#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin Originally written by Adil Hasan, University of Liverpool, April 2009 - Script to read config file and run doxygen on the iRODS source code - Used /config/doxygen.config - Generates full doxygen output (graphs, images, links, full source) Modified by Terrell Russell, SILS@UNC-CH, Sept 2009 - Refactored quite a bit - Added second Doxyfile for cleaner, quicker, msi-only documentation - Only *.c files, no images - Set this new Doxyfile as default - Runs in under one minute - Compiles HTML - Can compile RTF - Can compile PDF from LATEX source - Better output/feedback ----- This script checks the current $PATH for installed versions of: doxygen, latex, and pdflatex. In addition to doxygen, to run this script you may need to install: imagemagick, texlive, and/or texlive-latex-extra Run this script: $/iRODS/> ruby runDoxygen.rb You can safely re-run this script multiple times. =end # Check that an executable exists on the machine def executable_exists(program_name) exists = false path_array = ENV['PATH'].split(':') for indx in 0...path_array.length do path = File.join(path_array[indx], program_name) if (File.exist?(path)) exists = true end end return exists end # Read in the config file def read_config(cfg_file, doxy_keys) doxy_cfg = Hash.new() if (!File.exist?(cfg_file)) then puts("Error: Cannot open Doxyfile (doxygen config file)!") exit(1) end file = File.new(cfg_file, "r") while (line=file.gets()) if ((line =~ /#/) == nil) then tkey, tvalue = line.split("=") key = tkey.strip() if (tvalue) then value = tvalue.strip() end if (doxy_keys.include?(key)) then doxy_cfg[key] = value end end end file.close() return doxy_cfg end def main() # Configuration input_file = "./config/doxygen.config" # original full config - Adil Hasan input_file = "./config/doxygen-msi.config" # just microservices (msi) - Terrell Russell output_file = "./config/doxygen-saved.cfg" doxy_keys = ["PROJECT_NAME", "PROJECT_NUMBER", "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", "STRIP_FROM_PATH", "INPUT", "GENERATE_HTML", "GENERATE_RTF", "GENERATE_LATEX"] # Check for doxygen in path if (!executable_exists("doxygen")) puts("Error: doxygen executable not found in your path or not installed\n\n") exit(1) end # Check whether this script has been run already response = "" if (File.exist?(output_file)) puts("\nAttention: [#{output_file}] already exists.") puts("\Use previous settings? y/n [y]:") response = gets() end # Determine whether to read config file if (!File.exist?(output_file) || response.strip() =~ /n/) # Read included config file doxy_cfg = read_config(input_file, doxy_keys) # Prompt for custom values of configuration parameters puts("\n---\n\nThis script can generate RTF, LATEX, and HTML documentation for iRODS.\n\n") puts("Enter your configuration parameter values.\nThe default values are in brackets.") puts("Your saved configuration values will be written to [#{output_file}]\n\n") for key in doxy_cfg.keys.sort.reverse # Skip the strip_from_path it is the same as the input if ((key =~ /STRIP_FROM_PATH/) != nil) then next end if (doxy_cfg[key] != nil) then puts("Enter #{key} [#{doxy_cfg[key]}]:") tvalue = gets() value = tvalue.strip() if (value.length() > 0) then doxy_cfg[key] = value end else puts("Enter #{key} []:") tvalue = gets() value = tvalue.strip() if (value.length() > 0) then doxy_cfg[key] = value end end end doxy_cfg["STRIP_FROM_PATH"] = doxy_cfg["OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"] # Write out the customized Doxygen output file. in_file = File.new(input_file, "r") out_file = File.new(output_file, "w") while (line = in_file.gets()) do if (line =~ /=/) then tkey, tvalue = line.split("=") key = tkey.strip() if (doxy_keys.include?(key)) then line = [tkey, doxy_cfg[key]].join(" = ") end end out_file.puts(line) end in_file.close() out_file.close() # Entered 'y', so continue with existing saved config file else doxy_cfg = read_config(output_file, doxy_keys) doxy_cfg["STRIP_FROM_PATH"] = doxy_cfg["OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"] puts("Re-running Doxygen with the previously saved configuration...") end # Remove any earlier generated documentation system("rm -r #{doxy_cfg["OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"]}/html/") system("rm -r #{doxy_cfg["OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"]}/rtf/") system("rm -r #{doxy_cfg["OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"]}/latex/") # Run the doxygen command puts("Running the doxygen command to generate documentation.") system("doxygen #{output_file}") if ($? != 0) then puts("Error: Failed generating the documentation. Return Code: #{$?}") else puts("Finished generating documentation!") end # Run the pdflatex command, if necessary if (doxy_cfg["GENERATE_LATEX"] == "YES" && (executable_exists("latex") || executable_exists("pdflatex"))) puts("Generating a pdf from the latex documentation.") system("cd #{doxy_cfg["OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"]}/latex; make") if ($? != 0) then puts("Error: Failed generating the pdf. Return Code: #{$?}") else puts("Finished generating pdf!") end end # Friendly output puts("\n---\n") if (doxy_cfg["GENERATE_RTF"] == "YES") puts("RTF documentation -> #{doxy_cfg["OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"]}/rtf/refman.rtf") end if (doxy_cfg["GENERATE_LATEX"] == "YES") puts("LATEX documentation -> #{doxy_cfg["OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"]}/latex/") puts("PDF documentation -> #{doxy_cfg["OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"]}/latex/refman.pdf") end if (doxy_cfg["GENERATE_HTML"] == "YES") puts("HTML documentation -> #{doxy_cfg["OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"]}/html/index.html") end end main()