// @(#)root/gpad:$Id$ // Author: Rene Brun 12/12/94 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "Riostream.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TBuffer.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TH3.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TBaseClass.h" #include "TClassTable.h" #include "TVirtualPS.h" #include "TVirtualX.h" #include "TVirtualViewer3D.h" #include "TView.h" #include "TPoint.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TMultiGraph.h" #include "THStack.h" #include "TPaveText.h" #include "TPaveStats.h" #include "TGroupButton.h" #include "TBrowser.h" #include "TVirtualGL.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TDataMember.h" #include "TMethod.h" #include "TDataType.h" #include "TFrame.h" #include "TExec.h" #include "TDatime.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TImage.h" #include "TViewer3DPad.h" #include "TCreatePrimitives.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TAtt3D.h" #include "TApplication.h" #include "TVirtualPadPainter.h" #include "TVirtualMutex.h" static Int_t gReadLevel = 0; Int_t TPad::fgMaxPickDistance = 5; ClassImpQ(TPad) /** \class TPad \ingroup gpad The most important graphics class in the ROOT system. A Pad is contained in a Canvas. A Pad may contain other pads (unlimited pad hierarchy). A pad is a linked list of primitives of any type (graphics objects, histograms, detectors, tracks, etc.). Adding a new element into a pad is in general performed by the Draw member function of the object classes. It is important to realize that the pad is a linked list of references to the original object. For example, in case of a histogram, the histogram.Draw() operation only stores a reference to the histogram object and not a graphical representation of this histogram. When the mouse is used to change (say the bin content), the bin content of the original histogram is changed. The convention used in ROOT is that a Draw operation only adds a reference to the object. The effective drawing is performed when the canvas receives a signal to be painted. \image html gpad_pad1.png This signal is generally sent when typing carriage return in the command input or when a graphical operation has been performed on one of the pads of this canvas. When a Canvas/Pad is repainted, the member function Paint for all objects in the Pad linked list is invoked. \image html gpad_pad2.png When the mouse is moved on the Pad, The member function DistancetoPrimitive is called for all the elements in the pad. DistancetoPrimitive returns the distance in pixels to this object. When the object is within the distance window, the member function ExecuteEvent is called for this object. In ExecuteEvent, move, changes can be performed on the object. For examples of DistancetoPrimitive and ExecuteEvent functions, see classes ~~~ {.cpp} TLine::DistancetoPrimitive, TLine::ExecuteEvent TBox::DistancetoPrimitive, TBox::ExecuteEvent TH1::DistancetoPrimitive, TH1::ExecuteEvent ~~~ A Pad supports linear and log scales coordinate systems. The transformation coefficients are explained in TPad::ResizePad. */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Pad default constructor. TPad::TPad() { fModified = kTRUE; fTip = nullptr; fPadPointer = nullptr; fPrimitives = nullptr; fExecs = nullptr; fCanvas = nullptr; fPadPaint = 0; fPixmapID = -1; fGLDevice = -1; fCopyGLDevice = kFALSE; fEmbeddedGL = kFALSE; fTheta = 30; fPhi = 30; fNumber = 0; fAbsCoord = kFALSE; fEditable = kTRUE; fCrosshair = 0; fCrosshairPos = 0; fPadView3D = nullptr; fMother = (TPad*)gPad; fAbsHNDC = 0.; fAbsPixeltoXk = 0.; fAbsPixeltoYk = 0.; fAbsWNDC = 0.; fAbsXlowNDC = 0.; fAbsYlowNDC = 0.; fBorderMode = 0; fBorderSize = 0; fPixeltoX = 0; fPixeltoXk = 0.; fPixeltoY = 0.; fPixeltoYk = 0.; fUtoAbsPixelk = 0.; fUtoPixel = 0.; fUtoPixelk = 0.; fVtoAbsPixelk = 0.; fVtoPixel = 0.; fVtoPixelk = 0.; fXtoAbsPixelk = 0.; fXtoPixel = 0.; fXtoPixelk = 0.; fYtoAbsPixelk = 0.; fYtoPixel = 0.; fYtoPixelk = 0.; fXUpNDC = 0.; fYUpNDC = 0.; fFixedAspectRatio = kFALSE; fAspectRatio = 0.; fNumPaletteColor = 0; fNextPaletteColor = 0; fCollideGrid = nullptr; fCGnx = 0; fCGny = 0; fLogx = 0; fLogy = 0; fLogz = 0; fGridx = 0; fGridy = 0; fTickx = 0; fTicky = 0; fFrame = nullptr; fView = nullptr; fUxmin = fUymin = fUxmax = fUymax = 0; // Set default world coordinates to NDC [0,1] fX1 = 0; fX2 = 1; fY1 = 0; fY2 = 1; // Set default pad range fXlowNDC = 0; fYlowNDC = 0; fWNDC = 1; fHNDC = 1; fViewer3D = nullptr; SetBit(kMustCleanup); // the following line is temporarily disabled. It has side effects // when the pad is a TDrawPanelHist or a TFitPanel. // the line was supposed to fix a problem with DrawClonePad // gROOT->SetSelectedPad(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Pad constructor. /// /// A pad is a linked list of primitives. /// A pad is contained in a canvas. It may contain other pads. /// A pad has attributes. When a pad is created, the attributes /// defined in the current style are copied to the pad attributes. /// /// \param[in] name pad name /// \param[in] title pad title /// \param[in] xlow [0,1] is the position of the bottom left point of the pad /// expressed in the mother pad reference system /// \param[in] ylow [0,1] is the Y position of this point. /// \param[in] xup [0,1] is the x position of the top right point of the pad /// expressed in the mother pad reference system /// \param[in] yup [0,1] is the Y position of this point. /// \param[in] color pad color /// \param[in] bordersize border size in pixels /// \param[in] bordermode border mode /// - bordermode = -1 box looks as it is behind the screen /// - bordermode = 0 no special effects /// - bordermode = 1 box looks as it is in front of the screen TPad::TPad(const char *name, const char *title, Double_t xlow, Double_t ylow, Double_t xup, Double_t yup, Color_t color, Short_t bordersize, Short_t bordermode) : TVirtualPad(name,title,xlow,ylow,xup,yup,color,bordersize,bordermode) { fModified = kTRUE; fTip = nullptr; fBorderSize = bordersize; fBorderMode = bordermode; if (gPad) fCanvas = gPad->GetCanvas(); else fCanvas = (TCanvas*)this; fMother = (TPad*)gPad; fPrimitives = new TList; fExecs = new TList; fPadPointer = nullptr; fTheta = 30; fPhi = 30; fGridx = gStyle->GetPadGridX(); fGridy = gStyle->GetPadGridY(); fTickx = gStyle->GetPadTickX(); fTicky = gStyle->GetPadTickY(); fFrame = nullptr; fView = nullptr; fPadPaint = 0; fPadView3D = nullptr; fPixmapID = -1; // -1 means pixmap will be created by ResizePad() fCopyGLDevice = kFALSE; fEmbeddedGL = kFALSE; fNumber = 0; fAbsCoord = kFALSE; fEditable = kTRUE; fCrosshair = 0; fCrosshairPos = 0; fVtoAbsPixelk = 0.; fVtoPixelk = 0.; fVtoPixel = 0.; fAbsPixeltoXk = 0.; fPixeltoXk = 0.; fPixeltoX = 0; fAbsPixeltoYk = 0.; fPixeltoYk = 0.; fPixeltoY = 0.; fXlowNDC = 0; fYlowNDC = 0; fWNDC = 1; fHNDC = 1; fXUpNDC = 0.; fYUpNDC = 0.; fAbsXlowNDC = 0.; fAbsYlowNDC = 0.; fAbsWNDC = 0.; fAbsHNDC = 0.; fXtoAbsPixelk = 0.; fXtoPixelk = 0.; fXtoPixel = 0.; fYtoAbsPixelk = 0.; fYtoPixelk = 0.; fYtoPixel = 0.; fUtoAbsPixelk = 0.; fUtoPixelk = 0.; fUtoPixel = 0.; fUxmin = fUymin = fUxmax = fUymax = 0; fLogx = gStyle->GetOptLogx(); fLogy = gStyle->GetOptLogy(); fLogz = gStyle->GetOptLogz(); fFixedAspectRatio = kFALSE; fAspectRatio = 0.; fNumPaletteColor = 0; fNextPaletteColor = 0; fCollideGrid = nullptr; fCGnx = 0; fCGny = 0; fViewer3D = nullptr; fGLDevice = fCanvas->GetGLDevice(); // Set default world coordinates to NDC [0,1] fX1 = 0; fX2 = 1; fY1 = 0; fY2 = 1; if (!gPad) { Error("TPad", "You must create a TCanvas before creating a TPad"); MakeZombie(); return; } TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; if ((xlow < 0) || (xlow > 1) || (ylow < 0) || (ylow > 1)) { Error("TPad", "illegal bottom left position: x=%f, y=%f", xlow, ylow); goto zombie; } if ((xup < 0) || (xup > 1) || (yup < 0) || (yup > 1)) { Error("TPad", "illegal top right position: x=%f, y=%f", xup, yup); goto zombie; } fLogx = gStyle->GetOptLogx(); fLogy = gStyle->GetOptLogy(); fLogz = gStyle->GetOptLogz(); fUxmin = fUymin = fUxmax = fUymax = 0; // Set pad parameters and Compute conversion coefficients SetPad(name, title, xlow, ylow, xup, yup, color, bordersize, bordermode); Range(0, 0, 1, 1); SetBit(kMustCleanup); SetBit(kCanDelete); padsav->cd(); return; zombie: // error in creating pad occurred, make this pad a zombie MakeZombie(); padsav->cd(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Pad destructor. TPad::~TPad() { if (!TestBit(kNotDeleted)) return; Close(); CloseToolTip(fTip); DeleteToolTip(fTip); auto primitives = fPrimitives; // In some cases, fPrimitives has the kMustCleanup bit set which will lead // its destructor to call RecursiveRemove and since this pad is still // likely to be (indirectly) in the list of cleanups, we must set // fPrimitives to nullptr to avoid TPad::RecursiveRemove from calling // a member function of a partially destructed object. fPrimitives = nullptr; delete primitives; SafeDelete(fExecs); delete fViewer3D; if (fCollideGrid) delete [] fCollideGrid; // Required since we overload TObject::Hash. ROOT::CallRecursiveRemoveIfNeeded(*this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add a new TExec object to the list of Execs. /// /// When an event occurs in the pad (mouse click, etc) the list of C++ commands /// in the list of Execs are executed via TPad::AutoExec. /// /// When a pad event occurs (mouse move, click, etc) all the commands /// contained in the fExecs list are executed in the order found in the list. /// /// This facility is activated by default. It can be deactivated by using /// the canvas "Option" menu. /// /// The following examples of TExec commands are provided in the tutorials: /// macros exec1.C and exec2.C. /// /// ### Example1 of use of exec1.C /// /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// Root > TFile f("hsimple.root") /// Root > hpx.Draw() /// Root > c1.AddExec("ex1",".x exec1.C") /// ~~~ /// /// At this point you can use the mouse to click on the contour of /// the histogram hpx. When the mouse is clicked, the bin number and its /// contents are printed. /// /// ### Example2 of use of exec1.C /// /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// Root > TFile f("hsimple.root") /// Root > hpxpy.Draw() /// Root > c1.AddExec("ex2",".x exec2.C") /// ~~~ /// /// When moving the mouse in the canvas, a second canvas shows the /// projection along X of the bin corresponding to the Y position /// of the mouse. The resulting histogram is fitted with a gaussian. /// A "dynamic" line shows the current bin position in Y. /// This more elaborated example can be used as a starting point /// to develop more powerful interactive applications exploiting the C++ /// interpreter as a development engine. void TPad::AddExec(const char *name, const char*command) { if (!fExecs) fExecs = new TList; TExec *ex = new TExec(name,command); fExecs->Add(ex); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Execute the list of Execs when a pad event occurs. void TPad::AutoExec() { if (GetCrosshair()) DrawCrosshair(); if (!fExecs) fExecs = new TList; TIter next(fExecs); TExec *exec; while ((exec = (TExec*)next())) { exec->Exec(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Browse pad. void TPad::Browse(TBrowser *b) { cd(); if (fPrimitives) fPrimitives->Browse(b); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Build a legend from the graphical objects in the pad. /// /// A simple method to build automatically a TLegend from the primitives in a TPad. /// /// Only those deriving from TAttLine, TAttMarker and TAttFill are added, excluding /// TPave and TFrame derived classes. /// /// \return The built TLegend /// /// \param[in] x1, y1, x2, y2 The TLegend coordinates /// \param[in] title The legend title. By default it is " " /// \param[in] option The TLegend option /// /// The caller program owns the returned TLegend. /// /// If the pad contains some TMultiGraph or THStack the individual /// graphs or histograms in them are added to the TLegend. /// /// ### Automatic placement of the legend /// If `x1` is equal to `x2` and `y1` is equal to `y2` the legend will be automatically /// placed to avoid overlapping with the existing primitives already displayed. /// `x1` is considered as the width of the legend and `y1` the height. By default /// the legend is automatically placed with width = `x1`= `x2` = 0.3 and /// height = `y1`= `y2` = 0.21. TLegend *TPad::BuildLegend(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, const char* title, Option_t *option) { TList *lop=GetListOfPrimitives(); if (!lop) return 0; TLegend *leg=0; TIter next(lop); TString mes; TObject *o=0; TString opt(""); while( (o=next()) ) { if((o->InheritsFrom(TAttLine::Class()) || o->InheritsFrom(TAttMarker::Class()) || o->InheritsFrom(TAttFill::Class())) && ( !(o->InheritsFrom(TFrame::Class())) && !(o->InheritsFrom(TPave::Class())) )) { if (!leg) leg = new TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2, title); if (o->InheritsFrom(TNamed::Class()) && strlen(((TNamed *)o)->GetTitle())) mes = ((TNamed *)o)->GetTitle(); else if (strlen(o->GetName())) mes = o->GetName(); else mes = o->ClassName(); if (strlen(option)) { opt = option; } else { if (o->InheritsFrom(TAttLine::Class())) opt += "l"; if (o->InheritsFrom(TAttMarker::Class())) opt += "p"; if (o->InheritsFrom(TAttFill::Class())) opt += "f"; } leg->AddEntry(o,mes.Data(),opt.Data()); } else if ( o->InheritsFrom(TMultiGraph::Class() ) ) { if (!leg) leg = new TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2, title); TList * grlist = ((TMultiGraph *)o)->GetListOfGraphs(); TIter nextgraph(grlist); TGraph * gr; TObject * obj; while ((obj = nextgraph())) { gr = (TGraph*) obj; if (strlen(gr->GetTitle())) mes = gr->GetTitle(); else if (strlen(gr->GetName())) mes = gr->GetName(); else mes = gr->ClassName(); if (strlen(option)) opt = option; else opt = "lpf"; leg->AddEntry( obj, mes.Data(), opt ); } } else if ( o->InheritsFrom(THStack::Class() ) ) { if (!leg) leg = new TLegend(x1, y1, x2, y2, title); TList * hlist = ((THStack *)o)->GetHists(); TIter nexthist(hlist); TH1 * hist; TObject * obj; while ((obj = nexthist())) { hist = (TH1*) obj; if (strlen(hist->GetTitle())) mes = hist->GetTitle(); else if (strlen(hist->GetName())) mes = hist->GetName(); else mes = hist->ClassName(); if (strlen(option)) opt = option; else opt = "lpf"; leg->AddEntry( obj, mes.Data(), opt ); } } } if (leg) { TVirtualPad *gpadsave; gpadsave = gPad; this->cd(); leg->Draw(); gpadsave->cd(); } else { Info("BuildLegend(void)","No object to build a TLegend."); } return leg; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set Current pad. /// /// When a canvas/pad is divided via TPad::Divide, one can directly /// set the current path to one of the subdivisions. /// See TPad::Divide for the convention to number sub-pads. /// /// Returns the new current pad, or 0 in case of failure. /// /// For example: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// c1.Divide(2,3); // create 6 pads (2 divisions along x, 3 along y). /// ~~~ /// To set the current pad to the bottom right pad, do /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// c1.cd(6); /// ~~~ /// Note1: c1.cd() is equivalent to c1.cd(0) and sets the current pad /// to c1 itself. /// /// Note2: after a statement like c1.cd(6), the global variable gPad /// points to the current pad. One can use gPad to set attributes /// of the current pad. /// /// Note3: One can get a pointer to one of the sub-pads of pad with: /// TPad *subpad = (TPad*)pad->GetPad(subpadnumber); TVirtualPad *TPad::cd(Int_t subpadnumber) { if (!subpadnumber) { gPad = this; if (!gPad->IsBatch() && GetPainter()) GetPainter()->SelectDrawable(fPixmapID); return gPad; } TObject *obj; if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; TIter next(fPrimitives); while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) { Int_t n = ((TPad*)obj)->GetNumber(); if (n == subpadnumber) { return ((TPad*)obj)->cd(); } } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Delete all pad primitives. /// /// If the bit kClearAfterCR has been set for this pad, the Clear function /// will execute only after having pressed a CarriageReturn /// Set the bit with `mypad->SetBit(TPad::kClearAfterCR)` void TPad::Clear(Option_t *option) { if (!IsEditable()) return; R__LOCKGUARD(gROOTMutex); if (!fPadPaint) { SafeDelete(fView); if (fPrimitives) fPrimitives->Clear(option); if (fFrame) { if (fFrame->TestBit(kNotDeleted)) delete fFrame; fFrame = nullptr; } } if (fCanvas) fCanvas->Cleared(this); cd(); if (TestBit(kClearAfterCR)) { // Intentional do not use the return value of getchar, // we just want to get it and forget it getchar(); } if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->ClearDrawable(); if (gVirtualPS && gPad == gPad->GetCanvas()) gVirtualPS->NewPage(); PaintBorder(GetFillColor(), kTRUE); fCrosshairPos = 0; fNumPaletteColor = 0; if (fCollideGrid) { delete [] fCollideGrid; fCollideGrid = nullptr; fCGnx = 0; fCGny = 0; } ResetBit(TGraph::kClipFrame); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Clipping routine: Cohen Sutherland algorithm. /// /// - If Clip ==2 the segment is outside the boundary. /// - If Clip ==1 the segment has one point outside the boundary. /// - If Clip ==0 the segment is inside the boundary. /// /// \param[in] x[],y[] Segment coordinates (2 points) /// \param[in] xclipl,yclipb,xclipr,yclipt Clipping boundary /// \param[out] x[],y[] New segment coordinates( 2 points) Int_t TPad::Clip(Float_t *x, Float_t *y, Float_t xclipl, Float_t yclipb, Float_t xclipr, Float_t yclipt) { const Float_t kP=10000; Int_t clip = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<2;i++) { if (TMath::Abs(xclipl-x[i]) <= TMath::Abs(xclipr-xclipl)/kP) x[i] = xclipl; if (TMath::Abs(xclipr-x[i]) <= TMath::Abs(xclipr-xclipl)/kP) x[i] = xclipr; if (TMath::Abs(yclipb-y[i]) <= TMath::Abs(yclipt-yclipb)/kP) y[i] = yclipb; if (TMath::Abs(yclipt-y[i]) <= TMath::Abs(yclipt-yclipb)/kP) y[i] = yclipt; } // Compute the first endpoint codes. Int_t code1 = ClippingCode(x[0],y[0],xclipl,yclipb,xclipr,yclipt); Int_t code2 = ClippingCode(x[1],y[1],xclipl,yclipb,xclipr,yclipt); Double_t xt=0, yt=0; Int_t clipped = 0; //this variable could be used in a future version while(code1 + code2) { clipped = 1; // The line lies entirely outside the clipping boundary if (code1&code2) { clip = 2; return clip; } // The line is subdivided into several parts Int_t ic = code1; if (ic == 0) ic = code2; if (ic & 0x1) { yt = y[0] + (y[1]-y[0])*(xclipl-x[0])/(x[1]-x[0]); xt = xclipl; } if (ic & 0x2) { yt = y[0] + (y[1]-y[0])*(xclipr-x[0])/(x[1]-x[0]); xt = xclipr; } if (ic & 0x4) { xt = x[0] + (x[1]-x[0])*(yclipb-y[0])/(y[1]-y[0]); yt = yclipb; } if (ic & 0x8) { xt = x[0] + (x[1]-x[0])*(yclipt-y[0])/(y[1]-y[0]); yt = yclipt; } if (ic == code1) { x[0] = xt; y[0] = yt; code1 = ClippingCode(xt,yt,xclipl,yclipb,xclipr,yclipt); } else { x[1] = xt; y[1] = yt; code2 = ClippingCode(xt,yt,xclipl,yclipb,xclipr,yclipt); } } clip = clipped; return clip; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Clipping routine: Cohen Sutherland algorithm. /// /// - If Clip ==2 the segment is outside the boundary. /// - If Clip ==1 the segment has one point outside the boundary. /// - If Clip ==0 the segment is inside the boundary. /// /// \param[in] x[],y[] Segment coordinates (2 points) /// \param[in] xclipl,yclipb,xclipr,yclipt Clipping boundary /// \param[out] x[],y[] New segment coordinates(2 points) Int_t TPad::Clip(Double_t *x, Double_t *y, Double_t xclipl, Double_t yclipb, Double_t xclipr, Double_t yclipt) { const Double_t kP=10000; Int_t clip = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i<2;i++) { if (TMath::Abs(xclipl-x[i]) <= TMath::Abs(xclipr-xclipl)/kP) x[i] = xclipl; if (TMath::Abs(xclipr-x[i]) <= TMath::Abs(xclipr-xclipl)/kP) x[i] = xclipr; if (TMath::Abs(yclipb-y[i]) <= TMath::Abs(yclipt-yclipb)/kP) y[i] = yclipb; if (TMath::Abs(yclipt-y[i]) <= TMath::Abs(yclipt-yclipb)/kP) y[i] = yclipt; } // Compute the first endpoint codes. Int_t code1 = 0; if (x[0] < xclipl) code1 = code1 | 0x1; if (x[0] > xclipr) code1 = code1 | 0x2; if (y[0] < yclipb) code1 = code1 | 0x4; if (y[0] > yclipt) code1 = code1 | 0x8; Int_t code2 = 0; if (x[1] < xclipl) code2 = code2 | 0x1; if (x[1] > xclipr) code2 = code2 | 0x2; if (y[1] < yclipb) code2 = code2 | 0x4; if (y[1] > yclipt) code2 = code2 | 0x8; Double_t xt=0, yt=0; Int_t clipped = 0; //this variable could be used in a future version while(code1 + code2) { clipped = 1; // The line lies entirely outside the clipping boundary if (code1&code2) { clip = 2; return clip; } // The line is subdivided into several parts Int_t ic = code1; if (ic == 0) ic = code2; if (ic & 0x1) { yt = y[0] + (y[1]-y[0])*(xclipl-x[0])/(x[1]-x[0]); xt = xclipl; } if (ic & 0x2) { yt = y[0] + (y[1]-y[0])*(xclipr-x[0])/(x[1]-x[0]); xt = xclipr; } if (ic & 0x4) { xt = x[0] + (x[1]-x[0])*(yclipb-y[0])/(y[1]-y[0]); yt = yclipb; } if (ic & 0x8) { xt = x[0] + (x[1]-x[0])*(yclipt-y[0])/(y[1]-y[0]); yt = yclipt; } if (ic == code1) { x[0] = xt; y[0] = yt; code1 = ClippingCode(xt,yt,xclipl,yclipb,xclipr,yclipt); } else { x[1] = xt; y[1] = yt; code2 = ClippingCode(xt,yt,xclipl,yclipb,xclipr,yclipt); } } clip = clipped; return clip; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compute the endpoint codes for TPad::Clip. Int_t TPad::ClippingCode(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t xcl1, Double_t ycl1, Double_t xcl2, Double_t ycl2) { Int_t code = 0; if (x < xcl1) code = code | 0x1; if (x > xcl2) code = code | 0x2; if (y < ycl1) code = code | 0x4; if (y > ycl2) code = code | 0x8; return code; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Clip polygon using the Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm. /// /// \param[in] n Number of points in the polygon to /// be clipped /// \param[in] x[n],y[n] Polygon do be clipped vertices /// \param[in] xclipl,yclipb,xclipr,yclipt Clipping boundary /// \param[out] nn Number of points in xc and yc /// \param[out] xc,yc Clipped polygon vertices. The Int_t /// returned by this function is /// the number of points in the clipped /// polygon. These vectors must /// be allocated by the calling function. /// A size of 2*n for each is /// enough. /// /// Sutherland and Hodgman's polygon-clipping algorithm uses a divide-and-conquer /// strategy: It solves a series of simple and identical problems that, when /// combined, solve the overall problem. The simple problem is to clip a polygon /// against a single infinite clip edge. Four clip edges, each defining one boundary /// of the clip rectangle, successively clip a polygon against a clip rectangle. /// /// Steps of Sutherland-Hodgman's polygon-clipping algorithm: /// /// * Polygons can be clipped against each edge of the window one at a time. /// Windows/edge intersections, if any, are easy to find since the X or Y coordinates /// are already known. /// * Vertices which are kept after clipping against one window edge are saved for /// clipping against the remaining edges. /// * Note that the number of vertices usually changes and will often increases. /// /// The clip boundary determines a visible and invisible region. The edges from /// vertex i to vertex i+1 can be one of four types: /// /// * Case 1 : Wholly inside visible region - save endpoint /// * Case 2 : Exit visible region - save the intersection /// * Case 3 : Wholly outside visible region - save nothing /// * Case 4 : Enter visible region - save intersection and endpoint Int_t TPad::ClipPolygon(Int_t n, Double_t *x, Double_t *y, Int_t nn, Double_t *xc, Double_t *yc, Double_t xclipl, Double_t yclipb, Double_t xclipr, Double_t yclipt) { Int_t nc, nc2; Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2, slope; // Segment to be clipped Double_t *xc2 = new Double_t[nn]; Double_t *yc2 = new Double_t[nn]; // Clip against the left boundary x1 = x[n-1]; y1 = y[n-1]; nc2 = 0; Int_t i; for (i=0; i= xclipl) { if (x2 < xclipl) { xc2[nc2] = xclipl; yc2[nc2++] = slope*(xclipl-x1)+y1; } else { xc2[nc2] = x2; yc2[nc2++] = y2; } } else { if (x2 >= xclipl) { xc2[nc2] = xclipl; yc2[nc2++] = slope*(xclipl-x1)+y1; xc2[nc2] = x2; yc2[nc2++] = y2; } } x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } // Clip against the top boundary x1 = xc2[nc2-1]; y1 = yc2[nc2-1]; nc = 0; for (i=0; i yclipt) { xc[nc] = x1+(yclipt-y1)*slope; yc[nc++] = yclipt; } else { xc[nc] = x2; yc[nc++] = y2; } } else { if (y2 <= yclipt) { xc[nc] = x1+(yclipt-y1)*slope; yc[nc++] = yclipt; xc[nc] = x2; yc[nc++] = y2; } } x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } if (nc>0) { // Clip against the right boundary x1 = xc[nc-1]; y1 = yc[nc-1]; nc2 = 0; for (i=0; i xclipr) { xc2[nc2] = xclipr; yc2[nc2++] = slope*(xclipr-x1)+y1; } else { xc2[nc2] = x2; yc2[nc2++] = y2; } } else { if (x2 <= xclipr) { xc2[nc2] = xclipr; yc2[nc2++] = slope*(xclipr-x1)+y1; xc2[nc2] = x2; yc2[nc2++] = y2; } } x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } // Clip against the bottom boundary x1 = xc2[nc2-1]; y1 = yc2[nc2-1]; nc = 0; for (i=0; i= yclipb) { if (y2 < yclipb) { xc[nc] = x1+(yclipb-y1)*slope; yc[nc++] = yclipb; } else { xc[nc] = x2; yc[nc++] = y2; } } else { if (y2 >= yclipb) { xc[nc] = x1+(yclipb-y1)*slope; yc[nc++] = yclipb; xc[nc] = x2; yc[nc++] = y2; } } x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } } delete [] xc2; delete [] yc2; if (nc < 3) nc =0; return nc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Delete all primitives in pad and pad itself. /// Pad cannot be used anymore after this call. /// Emits signal "Closed()". void TPad::Close(Option_t *) { if (!TestBit(kNotDeleted)) return; if (!fMother) return; if (!fMother->TestBit(kNotDeleted)) return; if (fPrimitives) fPrimitives->Clear(); if (fView) { if (fView->TestBit(kNotDeleted)) delete fView; fView = nullptr; } if (fFrame) { if (fFrame->TestBit(kNotDeleted)) delete fFrame; fFrame = nullptr; } // emit signal if (IsA() != TCanvas::Class()) Closed(); if (fPixmapID != -1) { if (gPad) { if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DestroyDrawable(fPixmapID); } fPixmapID = -1; if (!gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()) return; if (fMother == this) { gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Remove(this); return; // in case of TCanvas } // remove from the mother's list of primitives if (fMother) { if (fMother->GetListOfPrimitives()) fMother->GetListOfPrimitives()->Remove(this); if (gPad == this) fMother->cd(); } if (fCanvas->GetPadSave() == this) fCanvas->ClearPadSave(); if (fCanvas->GetSelectedPad() == this) fCanvas->SetSelectedPad(0); if (fCanvas->GetClickSelectedPad() == this) fCanvas->SetClickSelectedPad(0); } fMother = nullptr; if (gROOT->GetSelectedPad() == this) gROOT->SetSelectedPad(nullptr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy the pixmap of the pad to the canvas. void TPad::CopyPixmap() { int px, py; XYtoAbsPixel(fX1, fY2, px, py); if (fPixmapID != -1) GetPainter()->CopyDrawable(fPixmapID, px, py); if (this == gPad) HighLight(gPad->GetHighLightColor()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy the sub-pixmaps of the pad to the canvas. void TPad::CopyPixmaps() { TObject *obj; if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; TIter next(GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) { ((TPad*)obj)->CopyPixmap(); ((TPad*)obj)->CopyPixmaps(); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Remove TExec name from the list of Execs. void TPad::DeleteExec(const char *name) { if (!fExecs) fExecs = new TList; TExec *ex = (TExec*)fExecs->FindObject(name); if (!ex) return; fExecs->Remove(ex); delete ex; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compute distance from point px,py to a box. /// /// Compute the closest distance of approach from point px,py to the /// edges of this pad. /// The distance is computed in pixels units. Int_t TPad::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) { Int_t pxl, pyl, pxt, pyt; Int_t px1 = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(fX1); Int_t py1 = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(fY1); Int_t px2 = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(fX2); Int_t py2 = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(fY2); if (px1 < px2) {pxl = px1; pxt = px2;} else {pxl = px2; pxt = px1;} if (py1 < py2) {pyl = py1; pyt = py2;} else {pyl = py2; pyt = py1;} // Are we inside the box? // ====================== if ( (px > pxl && px < pxt) && (py > pyl && py < pyt) ) { if (GetFillStyle()) return 0; //*-* if pad is filled } // Are we on the edges? // ==================== Int_t dxl = TMath::Abs(px - pxl); if (py < pyl) dxl += pyl - py; if (py > pyt) dxl += py - pyt; Int_t dxt = TMath::Abs(px - pxt); if (py < pyl) dxt += pyl - py; if (py > pyt) dxt += py - pyt; Int_t dyl = TMath::Abs(py - pyl); if (px < pxl) dyl += pxl - px; if (px > pxt) dyl += px - pxt; Int_t dyt = TMath::Abs(py - pyt); if (px < pxl) dyt += pxl - px; if (px > pxt) dyt += px - pxt; Int_t distance = dxl; if (dxt < distance) distance = dxt; if (dyl < distance) distance = dyl; if (dyt < distance) distance = dyt; return distance - Int_t(0.5*fLineWidth); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Automatic pad generation by division. /// /// - The current canvas is divided in nx by ny equal divisions (pads). /// - xmargin is the space along x between pads in percent of canvas. /// - ymargin is the space along y between pads in percent of canvas. /// - color is the color of the new pads. If 0, color is the canvas color. /// /// Pads are automatically named `canvasname_n` where `n` is the division number /// starting from top left pad. /// /// Example if canvasname=c1 , nx=2, ny=3: /// /// \image html gpad_pad3.png /// /// Once a pad is divided into sub-pads, one can set the current pad /// to a subpad with a given division number as illustrated above /// with TPad::cd(subpad_number). /// /// For example, to set the current pad to c1_4, one can do: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// c1->cd(4) /// ~~~ /// __Note1:__ c1.cd() is equivalent to c1.cd(0) and sets the current pad /// to c1 itself. /// /// __Note2:__ after a statement like c1.cd(6), the global variable gPad /// points to the current pad. One can use gPad to set attributes /// of the current pad. /// /// __Note3:__ in case xmargin <=0 and ymargin <= 0, there is no space /// between pads. The current pad margins are recomputed to /// optimize the layout. void TPad::Divide(Int_t nx, Int_t ny, Float_t xmargin, Float_t ymargin, Int_t color) { if (!IsEditable()) return; if (gThreadXAR) { void *arr[7]; arr[1] = this; arr[2] = (void*)&nx;arr[3] = (void*)& ny; arr[4] = (void*)&xmargin; arr[5] = (void *)& ymargin; arr[6] = (void *)&color; if ((*gThreadXAR)("PDCD", 7, arr, 0)) return; } TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; cd(); if (nx <= 0) nx = 1; if (ny <= 0) ny = 1; Int_t ix,iy; Double_t x1,y1,x2,y2; Double_t dx,dy; TPad *pad; Int_t nchname = strlen(GetName())+6; Int_t nchtitle = strlen(GetTitle())+6; char *name = new char [nchname]; char *title = new char [nchtitle]; Int_t n = 0; if (color == 0) color = GetFillColor(); if (xmargin > 0 && ymargin > 0) { //general case dy = 1/Double_t(ny); dx = 1/Double_t(nx); for (iy=0;iy y2) continue; for (ix=0;ix x2) continue; n++; snprintf(name,nchname,"%s_%d",GetName(),n); pad = new TPad(name,name,x1,y1,x2,y2,color); pad->SetNumber(n); pad->Draw(); } } } else { // special case when xmargin <= 0 && ymargin <= 0 Double_t xl = GetLeftMargin(); Double_t xr = GetRightMargin(); Double_t yb = GetBottomMargin(); Double_t yt = GetTopMargin(); xl /= (1-xl+xr)*nx; xr /= (1-xl+xr)*nx; yb /= (1-yb+yt)*ny; yt /= (1-yb+yt)*ny; SetLeftMargin(xl); SetRightMargin(xr); SetBottomMargin(yb); SetTopMargin(yt); dx = (1-xl-xr)/nx; dy = (1-yb-yt)/ny; Int_t number = 0; for (Int_t i=0;iSetNumber(number); pad->SetBorderMode(0); if (i == 0) pad->SetLeftMargin(xl*nx); else pad->SetLeftMargin(0); pad->SetRightMargin(0); pad->SetTopMargin(0); if (j == ny-1) pad->SetBottomMargin(yb*ny); else pad->SetBottomMargin(0); pad->Draw(); } } } delete [] name; delete [] title; Modified(); if (padsav) padsav->cd(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// "n" is the total number of sub-pads. The number of sub-pads along the X /// and Y axis are computed according to the square root of n. void TPad::DivideSquare(Int_t n, Float_t xmargin, Float_t ymargin, Int_t color) { Int_t w = 1, h = 1; if (fCanvas->GetWindowWidth() > fCanvas->GetWindowHeight()) { w = TMath::Ceil(TMath::Sqrt(n)); h = TMath::Floor(TMath::Sqrt(n)); if (w*h < n) w++; } else { h = TMath::Ceil(TMath::Sqrt(n)); w = TMath::Floor(TMath::Sqrt(n)); if (w*h < n) h++; } Divide( w, h, xmargin, ymargin, color); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw Pad in Current pad (re-parent pad if necessary). void TPad::Draw(Option_t *option) { // if no canvas opened yet create a default canvas if (!gPad) { gROOT->MakeDefCanvas(); } // pad cannot be in itself and it can only be in one other pad at a time if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; if (gPad != this) { if (fMother && fMother->TestBit(kNotDeleted)) fMother->GetListOfPrimitives()->Remove(this); TPad *oldMother = fMother; fCanvas = gPad->GetCanvas(); // fMother = (TPad*)gPad; if (oldMother != fMother || fPixmapID == -1) ResizePad(); } Paint(); if (gPad->IsRetained() && gPad != this && fMother) fMother->GetListOfPrimitives()->Add(this, option); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw class inheritance tree of the class to which obj belongs. /// /// If a class B inherits from a class A, description of B is drawn /// on the right side of description of A. /// /// Member functions overridden by B are shown in class A with a blue line /// crossing-out the corresponding member function. void TPad::DrawClassObject(const TObject *classobj, Option_t *option) { char dname[256]; const Int_t kMAXLEVELS = 10; TClass *clevel[kMAXLEVELS], *cl, *cll; TBaseClass *base, *cinherit; TText *ptext = 0; TString opt=option; Double_t x,y,dy,y1,v1,v2,dv; Int_t nd,nf,nc,nkd,nkf,i,j; TPaveText *pt; Int_t maxlev = 4; if (opt.Contains("2")) maxlev = 2; if (opt.Contains("3")) maxlev = 3; if (opt.Contains("5")) maxlev = 5; if (opt.Contains("6")) maxlev = 6; if (opt.Contains("7")) maxlev = 7; // Clear and Set Pad range Double_t xpad = 20.5; Double_t ypad = 27.5; Clear(); Range(0,0,xpad,ypad); // Find number of levels Int_t nlevel = 0; TClass *obj = (TClass*)classobj; clevel[nlevel] = obj; TList *lbase = obj->GetListOfBases(); while(lbase) { base = (TBaseClass*)lbase->First(); if (!base) break; if ( base->GetClassPointer() == 0) break; nlevel++; clevel[nlevel] = base->GetClassPointer(); lbase = clevel[nlevel]->GetListOfBases(); if (nlevel >= maxlev-1) break; } Int_t maxelem = 0; Int_t ncdraw = 0; Int_t ilevel, nelem; for (ilevel=nlevel;ilevel>=0;ilevel--) { cl = clevel[ilevel]; nelem = cl->GetNdata() + cl->GetNmethods(); if (nelem > maxelem) maxelem = nelem; nc = (nelem/50) + 1; ncdraw += nc; } Double_t tsizcm = 0.40; Double_t x1 = 0.25; Double_t x2 = 0; Double_t dx = 3.5; if (ncdraw > 4) { dx = dx - 0.42*Double_t(ncdraw-5); if (dx < 1.3) dx = 1.3; tsizcm = tsizcm - 0.03*Double_t(ncdraw-5); if (tsizcm < 0.27) tsizcm = 0.27; } Double_t tsiz = 1.2*tsizcm/ypad; // Now loop on levels for (ilevel=nlevel;ilevel>=0;ilevel--) { cl = clevel[ilevel]; nelem = cl->GetNdata() + cl->GetNmethods(); if (nelem > maxelem) maxelem = nelem; nc = (nelem/50) + 1; dy = 0.45; if (ilevel < nlevel) x1 = x2 + 0.5; x2 = x1 + nc*dx; v2 = ypad - 0.5; lbase = cl->GetListOfBases(); cinherit = 0; if (lbase) cinherit = (TBaseClass*)lbase->First(); do { nd = cl->GetNdata(); nf = cl->GetNmethods() - 2; //do not show default constructor and destructor if (cl->GetListOfMethods()->FindObject("Dictionary")) { nf -= 6; // do not count the Dictionary/ClassDef functions } nkf= nf/nc +1; nkd= nd/nc +1; if (nd == 0) nkd=0; if (nf == 0) nkf=0; y1 = v2 - 0.7; v1 = y1 - Double_t(nkf+nkd+nc-1)*dy; dv = v2 - v1; // Create a new PaveText pt = new TPaveText(x1,v1,x2,v2); pt->SetBit(kCanDelete); pt->SetFillColor(19); pt->Draw(); pt->SetTextColor(4); pt->SetTextFont(61); pt->SetTextAlign(12); pt->SetTextSize(tsiz); TBox *box = pt->AddBox(0,(y1+0.01-v1)/dv,0,(v2-0.01-v1)/dv); if (box) box->SetFillColor(17); pt->AddLine(0,(y1-v1)/dv,0,(y1-v1)/dv); TText *title = pt->AddText(0.5,(0.5*(y1+v2)-v1)/dv,(char*)cl->GetName()); title->SetTextAlign(22); title->SetTextSize(0.6*(v2-y1)/ypad); // Draw data Members i = 0; x = 0.03; y = y1 + 0.5*dy; TDataMember *d; TIter nextd(cl->GetListOfDataMembers()); while ((d = (TDataMember *) nextd())) { if (i >= nkd) { i = 1; y = y1 - 0.5*dy; x += 1/Double_t(nc); } else { i++; y -= dy; } // Take in account the room the array index will occupy Int_t dim = d->GetArrayDim(); Int_t indx = 0; snprintf(dname,256,"%s",d->GetName()); Int_t ldname = 0; while (indx < dim ){ ldname = strlen(dname); snprintf(&dname[ldname],256-ldname,"[%d]",d->GetMaxIndex(indx)); indx++; } pt->AddText(x,(y-v1)/dv,dname); } // Draw a separator line Double_t ysep; if (nd) { ysep = y1 - Double_t(nkd)*dy; pt->AddLine(0,(ysep-v1)/dv,0,(ysep-v1)/dv); ysep -= 0.5*dy; } else ysep = y1; // Draw Member Functions Int_t fcount = 0; i = 0; x = 0.03; y = ysep + 0.5*dy; TMethod *m; TIter nextm(cl->GetListOfMethods()); while ((m = (TMethod *) nextm())) { if ( !strcmp( m->GetName(), "Dictionary" ) || !strcmp( m->GetName(), "Class_Version" ) || !strcmp( m->GetName(), "DeclFileName" ) || !strcmp( m->GetName(), "DeclFileLine" ) || !strcmp( m->GetName(), "ImplFileName" ) || !strcmp( m->GetName(), "ImplFileLine" ) ) continue; fcount++; if (fcount > nf) break; if (i >= nkf) { i = 1; y = ysep - 0.5*dy; x += 1/Double_t(nc); } else { i++; y -= dy; } ptext = pt->AddText(x,(y-v1)/dv,m->GetName()); // Check if method is overloaded in a derived class // If yes, Change the color of the text to blue for (j=ilevel-1;j>=0;j--) { if (cl == clevel[ilevel]) { if (clevel[j]->GetMethodAny((char*)m->GetName())) { ptext->SetTextColor(15); break; } } } } // Draw second inheritance classes for this class cll = 0; if (cinherit) { cinherit = (TBaseClass*)lbase->After(cinherit); if (cinherit) { cl = cinherit->GetClassPointer(); cll = cl; v2 = v1 -0.4; dy = 0.35; } } } while (cll); } Update(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Function called to draw a crosshair in the canvas /// /// Example: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// Root > TFile f("hsimple.root"); /// Root > hpxpy.Draw(); /// Root > c1.SetCrosshair(); /// ~~~ /// When moving the mouse in the canvas, a crosshair is drawn /// /// - if the canvas fCrosshair = 1 , the crosshair spans the full canvas /// - if the canvas fCrosshair > 1 , the crosshair spans only the pad void TPad::DrawCrosshair() { if (gPad->GetEvent() == kMouseEnter) return; TPad *cpad = (TPad*)gPad; TCanvas *canvas = cpad->GetCanvas(); canvas->FeedbackMode(kTRUE); //erase old position and draw a line at current position Int_t pxmin,pxmax,pymin,pymax,pxold,pyold,px,py; pxold = fCrosshairPos%10000; pyold = fCrosshairPos/10000; px = cpad->GetEventX(); py = cpad->GetEventY()+1; if (canvas->GetCrosshair() > 1) { //crosshair only in the current pad pxmin = cpad->XtoAbsPixel(fX1); pxmax = cpad->XtoAbsPixel(fX2); pymin = cpad->YtoAbsPixel(fY1); pymax = cpad->YtoAbsPixel(fY2); } else { //default; crosshair spans the full canvas pxmin = 0; pxmax = canvas->GetWw(); pymin = 0; pymax = cpad->GetWh(); } #ifndef R__HAS_COCOA // Not needed, no XOR with Cocoa. if(pxold) gVirtualX->DrawLine(pxold,pymin,pxold,pymax); if(pyold) gVirtualX->DrawLine(pxmin,pyold,pxmax,pyold); #endif // R__HAS_COCOA if (cpad->GetEvent() == kButton1Down || cpad->GetEvent() == kButton1Up || cpad->GetEvent() == kMouseLeave) { fCrosshairPos = 0; return; } gVirtualX->DrawLine(px,pymin,px,pymax); gVirtualX->DrawLine(pxmin,py,pxmax,py); fCrosshairPos = px + 10000*py; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw an empty pad frame with X and Y axis. /// /// \return The pointer to the histogram used to draw the frame. /// /// \param[in] xmin X axis lower limit /// \param[in] xmax X axis upper limit /// \param[in] ymin Y axis lower limit /// \param[in] ymax Y axis upper limit /// \param[in] title Pad title.If title is of the form "stringt;stringx;stringy" /// the pad title is set to stringt, the x axis title to /// stringx, the y axis title to stringy. /// /// #### Example: /// /// Begin_Macro(source) /// { /// auto c = new TCanvas("c","c",200,10,500,300); /// /// const Int_t n = 50; /// auto g = new TGraph(); /// for (Int_t i=0;iSetPoint(i,i*0.1,100*sin(i*0.1+0.2)); /// /// auto frame = c->DrawFrame(0, -110, 2, 110); /// frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X axis"); /// /// g->Draw("L*"); /// } /// End_Macro TH1F *TPad::DrawFrame(Double_t xmin, Double_t ymin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymax, const char *title) { if (!IsEditable()) return 0; TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; if (this != padsav) { Warning("DrawFrame","Must be called for the current pad only"); return padsav->DrawFrame(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,title); } cd(); TH1F *hframe = (TH1F*)FindObject("hframe"); if (hframe) delete hframe; Int_t nbins = 1000; //if log scale in X, use variable bin size linear with log(x) //this gives a better precision when zooming on the axis if (fLogx && xmin > 0 && xmax > xmin) { Double_t xminl = TMath::Log(xmin); Double_t xmaxl = TMath::Log(xmax); Double_t dx = (xmaxl-xminl)/nbins; Double_t *xbins = new Double_t[nbins+1]; xbins[0] = xmin; for (Int_t i=1;i<=nbins;i++) { xbins[i] = TMath::Exp(xminl+i*dx); } hframe = new TH1F("hframe",title,nbins,xbins); delete [] xbins; } else { hframe = new TH1F("hframe",title,nbins,xmin,xmax); } hframe->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); hframe->SetBit(kCanDelete); hframe->SetMinimum(ymin); hframe->SetMaximum(ymax); hframe->GetYaxis()->SetLimits(ymin,ymax); hframe->SetDirectory(0); hframe->Draw(" "); Update(); if (padsav) padsav->cd(); return hframe; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Static function to Display Color Table in a pad. void TPad::DrawColorTable() { Int_t i, j; Int_t color; Double_t xlow, ylow, xup, yup, hs, ws; Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2; x1 = y1 = 0; x2 = y2 = 20; gPad->SetFillColor(0); gPad->Clear(); gPad->Range(x1,y1,x2,y2); TText *text = new TText(0,0,""); text->SetTextFont(61); text->SetTextSize(0.07); text->SetTextAlign(22); TBox *box = new TBox(); // Draw color table boxes. hs = (y2-y1)/Double_t(5); ws = (x2-x1)/Double_t(10); for (i=0;i<10;i++) { xlow = x1 + ws*(Double_t(i)+0.1); xup = x1 + ws*(Double_t(i)+0.9); for (j=0;j<5;j++) { ylow = y1 + hs*(Double_t(j)+0.1); yup = y1 + hs*(Double_t(j)+0.9); color = 10*j + i; box->SetFillStyle(1001); box->SetFillColor(color); box->DrawBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup); box->SetFillStyle(0); box->SetLineColor(1); box->DrawBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup); if (color == 1) text->SetTextColor(0); else text->SetTextColor(1); text->DrawText(0.5*(xlow+xup), 0.5*(ylow+yup), Form("%d",color)); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Execute action corresponding to one event. /// /// This member function is called when a TPad object is clicked. /// /// If the mouse is clicked in one of the 4 corners of the pad (pA,pB,pC,pD) /// the pad is resized with the rubber rectangle. /// /// If the mouse is clicked inside the pad, the pad is moved. /// /// If the mouse is clicked on the 4 edges (pL,pR,pTop,pBot), the pad is scaled /// parallel to this edge. /// /// \image html gpad_pad4.png /// /// Note that this function duplicates on purpose the functionality /// already implemented in TBox::ExecuteEvent. /// If somebody modifies this function, may be similar changes should also /// be applied to TBox::ExecuteEvent. void TPad::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) { const Int_t kMaxDiff = 5; const Int_t kMinSize = 20; static Int_t pxorg, pyorg; static Int_t px1, px2, py1, py2, pxl, pyl, pxt, pyt, pxold, pyold; static Int_t px1p, px2p, py1p, py2p, pxlp, pylp, pxtp, pytp; static Bool_t pA, pB, pC, pD, pTop, pL, pR, pBot, pINSIDE; Int_t wx, wy; Bool_t opaque = OpaqueMoving(); Bool_t ropaque = OpaqueResizing(); Bool_t fixedr = HasFixedAspectRatio(); if (!IsEditable() && event != kMouseEnter) return; TVirtualPad *parent = GetMother(); if (!parent->IsEditable()) return; HideToolTip(event); if (fXlowNDC < 0 && event != kButton1Down) return; if (fYlowNDC < 0 && event != kButton1Down) return; // keep old mouse position if (event == kButton1Down) { pxorg = px; pyorg = py; } Int_t newcode = gROOT->GetEditorMode(); if (newcode) pA = pB = pC = pD = pTop = pL = pR = pBot = pINSIDE = kFALSE; switch (newcode) { case kPad: TCreatePrimitives::Pad(event,px,py,0); break; case kMarker: case kText: TCreatePrimitives::Text(event,px,py,newcode); break; case kLine: TCreatePrimitives::Line(event,px,py,kLine); break; case kArrow: TCreatePrimitives::Line(event,px,py,kArrow); break; case kCurlyLine: TCreatePrimitives::Line(event,px,py,kCurlyLine); break; case kCurlyArc: TCreatePrimitives::Line(event,px,py,kCurlyArc); break; case kPolyLine: TCreatePrimitives::PolyLine(event,px,py,kPolyLine); break; case kCutG: TCreatePrimitives::PolyLine(event,px,py,kCutG); break; case kArc: TCreatePrimitives::Ellipse(event,px,py,kArc); break; case kEllipse: TCreatePrimitives::Ellipse(event,px,py,kEllipse); break; case kButton: case kPave: case kPaveLabel: case kPaveText: case kPavesText: case kDiamond: TCreatePrimitives::Pave(event,px,py,newcode); return; default: break; } if (newcode) return; switch (event) { case kMouseEnter: if (fTip) ResetToolTip(fTip); break; case kArrowKeyPress: case kButton1Down: fXUpNDC = fXlowNDC + fWNDC; fYUpNDC = fYlowNDC + fHNDC; GetPainter()->SetLineColor(-1); TAttLine::Modify(); //Change line attributes only if necessary if (GetFillColor()) GetPainter()->SetLineColor(GetFillColor()); else GetPainter()->SetLineColor(1); GetPainter()->SetLineWidth(2); // No break !!! case kMouseMotion: px1 = XtoAbsPixel(fX1); py1 = YtoAbsPixel(fY1); px2 = XtoAbsPixel(fX2); py2 = YtoAbsPixel(fY2); if (px1 < px2) { pxl = px1; pxt = px2; } else { pxl = px2; pxt = px1; } if (py1 < py2) { pyl = py1; pyt = py2; } else { pyl = py2; pyt = py1; } px1p = parent->XtoAbsPixel(parent->GetX1()) + parent->GetBorderSize(); py1p = parent->YtoAbsPixel(parent->GetY1()) - parent->GetBorderSize(); px2p = parent->XtoAbsPixel(parent->GetX2()) - parent->GetBorderSize(); py2p = parent->YtoAbsPixel(parent->GetY2()) + parent->GetBorderSize(); if (px1p < px2p) { pxlp = px1p; pxtp = px2p; } else { pxlp = px2p; pxtp = px1p; } if (py1p < py2p) { pylp = py1p; pytp = py2p; } else { pylp = py2p; pytp = py1p; } pA = pB = pC = pD = pTop = pL = pR = pBot = pINSIDE = kFALSE; // case pA if (TMath::Abs(px - pxl) <= kMaxDiff && TMath::Abs(py - pyl) <= kMaxDiff) { pxold = pxl; pyold = pyl; pA = kTRUE; SetCursor(kTopLeft); } // case pB if (TMath::Abs(px - pxt) <= kMaxDiff && TMath::Abs(py - pyl) <= kMaxDiff) { pxold = pxt; pyold = pyl; pB = kTRUE; SetCursor(kTopRight); } // case pC if (TMath::Abs(px - pxt) <= kMaxDiff && TMath::Abs(py - pyt) <= kMaxDiff) { pxold = pxt; pyold = pyt; pC = kTRUE; SetCursor(kBottomRight); } // case pD if (TMath::Abs(px - pxl) <= kMaxDiff && TMath::Abs(py - pyt) <= kMaxDiff) { pxold = pxl; pyold = pyt; pD = kTRUE; SetCursor(kBottomLeft); } if ((px > pxl+kMaxDiff && px < pxt-kMaxDiff) && TMath::Abs(py - pyl) < kMaxDiff) { // top edge pxold = pxl; pyold = pyl; pTop = kTRUE; SetCursor(kTopSide); } if ((px > pxl+kMaxDiff && px < pxt-kMaxDiff) && TMath::Abs(py - pyt) < kMaxDiff) { // bottom edge pxold = pxt; pyold = pyt; pBot = kTRUE; SetCursor(kBottomSide); } if ((py > pyl+kMaxDiff && py < pyt-kMaxDiff) && TMath::Abs(px - pxl) < kMaxDiff) { // left edge pxold = pxl; pyold = pyl; pL = kTRUE; SetCursor(kLeftSide); } if ((py > pyl+kMaxDiff && py < pyt-kMaxDiff) && TMath::Abs(px - pxt) < kMaxDiff) { // right edge pxold = pxt; pyold = pyt; pR = kTRUE; SetCursor(kRightSide); } if ((px > pxl+kMaxDiff && px < pxt-kMaxDiff) && (py > pyl+kMaxDiff && py < pyt-kMaxDiff)) { // inside box pxold = px; pyold = py; pINSIDE = kTRUE; if (event == kButton1Down) SetCursor(kMove); else SetCursor(kCross); } fResizing = kFALSE; if (pA || pB || pC || pD || pTop || pL || pR || pBot) fResizing = kTRUE; if (!pA && !pB && !pC && !pD && !pTop && !pL && !pR && !pBot && !pINSIDE) SetCursor(kCross); break; case kArrowKeyRelease: case kButton1Motion: if (TestBit(kCannotMove)) break; wx = wy = 0; if (pA) { if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(pxold, pyt, pxt, pyold, TVirtualX::kHollow); if (px > pxt-kMinSize) { px = pxt-kMinSize; wx = px; } if (py > pyt-kMinSize) { py = pyt-kMinSize; wy = py; } if (px < pxlp) { px = pxlp; wx = px; } if (py < pylp) { py = pylp; wy = py; } if (fixedr) { Double_t dy = Double_t(TMath::Abs(pxt-px))/parent->UtoPixel(1.) / fAspectRatio; Int_t npy2 = pyt - TMath::Abs(parent->VtoAbsPixel(dy) - parent->VtoAbsPixel(0)); if (npy2 < pylp) { px = pxold; py = pyold; } else py = npy2; wx = wy = 0; } if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px, pyt, pxt, py, TVirtualX::kHollow); } if (pB) { if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(pxl , pyt, pxold, pyold, TVirtualX::kHollow); if (px < pxl+kMinSize) { px = pxl+kMinSize; wx = px; } if (py > pyt-kMinSize) { py = pyt-kMinSize; wy = py; } if (px > pxtp) { px = pxtp; wx = px; } if (py < pylp) { py = pylp; wy = py; } if (fixedr) { Double_t dy = Double_t(TMath::Abs(pxl-px))/parent->UtoPixel(1.) / fAspectRatio; Int_t npy2 = pyt - TMath::Abs(parent->VtoAbsPixel(dy) - parent->VtoAbsPixel(0)); if (npy2 < pylp) { px = pxold; py = pyold; } else py = npy2; wx = wy = 0; } if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(pxl , pyt, px , py, TVirtualX::kHollow); } if (pC) { if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(pxl , pyl, pxold, pyold, TVirtualX::kHollow); if (px < pxl+kMinSize) { px = pxl+kMinSize; wx = px; } if (py < pyl+kMinSize) { py = pyl+kMinSize; wy = py; } if (px > pxtp) { px = pxtp; wx = px; } if (py > pytp) { py = pytp; wy = py; } if (fixedr) { Double_t dy = Double_t(TMath::Abs(pxl-px))/parent->UtoPixel(1.) / fAspectRatio; Int_t npy2 = pyl + TMath::Abs(parent->VtoAbsPixel(dy) - parent->VtoAbsPixel(0)); if (npy2 > pytp) { px = pxold; py = pyold; } else py = npy2; wx = wy = 0; } if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(pxl, pyl, px, py, TVirtualX::kHollow); } if (pD) { if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(pxold, pyold, pxt, pyl, TVirtualX::kHollow); if (px > pxt-kMinSize) { px = pxt-kMinSize; wx = px; } if (py < pyl+kMinSize) { py = pyl+kMinSize; wy = py; } if (px < pxlp) { px = pxlp; wx = px; } if (py > pytp) { py = pytp; wy = py; } if (fixedr) { Double_t dy = Double_t(TMath::Abs(pxt-px))/parent->UtoPixel(1.) / fAspectRatio; Int_t npy2 = pyl + TMath::Abs(parent->VtoAbsPixel(dy) - parent->VtoAbsPixel(0)); if (npy2 > pytp) { px = pxold; py = pyold; } else py = npy2; wx = wy = 0; } if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px, py, pxt, pyl, TVirtualX::kHollow); } if (pTop) { if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2, TVirtualX::kHollow); py2 += py - pyold; if (py2 > py1-kMinSize) { py2 = py1-kMinSize; wy = py2; } if (py2 < py2p) { py2 = py2p; wy = py2; } if (fixedr) { Double_t dx = Double_t(TMath::Abs(py2-py1))/parent->VtoPixel(0) * fAspectRatio; Int_t npx2 = px1 + parent->UtoPixel(dx); if (npx2 > px2p) py2 -= py - pyold; else px2 = npx2; } if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2, TVirtualX::kHollow); } if (pBot) { if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2, TVirtualX::kHollow); py1 += py - pyold; if (py1 < py2+kMinSize) { py1 = py2+kMinSize; wy = py1; } if (py1 > py1p) { py1 = py1p; wy = py1; } if (fixedr) { Double_t dx = Double_t(TMath::Abs(py2-py1))/parent->VtoPixel(0) * fAspectRatio; Int_t npx2 = px1 + parent->UtoPixel(dx); if (npx2 > px2p) py1 -= py - pyold; else px2 = npx2; } if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2, TVirtualX::kHollow); } if (pL) { if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2, TVirtualX::kHollow); px1 += px - pxold; if (px1 > px2-kMinSize) { px1 = px2-kMinSize; wx = px1; } if (px1 < px1p) { px1 = px1p; wx = px1; } if (fixedr) { Double_t dy = Double_t(TMath::Abs(px2-px1))/parent->UtoPixel(1.) / fAspectRatio; Int_t npy2 = py1 - TMath::Abs(parent->VtoAbsPixel(dy) - parent->VtoAbsPixel(0)); if (npy2 < py2p) px1 -= px - pxold; else py2 = npy2; } if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2, TVirtualX::kHollow); } if (pR) { if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2, TVirtualX::kHollow); px2 += px - pxold; if (px2 < px1+kMinSize) { px2 = px1+kMinSize; wx = px2; } if (px2 > px2p) { px2 = px2p; wx = px2; } if (fixedr) { Double_t dy = Double_t(TMath::Abs(px2-px1))/parent->UtoPixel(1.) / fAspectRatio; Int_t npy2 = py1 - TMath::Abs(parent->VtoAbsPixel(dy) - parent->VtoAbsPixel(0)); if (npy2 < py2p) px2 -= px - pxold; else py2 = npy2; } if (!ropaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2, TVirtualX::kHollow); } if (pINSIDE) { if (!opaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2, TVirtualX::kHollow); // draw the old box Int_t dx = px - pxold; Int_t dy = py - pyold; px1 += dx; py1 += dy; px2 += dx; py2 += dy; if (px1 < px1p) { dx = px1p - px1; px1 += dx; px2 += dx; wx = px+dx; } if (px2 > px2p) { dx = px2 - px2p; px1 -= dx; px2 -= dx; wx = px-dx; } if (py1 > py1p) { dy = py1 - py1p; py1 -= dy; py2 -= dy; wy = py-dy; } if (py2 < py2p) { dy = py2p - py2; py1 += dy; py2 += dy; wy = py+dy; } if (!opaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2, TVirtualX::kHollow); // draw the new box } if (wx || wy) { if (wx) px = wx; if (wy) py = wy; gVirtualX->Warp(px, py); } pxold = px; pyold = py; Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2; x1 = x2 = y1 = y2 = 0; if ((!fResizing && opaque) || (fResizing && ropaque)) { if (pA) { x1 = AbsPixeltoX(pxold); y1 = AbsPixeltoY(pyt); x2 = AbsPixeltoX(pxt); y2 = AbsPixeltoY(pyold); } if (pB) { x1 = AbsPixeltoX(pxl); y1 = AbsPixeltoY(pyt); x2 = AbsPixeltoX(pxold); y2 = AbsPixeltoY(pyold); } if (pC) { x1 = AbsPixeltoX(pxl); y1 = AbsPixeltoY(pyold); x2 = AbsPixeltoX(pxold); y2 = AbsPixeltoY(pyl); } if (pD) { x1 = AbsPixeltoX(pxold); y1 = AbsPixeltoY(pyold); x2 = AbsPixeltoX(pxt); y2 = AbsPixeltoY(pyl); } if (pTop || pBot || pL || pR || pINSIDE) { x1 = AbsPixeltoX(px1); y1 = AbsPixeltoY(py1); x2 = AbsPixeltoX(px2); y2 = AbsPixeltoY(py2); } if (px != pxorg || py != pyorg) { // Get parent corners pixels coordinates Int_t parentpx1 = fMother->XtoAbsPixel(parent->GetX1()); Int_t parentpx2 = fMother->XtoAbsPixel(parent->GetX2()); Int_t parentpy1 = fMother->YtoAbsPixel(parent->GetY1()); Int_t parentpy2 = fMother->YtoAbsPixel(parent->GetY2()); // Get pad new corners pixels coordinates Int_t apx1 = XtoAbsPixel(x1); if (apx1 < parentpx1) {apx1 = parentpx1; } Int_t apx2 = XtoAbsPixel(x2); if (apx2 > parentpx2) {apx2 = parentpx2; } Int_t apy1 = YtoAbsPixel(y1); if (apy1 > parentpy1) {apy1 = parentpy1; } Int_t apy2 = YtoAbsPixel(y2); if (apy2 < parentpy2) {apy2 = parentpy2; } // Compute new pad positions in the NDC space of parent fXlowNDC = Double_t(apx1 - parentpx1)/Double_t(parentpx2 - parentpx1); fYlowNDC = Double_t(apy1 - parentpy1)/Double_t(parentpy2 - parentpy1); fWNDC = Double_t(apx2 - apx1)/Double_t(parentpx2 - parentpx1); fHNDC = Double_t(apy2 - apy1)/Double_t(parentpy2 - parentpy1); } // Reset pad parameters and recompute conversion coefficients ResizePad(); if (pINSIDE) gPad->ShowGuidelines(this, event); if (pTop) gPad->ShowGuidelines(this, event, 't', true); if (pBot) gPad->ShowGuidelines(this, event, 'b', true); if (pL) gPad->ShowGuidelines(this, event, 'l', true); if (pR) gPad->ShowGuidelines(this, event, 'r', true); if (pA) gPad->ShowGuidelines(this, event, '1', true); if (pB) gPad->ShowGuidelines(this, event, '2', true); if (pC) gPad->ShowGuidelines(this, event, '3', true); if (pD) gPad->ShowGuidelines(this, event, '4', true); Modified(kTRUE); } break; case kButton1Up: if (gROOT->IsEscaped()) { gROOT->SetEscape(kFALSE); break; } if (opaque||ropaque) { ShowGuidelines(this, event); } else { x1 = x2 = y1 = y2 = 0; if (pA) { x1 = AbsPixeltoX(pxold); y1 = AbsPixeltoY(pyt); x2 = AbsPixeltoX(pxt); y2 = AbsPixeltoY(pyold); } if (pB) { x1 = AbsPixeltoX(pxl); y1 = AbsPixeltoY(pyt); x2 = AbsPixeltoX(pxold); y2 = AbsPixeltoY(pyold); } if (pC) { x1 = AbsPixeltoX(pxl); y1 = AbsPixeltoY(pyold); x2 = AbsPixeltoX(pxold); y2 = AbsPixeltoY(pyl); } if (pD) { x1 = AbsPixeltoX(pxold); y1 = AbsPixeltoY(pyold); x2 = AbsPixeltoX(pxt); y2 = AbsPixeltoY(pyl); } if (pTop || pBot || pL || pR || pINSIDE) { x1 = AbsPixeltoX(px1); y1 = AbsPixeltoY(py1); x2 = AbsPixeltoX(px2); y2 = AbsPixeltoY(py2); } if (pA || pB || pC || pD || pTop || pL || pR || pBot) Modified(kTRUE); gVirtualX->SetLineColor(-1); gVirtualX->SetLineWidth(-1); if (px != pxorg || py != pyorg) { // Get parent corners pixels coordinates Int_t parentpx1 = fMother->XtoAbsPixel(parent->GetX1()); Int_t parentpx2 = fMother->XtoAbsPixel(parent->GetX2()); Int_t parentpy1 = fMother->YtoAbsPixel(parent->GetY1()); Int_t parentpy2 = fMother->YtoAbsPixel(parent->GetY2()); // Get pad new corners pixels coordinates Int_t apx1 = XtoAbsPixel(x1); if (apx1 < parentpx1) {apx1 = parentpx1; } Int_t apx2 = XtoAbsPixel(x2); if (apx2 > parentpx2) {apx2 = parentpx2; } Int_t apy1 = YtoAbsPixel(y1); if (apy1 > parentpy1) {apy1 = parentpy1; } Int_t apy2 = YtoAbsPixel(y2); if (apy2 < parentpy2) {apy2 = parentpy2; } // Compute new pad positions in the NDC space of parent fXlowNDC = Double_t(apx1 - parentpx1)/Double_t(parentpx2 - parentpx1); fYlowNDC = Double_t(apy1 - parentpy1)/Double_t(parentpy2 - parentpy1); fWNDC = Double_t(apx2 - apx1)/Double_t(parentpx2 - parentpx1); fHNDC = Double_t(apy2 - apy1)/Double_t(parentpy2 - parentpy1); } // Reset pad parameters and recompute conversion coefficients ResizePad(); // emit signal RangeChanged(); } break; case kButton1Locate: ExecuteEvent(kButton1Down, px, py); while (1) { px = py = 0; event = gVirtualX->RequestLocator(1, 1, px, py); ExecuteEvent(kButton1Motion, px, py); if (event != -1) { // button is released ExecuteEvent(kButton1Up, px, py); return; } } case kButton2Down: Pop(); break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Execute action corresponding to one event for a TAxis object /// (called by TAxis::ExecuteEvent.) /// This member function is called when an axis is clicked with the locator /// /// The axis range is set between the position where the mouse is pressed /// and the position where it is released. /// /// If the mouse position is outside the current axis range when it is released /// the axis is unzoomed with the corresponding proportions. /// /// Note that the mouse does not need to be in the pad or even canvas /// when it is released. void TPad::ExecuteEventAxis(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py, TAxis *axis) { if (!IsEditable()) return; SetCursor(kHand); TView *view = GetView(); static Int_t axisNumber; static Double_t ratio1, ratio2; static Int_t px1old, py1old, px2old, py2old; Int_t bin1, bin2, first, last; Double_t temp, xmin,xmax; Bool_t opaque = gPad->OpaqueMoving(); static TBox *zoombox; Double_t zbx1=0,zbx2=0,zby1=0,zby2=0; // The CONT4 option, used to paint TH2, is a special case; it uses a 3D // drawing technique to paint a 2D plot. TString opt = axis->GetParent()->GetDrawOption(); opt.ToLower(); Bool_t kCont4 = kFALSE; if (strstr(opt,"cont4")) { view = 0; kCont4 = kTRUE; } switch (event) { case kButton1Down: axisNumber = 1; if (!strcmp(axis->GetName(),"xaxis")) { axisNumber = 1; if (!IsVertical()) axisNumber = 2; } if (!strcmp(axis->GetName(),"yaxis")) { axisNumber = 2; if (!IsVertical()) axisNumber = 1; } if (!strcmp(axis->GetName(),"zaxis")) { axisNumber = 3; } if (view) { view->GetDistancetoAxis(axisNumber, px, py, ratio1); } else { if (axisNumber == 1) { ratio1 = (AbsPixeltoX(px) - GetUxmin())/(GetUxmax() - GetUxmin()); px1old = XtoAbsPixel(GetUxmin()+ratio1*(GetUxmax() - GetUxmin())); py1old = YtoAbsPixel(GetUymin()); px2old = px1old; py2old = YtoAbsPixel(GetUymax()); } else if (axisNumber == 2) { ratio1 = (AbsPixeltoY(py) - GetUymin())/(GetUymax() - GetUymin()); py1old = YtoAbsPixel(GetUymin()+ratio1*(GetUymax() - GetUymin())); px1old = XtoAbsPixel(GetUxmin()); px2old = XtoAbsPixel(GetUxmax()); py2old = py1old; } else { ratio1 = (AbsPixeltoY(py) - GetUymin())/(GetUymax() - GetUymin()); py1old = YtoAbsPixel(GetUymin()+ratio1*(GetUymax() - GetUymin())); px1old = XtoAbsPixel(GetUxmax()); px2old = XtoAbsPixel(GetX2()); py2old = py1old; } if (!opaque) { gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1old, py1old, px2old, py2old, TVirtualX::kHollow); } else { if (axisNumber == 1) { zbx1 = AbsPixeltoX(px1old); zbx2 = AbsPixeltoX(px2old); zby1 = GetUymin(); zby2 = GetUymax(); } else if (axisNumber == 2) { zbx1 = GetUxmin(); zbx2 = GetUxmax(); zby1 = AbsPixeltoY(py1old); zby2 = AbsPixeltoY(py2old); } if (GetLogx()) { zbx1 = TMath::Power(10,zbx1); zbx2 = TMath::Power(10,zbx2); } if (GetLogy()) { zby1 = TMath::Power(10,zby1); zby2 = TMath::Power(10,zby2); } zoombox = new TBox(zbx1, zby1, zbx2, zby2); Int_t ci = TColor::GetColor("#7d7dff"); TColor *zoomcolor = gROOT->GetColor(ci); if (!TCanvas::SupportAlpha() || !zoomcolor) zoombox->SetFillStyle(3002); else zoomcolor->SetAlpha(0.5); zoombox->SetFillColor(ci); zoombox->Draw(); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } } if (!opaque) gVirtualX->SetLineColor(-1); // No break !!! case kButton1Motion: if (view) { view->GetDistancetoAxis(axisNumber, px, py, ratio2); } else { if (!opaque) gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1old, py1old, px2old, py2old, TVirtualX::kHollow); if (axisNumber == 1) { ratio2 = (AbsPixeltoX(px) - GetUxmin())/(GetUxmax() - GetUxmin()); px2old = XtoAbsPixel(GetUxmin()+ratio2*(GetUxmax() - GetUxmin())); } else { ratio2 = (AbsPixeltoY(py) - GetUymin())/(GetUymax() - GetUymin()); py2old = YtoAbsPixel(GetUymin()+ratio2*(GetUymax() - GetUymin())); } if (!opaque) { gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1old, py1old, px2old, py2old, TVirtualX::kHollow); } else { if (axisNumber == 1) { zbx1 = AbsPixeltoX(px1old); zbx2 = AbsPixeltoX(px2old); zby1 = GetUymin(); zby2 = GetUymax(); } else if (axisNumber == 2) { zbx1 = GetUxmin(); zbx2 = GetUxmax(); zby1 = AbsPixeltoY(py1old); zby2 = AbsPixeltoY(py2old); } if (GetLogx()) { zbx1 = TMath::Power(10,zbx1); zbx2 = TMath::Power(10,zbx2); } if (GetLogy()) { zby1 = TMath::Power(10,zby1); zby2 = TMath::Power(10,zby2); } if (zoombox) { zoombox->SetX1(zbx1); zoombox->SetY1(zby1); zoombox->SetX2(zbx2); zoombox->SetY2(zby2); } gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } } break; case kWheelUp: bin1 = axis->GetFirst()+1; bin2 = axis->GetLast()-1; bin1 = TMath::Max(bin1, 1); bin2 = TMath::Min(bin2, axis->GetNbins()); if (bin2>bin1) { axis->SetRange(bin1,bin2); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } break; case kWheelDown: bin1 = axis->GetFirst()-1; bin2 = axis->GetLast()+1; bin1 = TMath::Max(bin1, 1); bin2 = TMath::Min(bin2, axis->GetNbins()); if (bin2>bin1) { axis->SetRange(bin1,bin2); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } break; case kButton1Up: if (gROOT->IsEscaped()) { gROOT->SetEscape(kFALSE); if (opaque && zoombox) { zoombox->Delete(); zoombox = 0; } break; } if (view) { view->GetDistancetoAxis(axisNumber, px, py, ratio2); if (ratio1 > ratio2) { temp = ratio1; ratio1 = ratio2; ratio2 = temp; } if (ratio2 - ratio1 > 0.05) { TH1 *hobj = (TH1*)axis->GetParent(); if (axisNumber == 3 && hobj && hobj->GetDimension() != 3) { Float_t zmin = hobj->GetMinimum(); Float_t zmax = hobj->GetMaximum(); if(GetLogz()){ if (zmin <= 0 && zmax > 0) zmin = TMath::Min((Double_t)1, (Double_t)0.001*zmax); zmin = TMath::Log10(zmin); zmax = TMath::Log10(zmax); } Float_t newmin = zmin + (zmax-zmin)*ratio1; Float_t newmax = zmin + (zmax-zmin)*ratio2; if(newmin < zmin)newmin = hobj->GetBinContent(hobj->GetMinimumBin()); if(newmax > zmax)newmax = hobj->GetBinContent(hobj->GetMaximumBin()); if(GetLogz()){ newmin = TMath::Exp(2.302585092994*newmin); newmax = TMath::Exp(2.302585092994*newmax); } hobj->SetMinimum(newmin); hobj->SetMaximum(newmax); hobj->SetBit(TH1::kIsZoomed); } else { first = axis->GetFirst(); last = axis->GetLast(); bin1 = first + Int_t((last-first+1)*ratio1); bin2 = first + Int_t((last-first+1)*ratio2); bin1 = TMath::Max(bin1, 1); bin2 = TMath::Min(bin2, axis->GetNbins()); axis->SetRange(bin1, bin2); } delete view; SetView(0); Modified(kTRUE); } } else { if (axisNumber == 1) { ratio2 = (AbsPixeltoX(px) - GetUxmin())/(GetUxmax() - GetUxmin()); xmin = GetUxmin() +ratio1*(GetUxmax() - GetUxmin()); xmax = GetUxmin() +ratio2*(GetUxmax() - GetUxmin()); if (GetLogx() && !kCont4) { xmin = PadtoX(xmin); xmax = PadtoX(xmax); } } else if (axisNumber == 2) { ratio2 = (AbsPixeltoY(py) - GetUymin())/(GetUymax() - GetUymin()); xmin = GetUymin() +ratio1*(GetUymax() - GetUymin()); xmax = GetUymin() +ratio2*(GetUymax() - GetUymin()); if (GetLogy() && !kCont4) { xmin = PadtoY(xmin); xmax = PadtoY(xmax); } } else { ratio2 = (AbsPixeltoY(py) - GetUymin())/(GetUymax() - GetUymin()); xmin = ratio1; xmax = ratio2; } if (xmin > xmax) { temp = xmin; xmin = xmax; xmax = temp; temp = ratio1; ratio1 = ratio2; ratio2 = temp; } // xmin and xmax need to be adjusted in case of CONT4. if (kCont4) { Double_t low = axis->GetBinLowEdge(axis->GetFirst()); Double_t up = axis->GetBinUpEdge(axis->GetLast()); Double_t xmi = GetUxmin(); Double_t xma = GetUxmax(); xmin = ((xmin-xmi)/(xma-xmi))*(up-low)+low; xmax = ((xmax-xmi)/(xma-xmi))*(up-low)+low; } if (!strcmp(axis->GetName(),"xaxis")) axisNumber = 1; if (!strcmp(axis->GetName(),"yaxis")) axisNumber = 2; if (ratio2 - ratio1 > 0.05) { //update object owning this axis TH1 *hobj1 = (TH1*)axis->GetParent(); bin1 = axis->FindFixBin(xmin); bin2 = axis->FindFixBin(xmax); bin1 = TMath::Max(bin1, 1); bin2 = TMath::Min(bin2, axis->GetNbins()); if (axisNumber == 1) axis->SetRange(bin1,bin2); if (axisNumber == 2 && hobj1) { if (hobj1->GetDimension() == 1) { if (hobj1->GetNormFactor() != 0) { Double_t norm = hobj1->GetSumOfWeights()/hobj1->GetNormFactor(); xmin *= norm; xmax *= norm; } hobj1->SetMinimum(xmin); hobj1->SetMaximum(xmax); hobj1->SetBit(TH1::kIsZoomed); } else { axis->SetRange(bin1,bin2); } } //update all histograms in the pad TIter next(GetListOfPrimitives()); TObject *obj; while ((obj= next())) { if (!obj->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) continue; TH1 *hobj = (TH1*)obj; if (hobj == hobj1) continue; bin1 = hobj->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(xmin); bin2 = hobj->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(xmax); if (axisNumber == 1) { hobj->GetXaxis()->SetRange(bin1,bin2); } else if (axisNumber == 2) { if (hobj->GetDimension() == 1) { Double_t xxmin = xmin; Double_t xxmax = xmax; if (hobj->GetNormFactor() != 0) { Double_t norm = hobj->GetSumOfWeights()/hobj->GetNormFactor(); xxmin *= norm; xxmax *= norm; } hobj->SetMinimum(xxmin); hobj->SetMaximum(xxmax); hobj->SetBit(TH1::kIsZoomed); } else { bin1 = hobj->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(xmin); bin2 = hobj->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(xmax); hobj->GetYaxis()->SetRange(bin1,bin2); } } } Modified(kTRUE); } } if (!opaque) { gVirtualX->SetLineColor(-1); } else { if (zoombox) { zoombox->Delete(); zoombox = 0; } } break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Search if object named name is inside this pad or in pads inside this pad. /// /// In case name is in several sub-pads the first one is returned. TObject *TPad::FindObject(const char *name) const { if (!fPrimitives) return nullptr; TObject *found = fPrimitives->FindObject(name); if (found) return found; TObject *cur; TIter next(GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((cur = next())) { if (cur->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) { found = ((TPad*)cur)->FindObject(name); if (found) return found; } } return nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Search if obj is in pad or in pads inside this pad. /// /// In case obj is in several sub-pads the first one is returned. TObject *TPad::FindObject(const TObject *obj) const { if (!fPrimitives) return nullptr; TObject *found = fPrimitives->FindObject(obj); if (found) return found; TObject *cur; TIter next(GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((cur = next())) { if (cur->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) { found = ((TPad*)cur)->FindObject(obj); if (found) return found; } } return nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get canvas identifier. Int_t TPad::GetCanvasID() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetCanvasID() : -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get canvas implementation pointer if any TCanvasImp *TPad::GetCanvasImp() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetCanvasImp() : nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get Event. Int_t TPad::GetEvent() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetEvent() : 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get X event. Int_t TPad::GetEventX() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetEventX() : 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get Y event. Int_t TPad::GetEventY() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetEventY() : 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get virtual canvas. TVirtualPad *TPad::GetVirtCanvas() const { return fCanvas ? (TVirtualPad*) fCanvas : nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get highlight color. Color_t TPad::GetHighLightColor() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetHighLightColor() : 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Static function (see also TPad::SetMaxPickDistance) Int_t TPad::GetMaxPickDistance() { return fgMaxPickDistance; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get selected. TObject *TPad::GetSelected() const { if (fCanvas == this) return nullptr; return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetSelected() : nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get selected pad. TVirtualPad *TPad::GetSelectedPad() const { if (fCanvas == this) return nullptr; return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetSelectedPad() : nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get save pad. TVirtualPad *TPad::GetPadSave() const { if (fCanvas == this) return nullptr; return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetPadSave() : nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get Wh. UInt_t TPad::GetWh() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetWh() : 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get Ww. UInt_t TPad::GetWw() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetWw() : 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Hide tool tip depending on the event type. Typically tool tips /// are hidden when event is not a kMouseEnter and not a kMouseMotion /// event. void TPad::HideToolTip(Int_t event) { if (event != kMouseEnter && event != kMouseMotion && fTip) gPad->CloseToolTip(fTip); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Is pad in batch mode ? Bool_t TPad::IsBatch() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->IsBatch() : kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Is pad retained ? Bool_t TPad::IsRetained() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->IsRetained() : kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Is pad moving in opaque mode ? Bool_t TPad::OpaqueMoving() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->OpaqueMoving() : kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Is pad resizing in opaque mode ? Bool_t TPad::OpaqueResizing() const { return fCanvas ? fCanvas->OpaqueResizing() : kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set pad in batch mode. void TPad::SetBatch(Bool_t batch) { if (fCanvas) fCanvas->SetBatch(batch); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set canvas size. void TPad::SetCanvasSize(UInt_t ww, UInt_t wh) { if (fCanvas) fCanvas->SetCanvasSize(ww,wh); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set cursor type. void TPad::SetCursor(ECursor cursor) { if (fCanvas) fCanvas->SetCursor(cursor); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set double buffer mode ON or OFF. void TPad::SetDoubleBuffer(Int_t mode) { if (fCanvas) fCanvas->SetDoubleBuffer(mode); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set selected. void TPad::SetSelected(TObject *obj) { if (fCanvas) fCanvas->SetSelected(obj); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Update pad. void TPad::Update() { if (fCanvas) fCanvas->Update(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get frame. TFrame *TPad::GetFrame() { if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; TFrame *frame = (TFrame*)GetListOfPrimitives()->FindObject(fFrame); if (!frame) frame = (TFrame*)GetListOfPrimitives()->FindObject("TFrame"); fFrame = frame; if (!fFrame) { if (!frame) fFrame = new TFrame(0,0,1,1); Int_t framecolor = GetFrameFillColor(); if (!framecolor) framecolor = GetFillColor(); fFrame->SetFillColor(framecolor); fFrame->SetFillStyle(GetFrameFillStyle()); fFrame->SetLineColor(GetFrameLineColor()); fFrame->SetLineStyle(GetFrameLineStyle()); fFrame->SetLineWidth(GetFrameLineWidth()); fFrame->SetBorderSize(GetFrameBorderSize()); fFrame->SetBorderMode(GetFrameBorderMode()); } return fFrame; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get primitive. TObject *TPad::GetPrimitive(const char *name) const { if (!fPrimitives) return nullptr; TIter next(fPrimitives); TObject *found, *obj; while ((obj=next())) { if (!strcmp(name, obj->GetName())) return obj; if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) continue; found = obj->FindObject(name); if (found) return found; } return nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get a pointer to subpadnumber of this pad. TVirtualPad *TPad::GetPad(Int_t subpadnumber) const { if (!subpadnumber) { return (TVirtualPad*)this; } TObject *obj; if (!fPrimitives) return nullptr; TIter next(GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TVirtualPad::Class())) { TVirtualPad *pad = (TVirtualPad*)obj; if (pad->GetNumber() == subpadnumber) return pad; } } return nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return lower and upper bounds of the pad in NDC coordinates. void TPad::GetPadPar(Double_t &xlow, Double_t &ylow, Double_t &xup, Double_t &yup) { xlow = fXlowNDC; ylow = fYlowNDC; xup = fXlowNDC+fWNDC; yup = fYlowNDC+fHNDC; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return pad world coordinates range. void TPad::GetRange(Double_t &x1, Double_t &y1, Double_t &x2, Double_t &y2) { x1 = fX1; y1 = fY1; x2 = fX2; y2 = fY2; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return pad axis coordinates range. void TPad::GetRangeAxis(Double_t &xmin, Double_t &ymin, Double_t &xmax, Double_t &ymax) { xmin = fUxmin; ymin = fUymin; xmax = fUxmax; ymax = fUymax; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Highlight pad. /// do not highlight when printing on Postscript void TPad::HighLight(Color_t color, Bool_t set) { if (gVirtualPS && gVirtualPS->TestBit(kPrintingPS)) return; if (color <= 0) return; AbsCoordinates(kTRUE); // We do not want to have active(executable) buttons, etc highlighted // in this manner, unless we want to edit'em if (GetMother() && GetMother()->IsEditable() && !InheritsFrom(TButton::Class())) { //When doing a DrawClone from the GUI you would do // - select an empty pad - // - right click on object - // - select DrawClone on menu - // // Without the SetSelectedPad(); in the HighLight function, the // above instruction lead to the clone to be drawn in the // same canvas as the original object. This is because the // 'right clicking' (via TCanvas::HandleInput) changes gPad // momentarily such that when DrawClone is called, it is // not the right value (for DrawClone). Should be FIXED. gROOT->SetSelectedPad(this); if (GetBorderMode()>0) { if (set) PaintBorder(-color, kFALSE); else PaintBorder(-GetFillColor(), kFALSE); } } AbsCoordinates(kFALSE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// List all primitives in pad. void TPad::ls(Option_t *option) const { TROOT::IndentLevel(); std::cout <GetName()<<" fXlowNDC=" <=0 || opt.Index("plc")>=0 || opt.Index("pmc")>=0) { if (i==1) fNumPaletteColor++; else fNumPaletteColor = i; return fNumPaletteColor; } else { return 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get the next autocolor in the pad. Int_t TPad::NextPaletteColor() { Int_t i = 0; Int_t ncolors = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors(); if (fNumPaletteColor>1) { i = fNextPaletteColor*(ncolors/(fNumPaletteColor-1)); if (i>=ncolors) i = ncolors-1; } fNextPaletteColor++; if (fNextPaletteColor > fNumPaletteColor-1) fNextPaletteColor = 0; return gStyle->GetColorPalette(i); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Initialise the grid used to find empty space when adding a box (Legend) in a pad void TPad::FillCollideGrid(TObject *oi) { Int_t const cellSize = 10; // Sive of an individual grid cell in pixels. if (fCGnx == 0 && fCGny == 0) { fCGnx = gPad->GetWw()/cellSize; fCGny = gPad->GetWh()/cellSize; } else { Int_t CGnx = gPad->GetWw()/cellSize; Int_t CGny = gPad->GetWh()/cellSize; if (fCGnx != CGnx || fCGny != CGny) { fCGnx = CGnx; fCGny = CGny; delete [] fCollideGrid; fCollideGrid = nullptr; } } // Initialise the collide grid if (!fCollideGrid) { fCollideGrid = new Bool_t [fCGnx*fCGny]; for (int i = 0; iGetSize(); TObject *o; for (int i=0; iAt(i); if (o!=oi) { if (o->InheritsFrom(TFrame::Class())) { FillCollideGridTFrame(o); continue;} if (o->InheritsFrom(TBox::Class())) { FillCollideGridTBox(o); continue;} if (o->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) { FillCollideGridTH1(o); continue;} if (o->InheritsFrom(TGraph::Class())) { FillCollideGridTGraph(o); continue;} if (o->InheritsFrom(TMultiGraph::Class())) { TList * grlist = ((TMultiGraph *)o)->GetListOfGraphs(); TIter nextgraph(grlist); TObject * og; while ((og = nextgraph())) FillCollideGridTGraph(og); } if (o->InheritsFrom(THStack::Class())) { TList * hlist = ((THStack *)o)->GetHists(); TIter nexthist(hlist); TObject * oh; while ((oh = nexthist())) { if (oh->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) FillCollideGridTH1(oh); } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check if a box of size w and h collide some primitives in the pad at /// position i,j Bool_t TPad::Collide(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t w, Int_t h) { for (int r=i; rTMath::Abs(y2-y1)) { if (x1>x2) { xt = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = xt; yt = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = yt; } for (i=x1+1; iy2) { yt = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = yt; xt = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = xt; } for (j=y1+1; jGetX1()-fX1)/xs); Int_t x2 = (Int_t)((b->GetX2()-fX1)/xs); Int_t y1 = (Int_t)((b->GetY1()-fY1)/ys); Int_t y2 = (Int_t)((b->GetY2()-fY1)/ys); for (int i = x1; i<=x2; i++) { for (int j = y1; j<=y2; j++) NotFree(i, j); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TPad::FillCollideGridTFrame(TObject *o) { TFrame *f = (TFrame *)o; Double_t xs = (fX2-fX1)/fCGnx; Double_t ys = (fY2-fY1)/fCGny; Int_t x1 = (Int_t)((f->GetX1()-fX1)/xs); Int_t x2 = (Int_t)((f->GetX2()-fX1)/xs); Int_t y1 = (Int_t)((f->GetY1()-fY1)/ys); Int_t y2 = (Int_t)((f->GetY2()-fY1)/ys); Int_t i; for (i = x1; i<=x2; i++) { NotFree(i, y1); NotFree(i, (y1-1)); NotFree(i, (y1-2)); } for (i = y1; i<=y2; i++) { NotFree(x1, i); NotFree((x1-1), i); NotFree((x1-2), i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TPad::FillCollideGridTGraph(TObject *o) { TGraph *g = (TGraph *)o; Double_t xs = (fX2-fX1)/fCGnx; Double_t ys = (fY2-fY1)/fCGny; Int_t n = g->GetN(); Double_t x1, x2, y1, y2; for (Int_t i=1; iGetPoint(i-1,x1,y1); g->GetPoint(i ,x2,y2); if (fLogx) { if (x1 > 0) x1 = TMath::Log10(x1); else x1 = fUxmin; if (x2 > 0) x2 = TMath::Log10(x2); else x2 = fUxmin; } if (fLogy) { if (y1 > 0) y1 = TMath::Log10(y1); else y1 = fUymin; if (y2 > 0) y2 = TMath::Log10(y2); else y2 = fUymin; } LineNotFree((int)((x1-fX1)/xs), (int)((x2-fX1)/xs), (int)((y1-fY1)/ys), (int)((y2-fY1)/ys)); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TPad::FillCollideGridTH1(TObject *o) { TH1 *h = (TH1 *)o; if (o->InheritsFrom(TH2::Class())) return; if (o->InheritsFrom(TH3::Class())) return; TString name = h->GetName(); if (name.Index("hframe") >= 0) return; Double_t xs = (fX2-fX1)/fCGnx; Double_t ys = (fY2-fY1)/fCGny; bool haserrors = false; TString drawOption = h->GetDrawOption(); drawOption.ToLower(); drawOption.ReplaceAll("same",""); if (drawOption.Index("hist") < 0) { if (drawOption.Index("e") >= 0) haserrors = true; } Int_t nx = h->GetNbinsX(); Int_t x1, y1, y2; Int_t i, j; Double_t x1l, y1l, y2l; for (i = 1; iGetBinCenter(i); if (fLogx) { if (x1l > 0) x1l = TMath::Log10(x1l); else x1l = fUxmin; } x1 = (Int_t)((x1l-fX1)/xs); y1l = h->GetBinContent(i)-h->GetBinErrorLow(i); if (fLogy) { if (y1l > 0) y1l = TMath::Log10(y1l); else y1l = fUymin; } y1 = (Int_t)((y1l-fY1)/ys); y2l = h->GetBinContent(i)+h->GetBinErrorUp(i); if (fLogy) { if (y2l > 0) y2l = TMath::Log10(y2l); else y2l = fUymin; } y2 = (Int_t)((y2l-fY1)/ys); for (j=y1; j<=y2; j++) { NotFree(x1, j); } } x1l = h->GetBinLowEdge(i); if (fLogx) { if (x1l > 0) x1l = TMath::Log10(x1l); else x1l = fUxmin; } x1 = (Int_t)((x1l-fX1)/xs); y1l = h->GetBinContent(i); if (fLogy) { if (y1l > 0) y1l = TMath::Log10(y1l); else y1l = fUymin; } y1 = (Int_t)((y1l-fY1)/ys); NotFree(x1, y1); x1l = h->GetBinLowEdge(i)+h->GetBinWidth(i); if (fLogx) { if (x1l > 0) x1l = TMath::Log10(x1l); else x1l = fUxmin; } x1 = (int)((x1l-fX1)/xs); NotFree(x1, y1); } // Extra objects in the list of function TPaveStats *ps = (TPaveStats*)h->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats"); if (ps) FillCollideGridTBox(ps); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This method draws the collide grid on top of the canvas. This is used for /// debugging only. At some point it will be removed. void TPad::DrawCollideGrid() { auto box = new TBox(); box->SetFillColorAlpha(kRed,0.5); Double_t xs = (fX2-fX1)/fCGnx; Double_t ys = (fY2-fY1)/fCGny; Double_t X1L, X2L, Y1L, Y2L; Double_t t = 0.15; Double_t Y1, Y2; Double_t X1 = fX1; Double_t X2 = X1+xs; for (int i = 0; iGetLogx()) { X1L = TMath::Power(10,X1); X2L = TMath::Power(10,X2); } else { X1L = X1; X2L = X2; } if (gPad->GetLogy()) { Y1L = TMath::Power(10,Y1); Y2L = TMath::Power(10,Y2); } else { Y1L = Y1; Y2L = Y2; } if (!fCollideGrid[i + j*fCGnx]) { box->SetFillColorAlpha(kBlack,t); box->DrawBox(X1L, Y1L, X2L, Y2L); } else { box->SetFillColorAlpha(kRed,t); box->DrawBox(X1L, Y1L, X2L, Y2L); } Y1 = Y2; Y2 = Y1+ys; if (t==0.15) t = 0.1; else t = 0.15; } X1 = X2; X2 = X1+xs; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Convert x from pad to X. Double_t TPad::PadtoX(Double_t x) const { if (fLogx && x < 50) return Double_t(TMath::Exp(2.302585092994*x)); return x; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Convert y from pad to Y. Double_t TPad::PadtoY(Double_t y) const { if (fLogy && y < 50) return Double_t(TMath::Exp(2.302585092994*y)); return y; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Convert x from X to pad. Double_t TPad::XtoPad(Double_t x) const { if (fLogx) { if (x > 0) x = TMath::Log10(x); else x = fUxmin; } return x; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Convert y from Y to pad. Double_t TPad::YtoPad(Double_t y) const { if (fLogy) { if (y > 0) y = TMath::Log10(y); else y = fUymin; } return y; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint all primitives in pad. void TPad::Paint(Option_t * /*option*/) { if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; if (fViewer3D && fViewer3D->CanLoopOnPrimitives()) { fViewer3D->PadPaint(this); Modified(kFALSE); if (GetGLDevice()!=-1 && gVirtualPS) { TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; gPad = this; gGLManager->PrintViewer(GetViewer3D()); gPad = padsav; } return; } if (fCanvas) TColor::SetGrayscale(fCanvas->IsGrayscale()); TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; fPadPaint = 1; cd(); PaintBorder(GetFillColor(), kTRUE); PaintDate(); TObjOptLink *lnk = (TObjOptLink*)GetListOfPrimitives()->FirstLink(); TObject *obj; Bool_t began3DScene = kFALSE; while (lnk) { obj = lnk->GetObject(); // Create a pad 3D viewer if none exists and we encounter a 3D shape if (!fViewer3D && obj->InheritsFrom(TAtt3D::Class())) { GetViewer3D("pad"); } // Open a 3D scene if required if (fViewer3D && !fViewer3D->BuildingScene()) { fViewer3D->BeginScene(); began3DScene = kTRUE; } obj->Paint(lnk->GetOption()); lnk = (TObjOptLink*)lnk->Next(); } if (padsav) padsav->cd(); fPadPaint = 0; Modified(kFALSE); // Close the 3D scene if we opened it. This must be done after modified // flag is cleared, as some viewers will invoke another paint by marking pad modified again if (began3DScene) { fViewer3D->EndScene(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint the pad border. /// Draw first a box as a normal filled box void TPad::PaintBorder(Color_t color, Bool_t tops) { if(color >= 0) { TAttLine::Modify(); //Change line attributes only if necessary TAttFill::Modify(); //Change fill area attributes only if necessary //With Cocoa we have a transparency. But we also have //pixmaps, and if you just paint a new content over the old one //with alpha < 1., you'll be able to see the old content. if (!gROOT->IsBatch() && gVirtualX->InheritsFrom("TGCocoa") && GetPainter()) GetPainter()->ClearDrawable(); PaintBox(fX1,fY1,fX2,fY2); } if (color < 0) color = -color; // then paint 3d frame (depending on bordermode) if (IsTransparent()) return; // Paint a 3D frame around the pad. if (fBorderMode == 0) return; Int_t bordersize = fBorderSize; if (bordersize <= 0) bordersize = 2; const Double_t realBsX = bordersize / (GetAbsWNDC() * GetWw()) * (fX2 - fX1); const Double_t realBsY = bordersize / (GetAbsHNDC() * GetWh()) * (fY2 - fY1); Short_t px1,py1,px2,py2; Double_t xl, xt, yl, yt; // GetDarkColor() and GetLightColor() use GetFillColor() Color_t oldcolor = GetFillColor(); SetFillColor(color); TAttFill::Modify(); Color_t light = 0, dark = 0; if (color != 0) { light = TColor::GetColorBright(color); dark = TColor::GetColorDark(color); } // Compute real left bottom & top right of the box in pixels px1 = XtoPixel(fX1); py1 = YtoPixel(fY1); px2 = XtoPixel(fX2); py2 = YtoPixel(fY2); if (px1 < px2) {xl = fX1; xt = fX2; } else {xl = fX2; xt = fX1;} if (py1 > py2) {yl = fY1; yt = fY2;} else {yl = fY2; yt = fY1;} Double_t frameXs[7] = {}, frameYs[7] = {}; if (!IsBatch()) { // Draw top&left part of the box frameXs[0] = xl; frameYs[0] = yl; frameXs[1] = xl + realBsX; frameYs[1] = yl + realBsY; frameXs[2] = frameXs[1]; frameYs[2] = yt - realBsY; frameXs[3] = xt - realBsX; frameYs[3] = frameYs[2]; frameXs[4] = xt; frameYs[4] = yt; frameXs[5] = xl; frameYs[5] = yt; frameXs[6] = xl; frameYs[6] = yl; if (fBorderMode == -1) GetPainter()->SetFillColor(dark); else GetPainter()->SetFillColor(light); GetPainter()->DrawFillArea(7, frameXs, frameYs); // Draw bottom&right part of the box frameXs[0] = xl; frameYs[0] = yl; frameXs[1] = xl + realBsX; frameYs[1] = yl + realBsY; frameXs[2] = xt - realBsX; frameYs[2] = frameYs[1]; frameXs[3] = frameXs[2]; frameYs[3] = yt - realBsY; frameXs[4] = xt; frameYs[4] = yt; frameXs[5] = xt; frameYs[5] = yl; frameXs[6] = xl; frameYs[6] = yl; if (fBorderMode == -1) GetPainter()->SetFillColor(light); else GetPainter()->SetFillColor(dark); GetPainter()->DrawFillArea(7, frameXs, frameYs); // If this pad is a button, highlight it if (InheritsFrom(TButton::Class()) && fBorderMode == -1) { if (TestBit(kFraming)) { // bit set in TButton::SetFraming if (GetFillColor() != 2) GetPainter()->SetLineColor(2); else GetPainter()->SetLineColor(4); GetPainter()->DrawBox(xl + realBsX, yl + realBsY, xt - realBsX, yt - realBsY, TVirtualPadPainter::kHollow); } } GetPainter()->SetFillColor(-1); SetFillColor(oldcolor); } if (!tops) return; PaintBorderPS(xl, yl, xt, yt, fBorderMode, bordersize, dark, light); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint a frame border with Postscript. void TPad::PaintBorderPS(Double_t xl,Double_t yl,Double_t xt,Double_t yt,Int_t bmode,Int_t bsize,Int_t dark,Int_t light) { if (!gVirtualPS) return; gVirtualPS->DrawFrame(xl, yl, xt, yt, bmode,bsize,dark,light); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint the current date and time if the option date is on. void TPad::PaintDate() { if (fCanvas == this && gStyle->GetOptDate()) { TDatime dt; const char *dates; char iso[16]; if (gStyle->GetOptDate() < 10) { //by default use format like "Wed Sep 25 17:10:35 2002" dates = dt.AsString(); } else if (gStyle->GetOptDate() < 20) { //use ISO format like 2002-09-25 strlcpy(iso,dt.AsSQLString(),16); dates = iso; } else { //use ISO format like 2002-09-25 17:10:35 dates = dt.AsSQLString(); } TText tdate(gStyle->GetDateX(),gStyle->GetDateY(),dates); tdate.SetTextSize( gStyle->GetAttDate()->GetTextSize()); tdate.SetTextFont( gStyle->GetAttDate()->GetTextFont()); tdate.SetTextColor(gStyle->GetAttDate()->GetTextColor()); tdate.SetTextAlign(gStyle->GetAttDate()->GetTextAlign()); tdate.SetTextAngle(gStyle->GetAttDate()->GetTextAngle()); tdate.SetNDC(); tdate.Paint(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint histogram/graph frame. void TPad::PaintPadFrame(Double_t xmin, Double_t ymin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymax) { if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; TList *glist = GetListOfPrimitives(); TFrame *frame = GetFrame(); frame->SetX1(xmin); frame->SetX2(xmax); frame->SetY1(ymin); frame->SetY2(ymax); if (!glist->FindObject(fFrame)) { glist->AddFirst(frame); fFrame->SetBit(kMustCleanup); } frame->Paint(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Traverse pad hierarchy and (re)paint only modified pads. void TPad::PaintModified() { if (fViewer3D && fViewer3D->CanLoopOnPrimitives()) { if (IsModified()) { fViewer3D->PadPaint(this); Modified(kFALSE); } TList *pList = GetListOfPrimitives(); TObjOptLink *lnk = 0; if (pList) lnk = (TObjOptLink*)pList->FirstLink(); TObject *obj; while (lnk) { obj = lnk->GetObject(); if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) ((TPad*)obj)->PaintModified(); lnk = (TObjOptLink*)lnk->Next(); } return; } if (fCanvas) TColor::SetGrayscale(fCanvas->IsGrayscale()); TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; TVirtualPS *saveps = gVirtualPS; if (gVirtualPS) { if (gVirtualPS->TestBit(kPrintingPS)) gVirtualPS = 0; } fPadPaint = 1; cd(); if (IsModified() || IsTransparent()) { if ((fFillStyle < 3026) && (fFillStyle > 3000)) { if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->ClearDrawable(); } PaintBorder(GetFillColor(), kTRUE); } PaintDate(); TList *pList = GetListOfPrimitives(); TObjOptLink *lnk = 0; if (pList) lnk = (TObjOptLink*)pList->FirstLink(); TObject *obj; Bool_t began3DScene = kFALSE; while (lnk) { obj = lnk->GetObject(); if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) { ((TPad*)obj)->PaintModified(); } else if (IsModified() || IsTransparent()) { // Create a pad 3D viewer if none exists and we encounter a // 3D shape if (!fViewer3D && obj->InheritsFrom(TAtt3D::Class())) { GetViewer3D("pad"); } // Open a 3D scene if required if (fViewer3D && !fViewer3D->BuildingScene()) { fViewer3D->BeginScene(); began3DScene = kTRUE; } obj->Paint(lnk->GetOption()); } lnk = (TObjOptLink*)lnk->Next(); } if (padsav) padsav->cd(); fPadPaint = 0; Modified(kFALSE); // This must be done after modified flag is cleared, as some // viewers will invoke another paint by marking pad modified again if (began3DScene) { fViewer3D->EndScene(); } gVirtualPS = saveps; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint box in CurrentPad World coordinates. /// /// - if option[0] = 's' the box is forced to be paint with style=0 /// - if option[0] = 'l' the box contour is drawn void TPad::PaintBox(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Option_t *option) { if (!gPad->IsBatch()) { Int_t style0 = GetPainter()->GetFillStyle(); Int_t style = style0; if (option[0] == 's') { GetPainter()->SetFillStyle(0); style = 0; } if (style) { if (style > 3000 && style < 4000) { if (style < 3026) { // draw stipples with fFillColor foreground GetPainter()->DrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, TVirtualPadPainter::kFilled); } if (style >= 3100 && style < 4000) { Double_t xb[4], yb[4]; xb[0] = x1; xb[1] = x1; xb[2] = x2; xb[3] = x2; yb[0] = y1; yb[1] = y2; yb[2] = y2; yb[3] = y1; PaintFillAreaHatches(4, xb, yb, style); return; } //special case for TAttFillCanvas if (GetPainter()->GetFillColor() == 10) { GetPainter()->SetFillColor(1); GetPainter()->DrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, TVirtualPadPainter::kFilled); GetPainter()->SetFillColor(10); } } else if (style >= 4000 && style <= 4100) { // For style >=4000 we make the window transparent. // From 4000 to 4100 the window is 100% transparent to 100% opaque //ignore this style option when this is the canvas itself if (this == fMother) { //It's clear, that virtual X checks a style (4000) and will render a hollow rect! const Style_t oldFillStyle = GetPainter()->GetFillStyle(); if (gVirtualX->InheritsFrom("TGCocoa")) GetPainter()->SetFillStyle(1000); GetPainter()->DrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, TVirtualPadPainter::kFilled); if (gVirtualX->InheritsFrom("TGCocoa")) GetPainter()->SetFillStyle(oldFillStyle); } else { //draw background by blitting all bottom pads int px, py; XYtoAbsPixel(fX1, fY2, px, py); if (fMother) { fMother->CopyBackgroundPixmap(px, py); CopyBackgroundPixmaps(fMother, this, px, py); } GetPainter()->SetOpacity(style - 4000); } } else if (style >= 1000 && style <= 1999) { GetPainter()->DrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, TVirtualPadPainter::kFilled); } else { GetPainter()->DrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, TVirtualPadPainter::kHollow); } if (option[0] == 'l') GetPainter()->DrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, TVirtualPadPainter::kHollow); } else { GetPainter()->DrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, TVirtualPadPainter::kHollow); if (option[0] == 's') GetPainter()->SetFillStyle(style0); } } if (gVirtualPS) { Int_t style0 = gVirtualPS->GetFillStyle(); if (option[0] == 's') { gVirtualPS->SetFillStyle(0); } else { if (style0 >= 3100 && style0 < 4000) { Double_t xb[4], yb[4]; xb[0] = x1; xb[1] = x1; xb[2] = x2; xb[3] = x2; yb[0] = y1; yb[1] = y2; yb[2] = y2; yb[3] = y1; PaintFillAreaHatches(4, xb, yb, style0); return; } } gVirtualPS->DrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2); if (option[0] == 'l') { gVirtualPS->SetFillStyle(0); gVirtualPS->DrawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2); } if (option[0] == 's' || option[0] == 'l') gVirtualPS->SetFillStyle(style0); } Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy pixmaps of pads laying below pad "stop" into pad "stop". This /// gives the effect of pad "stop" being transparent. void TPad::CopyBackgroundPixmaps(TPad *start, TPad *stop, Int_t x, Int_t y) { TObject *obj; if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; TIter next(start->GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) { if (obj == stop) break; ((TPad*)obj)->CopyBackgroundPixmap(x, y); ((TPad*)obj)->CopyBackgroundPixmaps((TPad*)obj, stop, x, y); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy pixmap of this pad as background of the current pad. void TPad::CopyBackgroundPixmap(Int_t x, Int_t y) { int px, py; XYtoAbsPixel(fX1, fY2, px, py); GetPainter()->CopyDrawable(GetPixmapID(), px-x, py-y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TPad::PaintFillArea(Int_t, Float_t *, Float_t *, Option_t *) { Warning("TPad::PaintFillArea", "Float_t signature is obsolete. Use Double_t signature."); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint fill area in CurrentPad World coordinates. void TPad::PaintFillArea(Int_t nn, Double_t *xx, Double_t *yy, Option_t *) { if (nn <3) return; Int_t n=0; Double_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; if (TestBit(TGraph::kClipFrame)) { xmin = fUxmin; ymin = fUymin; xmax = fUxmax; ymax = fUymax; } else { xmin = fX1; ymin = fY1; xmax = fX2; ymax = fY2; } Int_t nc = 2*nn+1; std::vector x(nc, 0.); std::vector y(nc, 0.); n = ClipPolygon(nn, xx, yy, nc, &x.front(), &y.front(),xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); if (!n) return; // Paint the fill area with hatches Int_t fillstyle = GetPainter()->GetFillStyle(); if (gPad->IsBatch() && gVirtualPS) fillstyle = gVirtualPS->GetFillStyle(); if (fillstyle >= 3100 && fillstyle < 4000) { PaintFillAreaHatches(nn, &x.front(), &y.front(), fillstyle); return; } if (!gPad->IsBatch()) // invoke the graphics subsystem GetPainter()->DrawFillArea(n, &x.front(), &y.front()); if (gVirtualPS) gVirtualPS->DrawPS(-n, &x.front(), &y.front()); Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint fill area in CurrentPad NDC coordinates. void TPad::PaintFillAreaNDC(Int_t n, Double_t *x, Double_t *y, Option_t *option) { auto xw = new Double_t[n]; auto yw = new Double_t[n]; for (int i=0; iGetHatchesSpacing(); Int_t lw = gStyle->GetHatchesLineWidth(); Short_t lws = 0; Int_t lss = 0; Int_t lcs = 0; // Save the current line attributes if (!gPad->IsBatch()) { lws = GetPainter()->GetLineWidth(); lss = GetPainter()->GetLineStyle(); lcs = GetPainter()->GetLineColor(); } else { if (gVirtualPS) { lws = gVirtualPS->GetLineWidth(); lss = gVirtualPS->GetLineStyle(); lcs = gVirtualPS->GetLineColor(); } } // Change the current line attributes to draw the hatches if (!gPad->IsBatch()) { GetPainter()->SetLineStyle(1); GetPainter()->SetLineWidth(Short_t(lw)); GetPainter()->SetLineColor(GetPainter()->GetFillColor()); } if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->SetLineStyle(1); gVirtualPS->SetLineWidth(Short_t(lw)); gVirtualPS->SetLineColor(gVirtualPS->GetFillColor()); } // Draw the hatches if (ang1[iAng1] != 5.) PaintHatches(dy, ang1[iAng1], nn, xx, yy); if (ang2[iAng2] != 5.) PaintHatches(dy, ang2[iAng2], nn, xx, yy); // Restore the line attributes if (!gPad->IsBatch()) { GetPainter()->SetLineStyle(lss); GetPainter()->SetLineWidth(lws); GetPainter()->SetLineColor(lcs); } if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->SetLineStyle(lss); gVirtualPS->SetLineWidth(lws); gVirtualPS->SetLineColor(lcs); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This routine draw hatches inclined with the /// angle "angle" and spaced of "dy" in normalized device /// coordinates in the surface defined by n,xx,yy. void TPad::PaintHatches(Double_t dy, Double_t angle, Int_t nn, Double_t *xx, Double_t *yy) { Int_t i, i1, i2, nbi, m, inv; Double_t ratiox, ratioy, ymin, ymax, yrot, ycur; const Double_t angr = TMath::Pi()*(180.-angle)/180.; const Double_t epsil = 0.0001; const Int_t maxnbi = 100; Double_t xli[maxnbi], xlh[2], ylh[2], xt1, xt2, yt1, yt2; Double_t ll, x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2, a, b, xi, xip, xin, yi, yip; Double_t rwxmin = gPad->GetX1(); Double_t rwxmax = gPad->GetX2(); Double_t rwymin = gPad->GetY1(); Double_t rwymax = gPad->GetY2(); ratiox = 1./(rwxmax-rwxmin); ratioy = 1./(rwymax-rwymin); Double_t sina = TMath::Sin(angr), sinb; Double_t cosa = TMath::Cos(angr), cosb; if (TMath::Abs(cosa) <= epsil) cosa=0.; if (TMath::Abs(sina) <= epsil) sina=0.; sinb = -sina; cosb = cosa; // Values needed to compute the hatches in TRUE normalized space (NDC) Int_t iw = gPad->GetWw(); Int_t ih = gPad->GetWh(); Double_t x1p,y1p,x2p,y2p; gPad->GetPadPar(x1p,y1p,x2p,y2p); iw = (Int_t)(iw*x2p)-(Int_t)(iw*x1p); ih = (Int_t)(ih*y2p)-(Int_t)(ih*y1p); Double_t wndc = TMath::Min(1.,(Double_t)iw/(Double_t)ih); Double_t hndc = TMath::Min(1.,(Double_t)ih/(Double_t)iw); // Search ymin and ymax ymin = 1.; ymax = 0.; for (i=1; i<=nn; i++) { x = wndc*ratiox*(xx[i-1]-rwxmin); y = hndc*ratioy*(yy[i-1]-rwymin); yrot = sina*x+cosa*y; if (yrot > ymax) ymax = yrot; if (yrot < ymin) ymin = yrot; } ymax = (Double_t)((Int_t)(ymax/dy))*dy; for (ycur=ymax; ycur>=ymin; ycur=ycur-dy) { nbi = 0; for (i=2; i<=nn+1; i++) { i2 = i; i1 = i-1; if (i == nn+1) i2=1; x1 = wndc*ratiox*(xx[i1-1]-rwxmin); y1 = hndc*ratioy*(yy[i1-1]-rwymin); x2 = wndc*ratiox*(xx[i2-1]-rwxmin); y2 = hndc*ratioy*(yy[i2-1]-rwymin); xt1 = cosa*x1-sina*y1; yt1 = sina*x1+cosa*y1; xt2 = cosa*x2-sina*y2; yt2 = sina*x2+cosa*y2; // Line segment parallel to oy if (xt1 == xt2) { if (yt1 < yt2) { yi = yt1; yip = yt2; } else { yi = yt2; yip = yt1; } if ((yi <= ycur) && (ycur < yip)) { nbi++; if (nbi >= maxnbi) return; xli[nbi-1] = xt1; } continue; } // Line segment parallel to ox if (yt1 == yt2) { if (yt1 == ycur) { nbi++; if (nbi >= maxnbi) return; xli[nbi-1] = xt1; nbi++; if (nbi >= maxnbi) return; xli[nbi-1] = xt2; } continue; } // Other line segment a = (yt1-yt2)/(xt1-xt2); b = (yt2*xt1-xt2*yt1)/(xt1-xt2); if (xt1 < xt2) { xi = xt1; xip = xt2; } else { xi = xt2; xip = xt1; } xin = (ycur-b)/a; if ((xi <= xin) && (xin < xip) && (TMath::Min(yt1,yt2) <= ycur) && (ycur < TMath::Max(yt1,yt2))) { nbi++; if (nbi >= maxnbi) return; xli[nbi-1] = xin; } } // Sorting of the x coordinates intersections inv = 0; m = nbi-1; L30: for (i=1; i<=m; i++) { if (xli[i] < xli[i-1]) { inv++; ll = xli[i-1]; xli[i-1] = xli[i]; xli[i] = ll; } } m--; if (inv == 0) goto L50; inv = 0; goto L30; // Draw the hatches L50: if (nbi%2 != 0) continue; for (i=1; i<=nbi; i=i+2) { // Rotate back the hatches xlh[0] = cosb*xli[i-1]-sinb*ycur; ylh[0] = sinb*xli[i-1]+cosb*ycur; xlh[1] = cosb*xli[i] -sinb*ycur; ylh[1] = sinb*xli[i] +cosb*ycur; // Convert hatches' positions from true NDC to WC xlh[0] = (xlh[0]/wndc)*(rwxmax-rwxmin)+rwxmin; ylh[0] = (ylh[0]/hndc)*(rwymax-rwymin)+rwymin; xlh[1] = (xlh[1]/wndc)*(rwxmax-rwxmin)+rwxmin; ylh[1] = (ylh[1]/hndc)*(rwymax-rwymin)+rwymin; gPad->PaintLine(xlh[0], ylh[0], xlh[1], ylh[1]); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint line in CurrentPad World coordinates. void TPad::PaintLine(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2) { Double_t x[2], y[2]; x[0] = x1; x[1] = x2; y[0] = y1; y[1] = y2; //If line is totally clipped, return if (TestBit(TGraph::kClipFrame)) { if (Clip(x,y,fUxmin,fUymin,fUxmax,fUymax) == 2) return; } else { if (Clip(x,y,fX1,fY1,fX2,fY2) == 2) return; } if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawLine(x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1]); if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->DrawPS(2, x, y); } Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint line in normalized coordinates. void TPad::PaintLineNDC(Double_t u1, Double_t v1,Double_t u2, Double_t v2) { static Double_t xw[2], yw[2]; if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawLineNDC(u1, v1, u2, v2); if (gVirtualPS) { xw[0] = fX1 + u1*(fX2 - fX1); xw[1] = fX1 + u2*(fX2 - fX1); yw[0] = fY1 + v1*(fY2 - fY1); yw[1] = fY1 + v2*(fY2 - fY1); gVirtualPS->DrawPS(2, xw, yw); } Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint 3-D line in the CurrentPad. void TPad::PaintLine3D(Float_t *p1, Float_t *p2) { if (!fView) return; // convert from 3-D to 2-D pad coordinate system Double_t xpad[6]; Double_t temp[3]; Int_t i; for (i=0;i<3;i++) temp[i] = p1[i]; fView->WCtoNDC(temp, &xpad[0]); for (i=0;i<3;i++) temp[i] = p2[i]; fView->WCtoNDC(temp, &xpad[3]); PaintLine(xpad[0],xpad[1],xpad[3],xpad[4]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint 3-D line in the CurrentPad. void TPad::PaintLine3D(Double_t *p1, Double_t *p2) { //take into account perspective view if (!fView) return; // convert from 3-D to 2-D pad coordinate system Double_t xpad[6]; Double_t temp[3]; Int_t i; for (i=0;i<3;i++) temp[i] = p1[i]; fView->WCtoNDC(temp, &xpad[0]); for (i=0;i<3;i++) temp[i] = p2[i]; fView->WCtoNDC(temp, &xpad[3]); PaintLine(xpad[0],xpad[1],xpad[3],xpad[4]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint polyline in CurrentPad World coordinates. void TPad::PaintPolyLine(Int_t n, Float_t *x, Float_t *y, Option_t *) { if (n < 2) return; Double_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; if (TestBit(TGraph::kClipFrame)) { xmin = fUxmin; ymin = fUymin; xmax = fUxmax; ymax = fUymax; } else { xmin = fX1; ymin = fY1; xmax = fX2; ymax = fY2; } Int_t i, i1=-1,np=1; for (i=0; iIsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawPolyLine(np, &x[i1], &y[i1]); if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->DrawPS(np, &x[i1], &y[i1]); } if (iclip) { x[i] = x1; y[i] = y1; x[i+1] = x2; y[i+1] = y2; } i1 = -1; np = 1; } Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint polyline in CurrentPad World coordinates. /// /// If option[0] == 'C' no clipping void TPad::PaintPolyLine(Int_t n, Double_t *x, Double_t *y, Option_t *option) { if (n < 2) return; Double_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; Bool_t mustClip = kTRUE; if (TestBit(TGraph::kClipFrame)) { xmin = fUxmin; ymin = fUymin; xmax = fUxmax; ymax = fUymax; } else { xmin = fX1; ymin = fY1; xmax = fX2; ymax = fY2; if (option && (option[0] == 'C')) mustClip = kFALSE; } Int_t i, i1=-1, np=1, iclip=0; for (i=0; i < n-1; i++) { Double_t x1=x[i]; Double_t y1=y[i]; Double_t x2=x[i+1]; Double_t y2=y[i+1]; if (mustClip) { iclip = Clip(&x[i],&y[i],xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); if (iclip == 2) { i1 = -1; continue; } } np++; if (i1 < 0) i1 = i; if (iclip == 0 && i < n-2) continue; if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawPolyLine(np, &x[i1], &y[i1]); if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->DrawPS(np, &x[i1], &y[i1]); } if (iclip) { x[i] = x1; y[i] = y1; x[i+1] = x2; y[i+1] = y2; } i1 = -1; np = 1; } Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint polyline in CurrentPad NDC coordinates. void TPad::PaintPolyLineNDC(Int_t n, Double_t *x, Double_t *y, Option_t *) { if (n <=0) return; if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawPolyLineNDC(n, x, y); if (gVirtualPS) { Double_t *xw = new Double_t[n]; Double_t *yw = new Double_t[n]; for (Int_t i=0; iDrawPS(n, xw, yw); delete [] xw; delete [] yw; } Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint 3-D polyline in the CurrentPad. void TPad::PaintPolyLine3D(Int_t n, Double_t *p) { if (!fView) return; // Loop on each individual line for (Int_t i = 1; i < n; i++) PaintLine3D(&p[3*i-3], &p[3*i]); Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint polymarker in CurrentPad World coordinates. void TPad::PaintPolyMarker(Int_t nn, Float_t *x, Float_t *y, Option_t *) { Int_t n = TMath::Abs(nn); Double_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; if (nn > 0 || TestBit(TGraph::kClipFrame)) { xmin = fUxmin; ymin = fUymin; xmax = fUxmax; ymax = fUymax; } else { xmin = fX1; ymin = fY1; xmax = fX2; ymax = fY2; } Int_t i,i1=-1,np=0; for (i=0; i= xmin && x[i] <= xmax && y[i] >= ymin && y[i] <= ymax) { np++; if (i1 < 0) i1 = i; if (i < n-1) continue; } if (np == 0) continue; if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawPolyMarker(np, &x[i1], &y[i1]); if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->DrawPolyMarker(np, &x[i1], &y[i1]); } i1 = -1; np = 0; } Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint polymarker in CurrentPad World coordinates. void TPad::PaintPolyMarker(Int_t nn, Double_t *x, Double_t *y, Option_t *) { Int_t n = TMath::Abs(nn); Double_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; if (nn > 0 || TestBit(TGraph::kClipFrame)) { xmin = fUxmin; ymin = fUymin; xmax = fUxmax; ymax = fUymax; } else { xmin = fX1; ymin = fY1; xmax = fX2; ymax = fY2; } Int_t i,i1=-1,np=0; for (i=0; i= xmin && x[i] <= xmax && y[i] >= ymin && y[i] <= ymax) { np++; if (i1 < 0) i1 = i; if (i < n-1) continue; } if (np == 0) continue; if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawPolyMarker(np, &x[i1], &y[i1]); if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->DrawPolyMarker(np, &x[i1], &y[i1]); } i1 = -1; np = 0; } Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint text in CurrentPad World coordinates. void TPad::PaintText(Double_t x, Double_t y, const char *text) { Modified(); if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawText(x, y, text, TVirtualPadPainter::kClear); if (gVirtualPS) gVirtualPS->Text(x, y, text); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint text in CurrentPad World coordinates. void TPad::PaintText(Double_t x, Double_t y, const wchar_t *text) { Modified(); if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawText(x, y, text, TVirtualPadPainter::kClear); if (gVirtualPS) gVirtualPS->Text(x, y, text); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint text in CurrentPad NDC coordinates. void TPad::PaintTextNDC(Double_t u, Double_t v, const char *text) { Modified(); if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawTextNDC(u, v, text, TVirtualPadPainter::kClear); if (gVirtualPS) { Double_t x = fX1 + u*(fX2 - fX1); Double_t y = fY1 + v*(fY2 - fY1); gVirtualPS->Text(x, y, text); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint text in CurrentPad NDC coordinates. void TPad::PaintTextNDC(Double_t u, Double_t v, const wchar_t *text) { Modified(); if (!gPad->IsBatch()) GetPainter()->DrawTextNDC(u, v, text, TVirtualPadPainter::kClear); if (gVirtualPS) { Double_t x = fX1 + u*(fX2 - fX1); Double_t y = fY1 + v*(fY2 - fY1); gVirtualPS->Text(x, y, text); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Search for an object at pixel position px,py. /// /// Check if point is in this pad. /// /// If yes, check if it is in one of the sub-pads /// /// If found in the pad, compute closest distance of approach /// to each primitive. /// /// If one distance of approach is found to be within the limit Distancemaximum /// the corresponding primitive is selected and the routine returns. TPad *TPad::Pick(Int_t px, Int_t py, TObjLink *&pickobj) { //the two following statements are necessary under NT (multithreaded) //when a TCanvas object is being created and a thread calling TPad::Pick //before the TPad constructor has completed in the other thread if (gPad == 0) return 0; //Andy Haas if (GetListOfPrimitives() == 0) return 0; //Andy Haas Int_t dist; // Search if point is in pad itself Double_t x = AbsPixeltoX(px); Double_t y = AbsPixeltoY(py); if (this != gPad->GetCanvas()) { if (!((x >= fX1 && x <= fX2) && (y >= fY1 && y <= fY2))) return 0; } // search for a primitive in this pad or its sub-pads static TObjOptLink dummyLink(0,""); //place holder for when no link available TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; gPad = this; // since no drawing will be done, don't use cd() for efficiency reasons TPad *pick = 0; TPad *picked = this; pickobj = 0; if (DistancetoPrimitive(px,py) < fgMaxPickDistance) { dummyLink.SetObject(this); pickobj = &dummyLink; } // Loop backwards over the list of primitives. The first non-pad primitive // found is the selected one. However, we have to keep going down the // list to see if there is maybe a pad overlaying the primitive. In that // case look into the pad for a possible primitive. Once a pad has been // found we can terminate the loop. Bool_t gotPrim = kFALSE; // true if found a non pad primitive TObjLink *lnk = GetListOfPrimitives()->LastLink(); //We can have 3d stuff in pad. If canvas prefers to draw //such stuff with OpenGL, the selection of 3d objects is //a gl viewer business so, in first cycle we do not //call DistancetoPrimitive for TAtt3D descendants. //In case of gl we first try to select 2d object first. while (lnk) { TObject *obj = lnk->GetObject(); //If canvas prefers GL, all 3d objects must be drawn/selected by //gl viewer if (obj->InheritsFrom(TAtt3D::Class()) && fEmbeddedGL) { lnk = lnk->Prev(); continue; } fPadPointer = obj; if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) { pick = ((TPad*)obj)->Pick(px, py, pickobj); if (pick) { picked = pick; break; } } else if (!gROOT->GetEditorMode()) { if (!gotPrim) { if (!obj->TestBit(kCannotPick)) { dist = obj->DistancetoPrimitive(px, py); if (dist < fgMaxPickDistance) { pickobj = lnk; gotPrim = kTRUE; if (dist == 0) break; } } } } lnk = lnk->Prev(); } //if no primitive found, check if we have a TView //if yes, return the view except if you are in the lower or upper X range //of the pad. //In case canvas prefers gl, fView existence //automatically means viewer3d existence. (?) if (fView && !gotPrim) { Double_t dx = 0.05*(fUxmax-fUxmin); if ((x > fUxmin + dx) && (x < fUxmax-dx)) { if (fEmbeddedGL) { //No 2d stuff was selected, but we have gl-viewer. Let it select an object in //scene (or select itself). In any case it'll internally call //gPad->SetSelected(ptr) as, for example, hist painter does. py -= Int_t((1 - GetHNDC() - GetYlowNDC()) * GetWh()); px -= Int_t(GetXlowNDC() * GetWw()); fViewer3D->DistancetoPrimitive(px, py); } else dummyLink.SetObject(fView); } } if (picked->InheritsFrom(TButton::Class())) { TButton *button = (TButton*)picked; if (!button->IsEditable()) pickobj = 0; } if (TestBit(kCannotPick)) { if (picked == this) { // cannot pick pad itself! picked = 0; } } gPad = padsav; return picked; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Pop pad to the top of the stack. void TPad::Pop() { if (!fMother) return; if (!fMother->TestBit(kNotDeleted)) return; if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; if (this == fMother->GetListOfPrimitives()->Last()) return; TListIter next(fMother->GetListOfPrimitives()); TObject *obj; while ((obj = next())) if (obj == this) { char *opt = StrDup(next.GetOption()); fMother->GetListOfPrimitives()->Remove(this); fMother->GetListOfPrimitives()->AddLast(this, opt); delete [] opt; return; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Save Pad contents in a file in one of various formats. /// /// - if filename is "", the file produced is padname.ps /// - if filename starts with a dot, the padname is added in front /// - if filename contains .eps, an Encapsulated Postscript file is produced /// - if filename contains .pdf, a PDF file is produced NOTE: TMathText will be converted to TLatex; q.e.d., symbols only available in TMathText will not render properly. /// - if filename contains .svg, a SVG file is produced /// - if filename contains .tex, a TeX file is produced /// - if filename contains .gif, a GIF file is produced /// - if filename contains .gif+NN, an animated GIF file is produced See comments in TASImage::WriteImage for meaning of NN and other .gif sufix variants /// - if filename contains .xpm, a XPM file is produced /// - if filename contains .png, a PNG file is produced /// - if filename contains .jpg, a JPEG file is produced NOTE: JPEG's lossy compression will make all sharp edges fuzzy. /// - if filename contains .tiff, a TIFF file is produced /// - if filename contains .C or .cxx, a C++ macro file is produced /// - if filename contains .root, a Root file is produced /// - if filename contains .xml, a XML file is produced /// - if filename contains .json, a JSON file is produced /// /// See comments in TPad::SaveAs or the TPad::Print function below void TPad::Print(const char *filename) const { ((TPad*)this)->SaveAs(filename); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Auxiliary function. Returns kTRUE if list contains an object inherited /// from TImage static Bool_t ContainsTImage(TList *li) { TIter next(li); TObject *obj; while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TImage::Class())) { return kTRUE; } else if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) { if (ContainsTImage(((TPad*)obj)->GetListOfPrimitives())) { return kTRUE; } } } return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Save Canvas contents in a file in one of various formats. /// /// option can be: /// - 0 as "ps" /// - "ps" Postscript file is produced (see special cases below) /// - "Portrait" Postscript file is produced (Portrait) /// - "Landscape" Postscript file is produced (Landscape) /// - "Title:" The character string after "Title:" becomes a table /// of content entry (for PDF files). /// - "eps" an Encapsulated Postscript file is produced /// - "Preview" an Encapsulated Postscript file with preview is produced. /// - "EmbedFonts" a PDF file with embedded fonts is generated. /// - "pdf" a PDF file is produced NOTE: TMathText will be converted to TLatex; q.e.d., symbols only available in TMathText will not render properly. /// - "svg" a SVG file is produced /// - "tex" a TeX file is produced /// - "gif" a GIF file is produced /// - "gif+NN" an animated GIF file is produced, where NN is delay in 10ms units NOTE: See other variants for looping animation in TASImage::WriteImage /// - "xpm" a XPM file is produced /// - "png" a PNG file is produced /// - "jpg" a JPEG file is produced. NOTE: JPEG's lossy compression will make all sharp edges fuzzy. /// - "tiff" a TIFF file is produced /// - "cxx" a C++ macro file is produced /// - "xml" a XML file /// - "json" a JSON file /// - "root" a ROOT binary file /// /// filename = 0 - filename is defined by the GetName and its /// extension is defined with the option /// /// When Postscript output is selected (ps, eps), the canvas is saved /// to filename.ps or filename.eps. The aspect ratio of the canvas is preserved /// on the Postscript file. When the "ps" option is selected, the Postscript /// page will be landscape format if the canvas is in landscape format, otherwise /// portrait format is selected. /// /// The physical size of the Postscript page is the one selected in the /// current style. This size can be modified via TStyle::SetPaperSize. /// /// Examples: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// gStyle->SetPaperSize(TStyle::kA4); //default /// gStyle->SetPaperSize(TStyle::kUSLetter); /// ~~~ /// where TStyle::kA4 and TStyle::kUSLetter are defined in the enum /// EPaperSize in TStyle.h /// /// An alternative is to call: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// gStyle->SetPaperSize(20,26); same as kA4 /// or gStyle->SetPaperSize(20,24); same as kUSLetter /// ~~~ /// The above numbers take into account some margins and are in centimeters. /// /// ### The "Preview" option /// /// The "Preview" option allows to generate a preview (in the TIFF format) within /// the Encapsulated Postscript file. This preview can be used by programs like /// MSWord to visualize the picture on screen. The "Preview" option relies on the /// "epstool" command (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/gsview/epstool.htm). /// /// Example: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// canvas->Print("example.eps","Preview"); /// ~~~ /// /// ### The "EmbedFonts" option /// /// The "EmbedFonts" option allows to embed the fonts used in a PDF file inside /// that file. This option relies on the "gs" command (https://ghostscript.com). /// /// Example: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// canvas->Print("example.pdf","EmbedFonts"); /// ~~~ /// /// ### Writing several canvases to the same Postscript or PDF file: /// /// - if the Postscript or PDF file name finishes with "(", the file is not closed /// - if the Postscript or PDF file name finishes with ")" and the file has been opened /// with "(", the file is closed. /// /// Example: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// { /// TCanvas c1("c1"); /// h1.Draw(); /// c1.Print("c1.ps("); //write canvas and keep the ps file open /// h2.Draw(); /// c1.Print("c1.ps"); canvas is added to "c1.ps" /// h3.Draw(); /// c1.Print("c1.ps)"); canvas is added to "c1.ps" and ps file is closed /// } /// ~~~ /// In the previous example replacing "ps" by "pdf" will create a multi-pages PDF file. /// /// Note that the following sequence writes the canvas to "c1.ps" and closes the ps file.: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// TCanvas c1("c1"); /// h1.Draw(); /// c1.Print("c1.ps"); /// ~~~ /// The TCanvas::Print("file.ps(") mechanism is very useful, but it can be /// a little inconvenient to have the action of opening/closing a file /// being atomic with printing a page. Particularly if pages are being /// generated in some loop one needs to detect the special cases of first /// and last page and then munge the argument to Print() accordingly. /// /// The "[" and "]" can be used instead of "(" and ")". /// /// Example: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// c1.Print("file.ps["); // No actual print, just open file.ps /// for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { /// // fill canvas for context i /// // ... /// /// c1.Print("file.ps"); // actually print canvas to file /// }// end loop /// c1.Print("file.ps]"); // No actual print, just close. /// ~~~ /// As before, the same macro is valid for PDF files. /// /// It is possible to print a canvas into an animated GIF file by specifying the /// file name as "myfile.gif+" or "myfile.gif+NN", where NN*10ms is delay /// between the subimages' display. If NN is omitted the delay between /// subimages is zero. Each picture is added in the animation thanks to a loop /// similar to the following one: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { /// // fill canvas for context i /// // ... /// /// c1.Print("file.gif+5"); // print canvas to GIF file with 50ms delays /// }// end loop /// ~~~ /// The delay between each frame must be specified in each Print() statement. /// If the file "myfile.gif" already exists, the new frame are appended at /// the end of the file. To avoid this, delete it first with gSystem->Unlink(myfile.gif); /// If you want the gif file to repeat or loop forever, check TASImage::WriteImage documentation void TPad::Print(const char *filenam, Option_t *option) { TString psname, fs1 = filenam; // "[" and "]" are special characters for ExpandPathName. When they are at the end // of the file name (see help) they must be removed before doing ExpandPathName. if (fs1.EndsWith("[")) { fs1.Replace((fs1.Length()-1),1," "); gSystem->ExpandPathName(fs1); fs1.Replace((fs1.Length()-1),1,"["); } else if (fs1.EndsWith("]")) { fs1.Replace((fs1.Length()-1),1," "); gSystem->ExpandPathName(fs1); fs1.Replace((fs1.Length()-1),1,"]"); } else { gSystem->ExpandPathName(fs1); } // Set the default option as "Postscript" (Should be a data member of TPad) const char *opt_default = "ps"; TString opt = !option ? opt_default : option; Bool_t image = kFALSE; if (!fs1.Length()) { psname = GetName(); psname += opt; } else { psname = fs1; } // lines below protected against case like c1->SaveAs( "../ps/cs.ps" ); if (psname.BeginsWith('.') && (psname.Contains('/') == 0)) { psname = GetName(); psname.Append(fs1); psname.Prepend("/"); psname.Prepend(gEnv->GetValue("Canvas.PrintDirectory",".")); } if (!gPad->IsBatch() && fCanvas) GetPainter()->SelectDrawable(GetCanvasID()); // Save pad/canvas in alternative formats TImage::EImageFileTypes gtype = TImage::kUnknown; if (strstr(opt, "gif+")) { gtype = TImage::kAnimGif; image = kTRUE; } else if (strstr(opt, "gif")) { gtype = TImage::kGif; image = kTRUE; } else if (strstr(opt, "png")) { gtype = TImage::kPng; image = kTRUE; } else if (strstr(opt, "jpg")) { gtype = TImage::kJpeg; image = kTRUE; } else if (strstr(opt, "tiff")) { gtype = TImage::kTiff; image = kTRUE; } else if (strstr(opt, "xpm")) { gtype = TImage::kXpm; image = kTRUE; } else if (strstr(opt, "bmp")) { gtype = TImage::kBmp; image = kTRUE; } Int_t wid = 0; if (!GetCanvas()) return; if (!gROOT->IsBatch() && image) { if ((gtype == TImage::kGif) && !ContainsTImage(fPrimitives)) { wid = (this == GetCanvas()) ? GetCanvas()->GetCanvasID() : GetPixmapID(); Color_t hc = gPad->GetCanvas()->GetHighLightColor(); gPad->GetCanvas()->SetHighLightColor(-1); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); GetPainter()->SelectDrawable(wid); GetPainter()->SaveImage(this, psname.Data(), gtype); if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(psname.Data())) { Info("Print", "GIF file %s has been created", psname.Data()); } gPad->GetCanvas()->SetHighLightColor(hc); return; } if (gtype != TImage::kUnknown) { Color_t hc = gPad->GetCanvas()->GetHighLightColor(); gPad->GetCanvas()->SetHighLightColor(-1); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); gVirtualX->Update(1); gSystem->Sleep(30); // synchronize GetPainter()->SaveImage(this, psname, gtype); if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(psname)) { Info("Print", "file %s has been created", psname.Data()); } gPad->GetCanvas()->SetHighLightColor(hc); } else { Warning("Print", "Unsupported image format %s", psname.Data()); } return; } //==============Save pad/canvas as a C++ script============================== if (strstr(opt,"cxx")) { GetCanvas()->SaveSource(psname, ""); return; } //==============Save pad/canvas as a root file=============================== if (strstr(opt,"root")) { if (gDirectory) gDirectory->SaveObjectAs(this,psname.Data(),""); return; } //==============Save pad/canvas as a XML file================================ if (strstr(opt,"xml")) { // Plugin XML driver if (gDirectory) gDirectory->SaveObjectAs(this,psname.Data(),""); return; } //==============Save pad/canvas as a JSON file================================ if (strstr(opt,"json")) { if (gDirectory) gDirectory->SaveObjectAs(this,psname.Data(),""); return; } //==============Save pad/canvas as a SVG file================================ if (strstr(opt,"svg")) { gVirtualPS = (TVirtualPS*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject(psname); Bool_t noScreen = kFALSE; if (!GetCanvas()->IsBatch() && GetCanvas()->GetCanvasID() == -1) { noScreen = kTRUE; GetCanvas()->SetBatch(kTRUE); } TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; cd(); if (!gVirtualPS) { // Plugin Postscript/SVG driver TPluginHandler *h; if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TVirtualPS", "svg"))) { if (h->LoadPlugin() == -1) return; h->ExecPlugin(0); } } // Create a new SVG file if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->SetName(psname); gVirtualPS->Open(psname); gVirtualPS->SetBit(kPrintingPS); gVirtualPS->NewPage(); } Paint(); if (noScreen) GetCanvas()->SetBatch(kFALSE); if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(psname)) Info("Print", "SVG file %s has been created", psname.Data()); delete gVirtualPS; gVirtualPS = 0; padsav->cd(); return; } //==============Save pad/canvas as a TeX file================================ if (strstr(opt,"tex")) { gVirtualPS = (TVirtualPS*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject(psname); Bool_t noScreen = kFALSE; if (!GetCanvas()->IsBatch() && GetCanvas()->GetCanvasID() == -1) { noScreen = kTRUE; GetCanvas()->SetBatch(kTRUE); } TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; cd(); if (!gVirtualPS) { // Plugin Postscript/SVG driver TPluginHandler *h; if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TVirtualPS", "tex"))) { if (h->LoadPlugin() == -1) return; h->ExecPlugin(0); } } // Create a new TeX file if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->SetName(psname); gVirtualPS->Open(psname); gVirtualPS->SetBit(kPrintingPS); gVirtualPS->NewPage(); } Paint(); if (noScreen) GetCanvas()->SetBatch(kFALSE); if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(psname)) Info("Print", "TeX file %s has been created", psname.Data()); delete gVirtualPS; gVirtualPS = 0; padsav->cd(); return; } //==============Save pad/canvas as a Postscript file========================= // in case we read directly from a Root file and the canvas // is not on the screen, set batch mode Bool_t mustOpen = kTRUE; Bool_t mustClose = kTRUE; Bool_t copen=kFALSE, cclose=kFALSE, copenb=kFALSE, ccloseb=kFALSE; if (!image) { // The parenthesis mechanism is only valid for PS and PDF files. copen = psname.EndsWith("("); if (copen) psname[psname.Length()-1] = 0; cclose = psname.EndsWith(")"); if (cclose) psname[psname.Length()-1] = 0; copenb = psname.EndsWith("["); if (copenb) psname[psname.Length()-1] = 0; ccloseb = psname.EndsWith("]"); if (ccloseb) psname[psname.Length()-1] = 0; } gVirtualPS = (TVirtualPS*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject(psname); if (gVirtualPS) {mustOpen = kFALSE; mustClose = kFALSE;} if (copen || copenb) mustClose = kFALSE; if (cclose || ccloseb) mustClose = kTRUE; Bool_t noScreen = kFALSE; if (!GetCanvas()->IsBatch() && GetCanvas()->GetCanvasID() == -1) { noScreen = kTRUE; GetCanvas()->SetBatch(kTRUE); } Int_t pstype = 111; Double_t xcanvas = GetCanvas()->XtoPixel(GetCanvas()->GetX2()); Double_t ycanvas = GetCanvas()->YtoPixel(GetCanvas()->GetY1()); Double_t ratio = ycanvas/xcanvas; if (ratio < 1) pstype = 112; if (strstr(opt,"Portrait")) pstype = 111; if (strstr(opt,"Landscape")) pstype = 112; if (strstr(opt,"eps")) pstype = 113; if (strstr(opt,"Preview")) pstype = 113; TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; cd(); TVirtualPS *psave = gVirtualPS; if (!gVirtualPS || mustOpen) { // Plugin Postscript driver TPluginHandler *h; if (strstr(opt,"pdf") || strstr(opt,"Title:") || strstr(opt,"EmbedFonts")) { if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TVirtualPS", "pdf"))) { if (h->LoadPlugin() == -1) return; h->ExecPlugin(0); } } else if (image) { // Plugin TImageDump driver if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TVirtualPS", "image"))) { if (h->LoadPlugin() == -1) return; h->ExecPlugin(0); } } else { if ((h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TVirtualPS", "ps"))) { if (h->LoadPlugin() == -1) return; h->ExecPlugin(0); } } // Create a new Postscript, PDF or image file if (gVirtualPS) gVirtualPS->SetName(psname); const Ssiz_t titlePos = opt.Index("Title:"); if (titlePos != kNPOS) { if (gVirtualPS) gVirtualPS->SetTitle(opt.Data()+titlePos+6); opt.Replace(titlePos,opt.Length(),"pdf"); } if (gVirtualPS) gVirtualPS->Open(psname,pstype); if (gVirtualPS) gVirtualPS->SetBit(kPrintingPS); if (!copenb) { if (!strstr(opt,"pdf") || image) { if (gVirtualPS) gVirtualPS->NewPage(); } Paint(); } if (noScreen) GetCanvas()->SetBatch(kFALSE); if (mustClose) { gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->Remove(gVirtualPS); delete gVirtualPS; gVirtualPS = psave; } else { gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->Add(gVirtualPS); gVirtualPS = 0; } if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(psname)) { if (!copen) Info("Print", "%s file %s has been created", opt.Data(), psname.Data()); else Info("Print", "%s file %s has been created using the current canvas", opt.Data(), psname.Data()); } } else { // Append to existing Postscript, PDF or GIF file if (!ccloseb) { gVirtualPS->NewPage(); Paint(); } const Ssiz_t titlePos = opt.Index("Title:"); if (titlePos != kNPOS) { gVirtualPS->SetTitle(opt.Data()+titlePos+6); opt.Replace(titlePos,opt.Length(),"pdf"); } else { gVirtualPS->SetTitle("PDF"); } if (mustClose) { if (cclose) Info("Print", "Current canvas added to %s file %s and file closed", opt.Data(), psname.Data()); else Info("Print", "%s file %s has been closed", opt.Data(), psname.Data()); gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->Remove(gVirtualPS); delete gVirtualPS; gVirtualPS = 0; } else { Info("Print", "Current canvas added to %s file %s", opt.Data(), psname.Data()); gVirtualPS = 0; } } if (strstr(opt,"Preview")) gSystem->Exec(Form("epstool --quiet -t6p %s %s",psname.Data(),psname.Data())); if (strstr(opt,"EmbedFonts")) { gSystem->Exec(Form("gs -quiet -dSAFER -dNOPLATFONTS -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dUseCIEColor -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true -sOutputFile=pdf_temp.pdf -f %s", psname.Data())); gSystem->Rename("pdf_temp.pdf", psname.Data()); } padsav->cd(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set world coordinate system for the pad. /// Emits signal "RangeChanged()", in the slot get the range /// via GetRange(). void TPad::Range(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2) { if ((x1 >= x2) || (y1 >= y2)) { Error("Range", "illegal world coordinates range: x1=%f, y1=%f, x2=%f, y2=%f",x1,y1,x2,y2); return; } fUxmin = x1; fUxmax = x2; fUymin = y1; fUymax = y2; if (fX1 == x1 && fY1 == y1 && fX2 == x2 && fY2 == y2) return; fX1 = x1; fY1 = y1; fX2 = x2; fY2 = y2; // compute pad conversion coefficients ResizePad(); if (gPad == this) GetPainter()->InvalidateCS(); // emit signal RangeChanged(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set axis coordinate system for the pad. /// The axis coordinate system is a subset of the world coordinate system /// xmin,ymin is the origin of the current coordinate system, /// xmax is the end of the X axis, ymax is the end of the Y axis. /// By default a margin of 10 per cent is left on all sides of the pad /// Emits signal "RangeAxisChanged()", in the slot get the axis range /// via GetRangeAxis(). void TPad::RangeAxis(Double_t xmin, Double_t ymin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymax) { if ((xmin >= xmax) || (ymin >= ymax)) { Error("RangeAxis", "illegal axis coordinates range: xmin=%f, ymin=%f, xmax=%f, ymax=%f", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); return; } fUxmin = xmin; fUymin = ymin; fUxmax = xmax; fUymax = ymax; // emit signal RangeAxisChanged(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Recursively remove object from a pad and its sub-pads. void TPad::RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj) { if (obj == fCanvas->GetSelected()) fCanvas->SetSelected(0); if (obj == fCanvas->GetClickSelected()) fCanvas->SetClickSelected(0); if (obj == fView) fView = nullptr; if (!fPrimitives) return; Int_t nold = fPrimitives->GetSize(); fPrimitives->RecursiveRemove(obj); if (nold != fPrimitives->GetSize()) fModified = kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Redraw the frame axis. /// /// Redrawing axis may be necessary in case of superimposed histograms /// when one or more histograms have a fill color. /// /// Instead of calling this function, it may be more convenient /// to call directly `h1->Draw("sameaxis")` where h1 is the pointer /// to the first histogram drawn in the pad. /// /// By default, if the pad has the options gridx or/and gridy activated, /// the grid is not drawn by this function. /// /// If option="g" is specified, this will force the drawing of the grid /// on top of the picture /// /// To redraw the axis tick marks do: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// gPad->RedrawAxis(); /// ~~~ /// To redraw the axis grid do: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// gPad->RedrawAxis("G"); /// ~~~ /// To redraw the axis tick marks and the axis grid do: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// gPad->RedrawAxis(); /// gPad->RedrawAxis("G"); /// ~~~ /// /// If option="f" is specified, this will force the drawing of the frame /// around the plot. void TPad::RedrawAxis(Option_t *option) { TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; cd(); TH1 *hobj = nullptr; // Get the first histogram drawing the axis in the list of primitives if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; TIter next(fPrimitives); TObject *obj; while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) { hobj = (TH1*)obj; break; } if (obj->InheritsFrom(TMultiGraph::Class())) { TMultiGraph *mg = (TMultiGraph*)obj; if (mg) hobj = mg->GetHistogram(); break; } if (obj->InheritsFrom(TGraph::Class())) { TGraph *g = (TGraph*)obj; if (g) hobj = g->GetHistogram(); break; } if (obj->InheritsFrom(THStack::Class())) { THStack *hs = (THStack*)obj; if (hs) hobj = hs->GetHistogram(); break; } } if (hobj) { if (opt.Contains("g")) hobj->DrawCopy("sameaxig"); else hobj->DrawCopy("sameaxis"); } if (opt.Contains("f")) { auto b = new TBox(gPad->GetUxmin(), gPad->GetUymin(), gPad->GetUxmax(), gPad->GetUymax()); b->SetFillStyle(0); b->SetLineStyle(gPad->GetFrameLineStyle()); b->SetLineWidth(gPad->GetFrameLineWidth()); b->SetLineColor(gPad->GetFrameLineColor()); b->Draw(); } if (padsav) padsav->cd(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compute pad conversion coefficients. /// /// ### Conversion from x to px /// /// \f[\frac{x-xmin}{xrange} = \frac{px-pxlow}{pxrange}\f] /// with: /// \f[ xrange = xmax-xmin \f] /// \f[ pxrange = pxmax-pxmin \f] /// /// \f[ /// \Rightarrow px = \frac{pxrange(x-xmin)}{xrange} + pxlow = fXtoPixelk + fXtoPixel \times x /// \f] /// /// \f[ /// \Rightarrow fXtoPixelk = pxlow - pxrange \frac{xmin}{xrange} /// \f] /// \f[ /// fXtoPixel = \frac{pxrange}{xrange} /// \f] /// where: /// \f[ /// pxlow = fAbsXlowNDC \times fCw /// \f] /// \f[ /// pxrange = fAbsWNDC \times fCw /// \f] /// /// ### Conversion from y to py /// /// \f[\frac{y-ymin}{yrange} = \frac{py-pylow}{pyrange}\f] /// with: /// \f[ yrange = ymax-ymin \f] /// \f[ pyrange = pymax-pymin \f] /// /// \f[ /// \Rightarrow py = \frac{pyrange(y-xmin)}{yrange} + pylow = fYtoPixelk + fYtoPixel \times y /// \f] /// /// \f[ /// \Rightarrow fYtoPixelk = pylow - pyrange \frac{ymin}{yrange} /// \f] /// \f[ /// fYtoPixel = \frac{pyrange}{yrange} /// \f] /// where: /// \f[ /// pylow = fAbsYlowNDC \times fCh /// \f] /// \f[ /// pyrange = fAbsHNDC \times fCh /// \f] /// /// ### Conversion from px to x /// /// \f[ /// \Rightarrow x = \frac{xrange(px-pxlow)}{pxrange}+ xmin = fPixeltoXk + fPixeltoX \times px /// \f] /// /// \f[ /// \Rightarrow fPixeltoXk = xmin - pxlow \times\frac{xrange}{pxrange} /// \f] /// \f[ /// fPixeltoX = \frac{xrange}{pxrange} /// \f] /// /// ### Conversion from py to y /// /// \f[ /// \Rightarrow y = \frac{yrange(py-pylow)}{pyrange}+ ymin = fPixeltoYk + fPixeltoY \times py /// \f] /// /// \f[ /// \Rightarrow fPixeltoYk = ymin - pylow \times\frac{yrange}{pyrange} /// \f] /// \f[ /// fPixeltoY = \frac{yrange}{pyrange} /// \f] /// /// ### Computation of the coefficients in case of LOG scales /// /// #### Conversion from pixel coordinates to world coordinates /// /// \f[ /// u = \frac{Log(x) - Log(xmin)}{Log(xmax) - Log(xmin)} = \frac{Log(x/xmin)}{Log(xmax/xmin)} = \frac{px - pxlow}{pxrange} /// \f] /// /// \f[ \Rightarrow Log(\frac{x}{xmin}) = u \times Log(\frac{xmax}{xmin}) \f] /// \f[ x = xmin \times e^{(u \times Log(\frac{xmax}{xmin})} \f] /// Let: /// \f[ alfa = \frac{Log(\frac{xmax}{xmin})}{fAbsWNDC} \f] /// /// \f[ x = xmin \times e^{(-alfa \times pxlow)} + e^{(alfa \times px)} \f] /// \f[ x = fPixeltoXk \times e^{(fPixeltoX \times px)} \f] /// \f[ ==> fPixeltoXk = xmin \times e^{(-alfa*pxlow)} \f] /// \f[ fPixeltoX = alfa \f] /// /// \f[ /// v = \frac{Log(y) - Log(ymin)}{Log(ymax) - Log(ymin)} = \frac{Log(y/ymin)}{Log(ymax/ymin)} = \frac{py - pylow}{pyrange} /// \f] /// Let: /// \f[ beta = Log(\frac{ymax}{ymin}) \f] /// \f[ Log(\frac{y}{ymin}) = beta \times pylow - beta \times py \f] /// \f[ \frac{y}{ymin} = e^{(beta \times pylow - beta \times py)} \f] /// \f[ y = ymin \times e^{(beta \times pylow)} \times e^{(-beta \times py)}\f] /// \f[ \Rightarrow y = fPixeltoYk \times e^{(fPixeltoY \times py)} \f] /// \f[ fPixeltoYk = ymin \times e^{(beta \times pylow)} \f] /// \f[ fPixeltoY = -beta \f] /// /// #### Conversion from World coordinates to pixel coordinates /// /// \f[ px = pxlow + u*pxrange \f] /// \f[ = pxlow + Log(x/xmin)/alfa \f] /// \f[ = pxlow -Log(xmin)/alfa + Log(x)/alfa \f] /// \f[ = fXtoPixelk + fXtoPixel*Log(x) \f] /// \f[ \Rightarrow fXtoPixelk = pxlow -Log(xmin)/alfa \f] /// \f[ \Rightarrow fXtoPixel = 1/alfa \f] /// /// \f[ py = pylow - Log(y/ymin)/beta \f] /// \f[ = fYtoPixelk + fYtoPixel*Log(y) \f] /// \f[ \Rightarrow fYtoPixelk = pylow - Log(ymin)/beta \f] /// \f[ fYtoPixel = 1/beta \f] void TPad::ResizePad(Option_t *option) { if (!gPad) { Error("ResizePad", "Cannot resize pad. No current pad available."); return; } // Recompute subpad positions in case pad has been moved/resized TPad *parent = fMother; if (this == gPad->GetCanvas()) { fAbsXlowNDC = fXlowNDC; fAbsYlowNDC = fYlowNDC; fAbsWNDC = fWNDC; fAbsHNDC = fHNDC; } else { fAbsXlowNDC = fXlowNDC*parent->GetAbsWNDC() + parent->GetAbsXlowNDC(); fAbsYlowNDC = fYlowNDC*parent->GetAbsHNDC() + parent->GetAbsYlowNDC(); fAbsWNDC = fWNDC*parent->GetAbsWNDC(); fAbsHNDC = fHNDC*parent->GetAbsHNDC(); } Double_t ww = (Double_t)gPad->GetWw(); Double_t wh = (Double_t)gPad->GetWh(); Double_t pxlow = fAbsXlowNDC*ww; Double_t pylow = (1-fAbsYlowNDC)*wh; Double_t pxrange = fAbsWNDC*ww; Double_t pyrange = -fAbsHNDC*wh; // Linear X axis Double_t rounding = 0.00005; Double_t xrange = fX2 - fX1; fXtoAbsPixelk = rounding + pxlow - pxrange*fX1/xrange; //origin at left fXtoPixelk = rounding + -pxrange*fX1/xrange; fXtoPixel = pxrange/xrange; fAbsPixeltoXk = fX1 - pxlow*xrange/pxrange; fPixeltoXk = fX1; fPixeltoX = xrange/pxrange; // Linear Y axis Double_t yrange = fY2 - fY1; fYtoAbsPixelk = rounding + pylow - pyrange*fY1/yrange; //origin at top fYtoPixelk = rounding + -pyrange - pyrange*fY1/yrange; fYtoPixel = pyrange/yrange; fAbsPixeltoYk = fY1 - pylow*yrange/pyrange; fPixeltoYk = fY1; fPixeltoY = yrange/pyrange; // Coefficients to convert from pad NDC coordinates to pixel coordinates fUtoAbsPixelk = rounding + pxlow; fUtoPixelk = rounding; fUtoPixel = pxrange; fVtoAbsPixelk = rounding + pylow; fVtoPixelk = -pyrange; fVtoPixel = pyrange; // Coefficients to convert from canvas pixels to pad world coordinates // Resize all sub-pads TObject *obj; if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; TIter next(GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) ((TPad*)obj)->ResizePad(option); } // Reset all current sizes if (gPad->IsBatch()) fPixmapID = 0; else { GetPainter()->SetLineWidth(-1); GetPainter()->SetTextSize(-1); // create or re-create off-screen pixmap if (fPixmapID) { int w = TMath::Abs(XtoPixel(fX2) - XtoPixel(fX1)); int h = TMath::Abs(YtoPixel(fY2) - YtoPixel(fY1)); //protection in case of wrong pad parameters. //without this protection, the OpenPixmap or ResizePixmap crashes with //the message "Error in : BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)" //resulting in a frozen xterm if ( !(TMath::Finite(fX1)) || !(TMath::Finite(fX2)) || !(TMath::Finite(fY1)) || !(TMath::Finite(fY2)) || (TMath::IsNaN(fX1)) || (TMath::IsNaN(fX2)) || (TMath::IsNaN(fY1)) || (TMath::IsNaN(fY2))) Warning("ResizePad", "Inf/NaN propagated to the pad. Check drawn objects."); if (w <= 0 || w > 10000) { Warning("ResizePad", "%s width changed from %d to %d\n",GetName(),w,10); w = 10; } if (h <= 0 || h > 10000) { Warning("ResizePad", "%s height changed from %d to %d\n",GetName(),h,10); h = 10; } if (fPixmapID == -1) { // this case is handled via the ctor fPixmapID = GetPainter()->CreateDrawable(w, h); } else { if (gVirtualX->ResizePixmap(fPixmapID, w, h)) { Resized(); Modified(kTRUE); } } } } if (fView) { TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; if (padsav == this) { fView->ResizePad(); } else { cd(); fView->ResizePad(); padsav->cd(); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Save Pad contents in a file in one of various formats. /// /// - if filename is "", the file produced is padname.ps /// - if filename starts with a dot, the padname is added in front /// - if filename contains .eps, an Encapsulated Postscript file is produced /// - if filename contains .pdf, a PDF file is produced NOTE: TMathText will be converted to TLatex; q.e.d., symbols only available in TMathText will not render properly. /// - if filename contains .svg, a SVG file is produced /// - if filename contains .tex, a TeX file is produced /// - if filename contains .gif, a GIF file is produced /// - if filename contains .gif+NN, an animated GIF file is produced See comments in TASImage::WriteImage for meaning of NN and other .gif sufix variants /// - if filename contains .xpm, a XPM file is produced /// - if filename contains .png, a PNG file is produced /// - if filename contains .jpg, a JPEG file is produced NOTE: JPEG's lossy compression will make all sharp edges fuzzy. /// - if filename contains .tiff, a TIFF file is produced /// - if filename contains .C or .cxx, a C++ macro file is produced /// - if filename contains .root, a Root file is produced /// - if filename contains .xml, a XML file is produced /// - if filename contains .json, a JSON file is produced /// /// See comments in TPad::Print for the Postscript formats void TPad::SaveAs(const char *filename, Option_t * /*option*/) const { TString psname; Int_t lenfil = filename ? strlen(filename) : 0; if (!lenfil) { psname = GetName(); psname.Append(".ps"); } else psname = filename; // lines below protected against case like c1->SaveAs( "../ps/cs.ps" ); if (psname.BeginsWith('.') && (psname.Contains('/') == 0)) { psname = GetName(); psname.Append(filename); psname.Prepend("/"); psname.Prepend(gEnv->GetValue("Canvas.PrintDirectory",".")); } if (psname.EndsWith(".gif")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"gif"); else if (psname.Contains(".gif+")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"gif+"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".C") || psname.EndsWith(".cxx") || psname.EndsWith(".cpp")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"cxx"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".root")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"root"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".xml")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"xml"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".json")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"json"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".eps")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"eps"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".pdf")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"pdf"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".pdf[")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"pdf"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".pdf]")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"pdf"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".pdf(")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"pdf"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".pdf)")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"pdf"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".svg")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"svg"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".tex")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"tex"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".xpm")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"xpm"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".png")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"png"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".jpg")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"jpg"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".jpeg")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"jpg"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".bmp")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"bmp"); else if (psname.EndsWith(".tiff")) ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"tiff"); else ((TPad*)this)->Print(psname,"ps"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Save primitives in this pad on the C++ source file out. void TPad::SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t * /*= ""*/) { TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; gPad = this; char quote='"'; char lcname[10]; const char *cname = GetName(); Int_t nch = strlen(cname); if (nch < 10) { strlcpy(lcname,cname,10); for (Int_t k=1;k<=nch;k++) {if (lcname[nch-k] == ' ') lcname[nch-k] = 0;} if (lcname[0] == 0) { if (this == gPad->GetCanvas()) {strlcpy(lcname,"c1",10); nch = 2;} else {strlcpy(lcname,"pad",10); nch = 3;} } cname = lcname; } // Write pad parameters if (this != gPad->GetCanvas()) { out <<" "<Primitives in pad: "<Draw();"<cd();"<Range("<GetRange(rmin, rmax); static Int_t viewNumber = 0; out<<" TView *view"<<++viewNumber<<" = TView::CreateView(1);"<SetRange("< 228) { TColor::SaveColor(out, GetFillColor()); out<<" "<SetFillColor(ci);" << std::endl; } else out<<" "<SetFillColor("<SetFillStyle("<SetBorderMode("<SetBorderSize("<SetLogx();"<SetLogy();"<SetLogz();"<SetGridx();"<SetGridy();"<SetTickx("<SetTicky("<SetTheta("<SetPhi("< 0.01) { out<<" "<SetLeftMargin("< 0.01) { out<<" "<SetRightMargin("< 0.01) { out<<" "<SetTopMargin("< 0.01) { out<<" "<SetBottomMargin("< 228) { TColor::SaveColor(out, GetFrameFillColor()); out<<" "<SetFrameFillColor(ci);" << std::endl; } else out<<" "<SetFrameFillColor("<SetFrameFillStyle("<SetFrameLineStyle("< 228) { TColor::SaveColor(out, GetFrameLineColor()); out<<" "<SetFrameLineColor(ci);" << std::endl; } else out<<" "<SetFrameLineColor("<SetFrameLineWidth("<SetFrameBorderMode("<SetFrameBorderSize("<GetFillColor() != GetFillColor()) { if (frame->GetFillColor() > 228) { TColor::SaveColor(out, frame->GetFillColor()); out<<" "<SetFrameFillColor(ci);" << std::endl; } else out<<" "<SetFrameFillColor("<GetFillColor()<<");"<GetFillStyle() != 1001) { out<<" "<SetFrameFillStyle("<GetFillStyle()<<");"<GetLineStyle() != 1) { out<<" "<SetFrameLineStyle("<GetLineStyle()<<");"<GetLineColor() != 1) { if (frame->GetLineColor() > 228) { TColor::SaveColor(out, frame->GetLineColor()); out<<" "<SetFrameLineColor(ci);" << std::endl; } else out<<" "<SetFrameLineColor("<GetLineColor()<<");"<GetLineWidth() != 1) { out<<" "<SetFrameLineWidth("<GetLineWidth()<<");"<GetBorderMode() != 1) { out<<" "<SetFrameBorderMode("<GetBorderMode()<<");"<GetBorderSize() != 1) { out<<" "<SetFrameBorderSize("<GetBorderSize()<<");"<InheritsFrom(TGraph::Class())) if (!strcmp(obj->GetName(),"Graph")) ((TGraph*)obj)->SetName(Form("Graph%d",grnum++)); obj->SavePrimitive(out, (Option_t *)next.GetOption()); } out<<" "<Modified();"<GetName()<<"->cd();"<cd(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Fix pad aspect ratio to current value if fixed is true. void TPad::SetFixedAspectRatio(Bool_t fixed) { if (fixed) { if (!fFixedAspectRatio) { if (fHNDC != 0.) fAspectRatio = fWNDC / fHNDC; else { Error("SetAspectRatio", "cannot fix aspect ratio, height of pad is 0"); return; } fFixedAspectRatio = kTRUE; } } else { fFixedAspectRatio = kFALSE; fAspectRatio = 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set pad editable yes/no /// If a pad is not editable: /// - one cannot modify the pad and its objects via the mouse. /// - one cannot add new objects to the pad void TPad::SetEditable(Bool_t mode) { fEditable = mode; TObject *obj; if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; TIter next(GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPad::Class())) { TPad *pad = (TPad*)obj; pad->SetEditable(mode); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Override TAttFill::FillStyle for TPad because we want to handle style=0 /// as style 4000. void TPad::SetFillStyle(Style_t fstyle) { if (fstyle == 0) fstyle = 4000; TAttFill::SetFillStyle(fstyle); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set Lin/Log scale for X /// - value = 0 X scale will be linear /// - value = 1 X scale will be logarithmic (base 10) /// - value > 1 reserved for possible support of base e or other void TPad::SetLogx(Int_t value) { fLogx = value; delete fView; fView = nullptr; Modified(); RangeAxisChanged(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set Lin/Log scale for Y /// - value = 0 Y scale will be linear /// - value = 1 Y scale will be logarithmic (base 10) /// - value > 1 reserved for possible support of base e or other void TPad::SetLogy(Int_t value) { fLogy = value; delete fView; fView = nullptr; Modified(); RangeAxisChanged(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set Lin/Log scale for Z void TPad::SetLogz(Int_t value) { fLogz = value; delete fView; fView = nullptr; Modified(); RangeAxisChanged(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set canvas range for pad and resize the pad. If the aspect ratio /// was fixed before the call it will be un-fixed. void TPad::SetPad(Double_t xlow, Double_t ylow, Double_t xup, Double_t yup) { // Reorder points to make sure xlow,ylow is bottom left point and // xup,yup is top right point. if (xup < xlow) { Double_t x = xlow; xlow = xup; xup = x; } if (yup < ylow) { Double_t y = ylow; ylow = yup; yup = y; } fXlowNDC = xlow; fYlowNDC = ylow; fXUpNDC = xup; fYUpNDC = yup; fWNDC = xup - xlow; fHNDC = yup - ylow; SetFixedAspectRatio(kFALSE); ResizePad(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set all pad parameters. void TPad::SetPad(const char *name, const char *title, Double_t xlow, Double_t ylow, Double_t xup, Double_t yup, Color_t color, Short_t bordersize, Short_t bordermode) { fName = name; fTitle = title; SetFillStyle(1001); SetBottomMargin(gStyle->GetPadBottomMargin()); SetTopMargin(gStyle->GetPadTopMargin()); SetLeftMargin(gStyle->GetPadLeftMargin()); SetRightMargin(gStyle->GetPadRightMargin()); if (color >= 0) SetFillColor(color); else SetFillColor(gStyle->GetPadColor()); if (bordersize < 0) fBorderSize = gStyle->GetPadBorderSize(); else fBorderSize = bordersize; if (bordermode < -1) fBorderMode = gStyle->GetPadBorderMode(); else fBorderMode = bordermode; SetPad(xlow, ylow, xup, yup); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the current TView. Delete previous view if view=0 void TPad::SetView(TView *view) { if (!view) delete fView; fView = view; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set postscript fill area attributes. void TPad::SetAttFillPS(Color_t color, Style_t style) { if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->SetFillColor(color); gVirtualPS->SetFillStyle(style); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set postscript line attributes. void TPad::SetAttLinePS(Color_t color, Style_t style, Width_t lwidth) { if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->SetLineColor(color); gVirtualPS->SetLineStyle(style); gVirtualPS->SetLineWidth(lwidth); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set postscript marker attributes. void TPad::SetAttMarkerPS(Color_t color, Style_t style, Size_t msize) { if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->SetMarkerColor(color); gVirtualPS->SetMarkerStyle(style); gVirtualPS->SetMarkerSize(msize); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set postscript text attributes. void TPad::SetAttTextPS(Int_t align, Float_t angle, Color_t color, Style_t font, Float_t tsize) { if (gVirtualPS) { gVirtualPS->SetTextAlign(align); gVirtualPS->SetTextAngle(angle); gVirtualPS->SetTextColor(color); gVirtualPS->SetTextFont(font); if (font%10 > 2) { Float_t wh = (Float_t)gPad->XtoPixel(gPad->GetX2()); Float_t hh = (Float_t)gPad->YtoPixel(gPad->GetY1()); Float_t dy; if (wh < hh) { dy = AbsPixeltoX(Int_t(tsize)) - AbsPixeltoX(0); tsize = dy/(fX2-fX1); } else { dy = AbsPixeltoY(0) - AbsPixeltoY(Int_t(tsize)); tsize = dy/(fY2-fY1); } } gVirtualPS->SetTextSize(tsize); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw Arrows to indicated equal distances of Objects with given BBoxes. /// Used by ShowGuidelines void TPad::DrawDist(Rectangle_t aBBox, Rectangle_t bBBox, char mode) { Int_t lineColor = TColor::GetColor(239, 202, 0); Int_t x1,x2,y1,y2; x1 = x2 = y1 = y2 = 0; if (mode == 'x') { if (aBBox.fX bBBox.fY) && (aBBox.fY + aBBox.fHeight < bBBox.fY + bBBox.fHeight)) y1 = y2 = aBBox.fY + TMath::Nint(0.5*(Double_t)(aBBox.fHeight))+1; else if ((bBBox.fY > aBBox.fY) && (bBBox.fY + bBBox.fHeight < aBBox.fY + aBBox.fHeight)) y1 = y2 = bBBox.fY + TMath::Nint(0.5*(Double_t)(bBBox.fHeight))+1; else if (aBBox.fY>bBBox.fY) y1 = y2 = aBBox.fY-TMath::Nint(0.5*(Double_t)(aBBox.fY-(bBBox.fY+bBBox.fHeight))); else y1 = y2 = bBBox.fY-TMath::Nint(0.5*(Double_t)(bBBox.fY-(aBBox.fY+aBBox.fHeight))); } else if (mode == 'y') { if (aBBox.fY bBBox.fX) && (aBBox.fX + aBBox.fWidth < bBBox.fX + bBBox.fWidth)) x1 = x2 = aBBox.fX + TMath::Nint(0.5*(Double_t)(aBBox.fWidth))+1; else if ((bBBox.fX > aBBox.fX) && (bBBox.fX + bBBox.fWidth < aBBox.fX + aBBox.fWidth)) x1 = x2 = bBBox.fX + TMath::Nint(0.5*(Double_t)(bBBox.fWidth))+1; else if (aBBox.fX>bBBox.fX) x1 = x2 = aBBox.fX+TMath::Nint(0.5*(Double_t)(bBBox.fX+bBBox.fWidth-aBBox.fX)); else x1 = x2 = bBBox.fX+TMath::Nint(0.5*(Double_t)(aBBox.fX+aBBox.fWidth-bBBox.fX)); } TArrow *A = new TArrow(gPad->PixeltoX(x1), gPad->PixeltoY(y1-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), gPad->PixeltoX(x2), gPad->PixeltoY(y2-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), 0.01, "<|>"); A->SetBit(kCanDelete); A->SetFillColor(lineColor); A->SetLineWidth(1); A->SetLineColor(lineColor); A->Draw(); return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// struct used by ShowGuidelines to store the distance Field between objects /// in the canvas. struct dField { TAttBBox2D *fa; TAttBBox2D *fb; Int_t fdist; char fdir; dField() : fa(0), fb(0), fdist(0), fdir(' ') {} dField(TAttBBox2D *a, TAttBBox2D *b, Int_t dist, char direction) : fa(a), fb(b), fdist(dist), fdir(direction) {} }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Shows lines to indicate if a TAttBBox2D object is aligned to /// the center or to another object, shows distance arrows if two /// objects on screen have the same distance to another object /// Call from primitive in Execute Event, in ButtonMotion after /// the new coordinates have been set, to 'stick' /// once when button is up to delete lines /// /// modes: t (Top), b (bottom), l (left), r (right), i (inside) /// in resize modes (t,b,l,r) only size arrows are sticky /// /// in mode, the function gets the point on the element that is clicked to /// move (i) or resize (all others). The expected values are: /// \image html gpad_pad5.png void TPad::ShowGuidelines(TObject *object, const Int_t event, const char mode, const bool cling ) { // When the object is moved with arrow or when the ShowGuideLines flag // is off we do show guide lines. if ((event == kArrowKeyRelease) || (event == kArrowKeyPress) || !gEnv->GetValue("Canvas.ShowGuideLines", 0)) return; std::vector curDist; std::vector otherDist; Int_t pMX, pMY; Double_t MX, MY; Int_t threshold; TList *prims; UInt_t n; Rectangle_t aBBox, bBBox; aBBox = bBBox = Rectangle_t(); TLine *L; TArrow *A; Int_t dSizeArrow = 12; // distance of arrows indicating same size from BBox in px Bool_t movedX, movedY; // make sure the current object is moved just once movedX = movedY = false; Bool_t resize = false; // indicates resize mode Bool_t log = gPad->GetLogx() || gPad->GetLogy(); if (mode != 'i') resize = true; TPad *is_pad = dynamic_cast( object ); TVirtualPad *padSave = 0; padSave = gPad; if (is_pad) is_pad->GetMother()->cd(); static TPad * tmpGuideLinePad; //delete all existing Guidelines and create new invisible pad if (tmpGuideLinePad) { if (object == tmpGuideLinePad) { // in case of funny button click combination. tmpGuideLinePad->Delete(); tmpGuideLinePad = 0; return; } tmpGuideLinePad->Delete(); tmpGuideLinePad = 0; } // Get Primitives prims = gPad->GetListOfPrimitives(); n = TMath::Min(15,prims->GetSize()); Int_t lineColor = TColor::GetColor(239, 202, 0); TAttBBox2D *cur = dynamic_cast( object ); if (cur) { //create invisible TPad above gPad if (!tmpGuideLinePad){ tmpGuideLinePad = new TPad("tmpGuideLinePad", "tmpGuideLinePad", 0, 0, 1, 1); Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2; gPad->GetRange(x1, y1, x2, y2); tmpGuideLinePad->Range(x1, y1, x2, y2); tmpGuideLinePad->SetFillStyle(0); tmpGuideLinePad->SetFillColor(0); tmpGuideLinePad->Draw(); tmpGuideLinePad->cd(); gPad->GetRange(x1, y1, x2, y2); } if (cling && !log) threshold = 7; else threshold = 1; Rectangle_t BBox = cur->GetBBox(); TPoint center = cur->GetBBoxCenter(); otherDist.clear(); curDist.clear(); switch (event) { case kButton1Down: case kButton1Motion: MX = gPad->GetX1() + 0.5 * (gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1()); MY = gPad->GetY1() + 0.5 * (gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1()); pMX = gPad->XtoPixel(MX); pMY = gPad->YtoPixel(MY); // Middlelines if (TMath::Abs(pMX-center.GetX())SetBBoxCenterX(pMX); center = cur->GetBBoxCenter(); BBox = cur->GetBBox(); center = cur->GetBBoxCenter(); } L = new TLine(MX, gPad->GetY1(), MX, gPad->GetY2()); L->SetBit(kCanDelete); L->SetLineColor(lineColor); L->Draw(); } if (TMath::Abs(pMY-center.GetY())SetBBoxCenterY(pMY); center = cur->GetBBoxCenter(); BBox = cur->GetBBox(); center = cur->GetBBoxCenter(); } L = new TLine(gPad->GetX1(), MY, gPad->GetX2(), MY); L->SetBit(kCanDelete); L->SetLineColor(lineColor); L->Draw(); } // Alignment to other objects for (UInt_t i = 0; i( prims->At(i) ); if (other) { if (other != cur) { TPoint centerOther = other->GetBBoxCenter(); if (TMath::Abs(center.GetX()-centerOther.GetX())SetBBoxCenterX(centerOther.GetX()); BBox = cur->GetBBox(); center = cur->GetBBoxCenter(); } L = new TLine(gPad->PixeltoX(centerOther.GetX()), gPad->PixeltoY(center.GetY()-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), gPad->PixeltoX(centerOther.GetX()), gPad->PixeltoY(centerOther.GetY()-gPad->VtoPixel(0))); L->SetLineColor(lineColor); L->Draw(); L->SetBit(kCanDelete); } if (TMath::Abs(center.GetY()-centerOther.GetY())SetBBoxCenterY(centerOther.GetY()); BBox = cur->GetBBox(); center = cur->GetBBoxCenter(); } L = new TLine(gPad->PixeltoX(center.GetX()), gPad->PixeltoY(centerOther.GetY()-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), gPad->PixeltoX(centerOther.GetX()), gPad->PixeltoY(centerOther.GetY()-gPad->VtoPixel(0))); L->SetBit(kCanDelete); L->SetLineColor(lineColor); L->Draw(); } } } } // Get Distances between objects for (UInt_t i = 0; i( prims->At(i) ); if (a) { aBBox = a->GetBBox(); for (UInt_t j = i+1; j( prims->At(j) ); if (b) { bBBox = b->GetBBox(); //only when bounding boxes overlap in x or y direction if (((aBBox.fXbBBox.fX)&&(aBBox.fX-bBBox.fX<=bBBox.fWidth))){ //BBoxes overlap in x direction if ((aBBox.fY+aBBox.fHeightbBBox.fY) abDist = dField(a, b, TMath::Abs(aBBox.fY-(bBBox.fY+bBBox.fHeight)), 'y'); else abDist = dField(a, b, TMath::Abs(bBBox.fY-(aBBox.fY+aBBox.fHeight)), 'y'); if ((b != cur)&&(a != cur)) otherDist.push_back(abDist); else curDist.push_back(abDist); } } else if (((aBBox.fYbBBox.fY)&&(aBBox.fY-bBBox.fY<=bBBox.fHeight))) { //BBoxes overlap in y direction if ((aBBox.fX+aBBox.fWidthbBBox.fX) abDist = dField(a, b, TMath::Abs(aBBox.fX-(bBBox.fX+bBBox.fWidth)), 'x'); else abDist = dField(a, b, TMath::Abs(bBBox.fX-(aBBox.fX+aBBox.fWidth)), 'x'); if ((b != cur)&&(a != cur)) otherDist.push_back(abDist); else curDist.push_back(abDist); } } } } } } // Show equal distances for (UInt_t i = 0; iGetBBoxCenter().fX < curDist[i].fb->GetBBoxCenter().fX)||(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fX < curDist[i].fa->GetBBoxCenter().fX)) cur->SetBBoxCenterX(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fX - otherDist[j].fdist + curDist[i].fdist); else cur->SetBBoxCenterX(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fX + otherDist[j].fdist - curDist[i].fdist); movedX = true; } DrawDist(curDist[i].fa->GetBBox(), curDist[i].fb->GetBBox(), 'x'); DrawDist(otherDist[j].fa->GetBBox(), otherDist[j].fb->GetBBox(), 'x'); } if ((curDist[i].fdir == otherDist[j].fdir)&&(otherDist[j].fdir=='y')&&(TMath::Abs(curDist[i].fdist-otherDist[j].fdist)GetBBoxCenter().fY < curDist[i].fb->GetBBoxCenter().fY)||(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fY < curDist[i].fa->GetBBoxCenter().fY)) cur->SetBBoxCenterY(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fY - otherDist[j].fdist + curDist[i].fdist); else cur->SetBBoxCenterY(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fY + otherDist[j].fdist - curDist[i].fdist); movedY = true; } DrawDist(curDist[i].fa->GetBBox(), curDist[i].fb->GetBBox(), 'y'); DrawDist(otherDist[j].fa->GetBBox(), otherDist[j].fb->GetBBox(), 'y'); } } for (UInt_t j = i; jGetBBoxCenter().fX < curDist[i].fb->GetBBoxCenter().fX)||(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fX < curDist[i].fa->GetBBoxCenter().fX)) cur->SetBBoxCenterX(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fX - floor(0.5*(curDist[j].fdist - curDist[i].fdist))); else cur->SetBBoxCenterX(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fX + floor(0.5*(curDist[j].fdist - curDist[i].fdist))); } DrawDist(curDist[i].fa->GetBBox(), curDist[i].fb->GetBBox(), 'x'); DrawDist(curDist[j].fa->GetBBox(), curDist[j].fb->GetBBox(), 'x'); } if ((curDist[i].fdir == curDist[j].fdir)&&(curDist[j].fdir=='y')&&(TMath::Abs(curDist[i].fdist-curDist[j].fdist)GetBBoxCenter().fY < curDist[i].fb->GetBBoxCenter().fY)||(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fY < curDist[i].fa->GetBBoxCenter().fY)) cur->SetBBoxCenterY(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fY - floor(0.5*(curDist[j].fdist - curDist[i].fdist))); else cur->SetBBoxCenterY(cur->GetBBoxCenter().fY + floor(0.5*(curDist[j].fdist - curDist[i].fdist))); } DrawDist(curDist[i].fa->GetBBox(), curDist[i].fb->GetBBox(), 'y'); DrawDist(curDist[j].fa->GetBBox(), curDist[j].fb->GetBBox(), 'y'); } } } } if (resize) { // Show equal Sizes for (UInt_t i = 0; i( prims->At(i) ); if (a && (cur != a)) { aBBox = a->GetBBox(); if ((TMath::Abs(aBBox.fWidth - BBox.fWidth)SetBBoxX1(BBox.fX + BBox.fWidth - aBBox.fWidth); if (mode == 'r') cur->SetBBoxX2(BBox.fX + aBBox.fWidth); if ((mode == '1')||(mode == '4')) cur->SetBBoxX1(BBox.fX + BBox.fWidth - aBBox.fWidth); if ((mode == '2')||(mode == '3')) cur->SetBBoxX2(BBox.fX + aBBox.fWidth); BBox = cur->GetBBox(); } A = new TArrow(gPad->PixeltoX(aBBox.fX), gPad->PixeltoY(aBBox.fY-dSizeArrow-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), gPad->PixeltoX(aBBox.fX+aBBox.fWidth), gPad->PixeltoY(aBBox.fY-dSizeArrow-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), 0.01, "<|>"); A->SetBit(kCanDelete); A->SetLineColor(lineColor); A->SetFillColor(lineColor); A->Draw(); A = new TArrow(gPad->PixeltoX(BBox.fX), gPad->PixeltoY(BBox.fY-dSizeArrow-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), gPad->PixeltoX(BBox.fX+BBox.fWidth), gPad->PixeltoY(BBox.fY-dSizeArrow-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), 0.01, "<|>"); A->SetBit(kCanDelete); A->SetLineColor(lineColor); A->SetFillColor(lineColor); A->Draw(); } if ((TMath::Abs(aBBox.fHeight - BBox.fHeight)SetBBoxY1(BBox.fY + BBox.fHeight - aBBox.fHeight); if (mode == 'b') cur->SetBBoxY2(BBox.fY + aBBox.fHeight); if ((mode == '1')||(mode == '2')) cur->SetBBoxY1(BBox.fY + BBox.fHeight - aBBox.fHeight); if ((mode == '3')||(mode == '4')) cur->SetBBoxY2(BBox.fY + aBBox.fHeight); BBox = cur->GetBBox(); } A = new TArrow(gPad->PixeltoX(aBBox.fX-dSizeArrow), gPad->PixeltoY(aBBox.fY-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), gPad->PixeltoX(aBBox.fX-dSizeArrow), gPad->PixeltoY(aBBox.fY+aBBox.fHeight-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), 0.01, "<|>"); A->SetBit(kCanDelete); A->SetLineColor(lineColor); A->SetFillColor(lineColor); A->Draw(); A = new TArrow(gPad->PixeltoX(BBox.fX-dSizeArrow), gPad->PixeltoY(BBox.fY-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), gPad->PixeltoX(BBox.fX-dSizeArrow), gPad->PixeltoY(BBox.fY+BBox.fHeight-gPad->VtoPixel(0)), 0.01, "<|>"); A->SetBit(kCanDelete); A->SetLineColor(lineColor); A->SetFillColor(lineColor); A->Draw(); } } } } break; case kButton1Up: if (tmpGuideLinePad) { // All the arrows and lines in that pad are also deleted because // they all have the bit kCanDelete on. tmpGuideLinePad->Delete(); tmpGuideLinePad = 0; } break; } } gPad->Modified(kTRUE); padSave->cd(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return kTRUE if the crosshair has been activated (via SetCrosshair). Bool_t TPad::HasCrosshair() const { return (Bool_t)GetCrosshair(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the crosshair type (from the mother canvas) /// crosshair type = 0 means no crosshair. Int_t TPad::GetCrosshair() const { if (this == (TPad*)fCanvas) return fCrosshair; return fCanvas ? fCanvas->GetCrosshair() : 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set crosshair active/inactive. /// - If crhair != 0, a crosshair will be drawn in the pad and its sub-pads. /// - If the canvas crhair = 1 , the crosshair spans the full canvas. /// - If the canvas crhair > 1 , the crosshair spans only the pad. void TPad::SetCrosshair(Int_t crhair) { fCrosshair = crhair; fCrosshairPos = 0; if (this != (TPad*)fCanvas) fCanvas->SetCrosshair(crhair); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// static function to set the maximum Pick Distance fgMaxPickDistance /// This parameter is used in TPad::Pick to select an object if /// its DistancetoPrimitive returns a value < fgMaxPickDistance /// The default value is 5 pixels. Setting a smaller value will make /// picking more precise but also more difficult void TPad::SetMaxPickDistance(Int_t maxPick) { fgMaxPickDistance = maxPick; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set tool tip text associated with this pad. The delay is in /// milliseconds (minimum 250). To remove tool tip call method with /// text = 0. void TPad::SetToolTipText(const char *text, Long_t delayms) { if (fTip) { DeleteToolTip(fTip); fTip = nullptr; } if (text && strlen(text)) fTip = CreateToolTip((TBox*)nullptr, text, delayms); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set pad vertical (default) or horizontal void TPad::SetVertical(Bool_t vert) { if (vert) ResetBit(kHori); else SetBit(kHori); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Stream a class object. void TPad::Streamer(TBuffer &b) { UInt_t R__s, R__c; Int_t nch, nobjects; Float_t single; TObject *obj; if (b.IsReading()) { Version_t v = b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); if (v > 5) { if (!gPad) gPad = new TCanvas(GetName()); TPad *padsave = (TPad*)gPad; fMother = (TPad*)gPad; if (fMother) fCanvas = fMother->GetCanvas(); gPad = this; fPixmapID = -1; // -1 means pixmap will be created by ResizePad() gReadLevel++; gROOT->SetReadingObject(kTRUE); b.ReadClassBuffer(TPad::Class(), this, v, R__s, R__c); //Set the kCanDelete bit in all objects in the pad such that when the pad //is deleted all objects in the pad are deleted too. TIter next(fPrimitives); while ((obj = next())) { obj->SetBit(kCanDelete); } fModified = kTRUE; fPadPointer = nullptr; gReadLevel--; if (gReadLevel == 0 && IsA() == TPad::Class()) ResizePad(); gROOT->SetReadingObject(kFALSE); gPad = padsave; return; } //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution if (v < 5) { //old TPad in single precision if (v < 3) { //old TPad derived from TWbox b.ReadVersion(); // TVirtualPad::Streamer(b) b.ReadVersion(); // TWbox::Streamer(b) b.ReadVersion(); // TBox::Streamer(b) TObject::Streamer(b); TAttLine::Streamer(b); TAttFill::Streamer(b); b >> single; fX1 = single; b >> single; fY1 = single; b >> single; fX2 = single; b >> single; fY2 = single; b >> fBorderSize; b >> fBorderMode; TAttPad::Streamer(b); } else { //new TPad TVirtualPad::Streamer(b); TAttPad::Streamer(b); b >> single; fX1 = single; b >> single; fY1 = single; b >> single; fX2 = single; b >> single; fY2 = single; b >> fBorderSize; b >> fBorderMode; } b >> fLogx; b >> fLogy; b >> fLogz; b >> single; fXtoAbsPixelk = single; b >> single; fXtoPixelk = single; b >> single; fXtoPixel = single; b >> single; fYtoAbsPixelk = single; b >> single; fYtoPixelk = single; b >> single; fYtoPixel = single; b >> single; fUtoAbsPixelk = single; b >> single; fUtoPixelk = single; b >> single; fUtoPixel = single; b >> single; fVtoAbsPixelk = single; b >> single; fVtoPixelk = single; b >> single; fVtoPixel = single; b >> single; fAbsPixeltoXk = single; b >> single; fPixeltoXk = single; b >> single; fPixeltoX = single; b >> single; fAbsPixeltoYk = single; b >> single; fPixeltoYk = single; b >> single; fPixeltoY = single; b >> single; fXlowNDC = single; b >> single; fYlowNDC = single; b >> single; fWNDC = single; b >> single; fHNDC = single; b >> single; fAbsXlowNDC = single; b >> single; fAbsYlowNDC = single; b >> single; fAbsWNDC = single; b >> single; fAbsHNDC = single; b >> single; fUxmin = single; b >> single; fUymin = single; b >> single; fUxmax = single; b >> single; fUymax = single; } else { TVirtualPad::Streamer(b); TAttPad::Streamer(b); b >> fX1; b >> fY1; b >> fX2; b >> fY2; b >> fBorderSize; b >> fBorderMode; b >> fLogx; b >> fLogy; b >> fLogz; b >> fXtoAbsPixelk; b >> fXtoPixelk; b >> fXtoPixel; b >> fYtoAbsPixelk; b >> fYtoPixelk; b >> fYtoPixel; b >> fUtoAbsPixelk; b >> fUtoPixelk; b >> fUtoPixel; b >> fVtoAbsPixelk; b >> fVtoPixelk; b >> fVtoPixel; b >> fAbsPixeltoXk; b >> fPixeltoXk; b >> fPixeltoX; b >> fAbsPixeltoYk; b >> fPixeltoYk; b >> fPixeltoY; b >> fXlowNDC; b >> fYlowNDC; b >> fWNDC; b >> fHNDC; b >> fAbsXlowNDC; b >> fAbsYlowNDC; b >> fAbsWNDC; b >> fAbsHNDC; b >> fUxmin; b >> fUymin; b >> fUxmax; b >> fUymax; } if (!gPad) gPad = new TCanvas(GetName()); if (gReadLevel == 0) fMother = (TPad*)gROOT->GetSelectedPad(); else fMother = (TPad*)gPad; if (!fMother) fMother = (TPad*)gPad; if (fMother) fCanvas = fMother->GetCanvas(); gPad = fMother; fPixmapID = -1; // -1 means pixmap will be created by ResizePad() //------------------------- // read objects and their drawing options // b >> fPrimitives; gReadLevel++; gROOT->SetReadingObject(kTRUE); fPrimitives = new TList; b >> nobjects; if (nobjects > 0) { TPad *padsav = (TPad*)gPad; gPad = this; char drawoption[64]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) { b >> obj; b >> nch; b.ReadFastArray(drawoption,nch); fPrimitives->AddLast(obj, drawoption); gPad = this; // gPad may be modified in b >> obj if obj is a pad } gPad = padsav; } gReadLevel--; gROOT->SetReadingObject(kFALSE); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (v > 3) { b >> fExecs; } fName.Streamer(b); fTitle.Streamer(b); b >> fPadPaint; fModified = kTRUE; b >> fGridx; b >> fGridy; b >> fFrame; b >> fView; if (v < 5) { b >> single; fTheta = single; b >> single; fPhi = single; } else { b >> fTheta; b >> fPhi; } fPadPointer = nullptr; b >> fNumber; b >> fAbsCoord; if (v > 1) { b >> fTickx; b >> fTicky; } else { fTickx = fTicky = 0; } if (gReadLevel == 0 && IsA() == TPad::Class()) ResizePad(); b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TPad::IsA()); //====end of old versions } else { b.WriteClassBuffer(TPad::Class(),this); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Force a copy of current style for all objects in pad. void TPad::UseCurrentStyle() { if (gStyle->IsReading()) { SetFillColor(gStyle->GetPadColor()); SetBottomMargin(gStyle->GetPadBottomMargin()); SetTopMargin(gStyle->GetPadTopMargin()); SetLeftMargin(gStyle->GetPadLeftMargin()); SetRightMargin(gStyle->GetPadRightMargin()); fBorderSize = gStyle->GetPadBorderSize(); fBorderMode = gStyle->GetPadBorderMode(); fGridx = gStyle->GetPadGridX(); fGridy = gStyle->GetPadGridY(); fTickx = gStyle->GetPadTickX(); fTicky = gStyle->GetPadTickY(); fLogx = gStyle->GetOptLogx(); fLogy = gStyle->GetOptLogy(); fLogz = gStyle->GetOptLogz(); } else { gStyle->SetPadColor(GetFillColor()); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(GetBottomMargin()); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(GetTopMargin()); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(GetLeftMargin()); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(GetRightMargin()); gStyle->SetPadBorderSize(GetBorderSize()); gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(GetBorderMode()); gStyle->SetPadGridX(fGridx); gStyle->SetPadGridY(fGridy); gStyle->SetPadTickX(fTickx); gStyle->SetPadTickY(fTicky); gStyle->SetOptLogx (fLogx); gStyle->SetOptLogy (fLogy); gStyle->SetOptLogz (fLogz); } if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; TIter next(GetListOfPrimitives()); TObject *obj; while ((obj = next())) { obj->UseCurrentStyle(); } TPaveText *title = (TPaveText*)FindObject("title"); if (title) { if (gStyle->IsReading()) { title->SetFillColor(gStyle->GetTitleFillColor()); title->SetTextFont(gStyle->GetTitleFont("")); title->SetTextColor(gStyle->GetTitleTextColor()); title->SetBorderSize(gStyle->GetTitleBorderSize()); if (!gStyle->GetOptTitle()) delete title; } else { gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(title->GetFillColor()); gStyle->SetTitleFont(title->GetTextFont()); gStyle->SetTitleTextColor(title->GetTextColor()); gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(title->GetBorderSize()); } } if (fFrame) fFrame->UseCurrentStyle(); if (gStyle->IsReading()) Modified(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Loop and sleep until a primitive with name=pname is found in the pad. /// /// If emode is given, the editor is automatically set to emode, ie /// it is not required to have the editor control bar. /// /// The possible values for emode are: /// - emode = "" (default). User will select the mode via the editor bar /// - emode = "Arc", "Line", "Arrow", "Button", "Diamond", "Ellipse", /// - emode = "Pad","pave", "PaveLabel","PaveText", "PavesText", /// - emode = "PolyLine", "CurlyLine", "CurlyArc", "Text", "Marker", "CutG" /// /// If emode is specified and it is not valid, "PolyLine" is assumed. If emode /// is not specified or ="", an attempt is to use pname[1...] /// /// for example if pname="TArc", emode="Arc" will be assumed. /// When this function is called within a macro, the macro execution /// is suspended until a primitive corresponding to the arguments /// is found in the pad. /// /// If CRTL/C is typed in the pad, the function returns 0. /// /// While this function is executing, one can use the mouse, interact /// with the graphics pads, use the Inspector, Browser, TreeViewer, etc. /// /// Examples: /// ~~~ {.cpp} /// c1.WaitPrimitive(); // Return the first created primitive /// // whatever it is. /// // If a double-click with the mouse is executed /// // in the pad or any key pressed, the function /// // returns 0. /// c1.WaitPrimitive("ggg"); // Set the editor in mode "PolyLine/Graph" /// // Create a polyline, then using the context /// // menu item "SetName", change the name /// // of the created TGraph to "ggg" /// c1.WaitPrimitive("TArc");// Set the editor in mode "Arc". Returns /// // as soon as a TArc object is created. /// c1.WaitPrimitive("lat","Text"); // Set the editor in Text/Latex mode. /// // Create a text object, then Set its name to "lat" /// ~~~ /// The following macro waits for 10 primitives of any type to be created. /// /// ~~~ {.cpp} ///{ /// TCanvas c1("c1"); /// TObject *obj; /// for (Int_t i=0;i<10;i++) { /// obj = gPad->WaitPrimitive(); /// if (!obj) break; /// printf("Loop i=%d, found objIsA=%s, name=%s\n", /// i,obj->ClassName(),obj->GetName()); /// } ///} /// ~~~ /// /// If ROOT runs in batch mode a call to this method does nothing. TObject *TPad::WaitPrimitive(const char *pname, const char *emode) { if (!gPad) return 0; if (strlen(emode)) gROOT->SetEditorMode(emode); if (gROOT->GetEditorMode() == 0 && strlen(pname) > 2) gROOT->SetEditorMode(&pname[1]); if (!fPrimitives) fPrimitives = new TList; gSystem->ProcessEvents(); TObject *oldlast = gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Last(); TObject *obj = 0; Bool_t testlast = kFALSE; Bool_t hasname = strlen(pname) > 0; if (!pname[0] && !emode[0]) testlast = kTRUE; if (testlast) gROOT->SetEditorMode(); while (!gSystem->ProcessEvents() && gROOT->GetSelectedPad()) { if (gROOT->GetEditorMode() == 0) { if (hasname) { obj = FindObject(pname); if (obj) return obj; } if (testlast) { obj = gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Last(); if (obj != oldlast) return obj; Int_t event = GetEvent(); if (event == kButton1Double || event == kKeyPress) { //the following statement is required against other loop executions //before returning fCanvas->HandleInput((EEventType)-1,0,0); return 0; } } } gSystem->Sleep(10); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a tool tip and return its pointer. TObject *TPad::CreateToolTip(const TBox *box, const char *text, Long_t delayms) { if (gPad->IsBatch()) return 0; return (TObject*)gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("new TGToolTip((TBox*)0x%lx,\"%s\",%d)", (Long_t)box,text,(Int_t)delayms)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Delete tool tip object. void TPad::DeleteToolTip(TObject *tip) { // delete tip; if (!tip) return; gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("delete (TGToolTip*)0x%lx", (Long_t)tip)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Reset tool tip, i.e. within time specified in CreateToolTip the /// tool tip will pop up. void TPad::ResetToolTip(TObject *tip) { if (!tip) return; // tip->Reset(this); gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("((TGToolTip*)0x%lx)->Reset((TPad*)0x%lx)", (Long_t)tip,(Long_t)this)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Hide tool tip. void TPad::CloseToolTip(TObject *tip) { if (!tip) return; // tip->Hide(); gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("((TGToolTip*)0x%lx)->Hide()",(Long_t)tip)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Deprecated: use TPad::GetViewer3D() instead void TPad::x3d(Option_t *type) { ::Info("TPad::x3d()", "This function is deprecated. Use %s->GetViewer3D(\"x3d\") instead",this->GetName()); // Default on GetViewer3D is pad - for x3d it was x3d... if (!type || !type[0]) { type = "x3d"; } GetViewer3D(type); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create/obtain handle to 3D viewer. Valid types are: /// - 'pad' - pad drawing via TViewer3DPad /// any others registered with plugin manager supporting TVirtualViewer3D /// If an invalid/null type is requested then the current viewer is returned /// (if any), otherwise a default 'pad' type is returned TVirtualViewer3D *TPad::GetViewer3D(Option_t *type) { Bool_t validType = kFALSE; if ( (!type || !type[0] || (strstr(type, "gl") && !strstr(type, "ogl"))) && !fCanvas->UseGL()) type = "pad"; if (type && type[0]) { if (gPluginMgr->FindHandler("TVirtualViewer3D", type)) validType = kTRUE; } // Invalid/null type requested? if (!validType) { // Return current viewer if there is one if (fViewer3D) { return fViewer3D; } // otherwise default to the pad else { type = "pad"; } } // Ensure we can create the new viewer before removing any existing one TVirtualViewer3D *newViewer = 0; Bool_t createdExternal = kFALSE; // External viewers need to be created via plugin manager via interface... if (!strstr(type,"pad")) { newViewer = TVirtualViewer3D::Viewer3D(this,type); if (!newViewer) { Warning("TPad::CreateViewer3D", "Cannot create 3D viewer of type: %s", type); // Return the existing viewer return fViewer3D; } if (strstr(type, "gl") && !strstr(type, "ogl")) fEmbeddedGL = kTRUE, fCopyGLDevice = kTRUE, Modified(); else createdExternal = kTRUE; } else newViewer = new TViewer3DPad(*this); // If we had a previous viewer destroy it now // In this case we do take responsibility for destroying viewer // c.f. ReleaseViewer3D delete fViewer3D; // Set and return new viewer fViewer3D = newViewer; // Ensure any new external viewer is painted // For internal TViewer3DPad type we assume this is being // create on demand due to a paint - so this is not required if (createdExternal) { Modified(); Update(); } return fViewer3D; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Release current (external) viewer void TPad::ReleaseViewer3D(Option_t * /*type*/ ) { fViewer3D = nullptr; // We would like to ensure the pad is repainted // when external viewer is closed down. However // a modify/paint call here will repaint the pad // before the external viewer window actually closes. // So the pad would have to be redraw twice over. // Currently we just have to live with the pad staying blank // any click in pad will refresh. } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get GL device. Int_t TPad::GetGLDevice() { return fGLDevice; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Emit RecordPave() signal. void TPad::RecordPave(const TObject *obj) { Emit("RecordPave(const TObject*)", (Long_t)obj); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Emit RecordLatex() signal. void TPad::RecordLatex(const TObject *obj) { Emit("RecordLatex(const TObject*)", (Long_t)obj); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get pad painter from TCanvas. TVirtualPadPainter *TPad::GetPainter() { if (!fCanvas) return nullptr; return fCanvas->GetCanvasPainter(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the bounding Box of the Pad Rectangle_t TPad::GetBBox() { Rectangle_t BBox; BBox.fX = gPad->XtoPixel(fXlowNDC*(gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1()) + gPad->GetX1()); BBox.fY = gPad->YtoPixel((fYlowNDC+fHNDC)*(gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1()) + gPad->GetY1()); BBox.fWidth = gPad->XtoPixel((fXlowNDC+fWNDC)*(gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1()) + gPad->GetX1()) - gPad->XtoPixel(fXlowNDC*(gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1()) + gPad->GetX1()); BBox.fHeight = gPad->YtoPixel((fYlowNDC)*(gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1()) + gPad->GetY1()) - gPad->YtoPixel((fYlowNDC+fHNDC)*(gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1()) + gPad->GetY1()); return (BBox); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the center of the Pad as TPoint in pixels TPoint TPad::GetBBoxCenter() { TPoint p; Double_t x = ((fXlowNDC+0.5*fWNDC)*(gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1())) + gPad->GetX1(); Double_t y = ((fYlowNDC+0.5*fHNDC)*(gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1())) + gPad->GetY1(); p.SetX(gPad->XtoPixel(x)); p.SetY(gPad->YtoPixel(y)); return(p); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set center of the Pad void TPad::SetBBoxCenter(const TPoint &p) { fXlowNDC = (gPad->PixeltoX(p.GetX()) - gPad->GetX1())/(gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1())-0.5*fWNDC; fYlowNDC = (gPad->PixeltoY(p.GetY()-gPad->VtoPixel(0)) - gPad->GetY1())/(gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1())-0.5*fHNDC; ResizePad(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set X coordinate of the center of the Pad void TPad::SetBBoxCenterX(const Int_t x) { fXlowNDC = (gPad->PixeltoX(x) - gPad->GetX1())/(gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1())-0.5*fWNDC; ResizePad(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set Y coordinate of the center of the Pad void TPad::SetBBoxCenterY(const Int_t y) { fYlowNDC = (gPad->PixeltoY(y-gPad->VtoPixel(0)) - gPad->GetY1())/(gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1())-0.5*fHNDC; ResizePad(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set lefthandside of BoundingBox to a value /// (resize in x direction on left) void TPad::SetBBoxX1(const Int_t x) { fXlowNDC = (gPad->PixeltoX(x) - gPad->GetX1())/(gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1()); fWNDC = fXUpNDC - fXlowNDC; ResizePad(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set right hand side of BoundingBox to a value /// (resize in x direction on right) void TPad::SetBBoxX2(const Int_t x) { fWNDC = (gPad->PixeltoX(x) - gPad->GetX1())/(gPad->GetX2()-gPad->GetX1())-fXlowNDC; ResizePad(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set top of BoundingBox to a value (resize in y direction on top) void TPad::SetBBoxY1(const Int_t y) { fHNDC = (gPad->PixeltoY(y-gPad->VtoPixel(0)) - gPad->GetY1())/(gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1())-fYlowNDC; ResizePad(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set bottom of BoundingBox to a value /// (resize in y direction on bottom) void TPad::SetBBoxY2(const Int_t y) { fYlowNDC = (gPad->PixeltoY(y-gPad->VtoPixel(0)) - gPad->GetY1())/(gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1()); fHNDC = fYUpNDC - fYlowNDC; ResizePad(); }