/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_eve /// Demonstrates usage of class REveStraightLineSet. The elements in the set can be individually picked when enable secondary select. /// The REveStraightLineSet is a projectable class. It can be visible in RhoZ and RhoPhi projected views. /// /// \macro_code /// #include "TRandom.h" #include <ROOT/REveElement.hxx> #include <ROOT/REveScene.hxx> #include <ROOT/REveManager.hxx> #include <ROOT/REveStraightLineSet.hxx> namespace REX = ROOT::Experimental; REX::REveStraightLineSet* makeLineSet(Int_t nlines = 40, Int_t nmarkers = 4, bool sc = true) { TRandom r(0); Float_t s = 100; auto ls = new REX::REveStraightLineSet(); for (Int_t i = 0; i<nlines; i++) { ls->AddLine( r.Uniform(-s,s), r.Uniform(-s,s), r.Uniform(-s,s), r.Uniform(-s,s), r.Uniform(-s,s), r.Uniform(-s,s)); // add random number of markers Int_t nm = Int_t(nmarkers* r.Rndm()); for (Int_t m = 0; m < nm; m++) ls->AddMarker(i, r.Rndm()); } ls->SetMarkerSize(0.5); ls->SetMarkerStyle(1); ls->SetAlwaysSecSelect(sc); REX::gEve->GetEventScene()->AddElement(ls); return ls; } void lineset(bool secondarySelect = true) { auto eveMng = REX::REveManager::Create(); auto ls1 = makeLineSet(10, 5, secondarySelect); ls1->SetMainColor(kViolet); ls1->SetName("LineSet_1"); auto ls2 = makeLineSet(300, 4, secondarySelect); ls2->SetMainColor(kBlue); ls2->SetName("LineSet_2"); ls2->InitMainTrans(); ls2->RefMainTrans().Move3LF(40, 200, 200); eveMng->Show(); }