package File::Path; use 5.005_04; use strict; use Cwd 'getcwd'; use File::Basename (); use File::Spec (); BEGIN { if ( $] < 5.006 ) { # can't say 'opendir my $dh, $dirname' # need to initialise $dh eval 'use Symbol'; } } use Exporter (); use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); $VERSION = '2.15'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(mkpath rmtree); @EXPORT_OK = qw(make_path remove_tree); BEGIN { for (qw(VMS MacOS MSWin32 os2)) { no strict 'refs'; *{"_IS_\U$_"} = $^O eq $_ ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 }; } # These OSes complain if you want to remove a file that you have no # write permission to: *_FORCE_WRITABLE = ( grep { $^O eq $_ } qw(amigaos dos epoc MSWin32 MacOS os2) ) ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 }; # Unix-like systems need to stat each directory in order to detect # race condition. MS-Windows is immune to this particular attack. *_NEED_STAT_CHECK = !(_IS_MSWIN32()) ? sub () { 1 } : sub () { 0 }; } sub _carp { require Carp; goto &Carp::carp; } sub _croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak; } sub _error { my $arg = shift; my $message = shift; my $object = shift; if ( $arg->{error} ) { $object = '' unless defined $object; $message .= ": $!" if $!; push @{ ${ $arg->{error} } }, { $object => $message }; } else { _carp( defined($object) ? "$message for $object: $!" : "$message: $!" ); } } sub __is_arg { my ($arg) = @_; # If client code blessed an array ref to HASH, this will not work # properly. We could have done $arg->isa() wrapped in eval, but # that would be expensive. This implementation should suffice. # We could have also used Scalar::Util:blessed, but we choose not # to add this dependency return ( ref $arg eq 'HASH' ); } sub make_path { push @_, {} unless @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] ); goto &mkpath; } sub mkpath { my $old_style = !( @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] ) ); my $data; my $paths; if ($old_style) { my ( $verbose, $mode ); ( $paths, $verbose, $mode ) = @_; $paths = [$paths] unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $paths, 'ARRAY' ); $data->{verbose} = $verbose; $data->{mode} = defined $mode ? $mode : oct '777'; } else { my %args_permitted = map { $_ => 1 } ( qw| chmod error group mask mode owner uid user verbose | ); my %not_on_win32_args = map { $_ => 1 } ( qw| group owner uid user | ); my @bad_args = (); my @win32_implausible_args = (); my $arg = pop @_; for my $k (sort keys %{$arg}) { if (! $args_permitted{$k}) { push @bad_args, $k; } elsif ($not_on_win32_args{$k} and _IS_MSWIN32) { push @win32_implausible_args, $k; } else { $data->{$k} = $arg->{$k}; } } _carp("Unrecognized option(s) passed to mkpath() or make_path(): @bad_args") if @bad_args; _carp("Option(s) implausible on Win32 passed to mkpath() or make_path(): @win32_implausible_args") if @win32_implausible_args; $data->{mode} = delete $data->{mask} if exists $data->{mask}; $data->{mode} = oct '777' unless exists $data->{mode}; ${ $data->{error} } = [] if exists $data->{error}; unless (@win32_implausible_args) { $data->{owner} = delete $data->{user} if exists $data->{user}; $data->{owner} = delete $data->{uid} if exists $data->{uid}; if ( exists $data->{owner} and $data->{owner} =~ /\D/ ) { my $uid = ( getpwnam $data->{owner} )[2]; if ( defined $uid ) { $data->{owner} = $uid; } else { _error( $data, "unable to map $data->{owner} to a uid, ownership not changed" ); delete $data->{owner}; } } if ( exists $data->{group} and $data->{group} =~ /\D/ ) { my $gid = ( getgrnam $data->{group} )[2]; if ( defined $gid ) { $data->{group} = $gid; } else { _error( $data, "unable to map $data->{group} to a gid, group ownership not changed" ); delete $data->{group}; } } if ( exists $data->{owner} and not exists $data->{group} ) { $data->{group} = -1; # chown will leave group unchanged } if ( exists $data->{group} and not exists $data->{owner} ) { $data->{owner} = -1; # chown will leave owner unchanged } } $paths = [@_]; } return _mkpath( $data, $paths ); } sub _mkpath { my $data = shift; my $paths = shift; my ( @created ); foreach my $path ( @{$paths} ) { next unless defined($path) and length($path); $path .= '/' if _IS_OS2 and $path =~ /^\w:\z/s; # feature of CRT # Logic wants Unix paths, so go with the flow. if (_IS_VMS) { next if $path eq '/'; $path = VMS::Filespec::unixify($path); } next if -d $path; my $parent = File::Basename::dirname($path); # Coverage note: It's not clear how we would test the condition: # '-d $parent or $path eq $parent' unless ( -d $parent or $path eq $parent ) { push( @created, _mkpath( $data, [$parent] ) ); } print "mkdir $path\n" if $data->{verbose}; if ( mkdir( $path, $data->{mode} ) ) { push( @created, $path ); if ( exists $data->{owner} ) { # NB: $data->{group} guaranteed to be set during initialisation if ( !chown $data->{owner}, $data->{group}, $path ) { _error( $data, "Cannot change ownership of $path to $data->{owner}:$data->{group}" ); } } if ( exists $data->{chmod} ) { # Coverage note: It's not clear how we would trigger the next # 'if' block. Failure of 'chmod' might first result in a # system error: "Permission denied". if ( !chmod $data->{chmod}, $path ) { _error( $data, "Cannot change permissions of $path to $data->{chmod}" ); } } } else { my $save_bang = $!; # From 'perldoc perlvar': $EXTENDED_OS_ERROR ($^E) is documented # as: # Error information specific to the current operating system. At the # moment, this differs from "$!" under only VMS, OS/2, and Win32 # (and for MacPerl). On all other platforms, $^E is always just the # same as $!. my ( $e, $e1 ) = ( $save_bang, $^E ); $e .= "; $e1" if $e ne $e1; # allow for another process to have created it meanwhile if ( ! -d $path ) { $! = $save_bang; if ( $data->{error} ) { push @{ ${ $data->{error} } }, { $path => $e }; } else { _croak("mkdir $path: $e"); } } } } return @created; } sub remove_tree { push @_, {} unless @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] ); goto &rmtree; } sub _is_subdir { my ( $dir, $test ) = @_; my ( $dv, $dd ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $dir, 1 ); my ( $tv, $td ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $test, 1 ); # not on same volume return 0 if $dv ne $tv; my @d = File::Spec->splitdir($dd); my @t = File::Spec->splitdir($td); # @t can't be a subdir if it's shorter than @d return 0 if @t < @d; return join( '/', @d ) eq join( '/', splice @t, 0, +@d ); } sub rmtree { my $old_style = !( @_ and __is_arg( $_[-1] ) ); my ($arg, $data, $paths); if ($old_style) { my ( $verbose, $safe ); ( $paths, $verbose, $safe ) = @_; $data->{verbose} = $verbose; $data->{safe} = defined $safe ? $safe : 0; if ( defined($paths) and length($paths) ) { $paths = [$paths] unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $paths, 'ARRAY' ); } else { _carp("No root path(s) specified\n"); return 0; } } else { my %args_permitted = map { $_ => 1 } ( qw| error keep_root result safe verbose | ); my @bad_args = (); my $arg = pop @_; for my $k (sort keys %{$arg}) { if (! $args_permitted{$k}) { push @bad_args, $k; } else { $data->{$k} = $arg->{$k}; } } _carp("Unrecognized option(s) passed to remove_tree(): @bad_args") if @bad_args; ${ $data->{error} } = [] if exists $data->{error}; ${ $data->{result} } = [] if exists $data->{result}; # Wouldn't it make sense to do some validation on @_ before assigning # to $paths here? # In the $old_style case we guarantee that each path is both defined # and non-empty. We don't check that here, which means we have to # check it later in the first condition in this line: # if ( $ortho_root_length && _is_subdir( $ortho_root, $ortho_cwd ) ) { # Granted, that would be a change in behavior for the two # non-old-style interfaces. $paths = [@_]; } $data->{prefix} = ''; $data->{depth} = 0; my @clean_path; $data->{cwd} = getcwd() or do { _error( $data, "cannot fetch initial working directory" ); return 0; }; for ( $data->{cwd} ) { /\A(.*)\Z/s; $_ = $1 } # untaint for my $p (@$paths) { # need to fixup case and map \ to / on Windows my $ortho_root = _IS_MSWIN32 ? _slash_lc($p) : $p; my $ortho_cwd = _IS_MSWIN32 ? _slash_lc( $data->{cwd} ) : $data->{cwd}; my $ortho_root_length = length($ortho_root); $ortho_root_length-- if _IS_VMS; # don't compare '.' with ']' if ( $ortho_root_length && _is_subdir( $ortho_root, $ortho_cwd ) ) { local $! = 0; _error( $data, "cannot remove path when cwd is $data->{cwd}", $p ); next; } if (_IS_MACOS) { $p = ":$p" unless $p =~ /:/; $p .= ":" unless $p =~ /:\z/; } elsif ( _IS_MSWIN32 ) { $p =~ s{[/\\]\z}{}; } else { $p =~ s{/\z}{}; } push @clean_path, $p; } @{$data}{qw(device inode)} = ( lstat $data->{cwd} )[ 0, 1 ] or do { _error( $data, "cannot stat initial working directory", $data->{cwd} ); return 0; }; return _rmtree( $data, \@clean_path ); } sub _rmtree { my $data = shift; my $paths = shift; my $count = 0; my $curdir = File::Spec->curdir(); my $updir = File::Spec->updir(); my ( @files, $root ); ROOT_DIR: foreach my $root (@$paths) { # since we chdir into each directory, it may not be obvious # to figure out where we are if we generate a message about # a file name. We therefore construct a semi-canonical # filename, anchored from the directory being unlinked (as # opposed to being truly canonical, anchored from the root (/). my $canon = $data->{prefix} ? File::Spec->catfile( $data->{prefix}, $root ) : $root; my ( $ldev, $lino, $perm ) = ( lstat $root )[ 0, 1, 2 ] or next ROOT_DIR; if ( -d _ ) { $root = VMS::Filespec::vmspath( VMS::Filespec::pathify($root) ) if _IS_VMS; if ( !chdir($root) ) { # see if we can escalate privileges to get in # (e.g. funny protection mask such as -w- instead of rwx) # This uses fchmod to avoid traversing outside of the proper # location (CVE-2017-6512) my $root_fh; if (open($root_fh, '<', $root)) { my ($fh_dev, $fh_inode) = (stat $root_fh )[0,1]; $perm &= oct '7777'; my $nperm = $perm | oct '700'; local $@; if ( !( $data->{safe} or $nperm == $perm or !-d _ or $fh_dev ne $ldev or $fh_inode ne $lino or eval { chmod( $nperm, $root_fh ) } ) ) { _error( $data, "cannot make child directory read-write-exec", $canon ); next ROOT_DIR; } close $root_fh; } if ( !chdir($root) ) { _error( $data, "cannot chdir to child", $canon ); next ROOT_DIR; } } my ( $cur_dev, $cur_inode, $perm ) = ( stat $curdir )[ 0, 1, 2 ] or do { _error( $data, "cannot stat current working directory", $canon ); next ROOT_DIR; }; if (_NEED_STAT_CHECK) { ( $ldev eq $cur_dev and $lino eq $cur_inode ) or _croak( "directory $canon changed before chdir, expected dev=$ldev ino=$lino, actual dev=$cur_dev ino=$cur_inode, aborting." ); } $perm &= oct '7777'; # don't forget setuid, setgid, sticky bits my $nperm = $perm | oct '700'; # notabene: 0700 is for making readable in the first place, # it's also intended to change it to writable in case we have # to recurse in which case we are better than rm -rf for # subtrees with strange permissions if ( !( $data->{safe} or $nperm == $perm or chmod( $nperm, $curdir ) ) ) { _error( $data, "cannot make directory read+writeable", $canon ); $nperm = $perm; } my $d; $d = gensym() if $] < 5.006; if ( !opendir $d, $curdir ) { _error( $data, "cannot opendir", $canon ); @files = (); } else { if ( !defined ${^TAINT} or ${^TAINT} ) { # Blindly untaint dir names if taint mode is active @files = map { /\A(.*)\z/s; $1 } readdir $d; } else { @files = readdir $d; } closedir $d; } if (_IS_VMS) { # Deleting large numbers of files from VMS Files-11 # filesystems is faster if done in reverse ASCIIbetical order. # include '.' to '.;' from blead patch #31775 @files = map { $_ eq '.' ? '.;' : $_ } reverse @files; } @files = grep { $_ ne $updir and $_ ne $curdir } @files; if (@files) { # remove the contained files before the directory itself my $narg = {%$data}; @{$narg}{qw(device inode cwd prefix depth)} = ( $cur_dev, $cur_inode, $updir, $canon, $data->{depth} + 1 ); $count += _rmtree( $narg, \@files ); } # restore directory permissions of required now (in case the rmdir # below fails), while we are still in the directory and may do so # without a race via '.' if ( $nperm != $perm and not chmod( $perm, $curdir ) ) { _error( $data, "cannot reset chmod", $canon ); } # don't leave the client code in an unexpected directory chdir( $data->{cwd} ) or _croak("cannot chdir to $data->{cwd} from $canon: $!, aborting."); # ensure that a chdir upwards didn't take us somewhere other # than we expected (see CVE-2002-0435) ( $cur_dev, $cur_inode ) = ( stat $curdir )[ 0, 1 ] or _croak( "cannot stat prior working directory $data->{cwd}: $!, aborting." ); if (_NEED_STAT_CHECK) { ( $data->{device} eq $cur_dev and $data->{inode} eq $cur_inode ) or _croak( "previous directory $data->{cwd} " . "changed before entering $canon, " . "expected dev=$ldev ino=$lino, " . "actual dev=$cur_dev ino=$cur_inode, aborting." ); } if ( $data->{depth} or !$data->{keep_root} ) { if ( $data->{safe} && ( _IS_VMS ? !&VMS::Filespec::candelete($root) : !-w $root ) ) { print "skipped $root\n" if $data->{verbose}; next ROOT_DIR; } if ( _FORCE_WRITABLE and !chmod $perm | oct '700', $root ) { _error( $data, "cannot make directory writeable", $canon ); } print "rmdir $root\n" if $data->{verbose}; if ( rmdir $root ) { push @{ ${ $data->{result} } }, $root if $data->{result}; ++$count; } else { _error( $data, "cannot remove directory", $canon ); if ( _FORCE_WRITABLE && !chmod( $perm, ( _IS_VMS ? VMS::Filespec::fileify($root) : $root ) ) ) { _error( $data, sprintf( "cannot restore permissions to 0%o", $perm ), $canon ); } } } } else { # not a directory $root = VMS::Filespec::vmsify("./$root") if _IS_VMS && !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($root) && ( $root !~ m/(?]+/ ); # not already in VMS syntax if ( $data->{safe} && ( _IS_VMS ? !&VMS::Filespec::candelete($root) : !( -l $root || -w $root ) ) ) { print "skipped $root\n" if $data->{verbose}; next ROOT_DIR; } my $nperm = $perm & oct '7777' | oct '600'; if ( _FORCE_WRITABLE and $nperm != $perm and not chmod $nperm, $root ) { _error( $data, "cannot make file writeable", $canon ); } print "unlink $canon\n" if $data->{verbose}; # delete all versions under VMS for ( ; ; ) { if ( unlink $root ) { push @{ ${ $data->{result} } }, $root if $data->{result}; } else { _error( $data, "cannot unlink file", $canon ); _FORCE_WRITABLE and chmod( $perm, $root ) or _error( $data, sprintf( "cannot restore permissions to 0%o", $perm ), $canon ); last; } ++$count; last unless _IS_VMS && lstat $root; } } } return $count; } sub _slash_lc { # fix up slashes and case on MSWin32 so that we can determine that # c:\path\to\dir is underneath C:/Path/To my $path = shift; $path =~ tr{\\}{/}; return lc($path); } 1; __END__