# # modules/URL/Makefile # # Builds the iRODS URL module # ifndef buildDir buildDir = $(CURDIR)/../.. endif include $(buildDir)/config/config.mk include $(buildDir)/config/platform.mk include $(buildDir)/config/directories.mk include $(buildDir)/config/common.mk # # Directories # MSObjDir = $(modulesDir)/URL/microservices/obj MSSrcDir = $(modulesDir)/URL/microservices/src MSIncDir = $(modulesDir)/URL/microservices/include # # Objects # OBJECTS = $(MSObjDir)/curlMS.o # # Include flags # INCLUDE_FLAGS = -I$(MSIncDir) # # Include files and libraries for libcurl # Please run 'curl-config --cflags' and 'curl-config --libs' # on your system and edit the following two lines accordingly. # INCLUDE_FLAGS += -I/opt/local/include LIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lcurl -lidn -lssl -lcrypto -lssl -lcrypto -lz #LIBS = -L/usr/lib -lcurl -loauth # # Additional includes and libs for libxml2 # INCLUDE_FLAGS += -I/opt/local/include/libxml2 LIBS += -L/opt/local/lib -lxml2 -lz -lpthread -lm -ljansson # # Compile and link flags # INCLUDES += $(INCLUDE_FLAGS) $(LIB_INCLUDES) $(SVR_INCLUDES) CFLAGS_OPTIONS := -DRODS_SERVER $(CFLAGS) $(MY_CFLAG) CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_OPTIONS) $(INCLUDES) $(MODULE_CFLAGS) .PHONY: all rules microservices server client clean .PHONY: server_ldflags client_ldflags server_cflags client_cflags .PHONY: print_cflags # Build everything all: microservices @true # List module's objects for inclusion in the clients client_ldflags: @true # List module's includes for inclusion in the clients client_cflags: @true # List module's objects and needed libs for inclusion in the server server_ldflags: @echo $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) # List module's includes for inclusion in the server server_cflags: @echo $(INCLUDE_FLAGS) # Build microservices microservices: print_cflags $(OBJECTS) @true # Build client additions client: @true # Build server additions server: @true # Build rules rules: @true # Clean clean: @echo "Clean URL module..." @rm -f $(OBJECTS) # Show compile flags print_cflags: @echo "Compile flags:" @echo " $(CFLAGS_OPTIONS)" # # Compilation targets # $(OBJECTS): $(MSObjDir)/%.o: $(MSSrcDir)/%.c $(DEPEND) @echo "Compile URL module `basename $@`..." @$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<