// @(#)root/geom:$Id$ // Author: Andrei Gheata 25/10/01 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGeoMaterial #define ROOT_TGeoMaterial #include #include #include #include "TGeoElement.h" // forward declarations class TGeoExtension; class TGDMLMatrix; // Some units used in G4 static const Double_t STP_temperature = 273.15; // [K] static const Double_t STP_pressure = 6.32420e+8; // [MeV/mm3] class TGeoMaterial : public TNamed, public TAttFill { public: enum EGeoMaterial { kMatUsed = BIT(17), kMatSavePrimitive = BIT(18) }; enum EGeoMaterialState { kMatStateUndefined, kMatStateSolid, kMatStateLiquid, kMatStateGas }; protected: Int_t fIndex; // material index Double_t fA; // A of material Double_t fZ; // Z of material Double_t fDensity; // density of material Double_t fRadLen; // radiation length Double_t fIntLen; // interaction length Double_t fTemperature; // temperature Double_t fPressure; // pressure EGeoMaterialState fState; // material state TObject *fShader; // shader with optical properties TObject *fCerenkov; // pointer to class with Cerenkov properties TGeoElement *fElement; // pointer to element composing the material TList fProperties; // user-defined properties TList fConstProperties; // user-defined constant properties TGeoExtension *fUserExtension; //! Transient user-defined extension to materials TGeoExtension *fFWExtension; //! Transient framework-defined extension to materials // methods TGeoMaterial(const TGeoMaterial&); TGeoMaterial& operator=(const TGeoMaterial&); public: // constructors TGeoMaterial(); TGeoMaterial(const char *name); TGeoMaterial(const char *name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t rho, Double_t radlen=0, Double_t intlen=0); TGeoMaterial(const char *name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t rho, EGeoMaterialState state, Double_t temperature=STP_temperature, Double_t pressure=STP_pressure); TGeoMaterial(const char *name, TGeoElement *elem, Double_t rho); // destructor virtual ~TGeoMaterial(); // methods static Double_t Coulomb(Double_t z); // radioactive mixture evolution virtual TGeoMaterial *DecayMaterial(Double_t time, Double_t precision=0.001); virtual void FillMaterialEvolution(TObjArray *population, Double_t precision=0.001); // getters & setters bool AddProperty(const char *property, const char *ref); bool AddConstProperty(const char *property, const char *ref); Int_t GetNproperties() const { return fProperties.GetSize(); } Int_t GetNconstProperties() const { return fConstProperties.GetSize(); } const char *GetPropertyRef(const char *property) const; const char *GetPropertyRef(Int_t i) const { return (fProperties.At(i) ? fProperties.At(i)->GetTitle() : nullptr); } Double_t GetConstProperty(const char *property, Bool_t *error = nullptr) const; Double_t GetConstProperty(Int_t i, Bool_t *error = nullptr) const; const char *GetConstPropertyRef(const char *property) const; const char *GetConstPropertyRef(Int_t i) const { return (fConstProperties.At(i) ? fConstProperties.At(i)->GetTitle() : nullptr); } TList const &GetProperties() const { return fProperties; } TList const &GetConstProperties() const { return fConstProperties; } TGDMLMatrix* GetProperty(const char* name) const; TGDMLMatrix* GetProperty(Int_t i) const; virtual Int_t GetByteCount() const {return sizeof(*this);} virtual Double_t GetA() const {return fA;} virtual Double_t GetZ() const {return fZ;} virtual Int_t GetDefaultColor() const; virtual Double_t GetDensity() const {return fDensity;} virtual Int_t GetNelements() const {return 1;} virtual TGeoElement *GetElement(Int_t i=0) const; virtual void GetElementProp(Double_t &a, Double_t &z, Double_t &w, Int_t i=0); TGeoElement *GetBaseElement() const {return fElement;} char *GetPointerName() const; virtual Double_t GetRadLen() const {return fRadLen;} virtual Double_t GetIntLen() const {return fIntLen;} Int_t GetIndex(); virtual TObject *GetCerenkovProperties() const {return fCerenkov;} Char_t GetTransparency() const {return (fFillStyle<3000 || fFillStyle>3100)?0:Char_t(fFillStyle-3000);} Double_t GetTemperature() const {return fTemperature;} Double_t GetPressure() const {return fPressure;} EGeoMaterialState GetState() const {return fState;} virtual Double_t GetSpecificActivity(Int_t) const {return 0.;} TGeoExtension *GetUserExtension() const {return fUserExtension;} TGeoExtension *GetFWExtension() const {return fFWExtension;} TGeoExtension *GrabUserExtension() const; TGeoExtension *GrabFWExtension() const; virtual Bool_t IsEq(const TGeoMaterial *other) const; Bool_t IsUsed() const {return TObject::TestBit(kMatUsed);} virtual Bool_t IsMixture() const {return kFALSE;} virtual void Print(const Option_t *option="") const; virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option = ""); virtual void SetA(Double_t a) {fA = a; SetRadLen(0);} virtual void SetZ(Double_t z) {fZ = z; SetRadLen(0);} virtual void SetDensity(Double_t density) {fDensity = density; SetRadLen(0);} void SetIndex(Int_t index) {fIndex=index;} virtual void SetCerenkovProperties(TObject* cerenkov) {fCerenkov = cerenkov;} void SetRadLen(Double_t radlen, Double_t intlen=0.); void SetUsed(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) {TObject::SetBit(kMatUsed, flag);} void SetTransparency(Char_t transparency=0) {fFillStyle = 3000+transparency;} void SetTemperature(Double_t temperature) {fTemperature = temperature;} void SetPressure(Double_t pressure) {fPressure = pressure;} void SetState(EGeoMaterialState state) {fState = state;} void SetUserExtension(TGeoExtension *ext); void SetFWExtension(TGeoExtension *ext); static Double_t ScreenFactor(Double_t z); ClassDef(TGeoMaterial, 7) // base material class //***** Need to add classes and globals to LinkDef.h ***** }; class TGeoMixture : public TGeoMaterial { protected : // data members Int_t fNelements; // number of elements Double_t *fZmixture; // [fNelements] array of Z of the elements Double_t *fAmixture; // [fNelements] array of A of the elements Double_t *fWeights; // [fNelements] array of relative proportions by mass Int_t *fNatoms; // [fNelements] array of numbers of atoms Double_t *fVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume; //[fNelements] array of numbers of atoms per unit volume TObjArray *fElements; // array of elements composing the mixture // methods TGeoMixture(const TGeoMixture&) = delete; TGeoMixture& operator=(const TGeoMixture&) = delete; void AverageProperties(); public: // constructors TGeoMixture(); TGeoMixture(const char *name, Int_t nel, Double_t rho=-1); // destructor virtual ~TGeoMixture(); // methods for adding elements void AddElement(Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t weight); void AddElement(TGeoMaterial *mat, Double_t weight); void AddElement(TGeoElement *elem, Double_t weight); void AddElement(TGeoElement *elem, Int_t natoms); // backward compatibility for defining elements void DefineElement(Int_t iel, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t weight); void DefineElement(Int_t iel, TGeoElement *elem, Double_t weight); void DefineElement(Int_t iel, Int_t z, Int_t natoms); // radioactive mixture evolution virtual TGeoMaterial *DecayMaterial(Double_t time, Double_t precision=0.001); virtual void FillMaterialEvolution(TObjArray *population, Double_t precision=0.001); // getters virtual Int_t GetByteCount() const {return 48+12*fNelements;} virtual TGeoElement *GetElement(Int_t i=0) const; virtual void GetElementProp(Double_t &a, Double_t &z, Double_t &w, Int_t i=0) {a=fAmixture[i]; z=fZmixture[i]; w=fWeights[i];} virtual Int_t GetNelements() const {return fNelements;} Double_t *GetZmixt() const {return fZmixture;} Double_t *GetAmixt() const {return fAmixture;} Double_t *GetWmixt() const {return fWeights;} Int_t *GetNmixt() const {return fNatoms;} virtual Double_t GetSpecificActivity(Int_t i=-1) const; // utilities virtual Bool_t IsEq(const TGeoMaterial *other) const; virtual Bool_t IsMixture() const {return kTRUE;} virtual void Print(const Option_t *option="") const; virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option = ""); virtual void SetA(Double_t a) {fA = a;} virtual void SetZ(Double_t z) {fZ = z;} virtual void SetDensity(Double_t density) {fDensity = density; AverageProperties();} void ComputeDerivedQuantities(); void ComputeRadiationLength(); void ComputeNuclearInterLength(); ClassDef(TGeoMixture, 3) // material mixtures }; inline void TGeoMixture::DefineElement(Int_t, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t weight) {return AddElement(a,z,weight);} inline void TGeoMixture::DefineElement(Int_t, TGeoElement *elem, Double_t weight) {return AddElement(elem,weight);} #endif