// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ // Author: Sven Kreiss June 2010 // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class RooStats::NuisanceParametersSampler \ingroup Roostats Helper class for ToyMCSampler. Handles all of the nuisance parameter related functions. Once instantiated, it gives a new nuisance parameter point at each call to nextPoint(...). */ /** \class RooStats::ToyMCSampler \ingroup Roostats ToyMCSampler is an implementation of the TestStatSampler interface. It generates Toy Monte Carlo for a given parameter point and evaluates a TestStatistic. For parallel runs, ToyMCSampler can be given an instance of ProofConfig and then run in parallel using proof or proof-lite. Internally, it uses ToyMCStudy with the RooStudyManager. */ #include "RooStats/ToyMCSampler.h" #include "RooMsgService.h" #include "RooDataHist.h" #include "RooRealVar.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "RooPlot.h" #include "RooRandom.h" #include "RooStudyManager.h" #include "RooStats/ToyMCStudy.h" #include "RooStats/DetailedOutputAggregator.h" #include "RooStats/RooStatsUtils.h" #include "RooSimultaneous.h" #include "RooCategory.h" #include "TMath.h" using namespace RooFit; using namespace std; ClassImp(RooStats::ToyMCSampler); namespace RooStats { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Assigns new nuisance parameter point to members of nuisPoint. /// nuisPoint can be more objects than just the nuisance /// parameters. void NuisanceParametersSampler::NextPoint(RooArgSet& nuisPoint, Double_t& weight) { // check whether to get new set of nuisanceParPoints if (fIndex >= fNToys) { Refresh(); fIndex = 0; } // get value nuisPoint = *fPoints->get(fIndex++); weight = fPoints->weight(); // check whether result will have any influence if(fPoints->weight() == 0.0) { oocoutI((TObject*)NULL,Generation) << "Weight 0 encountered. Skipping." << endl; NextPoint(nuisPoint, weight); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates the initial set of nuisance parameter points. It also refills the /// set with new parameter points if called repeatedly. This helps with /// adaptive sampling as the required number of nuisance parameter points /// might increase during the run. void NuisanceParametersSampler::Refresh() { if (!fPrior || !fParams) return; if (fPoints) delete fPoints; if (fExpected) { // UNDER CONSTRUCTION oocoutI((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Using expected nuisance parameters." << endl; int nBins = fNToys; // From FeldmanCousins.cxx: // set nbins for the POI TIter it2 = fParams->createIterator(); RooRealVar *myarg2; while ((myarg2 = dynamic_cast(it2.Next()))) { myarg2->setBins(nBins); } fPoints = fPrior->generate( *fParams, AllBinned(), ExpectedData(), NumEvents(1) // for Asimov set, this is only a scale factor ); if(fPoints->numEntries() != fNToys) { fNToys = fPoints->numEntries(); oocoutI((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Adjusted number of toys to number of bins of nuisance parameters: " << fNToys << endl; } /* // check TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas; RooPlot *p = dynamic_cast(fParams->first())->frame(); fPoints->plotOn(p); p->Draw(); for(int x=0; x < fPoints->numEntries(); x++) { fPoints->get(x)->Print("v"); cout << fPoints->weight() << endl; } */ }else{ oocoutI((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Using randomized nuisance parameters." << endl; fPoints = fPrior->generate(*fParams, fNToys); } } Bool_t ToyMCSampler::fgAlwaysUseMultiGen = kFALSE ; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ToyMCSampler::SetAlwaysUseMultiGen(Bool_t flag) { fgAlwaysUseMultiGen = flag ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Proof constructor. Do not use. ToyMCSampler::ToyMCSampler() : fSamplingDistName("SD"), fNToys(1) { fPdf = NULL; fParametersForTestStat = NULL; fPriorNuisance = NULL; fNuisancePars = NULL; fObservables = NULL; fGlobalObservables = NULL; fSize = 0.05; fNEvents = 0; fGenerateBinned = kFALSE; fGenerateBinnedTag = ""; fGenerateAutoBinned = kTRUE; fExpectedNuisancePar = kFALSE; fToysInTails = 0.0; fMaxToys = RooNumber::infinity(); fAdaptiveLowLimit = -RooNumber::infinity(); fAdaptiveHighLimit = RooNumber::infinity(); fProtoData = NULL; fProofConfig = NULL; fNuisanceParametersSampler = NULL; _allVars = NULL ; _gs1 = NULL ; _gs2 = NULL ; _gs3 = NULL ; _gs4 = NULL ; //suppress messages for num integration of Roofit RooMsgService::instance().getStream(1).removeTopic(RooFit::NumIntegration); fUseMultiGen = kFALSE ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ToyMCSampler::ToyMCSampler(TestStatistic &ts, Int_t ntoys) : fSamplingDistName(ts.GetVarName().Data()), fNToys(ntoys) { fPdf = NULL; fParametersForTestStat = NULL; fPriorNuisance = NULL; fNuisancePars = NULL; fObservables = NULL; fGlobalObservables = NULL; fSize = 0.05; fNEvents = 0; fGenerateBinned = kFALSE; fGenerateBinnedTag = ""; fGenerateAutoBinned = kTRUE; fExpectedNuisancePar = kFALSE; fToysInTails = 0.0; fMaxToys = RooNumber::infinity(); fAdaptiveLowLimit = -RooNumber::infinity(); fAdaptiveHighLimit = RooNumber::infinity(); fProtoData = NULL; fProofConfig = NULL; fNuisanceParametersSampler = NULL; _allVars = NULL ; _gs1 = NULL ; _gs2 = NULL ; _gs3 = NULL ; _gs4 = NULL ; //suppress messages for num integration of Roofit RooMsgService::instance().getStream(1).removeTopic(RooFit::NumIntegration); fUseMultiGen = kFALSE ; AddTestStatistic(&ts); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ToyMCSampler::~ToyMCSampler() { if(fNuisanceParametersSampler) delete fNuisanceParametersSampler; ClearCache(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// only checks, no guessing/determination (do this in calculators, /// e.g. using ModelConfig::GuessObsAndNuisance(...)) Bool_t ToyMCSampler::CheckConfig(void) { bool goodConfig = true; if(fTestStatistics.size() == 0 || fTestStatistics[0] == NULL) { ooccoutE((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Test statistic not set." << endl; goodConfig = false; } if(!fObservables) { ooccoutE((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Observables not set." << endl; goodConfig = false; } if(!fParametersForTestStat) { ooccoutE((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Parameter values used to evaluate the test statistic are not set." << endl; goodConfig = false; } if(!fPdf) { ooccoutE((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Pdf not set." << endl; goodConfig = false; } //ooccoutI((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "ToyMCSampler configuration:" << endl; //ooccoutI((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Pdf from SetPdf: " << fPdf << endl; // for( unsigned int i=0; i < fTestStatistics.size(); i++ ) { // ooccoutI((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "test statistics["<(allTS->snapshot()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const RooArgList* ToyMCSampler::EvaluateAllTestStatistics(RooAbsData& data, const RooArgSet& poi, DetailedOutputAggregator& detOutAgg) { RooArgSet *allVars = fPdf ? fPdf->getVariables() : nullptr; RooArgSet *saveAll = allVars ? allVars->snapshot() : nullptr; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fTestStatistics.size(); i++ ) { if( fTestStatistics[i] == NULL ) continue; TString name( TString::Format("%s_TS%u", fSamplingDistName.c_str(), i) ); std::unique_ptr parForTS(poi.snapshot()); RooRealVar ts( name, fTestStatistics[i]->GetVarName(), fTestStatistics[i]->Evaluate( data, *parForTS ) ); RooArgList tset(ts); detOutAgg.AppendArgSet(&tset); if (const RooArgSet* detOut = fTestStatistics[i]->GetDetailedOutput()) { name.Append("_"); detOutAgg.AppendArgSet(detOut, name); } if (saveAll) *allVars = *saveAll; // restore values, perhaps modified by fTestStatistics[i]->Evaluate() } delete saveAll; delete allVars; return detOutAgg.GetAsArgList(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SamplingDistribution* ToyMCSampler::GetSamplingDistribution(RooArgSet& paramPointIn) { if(fTestStatistics.size() > 1) { oocoutW((TObject*)NULL, InputArguments) << "Multiple test statistics defined, but only one distribution will be returned." << endl; for( unsigned int i=0; i < fTestStatistics.size(); i++ ) { oocoutW((TObject*)NULL, InputArguments) << " \t test statistic: " << fTestStatistics[i] << endl; } } RooDataSet* r = GetSamplingDistributions(paramPointIn); if(r == NULL || r->numEntries() == 0) { oocoutW((TObject*)NULL, Generation) << "no sampling distribution generated" << endl; return NULL; } SamplingDistribution* samp = new SamplingDistribution( r->GetName(), r->GetTitle(), *r ); delete r; return samp; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Use for serial and parallel runs. RooDataSet* ToyMCSampler::GetSamplingDistributions(RooArgSet& paramPointIn) { // ======= S I N G L E R U N ? ======= if(!fProofConfig) return GetSamplingDistributionsSingleWorker(paramPointIn); // ======= P A R A L L E L R U N ======= if (!CheckConfig()){ oocoutE((TObject*)NULL, InputArguments) << "Bad COnfiguration in ToyMCSampler " << endl; return nullptr; } // turn adaptive sampling off if given if(fToysInTails) { fToysInTails = 0; oocoutW((TObject*)NULL, InputArguments) << "Adaptive sampling in ToyMCSampler is not supported for parallel runs." << endl; } // adjust number of toys on the slaves to keep the total number of toys constant Int_t totToys = fNToys; fNToys = (int)ceil((double)fNToys / (double)fProofConfig->GetNExperiments()); // round up // create the study instance for parallel processing ToyMCStudy* toymcstudy = new ToyMCStudy ; toymcstudy->SetToyMCSampler(*this); toymcstudy->SetParamPoint(paramPointIn); toymcstudy->SetRandomSeed(RooRandom::randomGenerator()->Integer(TMath::Limits::Max() ) ); // temporary workspace for proof to avoid messing with TRef RooWorkspace w(fProofConfig->GetWorkspace()); RooStudyManager studymanager(w, *toymcstudy); studymanager.runProof(fProofConfig->GetNExperiments(), fProofConfig->GetHost(), fProofConfig->GetShowGui()); RooDataSet* output = toymcstudy->merge(); // reset the number of toys fNToys = totToys; delete toymcstudy; return output; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This is the main function for serial runs. It is called automatically /// from inside GetSamplingDistribution when no ProofConfig is given. /// You should not call this function yourself. This function should /// be used by ToyMCStudy on the workers (ie. when you explicitly want /// a serial run although ProofConfig is present). /// RooDataSet* ToyMCSampler::GetSamplingDistributionsSingleWorker(RooArgSet& paramPointIn) { // Make sure the cache is clear. It is important to clear it here, because // the cache might be invalid even when just the firstPOI was changed, for which // no accessor has to be called. (Fixes a bug when ToyMCSampler is // used with the Neyman Construction) ClearCache(); if (!CheckConfig()){ oocoutE((TObject*)NULL, InputArguments) << "Bad COnfiguration in ToyMCSampler " << endl; return nullptr; } // important to cache the paramPoint b/c test statistic might // modify it from event to event RooArgSet *paramPoint = (RooArgSet*) paramPointIn.snapshot(); RooArgSet *allVars = fPdf->getVariables(); RooArgSet *saveAll = (RooArgSet*) allVars->snapshot(); DetailedOutputAggregator detOutAgg; // counts the number of toys in the limits set for adaptive sampling // (taking weights into account; always on first test statistic) Double_t toysInTails = 0.0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMaxToys; ++i) { // need to check at the beginning for case that zero toys are requested if (toysInTails >= fToysInTails && i+1 > fNToys) break; // status update if ( i% 500 == 0 && i>0 ) { oocoutP((TObject*)0,Generation) << "generated toys: " << i << " / " << fNToys; if (fToysInTails) ooccoutP((TObject*)0,Generation) << " (tails: " << toysInTails << " / " << fToysInTails << ")" << std::endl; else ooccoutP((TObject*)0,Generation) << endl; } // TODO: change this treatment to keep track of all values so that the threshold // for adaptive sampling is counted for all distributions and not just the // first one. Double_t valueFirst = -999.0, weight = 1.0; // set variables to requested parameter point *allVars = *saveAll; // important for example for SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat RooAbsData* toydata = GenerateToyData(*paramPoint, weight); if (i == 0 && !fPdf->canBeExtended() && dynamic_cast(fPdf)) { const RooArgSet* toySet = toydata->get(); if (std::none_of(toySet->begin(), toySet->end(), [](const RooAbsArg* arg){ return dynamic_cast(arg) != nullptr; })) oocoutE((TObject*)nullptr, Generation) << "ToyMCSampler: Generated toy data didn't contain a category variable, although" " a simultaneous PDF is in use. To generate events for a simultaneous PDF, all components need to be" " extended. Otherwise, the number of events to generate per component cannot be determined." << std::endl; } *allVars = *fParametersForTestStat; const RooArgList* allTS = EvaluateAllTestStatistics(*toydata, *fParametersForTestStat, detOutAgg); if (allTS->getSize() > Int_t(fTestStatistics.size())) detOutAgg.AppendArgSet( fGlobalObservables, "globObs_" ); if (RooRealVar* firstTS = dynamic_cast(allTS->first())) valueFirst = firstTS->getVal(); delete toydata; // check for nan if(valueFirst != valueFirst) { oocoutW((TObject*)NULL, Generation) << "skip: " << valueFirst << ", " << weight << endl; continue; } detOutAgg.CommitSet(weight); // adaptive sampling checks if (valueFirst <= fAdaptiveLowLimit || valueFirst >= fAdaptiveHighLimit) { if(weight >= 0.) toysInTails += weight; else toysInTails += 1.; } } // clean up *allVars = *saveAll; delete saveAll; delete allVars; delete paramPoint; return detOutAgg.GetAsDataSet(fSamplingDistName, fSamplingDistName); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ToyMCSampler::GenerateGlobalObservables(RooAbsPdf& pdf) const { if(!fGlobalObservables || fGlobalObservables->getSize()==0) { ooccoutE((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Global Observables not set." << endl; return; } if (fUseMultiGen || fgAlwaysUseMultiGen) { // generate one set of global observables and assign it // has problem for sim pdfs RooSimultaneous* simPdf = dynamic_cast( &pdf ); if (!simPdf) { RooDataSet *one = pdf.generate(*fGlobalObservables, 1); const RooArgSet *values = one->get(0); if (!_allVars) { _allVars = pdf.getVariables(); } *_allVars = *values; delete one; } else { if (_pdfList.size() == 0) { RooCategory& channelCat = (RooCategory&)simPdf->indexCat(); int nCat = channelCat.numTypes(); for (int i=0; i < nCat; ++i){ channelCat.setIndex(i); RooAbsPdf* pdftmp = simPdf->getPdf(channelCat.getCurrentLabel()); assert(pdftmp); RooArgSet* globtmp = pdftmp->getObservables(*fGlobalObservables); RooAbsPdf::GenSpec* gs = pdftmp->prepareMultiGen(*globtmp, NumEvents(1)); _pdfList.push_back(pdftmp); _obsList.push_back(globtmp); _gsList.push_back(gs); } } list::iterator oiter = _obsList.begin(); list::iterator giter = _gsList.begin(); for (list::iterator iter = _pdfList.begin(); iter != _pdfList.end(); ++iter, ++giter, ++oiter) { //RooDataSet* tmp = (*iter)->generate(**oiter,1) ; RooDataSet* tmp = (*iter)->generate(**giter); **oiter = *tmp->get(0); delete tmp; } } } else { // not using multigen for global observables RooDataSet* one = pdf.generateSimGlobal( *fGlobalObservables, 1 ); const RooArgSet *values = one->get(0); RooArgSet* allVars = pdf.getVariables(); *allVars = *values; delete allVars; delete one; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This method generates a toy data set for the given parameter point taking /// global observables into account. /// The values of the generated global observables remain in the pdf's variables. /// They have to have those values for the subsequent evaluation of the /// test statistics. RooAbsData* ToyMCSampler::GenerateToyData(RooArgSet& paramPoint, double& weight, RooAbsPdf& pdf) const { if(!fObservables) { ooccoutE((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Observables not set." << endl; return NULL; } // assign input paramPoint RooArgSet* allVars = fPdf->getVariables(); *allVars = paramPoint; // create nuisance parameter points if(!fNuisanceParametersSampler && fPriorNuisance && fNuisancePars) { fNuisanceParametersSampler = new NuisanceParametersSampler(fPriorNuisance, fNuisancePars, fNToys, fExpectedNuisancePar); if ((fUseMultiGen || fgAlwaysUseMultiGen) && fNuisanceParametersSampler ) oocoutI((TObject*)NULL,InputArguments) << "Cannot use multigen when nuisance parameters vary for every toy" << endl; } // generate global observables RooArgSet observables(*fObservables); if(fGlobalObservables && fGlobalObservables->getSize()) { observables.remove(*fGlobalObservables); GenerateGlobalObservables(pdf); } // save values to restore later. // but this must remain after(!) generating global observables const RooArgSet* saveVars = (const RooArgSet*)allVars->snapshot(); if(fNuisanceParametersSampler) { // use nuisance parameters? // Construct a set of nuisance parameters that has the parameters // in the input paramPoint removed. Therefore, no parameter in // paramPoint is randomized. // Therefore when a parameter is given (should be held fixed), // but is also in the list of nuisance parameters, the parameter // will be held fixed. This is useful for debugging to hold single // parameters fixed although under "normal" circumstances it is // randomized. RooArgSet allVarsMinusParamPoint(*allVars); allVarsMinusParamPoint.remove(paramPoint, kFALSE, kTRUE); // match by name // get nuisance parameter point and weight fNuisanceParametersSampler->NextPoint(allVarsMinusParamPoint, weight); }else{ weight = 1.0; } RooAbsData *data = Generate(pdf, observables); // We generated the data with the randomized nuisance parameter (if hybrid) // but now we are setting the nuisance parameters back to where they were. *allVars = *saveVars; delete allVars; delete saveVars; return data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This is the generate function to use in the context of the ToyMCSampler /// instead of the standard RooAbsPdf::generate(...). /// It takes into account whether the number of events is given explicitly /// or whether it should use the expected number of events. It also takes /// into account the option to generate a binned data set (*i.e.* RooDataHist). RooAbsData* ToyMCSampler::Generate(RooAbsPdf &pdf, RooArgSet &observables, const RooDataSet* protoData, int forceEvents) const { if(fProtoData) { protoData = fProtoData; forceEvents = protoData->numEntries(); } RooAbsData *data = NULL; int events = forceEvents; if(events == 0) events = fNEvents; // cannot use multigen when the nuisance parameters change for every toy bool useMultiGen = (fUseMultiGen || fgAlwaysUseMultiGen) && !fNuisanceParametersSampler; if (events == 0) { if (pdf.canBeExtended() && pdf.expectedEvents(observables) > 0) { if(fGenerateBinned) { if(protoData) data = pdf.generate(observables, AllBinned(), Extended(), ProtoData(*protoData, true, true)); else data = pdf.generate(observables, AllBinned(), Extended()); } else { if (protoData) { if (useMultiGen) { if (!_gs2) { _gs2 = pdf.prepareMultiGen(observables, Extended(), AutoBinned(fGenerateAutoBinned), GenBinned(fGenerateBinnedTag), ProtoData(*protoData, true, true)) ; } data = pdf.generate(*_gs2) ; } else { data = pdf.generate (observables, Extended(), AutoBinned(fGenerateAutoBinned), GenBinned(fGenerateBinnedTag), ProtoData(*protoData, true, true)); } } else { if (useMultiGen) { if (!_gs1) { _gs1 = pdf.prepareMultiGen(observables, Extended(), AutoBinned(fGenerateAutoBinned), GenBinned(fGenerateBinnedTag) ) ; } data = pdf.generate(*_gs1) ; } else { data = pdf.generate (observables, Extended(), AutoBinned(fGenerateAutoBinned), GenBinned(fGenerateBinnedTag) ); } } } } else { oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "ToyMCSampler: Error : pdf is not extended and number of events per toy is zero" << endl; } } else { if (fGenerateBinned) { if(protoData) data = pdf.generate(observables, events, AllBinned(), ProtoData(*protoData, true, true)); else data = pdf.generate(observables, events, AllBinned()); } else { if (protoData) { if (useMultiGen) { if (!_gs3) { _gs3 = pdf.prepareMultiGen(observables, NumEvents(events), AutoBinned(fGenerateAutoBinned), GenBinned(fGenerateBinnedTag), ProtoData(*protoData, true, true)); } data = pdf.generate(*_gs3) ; } else { data = pdf.generate (observables, NumEvents(events), AutoBinned(fGenerateAutoBinned), GenBinned(fGenerateBinnedTag), ProtoData(*protoData, true, true)); } } else { if (useMultiGen) { if (!_gs4) { _gs4 = pdf.prepareMultiGen(observables, NumEvents(events), AutoBinned(fGenerateAutoBinned), GenBinned(fGenerateBinnedTag)); } data = pdf.generate(*_gs4) ; } else { data = pdf.generate (observables, NumEvents(events), AutoBinned(fGenerateAutoBinned), GenBinned(fGenerateBinnedTag)); } } } } // in case of number counting print observables // if (data->numEntries() == 1) { // std::cout << "generate observables : "; // RooStats::PrintListContent(*data->get(0), std::cout); // } return data; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Extended interface to append to sampling distribution more samples SamplingDistribution* ToyMCSampler::AppendSamplingDistribution( RooArgSet& allParameters, SamplingDistribution* last, Int_t additionalMC) { Int_t tmp = fNToys; fNToys = additionalMC; SamplingDistribution* newSamples = GetSamplingDistribution(allParameters); fNToys = tmp; if(last){ last->Add(newSamples); delete newSamples; return last; } return newSamples; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// clear the cache obtained from the pdf used for speeding the toy and global observables generation /// needs to be called every time the model pdf (fPdf) changes void ToyMCSampler::ClearCache() { if (_gs1) delete _gs1; _gs1 = 0; if (_gs2) delete _gs2; _gs2 = 0; if (_gs3) delete _gs3; _gs3 = 0; if (_gs4) delete _gs4; _gs4 = 0; // no need to delete the _pdfList since it is managed by the RooSimultaneous object if (_pdfList.size() > 0) { std::list::iterator oiter = _obsList.begin(); for (std::list::iterator giter = _gsList.begin(); giter != _gsList.end(); ++giter, ++oiter) { delete *oiter; delete *giter; } _pdfList.clear(); _obsList.clear(); _gsList.clear(); } //LM: is this set really needed ?? if (_allVars) delete _allVars; _allVars = 0; } } // end namespace RooStats