// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$ // Authors: L. Moneta, A. Zsenei 08/2005 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2004 ROOT Foundation, CERN/PH-SFT * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this library (see file COPYING); if not, write * * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite * * 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA, or contact the author. * * * **********************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_Math_WrappedFunction #define ROOT_Math_WrappedFunction #include "IFunction.h" namespace ROOT { namespace Math { struct NullTypeFunc1D {}; typedef double(*FreeFunctionPtr)(double); typedef double(*FreeMultiFunctionPtr)(const double*); /** Template class to wrap any C++ callable object which takes one argument i.e. implementing operator() (double x) in a One-dimensional function interface. It provides a ROOT::Math::IGenFunction-like signature Note: If you want to wrap just the reference (to avoid copying) you need to use Func& or const Func & as template parameter. The former should be used when the operator() is not a const method of Func @ingroup GenFunc */ template< typename Func = FreeFunctionPtr > class WrappedFunction : public IGenFunction { public: /** construct from the pointer to the object and the member function */ WrappedFunction( Func f ) : fFunc( f ) { /* no op */ } // use default copy contructor and assignment operator /// clone (required by the interface) WrappedFunction * Clone() const { return new WrappedFunction(fFunc); } // virtual ~WrappedFunction() { /**/ } private: virtual double DoEval (double x) const { return fFunc( x ); } Func fFunc; }; // WrappedFunction /** Template class to wrap any member function of a class taking a double and returning a double in a 1D function interface For example, if you have a class like: struct X { double Eval(double x); }; you can wrapped in the following way: WrappedMemFunction<X, double ( X::* ) (double) > f; @ingroup GenFunc */ template<typename FuncObj, typename MemFuncPtr > class WrappedMemFunction : public IGenFunction { public: /** construct from the pointer to the object and the member function */ WrappedMemFunction( FuncObj & obj, MemFuncPtr memFn ) : fObj(&obj), fMemFunc( memFn ) { /* no op */ } // use default copy contructor and assignment operator /// clone (required by the interface) WrappedMemFunction * Clone() const { return new WrappedMemFunction(*fObj,fMemFunc); } private: virtual double DoEval (double x) const { return ((*fObj).*fMemFunc)( x ); } FuncObj * fObj; MemFuncPtr fMemFunc; }; // WrappedMemFunction /** Template class to wrap any C++ callable object implementing operator() (const double * x) in a multi-dimensional function interface. It provides a ROOT::Math::IGenMultiFunction-like signature Note: If you want to wrap just the reference (to avoid copying) you need to use Func& or const Func & as template parameter. The former should be used when the operator() is not a const method of Func @ingroup GenFunc */ template< typename Func = FreeMultiFunctionPtr > class WrappedMultiFunction : public IMultiGenFunction { public: /** construct from the pointer to the object and the member function */ WrappedMultiFunction( Func f , unsigned int dim = 1) : fFunc( f ), fDim( dim) { /* no op */ } // use default copy contructor and assignment operator /// clone (required by the interface) WrappedMultiFunction * Clone() const { return new WrappedMultiFunction(fFunc,fDim); } unsigned int NDim() const { return fDim; } // virtual ~WrappedFunction() { /**/ } private: virtual double DoEval (const double * x) const { return fFunc( x ); } Func fFunc; unsigned int fDim; }; // WrappedMultiFunction template<typename FuncObj, typename MemFuncPtr > class WrappedMemMultiFunction : public IMultiGenFunction { public: /** construct from the pointer to the object and the member function */ WrappedMemMultiFunction( FuncObj & obj, MemFuncPtr memFn, unsigned int dim = 1 ) : fObj(&obj), fMemFunc( memFn ), fDim(dim) { /* no op */ } // use default copy contructor and assignment operator /// clone (required by the interface) WrappedMemMultiFunction * Clone() const { return new WrappedMemMultiFunction(*fObj,fMemFunc,fDim); } unsigned int NDim() const { return fDim; } private: virtual double DoEval (const double * x) const { return ((*fObj).*fMemFunc)( x ); } FuncObj * fObj; MemFuncPtr fMemFunc; unsigned int fDim; }; // WrappedMemMultiFunction } // namespace Math } // namespace ROOT #endif // ROOT_Math_WrappedFunction