// @(#)root/memstat:$Id$ // Author: Anar Manafov (A.Manafov@gsi.de) 2008-03-02 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2010, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ // STD #include // ROOT #include "TSystem.h" #include "TError.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TObject.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TArrayL64.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TMD5.h" #include "TMath.h" // Memstat #include "TMemStatBacktrace.h" #include "TMemStatMng.h" using namespace Memstat; ClassImp(TMemStatMng); TMemStatMng* TMemStatMng::fgInstance = NULL; //****************************************************************************// // //****************************************************************************// TMemStatMng::TMemStatMng(): TObject(), #if !defined(__APPLE__) fPreviousMallocHook(TMemStatHook::GetMallocHook()), fPreviousFreeHook(TMemStatHook::GetFreeHook()), #endif fDumpFile(NULL), fDumpTree(NULL), fUseGNUBuiltinBacktrace(kFALSE), fBeginTime(0), fPos(0), fTimems(0), fNBytes(0), fBtID(0), fMaxCalls(5000000), fBufferSize(10000), fBufN(0), fBufPos(0), fBufTimems(0), fBufNBytes(0), fBufBtID(0), fIndex(0), fMustWrite(0), fFAddrsList(0), fHbtids(0), fBTCount(0), fBTIDCount(0), fSysInfo(0) { // Default constructor } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Initialize MemStat manager - used only by instance method void TMemStatMng::Init() { fBeginTime = fTimeStamp.AsDouble(); fDumpFile = new TFile(Form("memstat_%d.root", gSystem->GetPid()), "recreate"); Int_t opt = 200000; if(!fDumpTree) { fDumpTree = new TTree("T", "Memory Statistics"); fDumpTree->Branch("pos", &fPos, "pos/l", opt); fDumpTree->Branch("time", &fTimems, "time/I", opt); fDumpTree->Branch("nbytes", &fNBytes, "nbytes/I", opt); fDumpTree->Branch("btid", &fBtID, "btid/I", opt); } fBTCount = 0; fBTIDCount = 0; fFAddrsList = new TObjArray(); fFAddrsList->SetOwner(kTRUE); fFAddrsList->SetName("FAddrsList"); fHbtids = new TH1I("btids", "table of btids", 10000, 0, 1); //where fHbtids is a member of the manager class fHbtids->SetDirectory(0); // save the histogram and the TObjArray to the tree header fDumpTree->GetUserInfo()->Add(fHbtids); fDumpTree->GetUserInfo()->Add(fFAddrsList); // save the system info to a tree header std::string sSysInfo(gSystem->GetBuildNode()); sSysInfo += " | "; sSysInfo += gSystem->GetBuildCompilerVersion(); sSysInfo += " | "; sSysInfo += gSystem->GetFlagsDebug(); sSysInfo += " "; sSysInfo += gSystem->GetFlagsOpt(); fSysInfo = new TNamed("SysInfo", sSysInfo.c_str()); fDumpTree->GetUserInfo()->Add(fSysInfo); fDumpTree->SetAutoSave(10000000); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// GetInstance - a static function /// Initialize a singleton of MemStat manager TMemStatMng* TMemStatMng::GetInstance() { if(!fgInstance) { fgInstance = new TMemStatMng; fgInstance->Init(); } return fgInstance; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Close - a static function /// This method stops the manager, /// flashes all the buffered data and closes the output tree. void TMemStatMng::Close() { // TODO: This is a temporary solution until we find a properalgorithm for SaveData //fgInstance->fDumpFile->WriteObject(fgInstance->fFAddrsList, "FAddrsList"); /* std::ofstream f("mem_stat_debug.txt"); int *btids = fgInstance->fHbtids->GetArray(); if( !btids ) return; int btid(1); int count(0); bool bStop(false); int count_empty(0); for (int i = 0; i < fgInstance->fBTChecksums.size(); ++i) { if (bStop) break; count = btids[btid-1]; f << "++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"; f << "BTID: " << btid << "\n"; if ( count <= 0 ) ++count_empty; for (int j = btid+1; j <= (btid+count); ++j ) { TNamed *nm = (TNamed*)fgInstance->fFAddrsList->At(btids[j]); if( !nm ) { f << "Bad ID" << std::endl; bStop = true; } f << "-------> " << nm->GetTitle() << "\n"; } btid = btid + count + 1; } f.close(); ::Info("TMemStatMng::Close", "btids without a stack %d\n", count_empty); */ // to be documented fgInstance->FillTree(); fgInstance->Disable(); fgInstance->fDumpTree->AutoSave(); fgInstance->fDumpTree->GetUserInfo()->Delete(); ::Info("TMemStatMng::Close", "Tree saved to file %s\n", fgInstance->fDumpFile->GetName()); ::Info("TMemStatMng::Close", "Tree entries = %d, file size = %g MBytes\n", (Int_t)fgInstance->fDumpTree->GetEntries(),1e-6*Double_t(fgInstance->fDumpFile->GetEND())); delete fgInstance->fDumpFile; //fgInstance->fDumpFile->Close(); //delete fgInstance->fFAddrsList; //delete fgInstance->fSysInfo; delete fgInstance; fgInstance = NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// if an instance is destructed - the hooks are reseted to old hooks TMemStatMng::~TMemStatMng() { if(this != TMemStatMng::GetInstance()) return; Info("~TMemStatMng", ">>> All free/malloc calls count: %d", fBTIDCount); Info("~TMemStatMng", ">>> Unique BTIDs count: %zu", fBTChecksums.size()); Disable(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the maximum number of alloc/free calls to be buffered. ///if the alloc and free are in the buffer, the corresponding entries ///are not saved tio the Tree, reducing considerably the Tree output size void TMemStatMng::SetBufferSize(Int_t buffersize) { fBufferSize = buffersize; if (fBufferSize < 1) fBufferSize = 1; fBufN = 0; fBufPos = new ULong64_t[fBufferSize]; fBufTimems = new Int_t[fBufferSize]; fBufNBytes = new Int_t[fBufferSize]; fBufBtID = new Int_t[fBufferSize]; fIndex = new Int_t[fBufferSize]; fMustWrite = new Bool_t[fBufferSize]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the maximum number of new/delete registered in the output Tree. void TMemStatMng::SetMaxCalls(Int_t maxcalls) { fMaxCalls = maxcalls; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Enable memory hooks void TMemStatMng::Enable() { if(this != GetInstance()) return; #if defined(__APPLE__) TMemStatHook::trackZoneMalloc(MacAllocHook, MacFreeHook); #else // set hook to our functions TMemStatHook::SetMallocHook(AllocHook); TMemStatHook::SetFreeHook(FreeHook); #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Disble memory hooks void TMemStatMng::Disable() { //FillTree(); if(this != GetInstance()) return; #if defined(__APPLE__) TMemStatHook::untrackZoneMalloc(); #else // set hook to our functions TMemStatHook::SetMallocHook(fPreviousMallocHook); TMemStatHook::SetFreeHook(fPreviousFreeHook); #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// AllocHook - a static function /// a special memory hook for Mac OS X memory zones. /// Triggered when memory is allocated. void TMemStatMng::MacAllocHook(void *ptr, size_t size) { TMemStatMng* instance = TMemStatMng::GetInstance(); // Restore all old hooks instance->Disable(); // Call our routine instance->AddPointer(ptr, Int_t(size)); // Restore our own hooks instance->Enable(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// AllocHook - a static function /// a special memory hook for Mac OS X memory zones. /// Triggered when memory is deallocated. void TMemStatMng::MacFreeHook(void *ptr) { TMemStatMng* instance = TMemStatMng::GetInstance(); // Restore all old hooks instance->Disable(); // Call our routine instance->AddPointer(ptr, -1); // Restore our own hooks instance->Enable(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// AllocHook - a static function /// A glibc memory allocation hook. void *TMemStatMng::AllocHook(size_t size, const void* /*caller*/) { TMemStatMng* instance = TMemStatMng::GetInstance(); // Restore all old hooks instance->Disable(); // Call recursively void *result = malloc(size); // Call our routine instance->AddPointer(result, Int_t(size)); // TTimer::SingleShot(0, "TYamsMemMng", instance, "SaveData()"); // Restore our own hooks instance->Enable(); return result; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FreeHook - a static function /// A glibc memory deallocation hook. void TMemStatMng::FreeHook(void* ptr, const void* /*caller*/) { TMemStatMng* instance = TMemStatMng::GetInstance(); // Restore all old hooks instance->Disable(); // Call recursively free(ptr); // Call our routine instance->AddPointer(ptr, -1); // Restore our own hooks instance->Enable(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// An internal function, which returns a bitid for a corresponding CRC digest /// cache variables Int_t TMemStatMng::generateBTID(UChar_t *CRCdigest, Int_t stackEntries, void **stackPointers) { static Int_t old_btid = -1; static SCustomDigest old_digest; Int_t ret_val = -1; bool startCheck(false); if(old_btid >= 0) { for(int i = 0; i < g_digestSize; ++i) { if(old_digest.fValue[i] != CRCdigest[i]) { startCheck = true; break; } } ret_val = old_btid; } else { startCheck = true; } // return cached value if(!startCheck) return ret_val; old_digest = SCustomDigest(CRCdigest); CRCSet_t::const_iterator found = fBTChecksums.find(CRCdigest); if(fBTChecksums.end() == found) { // check the size of the BT array container const int nbins = fHbtids->GetNbinsX(); //check that the current allocation in fHbtids is enough, otherwise expend it with if(fBTCount + stackEntries + 1 >= nbins) { fHbtids->SetBins(nbins * 2, 0, 1); } int *btids = fHbtids->GetArray(); // the first value is a number of entries in a given stack btids[fBTCount++] = stackEntries; ret_val = fBTCount; if(stackEntries <= 0) { Warning("AddPointer", "A number of stack entries is equal or less than zero. For btid %d", ret_val); } // add new BT's CRC value std::pair res = fBTChecksums.insert(CRCSet_t::value_type(CRCdigest, ret_val)); if(!res.second) Error("AddPointer", "Can't added a new BTID to the container."); // save all symbols of this BT for(int i = 0; i < stackEntries; ++i) { ULong_t func_addr = (ULong_t)(stackPointers[i]); Int_t idx = fFAddrs.find(func_addr); // check, whether it's a new symbol if(idx < 0) { TString strFuncAddr; strFuncAddr += func_addr; TString strSymbolInfo; getSymbolFullInfo(stackPointers[i], &strSymbolInfo); TNamed *nm = new TNamed(strFuncAddr, strSymbolInfo); fFAddrsList->Add(nm); idx = fFAddrsList->GetEntriesFast() - 1; // TODO: more detailed error message... if(!fFAddrs.add(func_addr, idx)) Error("AddPointer", "Can't add a function return address to the container"); } // even if we have -1 as an index we add it to the container btids[fBTCount++] = idx; } } else { // reuse an existing BT ret_val = found->second; } old_btid = ret_val; return ret_val; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add pointer to table. /// This method is called every time when any of the hooks are triggered. /// The memory de-/allocation information will is recorded. void TMemStatMng::AddPointer(void *ptr, Int_t size) { void *stptr[g_BTStackLevel + 1]; const int stackentries = getBacktrace(stptr, g_BTStackLevel, fUseGNUBuiltinBacktrace); // save only unique BTs TMD5 md5; md5.Update(reinterpret_cast(stptr), sizeof(void*) * stackentries); UChar_t digest[g_digestSize]; md5.Final(digest); // for Debug. A counter of all (de)allacations. ++fBTIDCount; Int_t btid(generateBTID(digest, stackentries, stptr)); if(btid <= 0) Error("AddPointer", "bad BT id"); fTimeStamp.Set(); Double_t CurTime = fTimeStamp.AsDouble(); fBufTimems[fBufN] = Int_t(10000.*(CurTime - fBeginTime)); ULong_t ul = (ULong_t)(ptr); fBufPos[fBufN] = (ULong64_t)(ul); fBufNBytes[fBufN] = size; fBufBtID[fBufN] = btid; fBufN++; if (fBufN >= fBufferSize) { FillTree(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///loop on all entries in the buffer and fill the output Tree ///entries with alloc and free in the buffer are eliminated void TMemStatMng::FillTree() { //eliminate alloc/free pointing to the same location in the current buffer TMath::Sort(fBufN,fBufPos,fIndex,kFALSE); memset(fMustWrite,0,fBufN*sizeof(Bool_t)); Int_t i=0,j; while (i indj) indmin = indj; if (indmax < indj) indmax = indj; j++; } if (indmin == indmax) fMustWrite[indmin] = kTRUE; if (fBufNBytes[indmin] == -1) fMustWrite[indmin] = kTRUE; if (fBufNBytes[indmax] > 0) fMustWrite[indmax] = kTRUE; i = j; } // now fill the Tree with the remaining allocs/frees for (i=0;iFill(); } fBufN = 0; if (fDumpTree->GetEntries() >= fMaxCalls) TMemStatMng::GetInstance()->Disable(); }