// @(#)root/test:$Id$ // Author: Fons Rademakers 07/03/98 // guitest.cxx: test program for ROOT native GUI classes. // To run it do: make guitest; guitest // Another version with identical functionality but using the new signals // and slots communication mechanism can be found in $ROOTSYS/tutorials. // That version can be run entirely in the interpreter. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum ETestCommandIdentifiers { M_FILE_OPEN, M_FILE_SAVE, M_FILE_SAVEAS, M_FILE_PRINT, M_FILE_PRINTSETUP, M_FILE_EXIT, M_TEST_DLG, M_TEST_MSGBOX, M_TEST_SLIDER, M_TEST_SHUTTER, M_TEST_DIRLIST, M_TEST_FILELIST, M_TEST_PROGRESS, M_TEST_NUMBERENTRY, M_TEST_FONTDIALOG, M_TEST_NEWMENU, M_VIEW_ENBL_DOCK, M_VIEW_ENBL_HIDE, M_VIEW_DOCK, M_VIEW_UNDOCK, M_HELP_CONTENTS, M_HELP_SEARCH, M_HELP_ABOUT, M_CASCADE_1, M_CASCADE_2, M_CASCADE_3, M_NEW_REMOVEMENU, VId1, HId1, VId2, HId2, VSId1, HSId1, VSId2, HSId2, ColorSel }; Int_t mb_button_id[13] = { kMBYes, kMBNo, kMBOk, kMBApply, kMBRetry, kMBIgnore, kMBCancel, kMBClose, kMBYesAll, kMBNoAll, kMBNewer, kMBAppend, kMBDismiss}; EMsgBoxIcon mb_icon[4] = { kMBIconStop, kMBIconQuestion, kMBIconExclamation, kMBIconAsterisk }; const char *filetypes[] = { "All files", "*", "ROOT files", "*.root", "ROOT macros", "*.C", 0, 0 }; struct shutterData_t { const char *pixmap_name; const char *tip_text; Int_t id; TGButton *button; }; shutterData_t histo_data[] = { { "h1_s.xpm", "TH1", 1001, 0 }, { "h2_s.xpm", "TH2", 1002, 0 }, { "h3_s.xpm", "TH3", 1003, 0 }, { "profile_s.xpm", "TProfile", 1004, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; shutterData_t function_data[] = { { "f1_s.xpm", "TF1", 2001, 0 }, { "f2_s.xpm", "TF2", 2002, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; shutterData_t tree_data[] = { { "ntuple_s.xpm", "TNtuple", 3001, 0 }, { "tree_s.xpm", "TTree", 3002, 0 }, { "chain_s.xpm", "TChain", 3003, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; const char *editortxt = "This is the ROOT text edit widget TGTextEdit. It is not intended as\n" "a full developers editor, but it is relatively complete and can ideally\n" "be used to edit scripts or to present users editable config files, etc.\n\n" "The text edit widget supports standard emacs style ctrl-key navigation\n" "in addition to the arrow keys. By default the widget has under the right\n" "mouse button a popup menu giving access to several built-in functions.\n\n" "Cut, copy and paste between different editor windows and any other\n" "standard text handling application is supported.\n\n" "Text can be selected with the mouse while holding the left button\n" "or with the arrow keys while holding the shift key pressed. Use the\n" "middle mouse button to paste text at the current mouse location.\n" "Mice with scroll-ball are properly supported.\n\n" "This are the currently defined key bindings:\n" "Left Arrow\n" " Move the cursor one character leftwards.\n" " Scroll when cursor is out of frame.\n" "Right Arrow\n" " Move the cursor one character rightwards.\n" " Scroll when cursor is out of frame.\n" "Backspace\n" " Deletes the character on the left side of the text cursor and moves the\n" " cursor one position to the left. If a text has been marked by the user\n" " (e.g. by clicking and dragging) the cursor will be put at the beginning\n" " of the marked text and the marked text will be removed.\n" "Home\n" " Moves the text cursor to the left end of the line. If mark is TRUE text\n" " will be marked towards the first position, if not any marked text will\n" " be unmarked if the cursor is moved.\n" "End\n" " Moves the text cursor to the right end of the line. If mark is TRUE text\n" " will be marked towards the last position, if not any marked text will\n" " be unmarked if the cursor is moved.\n" "Delete\n" " Deletes the character on the right side of the text cursor. If a text\n" " has been marked by the user (e.g. by clicking and dragging) the cursor\n" " will be put at the beginning of the marked text and the marked text will\n" " be removed.\n" " Deletes the character on the right side of the text cursor. If a text\n" " has been marked by the user (e.g. by clicking and dragging) the cursor\n" " will be put at the beginning of the marked text and the marked text will\n" " be removed.\n" "Shift - Left Arrow\n" " Mark text one character leftwards.\n" "Shift - Right Arrow\n" " Mark text one character rightwards.\n" "Control-A\n" " Select the whole text.\n" "Control-B\n" " Move the cursor one character leftwards." "Control-C\n" " Copy the marked text to the clipboard.\n" "Control-D\n" " Delete the character to the right of the cursor.\n" "Control-E\n" " Move the cursor to the end of the line.\n" "Control-F\n" " Start Search Dialog.\n" "Control-H\n" " Delete the character to the left of the cursor.\n" "Control-K\n" " Delete marked text if any or delete all\n" " characters to the right of the cursor.\n" "Control-L\n" " Start GoTo Line Dialog\n" "Control-U\n" " Delete all characters on the line.\n" "Control-V\n" " Paste the clipboard text into line edit.\n" "Control-X\n" " Cut the marked text, copy to clipboard.\n" "Control-Y\n" " Paste the clipboard text into line edit.\n" "Control-Z\n" " Undo action.\n\n" "All other keys with valid ASCII codes insert themselves into the line."; class TileFrame; class TestMainFrame : public TGMainFrame { private: TGDockableFrame *fMenuDock; TGCompositeFrame *fStatusFrame; TGCanvas *fCanvasWindow; TileFrame *fContainer; TGTextEntry *fTestText; TGButton *fTestButton; TGColorSelect *fColorSel; TGMenuBar *fMenuBar; TGPopupMenu *fMenuFile, *fMenuTest, *fMenuView, *fMenuHelp; TGPopupMenu *fCascadeMenu, *fCascade1Menu, *fCascade2Menu; TGPopupMenu *fMenuNew1, *fMenuNew2; TGLayoutHints *fMenuBarLayout, *fMenuBarItemLayout, *fMenuBarHelpLayout; public: TestMainFrame(const TGWindow *p, UInt_t w, UInt_t h); virtual ~TestMainFrame(); virtual void CloseWindow(); virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t); }; class TestDialog : public TGTransientFrame { private: TGCompositeFrame *fFrame1, *fF1, *fF2, *fF3, *fF4, *fF5; TGGroupFrame *fF6, *fF7; TGButton *fOkButton, *fCancelButton, *fStartB, *fStopB; TGButton *fBtn1, *fBtn2, *fChk1, *fChk2, *fRad1, *fRad2; TGCheckButton *fCheckMulti; TGListBox *fListBox; TGComboBox *fCombo; TGTab *fTab; TGTextEntry *fTxt1, *fTxt2; TGLayoutHints *fL1, *fL2, *fL3, *fL4; TRootEmbeddedCanvas *fEc1, *fEc2; Int_t fFirstEntry; Int_t fLastEntry; Bool_t fFillHistos; TH1F *fHpx; TH2F *fHpxpy; void FillHistos(); public: TestDialog(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t options = kVerticalFrame); virtual ~TestDialog(); virtual void CloseWindow(); virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); }; class TestMsgBox : public TGTransientFrame { private: TGCompositeFrame *f1, *f2, *f3, *f4, *f5; TGButton *fTestButton, *fCloseButton; TGPictureButton *fPictButton; TGRadioButton *fR[4]; TGCheckButton *fC[13]; TGGroupFrame *fG1, *fG2; TGLayoutHints *fL1, *fL2, *fL3, *fL4, *fL5, *fL6, *fL21; TGTextEntry *fTitle, *fMsg; TGTextBuffer *fTbtitle, *fTbmsg; TGLabel *fLtitle, *fLmsg; TGGC fRedTextGC; public: TestMsgBox(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t options = kVerticalFrame); virtual ~TestMsgBox(); virtual void CloseWindow(); virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); }; class TestSliders : public TGTransientFrame { private: TGVerticalFrame *fVframe1, *fVframe2; TGLayoutHints *fBly, *fBfly1; TGHSlider *fHslider1, *fHslider2; TGVSlider *fVslider1; TGDoubleVSlider *fVslider2; TGTextEntry *fTeh1, *fTev1, *fTeh2, *fTev2; TGTextBuffer *fTbh1, *fTbv1, *fTbh2, *fTbv2; public: TestSliders(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h); virtual ~TestSliders(); virtual void CloseWindow(); virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); }; class TestShutter : public TGTransientFrame { private: TGShutter *fShutter; TGLayoutHints *fLayout; const TGPicture *fDefaultPic; public: TestShutter(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h); ~TestShutter(); void AddShutterItem(const char *name, shutterData_t data[]); virtual void CloseWindow(); virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); }; class TestDirList : public TGTransientFrame { protected: TGListTree *fContents; TString DirName(TGListTreeItem* item); const TGPicture *fIcon; public: TestDirList(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h); virtual ~TestDirList(); virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); }; class TestFileList : public TGTransientFrame { protected: TGFileContainer *fContents; TGPopupMenu *fMenu; virtual void DisplayFile(const TString &fname); virtual void DisplayDirectory(const TString &fname); virtual void DisplayObject(const TString& fname,const TString& name); virtual void OnDoubleClick(TGLVEntry*,Int_t); virtual void DoMenu(Int_t); public: TestFileList(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h); virtual ~TestFileList(); virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); }; class TestProgress : public TGTransientFrame { private: TGHorizontalFrame *fHframe1; TGVerticalFrame *fVframe1; TGLayoutHints *fHint1, *fHint2, *fHint3, *fHint4, *fHint5; TGHProgressBar *fHProg1, *fHProg2, *fHProg3; TGVProgressBar *fVProg1, *fVProg2; TGTextButton *fGO; public: TestProgress(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h); virtual ~TestProgress(); virtual void CloseWindow(); virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); }; class EntryTestDlg : public TGTransientFrame { private: TGVerticalFrame *fF1; TGVerticalFrame *fF2; TGHorizontalFrame *fF[13]; TGLayoutHints *fL1; TGLayoutHints *fL2; TGLayoutHints *fL3; TGLabel *fLabel[13]; TGNumberEntry *fNumericEntries[13]; TGCheckButton *fLowerLimit; TGCheckButton *fUpperLimit; TGNumberEntry *fLimits[2]; TGCheckButton *fPositive; TGCheckButton *fNonNegative; TGButton *fSetButton; TGButton *fExitButton; static const char *const numlabel[13]; static const Double_t numinit[13]; public: EntryTestDlg(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main); virtual ~EntryTestDlg(); virtual void CloseWindow(); void SetLimits(); virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t); }; class Editor : public TGTransientFrame { private: TGTextEdit *fEdit; // text edit widget TGTextButton *fOK; // OK button TGLayoutHints *fL1; // layout of TGTextEdit TGLayoutHints *fL2; // layout of OK button public: Editor(const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h); virtual ~Editor(); void LoadBuffer(const char *buffer); void LoadFile(const char *file); TGTextEdit *GetEditor() const { return fEdit; } void SetTitle(); void Popup(); void CloseWindow(); Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); }; class TileFrame : public TGCompositeFrame { private: TGCanvas *fCanvas; public: TileFrame(const TGWindow *p); virtual ~TileFrame() { } void SetCanvas(TGCanvas *canvas) { fCanvas = canvas; } Bool_t HandleButton(Event_t *event); }; TileFrame::TileFrame(const TGWindow *p) : TGCompositeFrame(p, 10, 10, kHorizontalFrame, GetWhitePixel()) { // Create tile view container. Used to show colormap. fCanvas = 0; SetLayoutManager(new TGTileLayout(this, 8)); // Handle only buttons 4 and 5 used by the wheel mouse to scroll gVirtualX->GrabButton(fId, kButton4, kAnyModifier, kButtonPressMask | kButtonReleaseMask, kNone, kNone); gVirtualX->GrabButton(fId, kButton5, kAnyModifier, kButtonPressMask | kButtonReleaseMask, kNone, kNone); } Bool_t TileFrame::HandleButton(Event_t *event) { // Handle wheel mouse to scroll. Int_t page = 0; if (event->fCode == kButton4 || event->fCode == kButton5) { if (!fCanvas) return kTRUE; if (fCanvas->GetContainer()->GetHeight()) page = Int_t(Float_t(fCanvas->GetViewPort()->GetHeight() * fCanvas->GetViewPort()->GetHeight()) / fCanvas->GetContainer()->GetHeight()); } if (event->fCode == kButton4) { //scroll up Int_t newpos = fCanvas->GetVsbPosition() - page; if (newpos < 0) newpos = 0; fCanvas->SetVsbPosition(newpos); return kTRUE; } if (event->fCode == kButton5) { // scroll down Int_t newpos = fCanvas->GetVsbPosition() + page; fCanvas->SetVsbPosition(newpos); return kTRUE; } return kTRUE; } TestMainFrame::TestMainFrame(const TGWindow *p, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) : TGMainFrame(p, w, h) { // Create test main frame. A TGMainFrame is a top level window. // use hierarchical cleaning SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); // Create menubar and popup menus. The hint objects are used to place // and group the different menu widgets with respect to eachother. fMenuDock = new TGDockableFrame(this); AddFrame(fMenuDock, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 1, 0)); fMenuDock->SetWindowName("GuiTest Menu"); fMenuBarLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX); fMenuBarItemLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 0, 4, 0, 0); fMenuBarHelpLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight); fMenuFile = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot()); fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Open...", M_FILE_OPEN); fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Save", M_FILE_SAVE); fMenuFile->AddEntry("S&ave as...", M_FILE_SAVEAS); fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Close", -1); fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Print", M_FILE_PRINT); fMenuFile->AddEntry("P&rint setup...", M_FILE_PRINTSETUP); fMenuFile->AddSeparator(); fMenuFile->AddEntry("E&xit", M_FILE_EXIT); fMenuFile->DisableEntry(M_FILE_SAVEAS); fMenuFile->HideEntry(M_FILE_PRINT); fCascade2Menu = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot()); fCascade2Menu->AddEntry("ID = 2&3", M_CASCADE_1); fCascade2Menu->AddEntry("ID = 2&4", M_CASCADE_2); fCascade2Menu->AddEntry("ID = 2&5", M_CASCADE_3); fCascade1Menu = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot()); fCascade1Menu->AddEntry("ID = 4&1", 41); fCascade1Menu->AddEntry("ID = 4&2", 42); fCascade1Menu->AddEntry("ID = 4&3", 43); fCascade1Menu->AddSeparator(); fCascade1Menu->AddPopup("Cascade&d 2", fCascade2Menu); fCascadeMenu = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot()); fCascadeMenu->AddEntry("ID = 5&1", 51); fCascadeMenu->AddEntry("ID = 5&2", 52); fCascadeMenu->AddEntry("ID = 5&3", 53); fCascadeMenu->AddSeparator(); fCascadeMenu->AddPopup("&Cascaded 1", fCascade1Menu); fMenuTest = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot()); fMenuTest->AddLabel("Test different features..."); fMenuTest->AddSeparator(); fMenuTest->AddEntry("&Dialog...", M_TEST_DLG); fMenuTest->AddEntry("&Message Box...", M_TEST_MSGBOX); fMenuTest->AddEntry("&Sliders...", M_TEST_SLIDER); fMenuTest->AddEntry("Sh&utter...", M_TEST_SHUTTER); fMenuTest->AddEntry("&List Directory...", M_TEST_DIRLIST); fMenuTest->AddEntry("&File List...", M_TEST_FILELIST); fMenuTest->AddEntry("&Progress...", M_TEST_PROGRESS); fMenuTest->AddEntry("&Number Entry...", M_TEST_NUMBERENTRY); fMenuTest->AddEntry("F&ont Dialog...", M_TEST_FONTDIALOG); fMenuTest->AddSeparator(); fMenuTest->AddEntry("Add New Menus", M_TEST_NEWMENU); fMenuTest->AddSeparator(); fMenuTest->AddPopup("&Cascaded menus", fCascadeMenu); fMenuView = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fMenuView->AddEntry("&Dock", M_VIEW_DOCK); fMenuView->AddEntry("&Undock", M_VIEW_UNDOCK); fMenuView->AddSeparator(); fMenuView->AddEntry("Enable U&ndock", M_VIEW_ENBL_DOCK); fMenuView->AddEntry("Enable &Hide", M_VIEW_ENBL_HIDE); fMenuView->DisableEntry(M_VIEW_DOCK); fMenuDock->EnableUndock(kTRUE); fMenuDock->EnableHide(kTRUE); fMenuView->CheckEntry(M_VIEW_ENBL_DOCK); fMenuView->CheckEntry(M_VIEW_ENBL_HIDE); fMenuHelp = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot()); fMenuHelp->AddEntry("&Contents", M_HELP_CONTENTS); fMenuHelp->AddEntry("&Search...", M_HELP_SEARCH); fMenuHelp->AddSeparator(); fMenuHelp->AddEntry("&About", M_HELP_ABOUT); fMenuNew1 = new TGPopupMenu(); fMenuNew1->AddEntry("Remove New Menus", M_NEW_REMOVEMENU); fMenuNew2 = new TGPopupMenu(); fMenuNew2->AddEntry("Remove New Menus", M_NEW_REMOVEMENU); // Menu button messages are handled by the main frame (i.e. "this") // ProcessMessage() method. fMenuFile->Associate(this); fMenuTest->Associate(this); fMenuView->Associate(this); fMenuHelp->Associate(this); fCascadeMenu->Associate(this); fCascade1Menu->Associate(this); fCascade2Menu->Associate(this); fMenuNew1->Associate(this); fMenuNew2->Associate(this); fMenuBar = new TGMenuBar(fMenuDock, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fMenuBar->AddPopup("&File", fMenuFile, fMenuBarItemLayout); fMenuBar->AddPopup("&Test", fMenuTest, fMenuBarItemLayout); fMenuBar->AddPopup("&View", fMenuView, fMenuBarItemLayout); fMenuBar->AddPopup("&Help", fMenuHelp, fMenuBarHelpLayout); fMenuDock->AddFrame(fMenuBar, fMenuBarLayout); // Create TGCanvas and a canvas container which uses a tile layout manager fCanvasWindow = new TGCanvas(this, 400, 240); fContainer = new TileFrame(fCanvasWindow->GetViewPort()); fContainer->SetCanvas(fCanvasWindow); fCanvasWindow->SetContainer(fContainer); // use hierarchical cleaning for container fContainer->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); // Fill canvas with 256 colored frames for (int i=0; i < 256; ++i) fCanvasWindow->AddFrame(new TGFrame(fCanvasWindow->GetContainer(), 32, 32, 0, TColor::RGB2Pixel(0,0,(i+1)&255)), new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandY | kLHintsRight)); AddFrame(fCanvasWindow, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 0, 0, 2, 2)); // Create status frame containing a button and a text entry widget fStatusFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(this, 60, 20, kHorizontalFrame | kSunkenFrame); fTestButton = new TGTextButton(fStatusFrame, "&Open editor...", 150); fTestButton->Associate(this); fTestButton->SetToolTipText("Pops up\ntext editor"); fStatusFrame->AddFrame(fTestButton, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 2, 0, 2, 2)); fTestText = new TGTextEntry(fStatusFrame, new TGTextBuffer(100)); fTestText->SetToolTipText("This is a text entry widget"); fTestText->Resize(300, fTestText->GetDefaultHeight()); fStatusFrame->AddFrame(fTestText, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 10, 2, 2, 2)); Pixel_t yellow; fClient->GetColorByName("yellow", yellow); fColorSel = new TGColorSelect(fStatusFrame, yellow, ColorSel); fStatusFrame->AddFrame(fColorSel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 2, 0, 2, 2)); AddFrame(fStatusFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 1, 0)); SetWindowName("GuiTest"); MapSubwindows(); // we need to use GetDefault...() to initialize the layout algorithm... Resize(); // resize to default size MapWindow(); Print(); } TestMainFrame::~TestMainFrame() { // Delete all created widgets. delete fMenuFile; delete fMenuTest; delete fMenuView; delete fMenuHelp; delete fCascadeMenu; delete fCascade1Menu; delete fCascade2Menu; delete fMenuNew1; delete fMenuNew2; delete fContainer; } void TestMainFrame::CloseWindow() { // Got close message for this MainFrame. Terminate the application // or returns from the TApplication event loop (depending on the // argument specified in TApplication::Run()). gApplication->Terminate(0); } Bool_t TestMainFrame::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t) { // Handle messages send to the TestMainFrame object. E.g. all menu button // messages. switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_COMMAND: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_BUTTON: //printf("Button was pressed, id = %ld\n", parm1); if (parm1 == 150) { Editor *ed = new Editor(this, 600, 400); ed->LoadBuffer(editortxt); ed->Popup(); } break; case kCM_MENUSELECT: //printf("Pointer over menu entry, id=%ld\n", parm1); break; case kCM_MENU: switch (parm1) { case M_FILE_OPEN: { static TString dir("."); TGFileInfo fi; fi.fFileTypes = filetypes; fi.SetIniDir(dir); new TGFileDialog(fClient->GetRoot(), this, kFDOpen, &fi); printf("Open file: %s (dir: %s)\n", fi.fFilename, fi.fIniDir); dir = fi.fIniDir; } break; case M_FILE_SAVE: printf("M_FILE_SAVE\n"); break; case M_FILE_PRINT: printf("M_FILE_PRINT\n"); printf("Hiding itself, select \"Print Setup...\" to enable again\n"); fMenuFile->HideEntry(M_FILE_PRINT); break; case M_FILE_PRINTSETUP: printf("M_FILE_PRINTSETUP\n"); printf("Enabling \"Print\"\n"); fMenuFile->EnableEntry(M_FILE_PRINT); break; case M_FILE_EXIT: CloseWindow(); // this also terminates theApp break; case M_TEST_DLG: new TestDialog(fClient->GetRoot(), this, 400, 200); break; case M_TEST_MSGBOX: new TestMsgBox(fClient->GetRoot(), this, 400, 200); break; case M_TEST_SLIDER: new TestSliders(fClient->GetRoot(), this, 400, 200); break; case M_TEST_SHUTTER: new TestShutter(fClient->GetRoot(), this, 400, 200); break; case M_TEST_DIRLIST: new TestDirList(gClient->GetRoot(), this, 400, 200); break; case M_TEST_FILELIST: new TestFileList(gClient->GetRoot(), this, 400, 200); break; case M_TEST_PROGRESS: new TestProgress(fClient->GetRoot(), this, 600, 300); break; case M_TEST_NUMBERENTRY: new EntryTestDlg(fClient->GetRoot(), this); break; case M_TEST_FONTDIALOG: { TGFontDialog::FontProp_t prop; new TGFontDialog(fClient->GetRoot(), this, &prop); if (prop.fName != "") printf("Selected font: %s, size %d, italic %s, bold %s, color 0x%lx, align %u\n", prop.fName.Data(), prop.fSize, prop.fItalic ? "yes" : "no", prop.fBold ? "yes" : "no", prop.fColor, prop.fAlign); } break; case M_TEST_NEWMENU: { if (fMenuTest->IsEntryChecked(M_TEST_NEWMENU)) { ProcessMessage(MK_MSG(kC_COMMAND, kCM_MENU), M_NEW_REMOVEMENU, 0); return kTRUE; } fMenuTest->CheckEntry(M_TEST_NEWMENU); TGPopupMenu *p = fMenuBar->GetPopup("Test"); fMenuBar->AddPopup("New 1", fMenuNew1, fMenuBarItemLayout, p); p = fMenuBar->GetPopup("Help"); fMenuBar->AddPopup("New 2", fMenuNew2, fMenuBarItemLayout, p); fMenuBar->MapSubwindows(); fMenuBar->Layout(); TGMenuEntry *e = fMenuTest->GetEntry("Add New Menus"); fMenuTest->AddEntry("Remove New Menus", M_NEW_REMOVEMENU, 0, 0, e); } break; case M_NEW_REMOVEMENU: { fMenuBar->RemovePopup("New 1"); fMenuBar->RemovePopup("New 2"); fMenuBar->Layout(); fMenuTest->DeleteEntry(M_NEW_REMOVEMENU); fMenuTest->UnCheckEntry(M_TEST_NEWMENU); } break; case M_VIEW_ENBL_DOCK: fMenuDock->EnableUndock(!fMenuDock->EnableUndock()); if (fMenuDock->EnableUndock()) { fMenuView->CheckEntry(M_VIEW_ENBL_DOCK); fMenuView->EnableEntry(M_VIEW_UNDOCK); } else { fMenuView->UnCheckEntry(M_VIEW_ENBL_DOCK); fMenuView->DisableEntry(M_VIEW_UNDOCK); } break; case M_VIEW_ENBL_HIDE: fMenuDock->EnableHide(!fMenuDock->EnableHide()); if (fMenuDock->EnableHide()) { fMenuView->CheckEntry(M_VIEW_ENBL_HIDE); } else { fMenuView->UnCheckEntry(M_VIEW_ENBL_HIDE); } break; case M_VIEW_DOCK: fMenuDock->DockContainer(); fMenuView->EnableEntry(M_VIEW_UNDOCK); fMenuView->DisableEntry(M_VIEW_DOCK); break; case M_VIEW_UNDOCK: fMenuDock->UndockContainer(); fMenuView->EnableEntry(M_VIEW_DOCK); fMenuView->DisableEntry(M_VIEW_UNDOCK); break; default: break; } default: break; } default: break; } if (fMenuDock->IsUndocked()) { fMenuView->EnableEntry(M_VIEW_DOCK); fMenuView->DisableEntry(M_VIEW_UNDOCK); } else { fMenuView->EnableEntry(M_VIEW_UNDOCK); fMenuView->DisableEntry(M_VIEW_DOCK); } return kTRUE; } TestDialog::TestDialog(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t options) : TGTransientFrame(p, main, w, h, options) { // Create a dialog window. A dialog window pops up with respect to its // "main" window. // use hierarchical cleani SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); fFrame1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(this, 60, 20, kFixedWidth); fOkButton = new TGTextButton(fFrame1, "&Ok", 1); fOkButton->Associate(this); fCancelButton = new TGTextButton(fFrame1, "&Cancel", 2); fCancelButton->Associate(this); fL1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 2, 2, 2, 2); fL2 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, 2, 2, 5, 1); fFrame1->AddFrame(fOkButton, fL1); fFrame1->AddFrame(fCancelButton, fL1); fFrame1->Resize(150, fOkButton->GetDefaultHeight()); AddFrame(fFrame1, fL2); //--------- create Tab widget and some composite frames for Tab testing fTab = new TGTab(this, 300, 300); fL3 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 5, 5, 5, 5); TGCompositeFrame *tf = fTab->AddTab("Tab 1"); fF1 = new TGCompositeFrame(tf, 60, 20, kVerticalFrame); fF1->AddFrame(new TGTextButton(fF1, "&Test button", 0), fL3); fF1->AddFrame(fTxt1 = new TGTextEntry(fF1, new TGTextBuffer(100)), fL3); fF1->AddFrame(fTxt2 = new TGTextEntry(fF1, new TGTextBuffer(100)), fL3); tf->AddFrame(fF1, fL3); fTxt1->Resize(150, fTxt1->GetDefaultHeight()); fTxt2->Resize(150, fTxt2->GetDefaultHeight()); tf = fTab->AddTab("Tab 2"); fL1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 200, 2, 2, 2); fF2 = new TGCompositeFrame(tf, 60, 20, kVerticalFrame); fF2->AddFrame(fBtn1 = new TGTextButton(fF2, "&Button 1", 0), fL1); fF2->AddFrame(fBtn2 = new TGTextButton(fF2, "B&utton 2", 0), fL1); fF2->AddFrame(fChk1 = new TGCheckButton(fF2, "C&heck 1", 0), fL1); fF2->AddFrame(fChk2 = new TGCheckButton(fF2, "Chec&k 2", 0), fL1); fF2->AddFrame(fRad1 = new TGRadioButton(fF2, "&Radio 1", 81), fL1); fF2->AddFrame(fRad2 = new TGRadioButton(fF2, "R&adio 2", 82), fL1); fCombo = new TGComboBox(fF2, 88); fF2->AddFrame(fCombo, fL3); tf->AddFrame(fF2, fL3); int i; for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "Entry %i", i+1); fCombo->AddEntry(tmp, i+1); } fCombo->Resize(150, 20); fBtn1->Associate(this); fBtn2->Associate(this); fChk1->Associate(this); fChk2->Associate(this); fRad1->Associate(this); fRad2->Associate(this); //-------------- embedded canvas demo fFillHistos = kFALSE; fHpx = 0; fHpxpy = 0; tf = fTab->AddTab("Tab 3"); fF3 = new TGCompositeFrame(tf, 60, 20, kHorizontalFrame); fStartB = new TGTextButton(fF3, "Start &Filling Hists", 40); fStopB = new TGTextButton(fF3, "&Stop Filling Hists", 41); fStartB->Associate(this); fStopB->Associate(this); fF3->AddFrame(fStartB, fL3); fF3->AddFrame(fStopB, fL3); fF5 = new TGCompositeFrame(tf, 60, 60, kHorizontalFrame); fL4 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 5, 5, 5, 5); fEc1 = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas("ec1", fF5, 100, 100); fF5->AddFrame(fEc1, fL4); fEc2 = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas("ec2", fF5, 100, 100); fF5->AddFrame(fEc2, fL4); tf->AddFrame(fF3, fL3); tf->AddFrame(fF5, fL4); fEc1->GetCanvas()->SetBorderMode(0); fEc2->GetCanvas()->SetBorderMode(0); // make tab yellow Pixel_t yellow; fClient->GetColorByName("yellow", yellow); TGTabElement *tabel = fTab->GetTabTab("Tab 3");; tabel->ChangeBackground(yellow); //-------------- end embedded canvas demo TGTextButton *bt; tf = fTab->AddTab("Tab 4"); fF4 = new TGCompositeFrame(tf, 60, 20, kVerticalFrame); fF4->AddFrame(bt = new TGTextButton(fF4, "A&dd Entry", 90), fL3); bt->Associate(this); fF4->AddFrame(bt = new TGTextButton(fF4, "Remove &Entry", 91), fL3); bt->Associate(this); fF4->AddFrame(fListBox = new TGListBox(fF4, 89), fL3); fF4->AddFrame(fCheckMulti = new TGCheckButton(fF4, "&Mutli Selectable", 92), fL3); fCheckMulti->Associate(this); tf->AddFrame(fF4, fL3); for (i=0; i < 20; ++i) { char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "Entry %i", i); fListBox->AddEntry(tmp, i); } fFirstEntry = 0; fLastEntry = 20; fListBox->Resize(150, 80); //--- tab 5 tf = fTab->AddTab("Tab 5"); tf->SetLayoutManager(new TGHorizontalLayout(tf)); fF6 = new TGGroupFrame(tf, "Options", kVerticalFrame); fF6->SetTitlePos(TGGroupFrame::kRight); // right aligned tf->AddFrame(fF6, fL3); // 2 column, n rows fF6->SetLayoutManager(new TGMatrixLayout(fF6, 0, 2, 10)); char buff[100]; int j; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { sprintf(buff, "Module %i", j+1); fF6->AddFrame(new TGLabel(fF6, new TGHotString(buff))); TGTextBuffer *tbuf = new TGTextBuffer(10); tbuf->AddText(0, "0.0"); TGTextEntry *tent = new TGTextEntry(fF6, tbuf); tent->Resize(50, tent->GetDefaultHeight()); tent->SetFont("-adobe-courier-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"); fF6->AddFrame(tent); } fF6->Resize(); // resize to default size // another matrix with text and buttons fF7 = new TGGroupFrame(tf, "Tab Handling", kVerticalFrame); tf->AddFrame(fF7, fL3); fF7->SetLayoutManager(new TGMatrixLayout(fF7, 0, 1, 10)); fF7->AddFrame(bt = new TGTextButton(fF7, "Remove Tab", 101)); bt->Associate(this); bt->Resize(90, bt->GetDefaultHeight()); fF7->AddFrame(bt = new TGTextButton(fF7, "Add Tab", 103)); bt->Associate(this); bt->Resize(90, bt->GetDefaultHeight()); fF7->AddFrame(bt = new TGTextButton(fF7, "Remove Tab 5", 102)); bt->Associate(this); bt->Resize(90, bt->GetDefaultHeight()); fF7->Resize(fF6->GetDefaultSize()); //--- end of last tab TGLayoutHints *fL5 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 2, 2, 5, 1); AddFrame(fTab, fL5); MapSubwindows(); Resize(); // resize to default size // position relative to the parent's window CenterOnParent(); SetWindowName("Dialog"); MapWindow(); //fClient->WaitFor(this); // otherwise canvas contextmenu does not work } TestDialog::~TestDialog() { // Delete test dialog widgets. } void TestDialog::FillHistos() { // Fill histograms till user clicks "Stop Filling" button. static int cnt; if (!fHpx) { fHpx = new TH1F("hpx","This is the px distribution",100,-4,4); fHpxpy = new TH2F("hpxpy","py vs px",40,-4,4,40,-4,4); fHpx->SetFillColor(kRed); cnt = 0; } const int kUPDATE = 1000; float px, py; TCanvas *c1 = fEc1->GetCanvas(); TCanvas *c2 = fEc2->GetCanvas(); while (fFillHistos) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); //px and py will be two gaussian random numbers fHpx->Fill(px); fHpxpy->Fill(px,py); cnt++; if (!(cnt % kUPDATE)) { if (cnt == kUPDATE) { c1->cd(); fHpx->Draw(); c2->cd(); fHpxpy->Draw("cont"); } c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); c2->Modified(); c2->Update(); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); // handle GUI events } } } void TestDialog::CloseWindow() { // Called when window is closed (via the window manager or not). // Let's stop histogram filling... fFillHistos = kFALSE; // Add protection against double-clicks fOkButton->SetState(kButtonDisabled); fCancelButton->SetState(kButtonDisabled); // ... and close the Ged editor if it was activated. if (TVirtualPadEditor::GetPadEditor(kFALSE) != 0) TVirtualPadEditor::Terminate(); DeleteWindow(); } Bool_t TestDialog::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t) { // Process messages coming from widgets associated with the dialog. char tmp[20]; static int newtab = 0; switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_COMMAND: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_BUTTON: switch(parm1) { case 1: case 2: printf("\nTerminating dialog: %s pressed\n", (parm1 == 1) ? "OK" : "Cancel"); CloseWindow(); break; case 40: // start histogram filling fFillHistos = kTRUE; FillHistos(); break; case 41: // stop histogram filling fFillHistos = kFALSE; break; case 90: // add one entry in list box fLastEntry++; sprintf(tmp, "Entry %i", fLastEntry); fListBox->AddEntry(tmp, fLastEntry); fListBox->MapSubwindows(); fListBox->Layout(); break; case 91: // remove one entry in list box if (fFirstEntry <= fLastEntry) { fListBox->RemoveEntry(fFirstEntry); fListBox->Layout(); fFirstEntry++; } break; case 101: // remove tabs { TString s = fTab->GetTabTab(0)->GetString(); if ((s == "Tab 3") && (fMain->MustCleanup() != kDeepCleanup)) { // Need to delete the embedded canvases // since RemoveTab() will Destroy the container // window, which in turn will destroy the embedded // canvas windows. SafeDelete(fEc1); SafeDelete(fEc2); } fTab->RemoveTab(0); fTab->Layout(); } break; case 102: // remove tab 5 { int nt = fTab->GetNumberOfTabs(); for (int i = 0 ; i < nt; i++) { TString s = fTab->GetTabTab(i)->GetString(); if (s == "Tab 5") { fTab->RemoveTab(i); fTab->Layout(); break; } } } break; case 103: // add tabs sprintf(tmp, "New Tab %d", ++newtab); fTab->AddTab(tmp); fTab->MapSubwindows(); fTab->Layout(); break; default: break; } break; case kCM_RADIOBUTTON: switch (parm1) { case 81: fRad2->SetState(kButtonUp); break; case 82: fRad1->SetState(kButtonUp); break; } break; case kCM_CHECKBUTTON: switch (parm1) { case 92: fListBox->SetMultipleSelections(fCheckMulti->GetState()); break; default: break; } break; case kCM_TAB: printf("Tab item %ld activated\n", parm1); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } return kTRUE; } TestMsgBox::TestMsgBox(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t options) : TGTransientFrame(p, main, w, h, options), fRedTextGC(TGButton::GetDefaultGC()) { // Create message box test dialog. Use this dialog to select the different // message dialog box styles and show the message dialog by clicking the // "Test" button. // use hierarchical cleani SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); //------------------------------ // Set foreground color in graphics context for drawing of // TGlabel and TGButtons with text in red. Pixel_t red; fClient->GetColorByName("red", red); fRedTextGC.SetForeground(red); //--------------------------------- int i; ChangeOptions((GetOptions() & ~kVerticalFrame) | kHorizontalFrame); f1 = new TGCompositeFrame(this, 60, 20, kVerticalFrame | kFixedWidth); f2 = new TGCompositeFrame(this, 60, 20, kVerticalFrame); f3 = new TGCompositeFrame(f2, 60, 20, kHorizontalFrame); f4 = new TGCompositeFrame(f2, 60, 20, kHorizontalFrame); f5 = new TGCompositeFrame(f2, 60, 20, kHorizontalFrame); fTestButton = new TGTextButton(f1, "&Test", 1, fRedTextGC()); // Change background of fTestButton to green Pixel_t green; fClient->GetColorByName("green", green); fTestButton->ChangeBackground(green); fCloseButton = new TGTextButton(f1, "&Close", 2); fPictButton = new TGPictureButton(f1, fClient->GetPicture("mb_stop_s.xpm")); f1->Resize(fTestButton->GetDefaultWidth()+40, GetDefaultHeight()); fTestButton->Associate(this); fCloseButton->Associate(this); fPictButton->Associate(this); fL1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX, 2, 2, 3, 0); fL2 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight | kLHintsExpandX, 2, 5, 0, 2); fL21 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, 2, 5, 10, 0); f1->AddFrame(fTestButton, fL1); f1->AddFrame(fCloseButton, fL1); f1->AddFrame(fPictButton, fL1); AddFrame(f1, fL21); //--------- create check and radio buttons groups fG1 = new TGGroupFrame(f3, new TGString("Buttons"),kVerticalFrame|kRaisedFrame); fG2 = new TGGroupFrame(f3, new TGString("Icons"),kVerticalFrame|kRaisedFrame); fL3 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 2, 2, 2, 2); fL4 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 0, 0, 5, 0); fC[0] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("Yes"), -1); fC[1] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("No"), -1); fC[2] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("OK"), -1); fC[3] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("Apply"), -1); fC[4] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("Retry"), -1); fC[5] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("Ignore"), -1); fC[6] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("Cancel"), -1); fC[7] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("Close"), -1); fC[8] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("Yes to All"), -1); fC[9] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("No to All"), -1); fC[10] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("Newer Only"), -1); fC[11] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("Append"), -1); fC[12] = new TGCheckButton(fG1, new TGHotString("Dismiss"), -1); for (i=0; i<13; ++i) fG1->AddFrame(fC[i], fL4); fR[0] = new TGRadioButton(fG2, new TGHotString("Stop"), 21); fR[1] = new TGRadioButton(fG2, new TGHotString("Question"), 22); fR[2] = new TGRadioButton(fG2, new TGHotString("Exclamation"), 23); fR[3] = new TGRadioButton(fG2, new TGHotString("Asterisk"), 24); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { fG2->AddFrame(fR[i], fL4); fR[i]->Associate(this); } fC[2]->SetState(kButtonDown); fR[0]->SetState(kButtonDown); f3->AddFrame(fG1, fL3); f3->AddFrame(fG2, fL3); fLtitle = new TGLabel(f4, new TGString("Title:"), fRedTextGC()); fLmsg = new TGLabel(f5, new TGString("Message:")); fTitle = new TGTextEntry(f4, fTbtitle = new TGTextBuffer(100)); fMsg = new TGTextEntry(f5, fTbmsg = new TGTextBuffer(100)); fTbtitle->AddText(0, "MsgBox"); fTbmsg->AddText(0, "This is a test message box."); fTitle->Resize(300, fTitle->GetDefaultHeight()); fMsg->Resize(300, fMsg->GetDefaultHeight()); fL5 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsCenterY, 3, 5, 0, 0); fL6 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsRight | kLHintsCenterY, 0, 2, 0, 0); f4->AddFrame(fLtitle, fL5); f4->AddFrame(fTitle, fL6); f5->AddFrame(fLmsg, fL5); f5->AddFrame(fMsg, fL6); f2->AddFrame(f3, fL1); f2->AddFrame(f4, fL1); f2->AddFrame(f5, fL1); AddFrame(f2, fL2); MapSubwindows(); Resize(); // resize to default size // position relative to the parent's window CenterOnParent(); SetWindowName("Message Box Test"); MapWindow(); fClient->WaitFor(this); } // Order is important when deleting frames. Delete children first, // parents last. TestMsgBox::~TestMsgBox() { // Delete widgets created by dialog. } void TestMsgBox::CloseWindow() { // Close dialog in response to window manager close. DeleteWindow(); } Bool_t TestMsgBox::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t) { // Process messages sent to this dialog. int i, buttons, retval; EMsgBoxIcon icontype = kMBIconStop; switch(GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_COMMAND: switch(GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_BUTTON: switch(parm1) { case 1: buttons = 0; for (i=0; i<13; ++i) if (fC[i]->GetState() == kButtonDown) buttons |= mb_button_id[i]; for (i=0; i<4; ++i) if (fR[i]->GetState() == kButtonDown) { icontype = mb_icon[i]; break; } // Since the message dialog box is created, we disable the // window manager close mechanism, in order to ensure we // can't close the fMain window while the MessageBox is open. SetBit(kDontCallClose); new TGMsgBox(fClient->GetRoot(), this, fTbtitle->GetString(), fTbmsg->GetString(), icontype, buttons, &retval); ResetBit(kDontCallClose); break; case 2: CloseWindow(); break; } break; case kCM_RADIOBUTTON: case kCM_CHECKBUTTON: if (parm1 >= 21 && parm1 <= 24) { for (i=0; i<4; ++i) if (fR[i]->WidgetId() != parm1) fR[i]->SetState(kButtonUp); } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } return kTRUE; } TestSliders::TestSliders(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) : TGTransientFrame(p, main, w, h) { // Dialog used to test the different supported sliders. // use hierarchical cleani SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); ChangeOptions((GetOptions() & ~kVerticalFrame) | kHorizontalFrame); fVframe1 = new TGVerticalFrame(this, 0, 0, 0); fTeh1 = new TGTextEntry(fVframe1, fTbh1 = new TGTextBuffer(10), HId1); fTev1 = new TGTextEntry(fVframe1, fTbv1 = new TGTextBuffer(10), VId1); fTbh1->AddText(0, "0"); fTbv1->AddText(0, "0"); fTeh1->Associate(this); fTev1->Associate(this); fHslider1 = new TGHSlider(fVframe1, 100, kSlider1 | kScaleBoth, HSId1); fHslider1->Associate(this); fHslider1->SetRange(0,50); fVslider1 = new TGVSlider(fVframe1, 100, kSlider2 | kScaleBoth, VSId1); fVslider1->Associate(this); fVslider1->SetRange(0,8); fVframe1->Resize(100, 100); fVframe2 = new TGVerticalFrame(this, 0, 0, 0); fTeh2 = new TGTextEntry(fVframe2, fTbh2 = new TGTextBuffer(10), HId2); fTev2 = new TGTextEntry(fVframe2, fTbv2 = new TGTextBuffer(10), VId2); fTbh2->AddText(0, "0"); fTbv2->AddText(0, "0"); fTeh2->Associate(this); fTev2->Associate(this); fHslider2 = new TGHSlider(fVframe2, 150, kSlider2 | kScaleBoth, HSId2); fHslider2->Associate(this); fHslider2->SetRange(0,3); fVslider2 = new TGDoubleVSlider(fVframe2, 100, kDoubleScaleBoth, VSId2); fVslider2->Associate(this); fVslider2->SetRange(-10,10); fVframe2->Resize(100, 100); //--- layout for buttons: top align, equally expand horizontally fBly = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 3, 0); //--- layout for the frame: place at bottom, right aligned fBfly1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, 20, 10, 15, 0); fVframe1->AddFrame(fHslider1, fBly); fVframe1->AddFrame(fVslider1, fBly); fVframe1->AddFrame(fTeh1, fBly); fVframe1->AddFrame(fTev1, fBly); fVframe2->AddFrame(fHslider2, fBly); fVframe2->AddFrame(fVslider2, fBly); fVframe2->AddFrame(fTeh2, fBly); fVframe2->AddFrame(fTev2, fBly); AddFrame(fVframe2, fBfly1); AddFrame(fVframe1, fBfly1); SetWindowName("Slider Test"); TGDimension size = GetDefaultSize(); Resize(size); SetWMSize(size.fWidth, size.fHeight); SetWMSizeHints(size.fWidth, size.fHeight, size.fWidth, size.fHeight, 0, 0); SetMWMHints(kMWMDecorAll | kMWMDecorResizeH | kMWMDecorMaximize | kMWMDecorMinimize | kMWMDecorMenu, kMWMFuncAll | kMWMFuncResize | kMWMFuncMaximize | kMWMFuncMinimize, kMWMInputModeless); // position relative to the parent's window CenterOnParent(); MapSubwindows(); MapWindow(); fClient->WaitFor(this); } TestSliders::~TestSliders() { // Delete dialog. } void TestSliders::CloseWindow() { // Called when window is closed via the window manager. DeleteWindow(); } Bool_t TestSliders::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2) { // Process slider messages. char buf[10]; switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_TEXTENTRY: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kTE_TEXTCHANGED: switch (parm1) { case HId1: fHslider1->SetPosition(atoi(fTbh1->GetString())); break; case VId1: fVslider1->SetPosition(atoi(fTbv1->GetString())); break; case HId2: fHslider2->SetPosition(atoi(fTbh2->GetString())); break; case VId2: fVslider2->SetPosition(atoi(fTbv2->GetString()), atoi(fTbv2->GetString())+2); break; } break; } break; case kC_VSLIDER: case kC_HSLIDER: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kSL_POS: sprintf(buf, "%ld", parm2); switch (parm1) { case HSId1: fTbh1->Clear(); fTbh1->AddText(0, buf); // Re-align the cursor with the characters. fTeh1->SetCursorPosition(fTeh1->GetCursorPosition()); fTeh1->Deselect(); fClient->NeedRedraw(fTeh1); break; case VSId1: fTbv1->Clear(); fTbv1->AddText(0, buf); fTev1->SetCursorPosition(fTev1->GetCursorPosition()); fTev1->Deselect(); fClient->NeedRedraw(fTev1); break; case HSId2: fTbh2->Clear(); fTbh2->AddText(0, buf); fTeh2->SetCursorPosition(fTeh2->GetCursorPosition()); fTeh2->Deselect(); fClient->NeedRedraw(fTeh2); break; case VSId2: sprintf(buf, "%f", fVslider2->GetMinPosition()); fTbv2->Clear(); fTbv2->AddText(0, buf); fTev2->SetCursorPosition(fTev2->GetCursorPosition()); fTev2->Deselect(); fClient->NeedRedraw(fTev2); break; } break; } break; default: break; } return kTRUE; } TestShutter::TestShutter(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) : TGTransientFrame(p, main, w, h) { // Create transient frame containing a shutter widget. // use hierarchical cleani SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); fDefaultPic = fClient->GetPicture("folder_s.xpm"); fShutter = new TGShutter(this, kSunkenFrame); AddShutterItem("Histograms", histo_data); AddShutterItem("Functions", function_data); AddShutterItem("Trees", tree_data); fLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY); AddFrame(fShutter, fLayout); MapSubwindows(); Resize(80, 300); // position relative to the parent's window CenterOnParent(); SetWindowName("Shutter Test"); MapWindow(); //fClient->WaitFor(this); } void TestShutter::AddShutterItem(const char *name, shutterData_t *data) { TGShutterItem *item; TGCompositeFrame *container; TGButton *button; const TGPicture *buttonpic; static int id = 5001; TGLayoutHints *l = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, 5, 5, 5, 0); item = new TGShutterItem(fShutter, new TGHotString(name), id++); container = (TGCompositeFrame *) item->GetContainer(); for (int i=0; data[i].pixmap_name != 0; i++) { buttonpic = fClient->GetPicture(data[i].pixmap_name); if (!buttonpic) { Warning("AddShutterItem", "missing pixmap \"%s\", using default", data[i].pixmap_name); buttonpic = fDefaultPic; } button = new TGPictureButton(container, buttonpic, data[i].id); container->AddFrame(button, l); button->Associate(this); button->SetToolTipText(data[i].tip_text); data[i].button = button; } fShutter->AddItem(item); } TestShutter::~TestShutter() { // dtor } void TestShutter::CloseWindow() { DeleteWindow(); } Bool_t TestShutter::ProcessMessage(Long_t, Long_t parm1, Long_t) { // Process messages sent to this dialog. printf("Shutter button %d\n", (Int_t)parm1); return kTRUE; } TestDirList::TestDirList(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) : TGTransientFrame(p, main, w, h) { // Create transient frame containing a dirlist widget. // use hierarchical cleani SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); TGLayoutHints *lo; fIcon = gClient->GetPicture("rootdb_t.xpm"); TGCanvas* canvas = new TGCanvas(this, w, h); fContents = new TGListTree(canvas, kHorizontalFrame); fContents->Associate(this); lo = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY | kLHintsBottom); AddFrame(canvas,lo); #ifdef WIN32 fContents->AddItem(0,"c:\\"); // browse the upper directory #else fContents->AddItem(0,"/"); // browse the upper directory #endif // position relative to the parent's window CenterOnParent(); SetWindowName("List Dir Test"); MapSubwindows(); MapWindow(); Resize(); } TestDirList::~TestDirList() { // dtor. } TString TestDirList::DirName(TGListTreeItem* item) { // returns an absolute path TGListTreeItem* parent; TString dirname = item->GetText(); while ((parent=item->GetParent())) { gSystem->PrependPathName(parent->GetText(),dirname); item = parent; } return dirname; } Bool_t TestDirList::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t /*parm2*/) { // process message sent to this widget. TGListTreeItem *item = fContents->GetSelected(); if ( (GET_MSG(msg)!=kC_LISTTREE) || (parm1!=kButton1) || !item || (Bool_t)item->GetUserData()) return kTRUE; if ( (GET_SUBMSG(msg)!=kCT_ITEMDBLCLICK) && (GET_SUBMSG(msg)!=kCT_ITEMCLICK) ) return kTRUE; // use UserData to indicate that item was already browsed item->SetUserData((void*)1); TSystemDirectory dir(item->GetText(),DirName(item)); TList *files = dir.GetListOfFiles(); if (files) { TIter next(files); TSystemFile *file; TString fname; while ((file=(TSystemFile*)next())) { fname = file->GetName(); if (file->IsDirectory()) { if ((fname!="..") && (fname!=".")) { // skip it fContents->AddItem(item,fname); } } else if (fname.EndsWith(".root")) { // add root files fContents->AddItem(item,fname,fIcon,fIcon); } } delete files; } return kTRUE; } TestFileList::TestFileList(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) : TGTransientFrame(p, main, w, h) { // Create transient frame containing a filelist widget. // use hierarchical cleani SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); TGLayoutHints *lo; TGMenuBar* mb = new TGMenuBar(this); lo = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 1, 1); AddFrame(mb, lo); fMenu = mb->AddPopup("&View"); fMenu->AddEntry("Lar&ge Icons",kLVLargeIcons); fMenu->AddEntry("S&mall Icons",kLVSmallIcons); fMenu->AddEntry("&List", kLVList); fMenu->AddEntry("&Details", kLVDetails); fMenu->AddSeparator(); fMenu->AddEntry("&Close", 10); fMenu->Associate(this); TGListView* lv = new TGListView(this, w, h); lo = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY); AddFrame(lv,lo); Pixel_t white; gClient->GetColorByName("white",white); fContents = new TGFileContainer(lv,kSunkenFrame,white); fContents->Associate(this); // position relative to the parent's window CenterOnParent(); SetWindowName("File List Test"); MapSubwindows(); MapWindow(); fContents->SetDefaultHeaders(); fContents->DisplayDirectory(); fContents->AddFile(".."); // up level directory fContents->Resize(); fContents->StopRefreshTimer(); // stop refreshing Resize(); } TestFileList::~TestFileList() { // dtor. delete fContents; } void TestFileList::DisplayFile(const TString &fname) { // display content of ROOT file TFile file(fname); fContents->RemoveAll(); fContents->AddFile(gSystem->WorkingDirectory()); fContents->SetPagePosition(0,0); fContents->SetColHeaders("Name","Title"); TIter next(file.GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; while ((key=(TKey*)next())) { TString cname = key->GetClassName(); TString name = key->GetName(); TGLVEntry *entry = new TGLVEntry(fContents,name,cname); entry->SetSubnames(key->GetTitle()); fContents->AddItem(entry); // user data is a filename entry->SetUserData((void*)StrDup(fname)); } Resize(); } void TestFileList::DisplayDirectory(const TString &fname) { // display content of directory fContents->SetDefaultHeaders(); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(fname); fContents->ChangeDirectory(fname); fContents->DisplayDirectory(); fContents->AddFile(".."); // up level directory Resize(); } void TestFileList::DisplayObject(const TString& fname,const TString& name) { // browse object located in file TDirectory *sav = gDirectory; static TFile *file = 0; if (file) delete file; // close file = new TFile(fname); // reopen TObject* obj = file->Get(name); if (obj) { if (!obj->IsFolder()) { obj->Browse(0); } else obj->Print(); } gDirectory = sav; } void TestFileList::DoMenu(Int_t mode) { // switch view mode if (mode<10) { fContents->SetViewMode((EListViewMode)mode); } else { delete this; // Close menu entry chosen } } void TestFileList::OnDoubleClick(TGLVEntry* f, Int_t btn) { // handle double click if (btn!=kButton1) return; gVirtualX->SetCursor(fContents->GetId(),gVirtualX->CreateCursor(kWatch)); TString name(f->GetTitle()); const char* fname = (const char*)f->GetUserData(); if (fname) { DisplayObject(fname,name); } else if (name.EndsWith(".root")) { DisplayFile(name); } else { DisplayDirectory(name); } gVirtualX->SetCursor(fContents->GetId(),gVirtualX->CreateCursor(kPointer)); } Bool_t TestFileList::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t /*parm2*/) { // process message sent to this widget. switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_CONTAINER: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCT_ITEMDBLCLICK: if (parm1==kButton1) OnDoubleClick((TGLVEntry*)fContents->GetLastActive(), parm1); break; } break; case kC_COMMAND: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_MENU: DoMenu(parm1); break; } break; } return kTRUE; } TestProgress::TestProgress(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) : TGTransientFrame(p, main, w, h) { // Dialog used to test the different supported progress bars. // use hierarchical cleani SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); ChangeOptions((GetOptions() & ~kVerticalFrame) | kHorizontalFrame); fHframe1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(this, 0, 0, 0); fVProg1 = new TGVProgressBar(fHframe1, TGProgressBar::kFancy, 300); fVProg1->SetBarColor("purple"); fVProg2 = new TGVProgressBar(fHframe1, TGProgressBar::kFancy, 300); fVProg2->SetFillType(TGProgressBar::kBlockFill); fVProg2->SetBarColor("green"); fHframe1->Resize(300, 300); fVframe1 = new TGVerticalFrame(this, 0, 0, 0); fHProg1 = new TGHProgressBar(fVframe1, 300); fHProg1->ShowPosition(); fHProg2 = new TGHProgressBar(fVframe1, TGProgressBar::kFancy, 300); fHProg2->SetBarColor("lightblue"); fHProg2->ShowPosition(kTRUE, kFALSE, "%.0f events"); fHProg3 = new TGHProgressBar(fVframe1, TGProgressBar::kStandard, 300); fHProg3->SetFillType(TGProgressBar::kBlockFill); fGO = new TGTextButton(fVframe1, "Go", 10); fGO->Associate(this); fVframe1->Resize(300, 300); fHint1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandY, 5, 10, 5, 5); fHint2 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 5, 5, 5, 10); fHint3 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, 0, 50, 50, 0); fHint4 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandY, 0, 0, 0, 0); fHint5 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 0, 0); fHframe1->AddFrame(fVProg1, fHint1); fHframe1->AddFrame(fVProg2, fHint1); fVframe1->AddFrame(fHProg1, fHint2); fVframe1->AddFrame(fHProg2, fHint2); fVframe1->AddFrame(fHProg3, fHint2); fVframe1->AddFrame(fGO, fHint3); AddFrame(fHframe1, fHint4); AddFrame(fVframe1, fHint5); SetWindowName("Progress Test"); Resize(); // position relative to the parent's window CenterOnParent(); MapSubwindows(); MapWindow(); fClient->WaitFor(this); } TestProgress::~TestProgress() { // Delete dialog. } void TestProgress::CloseWindow() { // Called when window is closed via the window manager. // Interrupt Progress bars increment. gROOT->SetInterrupt(); DeleteWindow(); } Bool_t TestProgress::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t) { // Process slider messages. switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_COMMAND: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_BUTTON: switch (parm1) { case 10: { fVProg1->Reset(); fVProg2->Reset(); fHProg1->Reset(); fHProg2->Reset(); fHProg3->Reset(); fVProg2->SetBarColor("green"); int cnt1 = 0, cnt2 = 0, cnt3 = 0, cnt4 = 0; int inc1 = 4, inc2 = 3, inc3 = 2, inc4 = 1; while (cnt1 < 100 || cnt2 < 100 || cnt3 < 100 || cnt4 <100) { if (cnt1 < 100) { cnt1 += inc1; fVProg1->Increment(inc1); } if (cnt2 < 100) { cnt2 += inc2; fVProg2->Increment(inc2); if (cnt2 > 75) fVProg2->SetBarColor("red"); } if (cnt3 < 100) { cnt3 += inc3; fHProg1->Increment(inc3); } if (cnt4 < 100) { cnt4 += inc4; fHProg2->Increment(inc4); fHProg3->Increment(inc4); } gSystem->Sleep(100); // if user closed window return if (gSystem->ProcessEvents()) break; if (!fGO) return kTRUE; } } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } return kTRUE; } // TGNumberEntry widget test dialog const char *const EntryTestDlg::numlabel[13] = { "Integer", "One digit real", "Two digit real", "Three digit real", "Four digit real", "Real", "Degree.min.sec", "Min:sec", "Hour:min", "Hour:min:sec", "Day/month/year", "Month/day/year", "Hex" }; const Double_t EntryTestDlg::numinit[13] = { 12345, 1.0, 1.00, 1.000, 1.0000, 1.2E-12, 90 * 3600, 120 * 60, 12 * 60, 12 * 3600 + 15 * 60, 19991121, 19991121, (Double_t) 0xDEADFACE }; EntryTestDlg::EntryTestDlg(const TGWindow * p, const TGWindow * main) : TGTransientFrame(p, main, 10, 10, kHorizontalFrame) { // build widgets // use hierarchical cleani SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); TGGC myGC = *fClient->GetResourcePool()->GetFrameGC(); TGFont *myfont = fClient->GetFont("-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"); if (myfont) myGC.SetFont(myfont->GetFontHandle()); fF1 = new TGVerticalFrame(this, 200, 300); fL1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 2, 2, 2, 2); AddFrame(fF1, fL1); fL2 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsRight, 2, 2, 2, 2); for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { fF[i] = new TGHorizontalFrame(fF1, 200, 30); fF1->AddFrame(fF[i], fL2); fNumericEntries[i] = new TGNumberEntry(fF[i], numinit[i], 12, i + 20, (TGNumberFormat::EStyle) i); fNumericEntries[i]->Associate(this); fF[i]->AddFrame(fNumericEntries[i], fL2); fLabel[i] = new TGLabel(fF[i], numlabel[i], myGC(), myfont->GetFontStruct()); fF[i]->AddFrame(fLabel[i], fL2); } fF2 = new TGVerticalFrame(this, 200, 500); fL3 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 2, 2, 2, 2); AddFrame(fF2, fL3); fLowerLimit = new TGCheckButton(fF2, "lower limit:", 4); fLowerLimit->Associate(this); fF2->AddFrame(fLowerLimit, fL3); fLimits[0] = new TGNumberEntry(fF2, 0, 12, 10); fLimits[0]->SetLogStep(kFALSE); fLimits[0]->Associate(this); fF2->AddFrame(fLimits[0], fL3); fUpperLimit = new TGCheckButton(fF2, "upper limit:", 5); fUpperLimit->Associate(this); fF2->AddFrame(fUpperLimit, fL3); fLimits[1] = new TGNumberEntry(fF2, 0, 12, 11); fLimits[1]->SetLogStep(kFALSE); fLimits[1]->Associate(this); fF2->AddFrame(fLimits[1], fL3); fPositive = new TGCheckButton(fF2, "Positive", 6); fPositive->Associate(this); fF2->AddFrame(fPositive, fL3); fNonNegative = new TGCheckButton(fF2, "Non negative", 7); fNonNegative->Associate(this); fF2->AddFrame(fNonNegative, fL3); fSetButton = new TGTextButton(fF2, " Set ", 2); fSetButton->Associate(this); fF2->AddFrame(fSetButton, fL3); fExitButton = new TGTextButton(fF2, " Close ", 1); fExitButton->Associate(this); fF2->AddFrame(fExitButton, fL3); // set dialog box title SetWindowName("Number Entry Test"); SetIconName("Number Entry Test"); SetClassHints("NumberEntryDlg", "NumberEntryDlg"); // resize & move to center MapSubwindows(); UInt_t width = GetDefaultWidth(); UInt_t height = GetDefaultHeight(); Resize(width, height); CenterOnParent(); // make the message box non-resizable SetWMSize(width, height); SetWMSizeHints(width, height, width, height, 0, 0); SetMWMHints(kMWMDecorAll | kMWMDecorResizeH | kMWMDecorMaximize | kMWMDecorMinimize | kMWMDecorMenu, kMWMFuncAll | kMWMFuncResize | kMWMFuncMaximize | kMWMFuncMinimize, kMWMInputModeless); MapWindow(); fClient->WaitFor(this); } EntryTestDlg::~EntryTestDlg() { // dtor } void EntryTestDlg::CloseWindow() { DeleteWindow(); } void EntryTestDlg::SetLimits() { Double_t min = fLimits[0]->GetNumber(); Bool_t low = (fLowerLimit->GetState() == kButtonDown); Double_t max = fLimits[1]->GetNumber(); Bool_t high = (fUpperLimit->GetState() == kButtonDown); TGNumberFormat::ELimit lim; if (low && high) { lim = TGNumberFormat::kNELLimitMinMax; } else if (low) { lim = TGNumberFormat::kNELLimitMin; } else if (high) { lim = TGNumberFormat::kNELLimitMax; } else { lim = TGNumberFormat::kNELNoLimits; } Bool_t pos = (fPositive->GetState() == kButtonDown); Bool_t nneg = (fNonNegative->GetState() == kButtonDown); TGNumberFormat::EAttribute attr; if (pos) { attr = TGNumberFormat::kNEAPositive; } else if (nneg) { attr = TGNumberFormat::kNEANonNegative; } else { attr = TGNumberFormat::kNEAAnyNumber; } for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { fNumericEntries[i]->SetFormat(fNumericEntries[i]->GetNumStyle(), attr); fNumericEntries[i]->SetLimits(lim, min, max); } } Bool_t EntryTestDlg::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t /*parm2*/) { switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_COMMAND: { switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_BUTTON: { switch (parm1) { // exit button case 1: { CloseWindow(); break; } // set button case 2: { SetLimits(); break; } } break; } } break; } } return kTRUE; } Editor::Editor(const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) : TGTransientFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), main, w, h) { // Create an editor in a dialog. // use hierarchical cleani SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); fEdit = new TGTextEdit(this, w, h, kSunkenFrame | kDoubleBorder); fL1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY, 3, 3, 3, 3); AddFrame(fEdit, fL1); // set selected text colors Pixel_t pxl; gClient->GetColorByName("#ccccff", pxl); fEdit->SetSelectBack(pxl); fEdit->SetSelectFore(TGFrame::GetBlackPixel()); fOK = new TGTextButton(this, " &OK "); fL2 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsCenterX, 0, 0, 5, 5); AddFrame(fOK, fL2); SetTitle(); MapSubwindows(); Resize(); // resize to default size // editor covers right half of parent window CenterOnParent(kTRUE, TGTransientFrame::kRight); } Editor::~Editor() { // Delete editor dialog. } void Editor::SetTitle() { // Set title in editor window. TGText *txt = GetEditor()->GetText(); Bool_t untitled = !strlen(txt->GetFileName()) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; char title[256]; if (untitled) sprintf(title, "ROOT Editor - Untitled"); else sprintf(title, "ROOT Editor - %s", txt->GetFileName()); SetWindowName(title); SetIconName(title); } void Editor::Popup() { // Show editor. MapWindow(); } void Editor::LoadBuffer(const char *buffer) { // Load a text buffer in the editor. fEdit->LoadBuffer(buffer); } void Editor::LoadFile(const char *file) { // Load a file in the editor. fEdit->LoadFile(file); } void Editor::CloseWindow() { // Called when closed via window manager action. DeleteWindow(); } Bool_t Editor::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t, Long_t) { // Process OK button. switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_COMMAND: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_BUTTON: // Only one button and one action... DeleteWindow(); break; default: break; } break; case kC_TEXTVIEW: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kTXT_CLOSE: // close window DeleteWindow(); break; case kTXT_OPEN: SetTitle(); break; case kTXT_SAVE: SetTitle(); break; default: break; } default: break; } return kTRUE; } //---- Main program ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char **argv) { TApplication theApp("App", &argc, argv); if (gROOT->IsBatch()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot run in batch mode\n", argv[0]); return 1; } TestMainFrame mainWindow(gClient->GetRoot(), 400, 220); theApp.Run(); return 0; }