# Copyright (C) 1995-2019, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. # All rights reserved. # # For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. # For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. if(pyroot) if(pyroot_legacy) add_subdirectory(pyroot_legacy) else() # Machinery necessary to loop in parallel over multiple lists # This will be used in the CMakeLists of pythonizations, # cppyy, cppyy-backend and CPyCppyy to build and install targets # for multiple Python versions (only 2 and 3 for now) list(LENGTH python_executables len) math(EXPR how_many_pythons "${len} - 1") # install_dir_lib contains the path to installation_directory/lib # where the python packages like ROOT, cppyy, cppyy_backend are # installed if(IS_ABSOLUTE ${runtimedir}) set(install_dir_lib $ENV{DESTDIR}/${runtimedir}) else() set(install_dir_lib $ENV{DESTDIR}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${runtimedir}) endif() add_subdirectory(pyroot) add_subdirectory(tpython) add_subdirectory(jupyroot) add_subdirectory(jsmva) endif() endif() if(r) add_subdirectory(r) endif()