// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ // Authors: Sven Kreiss June 2010 // Authors: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class RooStats::SamplingDistPlot \ingroup Roostats This class provides simple and straightforward utilities to plot SamplingDistribution objects. */ #include "RooStats/SamplingDistPlot.h" #include "RooStats/SamplingDistribution.h" #include "RooRealVar.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" // for gPad #include #include #include "RooMsgService.h" #include #define NaN std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() #include "TMath.h" #define IsNaN(a) TMath::IsNaN(a) ClassImp(RooStats::SamplingDistPlot); using namespace RooStats; using namespace std; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SamplingDistPlot default constructor with bin size SamplingDistPlot::SamplingDistPlot(Int_t nbins) : fHist(0), fLegend(NULL), fItems(), fOtherItems(), fRooPlot(NULL), fLogXaxis(kFALSE), fLogYaxis(kFALSE), fXMin(NaN), fXMax(NaN), fYMin(NaN), fYMax(NaN), fApplyStyle(kTRUE), fFillStyle(3004) { fIterator = fItems.MakeIterator(); fIsWeighted = kFALSE; fBins = nbins; fMarkerType = 20; fColor = 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SamplingDistPlot constructor with bin size, min and max SamplingDistPlot::SamplingDistPlot(Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max) : fHist(0), fLegend(NULL), fItems(), fOtherItems(), fRooPlot(NULL), fLogXaxis(kFALSE), fLogYaxis(kFALSE), fXMin(NaN), fXMax(NaN), fYMin(NaN), fYMax(NaN), fApplyStyle(kTRUE), fFillStyle(3004) { fIterator = fItems.MakeIterator(); fIsWeighted = kFALSE; fBins = nbins; fMarkerType = 20; fColor = 1; SetXRange( min, max ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// destructors - delete objects contained in the list SamplingDistPlot::~SamplingDistPlot() { fItems.Delete(); fOtherItems.Delete(); if (fRooPlot) delete fRooPlot; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// adds sampling distribution (and normalizes if "NORMALIZE" is given as an option) Double_t SamplingDistPlot::AddSamplingDistribution(const SamplingDistribution *samplingDist, Option_t *drawOptions) { fSamplingDistr = samplingDist->GetSamplingDistribution(); if( fSamplingDistr.empty() ) { coutW(Plotting) << "Empty sampling distribution given to plot. Skipping." << endl; return 0.0; } SetSampleWeights(samplingDist); TString options(drawOptions); options.ToUpper(); Double_t xmin(TMath::Infinity()), xmax(-TMath::Infinity()); // remove cases where xmin and xmax are +/- inf for( unsigned int i=0; i < fSamplingDistr.size(); i++ ) { if( fSamplingDistr[i] < xmin && fSamplingDistr[i] != -TMath::Infinity() ) { xmin = fSamplingDistr[i]; } if( fSamplingDistr[i] > xmax && fSamplingDistr[i] != TMath::Infinity() ) { xmax = fSamplingDistr[i]; } } if( xmin >= xmax ) { coutW(Plotting) << "Could not determine xmin and xmax of sampling distribution that was given to plot." << endl; xmin = -1.0; xmax = 1.0; } // add 1.5 bins left and right assert(fBins > 1); double binWidth = (xmax-xmin)/(fBins); Double_t xlow = xmin - 1.5*binWidth; Double_t xup = xmax + 1.5*binWidth; if( !IsNaN(fXMin) ) xlow = fXMin; if( !IsNaN(fXMax) ) xup = fXMax; fHist = new TH1F(samplingDist->GetName(), samplingDist->GetTitle(), fBins, xlow, xup); fHist->SetDirectory(0); // make the object managed by this class if( fVarName.Length() == 0 ) fVarName = samplingDist->GetVarName(); fHist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(fVarName.Data()); std::vector::iterator valuesIt = fSamplingDistr.begin(); for (int w_idx = 0; valuesIt != fSamplingDistr.end(); ++valuesIt, ++w_idx) { if (fIsWeighted) fHist->Fill(*valuesIt, fSampleWeights[w_idx]); else fHist->Fill(*valuesIt); } // NORMALIZATION fHist->Sumw2(); double weightSum = 1.0; if(options.Contains("NORMALIZE")) { weightSum = fHist->Integral("width"); fHist->Scale(1./weightSum); options.ReplaceAll("NORMALIZE", ""); options.Strip(); } //some basic aesthetics fHist->SetMarkerStyle(fMarkerType); fHist->SetMarkerColor(fColor); fHist->SetLineColor(fColor); fMarkerType++; fColor++; fHist->SetStats(kFALSE); addObject(fHist, options.Data()); TString title = samplingDist->GetTitle(); if(fLegend && title.Length() > 0) fLegend->AddEntry(fHist, title, "L"); return 1./weightSum; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t SamplingDistPlot::AddSamplingDistributionShaded(const SamplingDistribution *samplingDist, Double_t minShaded, Double_t maxShaded, Option_t *drawOptions) { if( samplingDist->GetSamplingDistribution().empty() ) { coutW(Plotting) << "Empty sampling distribution given to plot. Skipping." << endl; return 0.0; } Double_t scaleFactor = AddSamplingDistribution(samplingDist, drawOptions); TH1F *shaded = (TH1F*)fHist->Clone((string(samplingDist->GetName())+string("_shaded")).c_str()); shaded->SetDirectory(0); shaded->SetFillStyle(fFillStyle++); shaded->SetLineWidth(1); for (int i=0; iGetNbinsX(); ++i) { if (shaded->GetBinCenter(i) < minShaded || shaded->GetBinCenter(i) > maxShaded){ shaded->SetBinContent(i,0); } } TString options(drawOptions); options.ToUpper(); if(options.Contains("NORMALIZE")) { options.ReplaceAll("NORMALIZE", ""); options.Strip(); } addObject(shaded, options.Data()); return scaleFactor; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SamplingDistPlot::AddLine(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, const char* title) { TLine *line = new TLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); line->SetLineWidth(3); line->SetLineColor(kBlack); if(fLegend && title) fLegend->AddEntry(line, title, "L"); addOtherObject(line, ""); // no options } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// add an histogram (it will be cloned); void SamplingDistPlot::AddTH1(TH1* h, Option_t *drawOptions) { if(fLegend && h->GetTitle()) fLegend->AddEntry(h, h->GetTitle(), "L"); TH1 * hcopy = (TH1*) h->Clone(); hcopy->SetDirectory(0); addObject(hcopy, drawOptions); } void SamplingDistPlot::AddTF1(TF1* f, const char* title, Option_t *drawOptions) { if(fLegend && title) fLegend->AddEntry(f, title, "L"); addOtherObject(f->Clone(), drawOptions); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Determine if the sampling distribution has weights and store them void SamplingDistPlot::SetSampleWeights(const SamplingDistribution* samplingDist) { fIsWeighted = kFALSE; if(samplingDist->GetSampleWeights().size() != 0){ fIsWeighted = kTRUE; fSampleWeights = samplingDist->GetSampleWeights(); } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add a generic object to this plot. The specified options will be /// used to Draw() this object later. The caller transfers ownership /// of the object with this call, and the object will be deleted /// when its containing plot object is destroyed. void SamplingDistPlot::addObject(TObject *obj, Option_t *drawOptions) { if(0 == obj) { std::cerr << fName << "::addObject: called with a null pointer" << std::endl; return; } fItems.Add(obj,drawOptions); return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add a generic object to this plot. The specified options will be /// used to Draw() this object later. The caller transfers ownership /// of the object with this call, and the object will be deleted /// when its containing plot object is destroyed. void SamplingDistPlot::addOtherObject(TObject *obj, Option_t *drawOptions) { if(0 == obj) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << fName << "::addOtherObject: called with a null pointer" << std::endl; return; } fOtherItems.Add(obj,drawOptions); return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw this plot and all of the elements it contains. The specified options /// only apply to the drawing of our frame. The options specified in our add...() /// methods will be used to draw each object we contain. void SamplingDistPlot::Draw(Option_t * /*options */) { ApplyDefaultStyle(); Double_t theMin(0.), theMax(0.), theYMin(NaN), theYMax(0.); GetAbsoluteInterval(theMin, theMax, theYMax); if( !IsNaN(fXMin) ) theMin = fXMin; if( !IsNaN(fXMax) ) theMax = fXMax; if( !IsNaN(fYMin) ) theYMin = fYMin; if( !IsNaN(fYMax) ) theYMax = fYMax; RooRealVar xaxis("xaxis", fVarName.Data(), theMin, theMax); //L.M. by drawing many times we create a memory leak ??? if (fRooPlot) delete fRooPlot; bool dirStatus = RooPlot::addDirectoryStatus(); // make the RooPlot managed by this class if (dirStatus) RooPlot::setAddDirectoryStatus(false); fRooPlot = xaxis.frame(); if (dirStatus) RooPlot::setAddDirectoryStatus(true); if (!fRooPlot) { oocoutE(this,InputArguments) << "invalid variable to plot" << std::endl; return; } fRooPlot->SetTitle(""); if( !IsNaN(theYMax) ) { //coutI(InputArguments) << "Setting maximum to " << theYMax << endl; fRooPlot->SetMaximum(theYMax); } if( !IsNaN(theYMin) ) { //coutI(InputArguments) << "Setting minimum to " << theYMin << endl; fRooPlot->SetMinimum(theYMin); } fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; while ((obj = (TH1F*) fIterator->Next())) { //obj->Draw(fIterator->GetOption()); // add cloned objects to avoid mem leaks TH1 * cloneObj = (TH1*)obj->Clone(); if( !IsNaN(theYMax) ) { //coutI(InputArguments) << "Setting maximum of TH1 to " << theYMax << endl; cloneObj->SetMaximum(theYMax); } if( !IsNaN(theYMin) ) { //coutI(InputArguments) << "Setting minimum of TH1 to " << theYMin << endl; cloneObj->SetMinimum(theYMin); } cloneObj->SetDirectory(0); // transfer ownership of the object fRooPlot->addTH1(cloneObj, fIterator->GetOption()); } TIterator *otherIt = fOtherItems.MakeIterator(); TObject *otherObj = NULL; while ((otherObj = otherIt->Next())) { TObject * cloneObj = otherObj->Clone(); fRooPlot->addObject(cloneObj, otherIt->GetOption()); } delete otherIt; if(fLegend) fRooPlot->addObject(fLegend); if(bool(gStyle->GetOptLogx()) != fLogXaxis) { if(!fApplyStyle) coutW(Plotting) << "gStyle will be changed to adjust SetOptLogx(...)" << endl; gStyle->SetOptLogx(fLogXaxis); } if(bool(gStyle->GetOptLogy()) != fLogYaxis) { if(!fApplyStyle) coutW(Plotting) << "gStyle will be changed to adjust SetOptLogy(...)" << endl; gStyle->SetOptLogy(fLogYaxis); } fRooPlot->Draw(); // apply this since gStyle does not work for RooPlot if (gPad) { gPad->SetLogx(fLogXaxis); gPad->SetLogy(fLogYaxis); } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SamplingDistPlot::ApplyDefaultStyle(void) { if(fApplyStyle) { // use plain black on white colors Int_t icol = 0; gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode( icol ); gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode( icol ); gStyle->SetPadBorderMode( icol ); gStyle->SetPadColor( icol ); gStyle->SetCanvasColor( icol ); gStyle->SetStatColor( icol ); gStyle->SetFrameFillStyle( 0 ); // set the paper & margin sizes gStyle->SetPaperSize( 20, 26 ); if(fLegend) { fLegend->SetFillColor(0); fLegend->SetBorderSize(1); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SamplingDistPlot::GetAbsoluteInterval(Double_t &theMin, Double_t &theMax, Double_t &theYMax) const { Double_t tmpmin = TMath::Infinity(); Double_t tmpmax = -TMath::Infinity(); Double_t tmpYmax = -TMath::Infinity(); fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; while((obj = (TH1F*)fIterator->Next())) { if(obj->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() < tmpmin) tmpmin = obj->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); if(obj->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() > tmpmax) tmpmax = obj->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); if(obj->GetMaximum() > tmpYmax) tmpYmax = obj->GetMaximum() + 0.1*obj->GetMaximum(); } theMin = tmpmin; theMax = tmpmax; theYMax = tmpYmax; return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sets line color for given sampling distribution and /// fill color for the associated shaded TH1F. void SamplingDistPlot::SetLineColor(Color_t color, const SamplingDistribution *samplDist) { if (samplDist == 0) { fHist->SetLineColor(color); fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; TString shadedName(fHist->GetName()); shadedName += "_shaded"; while ((obj = (TH1F*) fIterator->Next())) { if (!strcmp(obj->GetName(), shadedName.Data())) { obj->SetLineColor(color); obj->SetFillColor(color); //break; } } } else { fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; TString shadedName(samplDist->GetName()); shadedName += "_shaded"; while ((obj = (TH1F*) fIterator->Next())) { if (!strcmp(obj->GetName(), samplDist->GetName())) { obj->SetLineColor(color); //break; } if (!strcmp(obj->GetName(), shadedName.Data())) { obj->SetLineColor(color); obj->SetFillColor(color); //break; } } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SamplingDistPlot::SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth, const SamplingDistribution *samplDist) { if(samplDist == 0){ fHist->SetLineWidth(lwidth); } else{ fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; while((obj = (TH1F*)fIterator->Next())) { if(!strcmp(obj->GetName(),samplDist->GetName())){ obj->SetLineWidth(lwidth); break; } } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SamplingDistPlot::SetLineStyle(Style_t style, const SamplingDistribution *samplDist) { if(samplDist == 0){ fHist->SetLineStyle(style); } else{ fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; while((obj = (TH1F*)fIterator->Next())) { if(!strcmp(obj->GetName(),samplDist->GetName())){ obj->SetLineStyle(style); break; } } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SamplingDistPlot::SetMarkerStyle(Style_t style, const SamplingDistribution *samplDist) { if(samplDist == 0){ fHist->SetMarkerStyle(style); } else{ fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; while((obj = (TH1F*)fIterator->Next())) { if(!strcmp(obj->GetName(),samplDist->GetName())){ obj->SetMarkerStyle(style); break; } } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SamplingDistPlot::SetMarkerColor(Color_t color, const SamplingDistribution *samplDist) { if(samplDist == 0){ fHist->SetMarkerColor(color); } else{ fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; while((obj = (TH1F*)fIterator->Next())) { if(!strcmp(obj->GetName(),samplDist->GetName())){ obj->SetMarkerColor(color); break; } } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SamplingDistPlot::SetMarkerSize(Size_t size, const SamplingDistribution *samplDist) { if(samplDist == 0){ fHist->SetMarkerSize(size); } else{ fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; while((obj = (TH1F*)fIterator->Next())) { if(!strcmp(obj->GetName(),samplDist->GetName())){ obj->SetMarkerSize(size); break; } } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TH1F* SamplingDistPlot::GetTH1F(const SamplingDistribution *samplDist) { if(samplDist == NULL){ return fHist; }else{ fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; while((obj = (TH1F*)fIterator->Next())) { if(!strcmp(obj->GetName(),samplDist->GetName())){ return obj; } } } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SamplingDistPlot::RebinDistribution(Int_t rebinFactor, const SamplingDistribution *samplDist) { if(samplDist == 0){ fHist->Rebin(rebinFactor); } else{ fIterator->Reset(); TH1F *obj = 0; while((obj = (TH1F*)fIterator->Next())) { if(!strcmp(obj->GetName(),samplDist->GetName())){ obj->Rebin(rebinFactor); break; } } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TODO test void SamplingDistPlot::DumpToFile(const char* RootFileName, Option_t *option, const char *ftitle, Int_t compress) { // All the objects are written to rootfile if(!fRooPlot) { cout << "Plot was not drawn yet. Dump can only be saved after it was drawn with Draw()." << endl; return; } TFile ofile(RootFileName, option, ftitle, compress); ofile.cd(); fRooPlot->Write(); ofile.Close(); }