// @(#)root/mathmore:$Id$ // Author: L. Moneta Thu Jan 25 11:13:48 2007 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2006 LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this library (see file COPYING); if not, write * * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite * * 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA, or contact the author. * * * **********************************************************************/ // Header file for class GSLSimAnnealing #ifndef ROOT_Math_GSLSimAnnealing #define ROOT_Math_GSLSimAnnealing #include "Math/IFunctionfwd.h" #include <vector> namespace ROOT { namespace Math { class GSLRandomEngine; //_____________________________________________________________________________ /** GSLSimAnFunc class description. Interface class for the objetive function to be used in simulated annealing If user wants to re-implement some of the methods (like the one defining the metric) which are used by the the simulated annealing algorithm must build a user derived class. NOTE: Derived classes must re-implement the assignment and copy constructor to call them of the parent class @ingroup MultiMin */ class GSLSimAnFunc { public: /** construct from an interface of a multi-dimensional function */ GSLSimAnFunc(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction & func, const double * x); /** construct from an interface of a multi-dimensional function Use optionally a scale factor (for each coordinate) which can be used to scale the step sizes (this is used for example by the minimization algorithm) */ GSLSimAnFunc(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction & func, const double * x, const double * scale); protected: /** derived classes might need to re-define completely the class */ GSLSimAnFunc() : fFunc(0) {} public: /// virtual distructor (no operations) virtual ~GSLSimAnFunc() { } // /** fast copy method called by GSL simuated annealing internally copy only the things which have been changed must be re-implemented by derived classes if needed */ virtual GSLSimAnFunc & FastCopy(const GSLSimAnFunc & f); /** clone method. Needs to be re-implemented by the derived classes for deep copying */ virtual GSLSimAnFunc * Clone() const { return new GSLSimAnFunc(*this); } /** evaluate the energy ( objective function value) re-implement by derived classes if needed to be modified */ virtual double Energy() const; /** change the x[i] value using a random value urndm generated between [0,1] up to a maximum value maxstep re-implement by derived classes if needed to be modified */ virtual void Step(const GSLRandomEngine & r, double maxstep); /** calculate the distance (metric) between this one and another configuration Presently a cartesian metric is used. re-implement by derived classes if needed to be modified */ virtual double Distance(const GSLSimAnFunc & func) const; /** print the position in the standard output std::ostream GSL prints in addition n iteration, n function calls, temperature and energy re-implement by derived classes if necessary */ virtual void Print(); /** change the x values (used by sim annealing to take a step) */ void SetX(const double * x) { std::copy(x, x+ fX.size(), fX.begin() ); } template <class IT> void SetX(IT begin, IT end) { std::copy(begin, end, fX.begin() ); } unsigned int NDim() const { return fX.size(); } double X(unsigned int i) const { return fX[i]; } const std::vector<double> & X() const { return fX; } double Scale(unsigned int i) const { return fScale[i]; } void SetX(unsigned int i, double x) { fX[i] = x; } // use compiler generated copy ctror and assignment operators private: std::vector<double> fX; std::vector<double> fScale; const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction * fFunc; }; //_____________________________________________________ /** structure holding the simulated annealing parameters @ingroup MultiMin */ struct GSLSimAnParams { // constructor with some default values GSLSimAnParams() { n_tries = 200; iters_fixed_T = 10; step_size = 10; // the following parameters are for the Boltzmann distribution */ k = 1.0; t_initial = 0.002; mu_t = 1.005; t_min = 2.0E-6; } int n_tries; // number of points to try for each step int iters_fixed_T; // number of iterations at each temperature double step_size; // max step size used in random walk /// parameters for the Boltzman distribution double k; double t_initial; double mu_t; double t_min; }; //___________________________________________________________________________ /** GSLSimAnnealing class for performing a simulated annealing search of a multidimensional function @ingroup MultiMin */ class GSLSimAnnealing { public: /** Default constructor */ GSLSimAnnealing (); /** Destructor (no operations) */ ~GSLSimAnnealing () {} private: // usually copying is non trivial, so we make this unaccessible /** Copy constructor */ GSLSimAnnealing(const GSLSimAnnealing &) {} /** Assignment operator */ GSLSimAnnealing & operator = (const GSLSimAnnealing & rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; // time saving self-test return *this; } public: /** solve the simulated annealing given a multi-dim function, the initial vector parameters and a vector containing the scaling factors for the parameters */ int Solve(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction & func, const double * x0, const double * scale, double * xmin, bool debug = false); /** solve the simulated annealing given a GSLSimAnFunc object The object will contain the initial state at the beginning and the final minimum state at the end */ int Solve(GSLSimAnFunc & func, bool debug = false); GSLSimAnParams & Params() { return fParams; } const GSLSimAnParams & Params() const { return fParams; } void SetParams(const GSLSimAnParams & params) { fParams = params; } protected: private: GSLSimAnParams fParams; // parameters for GSLSimAnnealig }; } // end namespace Math } // end namespace ROOT #endif /* ROOT_Math_GSLSimAnnealing */