Special collection is used to implement mounted collection, mounted structured file and soft linked collection. metadata: 3 collection metadata are used to define special collections. They are; COL_COLL_TYPE, COL_COLL_INFO1 and COL_COLL_INFO2. resolveSpecCollType() in ./core/src/rcMisc.c resolves the collection type based on these 3 metadata. The following definitions in the objInfo.h file define the collection types (COL_COLL_TYPE): #define TAR_STRUCT_FILE_STR "tarStructFile" #define MOUNT_POINT_STR "mountPoint" #define LINK_POINT_STR "linkPoint" Normal collection if COL_COLL_TYPE="" 1) COL_COLL_TYPE == MOUNT_POINT_STR ==>mounted file directory COL_COLL_INFO1 = the mounted UNIX file directory COL_COLL_INFO2 = the resource where this directory is located 2) COL_COLL_TYPE == TAR_STRUCT_FILE_STR ==> mounted tar file COL_COLL_INFO1 = The path of the tar file COL_COLL_INFO2 = caching info - cache_dir;;;resource;;;dirtyFlag 3) COL_COLL_TYPE == LINK_POINT_STR ==>collection softlink COL_COLL_INFO1 = The path of an existing collection being linked. handling these special collections on the client side: ------------------------------------------------------ Most APIs work well with object paths that are underneath Special Collections. For example, if the path /x/y/z is a mounted collection, using the path /x/y/z/myFile as the "objpath" for the rcDataObjPath API will work without modification. The only problem is when a client tries to list the data Objects and sub-collections (equivalent to opendir/readdir of UNIX) inside a Special Collection using something like rcGenQuery. Since there is no metadata associated with objects underneath Special Collections, the query will produce no result. The following steps should be used to list the data objects and collections in a Special Collections: 1) A query should be done on a collection to see if the collection is a special collection. The rcGenQuery can be used to check whether a collection is a Special Collection. e.g., the queryCollInColl() function in miscUtil.c which queries all sub-collections in a collection using these 3 metadata: addInxIval (&genQueryInp->selectInp, COL_COLL_TYPE, 1); addInxIval (&genQueryInp->selectInp, COL_COLL_INFO1, 1); addInxIval (&genQueryInp->selectInp, COL_COLL_INFO2, 1); The drawback of this approach is that the collection of interest could be a sub-collection in a Special Collection and it could require several queries up the collection path. e,g., if the path /x/y/z is a mounted collection, then it would requires 2 queries to determine whether the path /x/y/z/myColl is part of a Special Collection. The rcObjStat API call is normally used where a client can make the query with a single call. The input of this call is a objPath. The output of the call is a rodsObjStat_t struct: typedef struct rodsObjStat { rodsLong_t objSize; /* file size */ objType_t objType; /* DATA_OBJ_T or COLL_OBJ_T */ uint dataMode; char dataId[NAME_LEN]; char chksum[NAME_LEN]; char ownerName[NAME_LEN]; char ownerZone[NAME_LEN]; char createTime[TIME_LEN]; char modifyTime[TIME_LEN]; specColl_t *specColl; } rodsObjStat_t; The objType can be COLL_OBJ_T (collection), DATA_OBJ_T (data object) or UNKNOWN_OBJ_T (object does not exist). If "specColl" is not NULL, the input objPath is a Special Collection or in a Special Collection. If objType is UNKNOWN_OBJ_T and "specColl" is not NULL, the object does not exist but the objPath is in a Special Collection. The specColl_t is defined as: typedef struct SpecColl { specCollClass_t collClass; structFileType_t type; char collection[MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* structured file or mounted collection */ char objPath[MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* STRUCT_FILE_COLL-logical path of structFile * MOUNTED_COLL - NA */ char resource[NAME_LEN]; /* the resource */ char phyPath[MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* STRUCT_FILE_COLL-the phyPath of structFile * MOUNTED_COLL-the phyPath od mounted * directory */ char cacheDir[MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* STRUCT_FILE_COLL-the directory where * the cache tree is kept */ int cacheDirty; /* Whether the cache has been written */ int replNum; } specColl_t; Important items in the specColl_t are: collClass - can be STRUCT_FILE_COLL (mounted structured file), MOUNTED_COLL (mounted collection) or LINKED_COLL (linked collection). objPath - If collClass is LINKED_COLL, this is the translated path for the input objPath. The client should use this path instead of the input "objPath" for further metadata query. 2) If the collClass is MOUNTED_COLL or STRUCT_FILE_COLL, the rcQuerySpecColl should be used to query (drill down) the mounted collections. Info on using rcQuerySpecColl: int rcQuerySpecColl (rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp, genQueryOut_t **genQueryOut) dataObjInp->objPath - path of the collection in a special collection dataObjInp->openFlags - greater than 0 ==> continueInx genQueryOut contains COL_COLL_NAME, COL_DATA_NAME, COL_D_CREATE_TIME, COL_D_MODIFY_TIME, COL_DATA_SIZE if it is a collection, COL_DATA_NAME = "" 3) If the collClass is LINKED_COLL, replace the collection path with the path given in specColl->objPath for further metadata query.