// @(#)root/tmva/tmva/dnn:$Id$ // Author: Vladimir Ilievski, Saurav Shekhar /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : MethodDL * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Deep Neural Network Method * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Vladimir Ilievski - CERN, Switzerland * * Saurav Shekhar - ETH Zurich, Switzerland * * * * Copyright (c) 2005-2015: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * U. of Bonn, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodDL #define ROOT_TMVA_MethodDL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // MethodDL // // // // Method class for all Deep Learning Networks // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TString.h" #include "TMVA/MethodBase.h" #include "TMVA/Types.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/Architectures/Reference.h" //#ifdef R__HAS_TMVACPU #include "TMVA/DNN/Architectures/Cpu.h" //#endif #ifdef R__HAS_TMVAGPU #include "TMVA/DNN/Architectures/Cuda.h" #ifdef R__HAS_CUDNN #include "TMVA/DNN/Architectures/TCudnn.h" #endif #endif #include "TMVA/DNN/Functions.h" #include "TMVA/DNN/DeepNet.h" #include #ifdef R__HAS_TMVAGPU //#define USE_GPU_INFERENCE #endif namespace TMVA { /*! All of the options that can be specified in the training string */ struct TTrainingSettings { size_t batchSize; size_t testInterval; size_t convergenceSteps; size_t maxEpochs; DNN::ERegularization regularization; DNN::EOptimizer optimizer; TString optimizerName; Double_t learningRate; Double_t momentum; Double_t weightDecay; std::vector dropoutProbabilities; bool multithreading; }; class MethodDL : public MethodBase { private: // Key-Value vector type, contining the values for the training options using KeyValueVector_t = std::vector>; // #ifdef R__HAS_TMVAGPU // #ifdef R__HAS_CUDNN // using ArchitectureImpl_t = TMVA::DNN::TCudnn; // #else // using ArchitectureImpl_t = TMVA::DNN::TCuda; // #endif // #else // do not use arch GPU for evaluation. It is too slow for batch size=1 using ArchitectureImpl_t = TMVA::DNN::TCpu; // #endif using DeepNetImpl_t = TMVA::DNN::TDeepNet; using MatrixImpl_t = typename ArchitectureImpl_t::Matrix_t; using TensorImpl_t = typename ArchitectureImpl_t::Tensor_t; using ScalarImpl_t = typename ArchitectureImpl_t::Scalar_t; using HostBufferImpl_t = typename ArchitectureImpl_t::HostBuffer_t; /*! The option handling methods */ void DeclareOptions(); void ProcessOptions(); void Init(); // Function to parse the layout of the input void ParseInputLayout(); void ParseBatchLayout(); /*! After calling the ProcesOptions(), all of the options are parsed, * so using the parsed options, and given the architecture and the * type of the layers, we build the Deep Network passed as * a reference in the function. */ template void CreateDeepNet(DNN::TDeepNet &deepNet, std::vector> &nets); template void ParseDenseLayer(DNN::TDeepNet &deepNet, std::vector> &nets, TString layerString, TString delim); template void ParseConvLayer(DNN::TDeepNet &deepNet, std::vector> &nets, TString layerString, TString delim); template void ParseMaxPoolLayer(DNN::TDeepNet &deepNet, std::vector> &nets, TString layerString, TString delim); template void ParseReshapeLayer(DNN::TDeepNet &deepNet, std::vector> &nets, TString layerString, TString delim); template void ParseBatchNormLayer(DNN::TDeepNet &deepNet, std::vector> &nets, TString layerString, TString delim); enum ERecurrentLayerType { kLayerRNN = 0, kLayerLSTM = 1, kLayerGRU = 2 }; template void ParseRecurrentLayer(ERecurrentLayerType type, DNN::TDeepNet &deepNet, std::vector> &nets, TString layerString, TString delim); /// train of deep neural network using the defined architecture template void TrainDeepNet(); /// perform prediction of the deep neural network /// using batches (called by GetMvaValues) template std::vector PredictDeepNet(Long64_t firstEvt, Long64_t lastEvt, size_t batchSize, Bool_t logProgress); /// parce the validation string and return the number of event data used for validation UInt_t GetNumValidationSamples(); // cudnn implementation needs this format /** Contains the batch size (no. of images in the batch), input depth (no. channels) * and furhter input dimensios of the data (image height, width ...)*/ std::vector fInputShape; // The size of the batch, i.e. the number of images that are contained in the batch, is either set to be the depth // or the height of the batch size_t fBatchDepth; ///< The depth of the batch used to train the deep net. size_t fBatchHeight; ///< The height of the batch used to train the deep net. size_t fBatchWidth; ///< The width of the batch used to train the deep net. size_t fRandomSeed; /// fTrainingSettings; ///< The vector defining each training strategy TensorImpl_t fXInput; // input tensor used to evaluate fNet HostBufferImpl_t fXInputBuffer; // input hist buffer corresponding to X (needed for GPU implementation) std::unique_ptr fYHat; // output prediction matrix of fNet std::unique_ptr fNet; ClassDef(MethodDL, 0); protected: // provide a help message void GetHelpMessage() const; virtual std::vector GetMvaValues(Long64_t firstEvt, Long64_t lastEvt, Bool_t logProgress); public: /*! Constructor */ MethodDL(const TString &jobName, const TString &methodTitle, DataSetInfo &theData, const TString &theOption); /*! Constructor */ MethodDL(DataSetInfo &theData, const TString &theWeightFile); /*! Virtual Destructor */ virtual ~MethodDL(); /*! Function for parsing the training settings, provided as a string * in a key-value form. */ KeyValueVector_t ParseKeyValueString(TString parseString, TString blockDelim, TString tokenDelim); /*! Check the type of analysis the deep learning network can do */ Bool_t HasAnalysisType(Types::EAnalysisType type, UInt_t numberClasses, UInt_t numberTargets); /*! Methods for training the deep learning network */ void Train(); Double_t GetMvaValue(Double_t *err = 0, Double_t *errUpper = 0); virtual const std::vector& GetRegressionValues(); virtual const std::vector& GetMulticlassValues(); /*! Methods for writing and reading weights */ using MethodBase::ReadWeightsFromStream; void AddWeightsXMLTo(void *parent) const; void ReadWeightsFromXML(void *wghtnode); void ReadWeightsFromStream(std::istream &); /* Create ranking */ const Ranking *CreateRanking(); /* Getters */ size_t GetInputDepth() const { return fInputShape[1]; } //< no. of channels for an image size_t GetInputHeight() const { return fInputShape[2]; } size_t GetInputWidth() const { return fInputShape[3]; } size_t GetInputDim() const { return fInputShape.size() - 2; } std::vector GetInputShape() const { return fInputShape; } size_t GetBatchSize() const { return fInputShape[0]; } size_t GetBatchDepth() const { return fBatchDepth; } size_t GetBatchHeight() const { return fBatchHeight; } size_t GetBatchWidth() const { return fBatchWidth; } const DeepNetImpl_t & GetDeepNet() const { return *fNet; } DNN::EInitialization GetWeightInitialization() const { return fWeightInitialization; } DNN::EOutputFunction GetOutputFunction() const { return fOutputFunction; } DNN::ELossFunction GetLossFunction() const { return fLossFunction; } TString GetInputLayoutString() const { return fInputLayoutString; } TString GetBatchLayoutString() const { return fBatchLayoutString; } TString GetLayoutString() const { return fLayoutString; } TString GetErrorStrategyString() const { return fErrorStrategy; } TString GetTrainingStrategyString() const { return fTrainingStrategyString; } TString GetWeightInitializationString() const { return fWeightInitializationString; } TString GetArchitectureString() const { return fArchitectureString; } const std::vector &GetTrainingSettings() const { return fTrainingSettings; } std::vector &GetTrainingSettings() { return fTrainingSettings; } const KeyValueVector_t &GetKeyValueSettings() const { return fSettings; } KeyValueVector_t &GetKeyValueSettings() { return fSettings; } /** Setters */ void SetInputDepth (int inputDepth) { fInputShape[1] = inputDepth; } void SetInputHeight(int inputHeight) { fInputShape[2] = inputHeight; } void SetInputWidth (int inputWidth) { fInputShape[3] = inputWidth; } void SetInputShape (std::vector inputShape) { fInputShape = std::move(inputShape); } void SetBatchSize (size_t batchSize) { fInputShape[0] = batchSize; } void SetBatchDepth (size_t batchDepth) { fBatchDepth = batchDepth; } void SetBatchHeight(size_t batchHeight) { fBatchHeight = batchHeight; } void SetBatchWidth (size_t batchWidth) { fBatchWidth = batchWidth; } void SetWeightInitialization(DNN::EInitialization weightInitialization) { fWeightInitialization = weightInitialization; } void SetOutputFunction (DNN::EOutputFunction outputFunction) { fOutputFunction = outputFunction; } void SetErrorStrategyString (TString errorStrategy) { fErrorStrategy = errorStrategy; } void SetTrainingStrategyString (TString trainingStrategyString) { fTrainingStrategyString = trainingStrategyString; } void SetWeightInitializationString(TString weightInitializationString) { fWeightInitializationString = weightInitializationString; } void SetArchitectureString (TString architectureString) { fArchitectureString = architectureString; } void SetLayoutString (TString layoutString) { fLayoutString = layoutString; } }; } // namespace TMVA #endif