/// \file
/// \ingroup tutorial_hist
/// \notebook -js
/// A TH2Poly build with Fibonacci numbers.
/// In mathematics, the Fibonacci sequence is a suite of integer in which
/// every number is the sum of the two preceding one.
/// The first 10 Fibonacci numbers are:
/// 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ...
/// This tutorial computes Fibonacci numbers and uses them to build a TH2Poly
/// producing the "Fibonacci spiral" created by drawing circular arcs connecting
/// the opposite corners of squares in the Fibonacci tiling.
/// \macro_image
/// \macro_code
/// \author Olivier Couet

void Arc(int n, double a, double r, double *px, double *py);
void AddFibonacciBin(TH2Poly *h2pf, double N);

void Fibonacci(int N=7) {
   // N = number of Fibonacci numbers > 1

   TCanvas *C = new TCanvas("C", "C", 800, 600);

   TH2Poly *h2pf = new TH2Poly(); // TH2Poly containing Fibonacci bins.
   h2pf->SetTitle(Form("The first %d Fibonacci numbers",N));

   double f0 = 0.;
   double f1 = 1.;
   double ft;

   AddFibonacciBin(h2pf, f1);

   for (int i=0; i<=N; i++) {
      ft = f1;
      f1 = f0 + f1;
      f0 = ft;
      AddFibonacciBin(h2pf, f1);

   h2pf->Draw("A COL L TEXT");

void Arc(int n, double a, double r, double *px, double *py) {
   // Add points on a arc of circle from point 2 to n-2

   double da = TMath::Pi()/(2*(n-2)); // Angle delta

   for (int i = 2; i<=n-2; i++) {
      a     = a+da;
      px[i] = r*TMath::Cos(a) + px[0];
      py[i] = r*TMath::Sin(a) + py[0];

void AddFibonacciBin(TH2Poly *h2pf, double N) {
   // Add to h2pf the bin corresponding to the Fibonacci number N

   double X1 = 0.; //
   double Y1 = 0.; // Current Fibonacci
   double X2 = 1.; // square position.
   double Y2 = 1.; //

   static int    MoveId = 0;

   static double T  = 1.; //Current Top limit of the bins
   static double B  = 0.; //Current Bottom limit of the bins
   static double L  = 0.; //Current Left limit of the bins
   static double R  = 1.; //Current Right limit of the bins

   const int NP = 50; // Number of point to build the current bin
   double px[NP];     // Bin's X positions
   double py[NP];     // Bin's Y positions

   double pi2 = TMath::Pi()/2;

   switch (MoveId) {
      case 1:
         R  = R+N;
         X2 = R;
         Y2 = T;
         X1 = X2-N;
         Y1 = Y2-N;
         px[0]    = X1;
         py[0]    = Y2;
         px[1]    = X1;
         py[1]    = Y1;
         px[NP-1] = X2;
         py[NP-1] = Y2;

      case 2:
         T  = T+N;
         X2 = R;
         Y2 = T;
         X1 = X2-N;
         Y1 = Y2-N;
         px[0]    = X1;
         py[0]    = Y1;
         px[1]    = X2;
         py[1]    = Y1;
         px[NP-1] = X1;
         py[NP-1] = Y2;

      case 3:
         L  = L-N;
         X1 = L;
         Y1 = B;
         X2 = X1+N;
         Y2 = Y1+N;
         px[0]    = X2;
         py[0]    = Y1;
         px[1]    = X2;
         py[1]    = Y2;
         px[NP-1] = X1;
         py[NP-1] = Y1;

      case 4:
         B  = B-N;
         X1 = L;
         Y1 = B;
         X2 = X1+N;
         Y2 = Y1+N;
         px[0]    = X2;
         py[0]    = Y2;
         px[1]    = X1;
         py[1]    = Y2;
         px[NP-1] = X2;
         py[NP-1] = Y1;

   if (MoveId==0) h2pf->AddBin(X1,Y1,X2,Y2); // First bin is a square
   else           h2pf->AddBin(NP, px ,py);  // Other bins have an arc of circle

   h2pf->Fill((X1+X2)/2.5, (Y1+Y2)/2.5, N);

   if (MoveId==5) MoveId=1;