// @(#)root/fft:$Id$ // Author: Anna Kreshuk 07/4/2006 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TFFTReal #define ROOT_TFFTReal #include "TVirtualFFT.h" #include "TString.h" class TComplex; class TFFTReal: public TVirtualFFT{ protected: void *fIn; //input array void *fOut; //output array void *fPlan; //fftw plan (the plan how to compute the transform) Int_t fNdim; //number of dimensions Int_t fTotalSize; //total size of the transform Int_t *fN; //transform sizes in each dimension void *fKind; //transform kinds in each dimension TString fFlags; //transform flags Int_t MapOptions(const Int_t *kind); UInt_t MapFlag(Option_t *flag); public: TFFTReal(); TFFTReal(Int_t n, Bool_t inPlace=kFALSE); TFFTReal(Int_t ndim, Int_t *n, Bool_t inPlace=kFALSE); virtual ~TFFTReal(); virtual void Init( Option_t *flags,Int_t sign, const Int_t *kind); virtual Int_t GetSize() const {return fTotalSize;} virtual Int_t *GetN() const {return fN;} virtual Int_t GetNdim() const {return fNdim;} virtual Option_t *GetType() const; virtual Int_t GetSign() const {return 0;} virtual Option_t *GetTransformFlag() const {return fFlags;} virtual Bool_t IsInplace() const {if (fOut) return kTRUE; else return kFALSE;} virtual void GetPoints(Double_t *data, Bool_t fromInput = kFALSE) const; virtual Double_t GetPointReal(Int_t ipoint, Bool_t fromInput = kFALSE) const; virtual Double_t GetPointReal(const Int_t *ipoint, Bool_t fromInput = kFALSE) const; virtual void GetPointComplex(const Int_t *ipoint, Double_t &re, Double_t &im, Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const; virtual void GetPointComplex(Int_t ipoint, Double_t &re, Double_t &im, Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const; virtual Double_t *GetPointsReal(Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const; virtual void GetPointsComplex(Double_t* /*re*/, Double_t* /*im*/, Bool_t /*fromInput = kFALSE*/) const{}; virtual void GetPointsComplex(Double_t* /*data*/, Bool_t /*fromInput = kFALSE*/) const {}; virtual void SetPoint(Int_t ipoint, Double_t re, Double_t im = 0); virtual void SetPoint(const Int_t *ipoint, Double_t re, Double_t /*im=0*/); virtual void SetPoints(const Double_t *data); virtual void SetPointComplex(Int_t /*ipoint*/, TComplex &/*c*/){}; virtual void SetPointsComplex(const Double_t* /*re*/, const Double_t* /*im*/){}; virtual void Transform(); ClassDef(TFFTReal,0); }; #endif