""" Dynamic C++ bindings generator. """ import sys, string ### helper to get the version number from root-config def get_version(): try: import commands stat, output = commands.getstatusoutput("root-config --version") if stat == 0: return output except Exception: pass # semi-sensible default in case of failure ... return "6.03/XY" ### PyPy has 'cppyy' builtin (if enabled, that is) if 'cppyy' in sys.builtin_module_names: _builtin_cppyy = True import imp sys.modules[ __name__ ] = \ imp.load_module( 'cppyy', *(None, 'cppyy', ('', '', imp.C_BUILTIN) ) ) del imp _thismodule = sys.modules[ __name__ ] _backend = _thismodule.gbl _thismodule._backend = _backend # custom behavior that is not yet part of PyPy's cppyy def _CreateScopeProxy( self, name ): return getattr( self, name ) type(_backend).CreateScopeProxy = _CreateScopeProxy def _LookupCppEntity( self, name ): return getattr( self, name ) type(_backend).LookupCppEntity = _LookupCppEntity class _Double(float): pass type(_backend).Double = _Double def _AddressOf( self, obj ): import array return array.array('L', [_thismodule.addressof( obj )] ) type(_backend).AddressOf = _AddressOf del _AddressOf, _Double, _LookupCppEntity, _CreateScopeProxy else: _builtin_cppyy = False # load PyROOT C++ extension module, special case for linux and Sun needsGlobal = ( 0 <= sys.platform.find( 'linux' ) ) or\ ( 0 <= sys.platform.find( 'sunos' ) ) if needsGlobal: # change dl flags to load dictionaries from pre-linked .so's dlflags = sys.getdlopenflags() sys.setdlopenflags( 0x100 | 0x2 ) # RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW import libPyROOT as _backend # reset dl flags if needed if needsGlobal: sys.setdlopenflags( dlflags ) del needsGlobal # PyCintex tests rely on this, but they should not: sys.modules[ __name__ ].libPyROOT = _backend if not _builtin_cppyy: _backend.SetMemoryPolicy( _backend.kMemoryStrict ) ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### -- metaclass helper from six ------------------------------------------------ ### -- https://bitbucket.org/gutworth/six/src/8a545f4e906f6f479a6eb8837f31d03731597687/six.py?at=default#cl-800 # # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Benjamin Peterson # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. def with_metaclass(meta, *bases): """Create a base class with a metaclass.""" # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a dummy # metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces itself with # the actual metaclass. class metaclass(meta): def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d): return meta(name, bases, d) return type.__new__(metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {}) ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### template support ------------------------------------------------------------ if not _builtin_cppyy: class Template: def __init__( self, name ): self.__name__ = name def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.__name__, hex(id(self))) def __call__( self, *args ): newargs = [ self.__name__[ 0 <= self.__name__.find( 'std::' ) and 5 or 0:] ] for arg in args: if type(arg) == str: arg = ','.join( map( lambda x: x.strip(), arg.split(',') ) ) newargs.append( arg ) result = _backend.MakeRootTemplateClass( *newargs ) # special case pythonization (builtin_map is not available from the C-API) if 'push_back' in result.__dict__: def iadd( self, ll ): [ self.push_back(x) for x in ll ] return self result.__iadd__ = iadd return result _backend.Template = Template #--- LoadDictionary function and aliases ----------------------------- def loadDictionary(name): # prepend "lib" if sys.platform != 'win32' and name[:3] != 'lib': name = 'lib' + name sc = _backend.gSystem.Load(name) if sc == -1: raise RuntimeError("Error Loading dictionary") loadDict = loadDictionary def load_reflection_info(name): sc = _backend.gSystem.Load(name) #--- Other functions needed ------------------------------------------- if not _builtin_cppyy: class _ns_meta( type ): def __getattr__( cls, name ): try: attr = _backend.LookupCppEntity( name ) except TypeError as e: raise AttributeError(str(e)) if type(attr) is _backend.PropertyProxy: setattr( cls.__class__, name, attr ) return attr.__get__(cls) setattr( cls, name, attr ) return attr class _stdmeta( type ): def __getattr__( cls, name ): # for non-templated classes in std try: klass = _backend.CreateScopeProxy( name, cls ) except TypeError as e: raise AttributeError(str(e)) setattr( cls, name, klass ) return klass class _global_cpp( with_metaclass( _ns_meta ) ): class std( with_metaclass( _stdmeta, object ) ): stlclasses = ( 'complex', 'pair', \ 'deque', 'list', 'queue', 'stack', 'vector', 'map', 'multimap', 'set', 'multiset' ) for name in stlclasses: locals()[ name ] = Template( 'std::%s' % name ) string = _backend.CreateScopeProxy( 'string' ) def addressOf( obj ) : # Cintex-style return _backend.AddressOf( obj )[0] addressof = _backend.addressof # cppyy-style else: _global_cpp = _backend def Namespace( name ): if not name: return _global_cpp try: return _backend.LookupCppEntity( name ) except AttributeError: pass # to help auto-loading, simply declare the namespace _backend.gInterpreter.Declare( 'namespace %s {}' % name ) return _backend.LookupCppEntity( name ) makeNamespace = Namespace def makeClass( name ) : return _backend.CreateScopeProxy( name ) def getAllClasses() : TClassTable = makeClass( 'TClassTable' ) TClassTable.Init() classes = [] while True : c = TClassTable.Next() if c : classes.append( c ) else : break return classes def add_smart_pointer(typename): """Add a smart pointer to the list of known smart pointer types. """ _backend.AddSmartPtrType(typename) #--- Global namespace and global objects ------------------------------- gbl = _global_cpp sys.modules['cppyy.gbl'] = gbl NULL = 0 class double(float): pass class short(int): pass class long_int(int): pass class unsigned_short(int): pass class unsigned_int(int): pass class unsigned_long(int): pass #--- Copy over locally defined names ------------------------------------ if _builtin_cppyy: for name in dir(): if name[0] != '_': setattr( _thismodule, name, eval(name) ) #--- Compatibility ------------------------------------------------------ if not _builtin_cppyy: bind_object = _backend.BindObject nullptr = _backend.nullptr #--- Pythonization factories -------------------------------------------- import _pythonization py = _pythonization _pythonization._set_backend( _backend ) from _pythonization import * del _pythonization #--- CFFI style --------------------------------------------------------- def cppdef( src ): _backend.gInterpreter.Declare( src )