# This is the optional host configuration file for configuring the # equivalent host address used by the iRODS server. The server uses # the gethostbyname() call to get the network address of each host but # this call may not be able to get all the special network addresses # configured for this host. In this case, a line should be added in # this file for each host that requires clarification. Each line # should list all the hostnames and addresses (separated by spaces) # for a given host. If the host is the local host, the first entry # must be the keyword "localhost" followed by all the local host # addresses. In addition, the first entry following the "localhost" # is the preferred address and will be used for connecting to clients # and remote servers. # Similarly, a line can be entered for each remote host. This line will # not begin with the "localhost" keyword and the first entry is the # preferred address. # e.g. : # localhost one.ucsd.edu one