// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ /************************************************************************* * Project: RooStats * * Package: RooFit/RooStats * * Authors: * * Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke * ************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class RooStats::SamplingDistribution \ingroup Roostats This class simply holds a sampling distribution of some test statistic. The distribution can either be an empirical distribution (eg. the samples themselves) or a weighted set of points (eg. for the FFT method). The class supports merging. */ #include "RooMsgService.h" #include "RooStats/SamplingDistribution.h" #include "RooNumber.h" #include "TMath.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std ; ClassImp(RooStats::SamplingDistribution); using namespace RooStats; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SamplingDistribution constructor SamplingDistribution::SamplingDistribution( const char *name, const char *title, std::vector& samplingDist, const char * varName) : TNamed(name,title) { fSamplingDist = samplingDist; // need to check STL stuff here. Will this = operator work as wanted, or do we need: // std::copy(samplingDist.begin(), samplingDist.end(), fSamplingDist.begin()); // WVE must fill sampleWeights vector here otherwise append behavior potentially undefined fSampleWeights.resize(fSamplingDist.size(),1.0) ; fVarName = varName; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SamplingDistribution constructor SamplingDistribution::SamplingDistribution( const char *name, const char *title, std::vector& samplingDist, std::vector& sampleWeights, const char * varName) : TNamed(name,title) { fSamplingDist = samplingDist; fSampleWeights = sampleWeights; // need to check STL stuff here. Will this = operator work as wanted, or do we need: // std::copy(samplingDist.begin(), samplingDist.end(), fSamplingDist.begin()); fVarName = varName; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SamplingDistribution constructor (with name and title) SamplingDistribution::SamplingDistribution( const char *name, const char *title, const char * varName) : TNamed(name,title) { fVarName = varName; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates a SamplingDistribution from a RooDataSet for debugging /// purposes; e.g. if you need a Gaussian type SamplingDistribution /// you can generate it from a Gaussian pdf and use the resulting /// RooDataSet with this constructor. /// /// The result is the projected distribution onto varName /// marginalizing the other variables. /// /// If varName is not given, the first variable will be used. /// This is useful mostly for RooDataSets with only one observable. SamplingDistribution::SamplingDistribution( const char *name, const char *title, RooDataSet& dataSet, const char * _columnName, const char * varName ) : TNamed(name, title) { // check there are any meaningful entries in the given dataset if( dataSet.numEntries() == 0 || !dataSet.get()->first() ) { if( varName ) fVarName = varName; return; } TString columnName( _columnName ); if( !columnName.Length() ) { columnName.Form( "%s_TS0", name ); if( !dataSet.get()->find(columnName) ) { columnName = dataSet.get()->first()->GetName(); } } if( !varName ) { // no leak. none of these transfers ownership. fVarName = (*dataSet.get())[columnName].GetTitle(); }else{ fVarName = varName; } for(Int_t i=0; i < dataSet.numEntries(); i++) { fSamplingDist.push_back(dataSet.get(i)->getRealValue(columnName)); fSampleWeights.push_back(dataSet.weight()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SamplingDistribution default constructor SamplingDistribution::SamplingDistribution( ) : TNamed("SamplingDistribution_DefaultName","SamplingDistribution") { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SamplingDistribution destructor SamplingDistribution::~SamplingDistribution() { fSamplingDist.clear(); fSampleWeights.clear(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Merge SamplingDistributions (does nothing if NULL is given). /// If variable name was not set before, it is copied from the added /// SamplingDistribution. void SamplingDistribution::Add(const SamplingDistribution* other) { if(!other) return; std::vector newSamplingDist = other->fSamplingDist; std::vector newSampleWeights = other->fSampleWeights; // need to check STL stuff here. Will this = operator work as wanted, or do we need: // std::copy(samplingDist.begin(), samplingDist.end(), fSamplingDist.begin()); // need to look into STL, do it the easy way for now // reserve memory fSamplingDist.reserve(fSamplingDist.size()+newSamplingDist.size()); fSampleWeights.reserve(fSampleWeights.size()+newSampleWeights.size()); // push back elements for(unsigned int i=0; iGetVarName().Length() > 0) fVarName = other->GetVarName(); if(strlen(GetName()) == 0 && strlen(other->GetName()) > 0) SetName(other->GetName()); if(strlen(GetTitle()) == 0 && strlen(other->GetTitle()) > 0) SetTitle(other->GetTitle()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the integral in the open/closed/mixed interval. Default is [low,high) interval. /// Normalization can be turned off. Double_t SamplingDistribution::Integral(Double_t low, Double_t high, Bool_t normalize, Bool_t lowClosed, Bool_t highClosed) const { double error = 0; return IntegralAndError(error, low,high, normalize, lowClosed, highClosed); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// first need to sort the values and then compute the /// running sum of the weights and of the weight square /// needed later for computing the integral void SamplingDistribution::SortValues() const { unsigned int n = fSamplingDist.size(); std::vector index(n); TMath::SortItr(fSamplingDist.begin(), fSamplingDist.end(), index.begin(), false ); // compute the empirical CDF and cache in a vector fSumW = std::vector( n ); fSumW2 = std::vector( n ); std::vector sortedDist( n); std::vector sortedWeights( n); for(unsigned int i=0; i 0) { fSumW[i] += fSumW[i-1]; fSumW2[i] += fSumW2[i-1]; } fSumW[i] += fSampleWeights[j]; fSumW2[i] += fSampleWeights[j]*fSampleWeights[j]; // sort also the sampling distribution and the weights sortedDist[i] = fSamplingDist[ j] ; sortedWeights[i] = fSampleWeights[ j] ; } // save the sorted distribution fSamplingDist = sortedDist; fSampleWeights = sortedWeights; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the integral in the open/closed/mixed interval. Default is [low,high) interval. /// Normalization can be turned off. /// compute also the error on the integral Double_t SamplingDistribution::IntegralAndError(Double_t & error, Double_t low, Double_t high, Bool_t normalize, Bool_t lowClosed, Bool_t highClosed) const { int n = fSamplingDist.size(); if( n == 0 ) { error = numeric_limits::infinity(); return 0.0; } if (int(fSumW.size()) != n) SortValues(); // use std::upper_bounds returns lower index value int indexLow = -1; int indexHigh = -1; if (lowClosed) { // case of closed intervals want to include lower part indexLow = std::lower_bound( fSamplingDist.begin(), fSamplingDist.end() , low) - fSamplingDist.begin() -1; } else { // case of open intervals indexLow = std::upper_bound( fSamplingDist.begin(), fSamplingDist.end() , low) - fSamplingDist.begin() - 1; } if (highClosed) { indexHigh = std::upper_bound( fSamplingDist.begin(), fSamplingDist.end() , high) - fSamplingDist.begin() -1; } else { indexHigh = std::lower_bound( fSamplingDist.begin(), fSamplingDist.end() , high) - fSamplingDist.begin() -1; } assert(indexLow < n && indexHigh < n); double sum = 0; double sum2 = 0; if (indexHigh >= 0) { sum = fSumW[indexHigh]; sum2 = fSumW2[indexHigh]; if (indexLow >= 0) { sum -= fSumW[indexLow]; sum2 -= fSumW2[indexLow]; } } if(normalize) { double norm = fSumW.back(); double norm2 = fSumW2.back(); sum /= norm; // use formula for binomial error in case of weighted events // expression can be derived using a MLE for a weighted binomial likelihood error = std::sqrt( sum2 * (1. - 2. * sum) + norm2 * sum * sum ) / norm; } else { error = std::sqrt(sum2); } return sum; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// returns the closed integral [-inf,x] Double_t SamplingDistribution::CDF(Double_t x) const { return Integral(-RooNumber::infinity(), x, kTRUE, kTRUE, kTRUE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// returns the inverse of the cumulative distribution function Double_t SamplingDistribution::InverseCDF(Double_t pvalue) { Double_t dummy=0; return InverseCDF(pvalue,0,dummy); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// returns the inverse of the cumulative distribution function, with variations depending on number of samples Double_t SamplingDistribution::InverseCDF(Double_t pvalue, Double_t sigmaVariation, Double_t& inverseWithVariation) { if (fSumW.size() != fSamplingDist.size()) SortValues(); if (!TMath::AreEqualRel(fSumW.back(), fSumW2.back(), 1.E-6) ) Warning("InverseCDF","Estimation of Quantiles (InverseCDF) for weighted events is not yet supported"); // Acceptance regions are meant to be inclusive of (1-\alpha) of the probability // so the returned values of the CDF should make this easy. // in particular: // if finding the critical value for a lower bound // when p_i < p < p_j, one should return the value associated with i // if i=0, then one should return -infinity // if finding the critical value for an upper bound // when p_i < p < p_j, one should return the value associated with j // if i = size-1, then one should return +infinity // use pvalue < 0.5 to indicate a lower bound is requested // casting will round down, eg. give i int nominal = (unsigned int) (pvalue*fSamplingDist.size()); if(nominal <= 0) { inverseWithVariation = -1.*RooNumber::infinity(); return -1.*RooNumber::infinity(); } else if(nominal >= (Int_t)fSamplingDist.size()-1 ) { inverseWithVariation = RooNumber::infinity(); return RooNumber::infinity(); } else if(pvalue < 0.5){ int delta = (int)(sigmaVariation*sqrt(1.0*nominal)); // note sqrt(small fraction) int variation = nominal+delta; if(variation>=(Int_t)fSamplingDist.size()-1) inverseWithVariation = RooNumber::infinity(); else if(variation<=0) inverseWithVariation = -1.*RooNumber::infinity(); else inverseWithVariation = fSamplingDist[ variation ]; return fSamplingDist[nominal]; } else if(pvalue >= 0.5){ int delta = (int)(sigmaVariation*sqrt(1.0*fSamplingDist.size()- nominal)); // note sqrt(small fraction) int variation = nominal+delta; if(variation>=(Int_t)fSamplingDist.size()-1) inverseWithVariation = RooNumber::infinity(); else if(variation<=0) inverseWithVariation = -1.*RooNumber::infinity(); else inverseWithVariation = fSamplingDist[ variation+1 ]; /* std::cout << "dgb SamplingDistribution::InverseCDF. variation = " << variation << " size = " << fSamplingDist.size() << " value = " << inverseWithVariation << std::endl; */ return fSamplingDist[nominal+1]; } else{ std::cout << "problem in SamplingDistribution::InverseCDF" << std::endl; } inverseWithVariation = RooNumber::infinity(); return RooNumber::infinity(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// returns the inverse of the cumulative distribution function Double_t SamplingDistribution::InverseCDFInterpolate(Double_t pvalue) { if (fSumW.size() != fSamplingDist.size()) SortValues(); if (!TMath::AreEqualRel(fSumW.back(), fSumW2.back(), 1.E-6) ) Warning("InverseCDFInterpolate","Estimation of Quantiles (InverseCDF) for weighted events is not yet supported."); // casting will round down, eg. give i int nominal = (unsigned int) (pvalue*fSamplingDist.size()); if(nominal <= 0) { return -1.*RooNumber::infinity(); } if(nominal >= (Int_t)fSamplingDist.size()-1 ) { return RooNumber::infinity(); } Double_t upperX = fSamplingDist[nominal+1]; Double_t upperY = ((Double_t) (nominal+1))/fSamplingDist.size(); Double_t lowerX = fSamplingDist[nominal]; Double_t lowerY = ((Double_t) nominal)/fSamplingDist.size(); // std::cout << upperX << " " << upperY << " " << lowerX << " " << lowerY << std::endl; return (upperX-lowerX)/(upperY-lowerY)*(pvalue-lowerY)+lowerX; }