/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_hist /// \notebook /// Example creating a simple ratio plot of two histograms using the `pois` division option. /// Two histograms are set up and filled with random numbers. The constructor of `TRatioPlot` /// takes the to histograms, name and title for the object, drawing options for the histograms (`hist` and `E` in this case) /// and a drawing option for the output graph. /// /// \macro_image /// \macro_code /// /// \author Paul Gessinger void ratioplot1() { gStyle->SetOptStat(0); auto c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "A ratio example"); auto h1 = new TH1D("h1", "h1", 50, 0, 10); auto h2 = new TH1D("h2", "h2", 50, 0, 10); auto f1 = new TF1("f1", "exp(- x/[0] )"); f1->SetParameter(0, 3); h1->FillRandom("f1", 1900); h2->FillRandom("f1", 2000); h1->Sumw2(); h2->Scale(1.9 / 2.); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x"); h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y"); auto rp = new TRatioPlot(h1, h2); c1->SetTicks(0, 1); rp->Draw(); rp->GetLowYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); }