup Roostats This class provides simple and straightforward utilities to plot a MCMCInterval object. Basic use only requires a few lines once you have an MCMCInterval*: ~~~ {.cpp} MCMCIntervalPlot plot(*interval); plot.Draw(); ~~~ The standard Draw() function will currently draw the confidence interval range with bars if 1-D and a contour if 2-D. The MCMC posterior will also be plotted for the 1-D case. */ #include "RooStats/MCMCIntervalPlot.h" #include "RooStats/MCMCInterval.h" #include "RooStats/MarkovChain.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "RooRealVar.h" #include "RooPlot.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "RooArgList.h" #include "TAxis.h" #include "RooGlobalFunc.h" #include // Extra draw commands //static const char* POSTERIOR_HIST = "posterior_hist"; //static const char* POSTERIOR_KEYS_PDF = "posterior_keys_pdf"; //static const char* POSTERIOR_KEYS_PRODUCT = "posterior_keys_product"; //static const char* HIST_INTERVAL = "hist_interval"; //static const char* KEYS_PDF_INTERVAL = "keys_pdf_interval"; //static const char* TAIL_FRACTION_INTERVAL = "tail_fraction_interval"; //static const char* OPTION_SEP = ":"; ClassImp(RooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot); using namespace std; using namespace RooStats; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MCMCIntervalPlot::MCMCIntervalPlot() { fInterval = NULL; fParameters = NULL; fPosteriorHist = NULL; fPosteriorKeysPdf = NULL; fPosteriorKeysProduct = NULL; fDimension = 0; fLineColor = kBlack; fShadeColor = kGray; fLineWidth = 1; //fContourColor = kBlack; fShowBurnIn = kTRUE; fWalk = NULL; fBurnIn = NULL; fFirst = NULL; fParamGraph = NULL; fNLLGraph = NULL; fNLLHist = NULL; fWeightHist = NULL; fPosteriorHistHistCopy = NULL; fPosteriorHistTFCopy = NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MCMCIntervalPlot::MCMCIntervalPlot(MCMCInterval& interval) { SetMCMCInterval(interval); fPosteriorHist = NULL; fPosteriorKeysPdf = NULL; fPosteriorKeysProduct = NULL; fLineColor = kBlack; fShadeColor = kGray; fLineWidth = 1; //fContourColor = kBlack; fShowBurnIn = kTRUE; fWalk = NULL; fBurnIn = NULL; fFirst = NULL; fParamGraph = NULL; fNLLGraph = NULL; fNLLHist = NULL; fWeightHist = NULL; fPosteriorHistHistCopy = NULL; fPosteriorHistTFCopy = NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MCMCIntervalPlot::~MCMCIntervalPlot() { delete fParameters; // kbelasco: why does deleting fPosteriorHist remove the graphics // but deleting TGraphs doesn't? //delete fPosteriorHist; // can we delete fNLLHist and fWeightHist? //delete fNLLHist; //delete fWeightHist; // kbelasco: should we delete fPosteriorKeysPdf and fPosteriorKeysProduct? delete fPosteriorKeysPdf; delete fPosteriorKeysProduct; delete fWalk; delete fBurnIn; delete fFirst; delete fParamGraph; delete fNLLGraph; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::SetMCMCInterval(MCMCInterval& interval) { fInterval = &interval; fDimension = fInterval->GetDimension(); fParameters = fInterval->GetParameters(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::Draw(const Option_t* options) { DrawInterval(options); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawPosterior(const Option_t* options) { if (fInterval->GetUseKeys()) DrawPosteriorKeysPdf(options); else DrawPosteriorHist(options); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void* MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawPosteriorHist(const Option_t* /*options*/, const char* title, Bool_t scale) { if (fPosteriorHist == NULL) fPosteriorHist = fInterval->GetPosteriorHist(); if (fPosteriorHist == NULL) { coutE(InputArguments) << "MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawPosteriorHist: " << "Couldn't get posterior histogram." << endl; return NULL; } // kbelasco: annoying hack because histogram drawing fails when it sees // an un-recognized option like POSTERIOR_HIST, etc. //const Option_t* myOpt = NULL; //TString tmpOpt(options); //if (tmpOpt.Contains("same")) // myOpt = "same"; // scale so highest bin has height 1 if (scale) fPosteriorHist->Scale(1/fPosteriorHist->GetBinContent( fPosteriorHist->GetMaximumBin())); TString ourTitle(GetTitle()); if (ourTitle.CompareTo("") == 0) { if (title) fPosteriorHist->SetTitle(title); } else fPosteriorHist->SetTitle(GetTitle()); //fPosteriorHist->Draw(myOpt); return (void*)fPosteriorHist; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void* MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawPosteriorKeysPdf(const Option_t* options) { if (fPosteriorKeysPdf == NULL) fPosteriorKeysPdf = fInterval->GetPosteriorKeysPdf(); if (fPosteriorKeysPdf == NULL) { coutE(InputArguments) << "MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawPosteriorKeysPdf: " << "Couldn't get posterior Keys PDF." << endl; return NULL; } TString title(GetTitle()); Bool_t isEmpty = (title.CompareTo("") == 0); if (fDimension == 1) { RooRealVar* v = (RooRealVar*)fParameters->first(); RooPlot* frame = v->frame(); if (frame == NULL) { coutE(InputArguments) << "MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawPosteriorKeysPdf: " << "Invalid parameter" << endl; return NULL; } if (isEmpty) frame->SetTitle(Form("Posterior Keys PDF for %s", v->GetName())); else frame->SetTitle(GetTitle()); //fPosteriorKeysPdf->plotOn(frame); //fPosteriorKeysPdf->plotOn(frame, // RooFit::Normalization(1, RooAbsReal::Raw)); //frame->Draw(options); return (void*)frame; } else if (fDimension == 2) { RooArgList* axes = fInterval->GetAxes(); RooRealVar* xVar = (RooRealVar*)axes->at(0); RooRealVar* yVar = (RooRealVar*)axes->at(1); TH2F* keysHist = (TH2F*)fPosteriorKeysPdf->createHistogram( "keysPlot2D", *xVar, RooFit::YVar(*yVar), RooFit::Scaling(kFALSE)); if (isEmpty) keysHist->SetTitle( Form("MCMC histogram of posterior Keys PDF for %s, %s", axes->at(0)->GetName(), axes->at(1)->GetName())); else keysHist->SetTitle(GetTitle()); keysHist->Draw(options); delete axes; return NULL; } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawInterval(const Option_t* options) { switch (fInterval->GetIntervalType()) { case MCMCInterval::kShortest: DrawShortestInterval(options); break; case MCMCInterval::kTailFraction: DrawTailFractionInterval(options); break; default: coutE(InputArguments) << "MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawInterval(): " << "Interval type not supported" << endl; break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawShortestInterval(const Option_t* options) { if (fInterval->GetUseKeys()) DrawKeysPdfInterval(options); else DrawHistInterval(options); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawKeysPdfInterval(const Option_t* options) { TString title(GetTitle()); Bool_t isEmpty = (title.CompareTo("") == 0); if (fDimension == 1) { // Draw the posterior keys PDF as well so the user can see where the // limit bars line up // fDimension == 1, so we know we will receive a RooPlot RooPlot* frame = (RooPlot*)DrawPosteriorKeysPdf(options); //Double_t height = 1; //Double_t height = 2.0 * fInterval->GetKeysPdfCutoff(); Double_t height = fInterval->GetKeysMax(); RooRealVar* p = (RooRealVar*)fParameters->first(); Double_t ul = fInterval->UpperLimitByKeys(*p); Double_t ll = fInterval->LowerLimitByKeys(*p); if (frame != NULL && fPosteriorKeysPdf != NULL) { // draw shading in interval if (isEmpty) frame->SetTitle(NULL); else frame->SetTitle(GetTitle()); frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(Form("Posterior for parameter %s", p->GetName())); fPosteriorKeysPdf->plotOn(frame, RooFit::Normalization(1, RooAbsReal::Raw), RooFit::Range(ll, ul, kFALSE), RooFit::VLines(), RooFit::DrawOption("F"), RooFit::MoveToBack(), RooFit::FillColor(fShadeColor)); // hack - this is drawn twice now: // once by DrawPosteriorKeysPdf (which also configures things and sets // the title), and once again here so the shading shows up behind. fPosteriorKeysPdf->plotOn(frame, RooFit::Normalization(1, RooAbsReal::Raw)); } if (frame) { frame->Draw(options); } TLine* llLine = new TLine(ll, 0, ll, height); TLine* ulLine = new TLine(ul, 0, ul, height); llLine->SetLineColor(fLineColor); ulLine->SetLineColor(fLineColor); llLine->SetLineWidth(fLineWidth); ulLine->SetLineWidth(fLineWidth); llLine->Draw(options); ulLine->Draw(options); } else if (fDimension == 2) { if (fPosteriorKeysPdf == NULL) fPosteriorKeysPdf = fInterval->GetPosteriorKeysPdf(); if (fPosteriorKeysPdf == NULL) { coutE(InputArguments) << "MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawKeysPdfInterval: " << "Couldn't get posterior Keys PDF." << endl; return; } RooArgList* axes = fInterval->GetAxes(); RooRealVar* xVar = (RooRealVar*)axes->at(0); RooRealVar* yVar = (RooRealVar*)axes->at(1); TH2F* contHist = (TH2F*)fPosteriorKeysPdf->createHistogram( "keysContour2D", *xVar, RooFit::YVar(*yVar), RooFit::Scaling(kFALSE)); //if (isEmpty) // contHist->SetTitle(Form("MCMC Keys conf. interval for %s, %s", // axes->at(0)->GetName(), axes->at(1)->GetName())); //else // contHist->SetTitle(GetTitle()); if (!isEmpty) contHist->SetTitle(GetTitle()); else contHist->SetTitle(NULL); contHist->SetStats(kFALSE); TString tmpOpt(options); if (!tmpOpt.Contains("CONT2")) tmpOpt.Append("CONT2"); Double_t cutoff = fInterval->GetKeysPdfCutoff(); contHist->SetContour(1, &cutoff); contHist->SetLineColor(fLineColor); contHist->SetLineWidth(fLineWidth); contHist->Draw(tmpOpt.Data()); delete axes; } else { coutE(InputArguments) << "MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawKeysPdfInterval: " << " Sorry: " << fDimension << "-D plots not currently supported" << endl; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawHistInterval(const Option_t* options) { TString title(GetTitle()); Bool_t isEmpty = (title.CompareTo("") == 0); if (fDimension == 1) { // draw lower and upper limits RooRealVar* p = (RooRealVar*)fParameters->first(); Double_t ul = fInterval->UpperLimitByHist(*p); Double_t ll = fInterval->LowerLimitByHist(*p); // Draw the posterior histogram as well so the user can see where the // limit bars line up // fDimension == 1, so we know will get a TH1F* TH1F* hist = (TH1F*)DrawPosteriorHist(options, NULL, false); if (hist == NULL) return; if (isEmpty) hist->SetTitle(NULL); else hist->SetTitle(GetTitle()); hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(Form("Posterior for parameter %s", p->GetName())); hist->SetStats(kFALSE); TH1F* copy = (TH1F*)hist->Clone(Form("%s_copy", hist->GetTitle())); Double_t histCutoff = fInterval->GetHistCutoff(); Int_t i; Int_t nBins = copy->GetNbinsX(); Double_t height; for (i = 1; i <= nBins; i++) { // remove bins with height < cutoff height = copy->GetBinContent(i); if (height < histCutoff) { copy->SetBinContent(i, 0); copy->SetBinError(i, 0); } } hist->Scale(1/hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetMaximumBin())); copy->Scale(1/copy->GetBinContent(hist->GetMaximumBin())); copy->SetFillStyle(1001); copy->SetFillColor(fShadeColor); hist->Draw(options); // to show the interval area copy->Draw("HIST SAME"); fPosteriorHistHistCopy = copy; TLine* llLine = new TLine(ll, 0, ll, 1); TLine* ulLine = new TLine(ul, 0, ul, 1); llLine->SetLineColor(fLineColor); ulLine->SetLineColor(fLineColor); llLine->SetLineWidth(fLineWidth); ulLine->SetLineWidth(fLineWidth); llLine->Draw(options); ulLine->Draw(options); } else if (fDimension == 2) { if (fPosteriorHist == NULL) fPosteriorHist = fInterval->GetPosteriorHist(); if (fPosteriorHist == NULL) { coutE(InputArguments) << "MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawHistInterval: " << "Couldn't get posterior histogram." << endl; return; } RooArgList* axes = fInterval->GetAxes(); //if (isEmpty) // fPosteriorHist->SetTitle( // Form("MCMC histogram conf. interval for %s, %s", // axes->at(0)->GetName(), axes->at(1)->GetName())); //else // fPosteriorHist->SetTitle(GetTitle()); if (!isEmpty) fPosteriorHist->SetTitle(GetTitle()); else fPosteriorHist->SetTitle(NULL); delete axes; fPosteriorHist->SetStats(kFALSE); TString tmpOpt(options); if (!tmpOpt.Contains("CONT2")) tmpOpt.Append("CONT2"); Double_t cutoff = fInterval->GetHistCutoff(); fPosteriorHist->SetContour(1, &cutoff); fPosteriorHist->SetLineColor(fLineColor); fPosteriorHist->SetLineWidth(fLineWidth); fPosteriorHist->Draw(tmpOpt.Data()); } else { coutE(InputArguments) << "MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawHistInterval: " << " Sorry: " << fDimension << "-D plots not currently supported" << endl; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawTailFractionInterval(const Option_t* options) { TString title(GetTitle()); Bool_t isEmpty = (title.CompareTo("") == 0); if (fDimension == 1) { // Draw the posterior histogram as well so the user can see where the // limit bars line up RooRealVar* p = (RooRealVar*)fParameters->first(); Double_t ul = fInterval->UpperLimitTailFraction(*p); Double_t ll = fInterval->LowerLimitTailFraction(*p); TH1F* hist = (TH1F*)DrawPosteriorHist(options, NULL, false); if (hist == NULL) return; if (isEmpty) hist->SetTitle(NULL); else hist->SetTitle(GetTitle()); hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(Form("Posterior for parameter %s", p->GetName())); hist->SetStats(kFALSE); TH1F* copy = (TH1F*)hist->Clone(Form("%s_copy", hist->GetTitle())); Int_t i; Int_t nBins = copy->GetNbinsX(); Double_t center; for (i = 1; i <= nBins; i++) { // remove bins outside interval center = copy->GetBinCenter(i); if (center < ll || center > ul) { copy->SetBinContent(i, 0); copy->SetBinError(i, 0); } } hist->Scale(1/hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetMaximumBin())); copy->Scale(1/copy->GetBinContent(hist->GetMaximumBin())); copy->SetFillStyle(1001); copy->SetFillColor(fShadeColor); hist->Draw(options); copy->Draw("hist same"); // draw lower and upper limits TLine* llLine = new TLine(ll, 0, ll, 1); TLine* ulLine = new TLine(ul, 0, ul, 1); llLine->SetLineColor(fLineColor); ulLine->SetLineColor(fLineColor); llLine->SetLineWidth(fLineWidth); ulLine->SetLineWidth(fLineWidth); llLine->Draw(options); ulLine->Draw(options); } else { coutE(InputArguments) << "MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawTailFractionInterval: " << " Sorry: " << fDimension << "-D plots not currently supported" << endl; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void* MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawPosteriorKeysProduct(const Option_t* options) { if (fPosteriorKeysProduct == NULL) fPosteriorKeysProduct = fInterval->GetPosteriorKeysProduct(); if (fPosteriorKeysProduct == NULL) { coutE(InputArguments) << "MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawPosteriorKeysProduct: " << "Couldn't get posterior Keys product." << endl; return NULL; } RooArgList* axes = fInterval->GetAxes(); TString title(GetTitle()); Bool_t isEmpty = (title.CompareTo("") == 0); if (fDimension == 1) { RooPlot* frame = ((RooRealVar*)fParameters->first())->frame(); if (!frame) return NULL; if (isEmpty) frame->SetTitle(Form("Posterior Keys PDF * Heaviside product for %s", axes->at(0)->GetName())); else frame->SetTitle(GetTitle()); //fPosteriorKeysProduct->plotOn(frame); fPosteriorKeysProduct->plotOn(frame, RooFit::Normalization(1, RooAbsReal::Raw)); frame->Draw(options); return (void*)frame; } else if (fDimension == 2) { RooRealVar* xVar = (RooRealVar*)axes->at(0); RooRealVar* yVar = (RooRealVar*)axes->at(1); TH2F* productHist = (TH2F*)fPosteriorKeysProduct->createHistogram( "prodPlot2D", *xVar, RooFit::YVar(*yVar), RooFit::Scaling(kFALSE)); if (isEmpty) productHist->SetTitle( Form("MCMC Posterior Keys Product Hist. for %s, %s", axes->at(0)->GetName(), axes->at(1)->GetName())); else productHist->SetTitle(GetTitle()); productHist->Draw(options); return NULL; } delete axes; return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawChainScatter(RooRealVar& xVar, RooRealVar& yVar) { const MarkovChain* markovChain = fInterval->GetChain(); Int_t size = markovChain->Size(); Int_t burnInSteps; if (fShowBurnIn) burnInSteps = fInterval->GetNumBurnInSteps(); else burnInSteps = 0; Double_t* x = new Double_t[size - burnInSteps]; Double_t* y = new Double_t[size - burnInSteps]; Double_t* burnInX = NULL; Double_t* burnInY = NULL; if (burnInSteps > 0) { burnInX = new Double_t[burnInSteps]; burnInY = new Double_t[burnInSteps]; } Double_t firstX; Double_t firstY; for (Int_t i = burnInSteps; i < size; i++) { x[i - burnInSteps] = markovChain->Get(i)->getRealValue(xVar.GetName()); y[i - burnInSteps] = markovChain->Get(i)->getRealValue(yVar.GetName()); } for (Int_t i = 0; i < burnInSteps; i++) { burnInX[i] = markovChain->Get(i)->getRealValue(xVar.GetName()); burnInY[i] = markovChain->Get(i)->getRealValue(yVar.GetName()); } firstX = markovChain->Get(0)->getRealValue(xVar.GetName()); firstY = markovChain->Get(0)->getRealValue(yVar.GetName()); TString title(GetTitle()); Bool_t isEmpty = (title.CompareTo("") == 0); TGraph* walk = new TGraph(size - burnInSteps, x, y); if (isEmpty) walk->SetTitle(Form("2-D Scatter Plot of Markov chain for %s, %s", xVar.GetName(), yVar.GetName())); else walk->SetTitle(GetTitle()); // kbelasco: figure out how to set TGraph variable ranges walk->GetXaxis()->Set(xVar.numBins(), xVar.getMin(), xVar.getMax()); walk->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xVar.GetName()); walk->GetYaxis()->Set(yVar.numBins(), yVar.getMin(), yVar.getMax()); walk->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yVar.GetName()); walk->SetLineColor(kGray); walk->SetMarkerStyle(6); walk->SetMarkerColor(kViolet); walk->Draw("A,L,P,same"); TGraph* burnIn = NULL; if (burnInX != NULL && burnInY != NULL) { burnIn = new TGraph(burnInSteps - 1, burnInX, burnInY); burnIn->SetLineColor(kPink); burnIn->SetMarkerStyle(6); burnIn->SetMarkerColor(kPink); burnIn->Draw("L,P,same"); } TGraph* first = new TGraph(1, &firstX, &firstY); first->SetLineColor(kGreen); first->SetMarkerStyle(3); first->SetMarkerSize(2); first->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); first->Draw("L,P,same"); //walkCanvas->Update(); delete [] x; delete [] y; if (burnInX != NULL) delete [] burnInX; if (burnInY != NULL) delete [] burnInY; //delete walk; //delete burnIn; //delete first; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawParameterVsTime(RooRealVar& param) { const MarkovChain* markovChain = fInterval->GetChain(); Int_t size = markovChain->Size(); Int_t numEntries = 2 * size; Double_t* value = new Double_t[numEntries]; Double_t* time = new Double_t[numEntries]; Double_t val; Int_t weight; Int_t t = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { val = markovChain->Get(i)->getRealValue(param.GetName()); weight = (Int_t)markovChain->Weight(); value[2*i] = val; value[2*i + 1] = val; time[2*i] = t; t += weight; time[2*i + 1] = t; } TString title(GetTitle()); Bool_t isEmpty = (title.CompareTo("") == 0); TGraph* paramGraph = new TGraph(numEntries, time, value); if (isEmpty) paramGraph->SetTitle(Form("%s vs. time in Markov chain",param.GetName())); else paramGraph->SetTitle(GetTitle()); paramGraph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time (discrete steps)"); paramGraph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(param.GetName()); //paramGraph->SetLineColor(fLineColor); paramGraph->Draw("A,L,same"); delete [] value; delete [] time; //gPad->Update(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawNLLVsTime() { const MarkovChain* markovChain = fInterval->GetChain(); Int_t size = markovChain->Size(); Int_t numEntries = 2 * size; Double_t* nllValue = new Double_t[numEntries]; Double_t* time = new Double_t[numEntries]; Double_t nll; Int_t weight; Int_t t = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { nll = markovChain->NLL(i); weight = (Int_t)markovChain->Weight(); nllValue[2*i] = nll; nllValue[2*i + 1] = nll; time[2*i] = t; t += weight; time[2*i + 1] = t; } TString title(GetTitle()); Bool_t isEmpty = (title.CompareTo("") == 0); TGraph* nllGraph = new TGraph(numEntries, time, nllValue); if (isEmpty) nllGraph->SetTitle("NLL value vs. time in Markov chain"); else nllGraph->SetTitle(GetTitle()); nllGraph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time (discrete steps)"); nllGraph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("NLL (-log(likelihood))"); //nllGraph->SetLineColor(fLineColor); nllGraph->Draw("A,L,same"); //gPad->Update(); delete [] nllValue; delete [] time; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawNLLHist(const Option_t* options) { if (fNLLHist == NULL) { const MarkovChain* markovChain = fInterval->GetChain(); // find the max NLL value Double_t maxNLL = 0; Int_t size = markovChain->Size(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < size; i++) if (markovChain->NLL(i) > maxNLL) maxNLL = markovChain->NLL(i); RooRealVar* nllVar = fInterval->GetNLLVar(); fNLLHist = new TH1F("mcmc_nll_hist", "MCMC NLL Histogram", nllVar->getBins(), 0, maxNLL); TString title(GetTitle()); Bool_t isEmpty = (title.CompareTo("") == 0); if (!isEmpty) fNLLHist->SetTitle(GetTitle()); fNLLHist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("-log(likelihood)"); for (Int_t i = 0; i < size; i++) fNLLHist->Fill(markovChain->NLL(i), markovChain->Weight()); } fNLLHist->Draw(options); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MCMCIntervalPlot::DrawWeightHist(const Option_t* options) { if (fWeightHist == NULL) { const MarkovChain* markovChain = fInterval->GetChain(); // find the max weight value Double_t maxWeight = 0; Int_t size = markovChain->Size(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < size; i++) if (markovChain->Weight(i) > maxWeight) maxWeight = markovChain->Weight(i); fWeightHist = new TH1F("mcmc_weight_hist", "MCMC Weight Histogram", (Int_t)(maxWeight + 1), 0, maxWeight * 1.02); for (Int_t i = 0; i < size; i++) fWeightHist->Fill(markovChain->Weight(i)); } fWeightHist->Draw(options); } /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3-d plot of the parameter points dataCanvas->cd(2); // also plot the points in the markov chain RooDataSet* markovChainData = ((MCMCInterval*)mcmcint)->GetChainAsDataSet(); TTree& chain = ((RooTreeDataStore*) markovChainData->store())->tree(); chain.SetMarkerStyle(6); chain.SetMarkerColor(kRed); chain.Draw("s:ratioSigEff:ratioBkgEff","","box"); // 3-d box proportional to posterior // the points used in the profile construction TTree& parameterScan = ((RooTreeDataStore*) fc.GetPointsToScan()->store())->tree(); parameterScan.SetMarkerStyle(24); parameterScan.Draw("s:ratioSigEff:ratioBkgEff","","same"); chain.SetMarkerStyle(6); chain.SetMarkerColor(kRed); //chain.Draw("s:ratioSigEff:ratioBkgEff", "_MarkovChain_local_nll","box"); //chain.Draw("_MarkovChain_local_nll"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */