#include "TRandom.h" #include <ROOT/REveManager.hxx> #include <ROOT/REveScene.hxx> #include <ROOT/REveLine.hxx> #include <ROOT/REveCompound.hxx> namespace REX = ROOT::Experimental; REX::REveLine* random_line(TRandom& rnd, Int_t n, Float_t delta) { auto line = new REX::REveLine; line->SetMainColor(kGreen); Float_t x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; for (Int_t i=0; i<n; ++i) { line->SetNextPoint(x, y, z); x += rnd.Uniform(0, delta); y += rnd.Uniform(0, delta); z += rnd.Uniform(0, delta); } return line; } void compound() { // disable browser cache - all scripts and html files will be loaded every time, useful for development // gEnv->SetValue("WebGui.HttpMaxAge", 0); auto eveMng = REX::REveManager::Create(); TRandom rnd(0); /* auto* ml = random_line(rnd, 20, 10); ml->SetMainColor(kRed); ml->SetLineStyle(2); ml->SetLineWidth(3); eveMng->InsertVizDBEntry("BigLine", ml); */ auto cmp = new REX::REveCompound; cmp->SetMainColor(kGreen); cmp->OpenCompound(); cmp->AddElement(random_line(rnd, 20, 10)); cmp->AddElement(random_line(rnd, 20, 10)); auto line = random_line(rnd, 20, 12); line->SetMainColor(kRed); line->SetLineStyle(2); line->SetLineWidth(3); // line->ApplyVizTag("BigLine"); cmp->AddElement(line); cmp->CloseCompound(); eveMng->GetEventScene()->AddElement(cmp); eveMng->Show(); }