#include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "ROOT/RHist.hxx" #include "ROOT/RHistBinIter.hxx" #include using namespace ROOT::Experimental; // Tests the number of bins TEST(BinIterNBins, NumBins) { RH2F h({2, -10., 0.}, {3, -1., 10.}); EXPECT_EQ(4*5, h.GetImpl()->GetNBins()); int nBins = 0; for (auto bin: h) { (void)bin; ++nBins; } EXPECT_EQ(h.GetImpl()->GetNBinsNoOver(), nBins); } // Tests the bin ref: fill, retrieve. TEST(BinIterNBins, BinRef) { RH2F h({10, -1., 1.}, {10, -1., 1.}); double x = 0.11; double y = 0.33; double w = 3.141; h.Fill({x, y}, w); h.Fill({x, y}, 2. * w); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(3. * w, h.GetBinContent({x,y})); int xbin = h.GetImpl()->GetAxis(0).FindBin(x); EXPECT_EQ(6, xbin); int ybin = h.GetImpl()->GetAxis(1).FindBin(y); EXPECT_EQ(7, ybin); int linbin = h.GetImpl()->GetBinIndex({x, y}); const int expectedLinBin = xbin + (ybin - 1) * 10; EXPECT_EQ(expectedLinBin, linbin); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(3. * w, h.GetImpl()->GetBinContent(linbin)); int foundbin = -1; double foundweight = -1.; double founduncert = -1.; RH2F::CoordArray_t foundcoord{}; int nBins = 0; for (auto bin: h) { auto binCenter = bin.GetCenter(); if (std::fabs(binCenter[0] - x) < 0.1 && std::fabs(binCenter[1] - y) < 0.1) { foundbin = nBins; foundcoord = binCenter; foundweight = bin.GetContent(); founduncert = bin.GetUncertainty(); } ++nBins; } EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.1, foundcoord[0]); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.3, foundcoord[1]); EXPECT_EQ(expectedLinBin, foundbin); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(3. * w, foundweight); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(std::sqrt(w * w + (2 * w) * (2 * w)), founduncert); }