// @(#)root/monalisa:$Id$ // Author: Andreas Peters 5/10/2005 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TMonaLisaWriter // // // // Class defining interface to MonaLisa Monitoring Services in ROOT. // // The TMonaLisaWriter object is used to send monitoring information to // // a MonaLisa server using the ML ApMon package (libapmoncpp.so/UDP // // packets). The MonaLisa ApMon library for C++ can be downloaded at // // http://monalisa.cacr.caltech.edu/monalisa__Download__ApMon.html, // // current version: // // http://monalisa.cacr.caltech.edu/download/apmon/ApMon_c-2.2.0.tar.gz // // // // The ROOT implementation is primary optimized for process/job // // monitoring, although all other generic MonaLisa ApMon functionality // // can be exploited through the ApMon class directly via // // dynamic_cast(gMonitoringWriter)->GetApMon(). // // // // Additions/modifications by Fabrizio Furano 10/04/2008 // // - The implementation of TFile throughput and info sending was // // just sending 'regular' samples about the activity of the single TFile// // instance that happened to trigger an activity in the right moment. // // - Now TMonaLisaWriter keeps internally track of every activity // // and regularly sends summaries valid for all the files which had // // activity in the last time interval. // // - Additionally, it's now finalized the infrastructure able to measure// // and keep track of the file Open latency. A packet is sent for each // // successful Open, sending the measures of the latencies for the // // various phases of the open. Currently exploited fully by TAlienFile // // and TXNetFile. Easy to report from other TFiles too. // // - Now, the hook for the Close() func triggers sending of a packet // // containing various information about the performance related to that // // file only. // // - Added support also for performance monitoring when writing // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "TMonaLisaWriter.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TGrid.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TUrl.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TParameter.h" #include "THashList.h" ClassImp(TMonaLisaWriter); // Information which is kept about an alive instance of TFile class MonitoredTFileInfo: public TObject { private: TFile *fileinst; public: MonitoredTFileInfo(TFile *file, Double_t timenow): TObject(), fileinst(file) { if (file->InheritsFrom("TXNetFile")) fFileClassName = "TXNetFile"; else fFileClassName = file->ClassName(); fLastBytesRead = 0; fLastBytesWritten = 0; fTempReadBytes = 0; fTempWrittenBytes = 0; fLastResetTime = timenow; fCreationTime = timenow; fKillme = kFALSE; } Double_t fCreationTime; TString fFileClassName; Long64_t fLastBytesRead; Long64_t fTempReadBytes; Long64_t fLastBytesWritten; Long64_t fTempWrittenBytes; Double_t fLastResetTime; Bool_t fKillme; // tells to remove the instance after the next computation step void GetThroughputs(Long64_t &readthr, Long64_t &writethr, Double_t timenow, Double_t prectime) { readthr = -1; writethr = -1; Double_t t = std::min(prectime, fLastResetTime); Int_t mselapsed = std::round(std::floor(((timenow - t) * 1000))); mselapsed = std::max(mselapsed, 1); readthr = fTempReadBytes / mselapsed * 1000; writethr = fTempWrittenBytes / mselapsed * 1000; } void UpdateFileStatus(TFile *file) { fTempReadBytes = file->GetBytesRead() - fLastBytesRead; fTempWrittenBytes = file->GetBytesWritten() - fLastBytesWritten; } void ResetFileStatus(TFile *file, Double_t timenow) { if (fKillme) return; fLastBytesRead = file->GetBytesRead(); fLastBytesWritten = file->GetBytesWritten(); fTempReadBytes = 0; fTempWrittenBytes = 0; fLastResetTime = timenow; } void ResetFileStatus(Double_t timenow) { if (fKillme) return; ResetFileStatus(fileinst, timenow); } }; // Helper used to build up ongoing throughput summaries class MonitoredTFileSummary: public TNamed { public: MonitoredTFileSummary(TString &fileclassname): TNamed(fileclassname, fileclassname) { fBytesRead = 0; fBytesWritten = 0; fReadThroughput = 0; fWriteThroughput = 0; } Long64_t fBytesRead; Long64_t fBytesWritten; Long64_t fReadThroughput; Long64_t fWriteThroughput; void Update(MonitoredTFileInfo *mi, Double_t timenow, Double_t prectime) { Long64_t rth, wth; mi->GetThroughputs(rth, wth, timenow, prectime); fBytesRead += mi->fTempReadBytes; fBytesWritten += mi->fTempWrittenBytes; if (rth > 0) fReadThroughput += rth; if (wth > 0) fWriteThroughput += wth; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create MonaLisa write object. TMonaLisaWriter::TMonaLisaWriter(const char *monserver, const char *montag, const char *monid, const char *monsubid, const char *option) { fMonInfoRepo = new std::map; Init(monserver, montag, monid, monsubid, option); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates a TMonaLisaWriter object to send monitoring information to a /// MonaLisa server using the MonaLisa ApMon package (libapmoncpp.so/UDP /// packets). The MonaLisa ApMon library for C++ can be downloaded at /// http://monalisa.cacr.caltech.edu/monalisa__Download__ApMon.html, /// current version: /// http://monalisa.cacr.caltech.edu/download/apmon/ApMon_cpp-2.0.6.tar.gz /// /// The ROOT implementation is primary optimized for process/job monitoring, /// although all other generic MonaLisa ApMon functionality can be exploited /// through the ApMon class directly (gMonitoringWriter->GetApMon()). /// /// Monitoring information in MonaLisa is structured in the following tree /// structure: /// /// | /// ---> /// | /// ---> - /// ---> - /// ---> /// | /// ---> - /// ---> - /// /// The parameter monid is equivalent to the MonaLisa node name, for the /// case of process monitoring it can be just an identifier to classify /// the type of jobs e.g. "PROOF_PROCESSING". /// If monid is not specified, TMonaLisaWriter tries to set it in this order /// from environment variables: /// - PROOF_JOB_ID /// - GRID_JOB_ID /// - LCG_JOB_ID /// - ALIEN_MASTERJOB_ID /// - ALIEN_PROC_ID /// /// The parameter montag is equivalent to the MonaLisa farm name, for the /// case of process monitoring it can be a process identifier e.g. a PROOF /// session ID. /// /// The parameter monserver specifies the server to whom to send the /// monitoring UDP packets. If not specified, the hostname (the port is /// a default one) is specified in the environment variable APMON_CONFIG. /// /// To use TMonaLisaWriter, libMonaLisa.so has to be loaded. /// /// According to the fact, that the deepness of the MonaLisa naming scheme /// is only 3 (), a special naming scheme is used for /// process monitoring. There is a high-level method to send progress /// information of Tree analysis (# of events, datasize). /// To distinguish individual nodes running the processing, part of the /// information is kept in the parameter of ML. /// is named as: /// ::: /// is taken from an environment variable in the following order: /// - PROOF_SITE /// - GRID_SITE /// - ALIEN_SITE /// - default 'none' /// is taken from gSystem->Hostname() /// is the process ID of the ROOT process /// /// Example of use for Process Monitoring: /// new TMonaLisaWriter("BATCH_ANALYSIS","AnalysisLoop-00001","lxplus050.cern.ch"); /// Once when you create an analysis task, execute /// gMonitoringWriter->SendInfoUser("myname"); /// gMonitoringWriter->SendInfoDescription("My first Higgs analysis"); /// gMonitoringWriter->SendInfoTime(); /// gMonitoringWriter->SendInfoStatus("Submitted"); /// /// On each node executing a subtask, you can set the status of this subtask: /// gMonitoringWriter->SendProcessingStatus("Started"); /// During the processing of your analysis you can send progress updates: /// gMonitoringWriter->SendProcessProgress(100,1000000); <= 100 events, 1MB processed /// .... /// gMonitoringWriter-SendProcessingStatus("Finished"); /// delete gMonitoringWriter; gMonitoringWriter=0; /// /// Example of use for any Generic Monitoring information: /// TList *valuelist = new TList(); /// valuelist->SetOwner(kTRUE); /// // append a text object /// TMonaLisaText *valtext = new TMonaLisaText("decaychannel","K->eeg"); /// valuelist->Add(valtext); /// // append a double value /// TMonaLisaValue* valdouble = new TMonaLisaValue("n-gamma",5); /// valuelist->Add(valdouble); /// Bool_t success = SendParameters(valuelist); /// delete valuelist; /// /// option: /// "global": gMonitoringWriter is initialized with this instance void TMonaLisaWriter::Init(const char *monserver, const char *montag, const char *monid, const char *monsubid, const char *option) { SetName(montag); SetTitle(montag); fVerbose = kFALSE; // no verbosity as default fFileStopwatch.Start(kTRUE); fLastRWSendTime = fFileStopwatch.RealTime(); fLastFCloseSendTime = fFileStopwatch.RealTime(); fLastProgressTime = time(0); fFileStopwatch.Continue(); fReportInterval = 120; // default interval is 120, to prevent flooding if (gSystem->Getenv("APMON_INTERVAL")) { fReportInterval = atoi(gSystem->Getenv("APMON_INTERVAL")); if (fReportInterval < 1) fReportInterval =1; Info("TMonaLisaWriter","Setting APMON Report Interval to %d seconds",fReportInterval); } char *apmon_config[1] = { ((monserver == 0) ? (char *) gSystem->Getenv("APMON_CONFIG") : (char *) monserver) }; if (apmon_config[0] == 0) { Error("TMonaLisaWriter", "Disabling apmon monitoring since env variable APMON_CONFIG was not found and the monitoring server is not specified in the constructor!"); fInitialized = kFALSE; return; } try { fApmon = new ApMon(1, apmon_config); fApmon->setConfRecheck(false); fApmon->setJobMonitoring(false); //((ApMon*)fApmon)->setSysMonitoring(false); //((ApMon*)fApmon)->setGenMonitoring(false); } catch (runtime_error &e) { Error("TMonaLisaWriter", "Error initializing ApMon: %s", e.what()); Error("TMonaLisaWriter", "Disabling apmon."); fInitialized = kFALSE; return; } TString clustername="ROOT_"; if (montag == 0) { if (gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_SITE")) { clustername+=(gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_SITE")); } else if (gSystem->Getenv("GRID_SITE")) { clustername+=(gSystem->Getenv("GRID_SITE")); } else if (gSystem->Getenv("LCG_SITE")) { clustername+=(gSystem->Getenv("LCG_SITE")); } else if (gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_SITE")) { clustername+=(gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_SITE")); } else { clustername += TString("none"); } SetName(clustername); SetTitle(clustername); } else { SetName(clustername+TString(montag)); SetTitle(clustername+TString(montag)); } fHostname = gSystem->HostName(); fPid = gSystem->GetPid(); if (monid == 0) { if (gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_QUERY_ID")) fJobId = gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_QUERY_ID"); else if (gSystem->Getenv("GRID_JOB_ID")) fJobId = gSystem->Getenv("GRID_JOB_ID"); else if (gSystem->Getenv("LCG_JOB_ID")) fJobId = gSystem->Getenv("LCG_JOB_ID"); else if (gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_MASTERJOBID")) fJobId = gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_MASTERJOBID"); else if (gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_PROC_ID")) fJobId = gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_PROC_ID"); else fJobId = "-no-job-id"; } else { fJobId = monid; } if (monsubid == 0) { if (gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_PROC_ID")) { fSubJobId = gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_PROC_ID"); } else if (gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_PROC_ID")) { fSubJobId = gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_PROC_ID"); } else { fSubJobId = fJobId; } } else { fSubJobId = monsubid; } if (fVerbose) Info("Initialized for ML Server <%s> - Setting ClusterID <%s> JobID <%s> SubID <%s>\n", apmon_config[0], fName.Data() ,fJobId.Data(),fSubJobId.Data()); fInitialized = kTRUE; TString optionStr(option); if (optionStr.Contains("global")) gMonitoringWriter = this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Cleanup. TMonaLisaWriter::~TMonaLisaWriter() { if (fMonInfoRepo) { std::map::iterator iter = fMonInfoRepo->begin(); while (iter != fMonInfoRepo->end()) { delete iter->second; ++iter; } fMonInfoRepo->clear(); delete fMonInfoRepo; fMonInfoRepo = 0; } if (gMonitoringWriter == this) gMonitoringWriter = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sends a text to MonaLisa following the process scheme: /// --> --> 'status' = /// Used to set a global status for a groupjob, e.g. /// a master-job or the general status of PROOF processing. Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendInfoStatus(const char *status) { if (!fInitialized) { Error("SendInfoStatus", "Monitoring is not properly initialized!"); return kFALSE; } Bool_t success = kFALSE; TList *valuelist = new TList(); valuelist->SetOwner(kTRUE); // create a monitor text object TMonaLisaText *valtext = new TMonaLisaText("status", status); valuelist->Add(valtext); // send it to monalisa success = SendParameters(valuelist); delete valuelist; return success; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sends the text to MonaLisa following the process scheme: /// --> --> 'user' = Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendInfoUser(const char *user) { if (!fInitialized) { Error("TMonaLisaWriter", "Monitoring initialization has failed - you can't send to MonaLisa!"); return kFALSE; } Bool_t success = kFALSE; TList *valuelist = new TList(); valuelist->SetOwner(kTRUE); const char *localuser; if (user) { localuser = user; } else { if (gGrid) { localuser = gGrid->GetUser(); } else { localuser = "unknown"; } } // create a monitor text object TMonaLisaText *valtext = new TMonaLisaText("user", localuser); valuelist->Add(valtext); // send it to monalisa success = SendParameters(valuelist); delete valuelist; return success; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sends the description following the processing scheme: /// --> --> 'jobname' = Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendInfoDescription(const char *jobtag) { if (!fInitialized) { Error("SendInfoDescription", "Monitoring is not properly initialized!"); return kFALSE; } Bool_t success = kFALSE; TList *valuelist = new TList(); valuelist->SetOwner(kTRUE); // create a monitor text object TMonaLisaText *valtext = new TMonaLisaText("jobname", jobtag); valuelist->Add(valtext); // send it to monalisag success = SendParameters(valuelist); delete valuelist; return success; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sends the current time to MonaLisa following the processing scheme /// --> --> 'time' = >unixtimestamp< Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendInfoTime() { if (!fInitialized) { Error("SendInfoTime", "Monitoring is not properly initialized!"); return kFALSE; } Bool_t success = kFALSE; TList *valuelist = new TList(); valuelist->SetOwner(kTRUE); TString valtime = (Int_t) time(0); // create a monitor text object TMonaLisaText *valtext = new TMonaLisaText("time", valtime); valuelist->Add(valtext); // send it to monalisa success = SendParameters(valuelist); delete valuelist; return success; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Send the procesing status 'status' to MonaLisa following the /// processing scheme: /// --> --> 'status' = /// Used, to set the processing status of individual subtaks e.g. the /// status of a batch (sub-)job or the status of a PROOF slave /// participating in query Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendProcessingStatus(const char *status, Bool_t restarttimer) { if (restarttimer) { fStopwatch.Start(kTRUE); } if (!fInitialized) { Error("TMonaLisaWriter", "Monitoring initialization has failed - you can't send to MonaLisa!"); return kFALSE; } Bool_t success = kFALSE; TList *valuelist = new TList(); valuelist->SetOwner(kTRUE); // create a monitor text object TMonaLisaText *valtext = new TMonaLisaText("status", status); valuelist->Add(valtext); TMonaLisaText *valhost = new TMonaLisaText("hostname",fHostname); valuelist->Add(valhost); TMonaLisaText *valsid = new TMonaLisaText("subid", fSubJobId.Data()); valuelist->Add(valsid); // send it to monalisa success = SendParameters(valuelist); delete valuelist; return success; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Send the procesing progress to MonaLisa. Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendProcessingProgress(Double_t nevent, Double_t nbytes, Bool_t force) { if (!force && (time(0)-fLastProgressTime) < fReportInterval) { // if the progress is not forced, we send maximum < fReportInterval per second! return kFALSE; } if (!fInitialized) { Error("SendProcessingProgress", "Monitoring is not properly initialized!"); return kFALSE; } Bool_t success = kFALSE; TList *valuelist = new TList(); valuelist->SetOwner(kTRUE); // create a monitor text object TMonaLisaValue *valevent = new TMonaLisaValue("events", nevent); TMonaLisaValue *valbyte = new TMonaLisaValue("processedbytes", nbytes); TMonaLisaValue *valrealtime = new TMonaLisaValue("realtime",fStopwatch.RealTime()); TMonaLisaValue *valcputime = new TMonaLisaValue("cputime",fStopwatch.CpuTime()); ProcInfo_t pinfo; gSystem->GetProcInfo(&pinfo); Double_t totmem = (Double_t)(pinfo.fMemVirtual) * 1024.; Double_t rssmem = (Double_t)(pinfo.fMemResident) * 1024.; Double_t shdmem = 0.; TMonaLisaValue *valtotmem = new TMonaLisaValue("totmem",totmem); TMonaLisaValue *valrssmem = new TMonaLisaValue("rssmem",rssmem); TMonaLisaValue *valshdmem = new TMonaLisaValue("shdmem",shdmem); TMonaLisaText *valsid = new TMonaLisaText("subid", fSubJobId.Data()); valuelist->Add(valsid); valuelist->Add(valevent); valuelist->Add(valbyte); valuelist->Add(valrealtime); valuelist->Add(valcputime); valuelist->Add(valtotmem); valuelist->Add(valrssmem); valuelist->Add(valshdmem); TString strevents=""; strevents += nevent; TString strbytes=""; strbytes += nbytes; TString strcpu=""; strcpu += fStopwatch.CpuTime(); TString strreal=""; strreal += fStopwatch.RealTime(); TString strtotmem=""; strtotmem += totmem; TString strrssmem=""; strrssmem += rssmem; TString strshdmem=""; strshdmem += shdmem; fStopwatch.Continue(); TMonaLisaText *textevent = new TMonaLisaText("events_str", strevents.Data()); TMonaLisaText *textbyte = new TMonaLisaText("processedbytes_str", strbytes.Data()); TMonaLisaText *textreal = new TMonaLisaText("realtime_str", strreal.Data()); TMonaLisaText *textcpu = new TMonaLisaText("cputime_str", strcpu.Data()); TMonaLisaText *texttotmem = new TMonaLisaText("totmem_str", strtotmem.Data()); TMonaLisaText *textrssmem = new TMonaLisaText("rssmem_str", strrssmem.Data()); TMonaLisaText *textshdmem = new TMonaLisaText("shdmem_str", strshdmem.Data()); valuelist->Add(textevent); valuelist->Add(textbyte); valuelist->Add(textcpu); valuelist->Add(textreal); valuelist->Add(texttotmem); valuelist->Add(textrssmem); valuelist->Add(textshdmem); TMonaLisaText *valhost = new TMonaLisaText("hostname",fHostname); valuelist->Add(valhost); // send it to monalisa success = SendParameters(valuelist); fLastProgressTime = time(0); delete valuelist; return success; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Send the fileopen progress to MonaLisa. /// If openphases=0 it means that the information is to be stored /// in a temp space, since there is not yet an object where to attach it to. /// This is typical in the static Open calls. /// The temp openphases are put into a list as soon as one is specified. /// /// If thisopenphasename=0 it means that the stored phases (temp and object) /// have to be cleared. Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendFileOpenProgress(TFile *file, TList *openphases, const char *openphasename, Bool_t forcesend) { if (!fInitialized) { Error("SendFileOpenProgress", "Monitoring is not properly initialized!"); return kFALSE; } // Create the list, if not yet done if (!fTmpOpenPhases && !openphases) { fTmpOpenPhases = new TList; fTmpOpenPhases->SetOwner(); } if (!openphasename) { // This means "reset my phases" fTmpOpenPhases->Clear(); return kTRUE; } // Take a measurement TParameter *nfo = new TParameter(openphasename, fFileStopwatch.RealTime()); fFileStopwatch.Continue(); if (!openphases) { fTmpOpenPhases->Add(nfo); } else { // Move info temporarly saved to object list TIter nxt(fTmpOpenPhases); TParameter *nf = 0; while ((nf = (TParameter *)nxt())) openphases->Add(nf); // Add this measurement openphases->Add(nfo); // Reset the temporary list if (fTmpOpenPhases) { fTmpOpenPhases->SetOwner(0); fTmpOpenPhases->Clear(); } } if (!forcesend) return kTRUE; if (!file) return kTRUE; TList *op = openphases ? openphases : fTmpOpenPhases; Bool_t success = kFALSE; TList *valuelist = new TList(); valuelist->SetOwner(kTRUE); // create a monitor text object TMonaLisaText *valhost = new TMonaLisaText("hostname",fHostname); valuelist->Add(valhost); TMonaLisaText *valsid = new TMonaLisaText("subid", fSubJobId.Data()); valuelist->Add(valsid); TMonaLisaText *valdest = new TMonaLisaText("destname", file->GetEndpointUrl()->GetHost()); valuelist->Add(valdest); TMonaLisaValue *valfid = new TMonaLisaValue("fileid", file->GetFileCounter()); valuelist->Add(valfid); TString strfid = Form("%lld", file->GetFileCounter()); TMonaLisaText *valstrfid = new TMonaLisaText("fileid_str", strfid.Data()); valuelist->Add(valstrfid); Int_t kk = 1; TIter nxt(op); TParameter *nf1 = 0; TParameter *nf0 = (TParameter *)nxt(); while ((nf1 = (TParameter *)nxt())) { TString s = Form("openphase%d_%s", kk, nf0->GetName()); TMonaLisaValue *v = new TMonaLisaValue(s.Data(), nf1->GetVal() - nf0->GetVal()); valuelist->Add(v); // Go to next nf0 = nf1; kk++; } // Now send how much time was elapsed in total nf0 = (TParameter *)op->First(); nf1 = (TParameter *)op->Last(); TMonaLisaValue *valtottime = new TMonaLisaValue("total_open_time", nf1->GetVal() - nf0->GetVal()); valuelist->Add(valtottime); // send it to monalisa success = SendParameters(valuelist); delete valuelist; return success; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendFileCloseEvent(TFile *file) { if (!fInitialized) { Error("SendFileCloseEvent", "Monitoring is not properly initialized!"); return kFALSE; } Bool_t success = kFALSE; Double_t timenow = fFileStopwatch.RealTime(); fFileStopwatch.Continue(); MonitoredTFileInfo *mi = 0; std::map::iterator iter = fMonInfoRepo->find(file->GetUniqueID()); if (iter != fMonInfoRepo->end()) mi = iter->second; Double_t timelapsed = 0.0; if (mi) timelapsed = timenow - mi->fCreationTime; TList *valuelist = new TList(); valuelist->SetOwner(kTRUE); TString valname; TString pfx = file->ClassName(); if (file->InheritsFrom("TXNetFile")) pfx = "TXNetFile"; pfx += "_"; // The info to be sent is the one relative to the specific file TMonaLisaText *valdest = new TMonaLisaText("destname",file->GetEndpointUrl()->GetHost()); valuelist->Add(valdest); TMonaLisaValue *valfid = new TMonaLisaValue("fileid",file->GetFileCounter()); valuelist->Add(valfid); TString strfid=""; strfid+=file->GetFileCounter(); TMonaLisaText *valstrfid = new TMonaLisaText("fileid_str",strfid.Data()); valuelist->Add(valstrfid); valname = pfx; valname += "readbytes"; TMonaLisaValue *valread = new TMonaLisaValue(valname, file->GetBytesRead()); valuelist->Add(valread); // TString strbytes_r=""; // strbytes_r += file->GetBytesRead(); // TMonaLisaText *valstrread = new TMonaLisaText("readbytes_str", strbytes_r.Data()); // valuelist->Add(valstrread); valname = pfx; valname += "writtenbytes"; TMonaLisaValue *valwrite = new TMonaLisaValue(valname, file->GetBytesWritten()); valuelist->Add(valwrite); // TString strbytes_w=""; // strbytes_w += file->GetBytesWritten(); // TMonaLisaText *valstrwrite = new TMonaLisaText("writtenbytes_str", strbytes_w.Data()); // valuelist->Add(valstrwrite); int thput; if (timelapsed > 0.001) { Int_t selapsed = std::round(std::floor(timelapsed * 1000)); thput = file->GetBytesRead() / selapsed * 1000; valname = pfx; valname += "filethrpt_rd"; TMonaLisaValue *valreadthavg = new TMonaLisaValue(valname, thput); valuelist->Add(valreadthavg); thput = file->GetBytesWritten() / selapsed * 1000; valname = pfx; valname += "filethrpt_wr"; TMonaLisaValue *valwritethavg = new TMonaLisaValue(valname, thput); valuelist->Add(valwritethavg); } // And the specific file summary has to be removed from the repo if (mi) { mi->UpdateFileStatus(file); mi->fKillme = kTRUE; } // send it to monalisa success = SendParameters(valuelist); delete valuelist; return success; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendFileReadProgress(TFile *file) { return SendFileCheckpoint(file); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendFileWriteProgress(TFile *file) { return SendFileCheckpoint(file); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendFileCheckpoint(TFile *file) { if (!fInitialized) { Error("SendFileCheckpoint", "Monitoring is not properly initialized!"); return kFALSE; } if (!file->IsOpen()) return kTRUE; // We cannot handle this kind of ongoing averaged monitoring for a file which has not an unique id. Sorry. // This seems to affect raw files, for which only the Close() info is available // Removing this check causes a mess for non-raw and raw TFiles, because // the UUID in the Init phase has not yet been set, and the traffic // reported during that phase is reported wrongly, causing various leaks and troubles // TFiles without an unique id can be monitored only in their Open/Close event if (!file->TestBit(kHasUUID)) return kTRUE; Double_t timenow = fFileStopwatch.RealTime(); fFileStopwatch.Continue(); // This info has to be gathered in any case. // Check if an MonitoredTFileInfo instance is already available // If not, create one MonitoredTFileInfo *mi = 0; std::map::iterator iter = fMonInfoRepo->find(file->GetUniqueID()); if (iter != fMonInfoRepo->end()) mi = iter->second; if (!mi) { mi = new MonitoredTFileInfo(file, timenow); if (mi) fMonInfoRepo->insert( make_pair( file->GetUniqueID(), mi ) ); } // And now we get those partial values if (mi) mi->UpdateFileStatus(file); // Send the fileread progress to MonaLisa only if required or convenient if ( timenow - fLastRWSendTime < fReportInterval) { // if the progress is not forced, we send maximum 1 every fReportInterval seconds! return kFALSE; } Bool_t success = kFALSE; TList *valuelist = new TList(); valuelist->SetOwner(kTRUE); TString valname; // We send only a little throughput summary info // Instead we send the info for the actual file passed TMonaLisaText *valhost = new TMonaLisaText("hostname",fHostname); valuelist->Add(valhost); TMonaLisaText *valsid = new TMonaLisaText("subid", fSubJobId.Data()); valuelist->Add(valsid); // First of all, we create an internal summary, sorted by kind of TFile used THashList summary; summary.SetOwner(kTRUE); iter = fMonInfoRepo->begin(); if (iter != fMonInfoRepo->end()) mi = iter->second; else mi = 0; while (mi) { MonitoredTFileSummary *sum = static_cast(summary.FindObject(mi->fFileClassName)); if (!sum) { sum = new MonitoredTFileSummary(mi->fFileClassName); if (sum) summary.AddLast(sum); } if (sum) { sum->Update(mi, timenow, fLastRWSendTime); mi->ResetFileStatus(timenow); } // This could be an info about an already closed file if (mi->fKillme) { iter->second = 0; } ++iter; if (iter != fMonInfoRepo->end()) mi = iter->second; else mi = 0; } for (iter = fMonInfoRepo->begin(); iter != fMonInfoRepo->end(); ) { if (!iter->second) iter = fMonInfoRepo->erase(iter); else ++iter; } // This info is a summary valid for all the monitored files at once. // It makes no sense at all to send data relative to a specific file here // Cycle through the summary... TIter nxt2(&summary); MonitoredTFileSummary *sum; while ((sum = (MonitoredTFileSummary *)nxt2())) { if (sum->fReadThroughput >= 0) { valname = sum->GetName(); valname += "_avgthrpt_rd"; TMonaLisaValue *valreadthr = new TMonaLisaValue(valname, sum->fReadThroughput); valuelist->Add(valreadthr); } if ( sum->fWriteThroughput >= 0 ) { valname = sum->GetName(); valname += "_avgthrpt_wr"; TMonaLisaValue *valwritethr = new TMonaLisaValue(valname, sum->fWriteThroughput); valuelist->Add(valwritethr); } } // send it to monalisa success = SendParameters(valuelist); fLastRWSendTime = timenow; delete valuelist; return success; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Send the parameters to MonaLisa. Bool_t TMonaLisaWriter::SendParameters(TList *valuelist, const char *identifier) { if (!fInitialized) { Error("SendParameters", "Monitoring is not properly initialized!"); return kFALSE; } if (!valuelist) { Error("SendParameters", "No values in the value list!"); return kFALSE; } if (identifier == 0) identifier = fJobId; TIter nextvalue(valuelist); TMonaLisaValue *objval; TMonaLisaText *objtext; TObject *monobj; Int_t apmon_nparams = valuelist->GetSize(); char **apmon_params = 0; Int_t *apmon_types = 0; char **apmon_values = 0; Double_t *bufDouble = 0; // buffer for int, long, etc. that is to be sent as double if (apmon_nparams) { apmon_params = (char **) malloc(apmon_nparams * sizeof(char *)); apmon_values = (char **) malloc(apmon_nparams * sizeof(char *)); apmon_types = (int *) malloc(apmon_nparams * sizeof(int)); bufDouble = new Double_t[apmon_nparams]; Int_t looper = 0; while ((monobj = nextvalue())) { if (!strcmp(monobj->ClassName(), "TMonaLisaValue")) { objval = (TMonaLisaValue *) monobj; if (fVerbose) Info("SendParameters", "adding tag %s with val %f", objval->GetName(), objval->GetValue()); apmon_params[looper] = (char *) objval->GetName(); apmon_types[looper] = XDR_REAL64; apmon_values[looper] = (char *) (objval->GetValuePtr()); looper++; } if (!strcmp(monobj->ClassName(), "TMonaLisaText")) { objtext = (TMonaLisaText *) monobj; if (fVerbose) Info("SendParameters", "adding tag %s with text %s", objtext->GetName(), objtext->GetText()); apmon_params[looper] = (char *) objtext->GetName(); apmon_types[looper] = XDR_STRING; apmon_values[looper] = (char *) (objtext->GetText()); looper++; } if (!strcmp(monobj->ClassName(), "TNamed")) { TNamed* objNamed = (TNamed *) monobj; if (fVerbose) Info("SendParameters", "adding tag %s with text %s", objNamed->GetName(), objNamed->GetTitle()); apmon_params[looper] = (char *) objNamed->GetName(); apmon_types[looper] = XDR_STRING; apmon_values[looper] = (char *) (objNamed->GetTitle()); looper++; } // unfortunately ClassName() converts Double_t to double, etc. if (!strcmp(monobj->ClassName(), "TParameter")) { TParameter* objParam = (TParameter *) monobj; if (fVerbose) Info("SendParameters", "adding tag %s with val %f", objParam->GetName(), objParam->GetVal()); apmon_params[looper] = (char *) objParam->GetName(); apmon_types[looper] = XDR_REAL64; apmon_values[looper] = (char *) &(objParam->GetVal()); looper++; } if (!strcmp(monobj->ClassName(), "TParameter")) { TParameter* objParam = (TParameter *) monobj; if (fVerbose) Info("SendParameters", "adding tag %s with val %lld", objParam->GetName(), objParam->GetVal()); apmon_params[looper] = (char *) objParam->GetName(); apmon_types[looper] = XDR_REAL64; bufDouble[looper] = objParam->GetVal(); apmon_values[looper] = (char *) (bufDouble + looper); looper++; } if (!strcmp(monobj->ClassName(), "TParameter")) { TParameter* objParam = (TParameter *) monobj; if (fVerbose) Info("SendParameters", "adding tag %s with val %ld", objParam->GetName(), objParam->GetVal()); apmon_params[looper] = (char *) objParam->GetName(); apmon_types[looper] = XDR_REAL64; bufDouble[looper] = objParam->GetVal(); apmon_values[looper] = (char *) (bufDouble + looper); looper++; } if (!strcmp(monobj->ClassName(), "TParameter")) { TParameter* objParam = (TParameter *) monobj; if (fVerbose) Info("SendParameters", "adding tag %s with val %f", objParam->GetName(), objParam->GetVal()); apmon_params[looper] = (char *) objParam->GetName(); apmon_types[looper] = XDR_REAL64; bufDouble[looper] = objParam->GetVal(); apmon_values[looper] = (char *) (bufDouble + looper); looper++; } if (!strcmp(monobj->ClassName(), "TParameter")) { TParameter* objParam = (TParameter *) monobj; if (fVerbose) Info("SendParameters", "adding tag %s with val %d", objParam->GetName(), objParam->GetVal()); apmon_params[looper] = (char *) objParam->GetName(); apmon_types[looper] = XDR_REAL64; bufDouble[looper] = objParam->GetVal(); apmon_values[looper] = (char *) (bufDouble + looper); looper++; } } // change number of parameters to the actual found value apmon_nparams = looper; if (fVerbose) Info("SendParameters", "n: %d name: %s identifier %s ...,", apmon_nparams, GetName(), identifier); ((ApMon *) fApmon)->sendParameters((char *) GetName(), (char*)identifier, apmon_nparams, apmon_params, apmon_types, apmon_values); free(apmon_params); free(apmon_values); free(apmon_types); delete[] bufDouble; } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set MonaLisa log level. void TMonaLisaWriter::SetLogLevel(const char *loglevel) { ((ApMon *) fApmon)->setLogLevel((char *) loglevel); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print info about MonaLisa object. void TMonaLisaWriter::Print(Option_t *) const { std::cout << "Site (Farm) : " << fName << std::endl; std::cout << "JobId (Node) : " << fJobId << std::endl; std::cout << "SubJobId (Node) : " << fSubJobId << std::endl; std::cout << "HostName : " << fHostname << std::endl; std::cout << "Pid : " << fPid << std::endl; std::cout << "Inititialized : " << fInitialized << std::endl; std::cout << "Verbose : " << fVerbose << std::endl; }