#!/usr/bin/env @python@ # ROOT command line tools: rootmv # Author: Julien Ripoche # Mail: julien.ripoche@u-psud.fr # Date: 20/08/15 """Command line to move objects from ROOT files to another""" import cmdLineUtils import sys # Help strings description = "Move objects from ROOT files to another" EPILOG = """Examples: - rootmv source.root:hist* dest.root Move all histograms whose named starts with 'hist' from 'source.root' to 'dest.root'. - rootmv source1.root:hist1 source2.root:hist2 dest.root Move histograms 'hist1' from 'source1.root' and 'hist2' from 'source2.root' to 'dest.root'. - rootmv --recreate source.root:hist dest.root Recreate the destination file 'dest.root' and move the histogram named 'hist' from 'source.root' into it. - rootmv -c 1 source.root:hist dest.root Change the compression level of the destination file 'dest.root' and move the histogram named 'hist' from 'source.root' into it. For more information about compression settings of ROOT file, please look at the reference guide available on the ROOT site. """ def get_argparse(): # Collect arguments with the module argparse parser = cmdLineUtils.getParserSourceDest(description, EPILOG) parser.prog = 'rootmv' parser.add_argument("-c","--compress", type=int, help=cmdLineUtils.COMPRESS_HELP) parser.add_argument("-i","--interactive", help=cmdLineUtils.INTERACTIVE_HELP, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--recreate", help=cmdLineUtils.RECREATE_HELP, action="store_true") return parser def execute(): parser = get_argparse() # Put arguments in shape sourceList, destFileName, destPathSplit, optDict = cmdLineUtils.getSourceDestListOptDict(parser) # Process rootMv return cmdLineUtils.rootMv(sourceList, destFileName, destPathSplit, \ compress=optDict["compress"], interactive=optDict["interactive"], \ recreate=optDict["recreate"]) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(execute())