## ANT build properties for jargon build.xml ## Author: Mike Conway, DICE ##------------------------------------------------ ## settings that control build.xml ANT build script ## NOTE: for unit testing, there is a testing.properties in the test source tree that must be configured ## to point to your 'test' IRODS server. Unit tests will not work without this configuration. Also ## iCommands must be on your path for some of the unit testing helper functions to work. These ## iCommands are used in wrapper classes to initialize and tear down various tests. ## source src.dir=src/api unittest.src.dir=src/test data.dir=data ## libraries lib.dir=lib ## compile settings ## -should debug info be generated for compile of source...do not do this to true in production compile.with.debug=false ## output directories ## NOTE: build dir was bin in 2.0.5, shift over to 'target' as we move towards a maven layout build.dir=target src.build.dir=${build.dir}/classes unittest.build.dir=${build.dir}/unittesting/classes instrumented.code.dir=${build.dir}/instrumented/classes javadoc.dir=${build.dir}/javadoc code.coverage.report.dir=${build.dir}/site/coverage dist.dir=${build.dir}/dist scratch.dir=${build.dir}/scratch ## testing settings ## -should the ANT script terminate if unit tests fail? fail.on.junit.error=false junit.fork=true